Sandgrouse31-090402:Sandgrouse 4/2/2009 11:24 AM Page 91 AROUND THE R EGION Dawn Balmer & David Murdoch (compilers) Records in Around the Region are published for interest only; their inclusion does not imply acceptance by the records committee of the relevant country. All records refer to 2008 unless stated otherwise. Records and photographs for Sandgrouse 31 (2) should be sent by 15 June to
[email protected] ARMENIA Plover Dromas ardeola at Maharraq on 13 Aug Breeding bird surveys in 2008 in extreme NW was the first for several years. The 2nd record Armenia, near the border with Turkey and of Indian Roller Coracias benghalensis for Georgia (lake Arpilich and adjacent areas, Bahrain was at Badaan farm 5 Oct–15 Nov; the Shirak province), produced 43 new species first record was in Aug 1996 at Dair. The 3rd recorded for the area. Of these, 27 were record of Green Bee- eater Merops orientalis proven to breed there, including Egyptian was at Badaan farm on 29 Nov; the first since Vulture Neophron percnopterus, Booted Eagle several were recorded on the Hawar islands in Aquila pennata, Corncrake Crex crex, Eurasian 2000. Three Dark- throated Thrushes Turdus Eagle Owl Bubo bubo and Barred Warbler atrogularis were found on 20 Dec at Duraiz Sylvia nisoria. Significant breeding range and the 7th record of Chaffinch Fringilla extension for the country also noted here for coelebs was a female that was trapped and Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, Blue Rock ringed at Badaan farm on 29 Nov. A House Thrush Monticola solitarius and Meadow Pipit Bunting Emberiza striolata at Badaan farm on Anthus pratensis.