N Á R O D O P I S N Á 5/2013 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 5/2013 – AUTHORS OF STUDIES AND MATERIALS: PhDr. Barbora Půtová, Ph.D., (*1985) graduated in Culturology from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Since 2012, she has worked there as a lecturer; currently she is an assistant at the Institute of Ethnology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Her main research interest is the anthropology of art: Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic art. Contact:
[email protected] PhDr. Stanislav BRoUČEK, CSc., (*1947) graduated in Czech language from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (1965–1970). Since 1974, he has been working at the Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague. Apart from the history of the Czech language and the theory of ethnicity, his research focuses on migrations (Czech ethnic group abroad or immigration to the Czech Republic, e.g. Vietnamese ethnic group). Contact:
[email protected] Doc. PhDr. MARtINA PAvLICová, Ph.D., (*1964) graduated in Ethnology from the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, and continued with an internal research assistantship there. Since 1992 she has been working at the Institute of European Ethnology at Masaryk University. Apart from the theory of ethnology and historiography, she focuses especially on the study of folklore and folklorism. She has been the editor of the Journal of Ethnology since 1998. Contact:
[email protected] PhDr. LUCIE UHLÍKová, Ph.D., (*1969) graduated in Musicology and Ethnology from the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno.