NAITSA ELECTION APRIL 1 THE P l e a s e r e c y c l e t h i s Thursday, March 20, 2008 newspaper when you are Volume 45, Issue 24 NUGGET fi nished with it. YOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA LAST BAND CHOSEN Winner declared in NAITSA band contest, story page 10

SPECIAL PERFORMANCE Larson Yellowbird takes part in NAITSA’s International Week fashion show and cul- tural performances event

March 12 in the South Lobby. Photo by Carla Pearson  The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 NEWS&FEATURES Soldier’s story continues right in the middle of the road and traffic pulls off ley and a variety of other seeds to plant so that the road as we approach,” Stewardson wrote. they have options instead of growing pop- “We went through Kandahar city and made pies,” she asserts. it to our FOB without incident, however, an IED “The former Taliban government was (improvised explosive device) exploded about not trusted, but if you wanted to work for the two hours later on the route we had travelled. All government you had to work for that particu- in all, pretty exciting. Very dangerous,” continued lar party. Even with the new government, the Stewardson. villagers (and the general national popula- GABRIELLE HAY-BYERS Bilodeau is keeping his students tion) still have a lot of distrust of the Student Issues Editor informed about his friend Kelly’s expe- government. Sgt. Kelly Stewardson’s . rst day in Afghani- riences in Afghanistan, despite the fact “Our soldiers go into those vil- stan was hectic. that many of his students were disap- lages and towns, and tell people “Day 1 in Afghanistan was interesting. I got proving of the soldier’s initial visit – that it is important to vote, that they on the ground and was the crew commander for not because of politics, but because the can vote, and where they can vote the LAV III that carried the body of the soldier presentation took place on a day when and most importantly, that women that died last week. I had to take his body to the many other post-secondary students are allowed to vote. We even go so plane during the ramp ceremony ... let’s just say it were not required to attend classes. far as to protect the polling stations really opens your eyes,” said the Canadian Forces NAIT student and military spouse from attack. infantry member in an e-mail to JR Shaw School Amanda Spearing believes that instructors tak- “Students need to be aware of the good of Business instructor Ray Bilodeau. ing such a proactive approach to life learning with that we are doing for that country, and remem- Stewardson, with the 3rd Batallion Princess their students is important. ber that the soldiers are there because our gov- Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, was at NAIT “There is just not enough press on the good ernment told them to go. Students should also just last November, talking with students about things that we are accomplishing over there,” be aware that our men and women are fighting the importance of remembrance, and was accom- Spearing said. “Roads are being built and recon- to give the same liberties that we have in Can- panied at that time by his partner Tania di Sorbo, structed, waterways are being disinfected so that ada to another country, and that they should who commented on the challenge of watching a people can use the water for drinking, cooking and be supported without question.” loved one deploy to Afghanistan. bathing, farmers’ fields are being cleared of land- Stay tuned to the Nugget for ongo- “My trip from Kandahar airfield to a forward mines and IEDs so that they can grow produce. ing updates on Sgt. Stewardson’s tour in Sgt. Kelly Stewardson operating base was very ... well, intense. We drive “Farmers are being given corn, wheat, bar- Afghanistan. In Afghanistan Campus crime on the increase?

GABRIELLE HAY-BYERS Duiker had cautionary comments. Incidents of crime are not an uncommon occur- “It’s hard to advocate to people to make citi- rence on NAIT campus, but there is suspicion that zen’s arrests,” he said. “It’s sometimes better to those types of incidents are on the rise. keep an eye on a suspicious person while the police EPS Sgt. Dan Duiker commented on the issue are en route. In most cases, I think businesses like during a meeting with the Nugget and NAITSA’s NAIT hire security personnel to secure property Acting President Lisi Monro, saying, “We’re see- more than the people.” ing more reports of break-ins to lockers, cars, vend- The question remains as to what students can ing machines ... I have noticed that there’s been do to protect themselves and their property. more calls here for that lately.” “It’s important to have people know where you Since Sept 2007, the Nugget has been closely are – if you’re staying somewhere, let someone following the successes of NAIT’s security as know. Don’t take things for granted. Report suspi- well as areas of concern. With break-ins, improp- cious behaviour because it may be something that erly investigated alarms, transients in the halls grows important in the long run ... Don’t be a vic- and unsolved thefts abounding on our campus, it tim, walk with a purpose. Have a cellphone, Ipod behooves students more than ever to take extra pre- out of your ears (as that’s become a trend lately, to cautions when it comes to their security. steal them while you’re listening), have keys in your “It’s not rocket science – an alarm goes off, you hands. When it comes to vehicles, keep valuables go to it,” says Const. Greg Lewis. out of sight and use anti-theft devices,” said Duiker. Sgt. Duiker continues: “Even if you are Const. Lewis continued, “Be aware and follow contracting out to someone, you need to have your gut. If something doesn’t seem quite right, consistency.” walk to a group, a well-lit area, a business ... what- So what is a student to do, when they can’t find ever the case may be. Don’t talk to strangers, don’t a security guard at NAIT, or the guard can’t help give money to people – donate to a charity if you them? According to Const. Lewis, “Obviously, feel badly for them.” your gateway should be security, but if not ... you Any student who has a non-emergency situa- can definitely call the police.” tion they’d like investigated can call EPS’s non- In a recent situation in which NAIT student emergency line at 423-4567. Matt Antwright conducted a citizen’s arrest, Sgt. More locker thefts, page 9 Thursday, March 20, 2008 NEWS & FEATURES The Nugget 3

The Nugget Room E-128B 11762–106 Street Facebooking the music Edmonton, Alberta T5G 2R1 REID SCHMIDT Production Offi ce 471-8866 Fax: 491-3989 and JAYE HORBAY E-mail: [email protected] Like neon and arcades in the ’80s, Facebook is an established stu- Student Editor dent staple. It’s notorious for find- Alistair Wilkinson ing its way into our time on the PC [email protected] and, like most new-generation fads, Sports Editor there’s resistance. Nahreman Issa Chris Avenir, a first-year com- [email protected] puter engineering student at the Arts and Culture Editor supposedly tech-savvy Toronto’s Ryerson University, joined a Face- Geoff Tate book group where his fellow stu- [email protected] dents could discuss tips and brain- Student Affairs Editor storm for their chemistry assign- Gabrielle Hay-Byers ments, worth 10 per cent. ( Keep in [email protected] mind, this is a ‘pivotal’ course for Photo Editor their fi eld) Later, he became admin- Lisi Monro istrator of the group and received a [email protected] B in the class. Production Manager Stumbled on site Frank MacKay [email protected] The professor stumbled upon Online Editor this gathering, found it to be a Photo by Geoff Tate Kathleen Versteegt delightfully innovative, 21st cen- GOING GREEN [email protected] tury study group often smiled The Annex celebrated St. Patrick’s Day a little bit early this year, as the PGC students held upon in libraries or forums, and a beer garden March 14 on the Dock. For advertising inquiries, please summoned the gnome knowledge parade in commemoration. Ha ha, call 471-8866 you’re right. Since when do profes- to be tested by a similar situation. whelming support he has received, exam solely because he couldn’t or e-mail: [email protected] sors fancy social sites? Avenir was Rayne Kuntz of NAIT media rela- he will be able to continue his stud- recall a formula and stated: “Why promptly given an F and was to face tions had few comments on the mat- ies. There’s even a site, www.chris- should I have to remember a for- Submissions encouraged. expulsion with 147 counts of aca- ter. Although not being able to com-, where you can buy mula when I can fi nd it in any book [email protected] demic misconduct – one for every ment on the Ryerson situation, NAIT memorabilia that goes toward his of physics?” THE DEADLINE IS member in the group. does have strict policies in regards to legal fees. Or, as we would put it, “ … when Noon on the last school day Each student was assigned unique cheating in general. Albert Einstein once failed an I can Google it?” of the week. (All submissions assignments, so the same answers “NAIT does have very must include your name and could not be shared, and Avenir’s clear policies ... if someone student ID number.) representative points out that no were accused of cheating, solutions were posted, even though there are a series of steps to The opinions expressed by con- the statement on the main page can go through as to whether or tributors to the Nugget are not be taken as that being the group’s not that person is disciplined,” necessarily shared by NAIT of- aim. Actually, the aim was to help Kuntz said. fi cials, NAITSA or elected school each other grasp the concepts so She says that NAIT val- representatives. they could be applied in exams and ues peer-to-peer studying, and later in life.According to Ryerson, thinks that Facebook could be though, academic misconduct is “any a great studying tool. deliberate activity to gain academic “It’s no different using a advantage.” social media sharing ideas, or Letters sitting in the library studying Unclear together.” It is unclear exactly what activ- As for Avenir, his fate will welcome ities constitute gaining enough of be decided this week. an “academic advantage” to merit Still, Avenir feels opti- We want your views Is something bugging you expulsion, and NAIT’s own poli- mistic that, with the lack of about NAIT or the rest of the cies regarding cheating have yet evidence and with the over- world? Do you have some praise to dish out about the school or life in general? HELP!! We need some bodies. Get those thoughts into print. Keep them short and to the $12/hour point. No more than 100 words. Hell, we’re a newspaper not an encyclopedia. Give us a break! Poll Clerks needed for the NAITSA By-Election polling Submit your letters with your stations on April 1, 2008. real name and phone number to: [email protected]. Poll clerks must have a strong command of the Don’t sweat it. We won’t pub- English language and have a complete and clear lish your phone number, but we do need to list your real name. understanding of the democratic election process. It’s all good. Getting some- thing off your chest is down- All poll clerks must attend a training session on right therapeutic. Trust us on Monday, March 31st at 4:30 p.m. in E129. All that. Write us. clerks will be paid to attend the training. Apply in person at the NAITSA office, E131 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  The Nugget NEWS & features Thursday, March 20, 2008 Tech Wireless is more!


Most people who use wireless networking In June 2003, the 802.11g standard made by the IEEE, despite the fact just about every it in the real world, but this is why I don’t swear by it and those who don’t are just plain its debut. This standard borrowed many tech- wireless vendor is making hardware for this buy technology when it just comes out. You missing out. Here’s how it started. nologies originally pioneered for the 802.11a standard. shouldn’t either. Wireless networking first started hitting the standard. 802.11n is a superior technology, taking It’s currently rumoured that this standard can market in late 1999 and early 2000 under the This resulted in the high speeds 802.11a was some of the most advanced technologies in wire- be fully ratified by the middle of next year but in 802.11b standard, making its premiere as a con- capable of, but at the more popular 2.4 GHz fre- less communication and making use of them as that time the standard itself might change. So for venient way to surf the Internet. quency. Over the years, 802.11g grew in popular- effectively as possible. It boasts 12 times the those buying wireless, stick with proven technol- Security was poor in the beginning as it was ity and is now the most used wireless standard. speed of 802.11g high-speed wireless, superior ogy and wait until everyone else fixes the kinks rumoured that the technology was rushed and But many vendors also have their own pro- range and more reliable transmission. in the new stuff. as a result security was minimal and it was easy prietary solutions and products to try to sway But the problem is that it’s not a standard, Please feel free to visit my blog at http://shantc. to crack. customers to go with their more superior tech- and thus kinks need to be worked out. or to email me any comments or Operating at only 2.4 GHz at first, this tech- nology. An example of these proprietary tech- Nothing tests a product better than going suggestions at [email protected] I value nology had conflicts with cordless phones, Blue- nologies would be D-Link’s AirPlus XtremeG live on the market and having consumers use and look forward to your input. tooth and other technologies that shared the same technology. frequency. Although D-Link’s AirPlus XtremeG offers Another standard was the 802.11a standard, speeds twice that of traditional high speed wire- using the 5.2 GHz range. Its adoption was rather less, every device that connects to it has to use limited, although it was based on superior tech- similar proprietary technology to take advan- nology. The standard was capable of speeds tage of the speed; unfortunately, this is a com- about five times faster than 802.11b and was mon mistake people make when purchasing. really the first high-speed solution for wireless A myriad of technologies have come out that was available. since wireless was implemented, but now there It was also more robust and less susceptible is a new standard, 802.11n. to interference and transmitted much more effi- This is a “draft” standard, meaning it’s still ciently compared to 802.11b. being introduced and hasn’t been fully approved

Respond to the 2008 Student Learning Outcome Guide Satisfaction Survey and be eligible to win a 4GB iPod Nano! Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Nugget  opinion — Editorial — To sink or swim he thing about icebergs is that they’re 90 per cent Tinvisible. The bit above the water is relatively easy to avoid, as it’s quite easy to see a mile-high block of ice loom- ing ahead. It’s everything under the surface that causes wrecks, lingering unseen and drifting ALISTAIR WILKINSON onward to the next unsuspecting Student Editor (and possibly captainless) ship. This is not to say that NAITSA has run aground, but anyone would admit that the Titanic had an easier run. The only thing that would make this story enjoyable is a drowning Leonardo DiCaprio (please, God, yes). Perhaps an unfair comparison It’s perhaps an unfair comparison – and, as an analogy, the NAITSA/Titanic thing is already pretty dead – as the Titanic’s prob- lems resulted from a combination of poor direction, poor design, lack of planning and bad luck (and, in the film’s case, bad acting), whereas NAITSA’s problems ... well, it’s more a question of who’s leaving the ship (women, children and editors first) as well as what’s beneath the — Letters — surface. Besides, there are the rats to consider – a special thanks should go out to the person/persons who alerted the “professional” media to some of NAITSA’s problems with fraudulent claims. It’s a bit early to be deserting when she’s just taking on water, although not everyone What a sham! had a choice. Dear Nugget, my ass to feed my family and now I find out I’m get- This is bullshit! I can’t believe I’m paying for some ting ripped off, what the hell? They expect us to pay More like an ice cube (person’s) Visa! I work hard for my money and I bust fees and vote in their gong-show elections so they can In former VP Apprenticeship and External Amanda Spearing’s case, resign and spend our money, what bullshit. Is that what the iceberg is more of an ice cube. Most students aren’t aware that Amanda meant when she said she was here to fight NAITSA deals in hundreds of thousands of dollars in student fees and for apprentices? You know by not being a student and other revenue (the Nest, special events, advertising bucks, money sent Your views are spending $1,500 of OUR money? What a sham! to the “Make Alistair Pretty” Fund ... still waiting on that last one, by Jim Hunter the way), nor do students recognize that, unlike most other student Editor’s Note: It should be pointed out that all of the government bodies, NAITSA is operating with a surplus. The issue money at issue is being repaid by the person in question. was a matter of executive bylaws rather than a paltry $1,500, which important has already been repaid. The problem that remains is all the unseen, under-the-surface We want to hear from you issues, and bailing out on the ship won’t help, even if those still Is something bugging you about NAIT or aboard trying to patch structural damage won’t acknowledge the next the rest of the world? Do you have some Disgusted iceberg. praise to dish out about the school or life in general? Get those thoughts into print. Dear Editor, Operating within its mandate Keep them short and to the point. No more I am deeply disgusted and disgraced to see that Despite trepidation about Senate and executive direction, NAITSA than 100 words. We’re a newspaper, not an there has been such a gross oversight on part of the is still operating within the mandate granted by students, but it pays to encyclopedia. Give us a break! Students’ Association. I am ashamed to be a NAIT stu- mend the kind of sectarian division that has sprung up in our student Submit your letters with your real name and dent and think that there should be a criminal inves- government (yes, that’s what I meant about the “below the surface” phone number to: [email protected]. tigation into this matter, an audit, something! What thing). Don’t sweat it. We won’t publish your phone happened to accountability? What about representa- You’ve got a problem with icebergs? Stay aboard and steer into number, but we do need to list your real name. tion? And why are we still paying student fees? This calmer waters, get on with the voyage, and for God’s sake, stop confis- It’s all good. Getting something off your chest is a travesty, NAITSA and its leadership should not cating my lifeboat. is downright therapeutic. Trust us on that. have let this happen, I can’t believe these people were Like most students, I would prefer it not to be a choice of sink or Write us. elected. swim. Tim Labowski  The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 SPORTS Oly curling trials here vious record crowds in Edmonton understand what that means, here’s to qualify directly to the Tri- for both the Brier and the World a tip: the 2009 Tim Hortons Cana- als, with Jennifer Jones’s Men’s, and the chance to expose dian Curling Trials will determine team the only one thus far to this sport to that many more peo- who will represent Canada at the qualify by winning all three ple prior to the Olympics in a Vancouver 2010 Olympics. of the specified events. major venue was just too hard to Rexall Place’s 15,000 seats will All eyes will be on the pass up,” he added. be waiting for fans from Dec. 6-13, Kevin Martin rink during GABRIELLE HAY-BYERS “Quite frankly, we could not while eight mens’ and eight wom- the men’s world champion- Student Issues Editor have gone wrong with either pro- ens’ teams will vie for top spot ship in North Dakota – if posal, but this is a solid business through the competitive round- the Edmonton-based rink March 14 was an exciting day decision. robin format. The teams that finish coached by NAIT’s own for curling fans in Edmonton when “This in first place Jules Owchar wins the spiel, The Kevin Martin rink, which recently it was announced that we will be e v e n t h a s f o r t h e i r they will join Jones’s team. won the Brier, will be competing in playing host to the 2009 Tim Hor- garnered division will Edmonton is an excel- the Worlds at Grand Forks, ND. tons Canadian Curling Trials. an incred- advance lent place to host the Trials, “The Canadian Curling Asso- ible amount directly to as two truly significant attendance said his company is “proud to sup- ciation was thrilled to have been of attention the finals, records have been set here in the port the 2009 Curling Trials ... ” in a position to have two unbe- already and while there past five years – at the Brier in “Tim Hortons and Canadian lievably competitive bids for the f o r g o o d are #2 vs. 2005 and at the Ford World Men’s curling share a rich tradition and 2009 Tim Hortons Canadian Curl- r e a s o n . I n # 3 s e m i - in 2007. we are thrilled to be associated ing Trials – from Edmonton and t h e b u i l d - f i n a l s i n Jackie-Rae Greening, host with what will no doubt be an from Kamloops,” said Greg Strem- u p t o t h e b o t h t h e for the Trials, let her feelings be exciting event.” law, CEO of the Canadian Curling 2010 Winter Skip Kevin Martin and lead Ben Hebert mens’ and known: “As a curler and a curling TSN will be providing blan- Association. Olympics, discuss strategy at the recent Brier. womens’ fan, I’m obviously ecstatic about ket coverage for the Trials, as well “In the end, we felt that the t h e Tr i a l s divisions. the Trials coming to Edmonton.” as approximately 14 hours of live combination of the negotiated are on every curling fan’s mind.” The Canadian Team Ranking Bill Moir, executive vice-presi- coverage for the pre-Trials quali- hosting fee, the fan base and pre- For readers who don’t quite System will determine four teams dent of marketing for Tim Hortons. fier in Prince George. Thursday, March 20, 2008 SPORTS The Nugget  2 minutes in the box Nahreman Issa Sports Editor

The Edmonton Oilers are very much like ers shine, with the exception of last season. potted his 13th, 14th, 15th (he had two in Chi- Kesler. This is the eighth time he’s been sus- Mother Nature. Just when you think spring Edmonton always plays playoff hockey one cago) and his 16th of the season. pended, which sits him second on the list of is around the corner, Mother Nature (like a month before the actual post-season begins. The Hockey Hall of Fame has asked offenders (first is Chris Simon). So when does bitch) decides to dump a bunch of snow on the This is their time of the year. It’s just a fact; for Cogliano’s hockey stick and gloves to justice get served? I’m not going to defend ground. A month ago the Oilers looked like when there is no Oilers playoff hockey, spring put on display. While the hockey stick was Simon, but when he did the same thing, he got they would be handing Anaheim a nice pick around Edmonton just sucks. sent, the gloves still remain. They have 30 games. Yes, that was well deserved because for this year’s draft, sitting in 14th place. I hope Mother Nature and the hockey gods been tagged and will be sent at the end of he just came off another huge suspension, but But hold the phone (and tell Brian Burke are nice to us this spring. the season. what about Pronger? Well, according to the to shut the hell up while you’re at it) Edmon- ••• But this isn’t the first item in the HHOF league, if you are a star player, you’ll get off ton brings it on, winning eight of their last 10 Here’s a question for you. What has for Cogliano. He has a stick on display that he much easier. games. Now, is this a case of too little too late, Andrew Cogliano done that not even the likes used to win the scoring title at the 2004 World ••• or is this a real push for the playoffs? As of of Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier and Mario Under-17 Hockey Challenge. Remember three weeks ago when I men- March 18, the Oilers were seven points out of Lemieux have been able to do? ••• tioned that Peter Forsberg was coming back a playoff spot. But with how tight the Western How about score three winning overtime Chris Pronger is public enemy No. 1, not and that he would probably get injured again? Conference is (as always) you can never count goals in a row? only in Edmonton, but also around the league. Well, three games into his debut, he suffered a out the Oilers. It was déjà vu for all three games against Pronger has been suspended for eight games groin injury. This is the time of year when the Oil- Columbus, Chicago and St. Louis as Cogliano for stomping on Vancouver Canuck Ryan That was fun while it lasted.

AMBER TIENKAMP the program by putting up articles in Bev Facey’s two of them almost a decade apart. But they agree that daily bulletin to inform the girls at the school. The they have similar views and goals about the program. Three graduating female students of the NAIT program has been set up on Mondays and Wednes- When asked if they thought anything’s different about Healthy Personal Fitness Program have decided to help out days after school and runs for up to two hours. The high school in 2008, and the view young girls have of in a local high school by promoting a healthier ladies have about 22 students taking part, give or themselves, the ladies agreed that it really isn’t. body image in young women. take, on the day. They have agreed to 30 hours in “Things really haven’t changed that much … mind, Shaina Nehring, Krista McLaren and Nicole the school, but that the program may go there are always girls looking for someone to look Gaulton have started an after school program at longer than that. up to and guide them along the right path that can Bev Facey High to aid students there to engage in “We are hoping to be able to continue with this lead them to a happy and healthy lifestyle … ” more physical activity. The program director here program longer than originally planned, as we are Shaina, Krista and Nicole agree that each of healthy at NAIT, Sheryl Hansen, came up with the pro- enjoying it so much. We are hoping that this pro- them went through their own individual struggles gram. She is trying to get a grant to continue it after gram only continues to grow and help these girls and just wanted the opportunity to help show oth- the ladies from NAIT are done. “In a sense,” the reach their full potential.” ers that fitness can be fun. Simply put, they say image ladies say, “it is a pilot program.” The ladies draw from diverse experiences, as they they just want to make a difference in another per- Shaina, Krista and Nicole began the launch for each graduated from high school at different times, son’s life. Great work, ladies!  The Nugget SPORTS Thursday, March 20, 2008

Photo by Brendan Abbott Win in OT Edmonton Rush’s Lindsay Plunkett and his teammates pulled off a 10-9 overtime victory against Rochester on March 15. Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Nugget 

Photo by Gabrielle Hay-Byers A good time was had at NAITSA’s first Grub Crawl on March 12. Participants, above, enjoy a post-snack dance at Edmon- ton’s Koutouki restaurant. Food fun GABRIELLE HAY-BYERS there are no utensils – only a unique The lucky students who came on flatbread that a diner uses to scoop NAITSA’s Grub Crawl enjoyed a cul- food from the communal platter. turally based cuisine explosion. Which was huge, by the way. A bus picked up roughly 20 After the Lagano Skies had staff students and staff at 4:30 p.m. on packed up the food the grub crawlers Wednesday (March 12) outside the couldn’t finish, the staff and students Nest and ferried them directly to loaded back onto the bus, most of them Koutouki, a fantastic Greek restau- now feeling like they were somewhere rant that has been featured on Cana- around the size of an elephant. da’s Food Network. The final stop of the night was the “The Grub Crawl was a great downtown Haweli location, where event. It allowed NAIT students to guests dined on excellent butter try different ethnic restaurants around chicken and curried potatoes. Since Edmonton for the low price of $20,” many of the attendees had the feeling said Chuck Erman, a NAITSA events that their stomachs might explode in co-ordinator. protest should they eat much more, After dancing around the restau- the staff brought out take-home pack- rant to the oddly exhilarating sound ages to add to the pile of leftovers. of breaking plates, students then All in all, a fun night out for loaded their bloated selves back onto everyone involved. the bus to find their next stop – Ethi- “It gave all those students a opian restaurant Lagano Skies. chance to meet new people and make After reaching Whyte Avenue, some new friends. The food and ser- the excellent NAITSA chaperones vice was amazing at all of the res- (kidding, NAITSA staff) shepherded taurants, and it is definitely going to the crawlers into the restaurant for a be an event that you will see from cultural experience. At Lagano Skies, NAITSA next year,” said Erman. Locker thefts continuing SHANT CHAKMAKIAN culprits were carrying a pair of bolt On Monday, a number of lock- cutters and went through a number of ers were broken into around campus, lockers quickly. including locations in the HP Centre “There is no security, I don’t feel and elsewhere on campus. safe putting anything in my locker,” “It seems that security is only pres- says Peter Iskra, another victim. ent in the area after the break-in has Unfortunately some students are occurred” says Michael Alexander, concerned with more than security. who lost his keys, iPod and laptop, cit- “If stuff can easily disappear ing the fact that there seems to be more from a locker, stuff can just as eas- security in the HP Centre after the fact. ily appear, like a bomb,” says Ivan Locker theft is nothing new to Filippov, another concerned student, NAIT or to other post-secondary insti- who hopes one day he can feel safer tutions. Security encourages students on campus. not to leave valuables in their locker At press deadline, the Nugget and to buy a high quality lock ... etc. received word that four more lockers However, most students were using had been broken into, this time behind good quality locks, but apparently the the Project Factory. 10 The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 ARTS&CULTURE Mike Roste last standing

bands, with Apache Rose’s lead singer everything came gone on holidays, and a little slimmer- together, and I looking stage for Mike Roste, and this defi- really appreci- nitely had an impact on the outcome of the ated the more contest. mellow feel to And, of course, the faithful Nest patrons t h e i r m u s i c , ” were out in all their intoxicated awesome- Universal Music ness, perhaps a little lacking in their mosh- representative GEOFF TATE pitting capabilities, but an all-round good Megan Hall said. any particular order … ” said my newfound Arts and Culture Editor crowd. No one stole my camera, so kudos Definitely unique compared with the drunken comrade, who looks incredibly like March 14 saw the Nest’s three-week- to all of you, especially all of you folks other bands on stage, the three-piece band Simon Pegg, the dude from Hot Fuzz. long Last Band Standing competition come who break into the lockers (don’t break into consisted of slap steel, a guitarist and a sin- There were a couple of times when to a dramatic close, with all five bands mine, all I have are pencil crayons, and they gle drum to keep the beat down. There was a Apache Rose could have used their original competing like they really needed that are unsharpened). definite Jack Johnson feel to their set, and I singer. It may have changed the outcome of $500. After intense scrutiny, and a lengthy even felt that myself before their singer told the night, as the judges unanimously decided Expect to see The New- closed-doors meeting of the crowd, “There’s kind of a Jack Johnson they had the best single song of the night. Matics, Letters to Elise, Be sure to check sorts, the judges went feel to our music.” I can guarantee you that these guys will Desousa Drive, Apache Rose Mike Roste out against the grain and chose Go figure! be around for a while, as will every band and the Mike Roste band the Wild Card band, Mike Apache Rose and Letters to Elise rounded that played the last three weeks. I’m jealous, quite a bit around these parts, at the upcoming Roste, shocking a few peo- off the top three bands as picked by the guys, I guess I’ll just stick to Rock Band on as they defi nitely proved they Empty the Nest ... ple, but ultimately exciting judges, but it was really a toss-up among the medium … deserved to be there. With a even more. other four bands. Be sure to check Mike Roste out at the chance to open at Empty the They had the best vocals “It really comes down to the judges’ upcoming Empty the Nest, and be sure to Nest, happening April 4, there was defi nitely backing them up, and the shrinking of their own preferences, and when all the bands are read your favourite paper, the Nugget, for some extra intensity that wasn’t there the pre- band really got the sound they wanted to so similar, it has to be tough to put them in more information on this event. vious two weeks. come through. There were a few roster changes to the “They just had the nicest sound tonight,

Naitsa Gladiators Challenge Wednesday March 26th 10:30pm to 3:30pm NAIT Gym

Take on the NAITSA Street Fighters From 11am – 1pm and have a chance to win great NAITSA prizes.

One lucky contestant will win Oilers tickets

only the toughest will survive Thursday, March 20, 2008 ARTS AND CULTURE The Nugget 11 10,000 B.C. 10,000 reasons to miss this GEOFF TATE nately I did not heed it, and dropped a solid $25 people with horses, and he walks a really long ity of the Sahara desert. As a geologist-in-train- So I’m not entirely sure of what life was on snacks and get-into-the-movie tickets. way to save them. From his home in the Rock- ing, I am fairly well versed in plate tectonics, like in and around 10,000 B.C., but I am abso- This movie follows the journey of a man- ies, he manages to find a jungle that is approx- but I was unaware that they moved so fast. lutely positive it was nothing like anything I boy named D’Ley, and his quest to find food imately 20 feet from the base of an Everest- Nor was I aware that woolly mammoths saw in the movie aptly named 10,000 B.C. for his tribe, which, sadly enough, hasn’t seen sized mountain. This then leads to a scene very were used in the creation of the Pyramids of The first thing that blatantly slaps you in the a woolly mammoth in years. This is apparently reminiscent of the “tall grass” scene in Jurassic Egypt, or that they had the ability to magically face is the fact everyone back then spoke Eng- all that his tribe eats, as they appear to live Park 2, but rather than being eaten alive by rap- bring people back to life. I’m sorry if my enthu- lish as a first or second language. This was one somewhere in the Rocky Mountains and have tors, his people are eaten alive by raptors with siasm isn’t apparent in this review, but I really clue on a trail of many that led me to believe not yet discovered agriculture of any kind. Plus, feathers ... have nothing good to say about this movie. I this really isn’t a good movie. The PG rating it’s always frozen. It’s just a really ugly place in A desert is immediately found outside the guess the previews were pretty sweet ... I really was probably my first warning, but unfortu- general. Without giving the plot away, let’s just jungle, effectively leading D’Ley from Banff can’t wait for Batman. R.I.P. Heath ... *Tear* say this D’Ley guy’s National Park, down to the Amazon jungle, Yoav amazes tribe gets kidnapped by then after a quick left, somewhere in the vicin- GEOFF TATE edgier song which reminded me This cat’s got some mad of Trent Reznor if he took a lit- beats. Yoav introduces himself to tle different route with his music, the world with his debut , and Club Thing, his first single to Charmed and Strange, and in hit the radio. doing so, brings a refreshing new And as good as this CD is, it twist to the increasingly medio- does him no service compared to cre music scene. Potentially one his abilities when seen live. I had of my favourite CDs released in the opportunity to see Yoav play a the past six months, Charmed and small show at Velvet Underground Strange stands out on March 12, and in its overall origi- it was incredible nality and the fact to see him work that Yoav does all his magic. his own stunts, The guy has seeing as he is the so many differ- only member of ent things going his band. on trying to get the T h e m a j o r- song to sound just ity of his songs right, turning knobs are simply him playing the gui- with his feet, playing several dif- tar, and doing some sort of weird ferent beat rhythms on his guitar technological thing beyond my and then strumming his magical understanding, making him strings to get just the background sound like he’s in four different sound where he wants it. Even his places at once. The majority of vocals are just right, sometimes his bass beats are just improvised giving Lord Timberlake a run for off his guitar, and then just looped his money. I would highly recom- through the rest of the song, and mend this CD to anyone who likes what you get, surprisingly, is an music, and be sure to check Yoav incredible diversity of tracks on out live if you ever get a chance. this album. Favourites off this CD include There Is Nobody, an Distinctly Janet

VICTORIA FIGUEREDO ing will be chart topping hits are So she’s done it again for the Jermaine Dupri’s So Much Betta, 26th year in a row. Since 1982 this Missy Elliot’s The1, and Dark- woman has been keeping up with child’s LUV. the fast-moving, constantly chang- So Much Betta is a sexy hip- ing pop scene. hop track full of attitude that will At 41 years of age, she is able surely take over nightclubs in no to make better pop music than the time. The1 is the most entertain- majority of youth in the industry. ing track on the album. It’s the Experience truly counts for some- perfect balance of style between thing with this chart-topping talent. Janet and Missy. Basically, if In her new album Discipline, Janet and Missy had a child, this Janet explores new style beats song would be it. Finally, Dark- inspired by Japanese techno, yet child, who’s produced music for stays true to her familiar club-dance stars such as Brandy, Mary J Blige pop. She’s teamed up with Ne- and Rihanna, has collaborated yo, Missy Elliot, Darkchild and, of with Janet to create LUV, which is course, her long-time boyfriend, rap- mature yet sexy. per-producer-exec Jermaine Dupri. The album is stylish, entertain- The first single Feedback is ing, and distinctly Janet. an obvious hit and so ... “Janet.” A couple of singles I’m predict- 12 The Nugget ARTS AND CULTURE Thursday, March 20, 2008 ELECT THE DEAD Beautiful, brilliant Juliet. Once again, the crowd cheered. So he nition. Don’t get me wrong, the way he intro- said that if the two were to f**k, this is what duced the song was amazing, bitching about they would get. Great way to start off the song; religion (praise the Lord) and war (pass the but he wasn’t be done for the night. ammunition) coming together. But the live For a couple more songs, Tankian intro- version did absolutely no justice to the song duced them in his politically correct ways. on the album. Blaming the Bush administration for eight years But this is we are talking of hell that North America and the world had about. He can do no wrong. In the CD review By Nahreman Issa to endure, he screamed, “F**k hypocrisy,” and I wrote for Elect the Dead I said that he Sports Editor starting singing The Unthinking Majority. should be president. Seeing how he was born Beautiful and brilliant are two words I Tankian broke out a new song (com- in Lebanon (which makes him even more would use to describe Serj Tankian. The lead piled with his co-founder Tom kickass), he’s not eligible. So I say to the singer of was in town play- Morello) called Charades. This sounded like people around the world, let’s start a peti- ing the Shaw Conference Centre Sunday night, vintage SOAD (which is a great thing). tion. Serj Tankian would be the best presi- Serj Tankian promoting his new solo album, Elect the Dead. Now for the obligatory “you are the best dent. (If not him, then I can settle for Barack If you’re a fan of SOAD’s music, or just a fan crowd on the tour, I swear,” routine every Obama). of his new stuff, he did not disappoint. singer says. Tankian said that about three On tour with his new band, the FCC (or bet- times, stating that he honestly believed that ter yet, the FLYING C***S OF CHAOS), I Edmonton was the best crowd on the tour. found it weird not seeing Daron, Shavo or John Now I would like to believe that Tankian joining him on stage. would not lie to me, so I’m gonna assume I Nonetheless, the new guys put on a great was one of the best he had! show. Dressed in black and wearing top hats, the Now for the not so perfect things he did. band came out and started to play. Then out came While he only has one album, you would think Tankian, dressed in white and wearing a white that he would sing every song from it. Not top hat. Tankian seemed to really enjoy himself. quite. I could never understand why bands do A smile never left his face until he was bitching this. He didn’t sing Money. He sang a Dead about George Bush (more on that later). Kennedys song instead, Holiday in Cambodia The show started off with his first single (the same song he sang with the Foo Fighters , which caused everyone to go for the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards). crazy. To introduce Lie, lie, lie, Tankian asked if Another thing that kinda put me off was the crowd watched Borat. That came with huge how the beat was played for some of the songs, applause. He asked if they watched Romeo and especially Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammu- Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Nugget 13 14 The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 Your horoscope

something interesting from an unlikely Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) care about what others think of you, source. You can do anything you want this which will benefit you later in the week. Lucky Movie: Little Miss Sunshine week, whether it’s home improvement Mind your Ps and Qs on Monday. projects or catching up on reading. Lucky Movie: Hairspray Gemini (May 21-June 20) You are a jack of all trades, Virgo. Do The stars are showing a certain your best to surprise others with what- Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) degree of emotional upset this week. ever else is in your bag of tricks. Avoid all confrontation this week as KATIE BERLINGUETTE You are perfectly capable of standing Lucky Movie: Marry Poppins the moon goes retrograde in Venus. up for yourself, so there is no reason Deadly peril will chase you throughout that you should be bullied. Be sure Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) the week and the only way to avoid March 21-27 to tell the truth near Tuesday and It has been a long time since you it is by looking ferocious. Be sure to (Warning: Nugget horoscopes Wednesday, despite how the situa- have taken something important into avoid eating any spicy food this week, are not written by an accredited tion may look. consideration. This week you should too. astrologer; however, believe them Lucky Movie: Shawshank deal with any loose ends before mov- Lucky Movie: 300 if you like, as they are absolute and Redemption ing on. If you are feeling lost, you will unquestionable.) soon find your way back to the start Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Cancer (June 21-July 22) with an innovative outlook and plenty You might be out of your element Aries (March 21-April 19) Your best chance of survival this of perseverance. this week, Aquarius. However, do not An unexpected business proposal week is to find a safe place and stay Lucky Movie: Homeward Bound despair! A friend should be on the might come about this week. Be sure there. Everything is treacherous and way to guide you through any difficult to look at all of the details before you unstable. The stars are giving you a Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) choices this week. Also, the easy way say yay or nay. Taking a risk this week stern warning to avoid heading out- Don’t panic near the middle of the out could cost you more time in the is wise, but be careful not to flaunt doors. It would be wise to tell others week when you find yourself in a sticky long run. what you have because others will not where you are going before you leave situation. It is good to realize that you Lucky Movie: Dora the Explorer appreciate it. Try a new hairstyle near the house. can’t keep all of your friends happy all the middle of the week. Lucky Movie: Jurassic Park I and II the time and giving them space this Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Lucky Movie: Pretty Woman week will save you in the end. Be sure You feel like you’re in a fog lately Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) to be methodical when it comes to and unfortunately it doesn’t look like Taurus (April 20-May 20) Be sure to make your intentions dealing with complaints. things will start making sense any- Sometimes you might feel like life clear this week so that you can avoid Lucky Movie: Spiderman time soon. So you might as well take has become a farce. You may start any confusion. If you’re riding the sin- advantage of the situation and enjoy to realize this as you are dealt one gle train, a little something – some- Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) it while it lasts. Expect the unexpected unorthodox situation after another. thing is on its way. If you’re currently It would make a little more sense this week, Pisces, as you are in for Being understanding and consider- with someone, why not take them out this week to run through the streets one wild ride. ate of other’s feelings will relieve a on the town? singing and dancing in a choreo- Lucky Movie: Fear and Loathing in tense moment. Be prepared to learn Lucky Movie: Sleepless in Seattle graphed manner. You aren’t one to Las Vegas STEPS TO SUCCESS Raise the bar! SHANT CHAKMAKIAN peeking over a cloud, no matter what I’m Perspective is everything, and that holds doing, I just watch and smile, savouring that true the most for the life you live and how simple moment. you look at it. It might sound cheesy, but I can guar- How you look at your day and what’s antee that doing simple things like that will going on will determine if you will have a brighten your day, and in turn, your life. It good or a bad day. will also provide you with energy when you It’s important to be optimistic, but opti- need it. mism alone won’t help. It’s all about manag- But what I find the most useful is adjec- ing your own life. tives. How you describe something and First of all, always have a game plan. choose to look at it paints a picture in your When projects get intense, when it doesn’t head and motivates other people. seem like there are enough hours in a day or For example, don’t go on with your the world is on your shoulders, just stop and day, but pioneer awesomeness! Also, don’t re-evaluate. get your work done, but raise the bar on Looking at your game plan, adjusting it success! and micromanaging your time will ensure I can obviously go on, but in the end that a healthy level of stress doesn’t become when it comes to the life you’re living it’s distress. not the picture you’re looking at but the Also, never say or admit that you’re hav- glasses you’re wearing and how good you ing a bad day. When you do that, you essen- make the ride. tially write off your day and are really giv- So go forth boldly, pioneer awesomeness ing up. The better thing to do is admit that and raise the bar on success as you redefine you’re having a challenging day. By doing what you get out of life and do for others. that, you acknowledge that your day is chal- lenging and you’re willing to face it. Please feel free to visit my blog at http:// Smile more often. Think of certain things or to email me any that make you happy and whenever you comments or suggestions at shant_c@hot- see or think of those things, stop and smile. I value and look forward to your For example, when I see the sun, gloriously input. Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Nugget 15 CLUBS CORNER CETSC Bubble of Doom beer garden

Come out of your bub- Construction Engineering seen outside ‘the dock’ on sheets, pillows or pillow- ble and come party in ours!! students construct a tempo- the east side of Engineer- cases (new sheets or pillow- Its Toga Time, every- rary ‘bubble’ out of poly- ing Annex starting at 3:30 cases, please). Half of the body! Once again, on March ethylene sheet big enough p.m. Beer and highballs will profits will be donated to 27, the Construction Engi- to hold a beer gardens. be available as well as ham- WINHOUSE. neering program will be (Believe me, this is some- burgers/cheeseburgers, all If you ever wanted your holding its annual spring thing to see!) There will be for a student friendly price 15 seconds of fame, the ‘Bubble of Doom’ Beer Gar- tunes supplied by a DJ and of $3 each. media will be there to cover dens and this year they’re the weather is guaranteed to This event will be sup- the event and a cheque pre- going Greek. Dress good and be perfect, with the temper- porting the WINHOUSE sentation to the Canadian warm in your finest Toga and ature inside the bubble hov- – Edmonton’s Women’s Breast Cancer Foundation compete for prizes! ering around 12-15 degrees Emergency Shelter. Dona- for the donations raised at For the uninitiated, this Celsius!! This monstros- tions will be accepted in the Tough Enough to Wear is an event where first year ity of construction can be the form of cash, clothes Pink event. for children, wom- Remember, if you’re Upcoming Events en’s clothes, clean drinking, who’s driving? Chemical Technology When: April 2; 12:30-3 p.m. Event: Bake Sale Where: NAITSA When: Thurs. March 20; WINTech 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Event: Networking Where: Outside Campus When: Wed., April 2 Reads and Needs Where: Union Bank Inn CAFP Madison Grill Event: Cookie Dough Sale Library Room Hatch and bash! When: March 10-20; 10053 Jasper Ave. 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Time: 5:30-8:30 p.m. Where: Outside Common march 28 2008 Cost: Professionals $15 Market Students $5 Club Culinaire Includes comp. tickets available at naitsa Event: Guessing Game first beverage When: and or bar entrance March 12-31; RSVP: [email protected] Noon-4 p.m. by March 31 doors open at 7 p.m. Where: Outside Common (Tickets limited) Market NASS Fostering the success of women in NAIT’s Computer Event: Beer Garden Systems Technology pro- When: Friday, April 11; gram and in the Information 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Where: The Annex Dock Technology workplace. Chemical Technology Rose Martin Baumgartner Event: Cabaret NAITSA Campus Clubs Mgr When: Friday March 28 11762-106 Street, Room E-133 Where: Ezzies Edmonton, AB T5G 3H4 PFT 2008 Bake Sale Ph: 471-8871; Fax: 491-3989 Event: “Get Baked Goods” E-mail: [email protected] 16 The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 Ask a Student Counsellor Managing your anger

lem with anger management, and recognize bottled up and not expressed. When appro- dents/co-workers who you can rely on to that you have choices in the way that you priate, state clearly what is upsetting you listen and support you in dealing with your respond to situations. Here are some steps without blaming or attacking the other per- anger more effectively? you can take to begin channeling your anger son. For example “I feel very angry – I feel 8) Evaluate whether you need to get more more constructively: ignored.” balance in your life by taking better care of 1) Recognize what triggers your anger. 5) Try to see things from the other per- yourself through improved exercise, diet MARGARET MAREAN Often the same types of situations or ver- son’s perspective. We often interpret other and sleep patterns, spending more time with bal exchanges set us off each time we get peoples’ words or actions incorrectly. friends or letting go of relationships or activi- Question: My girlfriend has threatened angry. Remind yourself that you ties that cause stress. Good self-care can go to leave me because of my angry outbursts. 2) Identify the warning While anger have the power to choose a long way towards helping you maintain a She says she is scared of me and that I am signs that signal you may be alternative meanings to calm and positive outlook. violent. I have thrown things and yelled but losing control. For example is an emotion, events or dialogues. It is important to recognize that you have I have never hit her or anyone else and I jaw, neck or shoulder mus- aggression is 6) Identify possible cop- a choice in how you manage your anger. It is know that I never would. I would like her cles getting tense, heart rate ing responses. It is important also important that you recognize that chang- to understand that getting angry is just the increasing or clenched fists an action – yell- that you have several options ing this habit will take some time and ded- way I am. are common warning signs. ing and throwing to choose from because no icated effort. It is not an easy problem to Answer: Anger is a normal emotion. 3) Beware of negative one response will work for resolve and you may need professional help Everyone feels angry at times, and this anger self-talk. When things don’t things are acts of all situations. For exam- to deal with managing your anger and to can be positive in motivating us to move for- go your way or irritate you, aggression. ple: I can walk away from work on emotions or past issues that may be ward in life or to defend our rights. While negative self-talk can play the situation. I can take six underlying the anger. anger is an emotion, aggression is an action a big role in the way you slow, deep breaths, focusing Counsellors are available to help with – yelling and throwing things are acts of react. Mentally criticizing yourself or feel- only on my breathing. I can tell the other per- this or any other personal, academic or career aggression. Aggression is only appropriate in ing like an underdog can lead to feelings of son calmly that I will discuss this later. I can concern. very rare situations when we have to defend anger. Ask yourself if you could be distorting choose not to take this personally. To book an appointment call 378-6135 or or protect ourselves to survive. the situation or building it out of proportion. 7) Identify your support network. Are come in person to Room W111-PB in the HP In order to save your relationship, and 4) Learn to express anger assertively and there friends, family members or fellow stu- Centre. other relationships in your life, it is important in a timely fashion. Often angry outbursts that you acknowledge that you have a prob- or aggression occur because emotions get Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Nugget 17 Classifieds After Hours VOLUNTEER? Singles Party Cerebral Palsy Association Meet New and Interesting People Do you love helping others? Want to make some great friends? The Edmonton Party Line Gain valuable work or vocational experience? Cerebral Palsy Asso- Dial: 44-Party ciations’ mission is to support and enrich the lives of individuals and Ads* Jokes* Stories & MORE! persons affected by Cerebral Palsy. A variety of volunteer opportuni- Free Local Call *Ladies-R-Free* 18+ ties are available for people of all ages. From working with adults in our bowling program and other Members’ nights, to helping out with Revolution Entertainment special events or dances, yoga or Art Expressions programs; you can Looking for disc jockey volunteer as much or as little as you want! Check out the website P/T, must have vehicle for more information about our volunteer program, www.cpalberta. Looking for fun, outgoing and reliable people com/volunteers.htm. You can also call Eve Hughes, at 780-477-8030 Please call Ryan at 416-9017 or e-mail [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]. Landscaping/lawn maintenance NAIT We are hiring 5-10 landscaping and lawn maintenance positions. Have you always wanted to get involved at your school? Now is Starting pay is at least $15/hr. your chance! NAIT is looking for volunteers for May 21, July 22 and Contact Trevor @ 267-7645 or [email protected] Aug. 18. The events are from 6-9 p.m. Volunteers are needed from Make money – golf for free 5 -9:30 p.m. on each evening and for a training session before each event. The volunteers will work in one of the following roles: No experience necessary 1. “Ask Me” Roving volunteer – The student simply walks around Coloniale Golf Club is seeking: campus and directs people where to go and helps them with general Grounds Maintenance Personnel, Mechanic’s Assistant inquires. Lounge, Banquet, Kitchen Sraff, Pro Shop, Guest Services 2. Check-in tables – The student welcome the guests and provide Fax 929-2540 or e-mail [email protected] a nametag and orientation package. or phone 929-4653 ext. 221 3. Tour Guides – The student will lead Icebreaker activities for their group and then lead a campus tour to select locations. 4. Evaluation drop-off table – Collects evaluations and puts them in the draw drum. 5. DJ. For more information, contact Sarah Franks at [email protected] Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity Edmonton needs a volunteer with strong AutoCAD skills who can come and spend some time in our office over the period of two to three weeks. The right volunteer needs to be able to work with direction but little or no supervision. We are updating and revising our working drawings with AutoCAD 2008. Interested? Contact Angela Robichaud at 479-3566 ext 223. Hope Mission Always wanted to help out your community in a positive way? Help prepare and/or serve meals to people experiencing homeless- ness. Volunteering is easy, flexible times throughout the week. Send an e-mail to [email protected].

Extended library hours during exams

Project Factory Saturday April 5: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday April 6: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Library and Project Factory Saturday April 12: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday April 13: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Library Saturday April 19: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday April 20: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

The Vagina Monologues Benefiting SAFFRON: Strathcona Sexual Assault Centre March 30, 3 p.m. Contact: Amanda for tickets: 904-0032, [email protected] *Sign language interpreters provided* 18 The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 Want to start a business? Not looking forward to sending copies of youth, aged 18-34 start successful businesses to keep entrepreneurship alive and well to cre- Design Inc., says: “My initial financing and your resume to dozens or possibly hundreds by providing start-up financing, mentor- ate economic prosperity in communities across mentoring from CYBF gave me the external (but hopefully not thousands) of companies ing and business Canada. credibility to show that I had a solid business.” when you graduate university? resources (such Lending is based on character, Jean-Guy Robert started his incredibly successful real Neither were we. as guidance on Furois, who is a estate visualization studio with CYBF’s men- Eureka! There is another option: entrepre- writing a business not collateral, and CYBF aims CYBF mentor and toring and start-up financing. neurship, a.k.a. creating and running your own plan). Lending is to help young people who have has helped two So, there you have it! Now you know how business, a.ka. being your own boss, a.k.a. based on charac- successful young to decide if entrepreneurship is right for you choosing your own hours. ter, not collateral, a great business idea but are entrepreneurs get and how to start the process. It’s a route that Entrepreneurship is integral to the Cana- and CYBF aims unable to access funds through started, says that requires a lot of self-examination and hard dian economy. The small businesses that young to help young as a mentor, he work, but it beats sending out resumes, and entrepreneurs create are innovative and employ people who have other traditional sources. “sets an example, can potentially help you realize your profes- thousands of people nationally. a great business listens, discusses sional dreams. How do you know if entrepreneurship is for idea but are unable to access funds through issues and leads.” – Canadian Youth Business Foundation you? other traditional sources. CYBF’s mandate is Robert Kenfield, who created DreamLife ( According to the book, The Power of Focus, by Les Hewitt, Andrew Hewitt & Luc d’Abadie, you should ask yourself the following questions: • Do I like being in control, even if it means working on weekends? • Can I tolerate high levels of risk? • Am I willing to fail more than once before I hit it big? • Am I adventurous? If, like young entrepreneurs, Andrew and Luc, you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then entrepre- neurship may be the path for you. Started own business These childhood friends started their own business, Focused Student, in 2006. They didn’t feel that their post-second- ary educations had prepared them for ‘the real world’, so they used their busi- ness experience and research to branch out on their own and help other stu- dents. Focused Student teaches stu- dents how to find a career that they’re passionate about, what employers really look for and how to succeed as a young graduate. Andrew and Luc attained tremen- dous success with Focused Student. As well as writing the bestselling book The Power of Focus for College Students, they’ve met many well known business leaders, authors, speakers and celebri- ties, including Donald Trump, who was so impressed with these young entrepre- neurs that he wrote the foreword to their book. According to Andrew, “students increasingly choose entrepreneurship as a career and look to be their own boss.” Where to start? So, you think that entrepreneurship may be right for you. Where do you start? Andrew recommends that you enter a business plan competition, which are held locally and internationally. This is a great way to define your business idea as well as meet and learn from success- ful business leaders and other young entrepreneurs. Next, ask for help. Look for a men- tor, an experienced business person who is willing to give you advice and guid- ance as you get your business started. The Canadian Youth Business Foun- dation (CYBF) can help you with both of these steps. CYBF is a national charity that helps Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Nugget 19 20 The Nugget Thursday, March 20, 2008 SINGLE OF THE WEEK

can be entered into ROMANTIC B: *Ahem* So, when was the FUSION. They need four or five guys last time you were dating someone? to participate at the Nest on April 7 to A: For “reals”? Maybe two years compete to win a date with the lovely ago, in Ireland for like a year and a Amber ladies you’ll see. Anyone participat- half, then I moved away. But just sort ing will win fabulous prizes that the of seeing someone … maybe … mind can barely fathom, such as gift certificates for Joey Tomatoes and B: Last Saturday? And then you Cineplex Theatre. Blown away yet? I sobered up the next morning? BRENT am, but then, I’m very easily blown. A: No … about six months ago … CONSTANTIN First of the pair is Amber, an When you least expect it RTA student from Saskatchewan. B: mmkay, and what kind of guy are She honestly says that she’s as fer- you looking for? Hi, everybody! It’s me, Brent. tile as a farmer’s field and look- A: Someone funny, athletic, six- With another installment of what ing for someone that knows how to foot-one or over and can handle dat- I like to call the NAIT Meat Mar- plow. Yikes. ing someone cooler than they are. ket, but is known to you, the gentle reader, as Hot Single of the Week, B: Hi, Amber B: What do you mean by funny? Girls where everyday average people such A: Hello always say that and it could mean as yourselves have the chance to be anything. You could have a guy with featured in beautiful, three-colour, B: Tell me, ummm … about yourself. a dead foot that falls every three steps newspaper vision. A: Well, I’m 21, I love sports, I like that could make you laugh, but I’m This week’s issue is a bit of a to go out and have fun as much as I guessing that’s not what you mean. departure from previous attempts. At can! A: I think that would be more awk- the request of my psychiatrist, I’ve ward than really funny. Funny like been trying to branch out and make B: So you like drinking? Dane Cook. new friends without it ending with a A: No, that’s not what I mean. hacksaw and jail time. So I couldn’t B: So annoying, yells-everything- help but say “maybe” when I was B: So, you go out drinking how until-you-feel-pressured-to-laugh, frat- approached by several lovely stu- often? boy humour? Something like that? B: I think that’s all I need. Maybe we of you to enter the Romantic Fusion dents in the Radio & Television pro- A: Maybe once a week? A: … no … just someone that can should have just put your picture in contest brought to you by NR92, or gram who wanted to put together tell me a story and I’ll be interested here and skipped the article? NTV, or maybe even both. To find a fabulous contest using my lil’ ol’ B: See, I see that as often, but then in listening to it, someone that I enjoy A: I think it would have been just as out more go to and check article. the only time I have any alcohol is listening to. good. out the promotions link. Over the next two issues I’ll fea- during the equinox in order to pay And, as always, if you’d like to be ture a single NAIT student, as usual, homage to my dark god Margothep. B: Okee-dokee. And tell us, why are And there you have it gentlemen, the HSW send me that as well, only but that’s where the similarities end, HAIL MARGOTHEP! you hot, Amber? e-mail me at [email protected] as a couple spots left before the end of my friend! By writing in to me you A: Great. A: Well people take my photo a lot …. son as you can and we’ll pick five the year. What Easter rituals do you engage in? LANDON SPEERS

Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Easter eggg hunt around Eat a lot of chocolate. Dinner with family. Sunday dinner with Dad’s resurrection. the house and hang out family. with family. Treab Forsythe-Todd Bill Preston Electronic Systems Nam Nguyen Drew Macray Nikole Berry Marketing Integration Pre-Tech Materials Engineering Photographic Technology