A. W . Anderson. Editor J. Pileggi and J. J. O'Brien, Asslst ant Editor s

Mailed free to members of the fishery and allied industries. Addr ss cor I' s po ndence a nd request s to the: Director, Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of t h Interior, Was h lngton 25, D . C. Publication of material from sources outside the Service is not an endorsement. The Service is not responsible for the accuracy of facts, Vlews, or opinions contain d 1n mat nal from outside sour ces. Although the contents of this publicatlOnhave not been copyright d and maybe reprinte d fr e ly, refer­ ence to the source will be appreciated. The printing of this publication has been approv d by the Director of the Bur au of the Budget, N ove m ­ ber 5, 1952.


COVER: The pound net is one of the most Important hshing gears In Vlrgmia. Fish­ ermen are preparlng to lift the net. So proficient are these men at their wu r k that the catch may be landed m the boat In as little as ten mmute:.. even when the sea is rough. In the spring of some years considerable numbers of shad are caught m pound nets. (See page 1 of this issue.)

Page The Pound-Net Fishery in Virginia, Part 1 - History, Gear Descriptton, and Catch. by George K. ReId, Jr. 1

Page Page RESEARCH IN SERVICE LABORATORIES: 16 TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS (Contd.) : Determination of Oil in Fish Meal, by M. E. orth Pacific Exploratory FIShery P rog.rarn; Stansby, and Wm. Clegg ...•••.•...... 16 Petrale Sole Tagged In "Esteban Deep" by John . TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS: ••••.•...... 20 Cobb (Special Cruise) ...... - .-.-. - 3'7 Additions to the Fleet of U. S. Vessels 20 Pacuic Oceanic FIShery Investlgations: California: Oceanographic Observatlons No rth of Hawall by Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna Tagged by N. B. Hugh M. Smith Indicate Possible Albaco re Tuna Scofield (Cruise 55-S-1) ..•••••• :-::-.•• 20 FIShing Area (C ruise 27) ...... 38 Pacific Herring SpawningSchools Observed from Saltonstail- Kennedy Act Fisher ies P rojects: Air (Airplane Spolting Flights 55-1 and 55-2) • 21 Advisory Committee Holds First Meeting . . . . 39 Pacific Herring Spawning Intensity Checked with Service Establishes New Ma rket Development Aid of Aerial C1lservations ~ircraft Spotting Field OOices ...... 41 Flights 55-3, 55-4, and 55-5) •••...... 22 South Carolina's Commercial FlSher ies P roduc- Yellowtail Freezing Shrinkage Tests by Yellow' tion. 1954 ...... , ...... 41 fin (Cruise 55-Y -1) ..••••.••. . ••-. -. -.- .• 23 "Shrimp Please" Film Wlns Recognition ..... 42 Canned Ttma Prorrotion Campaign •.•...... 24 Survey Reveals Br eaded Fish St icks and Shn mp Cans--Shipments for Fishery Products, January Popular ...... •...... •...... 43 1955 •.••••••••.••••.•••.•.•.•••.. 26 U. S. Foreign T r ade: Chesapeake Bay: Edible Fishery Products, January 1955 ..... 44 Fisheries Trends, 1954 ••• • ••• .• •••• . • 26 Selected Fishery P roducts, J anua ry 1955 •.•• 44 Federal Purchases of Fishery Products .•...• 28 Fish-Oil Expo rts Continue at Record Level in Fish-Stick Plant Opened in Mobile by U. S. Dis­ 1954 ...... •. . •...•..•.. . •• . . 44 tributor of Norwegian Fish ••••••.•.•... 28 United States Per-Capita Consumption of F ishery Gear Research and Development: P roducts up in 1954 .• ...... • 45 Underwater Listening Tests for Shrimp Con­ Wholesale P r ices, March 1955 ...... 46 tinued by Pompano (C ruise 7) .•• . ••.••• 29 Fishery Products Marketing Prospects. April- Hawaii: J une 1955 ..•...•••...... ••••.•.•. 47 Commercial Fish and Shellfish Catch, 1954 •. 30 FOREIGN: ..•...... •...... • 49 Gulf of Mexico: lnternat ional: Additional Continental Shelf Areas Nominated United States, , and Japan to Make Oceano- for Oil and Gas Lease Sale .•••.. . •. ••. 31 gr aphic Sur vey of No rth Pacific in 1955 •••• 49 Maryland: Wo rld Supply of Fats and Oils in 1955 •• . • • . 49 Surf-Clam Industry at Ocean City Expands • .. 31 Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Commission: Facts on Striped Bass Fishery • ••••• • •• • • 32 Annual Meeting in Ottawa, June 6-11 •.•.•• 50 Newly-Designed Outboard-Powered Oyster Boat 33 Activities for December 1954-February 1955 50 North Atlantic Fisheries Investigations: Trade Agreements: Egg Concentration Found on Northern Norwegian-Finnish Trade Protocol Includes Edge of Georges Bank by Albatross III Fishery Products . . . • • • • . . . . . • . • . . . 51 (Cruise 58) • • •• • •• • • • • ••••• :-•••••• 34 Australia: North Carolina's Comm<:rcial Fisheries Produc- 1955 Whale Quota Cut •.•.••.••••.••••• 51 tion, 1954 • ... • • • ••••••••••.••••••• 34 More Pearl-Shell Divers Needed in 1955 51

Contents Continued Page 87 May 1955 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 87


Page P age FOREIGN (Contd.): Barbados Island (British West Indies): FOREIGN (Contd.): Status of the Fisheries .•.•...•..•. . .• 52 Panama: More Fishing &lats to be Mechanized •.••. 53 Shr imp F ishery Expanding •• . • . • • • • • • . • • • 64 McGill University Fishery Research Institute 54 Republic of the P hilippines: Brazil: United States Enterpr ise Exempted from Fishing French and Spanish Vessels Contract to F ish in Boat Exchange Tax ••• •• .. • . •.• • .•••• . 65 Brazilian Waters ..• .•....••••..•.. 54 Ryukyu Islands: Canada: F isher ies Trends. JanuarY-June 1954 ••• .• .• 65 Wood and Metal Lobster Trap Experiments 54 U. S. S. R. : Chile: Sealing Expedition in Arctic Alarms Norwegian Territorial Waters Patrol to be Intens ified 57 Sealer s . . • • • • • • . • • • . • . • • . . • • • • • • • • 69 Cuba: United Kingdom: Closed Lobster and Shrimp Fishing Season 57 F rozen F ish Export Market Booming. • • . • • . • 69 German Federal Republic: Exper imental Cruises for Hake Planned • •••• • 69 Autmrized lmports of Danish Fishery Products 57 Hull Fish Workers Get Higher Wages. • • • • • • • 70 Greece: Venezuela: Fisheries Trends. 1954 ..•. . . . • . • . . . • . 57 Tuna Fishing Firm Begins Operations ••••••. 70 Sponge Fishery. 1954 ....•....••..••• 57 FEDERAL ACTIONS: • •••• . • . •.••••••.•••• 71 Greenland: Civil Service Commission: Norwegian-Danish Fishery Station in Greenland 58 Fishery Marketing Specialist Examination •.•• 71 India: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Madras Oyster Pearl F ishing Reactivated After Food and Drug Administration: 28 Years. • . . • ...... • . • • • . 59 Weight-Content Labeling for Canned Oysters lsraee Clarified • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 71 Fisheries Trends. 1953/54 . • . . • . • . • • • • . 59 Eighty-Fourth Congress (Second Session). April Jamaica: 1955 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • 72 Shrimp to be Flown to United States .• • • . • . 60 FISHERY INDICATORS: •• • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • 74 Japan: Chart 1 - Fishery Landings for Selected States ., 74 Law for Promotion of Marine Products Exports 60 Chart 2 - Landings for Selected Fisher ies ••••• 75 Fishery Training Vessels Report T una Abundant Chart 3 - Cold-Storage Holdings and Freezings of in Indian Ocean •..•.••••••••• • ••.• 61 Fishery Products ••..••••••••••.•••••• 76 More Salmon and C rab Factoryships .•.•.• 61 Chart 4 - Receipts and Cold-Storage Holdings of Salmon Production to Almost Do uble in 1955 . 62 Fishery Products at Principal Distribution Earlier for Sole in North PacificTried 62 Centers. • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 77 Republic of Korea: Chart 5 - Fish Meal and Oil Production - U. S. and UNKRA Completes Ten Deep-Sea Trawle rs . . 62 Alaska •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 Inshore Fishing Vessels Built with UNKRA Aid 63 Chart 6 - Canned Packs of Selected Fishery Mexico: Products ••••••••••••••••••.••••••. 78 Export Duties on ShrimP and Fillets--Correction 63 Chart 7 - U. S. Fishery Products Imports • • • • • • 79 Norway: RECENT FISHERY PUBLICATIONS: •••..•.•••• 80 Lofoten Cod Catch Improves . . • • . • . . . • • • 64 Fish and Wildlife Service Publications • • • • • • • • 80 Pakistan: Miscellaneous Publications. • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • 81 Research Vessel Donated by FOA . • . • . . . 64

Editorial Assistant--Ruth V . Keefe Illustrator--Gustaf T. Sundstrom Compositors--Jean Z a levsky, Al ma Greene, and Helen Joswick ***** * Photograph Credits: Page by page. th e following list gives the source or:- pho­ tographer for each photograph in this issue . Photographs on pages not mentlOned were obtained from the Service's file a nd the photographers are unknown.

Cover--A. Aubrey B odine; pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, and 14-­ Robert S. Bailey; p. 26--Joseph Pil e~gi; ~p . 33, 34, and 42-­ Elliott A. Macklow; p. 47--Jos e ph P lle ggl.

INT .-DUP. SEC .. WASH .. D.C. 81056