M&A Insight Note

Issuer: (GM) / Clarification of July 12 Note Date: July 13, 2006

Yesterday, M&A Insight issued a Note on GM. We are issuing this follow-up Note to clarify the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph of yesterday’s Note, which read as follows:

"The GM management team reportedly presented its arguments against the proposal at a recent board meeting, but were rebuffed and told to undertake a thorough evaluation of the proposed alliance."

The word “reportedly” in this sentence referred to a Wall Street Journal “Heard on the Street” article dated July 7 which stated that “GM management plans to present arguments against the proposed deal at a board meeting today.” That article followed up another WSJ article dated July 6 that was headlined “GM Management to Lay Out Objections to Alliance” and contained the following statements:

“General Motors Corp. management is marshaling potential arguments against a proposed alliance with Nissan Motor Co. and SA and plans to air them at a meeting of GM's board tomorrow, say people familiar with the company's plans.

GM Chairman and Chief Executive Rick Wagoner won't dismiss the proposed alliance outright at the meeting and is expected to launch a due-diligence review, say people close to GM's management. But he will make it clear to the directors that management has major concerns with both the substance of the proposal and the way it was broached.

In essence, Mr. Wagoner and his management team intend to treat the alliance proposal, publicly disclosed last Friday by GM's largest individual shareholder, billionaire Kirk Kerkorian, as a hostile move against management, according to individuals familiar with the company's thinking.”

On July 7 after the board meeting, GM issued a press release that announced that the board had “endorsed a recommendation by the company’s senior management that it engage in exploratory discussions with Renault and Nissan regarding GM’s potential participation in an alliance among the three companies.”

Our Note of July 12 was not intended to imply that GM management at the board meeting recommended that GM refuse to evaluate the proposed alliance, but was meant only to refer to media reports issued prior to the meeting that management was expected to emphasize the arguments against the proposal. We apologize for any confusion.

We will continue to monitor this situation and market trends, speak with interested parties and, where relevant, issue additional M&A Insight Notes to provide further information and guidance for clients.


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Chris Young, JD, CFA Qin Tuminelli, CFA Director & Head of M&A Research Manager, M&A Insight Tel. 301.556.0625 Tel. 301.556.0415 [email protected] [email protected]

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