Minutes of the the 66th Annual General Body Meeting of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists held on Wednesday, 28th November 2018 at 14.00 hrs at the Main Hall of ISACON 2018, in Jaypee Palace Hotel & Convention Centre, Fatehabad Road, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282003. The AGBM was called to order by President Dr. V. Kuchela Babu at 2.15 p.m. 1. Welcome by Hon. Secretary: Dr. Venkatagiri K.M.

Hon. Secretary Dr. Venkatagiri welcomed the members to the 66th AGBM and requested anyone who is not a member of ISA to leave the Hall. He then requested the President to call the meeting to order.

2. Meeting called to order by President: Dr. V. Kuchela Babu

Then the AGBM was called to order by President Dr. V. Kuchela Babu at 2.15 p.m.

3. President’s opening remarks President thanked all members for electing him to the post of President & in his opening remarks said that the major achievement is ISA Webinar, IRC and COLS. ToT for COLS was conducted and in turn they gave training to others. We have trained more than 2 lakh laypersons in COLS, more than our expected target of one lakh on Oct 23rd. ISA Traffic island with pillar was built at Nasik & was inaugurated by National President. Public Awareness Videos by Dr Sasidharan of Perintalmanna, ) and pamphlets (Dr. Baljit Singh) are released regarding anaesthesia awareness for common people. He added that ISA Webinar was conducted for the 1st time and the Webinar on Obstetric Anaesthesia was transmitted from Hyderabad on 17.11.2018. President added that this year we had 3 online video GC meetings and Scientific Committee meetings using Zoom and from next year 3 online video GC meetings will be conducted. He stressed the need to increase the membership of ISA FBF and requested members to promote FBF by joining ISAFBF. He said with World Medical Association we can have CMEs. We can have CMEs by paying Rs 2 lakhs and then

1 additional payments per member depending on what we want. With this he requested Secretary to continue with Agenda.

4. Obituaries. Secretary read the obituaries. He read the details of members who left us to the heavenly abode from 15.11.2017 till date and requested to members to report death of any members not read out by him. 1) Dr. N. M. Malhotra 12.12.2017 Haryana 2) Dr. V. K. Grover 11.12.2017 Chandigarh 3) Dr. Pavan Kumar Cherukuri 28.12.2017 AP 4) Dr. N. C. Elango (E0015) 21.01.2018 Salem, TN 5) Dr. B. S. Gharpure (G0011) Mumbai 6) Dr. Bino George ( 25.02.2018 Cochin 7) Dr. Prasad Raju Dandu ( 25.02.2018 Amalapuram 8) Dr. Jiten Bhattacharyya (B0426) 09.02.2018 Gauhati 9) Dr. Tanima Sen ( S 1169) 13.03.2018 10) Dr. C. B. Laxmi ( L 0131) 30.03.2018 Ballari 11) Dr. Durgesh Vishnu Padole (D1265) Mumbai Metro 12) Dr. Prakashappa D. S. (P0282)26.04.2018 Bagalkote FBF 13) Dr. R. Radhey Sharan (R2527) 07.05.2018 Amritsar 14) Dr. Mukesh V Shroff (S0606) 20.05.2018 Borivili 15) Dr. Suraj Srinivas Prasad ( 01.06.2018 Mysuru 16) Dr. Prof. Kutubuddin Ahmed (K0413) 06.03.2018 Guwahati Assam 17) Dr. Sarojini Devanandan(D0470) 31.08.2017 Chennai FBF 18) Dr. K. V. Raman (R0758) 30.06.2018 Visakhapatnam FBF 19) Dr. Hitendra Desai (D0214) 15.07.18 Valsad, Gujarath 20) Dr. Santhanam ( ) 15.07.2018 Coimbatore FBF 21) Dr. G. G. Lalla Bhopal


5. Confirmation of the minutes of AGBM 2017.

Hon. Secretary projected the minutes of the 65th AGBM held on 28th & 29th of Nov. 2017 at Kolkata and also requested members to go through the minutes printed in the AGBM book circulated among members and read it page by page and requested members to report corrections is any. Page 5, Para 2 Zonal Conference corrected as Zonal PG Assembly. (Dr. Virendra Sharma) Page 29 New Branch spelling of Nadiyad corrected as Nadiad Minutes Passed: Proposed By Brig. Dr. T. Prabhakar, VSM. & J. Ranganathan Seconded by Dr. Naveen Malhotra and Dr. Lalit Mehdiratta.

6. Minutes of the Special GBM held on 04.08.2018 Hon. Secretary projected the minutes of the Special GBM held on 4th of August 2018 at Agra and also requested members to go through the minutes printed in the Page 63 of the AGBM book circulated among members and read it. Then he requested members to report corrections is any. No corrections Minutes Passed: Proposed By Dr. J. Ranganathan Seconded by Dr. R. C. Agarwal & Dr. Suresh Bhargava.

7. Action taken reports of AGBM 2017

Secretary said that he has combined ATR and Secretary report and read it. He said about the action taken on decisions of AGBM 2017. All the decions of the AGBM are carried out. Dr. R C Agrawal asked who decides the venue of Spl GBM. Secretary replied that earlier AGBM decided to conduct on the 1st day of the 2nd mid term GC meeting. Dr. Virendra Sharma, Dr. BRK etc. explained the matter and said that it is conducted to pass accounts as per decision of the AGBM to file IT returns. Dr. Dwibedi wanted to

3 know whether the account details are read and published in Special GBM only or circulated to members. President replied that it is put up in ISA website before approval. Secretary explained that in the morning GC passes that audited accounts and then only it is presented to the special GBM in the evening. He said that the 2 members from Kerala (Dr. Sajeesh & Dr. Muralidharan) were suspended for their unruly behavior in the last AGBM after giving Notice to them and not getting satisfactory reply. Later they have submitted their unconditional apology & the GC recommends to revoke their suspension and requested GB approval for the same. There was no dissent or objection and suspension is revoked. Proposed By Dr. D Mallikarjuna, Seconded by Dr. Sugu Varghese and Dr. KRN Tagore.

8. Hon. Secretary’s report. Hon. Secretary read his annual report and it was passed.

Secretary’s Annual Report

The period from the last GC meeting was full of activities all over India.

The first GC meeting of the current year was conducted under the Presidentship of Dr. Kuchela Babu on 29.11.2017 immediately after lowering ISA flag at the premises of Biswa Bangla Convention Center, Kolkata

The 1st mid term GC meeting was conducted under the Presidentship of Dr. V. Kuchela Babu on 7th& 8th of April 2018 at Bengaluru.

The 2nd Mid Term GC Meeting under the Presidentship of Dr. V. Kuchela Babu was conducted at Agra on 4th & 5th August 2018

A special Emergency GC meeting was conducted at Nagpur on 16-09-2018

Two Video Conference GC meetings were conducted on 31.10.2018 & 14.11.2018


Special GBM under the Presidentship of Dr. V. Kuchela Babu was conducted at Agra on 4th August 2018 for the approval of the audited accounts for the year 2017-18.

Hon. Secretary & President are in regular communication & discussion in various matters.

Society Registration renewal

ISA Registration was done and all records including membership details, new member details, AGBM Minutes, Office Bearer details were submitted to the Registrar Office at Chennai.

Membership Status

As of now (15-11-2018) MEMBERSHIP STATUS (approved) Approved=27804 (LM 20827, ALM 6725) Pending=145 Total=27949

Disabled=122 Expired=143 ALM=6793 LM=20891 Total=27949

Active=21898 Inactive= 5167 (LM 5095, ALM 11) Semi Active= =884 Total=27949

Pending Applications LM 68 ALM 64


Disable 13 ------Total 145

16/11/2017 to 15/11/2018 Applied Count=1961 (LM 615 + ALM 1327 + Disabled 19) Approved Count = 1605 ( LM 483 + ALM 1122)


LM 190 (incl. old pending before 16.11.17) ALM 283 (incl. old pending before 16.11.17) = 473 The growth in membership is great.

The deposits in various Banks is given as audited accounts & Unaudited accounts

 Bank Account Details as on 15.11.2018

1. Cash in hand 8,525.00

2. Cash at Bank

Axis Bank SB A/c-912010067700047 32,977.63

Oriental Bank SB : 14472191029215 83,951.92

SBI - 30641669810 387,359.23

SBI - 31017297243 1,491.00


F.D in various bank: Oriental Bank : 6,13,42,034.00 Axis bank : 25,27,702.00 SBI :5,34,38,244.00

TOTAL 119,437,779.81

In view of large fund in Banks as FD, auditors have advised us to invest in land / building in the name of ISA, otherwise money will go out as tax etc.

Branch activities: Branches are using our website for reporting and many have uploaded their account details and report. Few branches report their activities online regularly. Branches in Maharashtra & Kerala need special mention in this regard. It is very unfortunate that many branches are electing non members as Office Bearers (both State & City). In many cases they are inactive members are elected as Office bearers. GB has approved that only active members belonging to that City / State Branch only can become Office Bearer of that Branch. But, many cases this is not followed and corrected in spite of calling and telling.

Grant in Aid or Branch share was disbursed to all State Branches who have submitted their annual report and audited accounts.

ISA sponsored CMEs / Workshops were conducted at Haldwani, Jammu, Madikeri, Raipur, Eluru, Vizayanagaram, Thanjavoor, Bhubaneshwar & ISA PG Assemblies at Malappuram (SZ), Lucknow (CZ), Cuttack (EZ) and they were really good. First ISA Webinar on Obstetric Anaesthesia was conducted on 17.11.18 from Hyderabad. It was a grand success and in many places they arranged projections in Halls etc for many members / PGs to participate.


Many branches & members are conducting public awareness programs & BLS for public and medical professionals. To mention a few Virtual OT 7 ICU at Vizag by ISA Visakhapatnam, Short film on FBF, CPR & public awareness by Dr. Sasidharan President of ISA Kerala, short films by members in Maharashtra. COLS on WRAH Day was a grand success. We have gifted 130 manikins to various City & State Branches.

The details of office bearers from most City Branches are made available to National Hq. and is being updated in the website on day today basis. But many branches do not inform anything to the Hq. Kerala & Maharashtra are sending regular reports. President & Secretary of ISA Kerala have reported that they have visited all the City Branches in their state. State Secretaries of Maharashtra, Karnataka & Kerala are always calling HQ or me and update their members status or state details.

Scientific Committee Meetings

The first Scientific Committee meeting was held at Noida in Janurary which President, Academic Chairman, Editor in Chief, GC Member & myself attended. The second Scientific Committee meeting was held at Agra on April 21 & 22 in which President, Academic Chairman, GC Member& myself attended. Then meetings were conducted by video-conference.

Resuscitation Council

Our long time dream of having ISA resuscitation council a reality. COLS & BLS trainings are conducted at various parts. Dr. Chakra Rao is doing a commendable job. Dr. Rakesh Garg, Dr. Syed Ahmed Moeid & Dr. Mukul Chandra Kapoor are doing good job. We had massive COLS program on World Restart A Heart day, i.e., on 23.10.2018.


Nearly 3000 members requested for IJA print version for the next year during Aug Sept. 2018. It is done through ISA website & member has to activate his / her membership & update details & proceed.


Relations with Asian countries: We are keeping contact with President & Secretaries of Asian Societies and inviting them to ISACON Agra. President / Secretary of Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan & Malaysia are invited. We had invitation from Sri Lanka, Bangla, Nepal, Pan Arab & Malaysian Societies for their Conferences.

Inland Fellowship: Total 26 candidates have completed their fellowship training at various centers of excellence & their expenses were reimbursed. Now we have to give them Certificates.

Now, again Neon Laboratories Ltd has already paid for the next year’s candidates. The screening test is conducted on 27-11-2018 at ISACON venue. More than 120 PGs (ALMs) registered for the screening test. Along with this entrance is conducted for International Fellowship also, which starts from this year. 8 members have applied for this.

New Branches

Mandya, Thiruvarur, Moradabad, Wayanad city branches were inaugurated during this period. Nadiad, Karad & Sambhalpur Branches are approved & to be inaugurated soon.

Revival of Branches

ISA state, Kolkata Metro, Siliguri, Chandrapur, Aligarh & Vellore city branches are revived and are active now. Tirupur (TN) & Chitradurga (Karnataka) City Branches are to be revived.

Present Status

• 6 Zones

• 26 State Chapters (incl. UT) of which 8 have no City Branches

• 5 Metro Branches (exclude Delhi)

• 176 City Branches.

J&K has no State Branch, but 2 City branches directly under Hq


• North 5 State, (3 no city branches) 13 City

• South 6 State, (1 no city branches) 68 City, 3 Metro,

• East 3 State, 16 City, 1 metro (Kolkata activated), Siliguri activated

• West 4 State, (1 no city branches) 48 City, 1 Metro (Added Chandrapur), Goa activated

• Central 4 State, 23 City (Added Aligarh)

• North East 4 State, (3 no city branches) 6 City

Mentoring academy

This was approved by the GB and 2 training sessions were conducted for prospective mentors at Mumbai & Chennai. Webinar training was given to Mentors & Mentees during last week of October and the program started with 10 mentees.

ISA Elections

Online lections were conducted from 01.11.2018 8.00 am to 05.11.2018 11.00pm. There was a technical snag for about 7 hrs on the 3rd day due to a possible passive attack, but our software was strong and did not allow any attack. Record No. of 9989 member voted out of 14040 eligible registered voters. Members act in the last minute and do not inform change of mobile no. in spite of many reminders and requests and request on the day of election and then forget.

Election & Voting:

It was successful election with more than 70% registered members voting online (9989 out of 14040) This has created a history in ISA. Details is attached separately.

Video Conference GC meeting

For the first time we have conducted 2 full Video Conference GC meetings on Zoom and one partial from Nagpur. We were able to take many decisions in these meetings.



The following members expired during this period.

1) Dr. N. M. Malhotra 12.12.2017 Haryana 2) Dr. V. K. Grover 11.12.2017 Chandigarh 3) Dr. Pavan Kumar Cherukur28.12.2017 AP 4) Dr. N. C. Elango (E0015)21.01.2018 Salem, TN 5) Dr. B. S. Gharpure (G0011) Mumbai 6) Dr. Bino George ( 25.02.2018 Cochin 7) Dr. Prasad Raju Dandu ( 25.02.2018 Rajahmundri 8) Dr. Jiten Bhattacharyya (B0426) 09.02.2018 Gauhati 9) Dr. Tanima Sen ( S 1169) 13.03.2018 Kolkata 10) Dr. C. B. Laxmi ( L 0131) 30.03.2018 Ballari Dr. Durgesh Vishnu Padole (D1265) Mumbai Metro Dr. Prakashappa D. S. (P0282) 26.04.2018 Bagalkote FBF Dr. R. Radhey Sharan (R2527) 07.05.2018 Amritsar Dr. Mukesh V Shroff (S0606) 20.05.2018 Borivili Dr. Suraj Srinivas Prasad ( 01.06.2018 Mysuru Dr. Prof. Kutubuddin Ahmed (K0413) 06.03.2018 Guwahati Assam Dr. Sarojini Devanandan(D0470)31.08.2017 Chennai FBF Dr. K. V. Raman (R0758) 30.06.2018 Visakhapatnam FBF Dr. Hitendra Desai (D0214) 15.07.18 Valsad, Gujarath Dr. Santhanam ( ) 15.07.2018 Coimbatore FBF

Secretary attended the following meetings

1) 09.12.2016 Pune PROACT PuneCON 2017

2) 10.12.2016 Gurugram ISACON Haryana 2017

3) 17.12.2017 Mandya City Branch inauguration


4) 06.01.2018 Nagpur ISA Nagpur annual Meeting

5) 07.01.2018 Nagpur OM Guild formation meeting

6) 20.01.2018 Noida Scientific Committee Meeting of ISACON 2018

7) 21.01.2018 Mumbai Mentoring Academy Program

8) 27,28.01.2018 Colombo 34th Annual meet of CoA&I of Srilanka

9) 28.01.2018 Muvattupuzha Inauguration of Malanad City Branch

10) 17,18.02.2018 Lucknow Central Zone PG Assembly

11) 18.02.2018 Chennai Mentoring Academy Program

12) 24.02.2018 Belagavi CME at JNMC by ISA Belagavi

13) 09.03.2018 Hyderabad ISA Resuscitation Council Meeting with ILCOR

14) 10.03.2018 Perinthalmanna ISA South Zone PG Assembly

15) 25.03.2018 N. Delhi IMA Doctors’ Maha Panchayath

16) 07,08.04.2018Bengaluru 1st Mid Term GC Meeting

17) 21,22.04.18 Agra 2nd Scientific Committee Meeting

18) 28.04.2018 Moradabad New Branch inauguration

19) 29.04.2018 Haldwani ISA CME

20) 06.05.2018 Jammu ISA CME

21) 07.05.2018 Amritsar City Branch meeting

22) 20.05.2018 Madikeri ISA CME

23) 24.06.2018 Kannur City Branch Meeting

24) 28-30.06.2018 Coimbatore GARC


25) 15.07.2018 Raipur ISA sponsored workshop

26) 21.07.2018 Coimbatore ISACON TN.

27) 04-05.08.18 Agra 2nd Mid Term GC Meeting

28) 11.08.18 Davanagere ISACON Karnataka

29) 07-08.09.18 Imphal ISACON North East

30) 09.09.18 Ujjain ISACON MP

31) 16.09.18 Nagpur Emergency GC Meeting

32) 16.09.18 Nagpur IRC Master Training for GC membersng

33) 22.11.18 Bikaner ISACON Rajasthan

34) 23.09.2018 N. Delhi Organized Medicine Meeting

35) 05.10.18 Shirdi ISACON West Zone & Maharashtra

36) 06-07.10.18 Amritsar ISACON Punjab

37) 09.10.18 Kalpetta ISA Wayanad City Branch inauguration

38) 20-21.10.18 Surat ISACON Gujarat

39) 27-28.11.18 Pawapuri ISACON Bihar Jarkhand

40) 09.11.18 Cuttack ISA East Zone PG Assembly

We have acted when our members were in trouble. Contacted the Office Bearers of Gorakhpur & Jammu when members were in trouble and offered our help whatever they need. We even offered to visit Gorakhpur.

In the agitation against NMC, we have joined with IMA, are members of FOMA & participated in Maha Panchayath and also sent memorandum to the Prime Minister.


Now, I wish to make a few observations. Very few of the City & State Branches have submitted their Annual Report & audited accounts. Many are not following our Constitution, Rules & Protocols. We have to give strict directions to all City & State Branches to follow the Constitution, Rules & Protocols. The City / State Branches do not inform death of members to ISA NHQ. Even in Conference inauguration or any function many state & city branches do not know the protocol & do not follow them.

It is a great experience as Secretary of ISA National for 4 years. There were ups and downs. Most unfortunate thing is that my own state members shouting at me and questioning my integrity and support to the state when their bid for hosting ISACON was not successful and two members of my own state who have worked for me in my elections and were great friends were suspended & I had to send that suspension letter to them. Other one is suspecting my integrity in election matters this year by losing members. I tried to do it as transparent as possible and was appreciated for this, but when results were not as expected, some have lost all faith and questioning my integrity. I am only a Pradhan Sevak. But more are happiest moments; appreciation of members for the work done is really great. I did this with devotion and interest doing justice to the post to which you all elected me and the confidence you have in me. Only thing I could not do was that I could not fulfill the wish of my Guru Dr BRK to host a National Conference in Kerala. I failed to get support to them to host a Conference in my own state.

I must thank my colleagues, surgeons, patients for adjusting my time during my ISA work and travel. My family members to whom I could not give much attention in these 4 years deserve special mention. I did not go even once to see my daughter studying in Medical College, now appearing final exams, but I went to so many ISA meetings. I will visit her after I relinquish my office and before her final exams. At home also I couldn’t spare time for family as all time I was in front of computer or receiving phone calls from members or prospective members. I am missing my treasurer partner Dr. Abdul Hameed with whom I was travelling last 25 years attending ISA Conferences. He was not there to Preside over ISACON South in Trivandrum when he was ISA Kerala


President due to MI & now when we hand over his charge as Treasurer. Unfortunately he is in coma since 31.08.18 following cardiac arrhythmias.

Wherever I went as Secretary our members and colleagues welcomed and received very well, looked after well as their own person. It is a great joyful experience. Two senior persons who I always remember are Dr. Avtar Singh and Dr. Tej Kaul of Ludhiana who always enquire about my parents’ health when ever we meet or talk over phone (During the inauguration of ISACON Ludhiana my parents met with an accident). Colleagues and friends received me very well at all places. Special mention about Dr. Manisha Katikar & Dr. Anjali Bhure, waiting at 4.30 in the morning to receive me at Karad. Dr. Suresh Bhargava, Dr. Debasis, Dr. Subhendu, Dr. Mahesh Sinha, Dr. P Kumar, Dr Jheetay, Dr. Geeta Bhandary, Dr. Attri, Dr BRK.

I have attended many Zone Conferences, State Conferences, CMEs, etc. in last 4 years as Secretary, more so in last 2 years. Some are extremely good, give attention to minute points but some are very casual. I strongly suggest all to read Constitution & Rule Book, consult seniors and previous organisers or call National Secretary or GC members to know the protocols and rules, what to do, how to do & what not to do. I have visited almost all states and many city branches. I keep MP and MH at highest level, Punjab, UK next. Among city branches, it is Raipur, Nagpur, Satara, Jammu, Amritsar, Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad, Jammu Saifai, Lucknow, Moradabad, Haldwani & all have done well. In many places waiting at very early morning at 4 am (Dr Bhure & Dr Katikar, hats off to you) to receive me shows their affection. Hats off to them. In Trivandrum, past National President, my Guru Dr BRK himself came to Airport to pick me, Coimbatore & Trichy Dr. Sudarshan himself accompanied, took me to his home for dinner. I am not writing National Conference Organisers as I am also part of it. Katyalji is great host, Subhendu is great company, Suresh Bhargava received me & accompanied me at Jodhpur & Bikaner. Brig Prabhakar was there in Saifai, Virender & Bharat in Lucknow, Naveen at Gurugram in ISACON Haryana, ASK Rao and entire team at Rajahmundry, Dr Mahesh Kumar Sinha in Raipur, Dr. Gangadhar in Bengaluru, Sukhdev Naik in Bhubaneswar, Harshwardhan at Ujjain, Attri in Amritsar, Prof. P. Kumar & Jheetay at Moradabad, Debasis in Cuttack. Among women leaders I must

15 mention Dr. Gouri Arora, Sheetal Dalal & Sunita Lawange of Nagpur, Nandita & Shikha of Jammu, Deepika of Ujjian, Geeta Bhandary of Haldwani in the forefront of ISA activities. Of course I can’t leave Dr. Tarlika & Nibedita. Among state leaders I should mention Dr Sriganesh (Karnataka), Binil (Kerala), Raikwar (MP), Kishan (TG), Sudarshan (TN), Surajit (Assam), Venugopal (AP), Bharat Bhushan (UP)& Manisha (MH) for doing excellent things for their state and members. Dr SM Basu & Anjanda met every time I went to Kolkata. Great experience.

Some states and organisers are very casual and many times felt why I came here. They consider us as burden. I never went on myself, but on invitation only. I can even go without any invitation to see what is happening, it is my right as Secretary. All state, city or Zone Conference Organisers must understand that Secretary is also a practicing anaesthesiologist like them, coming to attend the Conference leaving family and practice only for strengthening the Society and improve relationship.

Whenever you call President or Secretary, receive them respectfully, keep them in separate room than sharing with other delegates or faculty,( if you are unable to provide tell in advance, they will arrange or some one else will arrange it) discuss with them about protocol, inaugural function etc. Provide them vehicle if they want to go out (of course the pharma company will provide, but you ask for courtesy). A few days before the program please call and tell local arrangements made for pick up and drop, accommodation and provide details of the inaugural function and any other assignments given to them. In one place, where I was invited, they were not knowing who I am & I did not meet State Secretary in the whole program, he talked over my mobile and said he will come to my room with President, take me to dinner but I did not see him, I called him, his mobile was switched off ⁉

I am thankful to our Office staff who did the work in time and meticulously. I am thankful to all in the GC, past and present for their support & help. Special Thanks to President Dr. Kuchela Babu, IPP Dr. B. B. Mishra, PP Dr. A.S.K. Rao, Dr. S S Harsoor, EiC Dr. Divatia, Treasurer Dr. Abdul Hameed, President elect Dr Bala Bhaskar, GC Member Dr. Kiran Kumar Gera & all friends in GC


Dr. Venkatagiri K. M.

Hon. Secretary


Dr. Virendra Sharma said that in spite of updating the address and requesting for hard copy, he did not receive it. President & EIC said that the updating of address is not required every year, only if there is change you have to update. You request only whether you want print IJA or online IJA. Editor said that Dr. Virendra Sharma’s name was added to the mailing list and will check now. Dr. Naveen said that it is the responsibility of Publisher and not editor. Dr. Bharat opposed this and said that it is editor’s responsibility and not publishers.

Dr. Suresh Bhargava wanted to know what is the hidden items Secretary explained that there is nothing hidden and it is due to computer snag and change from MS Word to PDF.

Dr R C Agrawal said that Secretary will be ending his term now and all should appreciate his work.

Secretary Report passed :

Proposed by Dr. Lalit Mehdiratta

Seconded by Dr. Arabinda Ray

Confirmation of minutes

Page 46 corrections:

Page 52 name correction: Dr. Ranganathan

Page: New Awards Approved in last year AGBM and started this year. Page: Incentive of 50% to non members Dr Virendra explained that non members registered with very high Fee. Their membership fee will be paid by Organisers as

17 promised by Chief Patron. Secretary said examples for non members who paid too high, more than membership fee + Regn fee Two Awards passed in last year AGBM are P Chandra Award & Prof. Keshav Pandey Oration. GC decided to give Silver Plaque also for Prof. K. Pandey Oration (cash will be less than A P Singhal Life Time Achievement Award). Name of Award is Shashi Chandra Award. Passed: Proposed by Dr. KRN Tagore, Dr BRK, Seconded by Dr. Ravi, Davanagere


Secretary informed that ISA Hq has not yet received audited accounts of ISACON 2017, got accounts not signed by auditor. He said that ISA NHQ has received only Rs. 5,00,000/- our of Rs. 20,00,000/- Then President requested Org Secretary Subhendu to explained the details. Dr. Narendra (one year is too long to give audited accounts), Dr. BRK (they are our members, give time), Dr. R C Agrawal (give time), Dr. Lalit Mehdiratta (give time), Dr. Suresh Bhargava ( 2 issues), Dr. ALM (should not be precedence) Dr. Chakra (Are we following bye laws) participated in discussion. Dr. Bibhu Kalyani Das (Subhendu told correct, requested to waive off some amount) Dr. Mahesh Sinha (whether President & Secretary are in loop and know it), Arabinda Ray (we are united at WB, we will pay it fully, need time) RC Agrawal (allow them time.) Dr. Sabyasachi Das (we can pay yearly 5lakh, over 3 years) AL Meenakshi Sundaram (If GB willing, make it 2 years and allow) Dr. Virendra Sharma (Allow them to pass accounts in WB and then give 1 year time)…these were the opinions of members. President and Secretary explained that ISA WB has FD above Rs. 20,00,000/- and they have to deposit / mortgage the deposit with ISA NHQ and then pay Rs. 5,00,000/- every year and then release the FD. Dr. B K Das asked how they can deposit the state FD to ISA HQ. Secretary said that the ISACON was organized by the WB state branch and

18 has the responsibility. General opinion was Bank guarantee by ISA WB to be given. If they don’t, take action. President asked Subendu Sarkar to reply. Dr. D. Mallikarjuna said that if you are not stream lining, ISA Karnataka will also do the same & not pay any amount. He started ‘dharna’. If you don’t streamline, we also will do the same next year. Dr. Subhendu replied, new Secretary Dr. Sabyasachi and new President will do it & agree to Dr. Venkatagiri’s proposal to deposit Rs. 15,00,000/- FD to ISA NHQ and repay within 3 years, not 5-5-5 lakhs, may be more & earlier. President ruled that by 30th March they have to deposit FD of Rs.20,00,000/- to ISA NHQ and if not done, ISA WB branch will be derecognized on 31st March. Dr. Bala Bhaskar wanted clarification related to responsible persons to implement this. Secretary said that the WB State President & Secretary will sign documents as the deposits are in their name. The GB should give power to GC to act suitably if they do not comply with GB decision. Proposed by Dr. K R N Tagore & Dr. Bharat Bhushan Bharadwaj Seconded by Dr. Kalyan & Dr. Lalit Mehadiratta

AGENDA FOR INFORMATION 1. Status of the court Cases (This was taken & discussed after next 3 items were discussed.) Secretary reported that there is only one case against ISA about the 2018 online election matter. There are no other cases. Secretary explained the matter in detail. He said that the matter is not written in the book as the matter was changing daily and the notice received in the last minute when the AGBM agenda was being typed. Secretary explained that on 19th of this month at 1 pm when he was coming out of hospital the court Amin served the court notice to him in person in his capacity as Secretary of ISA. It was injunction order from Dist Court Kasaragod restricting him from declaring the result of online elections held from 1st to 5th of this month. Matter was informed to the President & CEO and they have directed him to appoint suitable lawyer and take suitable action to vacate the injunction. Matter was informed to the GC. 2 advocates were appointed by us. 20th was Holiday to court. Met advocates and our version was submitted on 21st with request to prepone the hearing from 29th Nov., giving a copy to

19 the opposite advocate. On 22nd the matter was taken by the court and kept for hearing on 23rd. Secretary was in court on 23rd during the arguments and the arguments were closed and posted for judgment on 27th. Now, our advocate informed that the case is dismissed yesterday. Dr. Mahesh Sinha inquired whether case is dismissed or injunction is removed. Secretary replied that the advocate informed that the case is dismissed. Dr. A L Meenakshi Sundaram wanted to know from the President whether the election results are declared or not. He wanted reply from President or CEO. CEO read the Constitution the result will be declared immediately after the completion of the online election. Next he asked whether anybody has filed a caveat petition against him. Whether the Association has filed the caveat through Secretary & he wanted a reply from Secretary. He said his office has received a caveat day before yesterday. Secretary replied Yes, I have. ALM asked why? Secretary replied but AL Meenakshi Sundaram interrupted saying that he will accept if Dr Venkatagiri has filed it, but not ISA. What wrong he has done to ISA? He is a member and an officer. He wanted clarification. He wanted an apology or he will quit ISA. Secretary filing caveat against a member is not accepted. If Secretary has done on his own without GC approval it is wrong he does not accept it. Who permitted it? What made you to file it? Who endorsed him to do it? What way I have offended the Society. Secretary insulted him. He wanted to quit ISA for insulting by Caveat. It kills him What made Secretary to presume ALM is filing case? Did GC permit Secretary to file case. Secretary is provoking. Is this the way Secretary act? Secretary to answer. Secretary said that he will answer after hearing all. He said that the President said that the GC has not approved. So Secretary to answer. Then Secretary said that he understood the matter and no need to repeat it. He will answer after gearing all. Dr. Bharat Bhushan Bharadwaj: Case is dismissed, no need to discuss. Dr. Suresh Bhargava : Secretary can take any precaution he wants.& proactive action. Notice is sent to him, not to us, he can take any step he wants No need to take GC into that. Secretary is responsible man, we have selected him, he can do it without any permission.


Dr. Lalit Mehdiratta: Members know about case & caveat. Since the case is against Secretary & ISA he has right to do all. He has not done any mistake. No damage is done to any member by sending caveat. There are some members who have filed case against ISA. Are we taking action against them? President: Case is still in court. There are 2 Parts 1.Injuction, now it is dismissed., 2nd is manipulation, it is still in court. The 2nd case. Till case is withdrawn, no discussion. It is for information only. As President I take responsibility & own it. No more discussion as it is still in court Dr. M. T. Bhatia: We have to protect the Secretary. Secretary cannot be neglected. This is very bad. He has taken the responsibility and We Dr. BRK & others who were both Secretaries and Presidents fully want to protect the Secretary. Action he has taken is good. ISA was attacked and he has protected. We condemn the attack & apologise you. Dr. R C Agrawal: Who has filed case against whom? There are ignorant persons among audience. You should tell it. I am totally ignorant Dr. BRK: PP Dr. R C Agarwal’s plea is correct & he is ignorant. He should be informed. Like that every member in this hall who don’t anything about it has to be informed. He should be informed. Secretary has to be protected. He is not against any member. He is doing it for the Society. It is not personal. He has done right after taking informal advice from President & GC and what is appropriate is done and it is right. He should not be blamed. Don’t nag it. President: OK, we will back the Secretary. Dr.M T Bhatia: Thank you. That should be Dr. Mahesh Sinha: Caveat is not a Notice. It is only information. It is a preventive measure. Dr. Mallikarjuna D. : False propaganda to be stopped by losing candidates against winning candidates, Action to be taken against them. ISA has been brought from scratch to this level by these senior ISA members. Should not insult by going to court. Should be discussed in GB and then if unhappy, go to court. Secretary reply: The case was filed by Dr. Bala Saheb Bande. Dr. ALM: Happy.


RC: Again wants Secretary’s answer Secretary reply: The case was filed by Dr. Bala Saheb Bande against ISA restricting the Secretary from declaring the results of online elections & a temporary injunction was given upto 29th of this month restricting the Secretary from declaring the results. We have fought it and the injunction is vacated. Then as per advocates advice a caveat was filed I this matter as I was leaving my station on Friday and if any fresh case comes, I cant answer, so caveat is filed & I have to be heard before any orders.

2. New Branches

Secretary gave details and sought approval for the new Branches. It was approved by the GB. New Branches: Kalyan, Mandya, Vizayanagaram, Thiruvarur, Kokan, Malnad approved in 2017 are inaugurated Wayanad (inaugurated),, Moradabad (inaugurated), Karad, Nadiad, Sambhalpur, Ajmeer are approved by GC this year. Goa State, Kolkata Metro, Aligarh, Siliguri & Chandrapur City Branches are revived during this year. 3. New Members Details printed and published.

4. ISA Sponsored CMEs, ISA Indian Fellowship, International Fellowship, Mentoring Academy They are already explained in detail in the Secretary’s Report, so not discussed again.

5. E - News letter/ Online Election They are already explained in detail in the Secretary’s Report, so not discussed again. Record No of 9989 members voted out of 14040 eligible voters, making it 70% voting.

6. WFSA Fellowships & other programs. Gave details of WFSA programs Read from the printed book. We have many fellowships running in India at Vellore, Coimbatore, , Hyderabad,


Mumbai & N. Delhi. Now WFSA has WFSA ISA Masimo Project to Telangana as pilot project. This consists of Safe Paed, Pain management, Trauma Critical Care, Obstetric Anaesthesia, Life Box etc. one by one over a period of four years. Also 4 ISA members were sponsored to attend ASA Conference at USA.

7. I T Refund status We have received previous refund. This year’s refund is yet to be received. We are yet to receive the Rs. 12,00,000/- deposited to IT Dept. as per Chennai court order. Dr. M V Bhimeswar, Dr. B B Misra & Dr. SSC Chakra Rao & DR. Ranganathan participated in discussion.

8. Bank accounts Schedule is printed and circulated in page 74 & 75. Full details of FDs are given. Secretary asked if any member wants to know last year’s account can be displayed. The member who requested for that was not present. Secretary said that it must be recorded as projected for the satisfaction and the allegation against him to be withdrawn. 9. IJA & Zonal E Journal Secretary gave details He said in detail about IJA & Zonal Journals and financial support to the Zonal Journal for initial few years. Dr. Virendra Sharma said, Zonal Journals started to reduce burden of IJA and to give chance for our members for publication. If we have fund, we have to support the Zonal Journals further. So one more year Zonal Journal will be supported.

10. ISA Guidelines on CPR, COLS & ICR Secretary gave details. We have published ISA guidelines on CPR COLS and ICR is established. COLS training is given to all members. As initial part ToT was given & they trained other members who in turn give training to non medical and paramedical persons. The massive COLS program conducted on 23-10-18 WRAH day was a grand success.


11. ISA Building Fund We have Rs. Two crores in this account head. We could not proceed further. Transfer of Kolkata building is not materialized due to technical problems. We must have an office of our own in Chennai. Tried to get land / building in Chennai even with the help of Dr. K Balakrishnan. Search for suitable building was not successful and still on. Dr SSC Chakra Rao said that Rs. 2 crores are in custody of Anjan Datta, Brig, Dr T Prabhakar himself & Dr J Ranga etc., As they could not do anything requested President to discharge them & entrust to others. Decided to have a subcommittee under new GC to find suitable place for ISA HQ and entrust them. GB approved this.

12. FBF FBF is running well. The corpus is above Rs. One crore Yesterday none for GB of FBF. GC recommended to give election notification, conduct election to Office bearers and 6 Executive members in Jan & change office bearers in March. ISA FBF future change of FBF Office bearers will be with ISA National, but financial year upto March. Online applicaction will continue. Dr Sugu Verghese to get signatures for AGBM and then prepare for elections in January. Secretary explained that the money required for ISA FBF elections will be around Rs. 35,000/-. It wasclarified that the current officebearers are nominated and can contest for another term. As it is separate Society, can contest for ISA elections. One man one post is not applicable as it is separate society.

13. ISA PPF The ISA PPF guidelines were released at Lucknow during Central Zone PG Assembly by President Dr. V. Kuchela Babu. Private practitioners are well organized now and had lot of meetings all over India. The guidelines are published in our website. In every State Conference PPF Meetings were conducted. Dr. Pankaj Gupta and Dr. Virendra Sharma are doing good job. Dr. Virendra Sharma requested some budget for medico legal helpline for practitioners. Dr. Viresham requested this to be extended to all members.


AGENDA FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Treasurer Report & Budget Secretary gave details and requested approval He explained the reason for each. Treasurer Report & accounts passed Proposed by Dr Bharat Bhushan Bharadwaj & Dr. Virendra Sharma Seconded by Dr. J. Ranganathan To a query on expenses by Dr. Virendra Sharma, Secretary explained that the income by election deposit and expenses is equal. To a query on budget proposal for IJA he said it is proposal Secretary requested approval of Rs. Four lakhs for guidelines. It was approved Dr. Muralidhar Joshi wanted some fund for advocacy. It is required for benefit of ISA and propagation of ISA activities. Rs. Five lakhs approved by GB. No objection. Proposed by Muralidhar Joshi, Seconded by Tagore, Mahesh Sinha, Suresh and all. In budgetary proposals, six lacs INR (reimbursable) have been approved by AGBM for Webinars.

President wanted to know whether we can open Central account for ISACON with 80% transfer to Organisers. Secretary replied that for ISACON National Treasurer is joint signatory as per constitution. He said that in Gauhati Conference Treasurer did not want to take the responsibility Dr. Bhimesh said that if ISCCM can do, why not ISA? It is in Constitution, we are not implementing it. Dr. Muralidhar Joshi said that Bank was not agreeing for subsidiary account with 20-80 sharing. Final decision from 2020, ISACON account will be by Central ISA, operated by National Treasurer and 80% will be transferred to Organisers. Proposed By Dr Manoj Kumar, Seconded by Dr. Suresh Bhargava, Tagore & Bharat Bhushan. It is in the Constitution and will be implemented with incorporating this in the Agreement Proposed budget passed Proposed by Dr. Muralidhar Joshi & Dr, Sunil Ktyal Seconded by Dr. Naveen Malhotra & Dr. Ravi, Davanagere. Then President honoured Dr. Noorulla Aian of Afghanistan & Dr. SSC Chakra Rao.


2. Editor’s Report DR. Divatia presented IJA report for the year. He gave details of subscribers count. He said, Dr. Virendra Sharma’s name is there in mailing list and is dispatched. He said that IJA has not taken fund from ISA. Institution subscription rate is increased and said that Medknow has suggested increase of Advt rate as it is too low. 2019 print issue is 1545 members Had IJA session, high five, best reviewers etc. In rating we have gone up. Received > 807 articles21% submission from outside the country ans 27% original articles is out side Indi. Submission to acceptance time is 83 days, them one month to publish. We accept 13% original articles, 11% case report & 29% letters. Editor report passed Proposed by Dr Bala Bhaskar Seconded by Dr. Ravi Davanagere & Dr. Rases Diwan. 3. Approval of new members List is given. Not approved are CPS who were approved last year are reverted as MCI derecognized it. New category of ALM CPS will be done and requested for suitable amendments. Dr. Mahesh Sinha said that Medical practice is a state subject. As ISA is National membership, we approve them as member with all benefit except voting and holding Office. With this the new member list was approved accordingly.

4. ISACON 2019 taken on 29th

5. ISACON 2020 President announced ISACON 2020 is given to Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Dr. Rases Diwan wanted to know the new amendments President replied that it will be Central account & retaining 20% with ISA NHQ, 80% will be transferred to Organisers. To a query, President clarified that amount above 20 lakhs will be transferred to Organisers. After a query regarding seed money, he said that once the 20% collection reaches above 30 lakhs, further all amount will be transferred to Organisers. Secretary suggested that


Conference organizers should read the Constitution thoroughly. Secretary said the rules & Constitution that Conference is is Confirmed in the next AGBM and and then only Regn can be collected and seed money is given to be refunded at the end of the Conference. He reminded that the right of Head quarters is 10% of gross collections or 20 lakhs which ever is higher. Dr. Rases Diwan was invited to the stage to invite all for ISACON 2020. Dr. rases Diwan invited all and said they will follow rule book and constitution.

President asked the Vice President to read the amended Constitution regarding bidding of Constitution. It was approved. Secretary said that this is the change from what is printed and circulated, all other things are as it is.

6. New Award / Competition Secretary proposed to have a new Award Best Poster as Ludhiana Poster Award. The 2nd best paper from states will come for this and will be presented as Poster. 7. Constitutional Amendments

Secretary read the Constitutional amendments and explained the details. Suitable changed were made as suggested by the GB and are entered here below. Suggested amendments to the Constitution 2018

Article III Membership Existing


Medical practitioners of modern medicine registered in India or register able in India and possessing qualification in anaesthesiology (recognized by MCI) will be eligible for overseas membership if residing outside India. They will not be eligible to hold any office. They will pay subscription as overseas member. The membership of the life member of the society whose address is changed to outside India will also be classified as overseas member and they will pay subscription as overseas membership.


5. CORPORATE MEMBERS : Corporate group(s) related to anaesthesiology services (equipment makers/dealers, pharmaceutical company) may be co-opted as Corporate members of ISA and they are eligible to all privileges and rights of an Associate member in ISA. Physical representation shall be limited to a single representative.

4. OVERSEAS MEMBERS: To add & correct

Medical practitioners of modern medicine registered in India or registerable in India and possessing qualification in Anaesthesiology (recognized by MCI) will be eligible for overseas membership if residing outside India. They will not be eligible to hold any office nor be eligible to vote. They will pay subscription as overseas member. The membership of the life member of the Society whose address is changed to outside India will also be classified as overseas member and they will pay subscription as overseas membership.

5. CORPORATE MEMBERS: Corporate group(s) related to Anaesthesiology and Critical Care services (equipment makers/dealers, pharmaceutical company) may be co-opted as Corporate members of ISA and they are eligible to all privileges and rights of an Associate member in ISA. Physical representation shall be limited to a single representative.

6. Permanent Associate Life Membership:

This category is applicable to those medical graduates of modern medicine possessing qualification in Anaesthesiology, registered in India, recognized by State Medical Council and registered in State Medical Council but NOT RECOGNIZED BY MCI).This category of membership applies to those residing in India and who wish to obtain membership of ISA after 1st Dec. 2017.Existing life members (members already registered as life member before December 2007 without requisite qualifications) will be treated as Life members. The Permanent Associate life membership has to be renewed after 20 years with full payment of the Life Membership Fee in force at that time, and as per the ‘current’ rules of the time, related to membership of ISA, failing with the membership will automatically lapse. The Permanent Associate members shall be

28 entitled to all privileges and rights of life member but they shall not be eligible to vote or to hold office. They can be converted to Life Members if they acquire PG Qualification in Anaesthesia which is recognized and registrable with MCI or show proof thereof, and pay the difference in the Life Membership fees in force at that time.

ARTICLE - VI Management

Ad the following clause at the end.

Note: To hold any Office in ISA in any formation (except those pertaining to the National Head Quarters- the National Office Bearers specified in other part of this document),he must have enrolled as member of ISA and have minimum 3 years of membership in the Society.


3. The Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and the Editor-in-Chief of Indian Journal of Anaesthesiology shall be elected by online voting as per the election notification. They shall hold office for3 years, after which they shall not be eligible for re- election to the same post. Online ballot papers for Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer will be combined and they will be voted as a team by one single vote. Resignation or absence of one among them will not affect the membership of another member. Members of Governing Council will not be eligible for re-election for another term for the same post. Past Honorary Secretary is eligible to contest for the post of Vice President and President Elect only. Past Honorary Treasurer can contest for all the posts except for Treasurer and governing council Member. Past Editor-in-Chief IJA can contest for all the posts except for IJA Editor-in-Chief and governing council Member. Governing Council members will be elected by online voting. Unless specified all Council members shall hold office for 3 years and they are not eligible to re contest for

29 the same post. The contestants for the post of Secretary and Treasurer should be residing in the same city.

1. Every nomination together with the written consent of the candidate to contest the election, duly proposed and seconded by two valid life-members should be sent to the Honorary Secretary by Registered Post with acknowledgement due/ Courier / By hand (Receipt to be obtained) so as to reach him by the 31st July each year. If the last date happens to be a holiday then the next working day shall be considered as last day. The proof of attending 3 out of last 5 AGBM should be submitted by the contestant while submitting his nomination papers duly notifying the serial number in AGBM register, which shall be available at official website of our society. For every post to the governing council, including governing council member the nomination must be accompanied by a sum of Rs. 10000/-(rupees Ten thousand only) as non-refundable nomination fee in the form of bank demand draft favouring “ ISA National” payable at city of Secretary’s office. The nomination paper not accompanied by the bank demand draft of Rs. 10000/- will be deemed invalid. A CV of the contesting candidate not exceeding 250 words may accompany the nomination and will be circulated to all eligible members through society media. Excess of CV beyond first 250 words shall be deleted.

6. (a) i. Only a valid life member is eligible to contest, or to propose or to second a candidate for election. If he/she has resigned pending decision of the Governing Council or if any disciplinary inquiry or action is initiated against him/her pending decision by General Body then he is not eligible to contest or, to propose or to second a candidate in election.

(a)ii. Contestant must be a continuous member of society for not less than 10 years for the post of President Elect and Vice-President, and not less than 5 years for the other posts. "


(a) iii. Candidate contesting for the post of President Elect, Vice-President and Hon. Secretary should have served and completed one term of office in the Governing Council earlier.

(a) iv. Past Honorary Secretary is eligible to contest for the post of Vice President and President Elect only. Past Honorary Treasurer can contest for all the posts except for G C Member & Treasurer. Past Editor-in -Chief IJA can contest for all the posts except for Editor-in-Chief IJA and G C Member.

v. Candidate seeking election for any post should have signed in the AGBM register at three AGBMs in the preceding five Annual Conferences.

vi.The incumbent Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary and Treasurer of the Annual National Conference of ISA shall not be eligible to contest in the election until accounts of the Conference are approved by the respective City & State branches and accepted by the Governing Council which shall be ratified by the AGBM. Also the Governing Council members cannot take the post of Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary and Treasurer of the Annual National Conference of ISA as long as they are in Office.

(b) Conference attendance refers to signing AGBM register.


3. The Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and the Editor-in-Chief of Indian Journal of Anaesthesia shall be elected by online voting as per the election notification. They shall hold office for3 years, after which they shall not be eligible for re-election to the same post. Online ballot papers for Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer will be combined and they will be voted as a team by one single vote. Resignation or absence of one among them will not affect the membership of another member. Members of Governing Council will not be eligible for re-election for another term for the same post.


Past Honorary Secretary is eligible to contest for the post of Vice President and President Elect only. Past Honorary Treasurer can contest for the post of Secretary, Vice President and President Elect only. Past Editor-in-Chief IJA can contest for all the posts except for IJA Editor-in-Chief and Governing Council Member. Governing Council members will be elected by online voting. Unless specified all Council members shall hold office for 3 years and they are not eligible to re-contest for the same post.

5. Every nomination together with the written consent of the candidate to contest the election, duly proposed and seconded by two valid life-members should be sent to the Honorary Secretary by Registered Post with acknowledgement due/ Courier / By hand (Receipt to be obtained) so as to reach him by the 31st July each year. If the last date happens to be a holiday then the next working day shall be considered as last day. The proof of attending 3 out of last 5 regular AGBM should be submitted by the contestant while submitting his nomination papers duly notifying the serial number in AGBM register, which shall be available at official website of our Society. For every post to the Governing Council (the President Elect, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Editor in Chief of IJA, Governing Council member), the nomination must be accompanied by the designated non-refundable nomination fee, in the form of the receipt – self attested counter foil of bank transaction statement, of successful payment via NEFT, favouring “ISA National” payable at City of Secretary’s office. The nomination paper not accompanied by the receipt- self attested counterfoil of bank transaction statement, for the NEFT of Nomination Fee will be deemed invalid.A CV of the contesting candidate not exceeding 250 words may accompany the nomination and will be circulated to all eligible members through Society media. Excess of CV beyond first 250 words shall be deleted. The CV as a soft copy is mandatory and shall be sent to the Secretary’s Office as per the time frame intimated by the Secretary.

The nomination fees are fixed as below:

President Elect: A sum of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only)

Vice President: A sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only)


Secretary*: A sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only)

Treasurer*: A sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only)

Governing Council Member: A sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only)

(*The nominee for the post of the Secretary and the nominee for the post of the Treasurer shall submit separate applications, and shall also pay the fixed nomination fees individually. The nomination form of the applicant for the post of the Secretary shall mention the name of the partner Treasurer contestant & the nomination form of the applicant for the post of the Treasurer shall mention the name of the partner Secretary contestant, with ISA Numbers, Addresses, E mail ids and Mobile numbers of both.

6. (a) i. Only a valid life member is eligible to contest, or to propose or to second a candidate for election. If he/she has resigned pending decision of the Governing Council or if any disciplinary inquiry or action is initiated against him/her pending decision by General Body then he is not eligible to contest or, to propose or to second a candidate in election.

(a)ii. Contestant must be a continuous member of society for not less than 10 years for the post of President Elect and Vice-President, and not less than 5 years for the other posts.

(a)iii. Candidate contesting for the post of President Elect, Vice-President and Hon. Secretary & Hon. Treasurer should have served and completed one term of office in the Governing Council earlier

(a)iv. Past Honorary Secretary is eligible to contest for the post of Vice President and President Elect only. Past Honorary Treasurer can contest for the post of Secretary, Vice President and President Elect only. Past Editor-in -Chief IJA can contest for all the posts except for Editor-in-Chief IJA and G C Member.

(a)v. Candidate seeking election for any post should have signed in the AGBM register at three AGBMs in the preceding five Annual Conferences.

(a)vi.The incumbent Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary and Treasurer of the Annual National Conference of ISA shall not be eligible to contest in the election until

33 accounts of the Conference are approved by the respective City & State branches and accepted by the Governing Council which shall be ratified by the AGBM. Also the Governing Council members cannot take the post of Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary and Treasurer of the Annual National Conference of ISA as long as they are in Office.

(b) Conference attendance refers to signing in the regular AGBM register(not special or emergency GBM).

ARTICLE - VIII Meetings Existing

Governing Council

1. The Governing Council shall meet at least four times a year first meeting soon after assuming office and second preferably in the months of March /April, 3rd in the month of August and another just before the commencement of the Annual Conference. One GC meeting may be done by either tele / video conference or immediately after the induction of Office Bearers on last day of conference (29th November). 1/3rd of the total of the Governing Council members shall form quorum.

4. The Hon. Secretary shall circulate the agenda including proposed resolutions (vide clause 3) for the General Body 3 weeks before AGBM

The resolutions for amendments should be submitted 10 (ten) days 3 weeks before the 3rd Governing Council meeting.

The resolutions for amendments should be submitted 3 weeks before the 3rd Governing Council meeting.

ARTICLE - VIII Meetings Correct & Read as

Governing Council

1. The Governing Council shall meet at least four times a year first meeting soon after assuming office (month of November) and second preferably in the months of March /April, 3rd in the month of August and another just before the commencement of the


Annual Conference. One or more as required GC meeting may be done by either tele / video conference or immediately after the induction of Office Bearers on last day of conference (29th November). 1/3rd of the total of the Governing Council members shall form quorum.

4. The Hon. Secretary shall circulate the agenda including proposed resolutions (vide clause 3) for the General Body, three weeks before AGBM.

(One repeated para removed)

The resolutions for amendments should be submitted 10 (ten) days 3 weeks before the 3rd Governing Council meeting.

ARTICLE - XII Treasurer Existing

1. The Honorary Treasurer shall reside in the same city as that of Honorary Secretary.

5. The President & Hon. Secretary shall be provided with an amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- each for their travelling expenditure when visiting the branches / official work.

6. Building Fund :An amount of Rs. 3,00,00,000/- allotted for building fund with a committee consisting of five people (1)President (2)Secretary and three members nominated by Governing Council and approved by GBM for three years

Correct & Read as

(This para 1 removed)

5. The President & Hon. Secretary shall be provided with an amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- each for their travelling expenditure when visiting the branches / official work.

6. Building Fund:An amount of Rs. 2,00,00,000/- allotted for building fund with a committee consisting of five people (1)President (2)Secretary and three members nominated by

Existing Governing Council and approved by GBM for three years


ARTICLE - XIII Conference Existing

The venue of the annual national conference will be decided by the governing council on the basis of merit and if there is no consensus then final selection of the venue will be through the ballot paper in the annual general body meeting. The state holding the national conference will not be eligible for next 5 years, Zonal rotation will be preferred.

1. The Annual Conference bid must come from approved state chapter and city branches of ISA and the venue of the Conference must be within the country. Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Conference bidding branch to make necessary arrangement for the conduct of the conference. Such officers will present themselves to AGBM and present details of arrangements they are planning for the forthcoming conference. They will be responsible / accountable to the Governing Council of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists for the good / successful conduct of conference.

2. Any authorized member from any bidding branch may present their bidding on the conference proposed to be held in the year following next conference year.

3. Organizing Secretary will attend the meetings of the Governing Council preceding the conference on a special invitation.

4. The Hon. Secretary (National) will give / issue an authorization letter to the Organising Committee to open a bank account and obtain the separate PAN for the purpose. ISA (National) shall be the sole proprietor without legal and tax liabilities of the annual conference or any international conference invited by ISA (National) and all the invitations, brochures etc shall be in the name of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and the other governing council members. The state chapter and city branch of ISA to which the organizing committee belongs shall be conducting the conference on behalf of ISA (National).


5. If for some unavoidable reason / circumstances the question of selecting the venue of the Annual Conference and selection of Organising Secretary could not be decided by the general body of that city, the same shall be decided by the Governing Council.

6. Governing Council along with the conference scientific committee shall be responsible for scientific programme at annual conference. Immediate Past President ( Chairperson Academic / CME Committee) will be the scientific coordinator to the organizing committee of the conference. He along with the editor and one GC member nearest to the venue shall select and appoint Guest Speaker discuss and decide subjects / speakers to be presented. Expenses of these officers (like travel and stay) shall be borne by the Organising Committee.

7. Only valid members are eligible to present the scientific papers.

8. Papers already published or accepted for publication shall not be eligible to be read at the conference. Papers read at the Annual Conference will be published online as a supplement of Indian Journal of Anaesthesia after the conference and ISACON Organizing Committee shall bear the expenses for the online publication. The edited / corrected list has to be sent by Chairman of Scientific Committee to the Editor in Chief before Oct.15th during the year of conference.

9. The Governing Council shall frame guidelines for arranging the conference and also the protocol to be followed at the conference. This shall be communicated to the Organizing Committee for compliance. The Organising committee has to submit all the documents signed with different organizations to the governing council when demanded. 10. In the unfortunate event of a member falling sick or expiring during conference the expenditure incurred for transportation of sick ISA member/dead body along with official escort will be shared by ISA and Organizing Committee of the conference equally.

11. Minimum of Rupees 20 lakhs shall be credited to ISA (National), as ISA share, by the conference organizers as early as possible (to be implemented from 2017). Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary shall sign an agreement regarding

37 satisfactory conduct of the conference as well as compliance of the financial obligation to ISA as per protocol.

12. Organizers shall have to submit a detailed report and present the Audited Financial Accounts/ the audited report of the conference accounts within one calendar year, failing which the organizing branch shall be derecognized temporarily, on recommendation of the Governing Council and will initiate suitable action.

13. All National Past Presidents, life time achievement award winners and members above 75 years of age and their spouses shall get Complementary Registration and accommodation at the Annual Conference.

14. Delegates' rights or charter will be published in the Conference Brochure by the conference organizers.

15. Complementary accommodation shall be provided for Governing Council Members.

16. The Governing Council may sanction an interest free loan up to a maxi-mum of rupees 10 lakhs to the organising committee as seed money which is repayable.

17. The Organising Secretary shall open a Joint Account in Nationalized / Scheduled Commercial Bank and all the funds / money of Conference to be credited to this account only.

18. After the annual conference, the audited accounts of ISACON will be passed by City & State Branch of ISA and presented to ISA governing Council. The money saved will be utilized for ISA City & State Branch activities only. The money will be maintained in an account to be operated by Org. Chairperson of ISACON, Org Secretary of ISACON, ISA State President, ISA State Secretary and the Senior most Governing Council Member of the Zone.

ARTICLE - XIII Conference Correct & Read as

The venue of the annual national conference will be decided by the governing council on the basis of merit The state holding the national conference will not be eligible to reapply for next 10 years. Zonal rotation is preferred. Within that Zone, (let us say that as Zone A) out of the bids received, preference would be given to the state branch

38 which has not hosted the Conference before or has not hosted the Conference for the longest period out of the bids received, provided all other criteria for selection are met. Bids can be accepted for consideration from the Zone which is next in the line (i.e., Zone B) for eligibility as per Zonal cycle of rotation. In case the bid from the eligible Zone (Zone A) is found not in order and is rejected by the GC then bids from this Zone (i.e., Zone B) would be considered as per the criteria defined earlier. The cycle of Zonal rotation from 2021 is 2021 North East, 2022 North, 2023 East, 2024 Central, 2025 South, 2026 West. This cycle will be maintained for future. This cycle may be modified by the Governing Council by a resolution with subsequent approval by the GBM as and when necessary. provided their bid satisfies all requirements & criteria and has facilities to hold a National Conference. The bid for hosting ISA National Conference must reach the Hon. Secretary before 31 July and will be discussed in the 2nd Mid Term GC meeting after presentation by the respective bidders. Representatives of the bidding branches must present themselves on the 2nd day of the GC with full details including blue print of the venue and halls, short video etc. The credentials and experience of the Organising Secretary and Scientific Committee Chairperson of the ISACON should be detailed in the bid application. Shortlisted venues will be inspected by subcommittee formed by the GC and they will give their repost during the 4th GC meeting and then venue will be decided on the basis of merit and facilities.

1. The Annual Conference bid must come from approved state chapter / city branches (recommended by the State Branch) of ISA and the venue of the Conference must be within the country. Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary, Treasurer and Scientific Chairman shall be elected by the Conference bidding branch to make necessary arrangement for the conduct of the conference. Such officers will present themselves to AGBM and present details of arrangements they are planning for the forthcoming conference. They will be responsible / accountable to the Governing Council of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists for the good / successful conduct of conference.

2. Any authorized member from any bidding branch may present their bidding on the conference proposed to be held in the year following next conference year.


3. Organizing Secretary will attend the meetings of the Governing Council preceding the conference on a special invitation.

4. The Hon. Secretary (National) will give / issue an authorization letter to the Organising Committee to open a bank account and obtain the separate PAN for the purpose. ISA (National) shall be the sole proprietor without legal and tax liabilities of the annual conference or any international conference invited by ISA (National) and all the invitations, brochures etc shall be in the name of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and the other governing council members. The state chapter and city branch of ISA to which the organizing committee belongs shall be conducting the conference on behalf of ISA (National).

5. If for some unavoidable reason / circumstances the question of selecting the venue of the Annual Conference and selection of Organising Secretary could not be decided by the general body of that city, the same shall be decided by the Governing Council.

6. Governing Council along with the conference scientific committee shall be responsible for scientific programme at annual conference. Immediate Past President (Chairperson, Academic Committee) will be the scientific coordinator to the organizing committee of the conference. The Scientific Committee of ISA National shall comprise of Chairperson Academic Committee (Chairman), President, Secretary, Editor-in- Chief, one GC member nearest to the venue, Organising Chairperson, Organising Secretary and ISACON Scientific Committee Chairperson. The Scientific Committee of ISA National will be responsible for the Scientific Program of ISACON, selection and appointment of Guest Speakers, discuss and decide subjects / speakers to be presented. Travel expenses of these officers shall be borne by ISA and Local hospitality shall be extended by the ISACON Organising Committee.

7. Only valid members are eligible to present the scientific papers.

8. Papers already published or accepted for publication shall not be eligible to be read at the conference. Papers read at the Annual Conference will be published online as a supplement of Indian Journal of Anaesthesia after the conference and ISACON Organizing Committee shall bear the expenses for the online publication. The edited /

40 corrected list has to be sent by Chairman of Scientific Committee to the Editor in Chief before Oct.15th during the year of conference.

9. The Governing Council shall frame guidelines for arranging the conference and also the protocol to be followed at the conference. This shall be communicated to the Organizing Committee for compliance. The Organising committee has to submit all the documents signed with different organizations to the governing council when demanded.

10. In the unfortunate event of a member falling sick or expiring during conference the expenditure incurred for transportation of sick ISA member/dead body along with official escort will be shared by ISA and Organizing Committee of the conference equally.

11. Minimum of Rupees 20 lakhs shall be credited to ISA (National), as ISA share, by the conference organizers as early as possible and latest by Second Mid Term GC Meeting. (To be implemented from ISACON 2019). Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary shall sign an agreement regarding satisfactory conduct of the conference as well as compliance of the financial obligation to ISA as per protocol.

12. Organizers shall have to submit a detailed report and present the Audited Financial Accounts/ the audited report of the conference accounts within one calendar year, failing which the organizing branch shall be derecognized temporarily, on recommendation of the Governing Council and will initiate suitable action.

13. All National Past Presidents, Past Secretaries, Ruling President & Secretary, life time achievement award winners and members above 75 years of age and their spouses shall get Complementary Registration and accommodation at the Annual Conference which shall be at par with GC members.

14. Delegates' rights or charter will be published in the Conference Brochure by the conference organizers.

15. Complementary accommodation shall be provided for Governing Council Members.

16. The Governing Council may sanction an interest free loan up to a maxi-mum of rupees 10 lakhs to the organising committee as seed money which is repayable.


17. The Organising Secretary shall open a Joint Account in Nationalized / Scheduled Commercial Bank and all the funds / money of Conference to be credited to this account only.

18. After the annual conference, the audited accounts of ISACON will be passed by City & State Branch of ISA and presented to ISA governing Council. The money saved will be utilized for ISA City & State Branch activities only. The money will be maintained in an account to be operated by Org. Chairperson of ISACON, Org Secretary of ISACON, ISA State President, ISA State Secretary and the Senior most Governing Council Member of the Zone.

19. The organizers of ISACON shall use the software of ISA National which is linked with ISA database for the purpose of Registration of the delegates and Scientific Program. ISA App shall be used.

Discussion on Constitution Amendment:

Dr. Bharat Bhushan Bharadwaj participated indiscussion. GC Minutes passed will be published in the website after they are approved. Secretary will publish the new letter regularly, at least 2 and upto 4 in a year. Dr. Virendra Sharma said that there is material for 2 E News Letters now. Dr. Naveen Malhotra said that it will be edited and published by the Secretary. Audited accounts should be circulate among members & come in News Letter. Secretary replied that it is put up in website. Secretary explained the difficulty in publishing the new letter, but said that every matter is put up in the website. Secretary informed that activites are included in the Secretary’s report. EiC Dr. Divatia suggested to appoint some one else for this, but Dr. Naveen said that only Secretary will do it. Discussion on Scientific Committee and its functioning. Dr. Virendra Sharma, Dr. Suresh Bhargava, Dr. B B Mishra participated in discussion. There were only few supporters for Academicians in Scientific Committee and most did not want Academic persons in Scientific Committee. Dr Suresh Bhargava & Bala Venkat participated in discussion.


Dr. Bala Bhaskar’s proposals: The proposals of Dr. Bala Bhaskar, President Elect, to begin New Indian guidelines on clinical practice of Anaesthesia was presented. (Pre Op Fasting and Feeding, Pre Op investigations, Anti coagulants and Regional Anaesthesia, Day Care Surgery) and One for Updates of the old Minimum Mandatory Monitoring of ISA. Dr. Bhimeswar asked whether they are in agenda? Secretary replied that yesterday they were passed in GC with agenda and then, now put for the GB to approve in any other matter. If so, it should be presented by the Secretary. President informed that 2 guidelines were approved by the GC with Rs. 2 lakhs each, proposals for another 2 guidelines & without financial support was also approved. Dr. Mehdiratta asked why spending money on this when 2 guidelines are without expenses. Secretary explained the situation and that Dr. Bala Bhaskar asked for Rs. One lakh only but one of the senior Past President proposed to make it Rs. 2 lakhs as nothing can be done with one lakh now a days. Secretary said, we are spending lot of money on many things but not on academic activities. It is high time, we support these activities and approve this. He added that we should not take money from Pharma companies for this and they should be unbiased. He added that strict academic criteria are followed in selecting the members for the committee. Dr. Mehdiratta accepted this. The proposal for four new guidelines (with only the previous GC approved financial support of 4 lacs and no more additional support) and updating of Minimum Mandatory guidelines was passed & approved.

8. Membership Fee hike GC proposed to raise the membership fee from 7,500 to 8,500/- effective from 1st April As per Constitution, membership fee will be increased every 3 years and now it is 4 years, so it is made 8,500/00. It is approved. AGBM adjourned at 7.00 pm to reconvene tomorrow at 12.30 p.m. 9. Rule Book Secretary said that the rule book will be updated after the Constitutional amendments and incorporating the additions in the last 2 years


ANY OTHER MATTER WITH PERMISSION OF THE CHAIR President announced that he has received message from Dr. Bala sahib bande “ Sir, I need to leave. Please declare that my court case is withdrawn and I wish all the best for the new team and assure that with you all I will strive to make ISA stronger” Dr. Naveen Malhotra said Dr Bande has come to me and said that he has to leave & “ I AM WITHDRAWING ALL ALLEGATIONS / LEGAL MATTERS PERTAINING TO 2018 ELECTIONS. IF ISA / ANY MEMBER FELT ANYTHING IT IS INADVERTANT AND NOT INTENTIONAL” Dr. Bhimeswar said that he is nominated for the member of the AARS Committee & wanted it to be recorded. Secretary said the situation in which Bhimeswar’s nomination was signed by President & Secretary. And Dr. Bhimeswar got elected there. Secretary said that he was too busy with court cases last few days and putting his name was omitted. He officially declared that Dr. Bhimeswar was our official candidate and he got elected and congratulate him for that. Secretary informed that President & Secretary were to attend officially, but due to national elections, they could not attend, President said that no money was spent for his travel. Declaration of Awards by Hon. Secretary PROF A. P. SINGHAL LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD

Brig. Dr. T. Prabhakar VSM, Lucknow


Dr. B. B. MISHRA, Bhubaneshwar


Dr. Madhusudan Upadya, Mangalore


Dr. Mukul Chandra Kapoor, Delhi



Dr. Rakesh Garg


Not Awarded to any person


Dr. Rakesh Garg


Dr. Neeraj Kr Barnwal






c. Dr. Binil Issac Mathew d. Dr. Sunita Lawange President’s Appreciation Awards

Dr. Bhavana Gaikwad Nasik,

Dr. Sheetal Dalal Nagpur,

Dr. Pankaj Gupta Nasik & Dr. Virendra Sharma Lucknow,

Dr. P. Sasidharan, Perintalmanna,

ISA Coimbatore, Ahmadabad & Delhi

Neon Labs

Highest Membership drive City / Metro

City : Mangalore & Calicut

Metro: Bangalore

Highest Membership drive State

Karnataka, AP, Kerala, TN

Highest Voting

States: Punjab, Haryana, Chattisgarh

City: Hisar, Kolhapur, Nashik.







Jubin T.J (J1202/A)


Amit Bhodke (A2396) & Dr. Shrigopal Bhattad (B0953)


Keshav Kumar Garg (K2138/A)



Isha Chopra (I0183)


Gargi Nandi (G1307)


Vidhushi Kulshrestha (V1573)


Sudhashree.P (S5826/A)

Rozina Mollah (R2827/A)


Anirudh Elayat (AP03975)

Ish Narani Best Poster Awards contestants & Winners

1. Nabila sheikh Anwar

2. Rashnita Sengupta (R2734/A)

3. Nishchitha Shetty & Lavanya

ISA Goldcon Quiz 2018 Teams & Winners

1. TEAM Hemalatha & Priyanka Kumari

2. TEAM Gowthaman T.B & M. Ganesh Kumar


ISACON Jaipur Award 20187

Difficult Airway

1st prize DR Mohammed Rizwan (M2633/A)

2nd prize DR. Reema Kaul (R2768/A)


1ST PRICE: DR. Namita B.J (N1496/A) & DR. Heena Garg (H0530)

Day Care Anaesthesia

1st prize DR. Trina Sen (T0691/A)

2nd prize DR. Swapna Bharati Moharana (S5912/A)

ISACON Ludhiana Poster Award 2018







Installation of new President & new office bearers by President Hon. Secretary announced the Elections results which were declared in ISA website on 5th Nov. 2018 at 11.05 pm, immediately after the closure of online voting.

Total Votes polled 9989 Votes secured by each contestant PRESIDENT ELECT



Dr. Muralidhar Joshi is elected as President elect CE PRESIDENT



SUNIL KATYAL (S1933) 5576 Dr. Sunil Katyal is elected as Vice President N.SECRETARY & TREASURER



BANDE B.D. (B0596), MAHANTESHA 3938 SHARMA (S1301)


SHARMA (V0477)

Dr. Naveen Malhotra & Dr. Virendra

Sharma are elected as Hon. Secretary & GC MEMBER Treasurer respectively.




S. C. GANESH PRABHU (P0421) 4974

M. VEERESHAM (V0572) 3264

Dr. J. Balavenkat Subramanian & Dr. S C Ganesh Prabhu are elected as G C Members

Secretary announced the winning candidates and invited all the winning candidates to the dais, sign the oath and then take oath of office and President to administer oath and install the new President. President administered the oath to all and installed Dr. Bala Bhaskar as President by installing the Collar. President Dr. Bala Bhaskar gave his acceptance address and announced his vision and welcomed all new members and thanked all previous members & retired members.

Dr. Naveen Malhotra thanked all for electing him as ISA National Secretary & requested them to give suggestions for the betterment of ISA.

Vote of Thanks was proposed by Dr. Naveen Malhotra. National Anthem Lowering of ISA Flag

Minutes Recorded and Typed by Dr. Kiran Kumar Gera, Governing Council Member and Dr Venkatagiri KM, Hon. Secretary ISA National.