Now You See It, Now You Don’t: A Large-scale Analysis of Early Domain Deletions

Timothy Barron Najmeh Miramirkhani Nick Nikiforakis Stony Brook University Stony Brook University Stony Brook University

Abstract a Web site so it is no surprise that they can sometimes hold significant monetary value depending on popular- Domain names are a valuable resource on the web. Most ity, brand recognition, or specific keywords [8]. domains are available to the public on a first-come, first- Domain names are not registered permanently and serve basis and once domains are purchased, the own- eventually they expire and become available for any- ers keep them for a period of at least one year before one to re-register. Prior work has studied security is- they may choose to renew them. Common wisdom sug- sues revolving around expiring domains. Specifically, gests that even if a stops being useful to in 2016 Lever et al. showed how the new owner can its owner, the owner will merely wait until the domain abuse the residual trust inherited by a re-registered do- organically expires and choose not to renew. main name [34]. Other work has studied the ecosys- In this paper, contrary to common wisdom, we report tem around domain name re-registering [32,37]. In most on the discovery that domain names are often deleted cases this occurs at the end of the domain life-cycle when before their expiration date. This is concerning be- the domain is expiring, but little attention has been given cause this practice offers no advantage for legitimate to domains which are deleted before their expiration date. users, while malicious actors deleting domains may ham- Deleting a domain name before expiration is not rec- per forensic analysis of malicious campaigns, and regis- ommended and not supported by many registrars. Do- trars deleting domains instead of suspending them en- main names are paid for in full upon registration and reg- able re-registration and continued abuse. Specifically, istrars generally will not offer refunds prorated or other- we present the first systematic analysis of early domain wise. Therefore, deleting a domain name wastes the in- name disappearances from the largest top-level domains vestment that was made in it. A registrant who no longer (TLDs). We find more than 386,000 cases where domain wishes to use a domain name might as well keep it and names were deleted before expiring and we discover in- choose not to re-register when it normally expires. In dividuals with more than 1,000 domains deleted in a sin- spite of this, we discover that domain names deleted prior gle day. Moreover, we identify the specific registrars to their expiration date are surprisingly common. Such that choose to delete domain names instead of suspend- deletions by malicious registrants may hamper forensic ing them. We compare lexical features of these domains, analysis of their malicious campaigns, while registrars finding significant differences between domains that are deleting domains instead of suspending them enable re- deleted early, suspended, and organically expiring. Fur- registration and continued abuse. thermore, we explore potential reasons for deletion find- ing over 7,000 domain names squatting more popular do- For years, TLD zone files have been a popular tool in mains and more than 14,000 associated with malicious the security community to find active domain names [12, registrants. 30, 34,36,37, 43]. Zone files are publicly available to re- searchers who request access and they represent a snap- shot of resolvable domains, but not all registered do- 1 Introduction mains will appear in zone files. Halvorson et al. observed that 5.5% of registered domains do not appear in zone The (DNS) makes the modern files, but they specifically refer to domains which are pur- web possible by allowing users to navigate by human chased and not assigned name servers by the registrant readable names rather than machine route-able IP ad- so they are not yet added to zone files [20]. Alowaisheq dresses. Domain names are often core to the identity of et al. discuss suspensions via EPP client hold status

USENIX Association 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses 383 which remove domains from zone files [11]. In this pa- The complete life-cycle of a domain name contains per we present evidence of other cases of registered do- several phases, details of which are not obvious to typ- mains disappearing from zone files, making it clear that ical registrants and easy to confuse. Figure 1 illustrates zone files alone should not be relied upon as a record of these phases showing the duration of each and indicating domain registrations and de-registrations. when the domain appears in the TLD zone file. These In this paper, we present the first systematic study of phases revolve around the registration and expiration of domain names deleted prior to expiration. Over three domains in an attempt to make the process fair and re- weeks studying live data, we find the surprising result duce the risk of accidental expirations. that 6.4% of all dropping domains are actively deleted The first phase after registration is the 5 day add-grace prior to expiration. We confirm this phenomenon over period which is the only time when it is possible to re- the long-term using available historic data sets, finding a ceive a refund for a domain name. This can lead to a combined total of over 386,000 prematurely deleted do- form of abuse called which was studied mains. Among other trends, we find that domains names in detail by Coull et al. [15] so registrars are limited to deleted early are longer on average and much more likely issuing a maximum number of add-grace deletions [25]. to be pronounceable compared to normally expiring do- After the first 5 days, refunds are no longer available and mains. We explore potential motivations for deletions the longest phase is the registered period during which finding more than 7,000 domains abusing and the domain should be in the zone files or else it cannot be squatting more popular domains, and over 14,000 asso- resolved. ciated with malicious activity such as and mal- Once the domain expires it enters the auto-renew ware. Furthermore, we investigate the participating par- grace period. The registrar is in control at this stage and ties finding that over 100 registrants deleted domains in based on their policies they will notify the registrant and bulk, and several registrars, including GoDaddy and Do- often remove the DNS records from the zone file after a, delete large numbers of domains instead of certain point. If the registrar does nothing, the domain suspending them. Our results lead us to a discussion will automatically renew between the registrar and reg- of registrar policies regarding domain name deletion, as istry, so if the registrant does not choose to renew then well as the advantages of publicly available sources for the registrar will typically delete the domain (to avoid registration information. having to pay for a domain whose owner does not want) right before the end of the 45 day period (though it is possible for them to delete sooner). The domain then 2 Background moves to the redemption grace period in which the do- main is not in the zone file, but the registrar still has an To enable the translation from domain names to IP ad- opportunity for 35 days to reclaim the domain name at dresses for over 300 million domains, DNS utilizes a an increased cost. Finally, if the registrar takes no further hierarchical look-up process beginning at the root zone action, the domain enters the pending delete phase. At which leads to top level domain (TLDs) zones such as this point the domain is still not in the zone file and after .com, or .net. These TLD zones are maintained by reg- 5 days it becomes publicly available for re-registration. istries, such as , which then delegate the sell- This domain life-cycle is typical for most domain ing of domain names to registrars, such as GoDaddy and names, but there is also the possibility for a registrant eNom. Registrars communicate with the registry through to delete their domain name before the end of the regis- the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) [23] in order tration period. This is unusual behavior, because the reg- to perform a series of domain-name-related operations, istrant will not be refunded the registration cost. Even if such as checking domain availability, registering new do- the registrants are no longer using the domain and do not mains, and deleting domains. Finally, registrants are the want it, there is no obvious reason to actively request its users who buy domain names from the registrars. deletion, as opposed to allowing it to expire. Yet, as we Domain names are registered for a period of at least show later, more than 8,000 domains are deleted early one year, and optionally longer for additional cost. Reg- every day. istrants pay the full cost of the domain at the time of reg- istration and control it until the registration period ex- pires, after which the registrant has the option to renew the domain and pay for another period before anyone else 3 Methodology has the opportunity to buy it. This process is often auto- matic, but if the registrant chooses not to renew, then they In this section we describe the data sources, the method lose control of the domain name and it becomes publicly for finding early domain deletions, and a discussion of available for anyone to register again. obstacles and limitations of these data sets.

384 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses USENIX Association Expiration

Add-Grace Period Registered Auto-Renew Grace Period Redemption Period Pending Delete Available Available 5 Days 1-10 Years 0-45 Days 30 Days 5 Days

Figure 1: Stages in the life-cycle of a domain name registration. Green or red indicate the domain is present in or absent from the zone files respectively. Orange means the domain may or may not be in the zone files depending on registrar policies.

3.1 Data Collection new domains in 2017 and all dropping domains between February and October of 2017 [6, 9, 47]. Zone files. Top level domain (TLD) zone files contain RDAP. The recent pilots for the new Registration Data at the very least name server records for all resolvable Access Protocol (RDAP) have made it practical to collect domain names. These zone files are publicly available live information about domains as they disappear. Unlike for all generic TLDs (gTLDs) once requested from the WHOIS which is just a text protocol, RDAP provides corresponding registries. We use zone files from ten structured data which allow us to straightforwardly ex- of the largest TLDs: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .top, tract important domain information, such as a domain’s .xyz, .loan, .club, and .online. These zone files were col- registration and expiration dates. Between 12/19/2018 lected every day and the deltas between each day were and 1/27/2019 we collected registration information for computed to find when domains appeared and disap- all of the domains that were removed from the zone files peared. In most cases, appearances and disappearances each day. In cases where RDAP failed we fell back correspond to new registrations and expirations respec- to WHOIS. Between these two methods, only 7.0% of tively. These deltas were indexed to create a searchable queries failed and 74% of failures were from .xyz while database of registration periods for each domain. In prac- .com had only 3.8% failures. To account for delay in tice, we find that zone files are not a perfect representa- server updates and temporary status changes, we also re- tion of registration status, but they are a useful starting queried the same domains one week after disappearance point using public data. starting with domains that disappeared on 12/31/2018. Drop Lists. Domain drop lists provide a reliable view of Blacklists. We collected hphosts, malc0de, zeustracker, domains which have been de-registered. These domains conficker, and malware domains blacklists [1, 3–5, 7] on will become available for re-registration on a specific a daily basis and used the Internet Archive to retrieve date and registrars want to advertise as many domains snapshots of older versions of the blacklists. We sup- as they can to increase sales on the drop date. These plemented blacklists by querying for domains using the drop lists were collected on a daily basis starting from Safe Browsing API (GSB) [2]. 1/10/2017 and aggregated from SnapNames, DropCatch, , bitsquatting, and combosquatting. Pool, Namejet and , all of which are companies Starting from the Alexa top 1 million on 7/1/2017 and that allow users to re-register valuable domains which 12/31/2018, we generated a set of typo domain names were left to expire. These lists cover .com, .net, .org, using the typo models described by Wang et al. [46] .info, and .biz. and a set of bit-flipped domain names as described by Historic WHOIS. Whenever a registrant purchases a Dinaburg [17]. We also compiled a list of 279 popular new domain, their details are added to a WHOIS record trademarks modified from those used by Kintis et al. [29] which is publicly accessible. Before the recent GDPR to find combosquatting domains. Each of these lists are legislation, WHOIS records contained personally iden- used to find squatting domains taking advantage of the tifying details (PII) about the owners of each domain, trademarks and brand names of others. such as their name, address, and phone number. Since the GDPR legislation went into effect, WHOIS records are mostly anonymized although they still provide EPP 3.2 Finding Early Deletions status, dates of registration/expiration, and the registrar. WHOIS/RDAP 2019 data set. Our primary experi- WHOIS queries are restrictive (i.e. individual WHOIS ment during the first three weeks of 2019 makes use of servers set limits as to how many queries a client can per- zone file deltas from the 10 TLDs mentioned above and form per day) and therefore difficult to obtain in large public registration information to study domain names numbers, especially for past records. For our experi- as they disappear and become unresolvable on a daily ments, we used commercial services to obtain histori- basis. The combination of both RDAP and WHOIS pro- cal WHOIS data taken at the time of registration for all vide EPP status codes [26] and expiration dates, allowing

USENIX Association 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses 385 us to investigate these domains and determine the cause Given our observation of domain names disappear- of their disappearance. ing and reappearing without their registration status The two situations that would typically cause a do- changing, we filter these domains further, identifying main name to be removed from the zone files are dele- cases where they could not have been registered or de- tion (including expiration) and suspension. There are registered. As shown in Figure 1, a domain name that is five relevant statuses that we track on disappearing do- deleted should be absent for at least 35 days during the mains. A status of redemption period, auto renew redemption period and pending delete phase following period, or pending delete indicates that the domain its disappearance from the zone files. is in the process of being deleted as shown in Figure 1. We still observed domains which remained registered The client hold and server hold statuses indicate according to WHOIS, but were absent for more than suspension by the domains’ registrar and registry respec- 35 days so we also used publicly available drop lists. tively. In some cases a registrar may set the server A domain appearing in a drop list must have been de- hold status on a domain that is expiring, but this would registered so we use this to filter out temporary domain not impact our results for domains prior to their expira- disappearances from the zone files. This requirement tion date and the domain may also have the auto renew limits the results of this data set to .com, .net, .org, .info, period status indicating that this is a deletion and not a and .biz, which are covered by our collected drop lists. suspension. Once we know the reason for the domain’s On the other end of the life-cycle, when we see a do- disappearance, we then check its expiration date to deter- main name appear we do not know if it is newly reg- mine if it was deleted prematurely. We query the same istered or reappearing from a temporary disappearance. domains again a week later allowing us to remove in- We could similarly require the domain name to be ab- accuracies due to delays in updates on the registration sent for 35 days before appearing, but again the domain servers and determine whether the status changes are may be reappearing after a longer period and the redemp- transient or permanent. tion period/pending delete phase do not apply to domains deleted during the add-grace period. Therefore, we re- Historical 2017 data set. In order to longitudinally quire additional information analogous to the drop lists to study the phenomenon of early deletions, we also con- verify new registrations. We use historic WHOIS records duct a measurement using historical data from 2017. to confirm the zone file appearance date with the listed Even though we initially attempted to rely as much as creation date. This also has the advantage of obtaining possible on the indexed zone file deltas, we quickly dis- registrar information and registrant contact details which covered that zone files alone are not a reliable indicator we use to characterize early deletions. of a domain’s registration. We discovered a large num- ber of cases where domains disappeared and reappeared days, weeks, or months later, and in some cases multi- 4 Results ple times without dropping or changing name servers or WHOIS information. Below, we describe our process us- In the following we present the results with a data-driven ing these zone file deltas and the additional data sources approach to explain the phenomenon of early deletions. we used to improve the accuracy of our experiments. Based on the domain life-cycle shown in Figure 1, we 4.1 Categorizing Disappearances are able to narrow down the list of domains that may have been deleted early. First, if a domain name is newly reg- Collecting registration information with RDAP and istered and then de-registered within 365 days then it is WHOIS allows us to broadly categorize unexpected do- a candidate early deletion since the shortest possible reg- main disappearances from the zone files. Based on the istration period is one year. EPP statuses of each domain, we assign one of four la- We ignore any domains that were deleted within the 5 bels: i) active domains which are still registered and have day add-grace period because, as described in Section 2, no adverse status, ii) suspended domains which were re- this falls under domain tasting which is a well known moved by the registrar or registry, iii) deleted domains practice and may result in a refund. Domain names may which are on their way to being de-registered (typically be suspended or deleted by the registrar after 15 days if due to expiration), and iv) domains for which the queries their owners do not respond to inquiries regarding the ac- failed to obtain registration information. curacy of their WHOIS contact information [24]. While On average, we observed 127,318 domains disappear- this is 15 days from an inquiry and not necessarily since ing from the zone files every day. Figure 2 shows that on creation, we conservatively choose to ignore disappear- a typical day about 70% of these disappearing domains ances 15 days after creation when contact information were deleted with most of the remainder caused by sus- was given to the registrar. pensions by either the registry or registrar.

386 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses USENIX Association USENIX Association 22ndInternational Symposium onResearch inAttacks, Intrusions andDefenses hsscinw s h eodrudo eut oavoid to results inconsistencies. of server of and rest round changes the second status For the temporary use WHOIS. we confidence and section RDAP lends this from which we results stable Overall the very to are disappearances. results of the number find total status the changed of domains many out how do- shows is 1 day Table active typical becoming again. and a lifted on suspension their change having common mains most that the find far we later, by week one status change which domains ex- newly for domains. suspended servers and pired their updating in on delay information weekend on registration some have heavily they depends that observations data suggest our and This no deployment we pilot RDAP and pattern. Verisign’s results this of consistent see (bottom more longer later obtain By we week holiday. 2) one Figure national domains US same one the a on querying was and which Sundays ac- (1/21) and as Saturdays Monday listed on still occurs are This domains tive. disappearing the of jority after week one Queried (Bottom) disappearance. disappearance. Queried of (Top) day active. the on or suspended, deleted, indicating status 2: Figure 100% 100% 40% 60% 80% 40% 60% 80% 20% 20% goigteeweed n okn pcfial at specifically looking and weekends these Ignoring ma- the where days of cycle weekly notable a is There 0% 0%

12/31 12/19

ecnaeo iapaigdmisec a with day each domains disappearing of Percentage 01/01 12/21 01/02 failed suspended deleted active 12/23 failed suspended deleted active 01/03 12/25 01/04 12/27 01/05 12/29 01/06 12/31 01/07 01/02 01/08 01/04 01/09 01/06 01/10 01/08 01/11 01/10 01/12 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/14 01/16 01/15 01/18 01/16 01/20 01/17 01/22 01/18 01/24 01/19 01/20 01/26 r icse nmr ealltri hsscin We of section. number the this as time, in over increase later slight detail cases a observe These more also in deletions. of discussed number are average the than more times with mul- 20 3/16/2017 are being there largest but the days, time outliers, typical over tiple on deletions steady early fairly of is period. which number time the same shows of 4 the 0.5% Figure about during as is domains domains which disappearing months 212,864 all de- 13 classify over as We deletions WHOIS early 3. historical Section and in lists scribed drop files, zone use are that ones missing. do- are and missing but suspended be registered temporarily to are bound that are zone mains 43] on 37, 36, rely 34, that 30, [12, domain systems a files Therefore whether not. zone indicate or to that registered is used conclude be we cannot reg- behavior, alone or this registrar files but of the registered, by Because still controlled is process istry. a it be while may files do- this a zone remove the directly Registrants from to ability hold. main the server have or typically client not a registered do have be not to do appear domains they still these and they files but zone resolved, the be in cannot inaccurate entry with an domains Without expired status. not are so these expiration know before occur from we these removal of 99.96% their files. despite zone queries the both after status tive day. per domains deletions early disappearing 8,252 date. all of average expiration of an and their 6.4% to before corresponds domain deleted This to were related that are disappearances names early (173,292 the 22.1% of surprising total) a caused However, are most that that suspensions. find unsurprising we by cases, is these at it look expiration behavior, we when expected after normal disappearing the domains is Since dates with expiration domains their status. have ignores or not do This we since queries date. failed expiration be- their disappeared that fore domains shows for 3 status expi- of Figure the breakdown RDAP/WHOIS. the to by files returned zone date the the ration from compare removed we were they early date disappeared that domains find To Disappearances Early 4.2 1: Table Suspended Suspended ofiderydltosoe ogrpro ftm we time of period longer a over deletions early find To ac- an have still which domains 5,061 observe also We Not Deleted Deleted F Active Active failed ailed hne nEPsau n ekatrdisappearance. after week one status EPP in Changes T ransition − − − − − − − − → → → → → → → → Active Deleted Suspended Active Suspended Deleted Failed Failed Not P er etg fdomains of centage 0.0004% 0.0002% 0.005% 0.075% 1.44% 1.69% 5.28% 0.36% 387 388 eri h oefie o h iepno h domain. the of lifespan the for files zone reap- the not in will pear and suspended of remain will cause names suspended primary domains these the of be most However, to disappearances. this early expect we day status do- per suspended domain mains 20,000 about to observed above we access our where on findings have based but disappeared, not domains these do when before we We disappearing files, domains zone or expiration. of the lists cases in drop 5,907,109 changes using found domain Without filter to registered. WHOIS reappear- still and while disappearing ing domains observe we which period. longer a for registered early were miss- which capture registration, domains only of ing year can one within method occur this that The deletions that deletions. is early do- reason fewer disappearing significantly main of still percentage is it the mains, on based but measure- ment, RDAP/WHOIS our than TLDs fewer cover data sets These grows. domains newly-registered monitored, after Queried week (Top) one Queried active. (Bottom) disappearance. disappearance. still of is day domain the deletion, on the indicating that status or with suspension, day each date expiration their 3: Figure 100% 100% 40% 60% 80% 40% 60% 80% 20% 20% hsdt e rvdsaohrvnaepitfrom point vantage another provides set data This 0% 0% 22nd 12/31 12/19 12/21 ecnaeo oan hc iapae before disappeared which domains of Percentage International 01/02 12/23 12/25 01/04 12/27 12/29 01/06 12/31 01/02 Symposium 01/08 01/04 01/06 01/10 01/08 01/10 01/12 01/12

on 01/14 01/14 01/16 Research 01/18 01/16 suspended deleted active 01/20 suspended deleted active 01/22 01/18 01/24 in 01/20 01/26 Attacks, as[8.I 07w on eod fol ,5 total 1,557 dol- third-party only a of of using records domains 3,487 thousands found covering we disputes cost filed 2017 can In this [48]. lars but requests, Policy) Dispute-Resolution be Domain-Name to can (Uniform domain holders UDRP the file disputes, for serious For requests down. that taken asso- brand an a be with could ciation deletions domain for explanation One Abuse Trademark 4.4 date. following specific a on on deleted registered and were date which same domains the regis- many few had a which that to graphs relating trants activity these bulk of to each there correspond in that likely jumps observe sharp also We multiple are days expiration. of number to total creation the from of re- be percentage of can a distribution as This the time shows maining which lifespan. 6 overall Figure in their observed in early deleted ing our in year one under set. for limi- data files the historical zone is of in sets number domains data of in two tation our difference in the clear deletions it for early makes observed cause This primary over days. 458 the for of that registered median a were with In In- domains year one deleted short-lived. remaining. of all year 81% not 1 fact, are than domains more deleted had terestingly, only do- but domains so expiration, of before days 4% long 322 deleted was often time are remaining mains dele- median observe we The that the expiration tion. to is prior time days remaining to of The creation number deletion. domain’s of a registra- date from observed of days the of duration number the the as measure and tions We duration registered remaining. of distributions days Fig- the domains. shows deleted 5 we of ure lifespan deletions, the early examining by in start patterns potential understand To Registration of Duration 4.3 .biz. and .info, .org, .net, .com, 4: Figure # of early deletions eas on htdmishv istwrsbe- towards bias a have domains that found also We 10000 12000 2000 4000 6000 8000 Intrusions 0 1/01 ubro al eein ahdyi 07from 2017 in day each deletions early of Number 2/20 and 4/11 Defenses 5/31 Day ofyear 7/20 9/08 USENIX Association 10/28 12/17 1.0 Typosquatting domains target popular Web sites and registered remaining capitalize on users making typos of those sites. Bit- 0.8 squatting it very similar, but it involves registering do- mains with an ASCII encoding one bit different from

0.6 the target to capitalize on random bitflips during the res- olution process. We generated a list of typos and bit-

0.4 flips from the Alexa top 1 million on 12/31/2018 for the RDAP/WHOIS data set and from 7/1/2017 for the % of early deletions

0.2 historic data set as described in Section 3.1. From these lists we found 4,751 typosquatting/bitsquatting early deletions. We also explored combosquatting which 0.0 100 101 102 103 104 is a broader category of domains which contain pop- Number of days ular trademarks along with additional keywords meant to confuse and deceive users reading the URL. As de- Figure 5: Cumulative distribution of duration of registra- scribed in Section 3, we obtained the list of combosquat- tion and days remaining before expiration for domains deleted early. Number of days on log scale. ting trademarks compiled by Kintis et al. [29] which we extended with trademarks that we observed during our manual analysis of early domain deletions. From the 1.0 resulting list of 279 trademarks, we found 2,612 com- bosquatting early deletions in our combined data sets. 0.8 By combining the discovered typosquatting, bitsquat- ting, and combosquatting results, we found a combined 0.6 total of 7,322 (1.9%) early deletions abusing trademarks. It is clear that this represents a level of malicious activ- 0.4 ity although we cannot differentiate whether these early

% of early deletions deletions were due to cease-and-desist orders or due to

0.2 malicious registrants attempting to cover their tracks by deleting domains after they abuse them. Only 134 of

0.0 these squatting domains were present in our collected 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Days remaining/Expected lifespan blacklists which amounts to less than 2% coverage by popular blacklisting approaches. Figure 6: Cumulative distribution of percentage of paid lifes- pan remaining before deletion. 4.5 Domain Features We analyze features of domains which are deleted early tool that crawls and indexes UDRP cases [28]. In most and compare them to popular domains, domains which cases where the ruling is in the complainant’s favor, the expire normally, and suspended domains. Since the do- domain is transferred. This gives the trademark holder main names we are studying are offline by the time we the most control as they can now sinkhole or redirect it observe them, we are limited to lexical features of the to their primary site and they can choose to continue re- names themselves. The simplest metrics are length, and newing it, so it stays under their control indefinitely. In whether the domain contains at least one number or hy- only 3% of these cases, the decision was to delete the do- phen. We also look at Shannon entropy which can be an main name instead of transferring it. As such, we argue indicator of names created by Domain Generation Algo- that formal disputes have a minimal impact on early dele- rithms (DGA) which create a large number of domains tions. More often, the first step in dealing with a squat- where botnets know to contact command and control ting domain is sending a cease and desist to the offend- servers. Plohmann et. al. [41] discuss various types of ing domain registrant demanding that the domain name DGAs and show that most have high entropy. The do- be deleted, transferred, or abandoned. In this scenario, main names are segmented into the most likely words a registrant who is concerned about legal trouble may based on known frequencies of words and pairs of words choose to delete the domain name right away to satisfy in the English language [40]. From this we get number of the trademark holder. To estimate the number of early words, and check those words against a blacklist of adult deletions that may have been caused by this situation be- keywords [16]. We filter out extracted words which do fore an official complaint, we looked for typosquatting, not appear in a dictionary, but since many domain names bitsquatting, and combosquatting domains. contain made-up brand names or newer slang, we also

USENIX Association 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses 389 Metric Alexa Top 1M Normal Expirations Suspensions Early Deletions Length 10.55 12.14 11.59 12.85 Entropy 2.825 2.937 2.893 3.005 Number of words 1.377 1.534 1.368 1.719 Percent containing numbers 6.46% 14.04% 15.99% 9.87% Percent containing hyphens 10.05% 7.44% 11.20% 8.43% Percent containing adult keywords 3.129% 2.633% 2.562% 2.649% Percent unpronounceable 14.89% 21.64% 24.58% 15.02%

Table 2: Comparison of lexical domain features between popular, expired, suspended, and deleted domain names.

measure pronounceability based on frequency of letter Topic % of Early Deletions bi-grams in the English language. Average pronounce- Unknown 26.71% ability scores were very similar across all domains, but Economy 8.79% we set a threshold to label domains as pronounceable or Science/technology 8.49% not which we applied equally to each category. Using Play/sports 6.16% only English words is a potential limitation, but in many Health/medicine 5.64% cases pronounceability may work well across languages Architecture 4.24% and we exclude from this analysis Internationalized Do- Geography 4.09% main Names which begin with xn--. Similar metrics Politics/goverment 3.95% are commonly used in part for domain name appraisals Art 3.54% which combine many features of a domain to estimate its Travel/transport 3.46% monetary value [10]. Person 3.07% Writing/language 2.32% From the extracted English words we used WordNet Other 19.56% Domains [13] to label domain names with more gen- eral topics. Wordnet Domains has 181 possible topics, Table 3: Top domain topics in early deleted domain names. many of which are closely related, so we manually aggre- gated similar topics to more appropriately group domain names. For example, banking, commerce, and finance If the domain is considered valuable we expect it is less are distinct topics which we include under the Economy likely a registrant chooses to delete it, but one explana- label along with eight other sub-topics. Since domain tion for the length could be DGA names that are built names can have multiple words and each word may have from a dictionary of words. Three examples of such multiple meanings each mapping to different topics with wordlist-based DGAs are Matsnu, Suppobox, and Gozi WordNet Domains, we take the most common topic from which were studied by Plohmann et. al. [41] in 2016. the list of all related topics for that name. If a domain These are less likely to be suspended or blacklisted be- name has no words or the words do not have a mapped cause they do not look like random strings of numbers topic, then we label it as Unknown. A breakdown of and letters. At the same time, the paper points out that the most represented topics among early deleted domain these DGAs are more likely to collide with existing do- names can be seen in Table 3. A full table with all 28 main names than other methods. To counteract this issue, topics and a statistical comparison between different cat- modern wordlist-based DGAs may require longer names egories of domains appears in Appendix B. with more words than would be common among popu- Table 2 compares each metric between domains in lar domains in order to generate a consistent variety of the Alexa top 1 million, domains which disappear nor- unused domain names. mally after their expiration, domains which were sus- We wish to determine if the observed differences be- pended, and domains deleted early between 12/31/18 tween early deletions and the three other categories in and 1/20/19. One difference is that early deletions are Table 2 are statistically significant or if they could have the longest in both number of characters and number of occured randomly as a sample of all domain names. We words. Early deletions also have fewer numbers and hy- use the Welch’s t-test to test the null hypothesis that early phens than suspended domain names and are almost as deletions are sampled from the same population as the likely to be pronounceable as popular domains. Shorter other groups. Due to our large sample sizes, we obtained domain names are generally considered more valuable, very small p-values for almost all tests leading us to re- but the pronounceability and number of words suggests ject the null hypothesis in these cases and conclude that that early deleted domain names may be well formed. early deletions are drawn from distinct populations. Ap-

390 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses USENIX Association pendix A includes more details of the statistical analysis of this list which is interesting because they sell expired including Cohen’s d effect size, t-statistic, and p-value and re-registered domains which Miramirkhani, et al. for each test. The fact that early deletions have statisti- showed are rarely used for legitimate web pages [37]. cally significant differences means that it is very unlikely The ranking of registrars by total deletions is similar that domain names are being deleted indiscriminantly. for 2017 with six of the top ten appearing on both lists. Rather, some reasoning went into which domains were Notably, the registrar Web Drive deleted 27% of their deleted, or the entities that deleted domain names had total domains early over the course of our measurement. some pattern as to the domains they held. While we discovered that many domains are sus- pended by the registrar with a client hold status, 4.6 Registrant Patterns some registrars may delete abusive domain names in- stead, which could explain high numbers of deletions While domain owners can choose to use a WHOIS pri- from certain registrars. In particular, we found that Go- vacy service to hide personal information, such as email daddy only suspended 412 during the same time period addresses, we found that in our 2017 data set, after fil- which is only 0.0009% of their total domains. Godaddy tering out anonymous addresses, 73% of early deletions and Wild West Domains are both among the lowest of all had real registrant email addresses. Out of 58,773 reg- registrars in terms of percentage of domains suspended. istrant email addresses, 97% of them deleted less than While these registrars deleting domains could explain a 10 domains before expiration, but 100 registrants deleted large number of early deletions, it is surprising that regis- more than 100 domains early. We clustered the email trars choose deletion over client hold, thereby allow- addresses using DBSCAN and Levenshtein distance to ing the domain to be re-registered. find registrants who are likely the same person register- We investigated the largest 15 registrars as well as all ing under different accounts, but this had only a small of those shown in Table 4 to determine how easy it is for impact on our analysis. After clustering we had 56,279 registrants to delete their own domain names. We found registrants, 105 of whom deleted more than 100 domains that only GoDaddy, Google, Hetzner Online, and Reg- early. These bulk deletions may contribute to the spikes istryGate refer to or provide an option for users to delete seen in Figure 4. We count the number of deletions each domains [18,19,22,42]. This is further evidence that the day by individual registrants and find that the spike on other registrars are deleting domain names early, but we 9/23/19 was caused by a few bulk registrants, one of cannot rule out the possibility that these registrars would whom deleted 952 domains on that day. allow deletions if requested through customer support. We argue that these types of mass deletions suggest Figure 4 exhibited multiple significant outliers which malicious use. Bulk registrants are often domain spec- we investigate further using WHOIS listings for the reg- ulators which are not necessarily malicious, but hope to istrar and registrant email addresses. As with our anal- sell the domain for a profit and collect small amounts ysis of registrants (Section 4.6), for each outlier, we of advertisement money from parked pages in the mean- group together early deletions of domains belonging to time [44]. Therefore, they have no incentive to delete the same registrar. Three of these outliers are dominated their domains. Contrastingly, spam domains and DGA by single registrars: C&C domains are also commonly registered in bulk and • 3/16: The largest outlier by far, had tend to be short lived [21,45]. 12,014 early deletions while the second most was 1&1 Internet with only 119. Several Hotmail email ad- 4.7 Registrar Patterns dresses were tied to hundreds of these domains. • 5/28: Cronon had 3,576 early deletions, again signifi- We take advantage of the registrar listed by cantly more than Godaddy having the second most at RDAP/WHOIS to find the registrars which either 182, while no registrants deleted more than 16. enable or otherwise actively delete domains. Table 4 • 6/9: 1&1 Internet had 4,267 early deletions with Go- shows the top 10 registrars in terms of number of early Daddy trailing at 207 with no dominant registrant deletions. Godaddy has by far the most early deleted emails. domain names, but according to ICANN transaction The evidence strongly suggests that certain registrars reports [27] it is also the largest registrar in the world are responsible for these deletions. While registrars are by number of registered domains. To address this, welcome to take action against abusive domain names we also ranked registrars normalized by their total before they expire, it is surprising that they choose to number of .com domains reported by ICANN, excluding delete the domain names instead of placing them on registrars with less than 100 domains. This reveals some client hold. Once a domain is deleted, a malicious additional smaller registrars which had notable portions actor can re-register the same domain and regain control of their domains deleted. is at the top of the infrastructure associated with it. In fact, prior stud-

USENIX Association 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses 391 # Early % of Total Registrar Deletions Registrar Domains, LLC 125,059, LLC 7.89 Domains Inc. 6,084 Ednit Software Private Limited 2.37 Cronon AG 4,896 NetTuner Corp. dba .com 1.72 Wild West Domains, LLC 4,713 Vautron Rechenzentrum AG 0.97 Google, Inc. 3,599 Deutsche Telekom AG 0.90 Key-Systems GmbH 2,712 Metaregistrar BV 0.79, Inc. 2,545 Cronon AG 0.78 CSC Corporate Domains, Inc. 2,502 RegistryGate GmbH 0.77 RegistryGate GmbH 2,160 Hetzner Online GmbH 0.74 PSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot 1,821 HTTP.NET Internet GmbH 0.68

Table 4: Registrars with the most early deletions.

ies have shown that malicious domains are more likely similar domain names using Levenshtein distance and to be re-registered [34, 37]. Therefore, by deleting sus- DBSCAN to find groups of domains that were likely cre- picious domains (instead of placing them on hold) reg- ated by the same registrant. This resulted in 8,577 clus- istrars are merely inconveniencing malicious actors who ters containing two or more domains and and average can use a new registrar to re-register their domains and cluster size of 4.5. Then, with the same approach of la- resume their malicious campaigns. beling a group as malicious if at least one of its domains was blacklisted, we extend the number of of potentially malicious domains to 5,028 (2.90%). While associating 4.8 Blacklisted Domains domains in this way does not guarantee that they are ma- licious, we apply this method because shared ownership A possible motive for registrants deleting domains is is a concrete connection between domain names. Ma- for them to cover their tracks after malicious use. For licious domains are often registered in bulk, and this is example, associated IP addresses and WHOIS informa- within the capabilities of registrars who ultimately con- tion cannot be obtained for deleted domains which may trol early deletions. stump later forensic investigations of abusive domains. Even though the percentage of domains found in To gauge the level of malicious activity we rely on blacklists may appear small, to get a rough compari- blacklists. Blacklists cannot possibly cover all malicious son of coverage we check domains that were suspended domains, but with the domains deleted and the web sites between 12/31/18 and 1/20/19 and find that only 2,163 down, they are the best available method to estimate the (0.47%) appear in the same set of blacklists. We expect number of malicious early deletions. We referenced mul- that most suspended domains were malicious, and yet tiple sources to find blacklisted deleted domains as de- only a small percentage of them appear in blacklists. The scribed in Section 3.1. We found 402 (0.23%) blacklisted percentage of blacklisted early deletions is similar and domain names that were deleted early in the 2019 data set our estimates for potentially malicious domains after as- and another 1,107 (0.52%) in the 2017 data set. We can sociation are 6-10 times more than the coverage for sus- expand the number of potentially malicious domains by pended domains. Therefore, we are confident that many grouping early deletions by owner. We know from Sec- of these domains were malicious but did not make their tion 4.6 that some registrants were associated with large way onto blacklists before their deletion. numbers of deleted domains. If one of those domains was blacklisted then we may suspect that the registrants’ We suggest that deleting a domain name before it other deleted domains may also be malicious. Using the would normally expire is suspicious enough that it clusters of registrant emails from the previous section, may be a signal worth considering when blacklist- we mark a registrant as malicious if they deleted at least ing/suspending domains. This signal can be used to one blacklisted domain. The number of 2017 domains tie this information to the registrant and scrutinize deleted by these malicious registrants is 9,782 (4.60%), other domains that they register. Moreover, since significantly more than was found with blacklists alone. malicious domains are often re-registered after their Despite the unavailability of registrant email addresses, deletion [34, 37] or after sink-holing systems let them we are able to apply a similar analysis to the 402 black- expire [11], knowing that a domain was deleted early listed domains in the 2019 data set. We grouped deleted can predict future abusive behavior. In fact, this is one domain names by registrar and date, then clustered very reason why the owner of a blacklisted domain may

392 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses USENIX Association choose to delete it, i.e., to make the association with information, but with recent changes to WHOIS privacy, their other live domains less conspicuous. largely driven by the EU’s GDPR, this is no longer neces- sary. Now there is an opportunity to make generic, non- 5 Discussion personal information publicly avail- able. RDAP is a step in the right direction particularly Registrars deleting domains. Through two distinct with unified data structure and the addition of authoriza- data sets we quantify disappearing domains and iden- tion, but as it is still in pilot and specific zones are man- tify hundreds of thousands of domain names which were aged by different parties, it remains to be seen whether deleted before expiration. By analyzing registrar patterns this will continue to be a public resource. over time we conclude that at least 10% of deletions may Limitations. A limitation of our study is the inability be initiated by registrars. For registrars that are delet- to determine for each domain name whether its deletion ing domains to deal with abuse, we recommend that they was initiated by the domain owner or the registrar. In instead suspend them with client hold and/or disable Section 4.7, we are only able to use indirect evidence to the registrant’s account, but maintain control of the do- estimate that at least 9.33% were deleted by registrars, main so that it cannot be re-registered for malicious use. and cannot guarantee that the remainder were all initi- As we mentioned in Section 4.7, most registrars already ated by registrants. Nevertheless, we hope that this work make it difficult for registrants to delete domain names motivates security-conscious registrars who do have this or at least warn against it which is appropriate for the visibility for their customers’ domains to further explore majority of users. For these registrars we recommend premature deletions. that they go a step further and screen requests to delete For an analysis of domain names after they have al- domains to determine if the domain names were abused ready been deleted, we are also limited in our ability to which may be used to find other abusive domains from determine what the domain name was used for while it the same owner. was still active. Our primary tool is analysis of lexical Registrants deleting domains. For cases where the features, but in many cases this is not enough to iden- registrant initiated the deletion, explanations are not ob- tify whether a domain name was registered and used for vious, but we present the following possibilities: i) a neg- malicious purposes. We were able to find that 1.9% of ative association with another name, ii) attempts to hide early deletions were domain squatting, and based only malicious activity, or iii) due to ignorance or indifference on blacklists we estimated another 3.84% were likely regarding the domain life-cycle. Since most registrars malicious. We acknowledge that this leaves a majority do not make deleting domains easy, and even the ones of cases unexplained, and future work should aim to fill that do warn against it, we believe that category three this gap. However, even these limited findings draw at- is an unlikely cause. We found many domains fitting tention to the phenomenon of early deletions and warrant the first category and due to our thorough approach to a closer look into a practice that has been ignored up to checking multiple types of domain squatting we expect this point. that we found the majority of cases in this category. For the second category, we identify as many malicious do- 6 Related Work mains as possible using blacklists and association by reg- istrant. Due to the limited coverage of blacklists and the A domain name may enter the pending delete state of the difficulty of finding malicious activity after the domain domain life-cycle as a result of early deletion or expira- has been deleted, we argue that without another likely tion. While re-registration of expired domains, and the explanation, unexplained cases are likely to fall into the security implication of this practice have received exten- second category. sive attention [31–34, 37], to the best of our knowledge, Registration information. Another lesson from this no one has exclusively looked into the unusual behav- study is that registration data including status, regis- ior of early deletion. Since our work is the first system- trar, and dates should be maintained as a publicly avail- atic study on this phenomenon, we review prior work on able resource. Public access to zone files has been deleted domains which are closest to our work. very successful in aiding security research and applica- Lauinger et al. [32] showed that there is an intense tions [12,30,34,36,37,43], but it is not enough to identify competition between dropcatch registrars in register- all registered domain names, nor does it cover all stages ing desirable deleted domains. Some of these regis- of the domain life-cycle making cases like early dele- trars maintain large numbers of registrar accreditations tion and dropcatching more difficult to monitor. In the to be able to submit more requests and in this way in- past, query limits on WHOIS were a reasonable precau- crease their chance of catching available domains. Only tion to prevent mass collection of registrants’ personal three large dropcatch registrars control 75% of registrars

USENIX Association 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses 393 which translates to millions of dollars in accreditation of squatting domain names which may have been deleted fees. In more recent work [31], they took a closer look at due to complaints from trademark holders, and domains when expired domain names are re-registered. Using a deleted by malicious registrants potentially to cover dig- model to infer the deletion time of domains, they showed ital tracks of abusive activity. We showed that many reg- that 9.5% of deleted domains are re-registered less than istrants deleted domains in bulk and a few registrars such one second after they became available. Miramirkhani et as GoDaddy seem to delete domain names rather than al. found that the domains which are shorter, older, have suspending them. more residual traffic, and malicious history are more We demonstrate issues that arise when relying on zone likely to be re-registered and the majority of registrations files to study the global state of domain names and advo- are for speculative or malicious purposes [37]. They also cate for public access to anonymous registration infor- reported that premature deletions are relatively uncom- mation to aid automated security tools and forensics. Fi- mon compared to the usual yearly life-cycle. In this pa- nally, we recommend that registrars scrutinize registrants per we investigated the reasons and motivations behind who delete domain names and utilize suspensions rather early deletions because, although it is a smaller percent- than deletions to prevent malicious domains from being age of cases, it creates an opportunity for malicious regis- re-registered. trants to avoid detection from DNS monitoring systems. Acknowledgements: We thank our shepherd Katha- In related work, potential and actual abuse of the rep- rina Krombholz and the anonymous reviewers for their utation of deleted domains are discussed. Nikiforakis helpful feedback. This work was supported by the Of- et al. showed that popular contain remote fice of Naval Research (ONR) under grant N00014-16- JavaScript inclusions that are pointing to expired do- 1-2264 and by the National Science Foundation (NSF) mains which can be re-registered to perform code injec- under grants CMMI-1842020, CNS-1617593, and CNS- tion attacks [39]. Later, Moore et al. investigated the 1617902. domains of US banks and reported that 33% of these do- mains are re-registered to host advertisement, distribute malware, or to carry out search engine optimization 8 Availability (SEO) activities [38]. A recent study by Vissers et al. showed that re-registration of expired domain names can To motivate further research into the unexpected disap- result in hijacking thousands of domain names through pearances of domain names and their effect on secu- their name servers [43]. Lever et al. explored the do- rity, we are releasing our compiled list of 386K domains mains that were deleted in a span of six years and for that disappeared from zone files before their expected those that were abused for malicious intentions, they ex- expiration date (together with their associated meta- amined whether the malicious activity occurred before data). The compiled dataset can be downloaded from: or after domain re-registration. They found hundreds of thousands of re-registrations occurred with the intention of abusing negative or positive residual trust of the orig- inal domains [34]. Recent studies [14, 35] have shown a References similar use-after-free problem exists for IP addresses as [1] Conficker. well. Specifically, Borgolte et. al. [14] demonstrated that conficker/all_domains.txt. stale DNS records pointing to cloud IP addresses could [2] Google Safe Browsing API. be abused to hijack domains’ traffic and create new SSL com/safe-browsing/. certificates under an attacker’s control. [3] hpHosts. [4] Malc0de. 7 Conclusion [5] Malware Domains. https://mirror1.malwaredomains. com/files/ In this paper we presented the first systematic analysis of early domain name disappearances. Using histori- [6] WHOISDataCenter. cal zone files, drop lists, and WHOIS for all of 2017 [7] ZeuS Tracker. and collecting live RDAP/WHOIS between 12/19/18 and blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist. 1/27/19, we uncovered the surprising phenomenon of [8] now officially the most expensive domain name in domain names deleted before their expected expiration the world. date, with thousands of cases every day. We showed that officially-the-most-expensive-domain-name-in-the-world/, 2011. domains deleted early are longer, contain fewer num- [9] Domainiq (a domain intelligence service). https://www. bers, and are much more likely pronounceable than do-, 2017. mains expiring normally. We found thousands of cases [10] Estibot appriasal tool., 2017.

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[46] WANG, Y.-M., BECK,D.,WANG,J.,VERBOWSKI,C., AND B Domain Name Topics DANIELS, B. Strider typo-patrol: Discovery and analysis of sys- tematic typo-squatting. SRUTI 6 (2006), 31–36. [47] SecurityTrails: The World’s Largest Repository of historical In section 4.5 we presented the top domain topics among DNS data. domains deleted early. We extend this to the Alexa top [48] WIPO. Schedule of Fees under the UDRP. https://www. 1M popular domains, and domains that were suspended, 2002. or expired between 12/31/18 and 1/20/19. Early deleted domain names are much more likely to have a mapped A Statistical Analysis of Domain Features topic with only 27% unknown while the other categories have between 33% and 40% unknown. This intuitively In order to test our domain features presented in sec- follows our observation that domain names deleted early tion 4.5, the Welch’s t-test was chosen for its robust- tend to be longer and contain more words, making it ness on large sample sizes and to handle unequal vari- more likely that we find a match in WordNet Domains. ances. For each feature in Table 2, we test the differ- Table 6 compares these categories with the full list of ence between sample means under the null hypothesis 28 topics. For a more fair comparison, this table only that each sample is drawn from the same population. represents domain names that are not unknown. There Since our samples are very large (>172K), the distri- are a few topics that are ranked in different orders be- bution of sample means is closely approximated by the tween columns, but overall the distribution of topics ap- normal distribution. Table 5 shows the Cohen’s d ef- pears similar. To support this observation we applied a fect size, t-statistic, and p-value for each test, compar- Chi-square test comparing early deletions to each of the ing the feature means of early deletions against the three other three categories. The effect size and p-value are other categories of domains. In three cases we have large shown at the bottom of Table 2 below the column be- enough p-values that these differences are not consid- ing compared to early deletions. The effect size used is q χ2 ered significant. Two of these are tests for the feature ϕ = N . Because the samples are so large, each test percent containing adult keywords which is very similar produced a p-value very near zero, but the effect sizes between early deletions, normal expirations and suspen- are small enough that it is not clear that there is a mean- sions. The third is percent unpronounceable where early ingful difference.

396 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses USENIX Association Feature Alexa Top 1M Normal Expirations Suspensions Cohen’s d t-statistic p-value Cohen’s d t-statistic p-value Cohen’s d t-statistic p-value Length 0.53 174.79 0.00 0.13 51.05 0.00 0.23 82.11 0.00 Entropy 0.38 155.43 0.00 0.14 58.15 0.00 0.23 84.06 0.00 Number of words 0.33 112.54 0.00 0.15 60.40 0.00 0.29 102.85 0.00 Percent containing numbers 0.16 51.76 0.00 -0.12 -54.45 0.00 -0.18 -68.07 0.00 Percent containing hyphens -0.04 -15.85 0.00 0.04 14.28 0.00 -0.09 -33.87 0.00 Percent containing adult keywords -0.03 -11.21 0.00 0.00 0.3984 0.69 0.01 1.918 0.06 Percent unpronounceable 0.00 0.6791 0.50 -0.16 -72.26 0.00 -0.23 -89.43 0.00

Table 5: Statistical comparison of domain features of early deletions against popular, expired, and suspended domains.

Topics Early Deletions Alexa Top 1M Normal Expirations Suspensions Economy/commerce/banking 11.99% 9.90% 12.19% 10.90% Science/technology 11.58% 13.53% 12.32% 13.14% Play/sports 8.40% 9.25% 7.91% 7.70% Health/medicine 7.69% 6.89% 7.61% 7.53% Architecture 5.79% 6.16% 6.37% 5.57% Geography 5.58% 5.41% 5.48% 5.79% Politics/government 5.39% 3.92% 4.48% 4.51% Art 4.83% 4.52% 5.50% 5.48% Travel/transport 4.72% 5.43% 5.04% 4.88% Person 4.19% 3.95% 4.07% 4.13% Writing/language 3.17% 4.27% 3.22% 3.30% History/humanity 2.64% 2.41% 2.35% 2.47% Psychology 2.56% 1.76% 2.14% 2.26% Media/telecommunication 2.39% 3.64% 2.30% 2.42% Religion 2.31% 1.55% 1.72% 1.99% Earth/environment 2.21% 2.11% 2.25% 2.31% Time period 2.12% 1.93% 1.96% 2.10% Food 2.05% 1.90% 2.27% 2.12% Education 2.01% 2.16% 1.55% 1.62% Quality 1.77% 1.89% 1.96% 1.80% Animals 1.61% 1.69% 1.70% 2.00% Administration 1.27% 1.45% 1.17% 1.30% Metrology 1.27% 1.50% 1.48% 1.87% Fashion 0.92% 0.95% 1.34% 1.05% Sexuality 0.54% 0.77% 0.55% 0.62% Number 0.51% 0.58% 0.59% 0.66% Color 0.48% 0.46% 0.47% 0.48% Paranormal 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% Chi-square test ϕ, p-value ϕ, p-value ϕ, p-value 0.07, 0.00 0.03, 0.00 0.05, 0.00

Table 6: Comparison of domain name topics between popular, expired, suspended, and deleted domain names.

USENIX Association 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses 397