Program of the Sessions, Chattanooga, Volume 48, Number 10
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Program of the Sessions Chattanooga, Tennessee, October 5–6, 2001 Special Session on New Directions in Combinatorics Friday, October 5 and Graph Theory, I Meeting Registration 8:00 AM –10:50AM Ocoee Room (#204), University Center 7:30 AM –4:30PM Rooms 153 and 155, Metro Complex Organizers: Teresa Haynes, East Tennessee State University AMS Book Sale and Exhibit Debra J. Knisley, East Tennessee State University 7:30 AM –4:30PM Rooms 153 and 155, Metro Complex 8:10AM Channel assignments with distance conditions. (7) Preliminary report. Special Session on Commutative Ring Theory, I Jerrold R Griggs, University of South Carolina (970-05-48) 8:00 AM –10:50AM SequoyahRoom (#203), University Center 8:10AM Distance in graphs: Reflecting on the past reviewing (8) the present. Organizers: David F. Anderson,Universityof Gary Chartrand, Western Michigan University Tennessee, Knoxville (970-05-164) David E. Dobbs,Universityof 9:30AM Colored and chromatic distance. Tennessee, Knoxville (9) Peter J. Slater, University of Alabama in Huntsville 8:00AM Singulars and Specker Domains: Preliminary (970-05-218) (1) Report. Preliminary report. 10:00AM List-multicoloring problems with different kinds of Warren Wm McGovern, Bowling Green State (10) lists. Preliminary report. University (970-13-148) Peter D. Johnson, Jr., Auburn University 8:30AM On decomposing ideals into products of comaximal (970-05-55) (2) ideals. 10:30AM Graphs with small upper line-distinguishing and James W Brewer*, Florida Atlantic University, and (11) upper harmonious chromatic numbers. Preliminary William Heinzer, Purdue University (970-13-35) report. 9:00AM Boolean algebras and von Neumann regular rings. Johannes H Hattingh*, Georgia State University, (3) David F Anderson, University of Tennessee, Ron Michael A Henning, University of Natal, Levy,GeorgeMasonUniverity,andJay Shapiro*, Pietermaritzburg, and Elna Ungerer,Rand George Mason University (970-13-74) Afrikaans University (970-05-87) 9:30AM An Ideal-Based Zero-Divisor Graph. (4) Shane P Redmond, Southeastern Louisiana U. (970-13-64) Special Session on Real Analysis, I 10:00AM 1-split rings. Preliminary report. (5) Gabriel Picavet, University of Clermont II, France 8:00 AM –10:50AM Fort Wood Room (970-13-33) (#206), University Center 10:30AM Rings whose elements are a sum of a unit and an (6) idempotent. Organizers: Paul D. Humke, Saint Olaf College D. D. Anderson*andV. P. Camillo,TheUniversity Harry I. Miller,Universityof of Iowa (970-13-31) Tennessee, Chattanooga The time limit for each contributed paper in the sessions is ten minutes. found in Volume 22, Issue 3 of Abstracts of papers presented to the In the Special Sessions the time limit varies from session to session and American Mathematical Society, ordered according to the numbers in within sessions. To maintain the schedule, time limits will be strictly parentheses following the listings. The middle two digits, e.g., 897-20- enforced. 1136, refer to the Mathematical Reviews subject classification assigned For papers with more than one author, an asterisk follows the name of by the individual author. Groups of papers for each subject are listed the author who plans to present the paper at the meeting. chronologically in the Abstracts. The last one to four digits, e.g., 897-20- Papers flagged witha solid triangle ( ) have been designated by the 1136, refer to the receipt number of the abstract; abstracts are further author as being of possible interest to undergraduate students. sorted by the receipt number within each classification. Abstractsofpaperspresentedin the sessions at this meeting will be Appendix–2 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 48, NUMBER 10 Chattanooga, TN, Friday, October 5 – Program of the Sessions Clifford E. Weil, Michigan State 9:00AM Oscillation Theory for Dynamic Equations. University (24) Preliminary report. 8:30AM Application of covering sets. Preliminary report. Lynn H. Erbe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (12) Kandasamy Muthuvel,Universityof (970-39-138) Wisconsin-Oshkosh (970-26-77) 9:30AM On Global Stability in a Nonautonomous Genotype 9:00AM On the visibility of invisible sets. (25) Selection Model. (13) Marianna Csornyei, University College London Chuanxi Qian, Mississippi State University (970-28-194) (970-39-219) 9:30AM Uncountable level sets of Lipschitz functions and 10:00AM Existence of Solutions for Integral Inclusions. (14) analytic sets. (26) Mouffak Benchohra, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Emma D’Aniello, Seconda Universita’ degli Studi di Johnny Henderson*, Auburn University, and Sotiris Napoli (970-26-59) K. Ntouyas, University of Ioannina (970-34-30) 10:30AM Eventual Right Disfocality on Time Scales. 10:00AM Exceptional sets for polygonally approximable (15) functions. (27) Kathleen Fick, Avila College, Johnny Henderson, Paul D Humke*, St.Olaf College, and Michael J Auburn University, and William Yin*, LaGrange Evans, Washington and Lee University (970-26-143) College (970-34-29) 10:30AM Minimality of restrictions of compact minimal Special Session on Applications of Partial Differential (16) abelian flows in terms of eigenvalues. Equations in Geometric Analysis, I Alica Miller, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (970-37-213) 8:30 AM –10:50AM Room 207, Metro Complex Organizers: Bo Guan, University of Tennessee, Special Session on Numerical Methods for PDEs, I Knoxville Changyou Wang,Universityof 8:00 AM –10:50AM Room 204, Metro Complex Kentucky 8:30AM Polyhedra with Area-Constrained Skeleta. Organizers: Susanne C. Brenner,Universityof (28) Preliminary report. South Carolina Scott B Berger and Robert M Hardt*, Rice Craig C. Douglas,Universityof University (970-49-227) Kentucky 9:00AM Spectral and Scattering Theory for the 8:00AM Efficient Gridding for Numerical Solution of PDE (29) Sub-Laplacian on the Heisenberg Group. Preliminary (17) Systems Defined on Arbitrarily-Shaped Domains. report. Preliminary report. Peter A Perry, University of Kentucky (970-35-175) Eric S Carlson*, University of Alabama, and 9:30AM The normalized mean curvature flow. Jinquan Xu, Univeristy of Alabama (970-39-37) (30) Nicholas D Alikakos,UniversityofAthens,and 8:30AM Numerical simulation of powder consolidation. Alex Freire*, University of Tennessee (970-35-187) (18) Pierre A Gremaud*andKristy A Coffey,North 10:00AM Some comments on Taylor’s problem. Preliminary Carolina State University (970-65-160) (31) report. 9:00AM A Robust, Long Term Simulation to Secondary John McCuan, Georgia Tech (970-35-184) (19) Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in Basin 10:30AM Constructing minimal surfaces using the support Modeling. (32) function. Hong Wang*, Univesity of South Carolina, and Frank E Baginski, The George Washington Weidong Zhao, Shandong University & University of University (970-53-22) South Carolina (970-65-152) 9:30AM Multigrid and Data Mining. Special Session on Topics in Geometric Function (20) Linda Stals, Old Dominion University (970-00-109) Theory, I 10:00AM Parallel Algebraic Multigrid for Maxwell’s (21) Equations. Preliminary report. 9:00 AM –10:50AM Lookout Mountain Room Jonathan Hu*, Pavel Bochev, Allen Robinson and (#117), University Center Raymond Tuminaro, Sandia National Laboratories Organizers: Lelia Miller-Van Wieren, Penn State (970-65-204) Berks Campus 10:30AM An Immersed Finite Element Space and Its Bruce P. Palka, University of Texas at (22) Approximation Capability. Austin Tao Lin, Virginia Tech (970-35-220) 9:00AM Mobius invariant metrics. Preliminary report. (33) David Herron, University of Cincinnati, William Ma, Pennsylvania College of Technology, and C. David Special Session on Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions Minda*, University of Cincnnati (970-30-144) of Differential and Difference Equations, I 9:30AM Quasidisks and the Noshiro-Warschawski Criterion. (34) Martin S. Chuaqui*andJulian Gevirtz,P. 8:30 AM –10:50AM Room 161, Metro Complex Universidad Catolica de Chile (970-30-182) Organizers: John R. Graef,Universityof 10:00AM Domains with controlled modulus and Tennessee, Chattanooga (35) quasiconformal mappings. Chuanxi Qian, Mississippi State Abdelkrim Brania*, Morehouse College, and University Shanshuang Yang, Emory University (970-30-93) 10:30AM Quasidisks and their one-sided cousins. Preliminary 8:00AM Discussion (36) report. 8:30AM Nabla Dynamic Equations. Preliminary report. Frederick W Gehring, University of Michigan (23) Allan C. Peterson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (970-30-88) (970-39-137) NOVEMBER 2001 NOTICES OF THE AMS Appendix–3 Program of the Sessions – Chattanooga, TN, Friday, October 5 (cont’d.) Invited Address 4:30PM Stability of an elliptic equilibrium of the difference (49) p q equation xn+1 =1/(Axn + xn−1). 11:00 AM – NOON Room 129, Grote Hall Vlajko L Kocic*andRaegan J Higgins,Xavier University of Louisiana (970-39-131) 11:00AM Welcoming Remarks (37) Erdos˝ magic. 5:00PM An Existence Result for the Diffusive Logistic Joel H. Spencer, New York University (970-05-06) (50) Equation with Constant Effort Harvesting. Shobha Oruganti, Mississippi State University (970-35-224) Invited Address 5:30PM Discussion 1:25 PM –2:15PM Room 129, Grote Hall Special Session on New Directions in Combinatorics (38) Additive multigrid theory. and Graph Theory, II Susanne C. Brenner, University of South Carolina, 2:30 PM –5:20PM Ocoee Room (#204), University Center Columbia (970-65-09) Organizers: Teresa Haynes, East Tennessee State University Special Session on Commutative Ring Theory, II Debra J. Knisley, East Tennessee State University 2:30 PM –5:20PM SequoyahRoom (#203), University Center 2:30PM