FINAL PROJECT REPORT Butterfly Monitoring and Inventories Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Clark County, Nevada October 15, 2011 Prepared For: Desert Conservation Program Project #2005-PINYON-570C Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management Atrium Business Tower 333 North Rancho Drive, Suite 625 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Attention: Ms. Heather Green Pinyon Project #1/09-726-01.8301 FINAL PROJECT REPORT Of Butterfly Monitoring and Inventories Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Clark County, Nevada October 15, 2011 Prepared For: Desert Conservation Program Project #2005-PINYON-570C Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management Atrium Business Tower 333 North Rancho Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 Prepared By: PINYON Environmental Engineering Resources, Inc. Project #1/09-726-01.8301 Author: Reviewer: Andrea Sever Lauren E. Evans, P.E. Entomologist President 9100 West Jewell Avenue, Suite #200, Lakewood, CO 80232-6357 (303) 980-5200 ! (303) 980-0089 (fax)
[email protected] Errata for the Report: Butterfly Monitoring and Inventories Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Clark County, NV October 15, 2011 Andrea Sever 2005-PINYON-570C, Butterfly Monitoring in the Spring Mountains SNPLMA PROJECT # CC-32 On page 7 the author incorrectly cited Boyd (2004) among the reports postulating that Chrysothamnus nauseosus may be a larval host plant for Chlosyne acastus robusta. In his 2004 report, Boyd does not make this assertion. Additionally, as of January 25, 2012 such a relationship between the species had not been established (personal communication, Corey Kallstrom, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southern Nevada Field Office.) On page 25, table 5, the author listed Adelpha bredowii, Callophrys johnsoni, and Colias philodice among the common butterfly species sighted during the project.