Carniflora News – June 2020 (PDF)

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Carniflora News – June 2020 (PDF) THE AUSTRALASIAN CARNIVOROUS PLANTS SOCIETY INC. CARNIFLORA NEWS A.B.N. 65 467 893 226 June 2020 Nepenthes villosa. Photographed by Ciaran Nagle Drosera peltata. Photographed by Ciaran Nagle Welcome to Carniflora News, a newsletter produced by the Australasian Carnivorous CALENDAR Plants Society Inc. that documents the meetings, news and events of the Society. JUNE The current committee of the Australasian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. comprises: 5th June 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra - Cancelled 12th June 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Cephalotus, Heliamphora and Carnivorous Bromeliads - Cancelled COMMITTEE JULY 3rd July 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra featuring Sarracenia and Darlingtonia President - Wesley Fairhall 10th July 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney (AGM) featuring Winter growing Drosera & [email protected] Utricularia AUGUST Vice President - Vacant 7th August 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra - Pests, diseases, terrariums & lights. 14th August 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Drosophyllum, Roridula & Byblis Treasurer - David Colbourn [email protected] SEPTEMBER 4th September 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra; 11th September 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Australian Native CPs Secretary - Kirk ‘Füzzy’ Hirsch 26-27th September 2020 - Collector’s Plant Fair, Clarendon [email protected] OCTOBER General Committee Member - Sean Polivnick 2nd October 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra [email protected] 9th October 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Utricularia & Genlisea NOVEMBER 6th November 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra - Nepenthes; Sarracenia display 13th November 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney - Sarracenia DELEGATES TBA - VCPS annual show, Collector’s Corner, Melbourne TBA - Triffid Park open day Journal Editor - Dr. Robert Gibson Sydney Coordinator - Wesley Fairhall DECEMBER [email protected] TBA- VCPS annual show, Collector’s Corner, Melbourne 4th December 2020 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra - Christmas Party Newsletter Editor - David Colbourn Sydney Coordinator - Kirk Hirsch 11th December 2020 - AUSCPS - Sydney - Annual Show [email protected] [email protected] JANUARY 1st January 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra Public Officer - Kirk Hirsch Brisbane Coordinator - Vacant 8th January 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Dionaea & Aldrovanda [email protected] FEBRUARY Website Manager - Marina Chong Brisbane Coordinator - Vacant 7th February 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra 14th February 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Summer growing Drosera and Byblis Social Media Manager - Glen Moss Canberra Coordinator - Robert Little MARCH 5th March 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra featuring Carnivorous Plants 101 12th March 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Pinguicula Merchandise Manager - David Colbourn Canberra Coordinator - Chris Duffy TBA - Collectors’ Plant Fair, Clarendon, N.S.W. [email protected] APRIL 2nd April 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra (Good Friday) Events Coordinator - Vacant Library Manager - Glenn Carson 9th April 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Sarracenia and Darlingtonia [email protected] MAY Seed Bank Manager - Ian Woolf 7th May 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Canberra [email protected] 14th May 2021 - AUSCPS meeting - Sydney featuring Nepenthes NEWS NEW DROSERA SPECIES FOUND IN QUEENSLAND The botanists have been busy and have named two new species of Drosera found in CORONOVIRUS PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Queensland. With the emergence of the Coronavirus and increasing restrictions put on social gatherings, the Committee of the AUSCPS decided to cancel all meetings The first, and perhaps the most exciting discovery, is that of Drosera buubugujin, part of until further notice. News about the Society and any announcements will the Prolifera section of Drosera, and the 4th sister. During surveys of the south-eastern be published via our Facebook site and this newsletter. The AUSCPS areas of the Cape York Peninsula bioregion, a distinctive, unnamed, fourth species of Executive thanks you for your understanding and is happy to this section was discovered and is described here. The initial collections of this Drosera answer any queries you may have in relation to this were made by Muundhi and Juunju People in conjunction with CYPTRP botanist Simon announcement. Thompson and consultant botanist David Fell during biodiversity assessments of Muundhi, Juunju Daarrba Nhirrpan and Biniir National Parks (CYPAL). MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Membership of the Australasian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. (AUSCPS) is due now. Membership to the Society is $20 per calendar year, or $35 if you require printed journals with your membership. The AUSCPS is a not for profit organisation that promotes the conservation and cultivation of carnivorous plants in Australia and abroad. Membership entitles you to two editions of our journal, Carniflora Australis, 12 editions of our monthly newsletter, Carniflora News, subsidised seed from our seed bank, discounts on books and other merchandise, access to our free library and access to sell plants at fairs and events attended by the Society. A membership form is attached to this newsletter with instructions on how to make payment. NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2019/20 EXECUTIVE AND COMMITTEE Our A.G.M. will be held at the Sydney meeting on the 10th of July. One of the objectives of this meeting is to elect the Executive (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and one additional Committee member. We are now a national society, and as such, members from across Australia are eligible to occupy a position. A description of each executive position was detailed in the April newsletter. Over May we requested members nominate themselves for one of the above positions. These nominees are listed in an attached ballot paper along with a proxy voting form for austrobaileya-v10s4-549-557.pdf? those who are unable to attend the A.G.M. Please consider this opportunity to be more involved with the Society and have a say in our future. fbclid=IwAR1LyCGbd_Dw6fowNzfs5716lteNAL0imIpEjdBkJEIEb-yEHUMWLYxs7jE Drosera stipularis FIELD GUIDE Across tropical northern Australia 14 Drosera species are recognised within the D. The Field Guide to the Carnivorous Plants of petiolaris complex. The complex is placed in section Lasiocephala; a group of perennial Sydney and the Blue Mountains was released sundews mostly characterised by an indumentum of white hairs upon the petiole. Here on the 13th December and is now available for we describe a new species for the complex, D. stipularis Baleeiro, R.W.Jobson & sale. The RRP is $15. Members may purchase R.L.Barrett, which is known only from white-sand habitats on Cape York Peninsula, the guide for $10 (limit of 2 copies per Queensland. The new species is allied to D. petiolaris R.Br. ex DC. and D. lanata member). The guide may be purchased from K.Kondo. meetings and events, and will also be available on eBay. Sales have been strong with orders from around the country and internationally. SAVAGE GARDEN Our shipment of new Savage Garden books has been delayed by COVID19 and is expected to arrive in Australia in late June. BACK ISSUES OF CARNIFLORA AUSTRALIS The Society has a number of surplus back issues of Carniflora Australis. They will be for sale at meetings only for $1 each. VFT COMPETITION The winner of the largest VFT trap competition is Leigh Stevens of Victoria. Congratulations Leigh, your $50 Bunnings gift card is in the mail. Thank you for those who entered. INSTAGRAM PHOTOS We are looking to expand our file of quality photographs used in the newsletter and on our Social Media platforms. If you have any photos that you think may be suitable for publication, please forward them to [email protected] IN THE GREENHOUSE GENLISEA ALDROVANDA Genlisea should be in flower and active growth. Keep warm and the water levels high. Plants are now dormant and survive winter as floating turions in cold climates. HELIAMPHORA BROCCHINIA / CATOPSIS Keep plants in a bright and very humid location. Avoid temperatures over 30°C and less Maintain high light levels and humidity. Protect from frost. Fertilise with a diluted foliar than 10°C. Fertilise with a diluted foliar application of urea free fertiliser every 2-4 application of urea free fertiliser. weeks. BYBLIS NEPENTHES Byblis gigantea and lamellata are now in active growth. Keep the soil moist to wet. Treat Nepenthes usually stop producing traps over winter in temperate climates. Aim to keep seed with Ga3 or smoke water and sow now. the lowland species warm to hot and in high humidity. Highland species will enjoy the cooler nights. Reduce watering frequency, keeping the soil barely moist. The northern annual species of Byblis will soon finish their life cycle. Harvest seed. PINGUICULA Growth rates for all species of Byblis may be accelerated with increased prey capture or Mexican species/hybrids begin to enter dormancy and produce small succulent rosettes. fertilisation. Place some rotting fruit around the plants or sprinkle granulated fish food Reduce watering and humidity. onto the leaves. Pollinate the flowers using the “buzz” technique. Warm-temperate species such as P. primuliflora and lusitanica will continue growth. CEPHALOTUS Keep the water up to P. primuliflora and take leaf cuttings. Keep the soil moist but well drained. Avoid fungal problems by keeping good air
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