938 :NCR TRADES. NuRSERIES-INFANTS' DAY continued. Colesworthy Henry, Victoria road & 69 Legg George, 92 Worple rd. Wimbledon Light House Mission Creche, so, gr & · Inverine road, Old Charlton Litzow H. Peckham Rye s E 32 Wilford road, Croydon CollingsJohnJas.Kingstoo rd.NewMaldn Longley Alfred J. West street, Sutton & Day Home for Children Combes H. tnCornwallrd.Brixtoo hillsw Lowater William, S Park place, (.Mrs. Jane Rowsell, matron), 155 Cooper Henry, Hope & Shrubbery nur· Mahood & Sons, 121 Up. Richmond rd. Maple road, Penge sE ·series, Main road, Heath & Dryburgh road, Putneys w Putney Infant Day Nursery (Mrs. R. Cornish William, High street, Mitcham Maller Benjamin & Sons, 61 High street, Lawrence,matron),82Gardener's lane, Cornwall Urias, Beulah hill, Norwood sE . sE; IO'J Burnt Ash road; Put.ney s w Cotterell &Son,sSpanish rd. Wndswth sw Burnt Ash hill & Leyland rd. Lees Jl West Nor wood Creche & Day Nursery CoxE. Hope nursery, Carshalton rd. Suttn Malyon C. I Blackheath rise,Lewishm BE (Mrs. Proctor Dilworth, president), Crook H.89Vanbrugh hill,Blackheath SE Malyon'sNurseryGround, Lewshm.rdSE Durban road, West Norwood sE Culham Henry, Ham com. Richmond ManardR.g6Ravenscroft rd. Davies A. H. 304c, Wandsworth rd s w Mariner & Son, Alfred rd. & Surbiton NURSERY SHOE MANUFR. Deal Henry, 49 Queen's rd. Peckham sE road, Kingston Clark Thomas William II East Surr~y Denman W. 14 Mayfield rd. Wimbledon Marsh J. C. Crescent lane, Claphams w ~rove Peckham sE ' 3 Dibbens J .40 Breakspears rd.Brockley SE Martin Alfred, Wiltshire rd. Brixton sw ' Dickson Thomas Alexander, 131 Acre Martin Jas 17 Victoria st. Belvedere . NURSERYMEN & SEEDSMEN lane, West Brixton s w MeladyArthurThomas,"!' Priest's bridge, . . ' Douglas W. Littlecote, Ditton rd.Surbtn Upper Richmond road, Barnes 8 w See also Flonsts. Dowley Thos. J. Little hth, Old Charlton Merchant Thomas Humphrey,IOoLoam- Agate Fredk.82 Dorset rd.S.Lambeth sw Dring & Son, Burnt Ash hill, Lee sE pit vale, Lewisham s E & Friendly Alien Wm. 15 Birkbeck rd. W.Norwood SE DrostK. TheLilacs,Stanmore rd.Rchmnd street, New Towns B AnsteyHy.4Knight'sHillrd. W.Norwd SE Edwards Major, 19 Church rd.Norwd SF: Midmore A. 13 Thrale rd. Streathm sw ApplebyW.&Sons,52Rushey gn.CatfrdsE Elliott Walt. 6o Lansdowne rd. Croydon Money Edwin, 17 Fairfield rd. Kingston Apple by Robert, 264 Brixton hill s w Evans Chas. 20 South cres. SE Moore Charles, x & 36 Canterbury road, Bailey George, White Rose cottage, Fischer G. B. 30 High st. Clapham s w Thornton Heath Trinity road, Upper Tootings w Footer G. Underhill rd. EastDulwichsE Morris William Kiddel, 7 Honor Oak Ballen Albert J. Berr·vlands rd. Surbiton Ford Wm. 30 Haycroft rd. Brixton s w terrace, Forest Hill road, E.DulwchsE . Baker Wm. 8 St. Andrew's rd. Surbiton Fordham Charles Alfred, II4 Putney Muxworthy James, 4 Laurel 'Villas, Barker & Son, Ashby road, Brocklt1y s E bridge road, Wandsworth s w Hook road, Surbiton Barker Wm. & Walker, East Sheen s w Fraser, E. 91&95Cresceut la, Claphm sw Neal Robert, Garratt lane & 319 Trinity Barnshaw &White 164-BtreatbmHi. rd sw French Fredk. Wren rd. Camberwell sE road, Wandsworth s w :Barrell Jame8, 22 Jocelyn rd.Richmond Fryer J. 255 Camberwell New roads E Neave Charles Cubit, Mount Pleasant Earrett Thomas,1 Priest's bridge, Upper GodfreyJ.231 Up.Richmnd.rd. Putney sw cot. St. Cloud's rd. West Norwood SB Richmond road, Barnes s w GrahamGeo.Barnes common,Barnes sw Nicoll John, Rush, Met·ton . Barton George, Camberwell groves E Green William, hill, Sidcup Noble James, 167 Knight's hill road, Barton Geo. 28 Fowler st. Camberweil sE Greenham Isaac, 2 Nursery cottages, West N orwood s E Bause C.F. 125 Portland rd.S.Norwood SE George lane, Lewisham sE Notley Charles, Denhamhurst, Samos BeecherJohn,243 Eglinton rd. Gregory & Evans, Longlands nursery, road, Anerley sE ·Bell J. Montague nursery, Bexley Heath Sidcup Ollis William, 262A, Clapham roads w Benger Clemance W. Grove rd.Mitcha~ Gulzow Robert, Melbourne nurseries, Orgies M. Perry vale,Forest Hills E Bigg F. J. 22 Jeffreys rd. Clapham s w Bexley Heath PageF.l<'.Stonecot vils.Stonecot hl.Suttn Biggs Ernest John, Foot's Cray Harwood Bros. Balham nursery, 176 Pannett & Neden,342 Wandsworth rd sw Billingburst Ed wd.8 Pawson 's rd.Croydn · BalhamHigh road sw &Seymour villas, Parasiers Mrs. Lydia, Broadway, Main Bird Benj. 50 Dennett's rd.Peckham SE Anerley s B road, llexley heath Boatwright C. 221 Coldnarbour lanes w Hill John, jun. I Albion villas, Cam- Parker Jas. Beulah cres. Thorntonlleath Boulton John, ~s J<~. Dulwich roads E bridge road, New Maiden Parris Alfred, Main rd. Bexley Heath Blowers Wm. 7 Effra terrace, Brixton sw Hoadley F. Westmoreland rd. Payer Anthony, I2A, Anerley park s E Boulton Jn. E. Dulwich rd. Peckham SE Hodges John, 89 Chathamroad, WanJs- PeacheyWm.I63lngravest.Batterseasw Eox J. R. Derby rd.&Station rd.Croydon worth commons w PeedJohn& Sons, 8oMitcham la.Strthm Box Thos. , Be1 kenham Hogg Thomas, Manor lane, Sutton s w & 124 Norwood rd. W. Norwoodsx Bramley Hill Nursery (Christopher Pad- Holland Alfred Wm. Boones rd. Lees E Peers Jonathan, Laurelnursery, South· ley, manager), 96 & 104 Southbridge Hallands Alfred Wm. Lee Park,Lee sE wood road, Eltham road & Bramley hill, Croydon Rollick Fred, 1 Bay Tree cottage, High Penfold Thomas New, Beddington villa, Eray Arthur, 65 George st. Richmond road, South Streatham s w llandon hill, Beddington, Croydon :Bray J. 107 Old South Lambeth rd i! w Hopper Edward George, Frant, Stem- Petty William L. St. l\Iary Cray • Ereed W.76 Ravenscroft rd. Beckenham bridge road, Anerley sE PinyonWilliam & Son,Imperial nursery, Brown G.122 Malham rd. Forest hill SE Horne Brothers & Kersley, 16 Hopton west, Chislehurst Brown William, St. Mary's Grove nur- road, Streatham s w Piper Geo.113A, Sumnerrd.Peckham SB sery, Adelaide road, Hichmond Horsman Thomas, Tbayer's Park nur- Pobgee Edwin, 48 Parish la. Beckenham Bullen Richard, Woodlands nursery, sery, 18 Beckenham road, Reckenham Pocock J.R.aCollege slip, High st.Bromly Woodlands, Lewisham sE Hunt Goorge, 33 Laurel gro. Penge s E Pollard llros. 8A, Wantage road, Lee SB Bullen Richd. Hy. Brewery rd. Bromley Hunt W. Brabourn grove, Peckham sE Ponsford & Son, 72 Loughborough park, Burnham Henry & Son, 66 White Horse Hussey & Parrish,41 Trinity road, Upper Brixton s w • road & Devonshire road, Croydon Tooting$ w Power John, I Madeline rd. Anerley s B Butcher Thos. 35 George st. Croydon & Hyde H~nry, Kirkdale nursery, 1A, Pratt Geo. 155 Stockwell Park road 8 w ro & 23 Station •·d. South N orwood SE Brighton road, Croydon Primrose llenjamin, Blackheath nnr· Butt Geo. 122 :Malham rd. Forest Hill SE lcetonWm.Putney Park lane,Putney sw series, St. John's park, Blackheath s B Canniford Williarn, Kensington nursery, Jordan George, Spencer rd. Mitcham Pringle William,77 Beulah hi. Norwd SB Trewsbury road, Sydenham Keeler Mrs. Ann, Park road,lleckenham Puttock & Shepherd, street, Carter James & Co. The Nurseries, Kershaw Henry & Son, 91 Wellfield rd. & Kingston hill, ~orbiton, Kingstpn Hou~ton road, Forest Hill sE Streatham s w Radford Charles, Effingham nursery, Casselton B. B. & Son, St. James' KershawW. 8gWellfield rd.Streathm sw Etlingham road, Lees E Nursery, Hcrvey road, Rlackheath SE Kersley F. II Plumstead rd. Plumstead Randall Joseph,3 Blakeneyrd.Beckenhm Chaff Charles, Park Hill nursery, Fair- Kingsland & Dawkins, 274 Romman;y RippengaleJn. A.OakHill rd.Beckenbam field road, Croydon road, West Norwood sE Ritz Jacob, Grove vale, East Dulwich SB Challis Thomas, Kent House nursery, Knights & Co. Garratt lane, Summers Roots W. T. Victoria nursery, Bromley Hartington villas, Beckenham road, Town, Tooting s w road, Beckenham & Barnmead road, Be0kenham Laing John & Sons, Rutland road; Rose Percy, Park View road, Eltham Chard & Son, 15 Pavement, Clapham sw Rutland park ; Elm lane ; Southend Russell John, Richmond nursery, 169 ChardW.H.Devonshire rd. S.Lambth sw park & Bellingham, Southend ; Kew road, & Sheen Com. nurseries, Charles & Son,8 Apple market,Kingston Catford s E; 302 Stanstead road & Richmond, also at Hampstead Childs Richard Thomas, Woodside nur- Nursery grounds, Grafton rd.. Forest Searle Jsph. 4 Crampton road, Penge SK sery, 'Voodside road, Eltham Hills E. See advertisement Sharp James, 3 Moulinere terrace, Childs Thos. Wm. Woodside rd. Eltham Lane George & Jarnes, Cockmannings Putney Bridge road, Putney s w Chown 0. 57 Grove lane,Camberwell sE nurseries, St. Mary Cray Sheahan Daniel,8IHartfield rd. Wimbldn Clark Aug. Ga,.ratt la. Wawisworth s w Lane J.Durand gardeus,Clapham rd sw Shepherd Hy. 84 The Common,Bromley Clarke Frederick Witliam, 2 Derby ter- Lane Sarah, 227 Brixton road s w Shepherd Joseph, Park lodge, Ellerton· race, Derby road, East Sheen s w Lawford Robert, Bexley Heath S.O road, Tolworth, Surbiton Clayden W. 65 Eeckenham la. Bromley Leather John M. Eastfields,Up.Mitcham ShorneyWmH.Croxted rd. W.Dulwch SB Coates Charles, St. John's nursery, Old Letchford George Robert, Flora \"ilia, Shuttleworth Edward D. l.li3 Clapham Dover road, Jllackheath s E Thurston road, Lewisham s E Park road s w