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London Badgers Association v L.D.B.A. Junior League Champions 199% 1999,2000.2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2010 I.C.B.A. League Champions 2006.2007,2008,2010.2011 Elimination Champions 1997. 1999$2001, 2003, 2004, 2009,201 1 AAA O.13.A. Chanipions 1908,2000, 2001,2002, 2007. 2009 Canadian Champions 2001 (Gold). 2004 (Bronze), 2009 (Gold). 2010 (Bronze), 201 I (Gold)

September 29, 201 1 London City Council 300 Dufferin Ave. London, ON N6A-4L9

London City Council,

My name is Mike Lumley and I am the Chairperson of the 201 1 National Champion Midget Badger Baseball Organization, Head Coach of the Western Mustangs Baeball Team, 1st Vice Chair of the London District Baseball Association and former AA London Tiger Pitcher (Detroit Tiger Affiliate). 1 would like to express my positive perspective on the possibility of a new professional baseball team here in the City of London.

I have been around London Baseball since the age of 5 playing with the Eager Beaver Baseball Association, then the London Juniors under Graham Nichol, the and then the London Tigers. Since the end of my pro career I have coached every level of baseball from T-ball (Su) to Midget (1811)as well as the Western Mustangs. The perspective 1 would like to give comes from my interactions with the baseball youth from the City of London.

As a member of the London Tigers 1 could see first hand the excitement that the kids at the ballpark had every time that they could interact with us. From asking for autographs to just a quick conversation made these kids light up. For many we planted a dream in their minds that someday they would be professional baseball players. This became very evldent when I returned home to coach the London Badgers as many of my players were the same kids that 1 saw running around the park asking for autographs. Some of these same little kids are now playing on the Canadian National Team and at various levels in the minor leagues.

Decisions like this will never be perfect for everyone but the past shows that we can all coexist. The London Badgers would have to move some of their games from Laban Park to either Aldridge Field or Pulham Field and as an organization we understand and accept this fact. The Western Mustangs may have to do the same and also accept that there are other great fields in the City that we can play on. From my experience a pro team like this will add upgrades to which then allows the city to free up funds to upgrade other sports facilities. On top ofthe normal city revenue gains that comc from a team like this it will also open up employment oppoflunities.

Having a professional team come into London has already created a buzz and I know from the players and parents that 1 deal with, they are very excited to see this team in action.

Sincerely yours, Mike Lumley

Mike Lumley Chairpersoflechnical Coordinator London Badgers Baseball Organization

((Address)) ((Address)), ((Address)) ((Address)) T 519 619 6792 E: [email protected]