Mcas Cherry Point Area

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Mcas Cherry Point Area Celebrating 100 Years of Marine Aviation Vol. 69, No. 43 October 27, 2011 MCIEAST commanding general shares outlook on command’s future NAT FAHY MCIEAST PUBLIC AFFAIRS DEPUTY DIRECTOR MARINE CORPS INSTALLA- TIONS EAST HEADQUARTERS, Camp Lejeune, NC. — For a man in charge of the seven Marine Corps instal- lations that make up MCIEAST during a critical time in which defense spend- ing is being dramatically cut, helmsman Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Gorry remains surprisingly calm and confi dent. “The command’s in great shape,” he said during a recent interview in his of- fi ce. Indeed, wedged between his atten- dances at a battery of conferences de- signed to help better equip him to lead Cherry Point HQ building MCIEAST over the next three years, was dedicated to Marine Gorry has already visited nearly every aviator Gen. Christian F. base and station to get a fi rsthand look Schilt, shown left. OFFICIAL USMC PHOTO at some of the challenges facing this re- LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI gion. Alice C. Magee, daughter of Gen. Christian F. Schilt, delivers the keynote address during the ceremony that officially dedicated the “We are well positioned to support headquarters building to her father. Magee said that it was an honor for Schilt and the entire family. the many tenants on the bases,” he said. “The staffs have done a remarkable job and we’re well attuned to the issues that HQ building honors innovative Marine aviator confront us. Everyone is fully engaged in supporting tenant agencies and forces LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI diately after the fi re. The designs called for a building that to the utmost.” That said, the general MCAS CHERRY POINT would be both aesthetic and functional in design. With the re- made it clear there will be belt-tight- Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point and its tenant com- cent collapse of the housing market, construction companies ening across the board and each of the mands held a ceremony to offi cially name the combined head- competed vigorously for the rights to the contract. As a result, installations will play a critical role in quarters building on the command parade deck Friday. the company that won promised a cost of $14 million, half of adjusting to the new reality. The new headquarters building, completed in March, is the what it previously was projected to cost. “Are there challenges? Absolutely. most prominent building on the air station. The name chosen Schilt’s daughter, Alice Magee, delivered the keynote ad- We’re facing cutbacks and a (2-year) for the building is a dedication to the memory of Gen. Chris- dress and spoke about what kind of a Marine her father was. civilian hiring freeze,” he remarked. tian F. Schilt, a Marine aviator with ties to the Cherry Point Magee said if she had to use one word to describe him, she “We’re going to have to take a hard look community. Schilt’s family attended the ceremony. would say, “honorable”. Schilt was always there for his Ma- at our priorities and look for effi cien- The old headquarters building was destroyed in a fi re Sept. rines and his family. cies where we can fi nd them.” All this 8, 2007. Construction of the new building began July 2009 Schilt was awarded the Medal of Honor for performing the as MCIEAST fi nds itself under the new and was completed March 2011. fi rst casualty evacuation in aviation history according to Brie management of Marine Corps Installa- “As the senior representative for Naval Facilities Engineer- Lehew, the Cherry Point historian. When Magee lost her hus- tions Command which activated Oct. 1 ing Command at Cherry Point, I can’t help but feel like a band, another aviator, her father was there for her. under the direction of Maj Gen. James proud father announcing the arrival of a new 80,000 square- “Thank you for being here today,” Magee said to the nearly Kessler, former commanding general of foot-child,” said Navy Cmdr. Kevin K. Juntunen, resident of- 300 people in attendance. “I can’t tell you how much it means Logistics Command. fi cer in charge of construction. “We hope the facility that we to us all to see you here at the dedication at this astonishing According to Marine Administrative have given to you is worthy of the name, Gen. Schilt and all state-of-the-art building, headquarters of the Marine Corps that he did for the Corps and our country.” Air Station and 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, and to think it will See MCIEAST page A9 Funding was allotted for new construction almost imme- bear my father’s name, Christian F. Schilt.” A giant of Marine aviation Boots and Booties Baby Shower LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI Delgada, Azores. The company patrolled MCAS CHERRY POINT the seas for German U-Boats and was the The new headquarters building stands as fi rst American aviation unit to serve over- a permanent reminder to all Marines of the seas. The young Schilt, impressed by the example set by the Marine Aviator, Gen. aircraft, entered fl ight training when he re- Christian F. Schilt, for whom the building turned to the United States and earned his is now named. He was a pioneer in Marine wings in 1919. Aviation who helped lay the foundation for According to Lehew, between the World modern Marine aviation through sheer fl y- Wars, the Banana Wars were raging and ing skill and intimate knowledge of aircraft Schilt was sent to provide air support for capabilities. Marines fi ghting in Caribbean and Central “General Davis, the commanding gen- American countries. Here, he helped de- eral of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, and I velop dive bombing techniques, performed got together and decided to nominate Gen. the fi rst ever casualty evacuation and was LANCE CPL. CORY D. POLOM Schilt for this building,” said Col. Philip J. awarded the Medal of Honor. Mothers from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, Marine Corps Base Camp Zimmerman, commanding offi cer of Ma- Lejeune and MCAS New River were treated to a “Boots and Booties Baby rine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. See SCHILT page A11 Shower” presented by Operation Homefront at Hancock Lodge aboard Cherry Zimmerman also mentioned Brie Lehew, Point Oct. 18. Cherry Point historian, was instrumental “This event is for the families of the E-1 through E-6 community of all branches in the decision to name the building after of government,” said Laura L. Kline, the Navy and Marine liaison with Opera- Schilt. tion Homefront. “We have been giving this group of military families help with “Not only because of his tremendous fi nances and morale workshops since September 11, 2001.” The families re- contributions to Marine Aviation, but also ceived gifts consisting of strollers, highchairs, baby bags and diapers said because of his development of aviation in Kline. support of ground forces. Those same strat- “These gifts are great ways to help out our junior Marines and their families,” egies and concepts are being used today in said Carol E. Davis, the wife of Maj. Gen. Jon M. Davis, the commanding general Afghanistan by II Marine Expeditionary of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. “It is a wonderful event that helps support our up- Force and 2nd MAW.” tempo schedules.” All applicants had or will have a baby between April 17, 2011 Schilt enlisted in the Marine Corps dur- and April 17, 2012. ing World War I and was assigned to the 1st Marine Aeronautical Company at Ponta OFFICIAL USMC PHOTO Lend Lease and AMCC begin participation in Obama’s better buildings challenge “Greening” 65.3 million sq ft of real estate means more jobs SPECIAL TO THE WINDSOCK Better Buildings Challenge, an energy-ef- Housing Privatization Initiative (MHPI) throughout the U.S. MCAS CHERRY POINT fi ciency program developed to create jobs, portfolio consisting of approximately 40,000 “Lend Lease has long been a supporter of Beaufort, SC — Lend Lease, a global prop- save money and reduce our country’s depen- homes, 800 historic structures, 19 offi ces, green building practices and we are proud erty and infrastructure group with expertise dence on foreign oil. As part of the partner- and 19 community centers, encompassing to join forces with the White House, the in sustainable building initiatives, recently ship, Lend Lease has set a target to reduce more than 65.3 million square feet of real Department of Energy and the Department offi cially began its partnership with the U.S. energy consumption by at least 20 percent estate nationwide. The partnership will help Department of Energy in President Obama’s within the next fi ve years for its Military create dozens of jobs at military installations See AMCC page A9 What’s Inside Chaplain’s Corner A2 Wounded Warriors B1 Trick or treat hours in the housing areas Fly-By A2 Movie Reviews B2 will be from 6-9 p.m. on Halloween night, Follow MCAS Cherry Point and 2nd MAW on Facebook Chef of the Year A6 The Local Buzz B3 Mon., which will coincide with the trick- With your smartphone http://www.facebook. or-treating schedule in Havelock. download a QR code reader com/MCASCherryPoint and scan the code. A2 October 27, 2011 The Windsock Celebrating 100 years of Marine Corps aviation If you’re retired, you’re fi red CMDR. CARL P. KOCH MCAS CHERRY POINT I’ve been thinking about retirement lately. For one reason, most of my congregation is retired at least once, some twice.
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