Journal of The Malacological Society of London Molluscan Studies

Journal of Molluscan Studies (2013) 79: 19-29. doi:10.1093/mollus/eys028 Advance Access publication date: 29 November 2012



department of foology, .Natural History Museum, London [ I 7 5 S B D , U K ; ^Division of Biology. Imperial College London, Si.lwood Park Campus, Ascot SL5 7PT, UK; and fn stitu t Royal des Sciences .Naturelles de Belgique, Rue Vautier, Brussels, Belgium onodd fromDownloaded Correspondence: AI. Claremont; e-mail:

(Received 2 April 2012; accepted 28 September 2012)

ABSTRACT The validity of the muricid subfamily Ergalataxinae has recently been confirmed with molecular data, but its composition and the relationships among its constituent genera remain unclear. In order to investigate this, we use four genes (28S rRNA, 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochromec oxidase subunit I ) to construct a Bayesian phylogeny of 52 ergalataxine in 18 genera, representingc. 40% of the currently accepted species and 86% of the genera. This is the most complete phylogeny of this taxonomically confusing subfamily yet produced. Our results indicate the polyphyly of many traditional genera, includingMorula, an d . In order to improve the correspondence between classification and phylogeny, we restrict the definition , of resurrect Tenguella and elevate Oppomorus to full , but describe no new genera. Several species in this analysis could not y us o My 8 2014 28, May on guest by be identified and may be new, but we do not describe them. Further molecular and morphological analyses, in the context of this framework, should help to resolve the remaining ambiguities in the classification of this subfamily. The oldest fossil member of the Ergalataxinae known to us is of Early Oligocene age.

INTRODUCTION these opposing views, establishing the monophyly of the Ergalataxinae and supporting its recognition as a subfamily The Muricidae are a large, taxonomically complex family of (Claremont, Reid & Williams, 2008; Barco et al., 2010; neogastropods. Many species in this family are well known for C larem ont et ed., in press). their charismatic shells (Murex, Chicoreus), as predators Like the rest of the Muricidae, ergalataxines are carnivorous, ( Ocenebra, Urosalpinx) of commercially important oysters, as an preying upon a wide variety of organisms including , ancient source of purple dye Bolinus ( , Plicopurpura) or as food polychaetes, barnacles and other molluscs (e.g. Taylor, 1980; item s (Concholepas, Murex). However, until recently, the phyl­ Tan, 1995; Ishida, 2004; Claremont, Reid & Williams, 2011a). ogeny of the family was poorly known; subfamilies have been Ergalataxines are mainly found in the tropical Indo-West erected based largely on superficial shell and radular resem­ Pacific and occupy a wide range of habitats, with some species blances rather than on rigorous phylogenetic analyses. One common in the high intertidal, while others live more than such subfamily is the Ergalataxinae, the diagnosis of which was 500 m deep (Kuroda & Habe, 1971; Houart, 1995b; Tan, based on somewhat vague characters of the shell, operculum, radula and egg capsule (Kuroda & Habe, 1971). It has been 1995). The subfamily was initially established for only three criticised as “the least well-defined [subfamily] in the entire genera (, Bedevina a n d Cytharomorula), but many trad­ family Muricidae" (Vokes, 1996a, 27). Ever since its introduc­ itionally ‘thaidid’ genera have been transferred to it subse­ tion, the of the group and its relationship to another quently (e.g. Morula, Spinidrupa, , ; Tröndlé & muricid subfamily, the (=Thaidinae of authors), Houart, 1992; Kool, 1993; Vokes, 1996a; Tan, 2000; Vermeij has been controversial. Some workers contended that there & Carlson, 2000; Houart, 2004; Claremont et al., 2011a). New was little morphological support for the separation of the ergalataxine genera have also been described, based on charac­ Rapaninae and Ergalataxinae (Tan, 1995, 2000). Others ters of the shell and radula (e.g.Habromorula', Houart, 1995a). described new ergalataxine genera and transferred existing Characters of the shell, internal anatomy and radula have genera to the subfamily (e.g. Houart, 1995a, b, 1997; Vokes, also been used to suggest affinities between various genera (e.g. 1996a, b). Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have tested Fujioka, 1985; Houart, 1995a, b, 2004), but cases of plasticity, iC) 77íe Author 2012. Published by Oxford Uniiersity Press on behalf of The Malacological Society of London, all rights reseroed M. CLAREMONT ETAL. polymorphism and of parallel and convergent evolution within Where generic assignments remain unclear (because of poly- the Ergalataxinae have made phylogenetic reconstruction phyly and/or lack of type species in the analysis), we have fol­ based on morphology difficult. For example, radular morph­ lowed those of Houart (e.g. Houart, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1995a, ology has been shown to vary within species according to b, 1996a, b, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008), except for sex, growth rate and season (Fujioka, 1985; Kool, 1993; Tan, 'T hais’ castanea (where we have followed Steyn & Lussi, 1998). 1995). Such is the prevalence of homoplasy in morphological Single quotation marks have been used to indicate these cases character transformations that early cladistic analyses did not of uncertainty. even find support for the monophyly of the Ergalataxinae (Kool, 1993; Vermeij & Carlson, 2000). Although molecular D.NA sequencing and alignment studies have confirmed its monophyly (see above), so far they have suffered from limited taxonomic sampling. A comprehen­ For all samples, three mitochondrial genes [cytochrome c sive molecular analysis of this important subfamily remains to oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA] and one be done. nuclear gene (28S rRNA), known to be informative for phylo­ Previous molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Muricidae genetic analysis in the Muricidae (Claremontet al., 2008; have included only a few representatives of the Ergalataxinae Barco et al., 2010), were sequenced, following the protocols of (6 species in Claremont et id., 2008; 10 species in Barco et ed., C larem ont et cd. (2011b). Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) 2010; 6 species in Claremont et ed., in press). Elere, we aim to am plified c. 1500 bp of 28S, 750 bp of 16S, 700 bp of COI and provide a more comprehensive phylogenetic framework of the 650 bp of 12S. Primers and PCR conditions for all genes were Ergalataxinae for further taxonomic, ecological and phylogeo- as described by Barco et ed. (2010), except for some forward graphic work; to test monophyly of nominal genera currently fragments of 16S that were obtained using a new internal defined by morphological characters and to provide a new primer, 16S-Int56F (5'-AAC RGC CGC GGT ACT CTG-3') phylogenetic classification. To do this, we construct a molecu­ and some COI sequences that were obtained using primers fromDownloaded lar phylogeny of 52 ergalataxine species using one nuclear and COIF and COI-MLTR (Claremont et ed., 2011b). We were three mitochondrial genes. unable to amplify all genes for all specimens. Thus, the 12S alignment consisted of 115 sequences, the 16S alignment of 106 sequences, the 28S alignment of 95 sequences and the MATERIAL AND METHODS COI alignment of 78 sequences (Supplementary Material,

Table SI ). Tax on sampling and identification Sequences were assembled and edited with Sequencher A total of 109 ergalataxine specimens were obtained for mo­ (v. 4.8; GeneCodes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI). Clear het­ lecular analysis (Supplementary Material, Table SI). These erozygous peaks in both the forward and reverse sequence of were identified morphologically by the authors (R.H., D.G.R. 28S were coded as polymorphisms. After removal of primer and M.C.) as belonging to 52 species in 18 genera, represent­ regions, 28S sequences were 1497 bp and 12S sequences were ing 40% of the c. 129 accepted species in the subfamily and 573 bp. COI sequences obtained with COIF/COI-MLTR were all but three of the 21 currently accepted genera (Houart, 703 bp; those sequences obtained using universal primers 1986, 1987, 1991, 1995a, b, 1996a, b, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, (Folm er et ed., 1994) were 658 bp. Sequences of 16S obtained 2004, 2008; Tröndlé & Houart, 1992; Tan, 1995; Vokes, with CGLeuR (Hayashi, 2005) and 16S-Int56F (this paper)

1996b; Vermeij & Carlson, 2000; Table 1). We have sequenced were 705 bp, while those obtained with CGLeuR (Hayashi, 2014 28, May on guest by the type species of 15 genera (Houart, 1995b; Vermeij & 2005) and 16SA (Palumbi et ed., 1991) were 825 bp. Carlson, 2000; Tables 1, Supplementary Material Table SI). Ribosomal (28S, 16S and 12S) sequences were aligned using Based on morphology, nine additional genera have been the QTNS-i method of MAFFT (Multiple Alignment using included in the Ergalataxinae by some authors (Tröndlé & Fast Fourier Transform; v. 6.847b; Katoh & Toli, 2008). Based Houart, 1992; Houart, 1995b, 2004; Vokes, 1996b). Of these on preliminary analyses, we did not expect long gaps in our nine genera, one is unavailable; one is a possible synonym of alignments, so the offset value was set to 0.1. The resulting another ergalataxine genus; three have been removed from the alignments were adjusted by eye in MacClade (v. 4.06 OSX; subfamily on the basis of their morphology (Ponder, 1972; Maddison & Maddison, 2003). Gblocks (v. 0.91 beta; Radwin & D’Attilio, 1976; R. Houart, 2010, unpubh); and Castresana, 2000) was then used to remove poorly aligned one has been removed based on molecular analyses (Barco sites (minimum number of sequences for a conserved position: et al., 2010; see Supplementary Material, Table S2). The three 70%; minimum number of sequences for a flanking pos­ ergalataxine genera not included in our analysis(Daphnellopsis, ition: 90%; maximum number of contiguous non-conserved Lindapterys, Uttleya) are poorly known and lack clear morpho­ positions: 3; minimum length of a block: 5; all gap positions logical similarities to other Ergalataxinae, so have been placed allowed). Elimination of ambiguous regions reduced the 28S in the Ergalataxinae only tentatively (R. Houart, unpubh; alignment by 5% to 1432 bp, the 12S alignment by 10% to Supplementary Material, Table S2). Representative species of 518 bp and the 16S alignment by 14% to 620 bp. COI these genera should be included in future molecular analyses. sequences were aligned by eye in MacClade. There were 91 We used 66 previously published ergalataxine sequences phylogenetically informative base pairs in 28S, 232 bp in 12S, (Supplementary Material, Table SI; Claremont et ed., 2008, 173 bp in 16S and 272 bp in COI. 2011a; Barco et ed., 2010). Outgroup species were selected front For each gene partition, 24 different models of nucleotide the Rapaninae, as this is the sister subfamily to the substitution were tested with MrModelTest (v. 2.2; Nylander, Ergalataxinae in some analyses (Claremontet ed., 2008; b u t see 2004). Additionally, we tested a site-specific model of evolution B arco et ed., 2010). All rapanine outgroup sequences have pre­ of COI using PALTP* (v. 4.0bl0; Swofford, 2002). The model viously been published (Claremont et ed., 2008; Barco et ed., chosen by both the hierarchical ratio test and Akaike’s 2010). New sequences were submitted to GenBank Information Criterion in MrModelTest was GTR + I + G for (Supplementary Material, Table SI ). Location of voucher ma­ 28S, 16S and 12S, and HKY + I + G for COI. Comparison of terial is noted in Supplementary Material, Table SI. Generic log-likelihood values indicated that HKY + I + G was a assignments in the following text and figures are valid, based significantly better fit to the data than a model that allowed on the conclusions of this study (summarized in Table 1). site-specific rate variation across codon partitions.


T ab le 1. Status of genera of Ergalataxinae included in this study.

Genus Type species First placed in Type species Validity Ergalataxinae by analysed herein

Bedevina Habe, 1946 Trophon birileffi Lishke, 1871 Kuroda & Habe, 1971 Yes Valid; could includeSpinidrupa Cronia H. & A. Adams, Purpura amygdala Kiener, 1835 Tröndlé & Houart, 1992 Yes Valid; could includeMaculotriton and 1853 Ergalatax Cytharomorula Cytharomorula vexillum Kuroda, Kuroda & Habe, 1971 Yes Uncertain; not monophyletic in any analysis Kuroda, 1953 1953 Drupella Thiele, 1925 Purpura elata Blainville, 1832 Claremont eta/., 2011a Yes Valid [= cornus Röding, 1798] Ergalatax I redale, Ergalatax recurrens Iredale, Kuroda & Habe, 1971 No (although included Uncertain; not monophyletic in any 1931 1931 [ =Murex pauper E. contracta is analysis. In clade with Cronia and Watson, 1883] possible synonym; ; potential synonym ofCronia Houart, 2008) Habromorula Houart, Purpura biconica Blainville, 1832 Houart, 2004 Yes Not a valid genus; withinMorula clade; 1995 monophyly ofHabromorula not strongly contradicted, so potentially valid

subgenus fromDownloaded Lataxiena lataxiena Houart, 1995b Yes Valid; composition unclear due to Jousseaume, 1883 Jousseaume, 1883 uncertainty surroundingOrania [ = Trophon fimbriata Hinds, 1844] Maculotriton Dali, 1904 Triton bracteata Hinds, 1844 Tröndlé & Houart, 1992 Yes Valid; potential synonym ofCronia [= Buccinum serriale Deshayes, 1834] Morula Schumacher, Morula papillosa Schumacher, Houart, 2004 Yes Valid; definition restricted (cf. Houart, 2002, 1817 1917 [=Drupa uva Röding, 2004) 1798] Iredale, Purpura fenestrata Blainville, Tröndlé & Houart, 1992 Yes Valid; definition restricted (M. fiscella 1918 1832 excluded) Oppomorus Iredale, Morula nodulifera Menke, 1829 Houart, 2004 Yes Valid genus (subgenus of Houart, 2004) 1937 y us o My 8 2014 28, May on guest by Orania Pallary, 1900 Pseudomurex spadae Libassi, Houart, 1995b No Uncertain; type species not included; 1859[=M urex fusulus species previously assigned to Orania Brocchi, 1814] form clades with members of Lataxiena, , Cytharomorula and Pascula. Pascula Dali, 1908 Trophon citricus Dali, 1908 Tröndlé & Houart, 1992 No Uncertain; type species not included; paraphyletic as currently defined Phrygiomurex Dali, Triton sculptilis Reeve, 1844 Tröndlé & Houart, 1992 Yes Valid 1904 Spinidrupa Habe & Murex euracantha A. Adams, Houart, 1995a Yes Uncertain; some species in clade with Kosuge, 1966 1851 Bedevina, which has priority Tenguella Arakawa, Purpura granulata Duelos, 1832 This study Yes Valid; synonymized withMorula by Fujioka 1965 (1985), but shown here to be distinct Woodring, Trachypollia sclera Woodring, Vokes, 1996a No Probably valid, although sampling limited 1928 1928 and type species not included Usilla H. Adams, 1861 Vexilla nigrofusca Pease, 1860 Vokes, 1996b Yes Valid, but type in clade with type of [= Vexilla fusconigra Pease, Lataxiena and some Orania-, retained as 1860 = Purpura avenacea genus because morphologically distinct Lesson, 1842] (following Vokes, 1996b; Houart & Tröndlé, 2008)

See Supplementary material, Table S2 for status of unsampled, excluded and doubtful genera. Valid genera are those confirmed as monophyletic, with type species included. Potential synonymy and other uncertainties should be resolved by further sampling and analysis.

parameters for each gene were set according to the model Phylogenetic analysis (single gene) selected by Mr Model Test and were free to vary among gene All single-gene alignments were analysed using Bayesian infer­ partitions. There were two independent runs of the MCMC ence and the Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Method (MCMC; analysis, each using four chains. Convergence between the in­ MrBayes v. 3.1; Huelsenbeck & Ronquist, 2001). Model dependent MCMC runs was tested by examining the average

21 M. CLAREMONT ETAL. deviations of split frequencies and the potential scale-reduction Genus-level clades factor (PSRF), as well as the traces in Tracer (v. 1.5; Tenguella granulata, T. ceylonica, T. musiva and T. marginalba Drummond & Rambaut, 2007). The MCMC analysis was run formed a well-supported subclade FT within major clade A, for five million generations until the MCMC runs converged. together with an apparently undescribed species Tenguella ( In all cases, we used a sample frequency of 1,000 and a n. sp.; Figs 1-3A; PP=100%). Muricodrupa fenestrata and burn-in of 1,501; other parameters were default values. Clades 'M orula’ anaxares formed a poorly supported clade in the with posterior probability (PP) >95% were considered well two-gene and four-gene analyses (Fig. 1, PP = 93%; Fig. 2, supported, while PP of 90-95% was taken as marginal PP = 85%). A sister relationship between 'M orula’ nodulosa support. Branches in the consensus tree supported by PP and all other species in major clade A was well supported <50% were collapsed. All PSRF values for MrBayes analyses (Figs 1-3A; PP > 98%). were 1.00, while average deviations of split frequencies Within major clade Ba well-supported subclade V consisted converged on zero, indicating that all trees had reached o f Morulauva an d 10 o th erMorula species (Aí. aspera, M . bene­ stationarity. dicta, M . biconica, M . chrysostoma, M . coronida, M . japonica, M . nodicostata, M . spinosa, M . striata a n dM . zebrina', Figs 1-3A; Construction and analysis o f concatenated alignments PP > 99%). 'Morula’ rumphiusi an d 'Morula’ fiscella form ed a well-supported clade in all analyses (Figs 1-3A; PP = 100%). Inspection of individual gene trees did not reveal any well- An unidentified species('M orula’ n. sp.) fell within major clade supported clades (PP > 95%) in conflict. Conflict among B, but its position was not resolved (Figs 1-3A). strongly supported clades (PP > 95%) can be interpreted as Four well-supported subclades W -Z were observed within evidence of genetic incongruence and divergent phylogenetic major clade C (Figs 1, 2 and 3B; PP > 95%; but Z unsupport­ histories, while conflict among weakly supported clades (PP < ed in 12S analysis Fig. 3B). Usilla avenacea, Lataxiena fimbriata, 50%) may be due to stochastic error (Wiens, 1998; Reeder, fromDownloaded 'Orania’ bimucronata, ' 0 . ’ gaskelli an d ' 0 . ’ serotina formed sub­ 2003; Williams & Ozawa, 2006). We therefore created concate­ clade W (Figs 1, 2 and 3B; PP = 100%). Within subclade x nated datasets. As more sequences were available for 28S and , D . eburnea, D. fragum, D . rugosa, D . margariticola 12S than for 16S and COI, we constructed two datasets: a ‘C o n tin e n tar andD . margariticola 'Oceanic' formed a well- four-gene dataset (28S + 12S + 16S + COI) and a two-gene supported clade in the two-gene and four-gene analyses (Figs 1 dataset (28S+12S). The two-gene dataset consisted of 94 and 2; PP > 95%). A sister relationship between this clade sequences, while the four-gene alignment consisted of 59 and one consisting ofErgalatax contracta, 'E .’ junionae, Cronia sequences. amygdala, C. aurantiaca an d was well sup­ Bayesian analysis of the two-gene and four-gene datasets was ported in the four-gene analysis (Fig. 1; PP = 100%). Within performed exactly as above; MCMC analyses of both datasets subclade Y, a clade ofOppomorus nodulifera, 0 . purpureocincta and were run until stationarity was reached at nine million 0. funiculata was well supported in the four-gene analysis generations. (Fig. 1; PP = 100%). Also within subclade Y, a clade consist­ ing o f 'Spinidrupa’ infans, 'S.’ cf. infans, 'Spinidrupa’ sp. and RESULTS Bedevina birileffi was well supported in both the two-gene and four-gene analyses (Figs 1 and 2; PP > 98%), but the position In general, the single-gene analyses were less well resolved o f Spinidrupa euracantha was not resolved within subclade Y than two-gene and four-gene analyses (Figs 1—3), with 28S 2014 28, May on guest by (Fig. 3B). Within subclade Z, a clade consisting of being particularly poorly resolved at the suprageneric level Cytharomorula vexillum, 'C.’ cf. gravi, 'C .’ springsteeni, 'Orania’ orna­ (Supplementary Material, Fig. SI ). We found that the two-gene mentata, '0 . ’ mixta, '0 . ’ pacifica, '0 . ’ fischeriana, '0 . cf. ’ rosea and and the four-gene analyses were most useful for determining the 'T hais’ castanea was well supported in the two-gene and four- relationships among genera (Figs 1 and 2) while, because it had gene analyses (Figs 1 and 2; PP = 100%).'Pascula’ ochrostoma the most available sequences, the 12S analysis was most useful for and 'P .’ muricata formed a clade (Figs 1 and 2; PP = 100%), as determining relationships among species (Fig. 3). For this reason, did 'P.’ darrosensis a n d 'P .’ submissa (Figs 2 and 3B; PP = we will not discuss the single-gene trees other than 12S in detail; 100% ). 'Morula’ parva was sister to all the other members of none of the remaining single-gene trees have any well-supported subclade Z in the two-gene and four-gene analyses (Figs 1 and branches in conflict with the trees discussed (Supplementary 2; PP > 95%). The position of 'Cytharomorula’ paucimaculata in Material Fig. SI ). subclade Z was unresolved (Fig. 3B). The positions of Phrygiomurex sculptilis an d 'M orula’ echinata (only 12S sequence Suprageneric relationships available for the latter) within major clade C were not resolved (Figs 1, 2 and 3B). Three well-supported suprageneric clades were found (Figs 1 and 2; Clades A—C; PP=100% ), with a single lineage (Trachypollia lugubris) in an ambiguous position (Figs 1 — 3). Species-level relationships Relationships among the major clades were not well supported in most trees, although B and C formed a clade in the all-gene This study was not designed to test species boundaries or to tree (Fig. 1; PP = 98%). resolve relationships between species comprehensively. Within clade A, we recovered species that have been previous­ Nevertheless, some results suggest the need for further investi­ ly assigned to the generaMorula stricto, Muricodrupa and gation. We found evidence indicating two possible new species Tenguella (Figs 1 and 2; PP = 100%). Included in clade B were (Tenguella n. sp. and 'M orula’ n. sp.; Figs 1-3; and species that have been previously assigned to Morula s. s., Supplementary material, Fig. SI). Small genetic distances are Muricodrupa, Morula (Habromorula) an d Cytharomorula (Figs 1-3; suggestive of possible synonymy of species; for example, there PP = 100%). Within clade C fell species that have previously was < 1 % divergence among COI sequences for the pair been assigned toOrania, Cronia s. s., Cronia (U silla), Lataxiena, and M . aspera, and similarly for the pair Cronia Drupella, Ergalatax, Maculotriton, Bedevina, Spinidrupa, Morula s. s.,amygdala a n d C. aurantiaca. In two cases, morphospecies Morula (Oppomorus), Pascula, Cytharomorula an d Phrygiomurex were not monophyletic ('Cytharomorula’ cf. grayi an d 'Pascula (Figs 1-3; PP > 95%). ochrostoma’; Figs 2 and 3B).


Concholepas concholepas - Dicathais orbita Rapana bezoar Thais nodosa Thalessa aculeata Mancinella intermedia

Trachypollia lugubris (Costa Rica) io o l Trachypollia lugubris (Panam a) 'Morula'nodulosa (Costa Rica) — 'Morula'anaxares (Mozambique) r Muricodrupa fenestrata (Mozambique) T Muricodrupa fenestrata (New Caledonia) Tenguella musiva (M alaysia) Tenguella granulata (New Caledonia) - Tenguella n. sp. (Guam) Tenguella ceylonica (M alaysia) Tenguella marginalba (Australia) 'Muricodrupa' fiscella (New Caledonia) r 'Morula rumphiusi (Japan) 1— 'Morula' rumphiusi (M alaysia) 'Morula' n. sp. (Philippines/8828) Morula coronata (Mozambique) Morula japonica (Japan) Morula nodicostata (G uam )

Morula spinosa (Japan/0148) fromDownloaded lo o 1 Morula spinosa (Japan/0351) 98l r Morula striata (Japan/YK) 100 Morula striata (Japan/0346) M orula uva (Guam/0775) Tööjr Morula uva (Japan) 8 4 Morula aspera (Egypt) 82 M orula uva (G u a m /0 8 3 1 )

Phrygiomurex sculptilis (V anuatu) 'Orania' bimucronata (M alaysia) r Usilla avenacea (Hawaii) Usilla avenacea (Japan) Lataxiena fim briata (Australia) ‘Orania'gaskelli (Vanuatu) ‘Orania'serotina (Philippines) - (Japan) Drupella cornus (New Caledonia) Drupella margariticola 'Continental' (Hong Kong) — Drupella margariticola 'Oceanic' (Mozambique) — (Hong Kong) 'Ergalatax'contracta (Japan)

100 'Ergalatax'contracta (Malaysia) 2014 28, May on guest by t Ergalatax'junionae (UAE) ïoo~ 'Ergalatax'junionae (Kuwait) Maculotriton serriale (Japan) f Cronia amygdala Australia)( 1 Cronia aurantiaca (Australia) 'Spinidrupa ' infans ( Ma da g a sca r) Bedevina birileffi (Japan) 'Spinidrupa'cf infans (Mozambique) — Spinidrupa sp. (Mozambique) Oppomorus nodulifera (A ustralia/! 257) t Oppomorus purpureocincta (Japan) looi Oppomorus purpureocincta (M alaysia) r Oppomorus funiculata (Japan/0140) Oppomorus funiculata (Japan/0355) 93 Oppomorus funiculata (Japan/0340) 'Morula'parva (Philippines) - ‘Pascula’ submissa (Mozambique/5440) 'Pascula'ochrostoma (Philippines) 'Pascula' muricata (Mozambique/0950) — 'Cytharomorula'springsteeni (Philippines) 'Cytharomorula' cf grayi {New Caledonia/8225) Cytharomorula vexillum (New Caledonia/8174) loo1— 'Orania'ornamentata (Mozambique) 1QÛ1— 'Orania'fischeriana (Madagascar) I ’ Thais'castanea (South Africa) 'Orania'pacifica (Philippines) 28S rRNA + 12S rRNA + 16S rRNA + COI 'Orania mixta (Philippines/8201) 0.05 substitutions/site

F igure 1. Bayesian phylogeny of the Ergalataxinae and rapanine outgroups, based on the four-gene analysis of 28S rRNA, 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochromec oxidase subunit I (GOI) sequences. Posterior probabilities >50 are shown at the nodes. Generic assignments are based on our revised classification (Table 1); uncertain assignments are indicated by single quotation marks. Type species of valid genera are indicated in bold. Locality is shown in parentheses after species name; when more than one sample of a species is from a given location, the last four digits of the voucher numbers are given (see Supplementary material Table SI). Major clades are indicated by letters A—C and subclades by U —Z.


r Trachypollia lugubris (Costa Rica) i1 Trachypollia lugubris (Panama) arula' nodulosa (Costa Rica) 'Morula'anaxares (Mozambique) r Muricodrupa fenestrata (Mozambique) L Muricodrupa fenestrata (New Caledonia) Tenguella ceylonica (Malaysia) Tenguella marginalba (Australia) ( Tenguella musiva (Malaysia) J

F igu re 2. Bayesian phylogeny of the Ergalataxinae, based on the two-gene analysis of 28S and 12S rRNA. Rapanine outgroups not shown. Conventions as in Figure 1.


j Trachypollia lugubris (Costa Rica) L Trachypollia lugubris (Panama) r 'Morula' nodulosa (Costa Rica) 1001ÍL 'Morula' nodulosa (Senegal) ¡- 'Morula'anaxares (Mozambique) 1001 'Morula'anaxares (Vanuatu) Muricodrupa fenestrata (Mozambique) 1 oo1 Muricodrupa fenestrata (New Caledonia) 98 — Tenguella ceylonica (Malaysia) 56 — Tenguella marginalba (Australia) Tenguella musiva (Malaysia) 100 r Tenguella n. sp. (Vanuatu) 100 Tenguella n. sp. (Guam) 841 i Tenguella granulata (Seychelles) 58 9 9 |j Tenguella granulata (Mozambique) 9 ? Tenguella granulata (New Caledonia) r 'Morula' rumphiusi (Japan) 1001— 'Morula' rumphiusi (Malaysia) 100 — 'Muricodrupa' fiscella (Philippines) 100 'Muricodrupa' fiscella (Australia) 'Muricodrupa' fiscella (New Caledonia) B ______r 'Morula' n. sp. (Philippines/8828) 100 ’Sol 'Morula'n. sp. (Philippines/8827)

— Morula nodicosta (Guam) fromDownloaded ______Morula benedicta (Hawaii) Morula chrystosoma (UAE) 67 — Morula coronata (Mozambique) \ Morula spinosa (Japan/0148) 100 Morula spinosa (Japan/0351 ) 100 L Morula spinosa (Vanuatu)

99 100 r Morula striata (Japan/YK) Morula striata (Japan/0346) 100 Morula biconica (Philippines) L Morula zebrina (Moorea) Morula japonica (Japan) Morula uva (Guam/0780) 65 Morula aspera (Egypt) 91 Morula uva (Mozambique) Morula uva (Guam/0762) 64 Morula uva (Guam/0775) Morula uva (Japan) Morula uva Guam( /0821) y us o My 8 2014 28, May on guest by Morula uva (Guam/0831 )

96 < major clade C 12S rRNA — 0.05 substitutions/site

F igure 3. Bayesian phylogeny of the Ergalataxinae, based on single-gene analysis of 12S rRNA. Rapanine outgroups not shown. Conventions as in Figure 1. A. Major clades A and B, with subclades U and B.V. Major clade C, with subclades W and Z. Note that subclade Z includesMorula? ‘ parva in Figures 1 and 2.

DISCUSSION remain subjective. When making such decisions, we have pre­ Phylogenetic relationships and classification o f the ergalataxine served current usage (based on morphological definitions of genera) where possible. We emphasize that our study provides genera only an initial framework which should be refined and tested Our results indicate polyphyly in nearly all the ergalataxine by further molecular and morphological analyses and conse­ genera, as hitherto defined by morphological characters. For quently we name no new genera at this stage. example, species previously assigned to Morula are found in T h e genus Trachypollia is here represented by only one of its each of the three major clades, while species of Orania are four currently recognized members, all of which occur in the found in each subclade within major clade C. Here, we use a eastern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (EPA) (Figs 1-3, Table 1; molecular dataset to construct a new phylogenetic classification Vokes, 1996a; Houart, 1997). Further species, including the that reflects evolutionary relationships rather than superficial type, should be investigated with molecular techniques, not similarities in shell morphology. A phylogenetic classification only to test the monophyly of the genus, but also to resolve its requires that genera are clades that contain their designated position within the Ergalataxinae. If the included species type species, but some decisions about naming and ranking T. lugubris is representative of the genus, it is clear that the


B Lataxiena fimbriata (Australia) W 62 i— 'Orania'gaskelli (Vanuatu) 100 — 'Orania'bimucronata (Malaysia) 'Orania'serotina (Philippines) 57L r Usilla avenacea (Hawaii) 100ÖL Usilla avenacea (Japan) 'Morula'parva (Philippines) Phrygiomurex sculptilis (Vanuatu) 'Morula'echinata (Vanuatu) Drupella rugosa (Hong Kong) — Drupella eburnea (Japan) 100 — Drupella cornus (New Caledonia) Drupella margariticola 'Continental' (Hong Kong) 96 72 — Drupella margariticola 'Oceanic' (Mozambique) Drupella fragum (Japan) 79 i ‘Ergalatax’junionae (UAE) 'ööl‘Ergalatax’junionae (Kuwait) 5 6 ' 74r 'Ergalatax'contracta (Japan) 99 ^ 'Ergalatax'contracta (Malaysia) Cronia amygdala (Australia) 82 1001 Cronia aurantiaca (Australia) loo r Maculotriton serriale (Mozambique) i oor Maculotriton serriale (Japan) 53 Maculotriton serriale (Philippines) fromDownloaded Spinidrupa euracantha (Mozambique) 52 Bedevina birileffi (Japan) 'Spinidrupa' cf infans (Mozambique) 70 'Spinidrupa'sp. (Mozambique) 'Spinidrupa'infans (Madagascar) ngi- Oppomorus purpureocincta (Guam) Lj Oppomorus purpureocincta (Japan) 85* Oppomorus purpureocincta (Malaysia) Oppomorus nodulifera (Australia/1257) 89 100 Oppomorus nodulifera (Australia/03918.1 ) Oppomorus nodulifera (Australia/03918.2) 72 p Oppomorus funiculata (Japan/0140) 100! Oppomorus funiculata (Japan/0355) Oppomorus funiculata (Japan/0340) 'Pascula' darrosensis (Philippines) tool r 'Pascula'submissa (Mozambique/5440) z) lOOL 'Pascula'submissa (Mozambique/5609)

loo i— 'Cytharomorula'cf grayii New Caledonia/8225) 2014 28, May on guest by H i— ‘Orania'ornamentata (Mozambique) 5 5 ' iooL Cytharomorula vexillum (New Caledonia/8174) 98* Cytharomorula vexillum (New Caledonia/8203) i— 'Cytharomorula' cf grayi(New Caledonia/8205) Töo' 'Cytharomorula' springsteeni (Philippines) 5 6 ' r 'Cytharomorula'paucimaculata (Philippines/8202) Too*- 'Cytharomorula'paucimaculata (Philippines/8204) r 'Orania'mixta (Philippines/8708) 0n 'Orania' mixta (Soloman Islands) 74l ‘Orania’mixta (Philippines/8209) 'Orania'mixta (Philippines/8201) i— ‘Orania' fischeriana (Madagascar) q Thais'castanea (South Africa) 7 0 ' 75' 'Orania'pacifica (Australia) 97 'Orania'pacifica (Philippines) 'Orania rosea' (Philippines) — 'Pascula'ochrostoma (Japan) i oor 'Pascula'muricata (Mozambique/0435) 89 89 'Pascula'muricata (Mozambique/0950) 'Pascula'ochrostoma (Tahiti) 12S rRNA S'Pascula'ochrostoma (Guam) — 0.05 substitutions/site 'Pascula'ochrostoma (Philippines) F igu re 3. Continued

A tlantic 'M orula’ nodulosa must be excluded front the genus, in Tenguella all species in subclade LT (Figs 1—3A). Tenguella has agreement with Vokes ( 1996a). previously been synonyntized withMorula (Fujioka, 1985) and Within major clade A, we propose that three or four genera its species have not previously been recognized as a morpho­ can be recognized:Tenguella, Muricodrupa and one or two unde­ logically distinctive group. Included in this group is an uniden­ scribed genera. Subclade LT (Figs 1—3A) contains the type tified species (Tenguella n. sp. in Figs 1—3A); this has been species of Tenguella, T. granulata, and we therefore assign to illustrated as 'Azumamorula spf (Dharnta, 2005) and as 'Morula

26 MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY OF ERGALATAXINAE mutica’ (Wilson, 1994). The shell shows some similarities to Subclade Y (Figs 1—3B) also contains morphologically M . mutica, w hich is the type species o f Azumamorula, and it is diverse species. In the all-gene analysis (Fig. 1), the type therefore possible that this genus may prove to be a synonym species of Oppomorus, O. nodulifera, forms a well-supported clade o f Tenguella (Table 1). The other species in clade A are mor­ w ith O. funiculata and O. purpureocincta and we therefore propose phologically dissimilar to species of Tenguella. We recommend th a t Oppomorus should be accorded full generic rank (hitherto a th a t Muricodrupa be retained for its type species, M . fenestrata. subgenus of Morula, e.g. Houart, 2004). Of the remaining taxa In the all-gene analysis (Fig. 1),'M orula’ anaxares forms a mar­ in subclade Y, three species previously assigned toSpinidrupa ginally significant clade withM . fenestrata, w hich is not c o n tra ­ form a clade ('S.’ infans, 'S.’ cf. infans an d 'S.’ sp.), but their re­ dicted in other analyses. LTnworn shells of both species show lationship with the type species, .S’, euracantha, is unresolved in similar sculpture and, if future studies confirm their sister rela­ the only analysis in which the latter was included (Fig. 3B). tionship, 'M orula’ anaxares may be transferred toMuricodrupa. A Furthermore, in the all-gene analysis the'Spinidrupa’ clade also new genus is required for'M orula’ nodulosa, the sole representa­ includes Bedevina birileffi, the type species of Bedevina, which has tive of clade A in the Atlantic, well supported as sister to the priority. Pending the inclusion of additional species, we conser­ remaining Indo-West Pacific (IWP) members (Figs 1—3A). vatively recommend the retention of both Spinidrupa an d The pattern of one or more EPA lineages sister to a more Bedevina. diverse IWP clade is common in tropical gastropod groups Subclade Z (Figs 1—3B) contains species ofPascula, Orania (e.g. Williams & Reid, 2004; Claremontet ed., in press). a n dCytharomorula, but includes the type species of only the last Eleven species that are commonly assigned toMorula form a of these. Based on the included species, all three genera, as cur­ monophyletic group within major clade B. Since this includes rently defined, are polyphyletic. It may be that the entire M . uva, the type species of Morula, we propose that the generic clade should be assigned to one genus. Of these three generic name should be restricted to this subclade (Figs 1-3A: subclade nam es, Orania has priority (Table 1), but its members also

V). This clade also containsM . biconica, the type species of appear in clade W and the type species was not included. fromDownloaded Habromorula, but species previously assigned to this group [as a Pending a more complete analysis, including the relevant type subgenus of Morula'. M . (H .) biconica, M . (H .) coronata, M . (H .) species, we have conservatively retained all species in the japonica, M. (H.) spinosa, M . (H.) striata; Houart, 2004] do not genera to which they have been previously assigned. Also form a clade in any analysis (Figs 1 —3A). However, monophyly included here is the enigmatic South African species'T hais’ of this morphologically distinctive group is not strongly contra­ castanea', clearly, this is not a member of the rapanine genus dicted, so that further sampling and analysis could yet support Thais, but its appropriate generic assignment remains to be Habromorula as a monophyletic subgenus of Morula. Because determined. A temporary placement inOrania is suggested. In they are morphologically dissimilar to species of Morula s. s., the two-gene and four-gene analyses (Figs 1 and 2),'M orula’ other species in clade B ('M orula’ rumphiusi a n d'Morula’ fiscella) parva is sister to all other members of subclade Z, suggesting should be assigned to a new genus. The placement of an uniden­ that a new genus may be required for this species. tified species ('M orula’ n. sp.) is not certain. Major clade C is the largest and most morphologically Fossil record and age o f the Ergalataxinae disparate of the ergalataxine subgroups and our sampling includes the type species of 10 described genera. Most of these Owing to similarity and convergence of shell form among erga­ are poorly defined morphologically and some(Phrygiomurex, lataxine and rapaninemuricids and lack of unambiguous syn-

Usilla, Maculotriton, Bedevina) may be monotypic. The affinities apomorphies for many clades (Vermeij & Carlson, 2000), 2014 28, May on guest by o f Phrygiomurex sculptilis an d'M orula’ echinata are not resolved. unequivocal identification of fossils can be problematic. Species in subclade W (Figs 1—3B) are morphologically het­ Vermeij & Carlson (2000) gave the earliest occurrences of erogeneous, including both the smooth-shelledUsilla an d several ergalataxine genera as Late Miocene, while Landau, foliose Lataxiena, together with some Orania species. The genus Houart & Da Silva (2007) reported that the group appeared Orania is strongly polyphyletic in our analyses, with members in the Atlantic in the Early Miocene. The oldest certain erga­ in subclades W and Z (Figs 1 —3B). Since the type species of lataxine known to us is a specimen of'Taurasia’ sacyi C ossm ann Orania (O. fusulus from the Mediterranean; Table 1) was not & Peyrot, 1923 from the Early Oligocene (Gaas, Espibos, included, it is impossible to determine to which of the three to France; Rupelian stage, 28.4-33.9 Ma; Collection of five clades of 'Orania’ the name should be applied. Clearly a R. Houart). This fossil resembles Recent species of Pascula, revision of the genus is necessary. Meanwhile, in view of the Ergalatax an d Cytharomorula, implying a minimum age for morphological disparity in this group, we suggest that Orania, major clade C. This, however, is insufficient for a reliable time Usilla an d Lataxiena should be retained according to their calibration of our phylogeny. Palaeontological evidence sug­ accustomed usage. gests a Cretaceous origin for the Muricidae as a whole W ithin subclade X (Figs 1 —3B) the genus-level classification (Vermeij, 1996). Some recent molecular studies have o f Drupella has been investigated in detail elsewhere attempted to estimate ages of ergalataxine clades, giving (Claremont et al., 2011a). The genus is well supported (Figs 1 figures of 5 Ma for Drupella (Claremont et al., 2011a) an d 82 and 2 ), consisting ofD . cornus, D . fragum, D . eburnea, D . rugosa Ma for the separation of the Ergalataxinae and Rapaninae and two cryptic species ofD. margariticola sensu lato (D. margari­ (Claremont et al., in press). Detailed study of ergalataxine ticola 'Oceanic' and D . margariticola 'C o n tin e n ta l’). O th e r fossils is required before these estimates can be refined. species in subclade X form a well-supported clade in the all-gene analysis (Fig. 1), including the type species ofCronia CONCLUSIONS a n d Maculotriton. The type species of Ergalatax, E. pauper, was not sampled, but the includedE. contracta is p ro b ab ly close to Although this framework represents the most complete phyl­ it and has been considered synonymous (Houart, 2008). Of ogeny of the Ergalataxinae yet constructed, much work remains these three generic names, Cronia has priority (Table 1). to be done to achieve a robust phylogenetic classification of this A lth o u g h Ergalatax is not monophyletic in any analysis taxonomically difficult subfamily. We have clarified the classifi­ (Figs 1—3B), our sampling of this genus was limited. cation o f 'M orula’ s. L, defining as distinct clades the genera Therefore, we conservatively suggest that all three genera are Morula s. s., Tenguella an d Oppomorus, and have confirmed the retained until relationships among them can be more thor­ validity of Muricodrupa, Phrygiomurex an d Drupella. The defin­ oughly investigated with increased species-level sampling. ition and validity of several traditional genera, including


Orania, Pascula, Cytharomorula, Cronia, Ergalatax, Maculotriton, CLAREMONT, M., REID, D.G. & WILLIAMS, S.T. 2008. A Usilla, Lataxiena, Spinidrupa a n dBedevina remain to be confirmed molecular phylogeny of the Rapaninae and Ergalataxinae (see summary in Table 1). At least three new genera (for (Neogastropoda: Muricidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 74: 'M orula’ nodulosa', for 'A í.’ fiscella an d'AÍ.’ rumphiusi; and for'AÍ.’ 2 1 5 -2 2 1 . parva) appear to be required. Several living genera that have CLAREMONT, M., REID, D.G. & WILLIAMS, S.T. 2011a. been included in Ergalataxinae by some authors were not avail­ Evolution of corallivory in the gastropod genusDrupella. Cored Reefs, 30: 9 7 7 -9 9 0 . able for inclusion in our analyses and their placement should be tested by molecular analysis (Azumamorula, Daphnellopsis, CLAREMONT, M., VERMEIJ, G.J., WILLIAMS, S.T. & REID, Lindapterys, Uttleya; Supplementary material: Table S2). D.G. (in press). Global phylogeny and new classification of the Rapaninae (: Muricidae), dominant molluscan predators in the tropical rocky intertidal.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL CLAREMONT, M., WILLIAMS, S.T,, BARRACLOUGH, T.G. & Supplementary material is available at Journal of Molluscan REID, D.G. 2011b. The geographic scale of spéciation in a marine Studies online. snail with high dispersal potential. Journal oj Biogeography, 38: 1 0 1 6 -1 0 3 2 . DHARMA, B. 2005. Recent and jossil Indonesian shells. Conch Books, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Hackenheim. DRUMMOND, A.J. & RAMBAUT, A. 2007. BEAST: Bayesian We are very grateful for the assistance and loans provided by evolutionary analysis by sampling trees. BM C Evolutionary Biology, the staff of museums and research institutions, especially 7: 214. P. Bouchet, V. Eléros, B. Buge and N. Puillandre of Museum FOLMER, O,, BLACK, M„ HOEH, W„ LUTZ, R. & Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); G. Paulay, J. VRIJENHOEK, R. 1994. DNA primers for amplification of fromDownloaded Slapcinsky and M. Bemis of the Florida Museum of Natural mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I from diverse Elistory: E. Naranjo of the LTniversidad Nacional Autónoma de metazoan invertebrates. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 3: México: J.E. Michel-Morfin and V. Landa-Jaime of 2 9 4 -2 9 9 . LTniversidad de Guadalajara; Y. Camacho of the LTniversity of FUJIOKA, Y. 1985. Systematic evaluation of radular characters in Costa Rica; S. Slack-Smith and C. Whisson of the Western Thaidinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Journal oj Science oj the

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