Conquest Creation Creation Flood Abraham Exodus Return

4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 Eternity Eternity Fall Law Kingdom Scattering

Incarnation 536 4143 1445 2487 ~1031 HISTORY

Ø Anticipation of Messiah - OT Ø Ministry of Messiah - NT A. Ministry of 1. His Introduction Mt 1-2


Church of the Nativity



Mt of Church of MESSIANIC AGE A. Ministry of Christ Gospels 1. His Introduction Mt 1-2 2. His Presentation as Messiah 3:1-4:11 3. His Authentication Lk 4:14-8:3

Early Ministry

Capernaum area from SE Kefar Kenna from east Display of

Kefar Kenna Clay wedding jars

Capernaum from SE Capernaum - Franciscan church over Peter's house Byzantine remains over Peter's house Mt Arbel from boat

Nof Ginosaur 1st century boat Nof Ginnosar from Arbel GolanHeights

Mt. of Beatitudes Capernaum


Tabgha Nof Ginosaur Capernaum synagogue

Synagogue with 1st century basalt level

Capernaum Milestone marker Chorazin from NE Chorazin synagogue facade

Chorazin synagogue Seat of Moses Arbel & Valley of Doves from SW & Arbel cliff looking north from Tiberias Hammath Tiberias synagogue mosaic with menorah Teaching Ministry

Mount of Beatitudes Church of the Beatitudes TEACHING Ø on Mount Ø Parables of Kingdom Ø Ø Upper Room Discourse Ø Individuals The Citadel Sycar Mt. Gerizim & Mt. Ebal from the east

Mt Ebal & Shechem from Mt Gerizim

ADR MESSIANIC AGE A. Ministry of Christ Gospels 1. His Introduction Mt 1-2 2. His Presentation as Messiah 3:1-4:11 3. His Authentication Lk 4:14-8:3 4. His Rejection by Leaders Mt 12:22-50

Kingdom Offered Ø Offered - 3:1-2, 4:17 Ø Preparation - 5-7 Ø Authenticated - 8-9 Ø Rejection - 12:14 MATTHEW Cross


Plot MESSIANIC AGE A. Ministry of Christ Gospels 1. His Introduction Mt 1-2 2. His Presentation as Messiah 3:1-4:11 3. His Authentication Lk 4:14-8:3 4. His Rejection by Leaders Mt 12:22-50 5. His Instruction to Disciples 13-19 Kingdom Offered Ø Offered - 3:1-2, 4:17 Ø Preparation - 5-7 Ø Authenticated - 8-9 Ø Rejection - 12:14 Ø New Form - 13 Ø Removal - 21:42-43 Ø Postponed - 24-25 Cove of the Sower GolanHeights

Mt. of Beatitudes Capernaum


Tabgha Nof Ginosaur

Mt 16:13, 21-23

Sacred cave at Banias (Caesarea Philippi) Niches for idols at Banias Mt 17:1-3 Display of Glory

Mount Hermon MESSIANIC AGE A. Ministry of Christ Gospels 1. His Introduction Mt 1-2 2. His Presentation as Messiah 3:1-4:11 3. His Authentication Lk 4:14-8:3 4. His Rejection by Leaders Mt 12:22-50 5. His Instruction to Disciples 13-19 6. His Presentation to Nation 21:1-26:16 7. His Rejection by Nation 26:17-28:20 The coming of Israel’s KING is the greatest event of history!!!

From Kursi