Transcript of Interview
Australians at War Film Archive Harry Cullen (Copp) - Transcript of interview Date of interview: 9th December 2003 Tape 1 00:36 Okay Doug, we’ll make a start now. So if we could start with an introduction to your, your life story, just a summary beginning with where you were born and grew up. Well I was born on the 24th of November, 1918 at Corowa, New South Wales. I think the doctor 01:00 who was in charge of my birth was Dr Barnard. And I was born in the Corowa Private Hospital, and the sister in charge there, was Sister Thompson. And I know that because I’ve met her since. And then I went back to, on the other side of the river to Wahgunyah where we lived, and I grew up there 01:30 on a farm with wheat, growing wheat, sheep and some cattle. Then in, I finished school in, in what, 1933, I think at the age of 15, having got my Intermediate Certificate. And went out to 02:00 be an apprentice winemaker with my uncle who had three vineyards at Rutherglen. The one I went to was called Fairfield, and I stayed there with the manager, boarded with the manager’s wife and worked in the vineyard and in the cellar. So I more or less did my apprenticeship, as a winemaker. Then when, well 02:30 before, about 193-, ’36 I think, I joined the 8th Light Horse Regiment, which was a militia regiment, and it had been commanded by an uncle of mine, Colonel Archie McClorin, who died in Tripoli, Syria in 1918, at the end, just towards the end of the war.
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