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Derbyshire. Derbyshire DmECIORY.] DERBYSHIRE. BAKEWELL. 39 morton, Curbar, Edensor, Eyam, Eyam. Woodlands, Scoool Attendance Committee. Grindleford Bridge, Flagg, Foolow, FTetton Froggatt, Meet fortnightly, same day as Guardians, but before Gratton, Grindlow, Over Haddon, Neth;r Haddon, meeting of gu~dians Harthill, Hartington Middle Quarter including Crowdy­ cote &; Sterndale, Hassop, Hathersage, Hazelbadge, Qerk, Alfred Hawes, Union offices, Bakewell Highlow, Hucklow (Great), Hucklow (Li·ht.le). Lit1xm, School Attendance Officers, South distrist, Edward Shim­ Cressbrook, Longstone (Great), Longstone (Little), well, Youlgreave; North district, Wm. Bennett, Row­ Monsal Dale,Middleton by Youlsgreave, Monyash, Nether land; West district, Wm. A. Gregory, Rutland street, Padley, Offerton, Outseats, Pilsey, Rowland, Rowsley Bakewell &; Alport, Sheldon, Stanton &; Pilhough, Stanton Lees &; Eagletor, Stoke, Stony Middleton, Taddington, Priest­ VlOLUID"EERS. cliff, Tideswell &; Miller's Dale, Wardlow, &; Wardlow 2nd VO'lunteer Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire Meer, Whest.:m, Yc.ulgreave Regiment) D Co. Oapt. A. Brown, commanding; G. For Bankruptcy purpOS61S1 this court is included in that H. Taylor-Whitehead, lieut.; Surg.-Lieut.-001 J. Knox of Derby; Frederick Stone, 40 St. Mary's gate, Derby, V.D. medical officer; Sergt. James Henry Green, drill official receiver; T. H. Harrison, Derby, as,sistant official instructor; strength of CO. about 100 recal,er• Bailiff to the Court, Edgar Alfd. Bingham, Nth. Church Bt PUBLIO OFFICERS. Dispensary &; Lying-in Institution, King street, Charles Walter Evans M.B. & John Knox M.D. hon. surgeons; Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles WaJter Evans M.B. William Redfern, hon. sec Matlock street Inland Revenue Office, Ma.tlock street, David Young,officer Inland Revenue Officer, David Young, Matlock street Police Station, Granby road, William Lytle, superinten­ Superintendent of County CoIllstabulary, William Lytle, dent, I sergeant & 2 constables Granby road Town Hall, Dan Hughes, keeper Surveyor of Taxes, George Bradbury, Town hall BAKEWELL UNION, formed! July 21, 1838. PLA.CES OF WORSH!IP, with times ()f services. Board day, every llI1ternate monday at 11.30 a.m. at the All Saints' Church, RJev. Charles Thoma.s Abraham M.A. Workhouse. vioar; Rev. William D. Braginton & Rev. Lockhart W. Bakewell Union comprises the following places:-Abney &; Greenshields B.A. curates; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 6,30 p.m. Abney Grange, Aldwarke, Ashford, Bakewell, Baslow & daily at 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. except wed. which iSI7.30 p.m with Bubnell, Beeley, Birchover, Blackwell, Bradwell, Catholic, Granby road, served from Hassop; mass with Brnshfield, Calver, Chatsworth, Chelmorton, Cromford, sermon, 9 a.m.; devotions, sermon & benediction 4 Cnrbar, Darley, Edensor, Elton, Eyam, Eyam Wood­ p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m.; fri. mas.s 8 a.m lanw&, Flagg, Foolow, Froggatt, Grange Mill or Ivon­ Congregational, Buxton road, Rev. F. Eustace Tozer; 10.45 brook Grange, Gratton, Great Hucklow, Great Long­ a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m !tone, Grindlow, Hartington Middle Quarter, Hartle Salvation Army, Matlock street or !Rarthill, Hassop, Hathersage, Hazelbadge, Highlow, Primitive Methodist, Water street, Rev. A. Beavan; 2.30 Little Hucklow, Litt.le Longstone, Litton, Matlock, Mat­ & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 p.m lock Bath, MonYlllsh, Middleton & Smerril, NetJher Had­ WasleYaJ;l, Matlock ~treet, Rev. John H. Rogers; 10.30 don, Nether Padley, Offerton Outseats, Outseats, Over a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m Haddon, Pilsey, Rowland, Rowsley & Alport, Sheldon, WeS'leyan (Reformed), Buxton rd..; IO.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Stanfon Stok~, Stony Middleton, Taddington &; Priest­ cliff, Tansley, 'I'ideswell, Wardlow, Wensley & Snitter­ SOHOOILS. ton, Wheston, WiIllS'ter & Youlgreave. The area of the Lady Manners' Grammu School. whole union is' 104,617 acres; rateable value in 1898, £208,685; the population in 1891 WM 32,153. In 1637 Lady Grace Manners devised £15 yearly, charged Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Alfred on land at Elton, now in the possession of the • Hawes, Union offices, Bakewell Duke of Rutland K.G., G.C.B.; for many years the Treasurer, C. H. Glossop, Sheffield &; Rotherham Bank income from this charity was allowed to accumulate, Collectors & Relieving Officers, North district, William until in 1893 it amounted to £1,250, when a. scheme being Bennet-t, Rowland; South district, John Milton Toft, propolmded for the building of schools for technical in­ Youlgreave, Bakewell struction, the County Council made an addition of £600 Vaccination Officers, see Registrars t~ the fund, & a. school was erected in 1895 for scienoo Medical Officers, Bakewell district, Philip Sheldon Fentem teaching, which is also the centre for the Cambridge M.D. King street, Bakewell; Baslow district, Edward University local examinations; it hlliS an annual endow­ Branson Wrench M.B., C.:M. BllISlow; Oromford dis­ ment. of £45, & a grant of £150 a. year from the County trict, John Caithness Innes L.R.C.P.Edin. Barton villa, Council, & reC1lives further grantJlS' from South Kensing.., Matlock Bath; Eyam district, John AlOOrt Lee L.R.C. P. ton. There are 17 scholarships besides minor prizes. Edin. Eyam; Hartington Middle Quarter district, John The number at present (1899) in the school is II6; the MOX M.D. Church house, Bakewell; Matlock district, management is intrusted to a /board of governors. The William Mox'On L.R.C.P.Edin. Matlock; Tideswell dis­ head master receiveiS' a limited number of boarders at trict, Thomas Henry Parke L.R.C.P.Edin. Tideswell; his private residence; Charles J. Mansford B.A., F.C.S. Winster district, James Lyon Fletcher M.B., C.M.Edin. head master; W. RI. Heathome, hon. clerk to the Winster governors ~ All Medical Officers are Public Vaccinaoors of the districts, Church of England (girls & infan~), erected. in 1872, for with the exception of Cromford, where George Harvey 120 boys, 150 girls & 105 infants;, a.erage attendance, L.R.C.P.Edin. Wirkswo~h, is public vaecinator, & Bas· 104 boys, 103 girls & 94 infants; SydItgy Allcock, mas­ low, where Edward Mason Wrench F.R.O.S.Eng. is ter; Miss :Emma Salt, girls' mistress) MiQ' Mary public vlll'2cinator Elizabeth Salt, infants' mistress ... Superintendent Registrar, Alfred Hawes, Register office, & Bakewell Wesleyan (mixed), erected in 1778 enlarge<t tBgo, for 130 clrildren; average attendance, 97; Matthew H. Registrar of Marriages & Births &; Deaths, Bakewell sub. Hobson, master district, Wm. A. Gregory, Rutland street, Bakewell; deputy, J()Isiah Oarrington, North Church street, Bake­ Oonveyanoe. well; Mat.lock sub-district, John EvanJSl, Darley Dale; Railway Station, rrhomas Pitt, station master deputy, Anthony Gregory, Two Dales, Matlock Bath; An omnibus meets every train at Bakewell station Tideswe1l sub-district, Edw3ll"d Hunstone, Tideswell; deputy, Clarence Hunatone, Tideswell Carriers. The registrars act as vaccination officers for their respec­ tive districts Chestt'rfield-Robert Hage, from his own house, iat. Workhouse, for 220 inmates, Alfred Swain, master; Chas. returning same day Walter Evans M.B. medical officer; Rev. Charles Thos. Sheffield-Robert Hage, tues. thurs. &; sat. returning Abraham M.A. chaplain; MI'Is. Srwain, matron same days PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Armitage Benjamin, Holme hall Bradbury George, Brookfield Abraham Rev. Charles Thomas M.A. Bagshaw Misses, 'Voodside Braginton Rev. William D. (curate). (vicar &; chaplain to the workhouse), Barker John Edward Q.C., M.A. J.P. Westfield Vicarage Erooklands Broomhead Henry, Stone Edge house, Adams Alfred Joseph, Bank house, Berry Mrs. The Avenu~ The Hill Walter street Bowmar Charles J. U:r:derwood Carrington Edwd.Gl'een,The Meadows Allsop Thos.Woodbine cot.Coombes l'd Bown J onn, Castle street C~rrington John N eave, The Avenue.
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