ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Katara Hohmann Hospitality crashes out buys five hotels in Qatar Business | 21 Sport | 27 Thursday 26 June 2014 • 28 Sha’baan 1435 • Volume 19 Number 6108
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Shaqiri scores hat-trick Workers, guards National service fight at hotel DOHA: A minor scuffle broke out between a group of workers and ‘optional’ for security guards at the Sheraton Hotel renovation site yesterday in which at least one worker was injured. The Ministry of Interior said the worker suffered minor injuries and Qatari women was given treatment at the site. The Ministry said a scuffle broke out between two groups of workers First male batch completes training and when guards tried to intervene, a fight ensued. The security guards DOHA: Qatar is mulling mak- training courses. were Nigerians while the work- ing it optional for its women to Meanwhile, one of the partici- ers were from Nepal and Pakistan. attend a national service pro- pants, Abdullah Salem Al Sulaiteen They were employees of UrbaCon gramme, which is mandatory told QNA that the training was a Contracting and Trading, the main for men. wonderful experience for him as consultant on the project, and a For women volunteers, special he had not only learnt handling UAE-based subcontracting company. training programmes will be put weapons but also a great deal of The scuffle took place around in place after careful studies. self-control and discipline. noon. Workers were seen shouting The national service spanning “Tens of thousands of Qatari and hitting.