• .·.•· The. Dawning _Of America's Third Cent·ury Hillcrest 1976 Colby High School Colby, Wisconsin Volume # 19 8 Prom · 10 Sadie Hawkins 12 Seniors 18 Juniors 40

Sophomores 46 Freshmen 52 8th Grade 56 7th Grade 54 School Board 64

Administration 65 Faculty 66 - Sports 76 Activities 94 People Pix 131 Senior Autographs 134

2 The Effort Put In Is A Direct Factor Of The End Product

3 The Acquiring Of Knowledge ..- Is The Time Of Our Lives In Which Hardships And Joys Are Sometimes Confused

4 s

·ssog aUJlJ.1.107 ·s.1w paJJadsaH puv MaU")] /IV aM UlOlfM . .JOSJtlPV puv .J;Jlf J1Ja1 pua1.13 .1no 01 sagvJ asatt1 ;JJlJJJpaa aM asJV.JJ JSalfgJH ;Jlf1 UJ tf.JOUla}f UJ MEMORIES SPECIAL EVENTS

Jan Waldhart and Craig Olund Senior girls decorating

Homecoming '7 5

Lower Right, Court: Senior-Arlan Birkett and Cindy Weis, Junior-Greg Feirer and Margie Weix, Sophomore-Brian Rinehart and Peggy Becker, Freshmen-Craig Olund and Jan Waldhart Queen Llnda The theme was Schmidt and King "Colour My World", Jack Flink reigned with music pro­ over the 1974 Ju­ vided by Edward, nior Prom. Stafford, and Young.

Colour My World

Deane Schmidt and Kevin Flink Cindy Weis, Roger Krebsbach, Carol Schmidt, Kevin Flink Ruth Gabriel, Claire Eggebrecht, Wanita Underwood Cheryl Abbeglan, Debby Hoffman, Terra Calley, Denise Witte 1975 Prom Court Linda Schmidt, Jack Flink, Diane Sch­ Dawn Olson, Brian Tyznik, Cindy Weis, midt, Kevin Flink, Dawn Shelley, Jim Roger Krebsbach. Y:iron. Laurie Rhvne·r. Bill Viergutz,

Yvonne Schmidt and Ross Rannow, Deb­ Jack Flink and Linda Schmidt. bie Raska and Kerry Hansen. Terra Calley and Doug Newman Jane Johnson and Ken Mohan

Julene Stoiber Kevin Boyer

Beatrice W eix and Kevin Bedroske 1A; . The Flying Dutchman. A )Q £1( 1f N Junior Julene Stoiber and Kevin Boyer reigned as king and queen. Other repre­ sentatives were seniors--Terra Calley and Doug Newman, sophomores--Jane Johnson and Ken Mohan, and freshmen--Beatrice Weis and Kevin Bedroske.

Debbie Oelrich and John Reynolds Julene Stoiber and Kevin Boyer

The Waldharts, sponsored by the Forensics Club. SENIORS THE BEGINNING '''""'"~·

( ·Football l, 2, 3, 4; _ Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; -. Track 1,2,3,4; A-Vl, ,, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3,4; Lettennans' 1, 2, 3,4; FFA-3; National _Honor Society 3, 4. ·

... ~·- . : ...... =.··,. , " ; ,• . , . • .~. II • •



FFA 4; Pep Club 1. VICTORIA BUSSE .. '

"Vicky" Band 1, 2, 3, 4; · CAA 2; French 1,2,3,4; National Monor Society 2, 3, 4; Girls Club 3; Pep Club 4; Annual Staff 4.

Bf½DLEY/ CASKE)' "Fred'' Football 1, 2, 3; TERRA CAllEY 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Na­ GAA1; FHA 1,2;3,4·;. tional Honor Society 2, Swim Team 1, 3, Man- > · 3,4; Newspaper 1, 2, 3, ager 3; Pep Club 4; Band 4; Lettennens' 2, 3; 4, 1, 2, 3; French Club 1, 2, Secretary-Treasurer 3; 4; Newspaper 1; National Student C:ouncil 1,_4, Honor Society 3, 4; Girls Vice-President 4; Foren­ Letter Winners 3, 4; FBI.A sics 2; French Club 1. 3,4.

Pictures not received:



''Leggs II Girls Letter Winners 2, 3, 4, Presi­ "Pringle" FHA 1, 2,4; dent 3; CAA 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 1, 2, 3,4; Swim FHA 2, 3; Pep Club 1, Team Manager 3, 4; 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3,4; FBLA Swim Team 1, 2; Track 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; B-Squad 2, 3, Captain Spanish Club 2. 3. RUTH GABRIEL

FFA 3; WJDA 3; Pep Club Band 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 1, 3; Lettermens' 3; Swim 2, 3,4, President 3; Team 2,3. National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Vice-Prei.ident 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Cowteil l, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Annual Staff 4.


II CAA 1, 2, 3,4; Basketball "Greg Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3 4; l; Chorus 2, 3; FHA 2, 3, 1 4; Art Club 2; Track 2; FFA 2, 3, 4, Reporter Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4. 3; Spanish Club 1, 2; Lettermens' 2, 3,4; Newspaper 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; WJDA 2, 3; Boys' Glee Club 3. ,' ;' J,qDY C(?$SE •, . . . , ·r Society ~, National Hono _ CAA BRIAN GEIGER 3 4· Masquers 3 , 4 , ; II "Byron ' 2'3 1 4· Band 1~ 2, 31 4 Pepl, ' Club' 3 , 4·, FBIA 3 , 4 .

KERRY HANSEN . .· . ·· • W)DA ·•.. ,,..FFA ·3., .Pep Club. 4, , :1; > CAROL HENNES

FHA 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; GAA 3, 4; Pep Club.

"Pam 1' GAA 1, 2, ·3, 4; FHA 1, 2, 3,4, Point Secretaiy 2; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; FBLA · · 4; Sophomore Class DIANNE HlLBER Treasurer; National _· Honor Society 3,4; FHA 1; CAA 3,4; Seeretaiy 4; Clleer­ FBI.A 3,4, Historian 4; luder 2, 3,4, Wres­ Swim Team 1, 2, 3; tling, Captain 2, 3, -. Qbeerleader 1, 2, 3, 4, A-Squad~ Co-Captain ~Squad 1, A-Squad 2, 4; Sadie Hawkins 3,4, Captain 3,4; Queen 1; Student Coun­ Spanish Club 1, 2; cil Representative 4·, French Club 1; A-V 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4. ?~tt ~ .._ .. . '.~ ' .


Ba~ 1, 2, 3, 4; FBI.A 3; FBLA 2, 3; FHA l; CAA CAA 1,2,3, 1, 2, 3.


"Jab" Football 1, 2, 3; FFA 1, 3, 4; Secretary 4; French Club 2, 3; Basketball 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; Lettennens' 3,4; Boys' Glee Club 3; Wrestling 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; WJDA 2, 3,4. MARIE JENSEN

GAA; FHA 1 2 , 3 , 4 , Treasurer 3 1 2 4 President'4.' ~ ' Vice­ Band 3 4· F' as'!uers 3, 4· FBI.A , , orensics 3 4· ' Track3 4·, Voll eyball •3 ' 4· w· 2, 3, 4; Girls Lett' ' mners 4; New 2er 3? 4; National Jpaper ' c1ety 3,4. onor So-

MARLENE JECEVICUS MITCHELL KAISER 4;"M FHAurtle" 2· Ba n d 1, 2, 3, _ . , Stage Band Football 1; Wrestlin 1 3 2, 3,4; Track 1 2 3g ' FFA 3 ~4· , Le ttennens'· ' ' ; 2 , 3 , 4, A-V 2 3 4 Pep Club 2 3 '4 ' ; ' ' . BRET KANTOLA FFA 2 3 4; WJDA 1, Art Club 3; Pep Club 4 •. 1 1 SARA KOCH 21 3, 4; lettermens' 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Pep Club 1,2,3,4, 4; Track 3; Wrestling Pres. 4; Chee.rleader 1,21 31 4; Pep Club 1, 1, 2, 3, B-Squad 1, A­ 2, 3, 4. Squad 2 1 3; Swimming 2, 3..14; Newspaper 2, 3, 4; Track 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; State Solos and Ensembles 1,2,3, 4; CAA 3,4; FBI.A 2, 3, 4, Sec. 4; Girls Letter Winners 3, 4.


FBI.A 3, 4, Treas. 4; FHA 11 2,4; Track 2, 3,4; Basketball 4; Newspaper 4; Pep Club 2,3,4; CAA 2,3,4, Treas. 4. KAREN LAPP FBIA 2, 3,4, Reporter 3, State Parliamentar­ ian 4; Swim Team 2, 3; Newspaper 2, 3,4; Student Council 3,4, Pres. 4; Masquers 3; NHS 2, 3, 4, Pres. 3; CAROL:,!< , .:-~; /2;~1 Girls Glee Club 1, 3; Chorus t, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, Historian . >\_' ' :.t(t}~i:~ 3; Soph. Class Pres.


DANNY LEFFEL '.:,_ "Jim" Football 2, 3, 4; . ,;F,_FA 3, 4; Parliamen­ Jarian 4; Basketball 1, , 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; WJDA 3,4, Reporter 3; Lettermens1 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Art Club 1. JANET MILLER

"Jan" FHA 2, 3,4; FBI.A 3,4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Swim Team 1, 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3,4.

};,.Foo.~baJU, 2, 3, 4; Pep ;I '}~_!ub J;~ 2, 3, 4; Wres- . "tling-1,:2, 3,4; Letter­ ; mens' 2;-3,4; Spanish Club 1~2, 3,4, Presi­ dent 3. . RANDY RACZKOWSKI "Sue II Pep Club 2; 3, 4; GAA 1, 2, 3,4; Junior · "Kat" Band 1, 2, 3; Class 'President; News­ FHA 1, 3,4; Pep Club paper 1, 2, 3, 4; Span­ 2, 3,4; Swim Team.1, ish Club 2; FHA 1, 2, 2; Track 2. · \ . 3 4· Sadie Hawkins Representative' ' .. 2; _FBLA 3,4.

BRONWYN 'RANNOW "Barney." Swim Team .'·:~: ,if~ii;:~1:~':i~,.~'t\i~ 1, 2, 3, 4; Tracie. 2, 3, 4; Pep _Club 1, 2, 3, 4; P~p qµ9'1,2, 3,41_ Vice-President 4;_FHA A:..v ,?,},~:';. ~whri • . ··. 1, 2, 3; . Girls Glee Club Team:1,.2, 3,4; Na- _ - .· • 1; Chorus 2, 3; GAA 1, tion,aJ Honor ~oc:J.~ 3, ,) 2, 3; ·Girls Letter Win­ · 4; Traci< :2; c_ho~ ~; · ·· ners 3, 4, Vice-Presi­ FHA 1, 2; ·Cheerleader dent 3; Basketbail 2; 2, 3,4; Wrestling 2, . Triple 2, 3; Mad­ Co-Captain 4, B­ rigal 2, 3; YARC 3. squad 3; FBLA _3,4; Girls Letter Winners 3, 4; Junior Prom Court. LINDA SCHMIDT .

Track 2, 3,4; Chorus 3, 4; Girls Letter Winners 2, 3; FHA 1, 2, 3,4; GA.A; 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice- ir s tter umers . ; , ~V•Llu•,n Newspaper 3,4; Annual Club 2; Swim Team Staff 3,4, Assistant RICHARD SAZAMA 1; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Editor 4; Pep Club 3,4. Madrigals 3, 4; Junior ,Prom Court.


Spanish Club 1, 2, 3,4, ROGER SAUER Secretary 3; Girls Glee Club 2; CAA 2, 3, 4; FFA 2. FHA 2, 3, 4; Library Club 2,3,4. 5 □ )F R I LORISCHRAUFNAGEL "Schrauf" CAA 1, 2, 3,4; T RICK SCHNABEL FHA 1, 2, 3,4; Volleyball 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4, French Club 1, 2; B-squad 2, Wrestling 3, Masquers 3, 4; Thes­ 'A-squad 4; Spanish Club pians 4; National :_· 2~ 3,4. Hot10:rSociety ~.4. ·•


"Schultzie" Spanish Club 3; Mixed Chorus 3,4; CAA 2,3,4; Pep Club 1,4; FHA 1,2,3; Swim Team Manager • 1,4. KAY STEINMETZ

French Club 1 2 3 4 $ I I J I ecretary 2; Newspaper PAMELA SPARis 2, 3, 4; FHA 1, 2; FBI.A 2, 3, 4, President 4. ''Pam" French Club 1,· 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2·

Glee Club 3·> FHA 1 I 2'J 3 , 4; Pep Club 3. I ) 5 I □

.~ I ' \ i .. ,.. )F I R I T


ti • II 3,4; Pep Club 3,4; KENNETH STUART Football 2,3,4; FFA 1, 3, 4; Traclc 2; Art Club FFA 4; WJDA 4; Track 2, 4; Chorus 3, 4; 1; Pep Club 3; Art Madrigals 3, 4. Club 4. FBLA 3,4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; FHA 1,2,3,4; French MIKf: TISCHENp9R.f'.c, . ,:, , Club l, 2, 3; 4j Basket- I l • - • ~ ' 1 • ,.,. ball 3, 4; Natio~l . I ,/,: ', .: ·li:>norSoclety 3,4. · ', . ~· ; . -


Basketball 3,4; .Foot,... ball 3, 4; Junior Pro~ Coult; Lettermens' 3, 4· Art Club 3,4; Pep Club 3,4.


"Sid" Girls Letter Win­

ners 21 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Spanish Club 2; Swim Team 1, 2, 3,4; RONA Will

Pep Club 11 2, 3, 4; Junior Prom Court; Art Club l; FHA 1,2, FHA 1, 2, 3,4; ­ 3,41 .~eporter 2, Vice,­ coming Court 4. Preside:nt 3; GAA 1, 2, 31 4; Spanuh Club 2; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; FBl,.A .4.


Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Twirler DENISE WITTE 2, 4; CAA 2, 3, 4; FHA 2,4; Swim Team 1, 2 FHA 1, 2, 3, 4; FBI.A 3, 3; Forensics 3, 4; Fresh­ 4; GAA 1, 2; Swim man Class Treasurer; Team Manager 3; Girls Letter Winners 4; Girls Letter Winners 3, Pep Club 2, 3. 4; Newspaper 1, 3; Basketball 1; Pep Club 2,4. JUNIORS Challenge Juniors

Anders, Liana Baker, Tim Ballerstein, Dale Ballerstein, Donald Ballerstein, Ronald Barrett, Pamela

Bauer, Shelba Bedroske, Loren Behrens, Ralph

Bender, Dean Benj egerdes, Joel Beyerl, Barbara

Binning, Vicky Birkett, Duane Blaze!, Margaret Block, Joyce Bochanyin, Lee Boettcher, Brian

Boisen, Kevin Boyer, Kevin Brey, Sally Brost, Rodger Brown, Gregg Bruesewitz, Dan

Bruesewitz, Susan Busse, Rick Carlson, Coralee Clarkson, Kevin Clifford, Jim Dahlke, Sharon

Dean, Steven Dearth, Debra Erdman, Dennis

Erickson, Curtiss Ewert, Diane Feirer, Hugh Feldbruegge, Joe Fink, Linda Frane, Janice

Frane, Julie Frane, Marie Gaetz, Sharon

Geiger, Sandra Goeltz, Margaret Gokey, Brad

Golz, Richard Corke, Mark Gosse, Brenda Gottschald, David Gutenberger, Bill Haas, Ronnie

Haavisto, Caryn Hamus, Sharon Haskins, David

Hauser, Bruce Hederer, Ellen Hederer, Jeff

Heeg, Cindy Heindl, Kathleen Helfert, James

41 Hennes, Jean Hermann, Penny Hinke, Penny

Hoffman, Kirk Hoffman, Sarah Jochimsen, Karen

Johnson, Beth Johnson, David Johnson, Steve

Kaiser, Kim Kilty, Donna Kittl, Mary

Klessig, Darla Kloth, Jesse Kollmansberger, Dennis

Konecny, Linda Kops, Jim Kops, Paula

Kunkel, Kevin Kunze, Paul Leonhard, Gregory

Lieders, Kevin Ludwig, Timothy Lueddecke, Linda

Lynn, Greg Maxam, Mark Meyer, Allen Michlig, Keith Miller, Dawn Mohan, Gary

Mohan, Teresa Molitor, Kathy Monness, Ken

Mueller, Joanne Neuenfeldt, Rodney Oelrich, Debbie

42 Olson, Carrie Olund, Julie Palmerton, Kent

Pawlowicz, Bryan Pfefferkorn, Carrie Pinter, Beth

Podevels, Kent Raczykowski, Wanita Ramminger, James Reinhart, Julie Reise, Marie Reynolds, John

Reynolds, Steven Rhyner, Paul Rickard, Melanie

Riese, Arnold Roth, Neil Rueden, Karen

Ruppert, Penny Schaefer, Jay Schaefer, Julie

Schilling, Barb Schilling, Scott Schmid, Evonne

Schmidt, Ann Schmidt, David Schmidt, Dianne

Schmitt, Gary Schmitt, Laurine Schnabel, Robin

Schoelzel, Daniel Schoelzel, David Schraufnagel, Joan

43 Camera Shy Aichele, Baroara Pinter, Dorrine Baker, Darwin Ranow, Randall Beyerl, Linda Rashka, Debbie Brookhart, Eugene Dales, Mike Cardinal, Linda Trimmer, Steve Dawson, Gwen Troka, Eugene Firnstall, Kerry Voss, Lanny Fricke, Leroy Grieser, Sandra Hainesperger, Ellen Officers Hensen, Dale Staffeil, Cheryl Jicinsky, Judy Wussow, Kim Kohler, Larry Heeg, Cindy Krebsbach, Mary Schraufnagel, Joan Moser, Ken

Schuh, Bobbie Ann Schultz, Gary Schwoch, Kurt

Scidmore, Dean Seidel, Anni Seidel, Linda

Smith, Pamela Staab, Mark Staffeil, Chery1

Steinwagner, Randy Sterzinger, Janet Sterzinger, Tim

Stieber, Jeff Stoiber, Julene Stoiber, Mary

Stuart, George Stuttgen, Dale Tischendorf, Tammy

Umlauft, Renee VanHecker, Gary Venzke, Karen

Waldhart, Richard Weber, Stephan Wehrman, Danny

Weigel, Donna Weiland, Jeff Weix, Marjorie

Wussow, Kim Young, Nancy

44 SOPHOMORES Studying ... Huh? Standing Left To Right, Steve Schultz, President; Gene Peissig, Vice-Presi­ dent; Sue Rahm, Secretary; and Peggy Becker, Treasure.

Matt Anders Allan Bach Sue Bartnik

Peggy Becker Lindia Bochanyin Ann Boisen

Joe Boor Cindy Brehm Mike Brey

Pat Brill Renee Brost Mary Brown

Jeff Bundgaard Kathy Busse Jill Caskey

Julie Caskey Mary Clifford Barb Cole

Diane Danen Gary Decker Larry Degenhart

Debra Dommer Belinda Feckhelm Tom Firnstahl

Mark Fischer Becky Frane Greg Frane

Kent Frome Rod Garvey Glenn Gaulke

46 What are you hiding Cindy?

Tammy Gehrke Cathy Geiger Kurt Geiger

Kevin Gosse Sarah Graff Glenna Green

Now what did wrong?

Bryan Gumz Dean Gumz Denise Gustafson

Carol Gutenberger Diane Haas Sandra Hamus

Kurt Hansen Ricky Hanson Tery Hanson

John Heil Jeff Heindl Mary Heindl

Jane Herrmann Pam Herring Anna Hinshaw

David Hodd Laurene Hoffman Al Hoover

Jodi Hubing Steve Hunsader Steve Jarchow

Allen Jaremba Jane Johnson Marty Kaiser

47 Janien Kiehl Doreen Kilty Jane Kilty

Pat Kilty Dan Koerner Mary Koncel •

Jana Krueger Tom Kunze Steve Lapp

Gary Leffel Greg Ludwig Joel Luttrop

Elaine Mercier Gail Meyer Tim Meyer

Craig Mieritz Jesse Miller Randy Miller

Kenny Mohan Joseph Mueller Toni Nehrlich

Rick Nelson Wyatt Neuenfeldt Cheryl Oehler

Darlene Oehmichen Oh no you don't! I have it. Kurt Oehmichen Janette Olan

Sue Olson Gene Peissig Lori Pflanzer Steve Ploeckelman Dawn Podevels Karla Podevels

Linda Poehnelt Sue Rahm Kraig Rankl

Rae Rannow Wayne Rau Tom Reinhart

Steve Rhyner Brian Rinehart Kevin Rogers

Jeff Rueden Tammy Rueden Vicky Safemaster

Darnell Sazama Dan Schaefer Kris Schaefer

Merlin Schaefer Debbie Schilling Marty Schjoneman

Darwin Schmidt Terry Schmidt Lore Schmutzler

How's the winning hall coming? Julie Schoelzel David Schorer Steve Schultz

Denise Scidmore Cathy Searer Scott Stange

He Noticed! How Thrilling! ! 3 Stooges plus one Hello! Local A-Vroom.

Kim Steinmetz Jerald Sterzinger Patty Sterzinger Marie Stettler Jim Tesmer Betty Thieme

Madelyn Tromanhauser Scott Tyznik Rose Uerling Charmaine Untiedt Paul Venzke Diane Walley

Karla Will Donna Witte Gary Wussow Linda Young Lori Young Charles Zassenhaus

Homecoming Sophomore Rep. Cathy on Gramma a'nd Grampa Day

Not Pictured

John Brookhart Daniel Dahl Dennis Decker Tom Elpert Fred Fitense Dan Gumz Cheryl Meyer Richard Moser Ron Poehnelt Mark Tyznik Cheryl Wesenberg Jim Wilner Julie Wisnosky Ron Wolf


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1~1rf11rlli~lrr.J.trJ~it,rq!tPti4*~Ef~i~l~i11],,:, ({l;r",;,1ff;,]'0:·) ,., l"'f,;'· J;''.J( ,f11~";1;<5.t!f;'," /[:,Y/,,s(S'I(! vp-' '(,1@\\l'iJ o·;< 1

• J'.'. ti. t.-,,,,, 1 r,-,._.,,. I · _.))f. 1 fl • ,., ,,.i.,r, . ,,,..,._ • { . ·<,J •h~ ,~' Tony Abney Ellen Ackeret Melanie Allmann

Lillian Anders Dennis Bach Todd Baker

Sandra Ballerstein Alice Barden Diane Barr

Brad Barrett Danny Bartnik Kevin Bedroske '79' Freshman '79'

Ben Beil Bob Beil Doug Beisner

Caryl Beyerl Cheryl Beyerl Grace Beyerl

Teri Block Jeff Bloome Doug Blunt

Gary Boor Randy Boss Robert Brookhart

Carol Brown Laura Bruesewitz Rebecca Busse

Albert Cherry Mike Clarkson David Cook

Monica Courtney Sharon Cox Donna Danen

Cheryl Dearth Julie Dearth LuAnn Degenhardt

Super Exciting! Now can I be on the wrestling squad??? Jeff Dodge Sherri Dorn Kevin Duvall

James Elpert Gene Ewert Gerald Feldbruegge

Daniel Fink Doug Fink Martha Fitense Sherry Fitzel Karen Flink Tony Gebert

Don Geiger Donna Geiger Jack Graff

Brian Greene Sandra Gumz Karen Haas

Brian Halopka Lynn Hanne Ricky Hardrath

Gerald Harrellson Mark Heeg Charleen Heindl

Thomas Heindl Lori Hennes Lois Herrmann

Lori Hilber Ron Hoernke Lynn Hoffman

Mark Hull Mark Hunsader Tracy Ingersol

Tammy Jakobi Jeanette Jaremba Barbara Jicinsky

We Are Great We Are Fine Having Fun??? We're The Class of 79

Randy Johnson Marijo Kaiser Wayne Kantola Arlyn Kollmansberger Brad Kops Sue Krebsbach Lori Krueger Jeff Kuch Lloyd Kuehling

Ann Kunze Adrian Langhus Arvin Langjahr Bruce Lueddecke Kevin Lynn Terry Marten

Michelle Maurina Faith Maxam John Miller Robert Miller Mark Molitor Bill Monness

Laura Moser Cindy Oelrich Amber Olson Craig Olund Patricia Peterson Susie Pfefferkorn

Alan Pinter Cary Podevels Mike Polster Mark Raatz Brain Reise Richard Sales

Debbie Sanderson Cari Sauter Gale Scheer Aaron Schmidt Marcia Schmidt Gwen Schmitt

Camera Shy

Nancy Gutenberger Tim Kiehl Mark Poehnelt Brad Seefeld Tom Smith Duane Tyznik Joanne Troka Dawn Schmutzler Randy Schnabel Pam Schoelzel

Dennis Scherer Laurie Schuh Charles Sebold

Mark Seefeldt John Sheets Kimberly Shotliff

Bernice Smart Sandy Smazal Diane Smith

Bill Socwell Randy Soltow Peggy Sommer

Randy Stange Judy Strathmann Donna Tauchen

Duane Thieme Robert Thieme Carla Tischendorf

Chris Tischendorf Terry Tischendorf Jenny Uerling

Sharon Venzke Ruth V iergutz Gary Vietz

Jeanine Waldhart Gene Wehrman Susan Weigel

Jeff Weis Beatrice Weix Cheryl Wesenberg

Renee White Paul Yaron Karla Zak

I watched Rom per Room too! Class Officers Jenny Allmann Alice Atcherson Luanne Bochanyin

Sharon Brandl Laurel Brandt Angie Brown '80 8th Grade '80

Tom Calley Rita Cherry Kevin Cliver Laura Dahl Brad Dawson Wendy Edblom

Lori Empey Connie Erickson Cindy Fimstahl

Kurt Freme Cheri Garvey Gary Gebert

Laurie Gebert Cheryl Geiger Debbie Geiger

Pam Geiger Randy Golz Doug Gray

Jim Grieser Mark Gumz Rosalie Gustafson

Romona Hake Bonnie Halverson Robin Hardrath

Sandra Heil Gerald Hinshaw Colleen Hoffman

ME??? For centerfold?? This class is a barrel of laughs! Jon Intribus Lance Jablonicky Mark Jensen

Well, it itches!

David Johnson Kim Johnson Marlin Kaiser

Mark Kilty Barb Kittl Sue Konecny

Laurie Kroeplin Jackie Krueger Leane Kuehling

Peggy Leffel Virginia Leffel Debbie Leu

Brian Lieders Craig Lieders Rodney Loucks

Scott Maurina Rich Mercier Connie Michlig

Debbie Miller Joy Miller Mark Miller

Renee Miller Gina Mohan Ronnie Nienow

Tom Nomady Nancy Olson Susie Olund

Brad Podevels Donna Poehnelt Bob Powers

57 Linda Rahm Joyce Ramminger Mike Ramminger Rochelle Rannow Jeannette Rueden Wayne Sazama

Randy Schade Cindy Schaefer Kris Schilling Scott Schjoneman Gloria Schmidt Don Schoelzel

Doug Scidmore Karen Seidel Richard Shotliff Pam Smith Nancy Sommers Mike Sparks

Jeff Staffeil John Stuart Sarah Termer Allen Thieme Bill Thompson Roger Tischendorf

Sharon Tyznik Chexyl Weiler Rich Weis Robert Wilbur Kevin Winkler

Okay, who threw the spit-ball! Jana Wussow Jerxy Zahn Karla Zygowiez

Class Officers Roger Anderson Cheryl Asplund Janice Awe

Julene Bach Lori Ballerstein Gale Barrett

Gary Bedroske Kelly Beil Sherri Birkett Judy Block Paul Boor Cathy Brehm

Zelda Brookhart Charles Brown Debra Bruesewitz

Doug Bruesewitz Joel Bundgaard Danette Carlson 7th Grade

James Carr Lorin Cliver Daniel Cook

Bryan Dawson Kenny Dearth Davie Diedrich

Lisa Dorn Debbie Drolshagen Todd Duvall

Esther Ewing Julie Fr2.ne Gregg Ganz

Am I sitting tall enough Scott Gokey now? Bonnie Gumz Donna Gumz

Dale Gustafson

Come on bell--Ring! Tommy Habeck Donna Hake Todd Halopka

Penny Hanson Annette Hardrath Jerome Haufe

Connie Hennes Neil Herring Kelly Ingersol Paula lntribus Arnold Jagodzinski Linda Janke

John Jantsch Laurie Jaremba Mike Jarzin

Dale Jicinsky Sharon Keller Karen Klimpke

Donald Koerner Jim Kunick Lori Leichtman Tina Maxam Kevin Meyer Julie Maurina

Linda Neuenfeldt Dawn Newman Jeff Oelrich

Cindy Peterson Gary Rankl Daniel Rau

Scott Riegert Jeff Rogers Dennis Rose

Karen Rose Brenda Rueden Sandy Ruppert

Do I really look like Robert Redford? Huh! What was that? Donald Safemaster Gene Sales Joe Sazama

Mary Jo Schaefer Jodene Schafer Danny Schmidt

Judy Schmidt Scott Schmutzler Todd Schmutzler

Kevin Schnabel Donald Schuh Ronald Schuh

David Searer Cindy Seefeld Jeff Sheets

Kevin Shelly Alisa Smith Burl Smith

Todd Sommer

Alan Sparks Mary Strohkirch Mike Thompson I We're The Best Under The Sun 'Cause We're The Class Of I can't read Russian! ! ! 81 81 81 81 81

Debra Thoms Russel Urling Steven Untiedt

Kim Vrana Chuck Weiler Darla Wenzel

Jeff White Rick Wilbur 7th Grade Class Officers Margaret Wisniewski

Bradley Wolf Drew Wriedt Carl Yaron


DR. J. W. KOCH--Clerk EARL BOSS--Treasurer MERLIN KIL TY--Director


64 DR. WILLIAM R. THOlv'lPSON Superintendent UW-Superior, U of Southern Mississippi BS, M. Ed., Ph.D

MR. EDWARD HAAS MR. STEPHEN SUBERA Principal Assistant Principal UW-Eau Claire, U of Northern Colorado, BS, MA UW-LaCrosse Colorado State, BS, MS

65 MISS DELORES BEAUDETTE MR. A. C. BRAUN Chorus, Stagecraft, College of St. Social Studies, Asst. Track Coach, Benedict, College of St. Thomas, Advisor 10, UW- - Stevens Point, BA, MA BS, MST

MR. FRANCIS BRAITHWAITE Grade 6, Health 8, Health Coor­ dinator, UW--Platteville UW-­ Whitewater, BS, MST, MS

MR. JOSEPH BOETTCHER MRS. MARLENE BROESKE English 7-8, Advisor 7 UW--Ste­ Mathematics, Advisor 7 UW--Eau vens Point, U of Wyoming, Lara­ Claire, BS mie, BS, MA

MRS. BERNICE BRANDNER Social Studies 7, Advisor 7 UW-­ Stevens Point, BS

MRS. MARIE BRAATZ MR. VICTOR BUNDGAARD Business Ed. Advisor FBLA News­ Social Studies, Asst. Football paper, UW--Eau Claire BA Coach, UW--Eau Claire, Winona State, BS, MS

66 MR. MARK CONWAY Mathematics, Asst. Basketball Coach, UW--Stevens Point, BA

MRS. FAITH CASKEY MRS. JOYCE HAAVISTO Communications, Nat. Honor So­ Business Ed. Advisor FBLA Advisor ciety, Northland, Winona St. BA, 9, UW--Whitewater B.B. Ed. MS

MR. LAWRENCE ERL Math, Science, Advisor 11 UW-­ Eau Claire BS, MST

MR. FRED CASKEY MR. MARTIN HAAVISTO Science Dept. Head, Student Coun­ Guidance Counselor UW--White­ cil, Northland, Winona State, BS, water, UW--Superior BE, ME MS

MR. DONALD FISCHER Science, Advisor 8 UW--Stevens Point BS

67 MR. LEONHARD HIMES MR. PAUL JOHNSON Art, Art Club, Advisor, 11, UW-­ Phy. Ed. , Cross Country, Track, Oshkosh, BAE UW--LaCrosse, BS

MR. ALLAN HOFLAND Business Ed., Annual, Grade 11 Ad­ visor, UW--Eau Claire, BS

MISS VICKI HIRSCH MR. GORDON KNIGHT Special Ed., U of Northern Colora­ Special Ed., YARC Advisor, UW-­ do, BA Madison, UW--Eau Claire, BS

MR. STANLEY JARZIN Driver Ed., Advisor 10, UW--Su­ perior, BS

MR. TIM HODKIEWICZ MISS SANDRA KRONKA Math, Social Studies 8, Wrestling, Spanish 1 & 2, Spanish Club, For­ Advisor 8, UW-- Stevens Point, BS ensics, UW--Whitewater, B.S.Ed.

68 MR. THOMAS LANGHAM MR. JAMES MAVIS Mathematics, Basketball, Asst. Science, Communications Advisor Football, Pep Club, UW--River 7, UW--Stevens Point, BS Falls, BS

MR. STEPHEN LINZMEIER Social Studies, Grade 11, Asst. Wrestling, UW--LaCrosse, BS

MR. BRUCE LaSOTA MISS PATRICIA MEATH Speech, Mass Media, Swimming, English, Newspaper, UW--Eau UW--Oshkosh, BS Claire, BA

MISS LINDA LOEHRKE Special Help Teacher, Carthage College, B.A.

MR. KENNETH LaVENTURE MR. CHARLES NOMADY Woods, Metals, Grade 10, UW-­ Chemistry, A-V Club, Grade 12, Stout, BS UW--Stevens Point, UW--Stout, BS, l\.f.A

69 MR. PHILIP RASMUSSEN Agriculture, FFA, WJDA, Prom Aide, UW--River Falls, BS

MRS. JANICE NOMADY MISS LINDA SENDERHA UF French, French Club, Grade 10, Phy Ed. Girls' Swim & Track, GAA, UW--Stevens Point, BS Cheerleaders, Lettergirls, UW--La­ Crosse, BS

MR. JAMES RICKARD Band, Band Activities, Vandercook College, BS, M. Music Ed.

MR. HARVEY OLUND MISS JEAN SERUM Industrial Ed., Grade 11, UW-­ English, GAA, Grade 9, UW--Eau Stout, BS, MS Claire, BA

MRS. HARRIET SCHWARTZ English, Masquers, Thespians, U. of Minnesota, B.A.

MR. JOHN PANKO MR. DONALD SPRANGER Social Studies, Grade 10, UW-­ Agriculture, FFA, WJDA, UW-­ Stevens Point, U. of Colorado, River Falls, BS BS, MAT

70 MRS. CAROL SUBERA MRS. CATHERINE UMHOEFER Home Ee. FHA, UW--Stout, U. of Assistant Librarian, Library Coun­ Colorado, BS, M. Home Ee. cil, UW--Madison

MRS. ANNE TESKA Home Ee., FHA, Prom Aide, UW-­ Stout, BS

MR. WILLIAM SWEDA MR. JAMES WARREN Science, Driver Ed., Grade 7 Asst. Counselor, Grade 12, San Francisco Football, UW--River Falls, U. of State, U. of Southern Cal., BA, N. Colorado, BS, MA MS

MR. DUANE TESKA Phy Ed,, Football, UW--River Falls, Kansas State U., BS, MS

MRS. MARY TENNIS Library, Library Council, College of St. Teresa, UW--Madison, BA, MR. DUANE WEBB MA Industrial Ed., Grade 9, UW-­ Stout, BS, MS

MRS. DOROTHY THIEME Jr. English, Elementary Band, Grade 8, UW--Stevens Point, BS

71 Helping Hands!!!


MRS. PAM MILLER--Secretary MRS. WAVE MILLER--Secretary Jerome Heindl-Janitor

Cooks: Audrey Juedes, Evelyn Herrman, Marian Steinke, Alva Heindl, Christine Hanson, Caroline Decker.

7 ATHLETICS COMPETITION 7th And 8th: Up And Coming

First Row: Todd Sommer, Jeff Sheets, Kenny Dearth, Danny Rau, Mike Jarzin, Kelly Ingersoll, Dale Gustafson, Todd Duvall, David Johnson, Row 2: William Thompson, Scott Gokey, Doug Bruesewitz, Daniel Cook, Brad Pod­ evels, Lorin Cliver, Joel Bundgaard, Ronald Schuh, Mark Kilty, Kevin Cliver, Row 3: Ricky Weis, Rod Loucks, David Searer, Donny Koerner, Tom Nomady, Kevin Schnabel, Jeff Staffeil, Carl Yaron, Gary Bedroske, Chuck Weiler, Row 4 : Gary Rankel, Jim Grieser, Scott Riegert, Rich Mercier, Kurt Frome, Marlin Kaiser, Lance Jab­ lonicky, Doug Scidmore, Randy Schade, and Gregg Ganz.

Opponent Colby Sacred 0 8 St. Johns 8 24 Stratford 38 6 Abbotsford 6 20 Auburndale 0 8 Our Lady of Peace 12 8

76 Frosh: Getting Ready For The Big Time

Opponent Colby Owen- Withee 6 8 Columbus 36 0 Thorp 8 0 Neillsville 22 6 Greenwood 8 6 Loyal 22 14

First Row: Alan Pi-nter, Brian Halopka, Ronald Hoernke, Brad Kops, Kevin Bedroske, Tony Abney, Tom Heindl, Row 2: Craig Olund, Kevin Lynn, Wayne Kantola, Mark Hunsader, Randy Schnabel, Paul Yaron, Mike Polster, Row 3: Doug Beisner, Gerard Feldbruegge, Mark Heeg, Tim Kiehl, Brad Barrett, Brian Reise, and Mark Molitor.

77 J. V.s: Getting It On

Columbus 8 Colby 32

Greenwood 6 Colby 8

Neillsville 0 Colby 6

Cadott 0 Colby 24

Loyal 0 Colby 46

Thorp 6 Colby 6 First Row: Dave Hodd, Paul Venzke, Jeff Rueden, Dale Stuttgen, Duane Birkett, Keith Michlig, Loren Bedroske, Gene Peissig, Jim Tesmer, Rick Waldhart, Steve Hunsader, Row 2: Kevin Gosse, Owen-Withee 14 Randy Rannow, Brian Rinehart, Paul Rhyner, Darwin Schmidt, Joe Feldbruegge, Rick Golz, Jim Colby 28 Clifford, Kim Kaiser, George Stuart, Brad Gokey, Row 3: Craig Mieritz, Danny Koerner, Scott Tyznik, Greg Lynn, Kevin Lieders, Tom Firnstahl, Hugh Feirer, Glenn Gaulke, Jeff Bundgaard, and Gary Leffel.

First Row: Doug Newman, Terry Mueller, Mitch Surman, Jerry Mueller, Arlan Birkett, Steve Waldhart, Dan Mielke, Bill Viergutz, Reed Romens, Row 2: Don Rabehl, Kevin Cook, Roger Krebsbach, Brad Ayer, Jeff Peissig, Al Carlson, Greg Gaulke, Brian Tyznik, Brad Caskey, Jim Massop, and Tom Stuttgen.

78 Varsity: The Games The Thing

This year, the Hornets' quest for the state record of emplified a great deal of good sportsmansn1p. 38 wins in a row was brought back down to earth when This season marks the last time that Colby will be Colby traveled to Neillsville on September 26, and competing in the Cloverbelt Conference. During the lost, 17--14. Before the loss, Colby had taken 31 season, the Hornets received news that next year they games and, ironically, the Hornets were edged by a would be entered in competition against schools from field goal in the last seconds, which is how Neills­ the Lumberjack Conference. ville fell to them the preceding year. Dreams of Four players from Colby were named to the all­ taking second place in the Cloverbelt Conference conference list. These players were: Al Carlson and were shattered when they were upset by Fall Creek, Jim Yaron at the lineman position, Steve Waldhart at 23--0. This years' team was made up by 19 seniors, guard, and Jeff Peissig at line backer. Receiving honor­ 16 juniors, and 17 sophomores. But the seasons' suc­ able mention were: Brad Caskey, Jerry Mueller, Brian cess cannot truly be regarded in terms of how many Tyznik, and Dan Mielke. Jeff Peissig was also named to games were won or lost as the team and the fans ex- the Channel 7 all--star listings.

Medford 6 Colby 36 Altoona 8 42 Cadott 8 36 Cornell 0 22 Neillsville 17 14 Greenwood 14 16 Loyal 0 12 Thorp 6 40 Owwn-Withee 6 28 Fall Creek 23 0

First Row: Danny Koerner, Glenn Gaulke, Jeff Rueden, Brad Gokey, Jim Tesmer, Greg Gaulke, Roger Krebsbach, Randy Rannow, Dale Stuttgen, Arnie Birkett, Jeff Peissig, Brad Ayer, Steve Waldhart, Rick Golz, Jim Massop, Kev­ in Gosse, and Don Rabehl, Row 2: Tom Stuttgen, Paul Venzke, Dave Hodd, Gary Leffel, Loren Bedroske, Jim Clif­ ford, Darwin Schmidt, Brian Tyznik, Duane Birkett, Rick Wal dhart, Jerry Mueller, Keith Michlig, Al Carlson, Reed Romens, Dan Mielke, Joe Feldbruegge, Tom Firnstahl, and Jeff Bundgaard, Row 3: Coach Bundgaard, Terry Mueller, Kevin Cook, Brad Caskey, Scott Tyznik, Kim Kaiser, Brian Rinehart, Paul Rhyner, Eugene Peissig, Greg Lynn, Kev­ in Leiders, Steve Hunsader, George Stuart, Mitch Surman, Hugh Feirer, Doug Newman, Bill Viergutz, Craig Mieritz, and Coach Teska.

79 Guts It Out!

Team members are: Front Row; Arnie Riese, Mark Bob Thieme, Jeff Stieber, 3rd Row: Dan Bartnik, Bruce Fischer, Randy Hesgard, Dean Scidm.ore, Rick Busse, Lueddecke, Brey, Brian Boettcher. 2nd Row; Marty Kaiser, Kent Freme, Joel Benjegerdes,

This year's Cross Country was the best ever in the his­ Riese, (co-captains) Rick Busse, Mark Fischer, and tory of the team. The team went to state without win­ Bob Thieme. The team trained to Coach Johnson's ning a meet. This is a Cross Country record. At the steady cadence of "Beat Loyal", "Beat Neilsville" and state meet the CC team ran to a forth place finish. The "Beat Tomahawk". They also trained to the rhythmn team's leading runners were Red Hesgard and Arnie of "Guts it out!"

80 Varsity

This year's girls Vollyball team went to regionals with three wins in a row. They lost their first game and couldn't go on any farther. Captain for this year's varsity was Claire Eggebrecht.

The J. V. team has four wins to credit themselfs with. Captain for this year's J. V. team was Cindy Heeg. Coaches for this year's teams were Miss Degner and Miss Jacbson.

VARSITY Front Row: Cheryl Staffeil, Jill Caskey, Marie Jensen, Charmaine Untiedt, Lori Schraufnagle and Pam Heeg. Back Row: Darla Klessig, Claire Eggebrecht (Captain), Kerry Firnstahl, Kim Wussow, Paula Kops, Diane Haas, and Mary Krebsback. Keep That Ball Up The.re Girls

J. V. Front Row: Judy Jicinsky, Mary Clifford, Mar­ gie Weix, Debbie Dearth, Lori Hennes, Cindy Oel­ rich Susie Pfefferkorn, Monica Courtney, and Sandy Ballerstein. Row 2: Patty Sterzinger, Margie Goeltz, Julie Caskey, Joan Schraufnagel, Karen R"ueden, and Sue Olsen. Back Row: Grace Beyerl, Sue Rahm, Sue Krebsback, Julie Reinhart, Penny Ruppert, and Cindy Heeg (Captain). .... -·

Bottom Row: Cindy Weis, Dawn Olson, Sara Koch, Laurie Ryner, Jody Krueger, Bronwyn Rannow. 2nd Row: Pam Smith, Sally Brey, Julie Olund, Carrie Olson. 3rd. Row: Rae Rannow, Mary Brown, Jana Krueger, Karla Podevels. 4th Row: Carol Brown, Sherri Dorn, Judy Strathman, Cheryl Dearth, Cari Sauter, Diane Barr, Alice Barden, Mari­ jo Kaiser, Amber Olson, Lori Hilber, Susan Weigel.

Although the 2-8 record might not suggest a successful season, 1975 was the best season ever for the girls. Eleven out of twelve school records were broken and three meets were lost by fewer than 5 points. It was a very satisfying year for the coaches as they watched the swimmers and divers improve right through the sectional competition as Colby finished 6th out of 11 teams. Perhaps, the thing to be most remembered about this team, was the outstanding leadership provided by the Seniors. And through their efforts and hard work, they have issued a challenge to next year's team to top their efforts.

Bottom Row: Ann Schmidt, Pam Herring, Jodi Hubing, Connie Ludwig, Karen Rueden, Susan Bartnik, Ruth Gabriel. 2nd Row: Beth Pinter, Julie Dearth, Terri Mohan, Wanita Underwood, Miss Senderhauf.

82 Bottom Row: Jim Ramminger, Gregg Brown, Bill Gutenberger, Jesse Miller, Paul Rhyner, Terry Schmidt. 2nd Row: Ken Mohan, Bruce Hauser, Jeff Bloome, Rick Nelson, Duane Blunt, Kirk Hoffman, 3rd Row: Loren Bedroske, Lee Bochianyin, Frank Sterzinger, Jack Flink, Phil Venzke, Gary Mohan.

Boys Swim Team

The 1975-76 season has been the best ever for the Colby Tankers. Experience has been a key to the Hornets success. Three Seniors and nine Juniors anchor the team for Head Coach Bruce LaSota. The tankers have been competing with valley schools this year as well as close rival Medford. At the time of this printing the Hornets hold a 7- 2 dual meet record with 4 more meets to hold. New records were set in each of the eleven events this year testifying to the squads hard work and dedication.

Bill Gutenberger, Duane Blunt, Kirk Hoffman

83 Here We Come!

Frosh, Row 1: Tony Abney, Tim Kiehl, Kevin Lynn, Randy Schnabel, Daniel Fink, and Randy Boss, Row 2: Ray Schnabel, Craig Olund, Duane Tyznik, Terry Tischendorf, Mark Molitor, Mark Heeg, Mark Hunsader, and Coach Duane Teska.

84 Junior Varsity, Row 1: Steve Hunsader, Mark Fischer, Brad Gokey, and Jim Willner, Row 2: Jim Tesmer, Scott Tyznik, Dave Gottschalk, Rod Garvey, and Tom Reinhart. J. V. 's: Almost To The Top

Seniors on Varsity, Row 1: Randy Hesgard, Greg Gaulke, and Brian Tyznik. Row 2: Brad Ayer and Doug Newman.

85 Varsity, Row 1: Randy Hesgard, Greg Gaulke, Brian Tyznik, Glenn Gaulke, and Rick Golz. Row 2: Brad Ayer, Jeff Bundgaard, Greg Lynn, Doug Newman, Gary Wussow, Ron Wolf, and Coach Langham. On The Rise

Plagued by lack of returning starters and a distinct disadvantage due to lack of height, this year's varsity basketball season proved to be a learning experience for the majority of the play­ ers. Besides the five seniors on the team, there were also four sophomores and two juniors. The play of the Hornets was of a very incon­ sistent nature and this was largely a reflection of the inexperience of many of the players, as they were generally matched against taller and more experienced opponents. Sheer desire and some excellent shooting provided exciting wins, in eluding a very dramatic last second win against Thorp, who, before game time, was considered to be a possible contender for the conference championship. Prospects look very bright for next season be­ cause of the amount of experience that has been by underclassmen this year. It's a young, but an up and coming team.

86 Colby 52 Medford 40 62 Greenwood 71 55 Neillsville 72 51 Altoona 84 56 Thorp 69 40 Columbus 90 82 Stanley-Boyd 75 56 Owen-Withee 76 61 Loyal 60 46 Greenwood 45 57 Neillsville 85 61 Gilman 74 51 Thorp 48 Fall Creek Owen-Withee Loyal Play-Offs Mosinee Varsity, Row 1: Ann Schmidt, Sally Brey, Charmaine Untiedt, Judy Jicinsky, Nancy Tauchen, and Pam Smith. ROW 2: Coach Georgia Behrens, Jana Krueger, Claire Eggebrecht, Darlene Oehmichen, Susan Rahm, Susan Bruese­ witz, and Coach Mary Kutzke. Hornets Buzz Around The Court

Junior Varsity, Row 1: Mary Clifford, Faith Maxam, Laura Bruesewitz, Barb Jicinsky, Sue Bartnik, and Jill Caskey. Row 2: Cheryl Beyerl, Sue Krebsbach, Pam Schoelzel, Julie Reinhart, Peggy Sommer, and Caryl Beyerl.

88 Colby Grapplers

Varsity Wrestlers, Front Row: Billy Viergutz, Roger Krebsbach, Jim Yaron, Mitchell Kaiser, Randy Rannow, Jerry Mueller, Back Row: Wayne Rau, Jeff Peissig, Steve Waldhart, Dean Bender, Alan Pinter, and Allen Bach.

WRESTLING SCHEDULE 197S-1976 Thursday, Dec. 4, Altoona Away Thursday, Dec. 11, Loyal Away Saturday, Dec. 13, Stevens Point Away (Triple Dual) Thursday, Dec. 18, Neillsville Away Saturday, Dec. 20, Pulaski Away (Tournament) Thursday, Jan. 8, Cornell Home Tuesday, Jan. 13, Medford Away Thursday, Jan. 1s, Owe:i-Withee Home Tuesday, Jan. 20, Phillips Away Thursday,Jan.22,Thorp Home Saturday, Jan. 24, Schofield Away (J.V. Tourn.) Thursday, Jan. 29, Greenwood Home Thursday, Feb. s, Cadott Away Saturday, Feb. 7, Conference Tourna- ment at Fall Creek Saturday, Feb. 14, Sub Regional Wrestling

89 Top Picture, Front Row: Jeff Dodge, Craig Mieritz, Duane Birkett, Mark Jablonicky, Kevin Lieders, Brad Caskey, Paul Venzke, Back Row: Marty Kaiser, John Sheets, Brian Hal­ opka, Gene Peissig, Kevin Boyer, Mark Staab, Bob Thieme, Paul Yaron, and Arlan Birkett.

Bottom Picture, Front Row: Todd Hal­ opka, Jeff Sheets, Dan Rau, Back Row: Donny Koerner, Gregg Ganz, Gary Rankel, and Carl Yaron.

90 Hornet Trackers

Front Row: Arlan Birkett, Arnold Riese, Jeff Steiber, Joel Benjegerdes, Dan Heindl, Dean Scidmore, Rick Busse, Keith Kunkel, Mike Brey, Row 2: Marty Schjoneman, Dan Brusewitz, Glenn Gaulke, Lee Bochinyin, Dave Gotts­ chalk, Rick Golz, Jim Clifford, Ken Kapfer, Greg Sterzinger, Back Row: Coach Johnson, Coach Braun, Roger Sauer, Brad Gokey, George Smith, Dennis Bloom, Randy Rannow, Jack Harris, Roger Brost, Brad Ayer, Kevin Leiders, Lea Eggebrecht, Tim Rau, and Kevin Kunkel.

The Colby Hornet Track team is a sport team that participates with a number of various schools. At their meets the track team does such things as running, long jump, high jump and many other events. Although the team does not get as much recognition as some of the other sports at Colby, its participants are very enthusiastic.

. ' ¼·} ' '

Front Row: Marty Schjoneman, Rod Garvey, Steve Hunsader, Paul Venzke, Mark Fischer, Back Row: Marty Kaiser, Jeff Bundgaard, Glenn Gaulke, Gary Leffel, Greg Ludwig.

91 Front Row: Jody Krueger, Sara Koch, Dawn Shelley, Linda Schmidt, Shelley Koerner, Claire Eggebrecht, Marie Jensen, and Bronwyn Rannow. Row 2: Mary Krebsbach, Diane Brey, Janice Frane, Coach Knight, Diane Ewert, Rae Rannow, Ann Schmidt, and Pam Smith. Row 3: Jill Caskey, Mary Clifford, Charmaine Untiectt, Jana Krueger, Sue Rahm, Marie Frane, Sally Brey, and Jean Hennes. Row 4: Betty Thieme, Barb Beyerl, Penny Herrmann, Barb Schilling, Diane Haas, Judy Jicinsky, and Kerry Firnstahl. ''We're For Real!''

"Hey, that Girls' Track Team is for real," com­ mented many of the males at Colby High last spring. The girls in their second year, placed fourth in the Cloverbelt. The girls' mile relay, won by Colby was a thrilling climax to the con­ ference meet. The second year showed many refinements in all events. There were many great individual efforts, and a team spirit that was unbeatable. By the end of the season, Coach Knight had lost his voice and developed a taste for carnations. The coaches and team members look for an even better year in 1976.

92 ACTIVITIES NHS: Our Name Means Service

Front Row: Kathleen Heindl, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Cheryl Staffeil, Donna Kilty, Diane Ewert, Judy Gosse, Nancy Tauchen, Dianne Hilber, Ruth Gabriel, Row 2: Penny Hinke, Terra Calley, Pam Heeg, Becky Hull, Sue Reinhart, Connie Ludwig, Marie Frane, Marie Jensen, Laurie Rhyner, Geri Becker, Row 3: Jim Clifford, Julie Olund, Sus­ an Bruesewitz, Cindy Heeg, Kim Wussow, Kerry Firnstahl, Karen Lapp, Jeff Peissig, Loren Bedroske, Brian Boett­ cher, Randy Hesgard, Mrs. Caskey, Row 4: Lee Bochanyin, Vicky Busse, Rick Busse, Billy Viergutz, Rick Schna­ bel, Mike Clifford, Brad Caskey, Dan Mielke, Joel Benjegerdes, Mark Jablonicky, Mike Tischendorf, Row 5: Rick Allmann, Steve Weber, Jody Krueger, Dawn Olson, Steve Waldhart, and Brad Ayer.

Members of National Honor Society are chosen on the

basis of scholarship, service I leadership and character. The club's function is one of service and of trying to in­ volve others in the unselfish task of doing their share in the world's work. In the past year's service projects have been on all levels: school, community, state, national and international. Contributions of $50 have been given to the Colonial Home Activity fund, UNICEF milk fund, Cancer fund, and Earthquake fund. Two paintings in the high school study hall and 4 flowering trees in the courtyard were donated by N .H. S. members to help beautify the school environment.

Sec. -Treas.: Pam Heeg Vice-President: Steve W aldhart President: Ruth Gabriel

94 Journalism Class Tells All

First Row: Melanie Allmann, Carla Tischendorf, Kerry Firnstahl, Kim Wussow, Penny Ruppert, Diane Ewert, Row 2: Rick Waldhart, Brad Caskey, Jeff Peissig, Greg Gaulke, Steve Waldhart, Row 3: Marie Jensen, Dawn Olson, Jody Krueger, Shelley Koerner, Cindy Weis, and Kay Steinmetz.

This year's Hornet Highlights was written and compiled by the new journalism class under the direction of Miss Meath and Mrs. Braatz. The class produced one issue monthly. The class of 24 students worked daily on articles, in­ terviews, photography, typing, proofreading, corrections, and the actual laying out of the paper which many times is extended into the late evening. They attended the Chippewa Valley Student Press at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. The students of this year's journalism class gained alot of experience in conducting interviews and gained much knowledge in the writing field.

95 A-V

Row 1: Diane Ewert, Laurie Rhyner, Evonne Schmid, Cindy Brehm, Jane Johnson, Ken Mohan, Arnold Riese, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Row 2: Charles Nomady, Al Carlson, Brad Ayer, Bryan Pawlowicz, Lee Bochanyin, Joel Benjegerdes, Kurt Schwock, Row 3: Ken Monness, Jim Clifford, Duane Birkett, Gary Mohan, Jeff Stieber, Brad Gokey, Brian Boettcher. In the beginning, the earth was void and without form. Since that time developement of the human mind increased, gradually, ever building, and ever growing, until the time came when developement was increasing at such a rate that the simple human mind could not comprehend as rapidly as developement occurred. At that time progress split into two forms. The discoveries continued with more developement, starting parallel, this parallel developement was the recording of past achievements, and Audio­ Visual recording equipment came in to being. Our AV operates out of one small room in this school. However, the task it overcomes in a sense keeps the entire teach­ ing staff gliding smoothly. The AV club distributes any­ thing from an extension cord to projectors and the Audio Visual Monitor. It can be quite safely stated after re­ viewing the club that this year's AV was the best AV we had this year.

President Brad Ayer Vice-President Bryan Pawlowicz

96 Front Row: Mrs. Umhoefer, Mary Heindl, Karla Will, Gwen Schmitt, Doreen Kilty, Janet Sterzinger, James Raming­ er, and Mrs. Tennis. Second Row: Linda Fink, Lauraine Scmitt, Cheryl Abeggen, Patty Sterzinger, Grace Beyerl, Ruth Gabriel, Linette Scmitt, and Kurt Scwoch. Back Row: Jeff Steiber, Ken Monness, Bruce Hauser, Brad Gokey, and Brian Boettcher.

Librarians Are 920 . 76

_J'.'..r_s " 1.e_nni_s__,_ _Ers ~ Urnho~f~_:r_ Bookbinders AUTHOR __ Libr~r_y Council T I T L E This years officers are President; Linette Schmitt, Vice Pres­ idnet; Brad Gokey, and Secretary; Kurt Schwoch.

DA TE D U E B O RR O WER 5 'IA "1 f


loc.a l


97 Keeping Up

Varsity cheerleaders kept up C.H.S. spirit during this year's football and basketball seasons. They attended camp at CSC, UW-Oshkosh, win­ ning the over-all trophy and the spirit stick every night, plus loads of ribbons. The squad consisted of Julie Olund, Cheryl Staffiel, Dianne Hilber, Wanita Underwood, Lori Schraufnagel and Pam Heeg.

98 The Spirit

The Colby wrestlers had some high-spirited cheer­ leaders at their matches. Making up the squad were Terri Mohan, Jody Krueger, Mary Krebsbach, Lauie Rhyner and Jan Waldhart. The squad participated in the DCA, UW-River Falls camp and won a 4th in over­ all competition.

Junior varsity cheerleaders had as much pep as the rest. They attended camp at the Cheerleading Institute in DePere, and came home with a movie camera and a megaphone for their performance. Members of the squad are Cathy Searer, Elaine Mercier, Peggy Sommers, Peggy Becker and Pam Smith.

99 Pep Club Spirit

Front Row: Pam Heeg, Lori Schraufnagel, Julie Olund, Cheryl Staffeil, Wanita Underwood, Dianne Hilber, Elaine Mercier, Peggy Becker, Pam Smith, Peggy Sommer, Cathy Searer, Thomas Langham, Advisor, Row 2: Dawn Olson Brad Caskey, Steve Waldhart, Tom Stuttgen, Keith Michlig, Randy Rannow, Mitch Kaiser, Randy Hesgard, Greg Gaulke, Kathy Rankl, Dawn Wilde, Terra Calley, Row 3: Gregg Brown, Brian Tyznik, Don Rabehl, Jerry Mueller, Mark Jablonicky, Dan Mielke, Paul Rhyner, Gene Peissig, Dean Bender, Sara Koch, Bronwyn Rannow, Row 4: Jill Caskey, Charmaine Untiedt, Ann Schmidt, Sue Reinhart, Shelley Koerner, Becky Hull, Dawn Shelley, Linda Schmidt, Claire Eggebrecht, Darla Klessig, Linda Seidel, Linda Lueddecke, Vicky Busse, Doug Newman, Row 5: Roger Krebsbach, Mike Clifford, Jeff Peissig, Brad Ayer, Kevin Cook, Jim Massop, Bill Viergutz, David Schmidt, Kevin Lieders, Greg Lynn, Dan Schoelzel, Dale Stuttgen.

100 Pep Club, one of the largest organizations of Colby High School, strives to create enthusiasm throughout the school year. They have sponsored many activities, from the bonfire at homecoming to a variety of fund raising events. Advisor, Mr. Langham, has his hands full, but does an excellent job. This year's officers were: Sara Koch--Presi­ dent, Bronwyn Rannow--vice-president, Randy Hesgard--treasurer, and Cindy Heeg--secretary. The club is made up of the cheerleaders, athletes, and individuals who are interested in creating spirit and enthusiasm for Colby's sports events.

Front Row: Ruth Gabriel, Lori Pflanzer, Darlene Oeh­ michen, Sherri Dom, Sally Brey, Mary Brown, Ber­ nice Smart, Jan Waldhart, Terri Mohan, Laurie Rhy­ ner, Mary Krebsbach, Jody Krueger, Judy Strathmann, Ruth Viergutz, Susie Pfefferkorn, Marijo Kaiser, Carol Brown, Lynn Hanne, Julie Reinhart, Row 2: Wayne Kantola, Duane Tyznik, Mike Polster, Tim Kiehl, Gary Mohan, George Stuart, Gary Wussow, Tom Rein­ hart, Glenn Gaulke, Scott Tyznik, Duane Birkett, Rick Waldhart, Lori Hilber, Teri Block, Denise Witte, Rona Will, Jean Hennes, Kathy Molitor, Row 3: Brad Kops, Mark Hegg, Craig Olund, Marty Kaiser, Bryan Pawlowicz, Rick Busse, Craig Mieritz, Joe Feldbruegge, Kim Kaiser, Dan Bruesewitz, Jim Tesmer, Loren Bed­ roske, Karen Rueden, Julie Dearth, Karla Zak, Rose­ mary Rued en, Pam Barrett, Judy Jicinsky, Tammy Gehrke, Row 4: Jeff Bundgaard, Ron Wolf, Danny Koerner, Steve Schultz, Wayne Rau, Jim Cliffort, Rick Golz, Rodger Brost, Terry Mueller, Paula Kops, Kerry Firnstahl, Jana Krueger, Diane Haas, Rae Ran­ now, Joan Schraufnagel, Debbie Rashka, Evonne Sch­ mid, Sue Krebsbach, Row 5: Brad Barrett, Frank Ster­ zinger, Dan Ramker, Arlan Birkett, Rick Allman, Mitch Surman, Kim Wussow, Cindy Heeg, Penny Rup­ pert, Margie Goeltz, Julie Caskey, Sue Rahm, Mary Clifford, Barb Aichele, Anne Boisen, Row 6: Pat Brill, Kerry Hansen, Dale Kloehn, Carrie Olson, Beth Pinter, Marie Frane, Donna Kilty, Beth Johnson, Sharon Gaetz, Penny Hermann, Sue Olson, Diane Ewert, Jane John­ son, Barb Cole, Nancy Young, Dawn Podevels, Sharon Dahlke.

101 GAA

First Row: Dianne Hilber, Melanie Allmann, Lori Janke, Wanita Underwood, Sue Bartnik, Mary Clifford, Faith Maxam, Laura Bruesewitz, Kathleen Heindl, Nancy Tauchen, Row 2: Janice Frane, Rae Rannow, Beth Pinter, Diane Ewert, Ann Schmidt, Marie Jensen, Shelba Bauer, Vixki Binning, Linette Schmitt, Doreen Kilty, Row 3: Linda Schmidt, Kathy Schultz, Dawn Shelley, Karla Zak, Caryl Beyerl, Denise Gustafson, Margie Weix, Carmel Ellenbecker, Karen Venzke, Julie Schaefer, Row 4: Jody Krueger, Jaycine Engel, Lori Schraufnagel, Carla Tisch­ endorf, Tammy Tischendorf, Mary Brown, Julie Caskey, Sue Rahm, Judy Jicinsky, Cindy Heeg, Row 5: Dawn Olson, Kerry Firnstahl, Devvie Rashka, Donna Kilty, Margie Goeltz, Penny Ruppert, Sue Olson, Diane Haas, Carrie Olson, Penny Hinke, and Darla Klessig.

102 First Row: Sara Koch, Evonne Schmid, Judy Gosse, Jane Kilty, Terry Mohan, Marie Frane, Jill Caskey, Michelle Maurina, Janet Sterzinger, Toni Nehrlich, Cheryl Beyerl, Row 2: Mary Krebsbach, Pam Smith, Sally Brey, Laur­ aine Schmitt, Karen Rueden, Jean Hennes, Karen Jochimsen, Gale Scheer, Amber Olson, Patty Sterzinger, Row 3: Cheryl Staffeil, Karla Will, Rosemary Rueden, Ruth Gabriel, Lauri Hedler, Shclle.y Koerner, Diana: Abney, Sue Reinhart, Pam Heeg, Claire Eggebrecht, Row 4: Beatrice Weix, Janien Kiehl, Sue Krebsbach, Liana Anders, Joan Schraufnagel, Kim Wussow, Paula Kops, Caryn Haavisto, Barb Beyerl, Jana Drueger, Julie Reinhart. Officers

First Row: Margie Weix- -Historian, Tammy Tischendorf-- Secretary, Claire Eggebrecht-- President, Shelba Bauer­ Vice--President, Row 2: Penny Ruppert--Reporter, Miss Senderhauf, Miss Serum, Shelley Koerner--Treasurer. 103 Letter Ms.

First Row(Left To Right}--Karen Rueden, Sally Brey, Pam Smith, Vicki Binning, Ann Schmidt, Jill Caskey, Shelba Bauer, Marie Jensen, Dawn Shelley, Wanita Underwood, Linda Schmidt, Betty Thieme. Second Row--Jody Krueger, Geri Becker, Dawn Olson, Laurie Rhyner, Carrie Olson, Charmaine Untiedt, Mary Brown, Terra Calley, Rae Rannow, Julie Olund, Sara Koch, Barb Schilling. Third Row--Miss Senderhauf, Darla Klessig, Bronwyn Rannow, Claire Eggebrecht, Sue Rahm, Cindy Weism Barb Beyerl, Penny Herrmann, Kerry Firnstahl, Paula Kops, Rosemary Rueden, Denise Witte.


The Girl's Letterwinner's Club was organized to honor the outstanding member's of the girls interscholastic teams in our school system. But this year the club added a new perspec­ tive in the view of their members. They attended and sat together to cheer at one of each of the spring and winter sports events. They also added a ceremonial induction to the club. Each new member is inducted and has to earn points to receive her "Letter Ms. 11 pin and re­ tain membership in the club. The club also helps the Letterman's Club in sponsoring the annual Athletic Banquet, where exceptional letterwinners receive special awards. Elected officers for the "75-76" school year Letterwinners Club were: President- - Jaycine Engel, Vice-President--Wanita Underwood, Secretary--Mary Krebsbach, Treasurer--Bronwyn Rannow and the club advisor in Ms. Senderhauf.

104 1st. Row: Don Rabehl, Randy Rannow, Kirk Hoffman, Rod Nuenfeldt, Brad Caskey, Rick Allman, Jesse Miller, 2nd Row: Brad Ayer, Jim Clifford, Bili Viergutz, Rick Busse, Tom Stuttgen, Randy Hesgard, Greg Gaulke, Kevin Kunkle, Jeff Stieber, Arlan Birket, Jim Massop, 3rd: Jeff Peisseig, Roger Krebsbach, Al Carlson, Wayne Rau, Keith Michlig, Paul Rhyner, Brad Gokey, Arnie Riese, Loren Bedroske, Dale Stuttgen, 4th: Greg Lynn, Kevin Lie­ ders, Reed Romens, Duane Birkett, Jerry Muller, Dan Mielke, Mark Jablonicky, Mitch Kaiser, Kevin Cook, Doug Newman, 5th: Roger Brost, Dan Brudewutz, Dean Bender, Greg Brown, Ken Kapfer, Pat Brill, Mark Fischer, Frank Sterzinger, Gary Mohan, Lee Bochanyin.

The Lettermens Club is the group in charge of the concession sales at the football and basketball Lettermen games. The Lettermen are the best athletes in their specific sport. Our lettermen are some of the best athletes in the conferance.

Officers: Pres. Joe Feldebrugge, V.Pres.Jim Clifford, Sec. Randy Rannow.

105 FHA: Sewing Up A New Year

First Row: L. to R. Susan Weigel, Cheri Oehler, Lori Hennes, Mary Clifford, Barb Jicinsky, Dillian Anders, Donna Tauchen, Lori Yanko, LuAnn Degenhardt, Sherri Dorn, Second Row: Denise Gustafson, Sharon Hamus, Kathy Molitor, Marcia Schmidt, Trudy Seefeldt, Debbie Oelrich, Kim Shotliff, Gloria Fischer, Julie Frane, Julie Caskey, Third Row: Marie Reise, Linda Konecny, Lauraine Schmitt, Debbie Dearth, Karen Rueden, Jane Herrmann, Diane Ewert, Bobbie Ann Schuh, Barb Schilling, Debbie Schmidt, Fourth Row: Lori Schraufnagel, Diana Abney, Bronwyn Rannow, Cindy Heeg, Barb Beyerl, Margie Goeltz, Marie Jensen, Terra Calley, Sherry Fitzel, Cindy Weis, Fifth Row: Patty Sterzi.nger, Doreen Kilty, Darlene Oehmichen, Jodi Hubing.

FHA's officers for the 1975-76 school year are: L. to R. Advisor--Mrs. C. Subera, Historian Reporter--Sue Rahm, Secretary-Treasurer--Kin Wussow, Point Secretary--Margie Goeltz, Vice-President--Marie Jensen, President-­ Barb Beyerl, and Advisor--Mrs. A. Teska.

106 The Future Homemakers of America is made up of students in grades 9-12, who have had at least one semester of Home Economics. Many services and activities of the chapter are: sponsoring an orphan, selling Stanley products, decor­ ating and baking contests, and an initiation. They have also gone roller skating and toboggoning throughout the year. Each year in May, the F. H. A. sponsers a style show. Along with the style show, they also sponsor a F. H. A. week. A spring trip is taken each year by the F. H. A. Mem­ bers who have earned all their points are eligable to participate. The new F, H. A. officers attended the State Conven­ tion at Green Lake, last spring. 1st Place in Door Decorating.

First Row: L. to R. Joanne Mueller, Jane Kilty, Dawn Schmutzler, Chris Tischendorf Jenny Uerling, Lori Hilber, Debbie Schilling, Bernice Smart, Cindy Oelrich, Diane Haas, Second Row: Linette Schmitt, Donna Witte, Coralee Carlson, Renee White, Karen Flink, Lynn Hanne, Rona Will, Toni Nehrlich, Janien Kiehl Cheryl Beyerl, Third Row: Julene Stoiber, Julie Schaefer, Renee Umlauft, Pam Sparks, Carol Hennes, Kosemary Rueden, Debbie Dommer, Jana Drueger, Ann Schmidt, Karla Will, Fourth Row: Tammy Rueden, Denise Witte, Pam Heeg, Sue Reinhart, Jaycine Engel, Julie Reinhart, Paula Kops, Carrie Olson, Joan Schraufnagel, Caryl Beyerl, Fifth Row: Kim Wussow, Sue Rahm, Tammy Tischendorf, Barb Aichele, Susan Bresewitz, Terri Mohan, Debbie Rashka, Donna Kilty, Penny Ruppert, and Cindy Brehm.

107 FFA Become Knowledgable

First Row: Dan Schaefer, Kraig Rankl, Gene Ewert, Dennis Scherer, John Miller, Neil Roth, Kent Podevels, Gary Schmitt, Gregg Brown, Jeff Hederer, Row 2: Terry Marten, Randy Boss, Steve Schultz, Al Hoover, Wayne Rau, Danny Koerner, Gary Decker, Gary Leffel, Glenn Gaulke, Rick Golz, Row 3: Dean Bender, Rodger Brost, Lorin Lueddecke, Ken Monness, Donald Ballerstein, Jeff Peissig, Kevin Cook Mitchell Kaiser, Randy Hesgard, Dan Mielke, Row 4: Ronald Ballerstein, Mitch Surman, Roger Sauer, Gary Wussow, Tom Schoelzel, Ken Stuart, Dale Kloehn, Dan Gutenberger, Kerry Hansen, Jack Flink, Row 5: Kurt Oehmichen, Terry Tischendorf, Dale Stuttgen, Gary Schultz, David Haskins, and Dan Schoelzel.

108 First Row: Charles Zassenhaus, Ralph Behrens, Jim Helfert, Dennis Kollmansberger, Steve Reynolds, John Reynolds, Jay Schaefer, Jesse Miller, Mark Tyznik, Jeff Weis, Jack Graff, Row 2: Bryan Bumz, Thomas Kunze, Mark Seefeldt, Steven Ploeckelman, Jeff Rueden, Dave Schoelzel, Rick Allmann, Joe Boor, Jerry Sterzinger, Fred Fitense, Allen Bach, Row 3: Steve Lapp, Gene Peissig, Tom Reinhart, Mike Clifford, Greg Gaulke, Roger Krebsbach, Ken Brues­ ewitz, Al Carlson, Joel Luttropp, Scott Schilling, Row 4: Du Wayne Gumz, Paul Kunze, Duane Johnson, Tom Sch­ oelzel, Jeff Weiland, Dan Wehrman, Ron Wolf, Mark Jablonicky, Jim Massop, Dan Ramker, Row 5: Tom Stuttgen, Dave Roth, Mitch Surman, Kevin Lieders, David Kunze, Larry Duvall, Dan Leffel, Greg Lynn, Pat Beyerl, and Doug Newman.

Future Farmers of America is an organization interested in the development of agriculture leadership, coopera­ tion, and citizenship. Early this year the group elected officers who are: Kevin Cook--president, Jeff Peissig--vice­ president, Greg Gaulke--reporter, Jim Massop--parliamentarian, Dan Meilke--treasurer, Mark Jablonicky--secre­ tary and Pat Beyerl--sentinal. Meeting every month, the group decides on different activities to do. This year the; did such things as going to Perkinstown, having a FFA Banquet, selling corn and oats, and participating in softball games.

109 Chorus

Senior High Chours, Front Row: Joseph Mueller, Tim Sterzinger, Janice Frane, Margie Weix, Randy Steinwagner, Ann Schmidt, Duane Blunt, Diane Ewert, Monica Courtney, Becky Frane, Karla Podevels, and Ann Kunze. Row 2: Nancy Young, Rick Allmann, Arnold Riese, Joel Benjegerder, Pam Barrett, Lori Young, Kurt Schwock, Greg Leonhard, Steve Weber, Greg Frane, and Dan Blunt. Row 3: Sarah Graff, Pat Voigt, Terri Mohan, Melanie Rick­ ard, Lauraine Schmitt, Cheryl Wesenberg, Donna Kilty, Renee Brost, Penny Hinke, and Llnda Jaremba. Row 4: Rick Busse, Kris Schafer, Amerb Olson, Paula Kops, Kim Kaiser, Randy Hesgard, Kathy Schultz, Jerry Sterzinger, Conmie Ludwig, Doreen Kilty, Peggy Becker, Linda Schmidt, and Kathy Busse. Back Row: Rod Neunfeldt, Patty Sterzinger, Pam Schoelzel, Tom Stuttgen, Joyce Block, Toni Nehrlich, Jeff Stieber, Lisa Gilbertson, Brenda Ewert, Steven Dean, and Jim Kops.

This year's chorus, under the direction of Miss Dolores Beau­ dette, will present their annual musical "Doctor, Doctor". After this they will be getting ready for solo and ensembles, then for the spring contest.

Madrigals, Front Row: Melanie Rickard, Connie Ludwig, Steve Weber, Linda Schmidt, and Margie Weix. Row 2: Randy Hesgard, Arnold Riese, Kris Schafer, Paula Kops, Peggy Becker, and Penny Hinke. Back Row: Jeff Stieber, Rick Busse, Rod Neuenfeldt, Tom Stuttgen, and Kim Kaiser.

110 Chorus

Triple Trio, Front Row: Peggy Becker, Connie Ludwig, Girls Glee Club, Front Row: Gwen Schmitt, Terri and Donna Kilty. Row 2: Penny Hinke, Melanie Rickard, Mohan, Janice Frane, and Marie Frane. Row 2: Ann and Geri Becker. Back Row: Paula Kops, Kris Schafer, and Schmidt, Diane Ewert, Margie Weix, and Mary Debbie Oelrich. Heindel. Row 3: Wanita Underwood, Laurie Ryhner, Geri Becker, and Kathy Busse. Back Row: Patty Sterzinger, Kris Schafer, Doreen Kilty, and Ruth Gabriel.

Swing Choir, Front Row: Rick Busse, Jeff Stieber, Randy Hesgard, Joel Benjegerdes, Tim Sterzinger, Greg Leonhard, Rod Neuenfeldt, and Steve Weber. Row 2: Kathy Schuhz, Becky Frane, Melanie Rickard, Donna Kilty, Diane Ewert, Connie Ludwig, Linda Schmidt, Paula Kops, Penny Hinke, and Kris Schafer. Back Row: Arnold Riese, Tom Stuttgen, Monica Courtney, Ann Schmidt, Patty Sterzinger, Rick Allmann, Kurt Schwock, and Kim Kaiser

111 Marching Dynamite

Front Row: Sara Koch, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Jana Krueger, Melanie Rickard, Vicki Binning, Sue Rahm, Julie Olund, Barb Beyerl, Second Row: Ruth Gabriel, Penny Hinke, Dawn Wilde, Debra Hoffman, Joan Schraufnagel, Linda Lueddecke, Marcia Schmidt, Darlene Oehmichen, Elaine Mercier, Marie Reise, Tammy Tyznik, Third Row: Cathy Searer, Lori Pflanzer, Sue Bartnik, Debbie Dommer, Donna Witte, Cindy Brehm, Julene Stoiber, Ann Schmidt, Linda Decker, Carol Brown, Joe Boor, Tim Meyer, Fourth Row: Marijo Kaiser, Karla Zak, Susan Weigel, Melanie Allmann, Julie Dearth, Michelle Maurina, Christ Tischendorf, Lois Herrmann, Rae Rannow, Sally Brey, Robin Schnabel, Brian Boettcher, Paula Kops, Jim Massop, Kurt Schwoch, Lorin Lueddecke, Tim Kiehl.

112 Under the direction of Mr. James Rickard, the Colby ed along with bands from all around the state during the Senior High Band brings entertainment to the hearts of halftime of the Badger Game. many. Each year the band presents a Christmas concert, The band also has several fund raising projects during and a concert later on in the spring. They prepart half­ the year such as, selling magazines, candy and oranges time shows for the home football and basketball games. and grapefruit. The money goes toward new instruments, This year they went to Madison for Band Day, and play- a band trip, and a music scholarship.

Front Row: Sharon Dahlke, Jill Caskey, Mary Brown, Jane Herrmann, Carle Tischendorf, Susie Pfefferkorn, Cindy Oelrick, Second Row: Vicky Busse, Cari Sauter, Martha Fitense, Laurie Schuh, Third Row: Loren Bedroske, Gary Boor, Grace Beyerl, Lori Hennes, Peggy Sommer, Tammy Gehrke, Terry Schmidt, Jane Johnson, Linda Konecny, Judy Gosse, Debbie Oelrich, Fourth Row: Rick Hardrath, John Brookhart, Mark Hull, Tom Heindl, Kathleen Heindl, Brenda Gosse, Bobbi Ann Schuh, Sue Olson, Dean Lietzow, Bruce I.ueddecke, Caryl Beyerl, Mark Corke, Dawn Olson, Fifth Row: Mike Brey, Adrian Langhus, Dan Bartnik, Kevin Bedroske, Shelba Dauer, Marie Jensen, Mr. James Rickard--Director.

113 Front Row: Lauri Hedler, Lori Janko, Bob Thieme, Shelba Bauer, Marie Jensen, Second Row: Bryan Paw­ lowicz, Kevin Gosse, Dave Johnson, Greg Leonhard, Laurene Hoffman.

Front Row: Sara Koch, Jill Caskey, Melanie Rickard, Cindy Oelrich, Susie Pfefferkorn, Jane Herrmann, Julie Olund, Martha Fitense, Laurie Schuh, Second Row: Sharon Dahlke, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Jana Krueger, Sue Rahm, Mary Brown, Vicki Binning, Barb Beyerl, Carla Tischendorf, Cari Sauter.

Front Row: Paula Kops, Tim Meyer, Joe Boor, Mark Hull, Kurt Schwoch, Tom Heindl, Lorin Lueddecke, Se­ cond Row: Brian Boettcher, Marcia Schmidt, Darlene Oehmichen, Elaine Mercier, Marie Reise, Tam­ my Tyznik, Lori Hennes, Grace Beyerl, Third Row: Tim Kiehl, Rick Hardrath, John Brookhart, Loren Bedroske, Jim Massop.

Twirlers: Susie Pfefferkorn, Dawn Olson, Dawn Wilde, Barb Beyerl­ Captain, Shelba Bauer.

114 Front Row: Ruth Gabriel, Penny Hinke, Dawn Wilde, Debra Hof­ fman, Joan Schraufnagel, Linda Lueddecke, Cindy Brehm, Debbie Dommer, Lois Herrmann, Second Row: Cathy Searer, Lori Pflan- zer, Gary Boor, Carol Brown, Susan Weigel, Melanie Allmann, Julie Dearth, Michelle Maurina, Chris Tischendorf, Third Row: Rae Rannow, Sally Brey, Robin Schnabel, Karla Zak, Mari jo Kaiser, Julene Stoiber, Ann Schmidt, Linda Decker Donna Witte, Sue Bartnik.

Front Row: Judy Gosse, Debbie Oel­ rich, Jane Johnson, Tammy Gehrke, Second Row: Vicky Busse, Linda Konecny, Peggy Sommer, Terry Schmidt, Dean Lietzow, Sue Olson, Bobbi Ann Schuh.

Front Row: Cathy Heindl, Brenda Gosse, Bruce Lueddecke, Caryl Beyerl, Mark Corke, Dawn Olson, Diane Brey, Second Row: Adrian Langhus, Dan Bartnik, Kevin Bed­ roske, Craig Olund, Mike Brey.

Color Guard and Majorette: Martha Fitense, Vicky Busse, Tammy Tyz­ nik, Diane Brey, Laurie Schuh, Mis­ sing: Janet Miller, Carol Kuehling.

115 First Row: Debbie Miller, Sarah Tesmer, Sharon Brandl, Jacki Krueger, Laurie Jaremba, Julie Frane, Cathy Brehm, Mary Strohkirch, Lisa Dom, Ramona Hake, Nancy Sommer, Kim Johnson, Nancy Olson, Row 2: Joanne Troka, Robin Hardrath, Alice Atcherson, Karla Zygowicz, Joyce Ramminger, Cindi Seefeld, Dawn Newman, Brenda Rueden, Sharon Tyznik, Gloria Schmidt, Peggy Leffel, Virginia Leffel, Karen Rose, Row 3: Ester Ewing, Darla Wenzel, Mary Jo Schaefer, Sue Konecny, Gina Mohan, Rod Loucks, Mark Kilty, Lance Jablonicky, Rich Mercier, Kevin Cliver, Pam Geiger, Debbie Geiger, Row 4: Rita Cherry, Donna Hake, Penny Hanson, Julie Maurina, Ron Wilbur, Tom Calley, Jeffrey Rogers, Jim Kunick, Arnie Jagodzinski, Craig Lieders, Daniel Schmidt, Burl Smith Paul Boor, Charles Brown, Row 5: Leane Kuehling, Linda Neuenfeldt, Lorin Cliver, Dennis Rose, Lori Leichtaam, Cheryl Weiler, Rochelle Rannow, Susie Olund, Wendy Edblom, Linda Rahm, Pam Smith, Row 6: Sandra Heil, Kim Vrana, Drew Wriedt, Bonnie Halvorson, Gary Bedroske, Kevin Schnabel, Chuck Weiler, Kevin Shelly, Linda Janko, Julene Bach, Kenny Dearth. Junior High Band

The Junior High Band is comprised of musically talented seventh and eighth graders. These students practice for various concerts, including the Christman and Spring performances. They also participate in the solo and ensemble festival each Spring. Many of these musicians will later join the Senior High Band. The advisor for this group is Mr. Rickard.

116 Junior High Chorus

First Row: Rick Wilbur, Doug Bruesewutz, Mike Jarzin, Dennis Rose, Zelda Brookhart, Debby Thoms, Danette Carlson, Sheryl Asplund, Julene Bach, Row 2: Ronald Schuh, Lorin Cliver, Kenny Dearth, David Searer, Janice Awe, Linda Neuenfeldt, Daniel Cook, Row 3: Kevin Schnabel, Chuck Bro\>\'11, Gregg Ganz, Judy Schmidt, Jodene Schafer, Annette Hardrath, Gale Barrett, Mary jo Schaefer.

The Junior High Chorus is made up of musically inclined seventh and eighth graders. Each Spring this group participates in solos and ensembles. Most of these students will advance into the Senior High Chorus in a few years. The advisor for this group is Miss Beaudette.

117 One For All And All For One

First Row: Sharon Brandl, Joyce Ramminger, Shelba Bauer, Robin Hardrath, Joanne Troka, Ken Mohan, Kenny Dearth Doug Bruesewitz, Mark Kilty, Pat Kilty, Jim Kunick, Lance Jablonicky, Gina Mohan, Virginia Leffel, and Mrs. Harriet Schwartz. Row 2: Randy Boss, Jean Hennes, Ann Schmidt, Marie Jensen, Melanie Rickard, Janice Frane, Judy Gosse, Beth Pinter, Diane Ewert, Angie Brown, Cindy Firnstahl, Donna Weigel, and Melanie Allmann. Row 3: Dean Scidmore, Karen Jochimsen, Penny Hinke, Sandi Grieser, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Sara Tesmer, Cindy Schafer, Jeannette Rueden, Sherri Dorn, Gale Scheer, Laura Bruesewitz, Tim Sterzinger, and Robin Schnabel. Row 4: Steve Weber, Kurt Schwoch, Joel Benjegerdes, Brenda Gosse, Bobbie Ann Schuh, Sally Brey, Susan Bruesewitz, Tammy Tyznik, Cheryl Weiler, Michael Brey, James Ramminger, Cari Sauter, and C::irla Tischendorf. Row 5: Jim Kops, Brad Gokey, Bob Thieme, Thil Venzke, Bryan Pawlowicz, Brian Boettcher, Loren Bedroske, Duane Birkett, Gary Mohan, Bruce Hauser, Arnold Riese, R-iemSchnabel, Dean Lietzow, and Mark Corke.

The Masquers club has been up to another busy year. We have been selling calendars and putting on plays. The club presented the play "Lovers". "Lovers"was a two act play with the cast consisting of: Man--Bryan Pawlowicz, Women­ Tammy Tyznik, Joe--Rick Schnabel, and Mag--Robin Schnabel. Andy Tracy--Steve Weber, Hanna Wilson-­ Tracy--Penny Hinke, Mrs. Wilson--Cindy Firnstahl,and Cissy Cassidy--Jan Frane. Assistant Director of the play was Gary Mohan and Director was Mrs. Schwartz. The club is planning another play later in the year. The club is planning a day at the Gutherie Theater. Masquers officers are: President--Brian Boettcher, Vice-President--Joel Benjegerdes, Secretary--Brenda Gosse, and Treasurer-­ Shelba Bauer, Repirter-Jan Frane. Talk Of The Town

Forensics is mainly a speaking club, competing in contests starting with local, sub=districk,_ and then state. Besides this Forensics is also a social club. This year they will be involved in a variety of activities including the sponsoring of the Sadie Hawkins dance. Officers for the 1975-1976 school year are, Pres­ ident--Marie Jensen, Vice-President- - Joel Ben­ jegerdes, Secretary--Craig Mieritz, Treasurer-­ Steve Weber, and Historian--Marie Frane.

Front Row: Kurt Schwock, Jesse Miller, Melanie Rickard, Marie Frane, and Marie Jensen. Row Two: Joel Ben­ jegerdes, Steve Weber, Penny Hinke, and Pam Heeg. Back Row: Craig Mieritz and Mike Clifford.

119 Break A Leg

First Row: Mrs. Harriet Schwartz, Kurt Schwoch, Ken Mohan, Meliane Rickard, Jan Frane, Robin Schnabel, Sarah Tesmer, Gary Mohan. Second Row: Brian Boettcher, Penny Hinke, Bryan Pawlowicz, Tammy Tyznik, Mark Corke, Joel Benjegerdes, Rick Schnabel.

This year's Thespian troupe is the lar­ gest Colby High ever had. Becoming a Thespian is an honor Masquers' hope to obtain. We are planning to present another play, along with the Masquers. We also are planning a Valentines party in February. Officers for the 1975-19 76 school year are President--Bryan Pawlowics, Vice­ President--Gary Mohan, Sec. -Trea. - - Robin Schnabel.

Officers: Brian Pawlowicz, Gary Mohan, Robin Schnabel.

120 French Club

(From Left To Right) Kevin Gosse, Ken Mohan, Kathy Busse, Donna Tauchen, Tammey Rueden, Tammy Tischendorf, Beth Pinter, Toni Nehrlich, Cheri Oehler, Debbie Schilling, Nancy Tauchen, Mrs. Nomady. (Second Row) Jeff Bundgaarp, Julie Schaefer, Caryn Haavisto, Becky Busse, Martha Fitense, Vicky Busse, Pam Sparks, Jill Caskey, Mark Hunsader, Brian Boettcher, Albert Sherry, Doug Beisner. (Third Row) Lori Pflanner, Cathy Searer, Carla Tischendorf, Michelle Maurina, Marie Reise, Karen Rueden. Ellen Hederer, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Craig Miertz, Jeff Kuck. (Fourth Row) ';teve Hunsader, Lois Herrmann, Cari Sauter, Julene Stoiber, Barb Schilling, Linda Konecny, Kiane Smith, Kris Schafer, Pam Herring, Charmaine Untiedt, Mary Koncel.

Les officiers du Cercle Francais pour l' annee scolaire de 1975-1976 sont: la presidente, Tammy Tischendorf; le vice­ presidente, Craig Mieritz; la secrifraire, Caryn Haavisto; la tresoriJre, Julie Schaefer et l'historienne, Beth Pinter. Notre conseil~re est Mme. Nomandy. Chaque ann~ea oel, le cercle les noels dans la ville de Colby. Au cours du r,rintemps, une partie de Pitques est celebree. Le cercle se procure de l' argent pour un voyage as Canada ou en France.

Tammy Tischendorf, Craig Miertiz, Caryn Haavisto, Julie Schaefer, Beth Pinter.

121 Front Row: Linette Schmitt, Trudy Seefeldt, Dennis Bach, Janet Sterzinger, Peggy Sommer, Ruth Viergutz, Gwen Schmitt, Gene Wehrman, Mark Hull. Second Row: Sandi Grieser, Sue Olson, Laurene Hoffman, Craig Olund, Patty Peterson, Rosemary Rueden, Karla Zak, Rick Hanson, Barb Aichele. Third Row: Karen Jochimsen, Tammy Tyz­ nik, Anna Hinshaw, Ellen Ackeret, Alice Barden, Belinda Fechhelm, Susan Bruesewitz, Jerry Mueller, Marijo Kai­ ser, Sue Pfefferkorn, and Penny Hinke. La Asemblea De Espanol

OFFICERS: President, Barb Aichele, Vice­ president, Rick Hanson; Secretary, Linette Schmitt; Treasurer, Sue Pfefferkorn; Histor­ ian, Terri Mohan

122 Student Council

Student Council Representatives pictured above are Front Row: Al Hoover, Burl Smith, Rochelle Rannow, Mark Kilty, Dennis Bach, Bernice Smart, Mary Heindl, Row 2: Mr. Caskey, Brad Caskey, Craig Meiritz, Tammy Tisch­ endorf, Karen Lapp, Pam Heeg, Arlan Birkett, and Ruth Gabriel. Student Council is organized to promote understanding between students and administration and to improve the school in any way it can. This year student council is planning on having an e xchange program with other schools. This way we, students, will be able to compare our school to others and that we gain better insights to the improve­ ments we can make in ours. Representatives of each class are: Seniors: Pam Heeg and Arlan Birkett, Juniors: Rick Waldhart and Tammy Tischendorf, Sophomores: Craig Meiritz and Rae Rannow, Freshman: Bernice Smart and Den­ nis Bach, Eighth Grade: Rochelle Rannow and Mark Kilty, Seventh Grade: Cathy Brehm and Burl Smith. Student Council officers pictured are Karen Lapp--President, Brad Caskey--Vice-President, Ruth Gabriel--Sec­ retary, Al Hoover--Treasurer, and Mary Heindl--Treasurer.

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Geri Becker, Ruth Gabriel, Brad Ayer, and Randy Hesgard were the senior's Badger State representatives. Geri and Ruth attended the Girls' State Convention at UW--Madison, June 7 to 14. Brad and Randy attended their convention June 14 to 21 at Ripon Colle~e. The basic idea behind many activities carried on at Badger Girls' and Boys State is the belief that knowledge about our government and a true understanding of democracy will in­ still in _the youth of our state a love of country and a desire.

Ipsissima Verba is a club that was formed to honor the outstanding forensics members each year. Points are accumulated through­ out the year by participating in various fun­ raising projects and speech contests. Mem­ bership into Ipsissima Verba is based on how many points each member has earned. This year the only member earning enough points to become a member of Ipsissima Verba was Marie Jensen.

124 WJDA

Bottom Row: Gene Ewert, Al Hoover, Danny Koerner, Terry Marten, Mark Seefeldt, Randy Boss, Jesse Miller. 2nd Row: Mark Jablanicky, Dennis Schorer, Wayne Rau, Gary Leffel, Joel Luttropp, Dean Bender, Gene Peissig. 3rd Row: Jim Massop, Darnell Sasama, Tom Schoebel, Jeff Peissig, Dan Mielke, Roger Krebsbach, Dan Rabehl. 4th Row: Steve Rhyner, Dan Gutenberger, Dan Kloehn, Ken Stuart Jr, Mitch Surman, Kevin Cook, Doug Newman.

The Wisconsin Junior Dairyman's Association is an organization set up to help students in the dairy indus­ try improve their program through DH! testing. Those enrolled in WJDA may have the testing done at a lower cost. Some of the activites the JDA participates in are the state con­ vention and Dairy Show and Public Speaking Contest.

Mr. Spranger, Advisor, Jeff Peissig, Pres. , Kevin Cook, V. Pres. , Dan Miel­ ke, Sec., Roger Krebsbach, Tres., Jim Massop, Rep.

125 Voice Of Democracy And DAR Designated

Winning the Voice of Democracy contest this year is junior, Steve Weber. He received a $25 savings bond from the Colby V. F. W. and the Ladies auxiliary of the V. F. W. His speech was entitled ''What Our Bicentennial Heritage Means To Me." The speech was designed to focus the attention of youth on the ideals on which our nation was founded. The three to five minute speech was judged 45% on content, 35% on originality, and 20% on delivery. His speech was then taped and sent to the district contest.


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Ruth Gabriel is the 1976 recipient of the DAR .;. (Daughters of the American Revolution) award. The senior class nominated three girls to be consid­ , ered for the award. Ruth was then selected by the fac­ ulty on the basis of dependability, leadership, patriot­ ism, and service. Ruth was an active member of several school organ­ izations including Band, National Honor Society, Annu­ al Staff, Libray Council, Pep Club, and GAA. She also attended Badger Girls' State.


Bottom Row: Daniel Cook, Melanie Rickard, Pat Voigt, Mary Kittl, Linda Cardinal, Marie Frane, Donna Kilty, Marie Reise, Miss Hirsch--Advisor Top Row: Doreen Kilty, Bill Sterzinger, Rod Neuenfeldt, Belinda Fechhelm, Linda Bochanyin, Debbie Schmidt.

Officers: Marie Reise--Vice President, Mary Kittl--Secretary, Donna Kilty--President.

128 Paula Kops, President; Carrie Olson, Vice-President; Judy Jicinsky, Secretary; Diane Ewert, Trea­ surer. Making A Scene

Art Club members; First Row: James Ramminger, Diane Ewert, Lori Janko, Janice Frane, Beth Pinter, Carrie Olson, Gary Mohan, and Julie Frane. Second Row: Sharon Hamus, Jean Hennes, Judy Jicinsky, Paula Kops, Lauri Hedler and Kim Wussow. Third Row: Mr. Himes, adviser, Bill Sterzinger, Dawn Olson, Kerry Firnstahl, Dale Stuttgen, Tom Stuttgen and Brian Tyznik.

129 First Row: Jean Hennes, Pam Barrett, Joyce Block, Ann Schmidt, Lorin Lueddecke. Second Row: Dean Scidmore, Rick Busse, Randy Steinwagner, Jim Kops. Third Row: Mark Corke, Thomas Marcott, Bryan Pawlowicz, Steven Dean.

Stage Craft Gets It Together

Officers are: Mark Corke, Manager; Ann Schmidt, Ass­ istant Manager. Stagecraft club has the responsibility for scenary; settings, designs, construction, moving and storage. All requests for stag­ ing materials are handled by the club. Some examples of requests handled this year: Sets for Masquers, Sets for Chorus Musical, for Homecoming.

130 SCHOOL LIFE 132 133 Row 1: Karen Rueden, Anni Seidel, Robin Schnabel, Dawn Olson, Carrie Olson, Jody Krueger, Allan Hofland, Advisor. Row 2: Vicky Busse, Rosemary Rueden, Ruth Gabriel, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Joel Benjegerdes, Tim Meyer. Row 3: Susie Pfefferkorn, Ruth Viergutz, Jeff Kuck, Ken Monness, Kurt Schwoch, Mark Gorke, Brian Boettcher.

We Do It Annually

The annual staff has once more suc­ cessfully completed this year's annual. With the dedication of Joel Benjegerdes the editor, pages were carefully perfect­ ed. At every meeting, members faith­ fully worked typing, cropping pictures and designing layouts. After school time was generally devoted in turning out pages, while listening to Ken Monness aggravate ?vlr. Hofland, or exchange stories about Carrie Pfefferkorn working overtime in the dark room. '

Rosemary Rueden, Carrie Pfefferkorn, Joel Benjegerdes, Ruth Gabriel, Brian Boettcher.

134 Senior Class Officers




137 Autographs

138 Autographs

139 Autographs