March 19, 1981 30¢ Per C:O P)'
--- R. I. Jewish Historical Association 11 1 30 Sessions Street Providence, RI 02906 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 Membershi p People THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MAS S. VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 17 THURSDAY MARCH 19, 1981 _30¢ PER C:O P)'. Israelis Form New Party, Urge "The Cults And Our Children," Withdrawal From West Bank Topic For Annual Interfaith Day J ERUSALEM -Plans to establish a · from the Civil Rights Party, will lead the can Rabbi M a urice Davis , nationall y political party to e ncourage Is ra e li didate list for the pa rty, followed by Be n recogni zed a uthority on the cult and family withdrawal from the occupied West Bank, venisti. "Continuation of the occupation is life, will be the keynote speake r during this were announced by a small number of unbearable," said Benvenisti , "in terms of y,,ar s Annual Interfaith Day sponsored by Israelis affi li a ted with the Peace Now move moral values, international isolation, distor the Siste rhood of Temple Beth-El. His topic ment. tion of allocation of resources for pressing in will be " The C ults and Our C hildren·· to be The part y, call ed the Peace and Civil ternal ~~eds and endange ring the peace presented on Sunday, March 29 at the Te m Liberties Move ment, wi ll run in the June 30 process. ple Beth-El meeting Hall, 70 Orchard Ave., parliamentary elections, according to Meron Benvenisti said that while Jordanian law is Providence.
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