The Battle of Messines
CHAPTER XV THE BATTLE OF MESSINES-JUNE 7TH BEFOREmost great attacks on the Western Front, during that critical last night in which, generally, the infantry left its billets and made its way, first, in column of fours on dark roads beside moving wheel and motor traffic, then, usually in file, along tracks marked across the open, and finally into communication trenches to wind silently out in the small hours and line the “ jumping-off ” trenches or white tapes laid in the long wet grass of open No-Man’s Land, where for an hour or two it must await the signal to assault-during these critical hours one thought was usually uppermost in the men’s minds: does the enemy know? With the tactics of 1917,involving tremendous preparatory bombardments, which entailed months of preliminary railway and road construction, G.H.Q. had been forced to give up the notion of keeping an attack secret until it was delivered. Enemy airmen could not fail to observe these works and also the new camps, supply centres, casualty clearing stations, hangars for aeroplanes. Reference has been made to the Comniander-in-Chief’s desire to impart the impression, in April, of a serious attack, and,‘in May, of a feint. But the final week’s bombardment had given sure notice of the operation, and the most that could be hoped for was that the enemy might be deceived as to the main stroke that would come after, and might continue to expect it at Arras rather than at Ypres. As far as the Messines offensive went, the Germans must know that a great attack-whether feint or principal operation-was imminent ; indeed, German prisoners spoke with certainty of it.
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