

:P~eg•t ~""U"d ,11 i~pateh . rlnr, wod oorth of the Columbia riYer; Ho~UW~'a M..u> o~r Paon 8o"ITMD.- we night, that the nnfortoMte mM~ walt lugd J ouncl ~ i~patch . ~ "' • ~ II "' ~ tho price of the Jaodt for this purpoee hne 8HD a mAp drawn by Ed~r ll. duly sober, was oot a di.salpoted mao, to be 25 per eat. leu llwl the reguLAr HorgaD, Eeq., of Olympia, lhowiog all aod th11t oo the oiaht in qu~tioo thef P.urn A.t.I.I.Uc~~S--EYery great ,... cub or botul pricea. The1 will altlo be the ~R~neyfl4 laDcM bordering Poget had communed freely with him iD ftg&rd • nm.D8ZB l':fDn' rtlt:llmAT MOUllN. .a-rbs all, or near11 all, the minority ncbaoae for the llrlt mortgage boudl iD the oSce of the Soneyor General of iD Sacrameoto. Mr. Rosaell was a ma• •1-IA of lbe coDDtry; bot it ne'l'er of the Uompao1 at par, aDd .cmaed in· Wubiogto• Territory. gi•ae all the chioiat by trede, bol owing to tho Jack --_,, I:IIWAJIZ> L _, n IQCICeMfol u:tti1 it UIUIDIIe a dablte *-&at any ti.lu before Aprill, 1877. ~t and oootaiu iD foU the or busio- io the dty, he had beell lln­ O IPPICK 1a Okpatclo a.n~ ane,.._ 'I'K&X.a and iodependenl l*tJ orgaoiza&ion.- The Jl~ of Dee . .. •11: "We doDatioD elrim8, with the - ef the able to ~~eeure a poeitlno, and beioi io atra:tened circomstooclS, had in1prond at.&le Copy OM 1'...... , ...... $3 00 The .lJlti.SJanry m-'• ement for yean are ~gain iD ..-ipt of f••orable iDtelli- penona to whom donated. •• •• Sis llootb.a...... 2 00 had the ymplllhies or a oooaiderable gene. from the N. P. The latest b from It is Ur. Jlorgan'a ioteutioo to ~~ell the opportunit1 of working biR wny to •.• TllrM .. • ...... l 00 1 Victoria, whero be ex~ted to 6ud em.. l lD1 .. Num~...... 12 poriiou of both or the old parties, bat 'llljor P-, who ioforme u that he tlae map b1 eubscription, end for that P.L1'ABLE ll(VAJUAIJL1' C'C ADVA.'\ca. would DeTer have euoceeded bot b1 the called OD the Presideut or the road, purpoee he hal plaoed it lo the bands or ploymcnt. Reaebing tho ship, he told cliKolutioo of ooe or thoee t-rti• and Gen. C... and wu ...ured b1.him that Hr. R. G. O'Brien, who will call UJIOO his friends that oo that day the ship '-olog the executor of ita uaeta 'D- it was DOt poeaible that the ro.d lhould our cit!ane. Be altlo deeirel to plaoe had been smoked io order to Jtill tht rabt dar a oeW- party name. "- long u the not be built to the Yellownnae oat thereon a sketch or ReaUJe and a few or with which abe was infe.ted, aod thai "Wkolesau an.d. &tail Dealer in. Whig party lind, 00 third party ~ -D; that iD fAd, it DOW had to be tbe principal residencee and placel of although the thing ,.. somewhat dan­ the ghoet of a ahaoce of .a~; e•6J lnailt to that point; wb~u bondt eeD ~ proYided some of oar eoter­ gerous, be preferred going oo board to JOB PB~O Foreign and Domestic "W'lne.-, e11'ort to iDeo~ the oew monmeot or uot, the Directors han already eo prisiDg ciliuDe will foruilh the sketch­ ei~M"p, rec:.arking thAt by that rime the ot eftry d~pUoA ckloe al tbe 1IDOit -­ greater port of the fool CU mu.«t ba•o able~. into either or the old political partiee, much inested that they are obliged to es. To our mind, it wth e m.oet perfect eno b1 conceding e•ery principle con• build eo far, to make what ia built of thiogor the kind ner i•uei. The price pnssed elf. Tbie ~·u the last aeen of AG&.'IIT8a W hisk eys, t.oded for, pro• ed abortiu. History is ROme Yalne. We ha•e alao eeeo a latter .t5. pe1ablo on the doli•ery or the him DDtil Satnrda1 morning, when be Ot:rmpta...... ,()apt. l'l'anll: Tarbooll ~randi es, w 8tella<:ooln...... J..,ob Uoo•~r. repeating itat.lf. The Bourbon Demoo- Cram Father Brnoot, atatiog that be had map. wae found dcau iu his bed, haviLS been V ld<>ria, 11 . 0 ...... Chart"* McCormlell:, ETC. , ETC., ETC. suiJ'ocated by tho fumes or aolpher 110d Port Town ll<' nd, ...... Goo~ Darlhrop racy are oow calculating upoo the Fum· called oo Preeideot c ..., who ga•e him Hr. Morgan will io a row days go w PMt l)f ~~eove r,., ...... lll . Me'MAbon ers' movement to recrnit their force• a aimilu stntemeot." Sao Fraoci1100 to arrange for lithograph· oborcolll still remninlng io the veasel.­ 8noborul ~b Oity, ...... E. O. F CJ'II\II!On No. 15 Commercia l st. Seattle, W. T aod restore the party to power; but they We han gre•t ooofldance to the per- ing the aeme. Ho wns nbout ~hirty · five year" of ago, reckon without their ho11t. The Boston sooat &sllurancoa of Geo. o.... He baa ------aod lea'I'CR a wllo 1111d many relatives and JOHN J. McOILVRA, Genuine Cutter Whiskey always on Hand Poet takes the followiog cbeflful •iew already done c:.ucb to re~~tore coo6deoce WDT B.t.Cit ow IT.-It ie eetimated friends to mourn bls untimely eod.­ Atto ..·uey ut Ln-w-, or the situation: io the Company, which had been utterly that ooe hDllllred eod tweoty· oioe meo Portland .Yttr-Y. io this place "11wore oJf" (rom the use S'E.\ Tl'LE, W. T. "A fresh, popular element bu thus destrored by miamaoOfremeot before be (7' Tho-...... - acti-on -or -the-- Wioooa ad of iDto:ricatin~ liquors with the opening been infused into the Democratic party, came iDto the Prosidency. Be at once St. Peter Railroad Company i1l dispoe­ Wtn atUne! to blui!D- to all puta of tbo of 187!. Of theee, thirteen bne been h mwry. !10 which at ooee reoo.ates ita charaeter took mf!&Slll'e8 to remo•e the eastern iog of ita elevato1s 110a cutting loose and gives it ao io'l'iocible poeition.- terminus from Dolotb, where it had beastly drunk eioce, ;tweul1·&ix t011k from enrythiog bot lbe bosioess it ,.._,. bottles homo willa them and imbibe in CHARLES D. E~fERY, With that reiuforceme11t MCared, it ia been located io the interest of a Land chartered to Ctl.rl1 oa. , is a reloraa thai prepared to deal &11thoritatinl1 with Riog, aod where there ia oo J>arbor, to their print. saoet.ary, tele•eu or them that will do more toWl>rds qnicting poblio ATTORNEY-AT-LAW the important problems of tb• lotore. Snperior City, wb11re there i11 a fu1e ha•e their bottles hid iD the wood·lhed. complaint than aoy change in its po... er The opposition press naturally prefera land·locked b11rbor; he baa wceeeded io two in the barD &Dd :>oe onder the beck to ba... made. 'l'be people are every4 SEATTLE, W. ·r. COMMISSION MERCHANTS to regard this monmeot or th• fanaera diabeodiDg a ring of ebarpne who had porch; tweuty lix are tskio1r their oips where aod a atomlly jealous of iocorpor• uao impalsi•e, wayward and temporary direction of the Company nod were in saloooa "oo the al1;" oio•teeo walk ated oompnoiea cuotroUing oot oaly tho aii'Air, "·bose strength is alread1 spent using It solely to proroote their owo np the ber from t.be front door and take carriage, bot purchue of their surplus with ita liS exertion, but 'fiotory is oot printe apecolatiool'; be baa paid "white wiDe;" aen oteeo take it aethey product.- St. P11ul P ionti.T. ueoally a source of ditcooragemeot, oor olf a large fi.Oiltiog debt, to the ~ntire used to do, and the other twel•e,oot b• llardware, G roceries, ia a ucioo which hu been rewarded aatistaetaoo of ereditore, with railroed iDg caodiutes for ao1 of!lce are sticking with auecess apt to fall awa1 and diMi· I nods at lix dollara.ao aero-at the rate to their pledge.-E'I£~11· Gvtud. AHOBDY•Af L.lW pate itMU Such alli.aoc.. become the or '7G,800 a mile; be baa ope11ed oego. Win~s and Liquors, ll.rmer for their triumphs, aod the'pn•· tiations to extend the road !rom Tacoma, STEILAC00li, W. T. eot case 'rill be oo exception. b me1 where there is oo harbor, to Seattle, -~ ·· 1 2m F lour and Feed enil the complacency of Ad mioiatratioo where there is ao uoexceplionable hn------jonronls to assume that the faumers will bor, to conect the Mme ,.TOng commit. ----"\V--. D • II A L L , STOVES SUCAP. fEA, TOBACCO, COFFEE ETC., eilhet come back to a party alliance ted under like iofloeocealu locating the Notary Pttl>lio, St11rveyor, which tbe1 hue repudiated with auoh the eru~toro terminus. and Attorney !5· Coun· .&.. re contmually adding to their Stock on hR.nd to meet triumphant vigor, or at the moat organ- Dy the t11rms or 'the laod grant forty iu a political Jl&rf1 that will run be- miles of the road must be built opoo the STOVES. selor at LaztJ. 1' the increasing demand of the Puget Sound trade and tween the Adlr.ioiatntioo and tbe Do- Paeill.o Di•iaiou oext eeaaoo. E•ery '!'here ia no happineu or peace in"l .~"" OBSI'.R C<>• lmI'll'• $on. what refteetioo appears to be incapable bllity that a large portion of that forty lamilJ without a GOOD OOOXIB'G Of doiDg DOW, and that ia, COD'fiDce that miJae will be 00..-neted betw88D b­ S~vo or Ban~ . Price List, not higher than &c Francisco jobbin,: pno.., 0 D. P. JE~1JCINS, Freight added. cW. or discomfited unbelienrs \Ut it aoma and Seattle, ao.d the balance be· .Attorney-at-Law and Solici­ ia easier to w~k iD and through a polit- tweeo Kalama alld Portlaod. u tbe r;T ~oator Kelly, or Ongoo, hal tor i'n ClutncenJ. CALL AND EXAMINE. leal organization alread1 011tlbliahed, CompADy cao command ll~ mH.Da both introduced a bill io the Seoate to donate and at this time the ooly eodoriog one connections will bft made \dore the ll.rat the Steilaooam Military Bewi'Tlltioo to A. RTlCl:TLAR A'l'T E:.'TlO~ G rt"EX TO )V arenou....<:e and Wlli.rf ndjoining Ste.\mboo.t landing. iD the oollDtry, llwl to hazard future of next laouary. Until thet~e coDDec- WashiDgtOD Territory, for tho 0110 of P CbaD«ry Cucll.- auccesaes by attempting whst i11 reqou· tiona erA 1111\do the road will oe... r pay the Insaoe; also a bill to aothoriu o .....ca .-oaa Oommerdal stren ovn Clly 1>ru1 Stot'O. apU STORE AND OFFICE, c.,O.MMBRCI.IlL STREE! lid neither by a •arinoce of priocipiiiJI coooiog erpeMeS. A rond from Kalama Tb1U$IOo couoty.Wasbiogtoo Territory. nor a separation of sympathies." to Tacoma ia from cowbere to nowhere, to issue too~ well from his ooly conoeettng two wile! cat, imaginary ailroad from Dodds Inlet, P uget Homooopathio Phvsician and own ataod·poiot. but ho assumes toocb to'lnla, at ioconenient points. com· Sound, to iDtorsect the Northern Pac:1llc morertbao the facta will warrant, wheu manding searcely llllfficieot trade to Railroad. Retorted to the Committee Surgeon, be rep~ots that th11 farmen len ooe warrant the ll:oeping up or a way atlltioo. oo Territonea. At the United States Uotel, Seattle & J>l'1'•1 with any iAtenlioo of joining the ------DIAMOND W.T . jylS CRAW F ORD H ARRINGTON, other, or that aoy or tho RepobUcao T'Dl! Surr P.t.li'TRY.R FoiJN'D.-The [;i'" The co oliCII iJI or~golt eut or party defeats which be allodee to ahow nport of the 101111 of the shtp Pnother. the Cascade Youotaius will nnt Spring DENTISTRY. a Democratic party triumph or ina.l!e with 1111 00 botlrd, wbieh we pnblishf!d clip the wool from ooe bnndred lhoor­ B.OCE. of party strength . . lt Wl\ll the di~I.Jand· on \Yedoelldlly, we 1\fll l!Rppy to learn and sheep, a.q D:!:ll' aa we c.u estimate. AN» J . C. GR.\Sl:ffi, DEN­ nu. tueut of the Democn.tio fl\rty which WM Dlisl.lllte. ~Jr Wlllll\CP, Engineer Tbe Asse.'T. Oftl~ io Stone & 11 TUB eecored these resolla, and ouy attempt of the North PReiflc, nys ho 89,797, and ns waoy dro,·Cil hnTe since Buro ~tt'11 no"' huilr 11 Oommt~rcilll atreet. All work Wlllfllth to re•i•e that parl1 orgaoiUilioo where met Cllptaio Dt\lcb, or the P Anther, at been bronght !rom Wcetero Orogon, we eL oct."'' these R11ccesses were achieved, woolll be VictoriA, 011 Thnl'll~B.t.o Govnl!IXItliT.-The &1. Ever offered in this country, cnn be found at tios:ham Bay Jfail ridicolea our objec­ bold. Probably a tot.nl 101111. The crew ..... the only through p&ei!Cnger oo the Office boors from 9 to 12, a. m., and were nil aefe. Captain Balch belie•ed tion to the IUIIIODDced polic1 of the ronte. We lAW a train lea.• e Tenino from 2 to S, p. m. that the tug Goliah bad gooe down, CAN'T President of making future Territorial aboot three weeki ago, with bot a lin&le with all O!l board, aod 110 reported at appoiotme11ts outside of the T erritories, passenger who paid rare. .T. '-V. ERVIN, ~thnrabathti Jr~~. & ~o . Victoria; the n vort or tbll foundering of DB maoifeslly regudiog n cb objections u Contmctor and Builder, faelioo• 8Ad disloyal; that the citlzeo1 the 'Panther, with all mio11te details of TtCitns.-Ticlteta for the 6btiog Our new two-story building is fil ed from Garret to Cel­ the catutrophy, CAmEl from the omceno C&miTal, C'Ul be had or the proorieton BEAT I TN MASO~'l\Y, STONE, B RIC Jt or the Territories &N but lllbjeeta or J. Plasteriog, OmnmeoW and Stucco ar; n.ll of which we offer at pri~ that arbitrary power. with oo righle which of the Goli•h. Fortunately both were of the Biok, aod or Pompbrey.t Young, BY ANY COOKINGlPPlRl TUS J Work. they do oot deri•e from tho Geoorsl mistaken, the Goliah aod tbe crewe or L. l'.l:!mith & Soo, uod W. G.lamie- D:ElPi2" OO~:Jil'1•X'.1:'XON ! t 0'\"U 6&11 I vall IJmeiUid PIMteri.DC Jia1r alft11 Gonrnment: tbU the Pretlident w tlle both nuets are aero. SOD. oa b&llll for lale. apt~ Our past succecs in busine~ is sufficient goomntee to the Go•ommeut, and that, ll.uQlmUDil-.- Tbe- ~--Fou-th- Aoooal V.u.uut.c Boou.-·- ~{r . Wilaoo Uuetll'l 40,000 Public that they will be dealt with .. Enoogb !01: the rabble to koow or their is cannssiog this cit1 for IUblleribua to Masquerade will be held Ill the Pawilioo, CEO. N. McCONAHA lord-, ON THE SQUARE. the following boob: in Seat:le, oo the 23d of F"'bmary. In Use on the Pacific Coast. A TTORNEY-.11. T-L.Il. W Ia what the dim light of taxation ar­ -~~ ...,.__. sunL£, T. lerda." • "Manual of Americau Jdeae," b1 ll.t..uu:D.-Io this cit7, lanoary 22, tJninnall1 Acknowledgecl w. Jheo in oar Bepublicau I:O'ferDmeo, Cupar T. Hopkioa, M.A. This bMt Partiea.lar atteutiou paid to Collections· Our stock con:iisls in part of the following, vis : by Be•. Daniel ~L•1• Ab "Iiog to Eo based upon t.he eqoalit1 or mao aod ~ i1 d..Ugned for the 11118 of Sehoola, for OI'Pl C II! Kim. Xo cards. SUPERIOR TO lll OTHERS I JJry Good.s, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and ~ght of self.gonrumeot, there are no the ioAtructioo or Foreigners teekiog J a Oouacll JU.U: --...... ,_.u.,..ee. Guaranteed to Give ctty a-• Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Liqtwrs, TobaccfJ and ioconaiderable o11mbera who are willing oaturallzatioa, aod for the uae or citi­ 1 Jlltf :teoll; and, io onr opioioo, ia admirably Ci_ears. Crookery arut Glassware, Paints, Oil, "Var­ to •urrooier their manhood to become V1croau, lau .- Sailcd, w. c. Ent'ill•e Satisj acti01f,. A. Mackintosh, th11 toadies aod lick-spittles or moo in adapted to the pul')lOtlee lor which it 17 nish, Brushes, Carpets, . Oil-cloths, Cw·tains and official etatioos, tbat " thrift may follow wu designed. No acbool or family of Parke, Acapulco; :S.migio, Sen Frno- ll.Urol'Aai'tmEl> EXPBESSLY PO• cisco; Serena ThAyer , Sydne1, JJI'indow blinds, Shelf Rardware, Carpenter and rawllin~r . " U thert~ are &D1 mao on growing sooe should be without it. Notary Public and Convevancer, 18th-ArriYed, Lady Lampeoo, Loo.. li&AL EtiTATr. ASD T.U AOIJ:NT, earth who &J'e f.U rly eotiUed to the rlgbt ·• What Women 1:\hoolft Know; a Blacksmith tools, I ron, Steel, Chain, Bolts, Rivets, doo. or ~~elf·govemment, they are theee who Woman'aBookaboot Women;" b1 Mn!. WAOOELL&MILES 1:tM 11 comr,l<>te Ablltroct of Title to AD Ship. Chandler'~~ and CorclaJ!e, Lim e, Cen~ent, Plas­ have brl'fed the perils an.d endured the E. B. ~offe1. '.fbis book tre1116 of both 19th-W. O. Parke compelled to re- w.o a,~ con•tAntlron haDeS a !alp .e L nnt\H in Kinj! C(lunty. Willnttt nd to ter of Paris, Hay, Feed, Cumberland Coal, Plows toilll aod hardships of I'O'llaimlng Terri' the monl and phyaical cooditious or turn. l..oRt greater part of Bllils dnring w~l.ecl 8tock of the purub- nnd I!Rle of LAnds any· the gale yesterday. Other •cauls put wbf're on Pn~:e t Sound. Specilll AII<'D· and other j'armnJ! implements. tori011 and adding new Stetea to the womell, aud ie replete with nluable in­ COOK INC ti(j p lid to tile t1'1U\_~feT of Reel L!t.lte Umon. Yet a sopercilious jackeDApM struction and wi&l admonition, espec:ial- bulr; iothe IU&iltl. aJ)(l J"'lylu._ot of Tuee. Patro.-.age eo­ In fact anything and ".everythin~ in tmeral comae here from the great eeotre or cor­ 11 to mothera. Surn.ll, lao. 2!.-Arri•ed, atnmer !.iokd gnaraot.eed. PARLOR 1U1d Mtiodncdoo ttSC Cali!ornia. Office on ~Ull ~t. opppc>5ite the in this ccu:ntry. rnptiou, at Washington, to aoeer at the ""ild Life io tile Far WMt; 'Persou­ Ocideotalliotal, lie&We, King Coon1y pnteosioos or the,... people to eelf·go•· al Ad,.eotoree of a Border llouutain 8.ur Fa.lYasco, l no. 22.- Anhtd, BOX dSf We do oot import" Direct from &glaod," but ooe or our llrm keep~ a Chio­ eromeot._ __ _., _ Mao;" b1 C..ptslo lamee Hobbs, of Commodore, Port Townaeod; l. D. senant whom he imported,,PIUCT from Oregon. California. Thi1 book is filled with well Bell, Seattle· Saanot~et, 7aooma; Nor1h· HEATINC McNAUGHT & LEARY. We ba.-e a reaide11t partner io the lfarket and oar pordluee are made to the N. P. R.t.n.no.w.-A. L. Pritabllrd, told narrati•ae or thrilling a(J'feotlll'e8 io west, Port Madison; N1ck Diddle, Port Seattle, King County, W. T. VERY BEST ADVANTAGE. Treasurer of theN. r . Railroad Co., iu border hfe, and is e!Abora:elylllustrated Blakely. General Cobb, Soall<'clr. a circular daUd at New York, Dee. J7, with eogrn•inga. 23.-Arri•ed. Mi!Au, Port GAlble; STOVES, .4.ttorneys·at-Law, Solici­ To Couotry Dealers wt' would say, aod M1 it io trvtb too, that tbe1 caD malt aaya the Company i1 annble at present Suing by purebolaiDg or ua mttead of eouag below. Wellington, NanAimo; Grace Robert~~, 'Zon Pipe, Rubber l101e, Foree Uti tors in Chancery and to pay fhe illlen.ost malunn~r oo ite Newcastle, New Sonlh Wnlee. c;i"' The L abport., (Cal.) Ike notices ~ Pumps. Plain, Japanned, Thaokflll f11r past patrouage. we take this -thod of in'fitiog the PnbU.t to i'n bouda, aod makes the propoeiLic-o to Sailed, Two Brothers, Lh·erpool; Jt. Proctors in .lld- u a call and we goanotee thaL tbe1 ah&IJ not regret doinc eo. a genUemao who h.u just oommeaced Planiahed and Stamped fDDd itl interest due l auoary 1, 187!. aab, Cork, St. llarie, Qo~eeostowo; Cy. blllliuese in this eit1 u foUon ; "Xr. miral~y. SOB WABACHEB BROS. & CO. .lulyl, 187.. ud laooary 1, 1875, in a aoe, Kodeak.. ll'fe-year ioteres& iaod warrant ooopou Charlee Slot~rbeok, I~ JD&JI1 monlha TIN WARE LitA 'R'I' WILL OrvE PA'BTletl'LAS -a.-a. bo11d, bearing &e'l'iD per cent, CarteDCJ tAo popolar guoa:mith or oar toWD. be-­ Sxomnm'ro Dum.-Oo Salurd11r u a at~a~w. to &1M p~U14aollol ------loa eo well pl.ued with the oat•ral ad­ Bent cwm1:e iotere~~l, payable eemi ..unoally Jao. 1 J.ae& we published aa account or tbtt CollectlonM &c. City D r u g S tor e. and lulyl of each :rear; the !rat oou­ 'I'&Dtlgl!e of WMhlogtoa Territory, aud death of Mr.l. A. Roseell, on board lhe House Fnrni&hiD( HardM the indocemeDta offered to eettlera hal Lonnlll n~&'01 ln1:cd pou, boweYer, to mature lao. 1, 1875; steamship California, lojtethor with the MANU1'ACT'tlJI,EB8 01' J. F . MORRIT... L & CO., Prop rietors. concluded to change his base of open­ City property, Timber aod Agricoltu· and to make the ioteaett lnod wanaot verdict or the jar., eod such other lncla Tl.N, SHEET mON, .A.ND rallaodt for R&lu. boodAI recei•able at aoy time beforo tiona. Charley is ooe of Natore'a oo­ 1111 were then placed Ia po~~~~es~ioo of. ­ rF7 A g~ntll for tbo Plo~nl :r of IJartford.lforlb Dru~, Medicines. Toij.et Articles, etc April 1, 1877, at par, io payment for ao1 blemeo, a splendid workman, de110"ing This moroiog we learned rr:11n one of COPPER WARE. Drft hndon aud Edi.D . of sueeeaa, and we wish him oobonod· burgb F1te Jbtru'UICO ()oiUpiD1C'!. of the Compaoy'elande ( lllong iw pre­ the two geoUemeo who accompanied t7' Dooling, rlumbblg and .To"- McNAUGHT & LEABY. ,cr Prescriptions carefully compounded, day and night. eon' bia11ed road) eaa of the :Uilllouri ed proeperity iD his aew Aeld of labor." him te the eteAD:er'• whall 011 Frid:1y ~ptly~ &o. . - \

PUGET SOUND DISPATCH SEATTLE. W T., THURSDAY. JANUARY 2g,t87--l- !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~ ~-~~~~~~~~~~ :~~~~~~--~~----~~----.. led a cas& in point, on ono of tho North· As Ex Suo: a Col.GUSS.-Tbo Con ,. lugd ~ouml ~i$pn1ch. westl;nl ra.ilroc\da: Tho Saporintondent ~DircdQrysays: lohnR~yncb GR. .AND AND Sa.l.e O:f" S1;ook Dexter Horton & Co Yllll a rnp!tlorious coxcomb or a militia or Misl!iaippi, a fanner &laTe tells bis SKATING CARNIVAL -or- , General, wboaltMUptedtoridooYerlbo ator,-inlhesewords. TI:eeompilerhas -AT- EDSON'S PUQETSOUJII TUfGRAPH CO. BAN'K"Jii ~. •zRf!'IH :BPOJt:l· .... < < .eru:rofl t111lll people lh·ing ~n tbo route; he ehaDGed nothills: "John R. L!lleb. or ftea"ttl.e B 1nk T ue TRtsrl:mUtTn PCG.P:rioOD bullied every mau e:nployod under him, Natcbn, waa hom in Concorc1ia Pansb. --oY-- T.lqcnJ·b C.'IZII*Ir oe'tll' fltr .ale to 8lod: SBATILB, W. T. -..we w 7, .Ja-. ll9 lS74 d ,._ , ! b Y- ~~.~·~.'u"'o~la~•• ••ftlllalalacabud,a& eut 0'1100 ..., ~oecounv o OYOrJI one w o ~. September lOth, 1~7, a sin e, aud Tue.iayMeniq, Februa..., S. 187i. ... "' • ~ ·- - -'·'- d d -·•···al t ... ···' -J be l>f'pomta and ICI001lllla f w-uuwe woo or~~ 0 '"'' rvau, be remained in siii.Ytty untiletnADeipat~ eal.llll'd""'aoc~a,. lo...._proreta ,_..._, ~ at fMIJIO'rllbre. .. m -'"eel bpt Rbjd to Cboek 01' Draft. A Pouuo E.'-r:liT.-Tbere i" o. paper and wonietl neq poor man who bad a b1 \be nault of tbe rebollion. receiving ,n J>IIOPIUXTOU o• nw After30 da.Y•. 8ro4boltlltnr WIU be •nUI.Wkl "'· h' • ..- pi/'OMirt~o>Kiaha- ... tb,.,. _,.r.q"'"'uffO Intoreet ~WNOD &imo depollta ftom published occnsiono.lly-awut once n claim tor dBmagl!8 out or "' dues uy no ec.rly educntion; a pn.rchnser or his S£AnLE SKATING RINK J)('r Shill(', 11 moutb-11t tho Lnntl lllng town of lie- contesting it to theextremjt} of tho l11w. mother cmuicd her with her cbildre.n to Tate p1t·u11rt 111 u • ulllldoa l.batthcy will Afh·r GO "Y" an "'matnlal( @bt.n'11 i011aU be date of depoaiL gin a cnnd tlla••N1 OU lbc IWirkU for IJl)' putdi&8Cr at $tO lall'a, which rccoivcs almost its solo Ue wns conc•dco! to uo tho most actiYo Nutobez, where, when the Union troops l:iKA.'l'IXG CtRNIVAL J•·rtlhan•. Sieht ExcbiUlgo on Portland, Baa Tlllll:O • (llf uAra. JamiAty ud Francisco and New York. 1111pporl through Sprague nnd Smith , by nnd eilicicnt rnilrC\ad ~nperiutondtnt in took possession, h e o.ttended enning ..,. 111 11 Tuu»o•~< 0,!(~,';,~··.~~~~~~~~b.ol!l<>n, Gth, b7 money drawn from tho trensury of the tho conotry; but tho CliiiUI\ltlea upon school for n few mont he. and hQ.. bill! M,.Jc will be turotlhlod by Jaa.ttnm J.uu:s G.~~ Money loMed on approYod a.e• rity; N. P. Railroad, nod not ha••ing probably that railronJ during hi~ aupuriutoucy since, b! private study,ncquired a good WOOD'S STRING BAND. . ' Bonds, Stocks and o\ber yaJuableo ,.. a hundred regull.r subscribers. is issued far overbalanced the Ynluo u! his 11orvi~ English oduention. lie engnged in the 0 ONl'! UlOUIIKED WlL':. JJE ALLOWED ceived on deposit for ao.tepeeping. for no other purpoie lhlln to defend all ces. and the Compnuy cxpondccl thon- busincl'll of pbotogmpby at Natc·bez un­ N upou tbo lloor until 10 c>,~k..,k, wbPD all Collectiona maio and prOC(foda prompt. tbe rasc:alitiee of tbe agents of the Land &D.U<1S or dollars o.unually in diaeovenng ttl 18GS, when Governor A.wes appointe-! ~.:::.u~,;, s~ ::::e~per cb&raml'll will be OUT! yremit~. CUrlagte wlll bo on hand tor 11117 fihl41"8. llina. in wbos.e inton~~~L it is published, sud conYiWog th' authors of tlao ens- bim Justice of the Pe:~ce. He waa alee~ Doon •P"l' tt 7, otatla{l to nwmrocc a! 7" and to auail o.nd misrepresent every ultiClO, without materially diminishing. ed a member of the Sto.te ~a1 ature e'f t't..Wmae ~wo.Jd Smttle &WallaW~Ia R,R,&TCa. tbe aetUue and C:fs!roy all the esl.kb~ no di.flienlty betweell lhe ComJ!eny and ing 15,:r.ll TO~ against 8,o!30 Yota !or .ll.LL KIJYIJS OF do> •dl 1o N door to Audf ·or's Office. --oli-- Cbln7~t. s-~e~r?.·:~~ &uftt of th!' gang Of Jand-pirntes they 'Wmch the rights or tbe people baYO befn the Cbielal.'O JOIJ.TTilJl1re to.ke this: sunu, w. t . Tho Graogu'S of Iowa bave ·purcbas~ .Monday, Fib. !e8rd, 1874. npre~~euL That we are ma1e U!o spe- ignored or disrq;arded b] tho Soperio· FURNITIJRE I eial object of attack by rbat p:aper, is no te:nJent or tbo line from Knla ma, can od th• entire p;l~t of the Werner har­ m ore than we coulfl reruwuaLly expeet draw their otrn conclusion. Thoru~an t14 vc~tcr, anid to 'Ue a superior machine. No per!IOu will be admitted unmasked. from lbe determined 1111d iodept>ndeut of i=oceuL Ji.,es bnvo ba!'n ,at>rifit'ed by Tbl'y bue made a coot:met for building N;, Ticket. will Le sold at tb11 door. CLAYSON & CO. manner in ,. hicb wo ha•·e tlefeoded the lhe s.nn:;<'S npoo our fruutior in revenge tbcm iu this city, so as to sell th.em for Ticketa ~'-= 00, to bo obtained at Plct;ur es nnc:l F1·t:nn c001, pooplo agaitii!L tho outrlg~s, actual o.nd for wrongs lilcy b:\\'o hnffcr<:ll fruw tb(J $1JO. It is tleSlgned to have 1,800 re&dy Rossell &: Co's. Fomitnro Store, intended. of ill1 mMtcT9; bot it is are- rapncrl! of nll8.lropnlous while~; and for dcli\·ery Juoe b:, oe:rt. Contmcll! No. 10, Oommerciul Stroet. UphoJst.er~ e-'.f:>:llcr UJe smnll coos:id- probably an cqunl num!Jer lu. fO Ito en 1, erntion ol nn occnRioonl ndvertisameot, sacrificed !Jy Hnvngo whites to nvonso Mncbiue Company. by which a reduc· Orand March will be played D oors, S asI WOOD AND BARK I Ju.pnn nnd O hban., For ~ole . onr city cotcmpornry furuibhcs nmuni- the iosoloueo au.l outra~;os ot rni lrond tiou to tho Gmngo of forty per cent. is AT l) O'C!.OCK. --o-- tion to thn (Juomy. which they shoot offiomla. lnr"- U. UlLLJ'\", crc..oc.Uting nud tlenying tbc authenticity lJcen made to tho HO!;(I1ltH of tho Uui· uny of tbo old combinntions or cnltiva· iafnctiou f>'lllll'l\Dteed. Whlcb they 1noposo ~ ll(lll o.c n:ENOW PUEPAIIED1'0 DEl.TYEn 'WOOD Mnsio by Professor Wood's Qundtille A and BArk to &TO)' JHU'I or Beall to at tho tol­ of the 11tntcrut·nt "Lil'b nppcnrro in the versity ugaiusL l'rofc~IIOr llrll for nuwi~ wr riugd. The Nntioual Grnnge;iu I'ob., Baud. Agent for ll'.Jeo:lt:r & Wilson'11 Sew-. lowln {l ~·~n:.blc n&h•8: 'll'ill probaiJJy complete tho work nlrently iug Mncbinc. lG inell W. oo ff 7~ per cord: 21llnrh, S4 10, Ih8PATCTI, thnt Oen. C'ns>l bad tPlcgraph­ ling colored children iuto tho IICbool, 'fho net proecodA to lio for tho bon ~.6t San Francisco wholesale prices. 'l4 intb, •Pill flll... ~~ 70;'l ' lucb, COIU'IIe, S3 eo• ed ~ Mr. Denny to open r.egotinlions and oue p:u-ent- a v~ry arc!ent nml ac~ 1DIIUJ.:umted by the State Gmnges or of .Professor Wocd. Bark per -ord. f;l !10. ' Iowa and Illinois, and devel:>p to fnll t [V" Special attention paid to UNDEJJ.. Me rch11nts 1\Dd tr ocltr•l d X. B.-Qrdor Jlox at Mal..,n'o Bulrbar Sllop, lot t'xt~udiug tbe rnilro:~d to SentUe, ti're R epublic:m politician ·-bas Iuken eattlo, Jnn. 23, l!i74. torn~ liiU aDd Fn>ut ''"" 1•. WOUir nthnuta~;o to purc:hUlle of Uua u;,r ~ml.b and CltflTJ' "'""'lll· 431 and eommtutll upon the same as rot· bi3 o\nl cltii.J.ren out ol tho a.chool ou c:ouapnny. 000 Grnogcrs implements on terms klwa:' thaliiCCOUUt. AJJ JIIIC:O!.!o!On UfiOD tht Seattle S_.,..._katin.... Rink TLi• ill the only direct importing - "bich wiU eomP"l " breakinjt down of CASKETS AND COFFINS "AD inrormant from Seattle expt'lins proprictiPS or lbhr qnc..tiou wcro long At Sehnbacber's uhl Store on tat.!W.wcnt iu Wll8hiub-tou 'lcrri10ry. ' kl 0.11 how tbll ~lory CBl.lle to be SW.rted. since !ort CoolmlltCW Slrt.i>L. • Constantly on bo.nd_ Give me a call. whicll WU In lbtJ; ..;..... ; J L set-ms that of tbe lan.t gruuuut~• to n ory c:olortu thew. Tnesdnya, Tbund11ys 11ud Saturdays JOHX S. AN DEru>Ol'f. the funds J>mtl to Geu~ntl Tutou about citiun all \be ch-il, aoeial and pulilic-.U from 1 ~ to 3 10 o'clock r. x. dNnro tho lll>t '"CAAl' ODI of I he Sea!;. C7 Wo elip lhe follo..-ing dispatcl: E\cnings. from 7 o'clock~ 10. rights secured to nny white dtizeu nn "e and W. \\'. milro-.J c-seLc•JO"r: 3ll•l from the columns of the So.u Francisco A.dtni.wioo ...... 2;; een&a. Administrator's Notice· CLA YSON & CO'S• ~ one of the dir..-loN~ of thi• ~<•wut, l <.~ der the samo eonwtioM. Every child Ladres Pree. eomp1ny ..- ~~lou g t& 'tlintlo! tttl bon­ ;lll'l: Use of SkR~ • • ...... • .. . 2;j cents. 111 I be Probate evart or Ki:tap Conntr, wa..~~. of .\frican d co.oou L born in thi~ eouutr;r hr~toD T~rnrUl)". era' at Wasbw"tou, 11n<1 his ·~pouJulix' Wun~oTo~, J a n. 12.-A serions dif­ c;::r llall ~ Jet 11t lka010u11ble RAteo~. Seud your ordera to hAs the s:unc ri.;ht <>f acce.'l.o; to our pab 1u lh• ""''""•r •Jre Qo.partacn.loir r"'P' 111 INin~t acar«, tJ.e: U.·~us dkp.~tch stor,­ tit'nhy hns nrisen bEtween lhe Iudiwl .lppJy tO t.ho proprietOnl or tbe Rink. &ail ...tal>o ur S&.'U:ld .E. ~.~.~~. d..~·ol. lat., wu C11brieattd to llhlnt'e tbe sorcbe:o.d Lie school~ u tho children ut tho mu..t l·f lh·· .Onn of B•-ntou.~n..itJJ A. t~o•• dutn..: ltu.t.. Ptnco CauuuibSiouets an<\ the lat~rior blUTll & BONNEY, tk·~ at Pun BJ:a.U:1o·. \\"'W nrtton Tt·mu,ry. vecniea wbri bavo •blr-tl' 50 far n.s stock ru ivile-.;ed or CaoCIIJ'Ilian blood. Xo l'ropritlors. r"<>. At!nunf"'tn.t·l""' SCHWhBACHER~SROS. A 00. tnkenr In lbt~ \lc•1,"US rnilro:ul, to 'com., Oepnrtment. 'fhe Chairman of lbe .S\lClc-e ••! •'1U'\ivi.D::;.P:utn .. t£acher or srbool omc.,r bas any won Of tb• C'O-I>UlUcnJup piOJ.u1)' aud j OI"I .._tar.t oot' ncain 1<1.1Jlici~ut to put •.llnc' l!l P~.wu Cou.wis~ i oons bBS filed o. Jetter -or- legnl ot •&Jtl ol• Cta&'ll. fnml11 for n ' ~plur;:o• .' Accc:.r.liuft to old ri;;ht to uclu•lo ouo thnn tho othrr. of chnr::;llS "ilh President Gmnt. ill 'W OTICE lS 1ITI:£DY GH'~ TU.\T Lf..'T. :.>. F 1(- '001\IU~ S. F. CHA.P.Df, M.D. fn.~h i onod r·thrc~. this mu,le t•f • raisi,w.: If :here ill n ri ~ bt of tlis.. rim!nnbon it~~ New and Extcusi,·e .l't tc·~ u! Adatinii'troJO(crt.y aut! john .....U.t.. ur ...... u.l J'. Scz:a:t't1o ~- T. PHYSICIAN AND SURQ£01. M tliau riug in tho Interior Department, SruUb. cltet:at:A:-tl, 1!1-tc of tlt .. 11m1 tof l tNU• n Yory n(liY Sn\on nnwc, but :;eu:tle it exclusion or n wbito child rwm n public 141Uith k Cu .. iloiDJ: l>nhint'SB at Putt .Bia"f"h/ SEATTLE, W. 'f. la.ooll(l() bnMiUCMll," u t l~;ru•l corruption nod frn.,d. 'J'be S'to~k! Wt·rc· ->l:hool would subjccr tho tcnchcr or ufft. Wut>banu:ton 'l\·rritory, l ~ut. ll w WU'It~ft; ll4 UWU auul JL 1\. J:bm. Fut'l'!\~03 pRrlnPN of Oene>:-At K< lly •'< Oamcy's Dn1;; Ill oro. &t Jcsg tiJ:m tbrco.fonrths of the pn~ Iut.erior Dcpnrtmcnt is prepared to dOU)' -OF- cet· who cnn~f!tl it to n o penni eonKe­ ~•id Urtn of lk!oto u. Snrith & Oo., c,n tho l2tl1 Univarsity .Fund H&i1ll>E.'1Clt-Corncr Seoot:li Mtl Jamu alrcJOttl per from \Ybtch we copy tho nbove is of ttll theRe cburt:<•S, nutl wiU, on tba other du.y of Jauuary. A. D. 18'H, out or eli.-. l•rohAto quences. U nder tho Oiril Ulj:thiH net of Co>url of R)l.s"l' C<>u10ty, nro,.t;uld. 'fM ~ai d hnJHl, mniutnin tbnt tho Pence Comruis· the IIJ\Wt bluckgn11rd charncter, nbnsing Congres!l, to cxclndo n colorctl pupil nt ll&ving rlhilos ~st tbto ro.a,artn .. r. to 1?e trieu by Fcdnrnt <.:out 1>1, nntl pun >hlp JOrtlJI"rtY. or vr.eu or lllC l!:lid &mu• I .e. D. '1'. Wbl'elcr, UllYS for thdr publication be bcJ.rn.cl by La..-. those :ulv:mLl:;es aro tob'\red hy colorl..J tA,>Obltie>u or ma.rriage and death lately R Oiti%"0" or Stoattlo and ''ictnity, thnL Seattle Market, W...-ing )f'n!I('C} th(l PXtl'n..Jvl' 1 rcmi'IC~t for­ 'WlLLL\lt RD,I'().!{, holds a paulio r osition which makes occnrro.-tl nmr Lynchburs. \a. There c:llldrcn, to he eon,~t~nt, ...·o old njeet IDl'rl:r oeeoplod by STONE & .BUR­ ll. .L lUll, him a!IM'nabJo for tbo public aud per· !'anlrlna Pa:i.,crs of 1.00 f.-m ct ~ntoll. Comer Commercial and J tbs r hn a r Minlion nnd his h•pe• of 1rus a wtdJiug ot a country bouse, and XEr'f. on Doors, IICIDal outragf', Not n num'ller of that Suulh i< fu .and .1draini&t"""'" vf tho .,.,.pal1- U~v"n on the 5ame accoont.. tbe gue..ta docked in t•os and threes.­ lkhhop pror-.-rty wd ~~. t~74 . e f the trensUff cf lh~ lta.ilroou Co.• or .L'a> nt:t"&n'11) DO:I:M' A unOII.L!'ID L£.\JW, Blinds, who !Jns ruiui,tcrtJ to the I>rt ,1.) tr rhu p:•re< ..J her f wllich he =s I'XTL"ibJ\'K .t.UOJ:T)IIli'T o • A.UUl llt1~(v r ~. Ph c lp~ ~ cor.;:reration for 1w.urly two yr:u·• p'l;,t. ono o( tbe rooms, nnd covl!l'cd it with \V adlcigb Side Lights, and repre.cohng ns ns~>nt nL tLe Sll1lU! tjw.:. will shortly lv:ne for C:~liforni:l, 10hrc her sbnlfl. Olbcrs Indies c:1n1e, nod, tiUCCES$0llS TO :U Ul by bia prOcnrerncul tLn.t commnci bo p ropo3"s t<. rum:~ In tbo h twnee ar ~ciu~; tho sbM~l nn•l no b:lby, droppe:l Trauson1s tioe artl sbu.l<;R-<1 nud p~i vatc ch.~cter the winter, ro·luruioH to b i~ homo in Notice th!'ir sb 1\~ls on tho bet! uniillbere wns Ull U.\8 Ol•!:SIID TRII ~.U.IIl: IOU • \laekened by a chnrnctcrle!;S mgtJ.bond --(1-- JJOOTII, FOSS~· BORS1 Weio-hts and Cords Pitt.sbur::;, P enn., in tho Bl'rin,.;. 'fh; qnitw n pilo of shawl~, and whr-n they W:>D OI'IIC£ 01' 0 1.\'"ltl'T\, W. T. } with strui·allicial tt~dorsemcnt of the PUDLlC INSPECTION 1J4J.t.uul~r ;u, ll\tJ.' PTtOl'TtrE'l'ORS, alJility 11nu zenl with which !Jr. CN•I w ... ru removed a dent! ba:t.y wns founcl t -u.lf· d E N. l'. ltnilrond. bn! pliPu bi:i c'\lhog. n~;d hia floo l!(>(:i ~l OMPL.\J:\T l:lA\1!\(} DEl.~ JrNTEJlXD '"'"WCIA'"' Ald iulo o. scene of mourn• O'UrJ:m f,;r alwmdon.in ~ ltle IlOru(·ht<•ttd Jo:tltl')', Shop work ofa U kinds dene of the •took : :So. t:tlll. <1at~ 1 of Mny, Rt&T ov Tu..: ~rouNTAJNs.--Tho 0. 1:!. --- u•cJnt.kA. x.,.ttiN~pontl aml rurntJEll '<"htimonr Work Oxen kept for snlo. ltnmR, Dacon llllumptlni to d lsc.retlit by iotlireetion by Rev. Jo~bun lolcLnin, now a studuut N. Oo. ·~ telegraph lino reportil lhe wen­ Cttrpets, culll"t.rnlug ~uJd allcgctl ub.'lndt.IOIHtnt. Shoulclcrs uud l11rd. Sansnge11 of ull EUCENE D. SMITH wall literally truo, null if be bnd sense thor CllSt ur tb& mounto.ins quite eold. J . T.I;i\OW:S, llo ·~'is tSSion of tho Conrt o r Vo.ncOUYtr A. 0 Snow had fo.Jlen. all O\'er lbe whole eonn·­ Tobacco, IPSO F.ll.CTO F., three gentlcmt>n from WL~blngto o a!}ainst literal nrity, nt lho liwe b A allowed his try, but :~a cltffi aa H leU. The Oolum· Ci_gara, SpU'S, S.1.w Logs, Piles, or Territor,-, !t.jor E. W. Dt.ke, D. N. RUSSELL& CO man to IIIUil tbe people of Seattle on bia rose follr inches at Walltili\, on Mon· Etc. IPSE DIXIT. the llfOGnd tlut it ..-as a bbrieation., be Byde, I nspector or Cw;tow~, and Dr. 1). do.y night., bot rcllagainyesterday morn· Timbers, F. Chapin, were initiated In~ tho mya­ 17' The nigbosl Priee pAid for Fun! Tblll motto l.be un•Jc~ will adb6'e 1o Ia or .un EDD at elood sou- • ru 1.. In lbo eonfldenco or his em­ ing. ~. ealeof ~ llDmf'row;artkleo!: notYilMI.and. Seo.ltlo, January G, 1871. ployers than rmy tDrul wbo eTer before­ terirs " f F orestry, and wer•I:"'ntoo a A eorr"'pondent or lbe lkdrock JNnt. 1"3 l.be I'Ublie cur~,... mach of tbr Iauer l baTe aleo-o·~~n;t clau tiM! rurn'Wr ;,. ~;a.mu:>~.«!d who lhl<'cleo 1o be. llcld ao respon.nblt a position; for eo charter to EStAblish a Co•1rt of lho Order 01'7'1ll, writing from Weston nuder date He b.ae lhfo toliU'II'UlC 1o .u.-_ or: DEALERS ~t S~ttJe, 'W. '.1'., tO be Dllmet\ !be IILACRSliJTH SHOP AT LOWELL pi,. of Oeneml Cass' di~pat~b o.nd lli. of lhe 9lb, 8:\TS "lbe tbermometer was Administr_,.__ator's Notice. 1 Doubled R'lrrelled Shot­ Grand Court of Washington, No. 11,~-,:; In all atyln of Denny's reply were sent to Cllpt. Ains­ dO\\'n to 8 ° below zero about. the 15th 1.a tb• Pmbat~ O>wt or &liMp Oision wound up with the Nntionnl AutbNn. tbe mcn'!els still among tho folks: bot out or lbe Pf(l\>ale Oourt of Rlt""P Countr ~ MtmPBY, II. Waller, W. C. R., JJ. T. :'oiiiLn, W. afom!<l, olatro thu 18tb liar of ~u.-Null< r, A . ton & Sons, and others. BEDDING ef the ro11d, nod tbeso AS..'Itltlts D[IOD the no dutbs Ill report from that disealC, D. IA73, I. llrory Adam•.ot Klnt~ Olluut1. \Va•b· Conuncrcln.l ""'trcet. p eople aro merely tho (hiog c.;;ooies of S. and F. Saunders, I . \\'., will proceed laljt•B wbosi voeallon is to-day to s ~nttlo to innugurnto WoHbing· 17 or• oC tho Or· thnt, so f:\r, the women who hnve voted art b~rebr 11oi!Jlfld to prt•cu ttl• ~ ••we-proprrlr CifJI'T9, Tobnc:oo, Wines and the beet of R.ux;aQID- OlliTIIUOTi----olls.-Sioco the avouebfld - wilt In <> uti rnr from ll1t• dot~. der, o.rrivod b cro on tho atc:uncr North on tir o brur d:u b)' lhe bte lltDa o! T . 8. mW •ncb cb mtders in almost f ;.? A ;;irl. btuing-· b ~ r rui.tr.~ •~k Fatent Buckshot Roller I tYOrf COIDIDUillt)' \\ ht:re 8ufficit:Dt prOV· ber bu~!xtntl lo bring lJ mt'"!l ,,.d S•111 for Windows. ocar.iou 'ill ch·~u. J; hn:o 11!.-&in nnJ 'llilb bun ...-b o b o c •m• II ow" to c.liun~r GotoU.. &£&in been domoustrate.l tbatn milr~•d set tl\'o extr" 1 tl:es ,.._for tbu CJJ><.ctcc.J ALSO 11 GRtEN GBOC.ERY STORE 1 c:.anuot bO run lhrongh ns enemy's gut'S:S. __ Agent for the celebratod For Beef, Mutton, Pol'k su­ oountry with anJoty, 1111d tho mavngers r:i'" Mnl. l:itnnr~. or Lt\ Crosse, •Ulln't of n r11ilron! 'll'ho nUompt it, without an ~ltlllltttetes (bat bylltTI~t att•ntlon to gar cured Hams nnd Bacon tofrort to coucilinte or propitiate hostility nBTe nny Pppetitc, c.nd :lt r. l:itnnrt nt­ bu.Jutt~a lul will t•n4ca•·or to •upply Uh! \OlUllll I Ill• ... u.lt>n ... nl wll.b al11rltl l.bol • ..., or 1111· Wood's Cabinet Organ Corned Pork, Corned Beef.and engont!er!'d by tbdr O\\'D nets, fmnke tempte.l to crowd n tnrni1> down h or perlor qullltly. thront. Uis philnnthropio moth•cft wcru veget:1.bles ofa.ll kinds, in 'ract tllomsolvn • r">JlOII ~ ibl o for tho snctitice­ At bh< e~tabltRbmcnt,Corncll ~~ and .Pork; misuotlorslood, nn

and IDIIJ'1ied danghter, be wns abot twice lllono 'With buing 'l'iolllt-.1 con~litational cltarged per mile !or ueight or ~ngora qnato jnri.Jietion and authority to pn--J S. P. ANDREWS luget Jound ~ ispntth. by his son-in-law, Thomas Scboolf'y, law by persisting for IIOYeral moatba in cnrried by said Cempa.ny onr the eot:irt' \'tot lind punub impropt:r D'le of the a.~d died from the dec:tsof the •ounds oecnpetlunlof an omco •bi.b bo was no leo!!th of its road. Any oflicers round llag and na~l uual ebarneterof the "Cnited on the following day. Two' bells ..-ere longer entitlod to and with inangorating to han \'iolnted this law nre to be cleun· Stat4.'8 on llonrd Dlet chant nssels on OnTCIAL PAPEROt' TUl'> <..TrY. llred at the ..-omen. baL they both es.. Aahantee 'II'V without con1mon~ting cd guilty of mistlemecner snJ on con tho bigb •tns, or in Cort'i;:n porl.d :md Ston~s anrl Tin \Varc. -._tUe. wT . .ran. 2<> l liH.-- capcd onburt; one of the hnlls was o.f~ with Po.rlillment for which tho premier nction nre to be lined not e"Xceccliup pro'l'iding Cor 84.'i%nre of vcucls so open­ lcrwarda found in tho clott:ing Of 1\D i'l SOTCI'e)J' dODOOn<:ed, Dl•rOleli 83J8 be $1,000, to which may be added iu•tlnS· ly anti for punillllment of the pcrsom­ J,Um:110u.-At tho rciidenco of llo11 infant cldld of Schooley's haTing spent liod.R notbin~ dt>lluite in Glsdalone'• aa. oJliDent for a term not exeeeding G • ho fraudulently i"'uo U. S. papers. STOVES Biram DurneLL, in $MUle. Jcmnnry 27, il8 force before reaching the body. The dress reg~~rding hill polioy txc:opt that be mouths. Diserlminationa in favor ol Tono:rro, Jnn. 22.-Jobn LiviO(,''lltone'• 18U, by Itav• •T obn F. D:1mo:~, Cbt\rles only known canso of tho horrible act I intends to 11ppty '' lnrgo s urpln8 to ro­ passengers or freight ore also to be pOIJ" !>rolhcr, ... r. Lh•ingtone, re~>iwug at Lie. H. Burnett, or thiR city, to l\IIu Goorgio WI\8 delirium brought on by protrActed mission or Lnxation whicb woulc\ be the iHbQd iu like manner. 7he bill wns re­ towoll KI&YIItho l.l.tit teller which ro11cbed c. l\IcLeAU, or Port Lurllow. drunkenness. Tho p11rties held n ,·ery collrrie of nny mlulstry. ferred to the Jnclicinry Committee. bi& frloud~ iu Jo:uulnud fron1 h i11 brotl.ler STOVES. rcspectnble social position. The mnr- lnto'll~toncu hus just b• on receiTed or J . F. Wilson nod J. 'il. .Millnrd, Gov­ WRII•t .. tetl Aug., 1~72, f rom Uucunmbc P P.nSQliAL.- Tiou. (l. Slm•o o.ud T here ia no happiness or peace m· a · -n.--- dcrcd mnu wns nn En~tlish:nnn nod bas tha clenth of Dr. Lh·ingMtono, in tho in­ oromt•OL Directors of tho Union J>nctlo on tho 0\'e or hi ~ lcul'ing for the interior. Hon. J.P. Jntlson 11ro now in thiR city familr w ithout " GOOD OOOKIB'G been a mcmbnr of the Victoria City erior or Afrlc11. H o thetl or dyM~ntury R. R. have madu a report to tbo SN:rctn W~l!l.lr::trro:o~, J11U. 27.- 'l'he President prepsring cases for the District Court St~>vo or :R&Dge. Council. Tbo mnrderer wns n nati1'e of wbito tr11voliu~ f1'0rn Lnko llernbe to ry of the Interior, in which they s tnlo bas noroiulllcl',Jan. 25.-Yoetonl!ly 1\Cternoon $12,000,000 aow wu tnuning at a grcnt speed this annum. When lbia poiutja rt!llcbed, It Gun Co:con-r.-We 11r0 informed Iince. fie bad ~n drinki.ng baN for dnring 11 benvy lqDilll Scboonerf'rnnklin morning it came in colllltion with a.nolb· 000.Kilt(}, is no& diflit:nlt to see that lbe rrud wonld le1'ttnl i ays previous to lbo munler nnd Rogers ca~i 7.c ngo. Buct:'llll:, Jnn. 2d.-Cnrliats report aro so grt:l.l. tb:lt thor wooiJ not be un· AND l!lld whlll be hnd don.e, b o said bo hnd fi'IUiled a b.lt or "·bieb tbo following Tho tleeea!led aettllxl in thit1 pllllell in tbAl Snutander nud Portu:;nletu surren· derstood CIS firing $12,000,000 1\11 its mu­ TU.E .tr;\nk lw:wil• wrl remembered nuthing ore lbo l u~•dlng fenture.1: l st, Tlmt re­ COOK §'rOVE, 1851, sod btut always ntointnincd the dcred nncon~> nn imnm receipts. They caunothrostrons -bill miud • hnd been n blank since Htriellon or tho totnl nmonnt or b:tnk Wit~ .-! wilbont cxteullion, nnd fu c:harncter of an boulld~, upngbt n•no the 2'2J. 7bnt entiro si~tb bn~uoliou, ly nrgo tbnt some nlOJIUa bo dovhlcJ !or Wedntslny afternoon. circnlntioo 11'ho.tl bo repcnlud, w'h•ch is n number or nrtilloryuoeo mul cnciucertl, tbo locnli.ation or Lbe executive power either Vi , • 1: or Co:ll. and good citizen. 7 cctuivnlont to nntborizinl{ freo bankiug 1,200 n crolnJ:liiD 1\1111 ·100 J.l:lrioo rillos or the Compnuy. 'fbis once eaecletl. n AL;o, •>u~erul A.sKortm4.'nt of uu\ler provisionR or tho Jlrcscntlaw, ex· FoB C.&sun-- Mrsr.s.--'-fbo-- stenmor Olll· nnd two ennnon¥ full into their hnncls. multilnllo of obstacles which now retArd Vorni& anhnil horo on Satnrdny night S.n; Fn.L'Ictsco, J nn. 27.-Sniled, ship copt M mollified bs thu Commiuco. I'd r.JAunrn, Jnu. 25.-Amlrnl 'fopcle hl\11 nutl o\i~truct the d ~ ,·o l opement of hu;i­ Kitcheu Furniture .JoLn Bl'i[lht, fer Antwerp. 'l'b~~t rcqniromooL bnuks shnll keep re: " ilh 8bon~ 20 pnlll!ougora Crom Portl(lnil. rotnrnoil from C11rlngOn1.1 nuil reRumcd uoss throughout nil tbo vBst region of Ch•l\fed b.!tter to-dny import coolie lnbt>rers or contract in thi~ tlil11 rc~«"rvu g001l . SJ, Bo~nks &!J•\11 not Lead and Iron Pipe. BEAT I bn~ l.e is not yet out or iuu ttator; ord~r ~:ranted to A dminist.r~ttor J. La.IJ, A SimtJSOn, RnCus Xoi1D!lll, 00 neconot. 'fhO!'C .-bo know him best latioosbip or the 'liomcn. rl'portit g lbu lit II eontnluins these pro­ don(' ot short notice ~md in • worknlu. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I to sell real cslDle. !li~ r.. lit all the clo:tr.;cs m.ule no,"lht.l Lo:mo~. Jan.- The d4.'<~tb of l lr. Lh·· ,.i~ionu. Tbc'-0 lbrco wero Knowlc.s llajor Rueber.J. H. Curti$. ::Ur. Hunter, like manner. Guaranteed to Give In the maller of lhe l nMnily of -­ :\Ir. );. Cbnpn>nn, lli. ::UcKensie, lli. hi:u. lt i:t prou.tble IIU io 1'e~tigntio u ingstone took place in J•1ne hllil. llu Pbt•lp~ IIOd lJitchelt. ' lrilaon; round 1\Ud orJcro.l ocut GIV.~<.; 1\~l~f A. TRIAL. inllfln~' Clnrk. will be ordHeJ. ha 1 bc:~rn trn\'I!Uing over " pnrtinlly 11au Lo::oo..,, Jan. 27.- !;ipecalntion cou­ Bnti'l·e Sf~;tisj'actiona. Orders from abroad prompU! attend- to the la!ji\U& .\sylnm. J:'mnon-r.-A ThoTlo~. Scminhmo, 1 Or~eubnc ks OO(il!lO' ~· 1ucrgeJ c.ount.ry, and after wndins fou' tiuncK with n~nrl tu rl'IIIIOns which ed to. A.djourned to Junn~ ry 21, 1871, ol 10 pkg.; Crnwfortl k II.uriugton, 111!; G. WAAil l."Oro ~. Jun. 2:;.-'l'ho plnn of dl\rs through the wnt~r he wa:; sdzetl hy 01\lt!M!RE'\.V!!i· PARLOR t..liu tho nroouuL cbnrl(cd for wonld have oc-on otlici11lly fonmrc.lcd pl~ytic.l in prtpo.rution. Now!lpap<'u ore pll)i;..ed white, 11.u<\ a cnbin door. In for Silltn, Sntarday e'l'ening. trnu ~po rtn- lion of mnils aml tnrrying Rcrvico. 'l'be long before lbe prese11t dAle. tllk-d witb IIJIJIC•ols to tlllctorl!. Conae,• April -!, 1872. 201i another let tor, dnted Lbo 21ltb, )lr. Htrat• PollT D•scon :n:r, J'an. 18.-Sailed, BOX ton saya: "Tbo l uillanll r('J>Mt n sqo~e Co wpauy n>k tho llulted State;, to gnar- Pnu..u>EI.l'IIU. Jnn. 2G.-It is stated ol..-ctiout conte~ted. Tbcae will occupy ~bip Renre• .rolh huuber to S. L. Uus­ rigged voliStll Mhoro aomowbcro nt-nr antl.'e the intc:cat on fi\'o r~r eeut.boads, the liniL two weeks or Febroa"Y and tick & Co., Sao Francisco. th!Lt tho physicians of lbe rriucipal c'tica Quillebnte. The c\bin door I spoke or rnnniag for thirty y(af'll,to nli:nitro aum or tl:e Coiled States bnvo cowbinl'd to tht-J;e in l loron~:b~ lbt' time " etweeo. 21. -Arrived, ship War lbwk. Aft ..... • ...... nnnrnrBTll HBT£L HE A Tl Nc 1n 1117 forlller Iotter belongs to 80mt per mile; and In con.JderRtion such oi secure tho bodies of the Siamese Ll\;1111 P .>J:.T To~-:51!XD, Jan. 23.-0ak Bill BUSINESS NOTICES -o- , eeael'll companion ..ay. Tbero hl\tl accommoJillion the Com puny p ropose for aootomr, at anr prief'. STOVES, nrri,.e..l. been fearful w catb~ r down tbl.S .-Ay, lo pay tho G0 \"4.'rumcnt 0 h bt·rnl per- llitcbdl iotToduced a bill to create liD A first-class bou.o;e nn r.7 C:c.-r.u:. Jan. ?L-S3iled.Tran· Th'l fotl(l..-inl; po"'tRI cbnnges b'l~e J.:lnds. t\dmi.Won $1. ~ ?;_~ The be. ~cu or len 1 fllr tho Pt dtic con~ t : Or­ ...... SA~ FIU.."CISCO, Jan. 21!.-lo tho J2lb Dtr:.TJorrrtv. - Dr. H. lt. Frc.:l;md wiD fiets <: ~l·bll•b•J: Wllntcom. Wbntc-om be::Jt :ro-·ms nnrl beds of nny TIN WARE L-cDU'I r. ~ ~·'Afi""· -Th" .lrl" !'.-... rau:fC'L'oCO, Jan. 26.-..lrri\'E 1... ut hi~ ~m ,.... lll'lt door to tho llctho­ Cnunh'. W. T .. J <~llq •h l'owcr.J, Po ..t dht 1-:1 i,. "'}lUI (;IJ•,;n;h. in S(',11tlc, on warmlY and ~uor ,.:ly protc b ='1: •in't tbl' ~ laC' re;.-G r, J.) c.lu.rs from Sydn•y: Em­ hooro in the Territory .. 0 ll~t- r, Col­ at Pcscndcro, -was rosumcd. Mr. Ft.x ...... litoint GrRntille to tho Qu!lkbntc rivor, ~fnrlhll RiJL-ont Cor San Francisco. Ar· speech, stating the cirenm~tllllces or tbe housl. COPPER WARE. Huntington nt Monticello, Oowlllz Co., TON TERRITORY. to which t'ltont nr11 thu Itnft, Qncoll!, ri•ed, bk. 011k Hill from San FrlLllcisco. homicide. Mssra. Reynoltls and Cnmp J. OOLL!NS & Co., J>ropriotora. t::r R-:x,ling, Plumbing and loW.. w. T .; Stt'pbon C. Dny. Pntoobl\8 Prni­ Sc&tt!e. W. T., No,•.l, 1878.-tr Oha·lnt&utl olhPr •tronmA emptying Into bell appear for the prisouer11. A l~rs• lu the• wntl•<(•r lhu I:wn I f) !~ In t':o•l•·ru Ad•lltlou to &alii~ ships! Jn~t think or it! Tbel,.o town· suit against the City Gas Co.. to comp~l oil• I llrt n 1<1'1'" at"" he A< ohio• lu sold (':<>owty. Pat· n ted Jeane. 1866, to Peter Poneha. Colonial Hotel and Res­ ship11, .,..ith :JG sections oocb, covttr nn W.T. It l~t utt In lfluu f.tf ~l fSIUJ,tbl ~ V ·Ary,J.\ttomcyb tho forfeiture of its frsncbise, nntl to fnrNitiJ•·IhiOIIt·r. t•f\1,.-rt•ltbalall Utl'SOM in· taurant, t::tCLl:Bn'llLY TO THE DAlLY DLSPATCB. N&wnr:R.~, Jan. 2;;.• - A llonting spttr rtf'~ .flS YALl'. \ DLE lrEtHCnrE. JN CSE ore or 43'liK}DilrO mllctl, nod di'f!erly in the tt tn tb~ f:.U.t~rn Govcm ment -st., Yietoria. obim1 of JGO acres each. would alford wn.s di1100nred to·.il11y oMr tbs btoJLcb. &J'J• ar bo·f<"'• tb~ Jn lpo • t ...Ill C.•urt at W• State wllh m•rT•Ioo& •uc""""· • IIAt Ju..t city. nftl··~.ln tb~ Cllt or ~auh•. In taltl eottuty. on bt-H>Intro dn(~d In tbe~ J•lal't! by taotoOlrllh" CmCJ.OO, Jnn. 26.-Criticisms or ex­ It is supposed to be tho portion LATE DRIARD. t home<~ for J,72S familitt~. Y•t the np~ 1.'bo truJ of Robert Manning, for lbe S..rW\.IaJ. th• 2hol dar or Jantl.U)'. A. D. 111':4. l'be drst r~nm> wbo lh<'ll II bert', Olf 0'\'\1< r >b e· ulot u•.t I~•!Cf&Uted to laid Adn>lnu;lra. SuTTt.&, on Jefferson Dam continuing to be h•r 10 11<11110 IIIII• h t•f Ilk llalol noal All(!\IAI !n,III7S, puty or parties, who certainly haT~ not been vi!dble tdnce her linIring. P eople M&ln ... I h=e beea';a l!lllrl!ftt rur ..,ffraly...,.. h\•111 Ul'i OLD E..'!TAllLimn::DD~SU£118 ~ resowed in the 15th District Coart to •ball t... ""JIIIoll~ tot-rtbullow11Df.'t11, charge& the interest of lhltl part of lbe Tcmtory quito annoying; a friend of tho latter in great crowds were soon on the beech chronie bfllloas atl'4l debt• acali>lit •kl ~·· ~ ~ br """aero..~• a a,. ....Jt..r. ""a.n (' ... a\onT~, WID \• ttntion to II nol It rnrtb•r n.k-n.l lhal a Nti'1 or tbla or· tA 'rie.,.., to tAlent tbla TUt. tract or him. snd the greatHt exeittmGJtt pnftiled. ..a 'mel, 1: tn.-d llr P ,urlft'l E4::J'ptlcut Dl~ nor~>~:. -.lth mo.:• ~ co '"" eoao.fort oe Greenbaclts !ICXS~- tin "" rubiL-bf'd r... r rour 10-n ·-1D rr from the dtl!cno: ...,.. tbo-y b~ by1!0 6o0l! to nloable ln.nd for abon' 2:iO er 300 ln· lbe matter. Dans made' the following On the spar'• being beaebod it.,... care­ 11M E•rllt'o lllllh'n'U, a dallr ntonpapa pul>­ ·e h !DOll gxatl()1.11G l'ftUJJ&. I an"­ -·" a ronteDWUit'<' ur \ be Ut.nl ~ rtply which t.a r.ow before the public: Fred. Syl•ester ia the DUie of tho •ltb IIJJJ..t In aaJd &altlo. cliaMI fully distributed aruona the many relic W, K . TOU,IIIilge. to m-..4 1t 10 otbda llmll>rlJ tJilin.,.s. ~..t to thdr rn·~r. llE»PiliA, Tellll-, ~ov. 25. lbi3. Assistant Engineer of the stOllWtr Mc­ ncou lllc.U.I:EB. Tb~t d'o'L.'IESa.nJ CU:MBS are IIOt lOt.~ llnnters praent. Enco C(>t:>.-Tbo PresideDt Clout'\ ur Klull OuuiiiJ atOtftlald. do btTPb:r ca­ P . PO~ClN ~ Dti..LL\IU> llOOll atbdl~ 10 llleiii.W. Superrisors to-day remo\'ed Borkr I4rnn ken Indian aamed Iim• ..-aa creal· band. I have no~ seen any of the azti­ tlfy tbat U.o abc'~ acd fo.rt'!;<>ina Ia a full aD<1 On s.co.:d ~. tcr'll8 above llldA.c111il ill prl'parial: a mesaaJlO wbieb he will lug a ditturbaoeo on tho lllrN!l. 80 tbnt t:lea which you inform me H . !:.. Foote Phillips !rom th3 position of P rosecnt· Cl:uU'Cb- .... 20 send in to the &nate, after fin1t submit­ ~~=r:ln~~ ~b.. 'i.~ ~=..~~ ------Deputy llaraball Cbilberg arrested and bas •'Iitten in abuse of me, nor have I ing A.tto.rney of the Police Court. an1l obOilld nut bo ..old. ting it to the Oobinct, in Swbichl be • locked him np io tho woodtu block any dtslro to re.~.d .-bntc\'er he might elected E. P. Bachelder to the place. -~ JntnUmo.urw~nbneh- "·ill make a full but elAborate IILAlemont •~ UDIOIIt'tm)'b&QII,andaJ!Iudlhe lt>nse ncar tho :inr,.o.ror Oontral'a of· 11'1ito. In tho ye:u- of l Sil I pnuli!bed A Ja.rge nwnber of people len to-dny 1 - •ul •f O<l Cp off tho effect" bim Sll constitntioMlly a liar and bia 0 ernl procef'din~t" in Loni,illnn in BOp­ Acting Olult. or tho bad whiskey. This bonso is di­ tiUbiOnch dnlo, therefore, I have taken no or Wheal is qu•tallle nt 2 '25 for good ME~CHANT TAILOR. b~ed by Oongresa. orJori ng n JJOw election in I ~h i pping grndes. M. R. MADDOOKB, some six inches thick. Enob room wl\8 tbe uUernnces of Foote-. His finLtory LOl1lsinn\, althflugb ho bl\8 no hcaitn­ Barley, feed, 1 35@1 45; brewing .1.1.. JOJl.NSO.N',ProprietfJ.,. fernisbod ";th a strnw bed null 11omo ";V!ien h • wos SQt~king political profer­ Uon 111 snying thnt thor• Is no donut .... :JCENNY ,_, blankclij. but no ether furoitnro. Abou~ roeuL In tbo Confed&racv, and his abuse 1 50@1 80. thnt tho lnte election WILli 1111 orgBnized nAil Jl1ST RECEIVED DY EXPRESS Oats, 1 50@)1 80. Drugs, two o'clock tlliR morning. llllru08 wtre when faithless to his trnst ns a reprelleu­ frAnll from btlginning to C'otl for t be a Jut or I!OOCI• lu hi~ line, atl»ptM to the JLL OOMP.,RE FAVORA.'RL~ tolivo in Congress of Confedernle Slnte• llay, $1~17. W with IW1 hotel on tho N1und•• seen issuing Crom the Dlockboui!C, and b,ncfit of thO! o nnw in pos.iCSI!ic.n of 1l ] 'n.ll nnd Winter Tmde. by the limo tbo llrst comurs rrnched the that be wns preparing for b:ssubsequeul Potatoca, 90<@1 16. Chemicals, the Uovcrum11ul of tbnt Slnl«:. 81111 tbnt Jlu t•prc'p&r<•ltn ruml•b on lbafhortut"""' scene of tho fire tho wboltJ boose wll.S 10 desertion to their enemies, were nlikc lhere bas o•wt r yet lH:en n fair account W ADXSOTO~, Jan. 'n.-Commitll'<• •I Ilk! ortlo·r anytbhtiC lu lh~ line or 01'11tl•lllf'Jl'o ~·.,ut b'o lak-' lAze nnJ all wntl q-:iot within. When dl8r~.mled by me. c.-r ....It¥ uf ll>o ••1"'-' at._....,.,... oCt be 1 oiNJ; thnt t bo pre5ent result bas ngreed to report nd"erul)' on the I"ostnl blo t•r1.-..... Patent ltledi- ,\mcl'ican £xchange. Yon nro~ nt liberty to use this ns ron -,.. wll.S brought nocJPr control, it b4:en rcncboo by disboueiot mcnlll! too Savings Ban.k BiU, but in order to ghu Seallla. !.pt . ~ PU ouud that tho boJy or the poor M - think proper. I remain rtspectfnll.r well known to bo rcptntt'll. Still, it io; friendA of tllo mE'IISure liD opporlnnH.r cb1.es, etc. was all coUIQmed bill n few 1mall 1\Dd truly yonr>. his opinion, tt.11 r«~ully pri1'Atcty <'X' to 11d•ocate it in lhe House, it wl\8 ar. R. ABRAMS' JU'FERSO~ DATIS. of bones. Tho general enpposi· pressed, tbnt Conl{re&s has no more •nngcd su thAt the bill'lrith tho ad1't:J''I£ LIVERY srABLE, PRESCRtPnONS CAREFULLY COli tion is ~ bo went to bed, lighted lua Lo11nLL, Yass., Jan. !!6.-The citiuru; n"tt to order a oew elec:don in Loa illia· report sbonld be put on the cnlendu for POUUDED. pipe, which was found io tho at.bto, and oC <:hllmesrord report a sbock of e:uih­ n; thnn it ba~ in any other Stnte. be­ discussion in CommiUeo of the whole. Cor. CommcrcW and WuhlngtoD Sts started to have a comfortable 11110kc; bt qM'ke whieb iibook lbe buildings yester· canso of loc:al conlllcLB, all Swes now ALSO, DEALER IN Oy.~ters in e1:ery NC"' Y(IJ~X. Jan. 'n. -The Cono&cc.ok S.E.ITTLE, W. T. Strjle. dropped to sleep, tbo COllis from the lilly noon, cnusi.ng conside.-ablo alnrm. "-ing on an eqonl lll&tn~ io lbe Cnion, of lbo Steiner bmily, four memb4:rs of rpbi& Linry Stahle ill in the eentre o · ~Liquors, pipe set the lltruW bOO ou lir•, and lb• Cor ille·!lll or uucou litulioDAl iJ~tcrfer­ .1. tho dty. ru:d to prrsollll du;irol1ll o Wines, _,tc. Private Rooms for ladies W4SUBGTO~. Jatt. 26.-Coogressme:n •·bi~b were bnmed to deatll with their EIDOke fiiDOtbercd him u be ln.r. Olb· are alre:Wy beglnning to speeu.lale con­ fcnneo0by any branch of Federal Gov­ buYing ~:r:,~. CaniagM, nnd spirite OCitR no26 some one to let him ont. Tbeso con­ \\'il'10u, or Indir~na, bltrodncro "l)illto tb11l the Uonsc h4s assumed snob 11 ros· je\\'elry belonging to the tlead cannot bo "· ABJ.U.liH. flicting thco -ic& are not likdy to bo clef­ dny iu lhe JloUSt ordinnry freight or p118scngors destined for nny Contmctor and Builder, ~ ~ SIX BROOD M A R ES~ t».A .P ~-;I~ IIA.NGING npproprint.iou LiUs. 'llntion or line on tbat rond, or ou tho w.s~GTO:S, Jnn. 27.-The Commit· N MASONRY, STONE, B R I 0 K or exccllen~ $tocll. The ~ll!f'tll'll'lll 1;n r11,.. Douo 10 Order Mun»u IN VJcmnr.& . .- A horrible do· lino or tho O<:nlrnl PnolUo lt It, nud to tee on Judiciary hnve onclcr ronRitlom­ L ol'OON, Jtln. 2G.-Disr:leli, in nn nnhu•l~llro n• II\' mestio trngccly occnrrcd nt Vieto1in ou dce3Rto bis constituents in Benninglcnm onrry tho ~1\lllO to ill! deaLinl!.tlon wiLb· llon Gen. Butler 's rosolntiou instruct­ Wot'k. tbefoxm orlrr. Yanue~•. on I he OtiWIIDIISb rlv 'E. (;A LVERT, l:!•n .I nan T.hM and PIAIUrh>l llair alwa1• <'1', And wilt lxlsold at n bnrgoln. l\St Tbur.;Jny ovuniug. Ad :\lr. U. 1/or. !!Cekiog reelection, slron:;ly comlemu~ Oott unnecosR•try dct:1y, nnel to dlltrgl' in:; it to inqoire rmd r<'port wbt'lh~r ~lilt Rt1cet, SeAttle, W. T. R17 J. W. OAMUELJ.. Oct. :l:.!- tt u wns 5Cntv,l a~ dUl'JIOr with his wife courso of Governwent. Cb:u-ges G lnd· thoro!o ro no mo• o liCit_ milo tbnu ill Courts of the United States have ndc- on hallll tor wo. opl23 1 PUGET SOUND DISPATCH SEATTLE. W T., THURSDAY. JANUARY 29) 1874-

explosion lasi n'ght in tho bitting mill boarl d~Mc~se. Recent storms hue filled question "Do you lor¢ve her?" he A Clu.ll.lcrumno 5To1Y Ol' AtwiBU.­ Lere dOP.S ooL show any earelt$SJI-. tbe ditches and all the mioea in this said •· Yes. I to.,- cargo wns damaged. 15.t.N Flt.t.NCIBOO B.lli.-Io a reoont de.. builtliug \fl\ll eutiruly eouMuruod. 'l'ho very lighl. lf there ia not another rise lle6ming to take his thought off the suiJ. J•xr.sm.u;, Jan. 21.-Tho Stale tailed survey of San Frolnoi!ICO Bar, by Crichton's Superior bnsgdgo in tho 0. D. & Q. lt.It. btlggngo behind this oo further trouble ia anti· joot on wbi~ be "1'1111 enllBged, picked Grango is in session here. 'l'he Grnnd Assistant Ger&hom Bradford, 110\el'ltl room Willi ncnrly nll lost, only a !ow cipated. np the hitching ltl'ap, tied the horae, ALE, ~faster delivered an address lbis a!le,... shoal spot11 or lumpa "''Ol'O dlacoYared, pii'Cta ~ing IIA'fed and tden to the Scul!lf, lao. 23.-The trial or Wat­ and went on, lea~ing tho olBer ignor­ PORTER and noon. sh"win:; a ftoorisbing coodiliou of haYing about ooo Cathom leu than tho freigbtdcpoi aci'OII3the street. Bagaage kiOJIOu ror tho murder or 1. L. Robin· ant t.bat anybody had dune him a favor. L .llGER BEER, tbe order. Tbe report of the SecretAl'J average depth; and the line ol Yater b the odl~r room, 10alb ~nd, was uved 10u, at Valleje in Febrnary last, resulted - -:&.un Ldtt:r. sho'C'S that there are 350 anbortlioate across the bar has not beeu determined. (JOOK!N(}, On Drau~kt and Bottled. the llrt' being put out betvro it reached granges in the State and that they are lo-daylo acquittal. By authority o! Profeaor Benjamin ~Tho , pasaeDgerS on an eastern­ t hat !ar. &mo or it was however, 1"8- CoJ.tnOICI, 0., Jan. 21.-Io the Sen­ p L."lLOR OTI'LEDALE-:;.'DPORTERON- constanUy increaaing. Peirce, Superintendent of the Coast bound car were amn.sed one aften~oou B JilO'fOO to a pln.co o! w.fety. Notlling ate this alte~uou a bill repealine the .~ Iy ~~ J?ftdozen,qnarta ; ~l t:!-5 A'l'LL'n:.l, J1111. 21.-l'be State Grun~ Survey, this notiee is iaoed in advance lately at the ejaculation of a good-natur. A NIJ Bo WI\S aaved !rom &D)' of the c.ffices in con­ A per dozen. pints; ~ttles :o be retomed. met bo:re ~-day. Seventy graos;:ee 1rere Doeul railroad law, passed with only of the regular aai!iog direedou which nection with the depot., all being swal­ et1 condoetor when told by a dead-beat ! ! .In cue~, per doun botlll!l', represented by ll.-e bULdred delesatea. ooe ~:~•g:ati'fo vote. will be drawn up when tho work of S T O V .E S fitC:::xtm lowed in tho cowwou destruction. The sur­ that he bad nol.hing wbeTOwithal toG pay LoJ>'OOS, lao. 22.- A large cot~n fac­ Tty ia compte~: AXD STUART CRICHTON, tracb were tilled with cars and most o! .L~.us, 1an. 21.--ln the Join~ his fa.re. " Ko ticke&l No money I Convention oi the Geuenl A.aembly tory 1u Gwgow wu destroyed by fire I. A small apol with •X fathoms lies Yoa just bouoce right ou\ u the next them Wl'l'O aaved, but tho m•n weTO UD POJtfA.BJ.E KAN&JS • tfnl- Seattle W. ·T- to-day, Gov. Willian Pinclrne y Whyte t~Di8bt. Losa il estiJJiated It £150,000. S. 5Y. o W., distlllll G.O miles (rom Boo­ able to remo ve~ a numh.:r or fule pa.'!.'>en­ alAtion ; poor bousesarefnlldown.Eaat." w:LS decbred duly electe.l 'Coiled itates Four tbouiiUid oper&tives were tbro'II'U eta light bon.o; and 15. 'l7 ° W., diKiaot Ever Pagel Sound 1 «U Clll'll. Tlto total lou is e.umated at brought~ ftmericaD £ xchangc. Senator for a tenn o! aix years !rom out or worlr. {.3 mites from Seal Rock. A s.cond 17' Whell Agassiz. while engaged in between $300,000 and SiOO,OOO; JUSur• DUCK'S CELED.RATED llarch. 1875. A dispatch !rom Peoang noporls that spot witb the 8IIJD8 WAter lies W.Y. N., 10mt investigaliou into cerl:UD species ance unkno wn. Tbo tlt'VOt "'M n fmme ICXABDS OF TU£ AUERJOA!'< EX­ Nr..- 0JtLU."B, J an. 21.-Tho eosine of the Acb•nea coutinue to m!Ue a desrer>­ distant 4!3 )'lll'ds from the former. of mdia*, waa invited lo lecture be­ one, put up a/t('J' tho great fire tor tem· R tb&oge I!Htanrant, bavtng coudlldt'd to 8 freight tnlin near Pal!ll lfitcbael ex· ate resiotence te the occupation o! their II. A small apot with 4Y. f11tboma, fore Western ly~ums at the rate of $500 t;OOK s·rov.E, ..,maiD perl~an ExcbaD&e plof tho &mldon dontb or tho Siaml!se twins 11r111y hns been roiuflorcod. Oysters in every Style. states that tho l:inruo.un D&y Co. iH u~go · second spot with tho anrno wnlor lies N. __ Snturtlny morning, nt their residence 1\t tl" Tho New York Graphic announe­ tinting in L<>odon o lonn f~r ~6,000,000, U.t.YAIIA, Jan. 32.-C!Iptaio General W . distnnt 545 ynrclMf rom tho tormor . Kitchen :Furniture Private Rooms for ladies llouut Alroy, Surrey county. Obnng OR 110rionsly that it propos11s to publish uud 11.'1 part r f th<> n~gotinlion tho com­ Jovcll:lr hns nsltcd for ad1itlonal reio­ III. Off tbe west cu port duty wholly !!pecilic without Foott', of Cheshire, Conn., WIIIJ declnrlld progr.. 'Ba wns watched as closely in Eu- Order& from abroad promptlJ attead- E»quircr !tom Cht1rleatoo, \"n., fl p '>rts regnnlro vnloo. thot llichardson so l!lto ns ycs terd~&y by President Stile~. ot Yale Colll'gu, !ul· ropo a.s here, and the daily phases o! od to. a grcnt tiro in tbnt oity, wbicb oomlllen­ avowed tbut be entenlainod no lnlcn­ WASUISOTOS, Jon. 22.-Tho President ly q11alified in overy wAy, except in re the situation "'ore tho text nt the !imo Francnthal Brothers' eod this morning in Engnn's bl?ek nnd acro~s Th~:y tion of resigtJiug tcutls to ronclur tho ru­ on Tutl8dny oftcruoon \nil ootertnio at n ,::nr.:J to Sl':>:, to bo rect~ived as a pupil lu !or telogram3 tho Atlnntic. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! 1leetroycd in three hour& nll tho bonses D RY G OODS mor v~ ry tloubtfnl. tlinner the Justices o! tho Supreme tho fresbn::nn clasHo! tbnt University, aro conohng the cost of that little Mo­ [ii'"Cnll ond oxamiuo before pW'Cl-u­ A~D on ~be squnre between 011pitnl and Vir­ ()onrt of tbo lJ. S , ntul o tber guests. doc Wllr io Wll8biogtoo. The Qnnrter­ ginin&lrcots, oxcopt the Knnowha Valley Nt:w YoRK, Jnn. 22.-Tbo b11rk I,o• inR elsewhere ..,{!] C LOT HING HOU~E. ST.Ioll\'ATtOS--4 rs Loms:ANA-- .- W ABDtliO; mnster General raporte that, with SOlllQ 'l'bo coo1111ission of Obiof Justice b11:1k nod tbo 1\laJ~Qol o 11nd Courier bnil· bnve, bound for Buenos Ayers from Snn ros, Wni to ball nc.t boeu prepared, nor is it Janunry 5 .-ll1abop Wilmtr, of u yet nnasoertoioed expouditul'OS, wbicb · 81'01Ut Ol!l llingd. Loss, $JOO,OOO; ID.auranco about Francisco, put into Rio Jnnoiro with Lonisia11a, called upon the Pre&ldcnt to­ known when lie will comu to •''ashin~r­ however are elllJlll, the Modoc war co11t the loss o( mainsail auJ other clnru 11ge. CDMMERCIU ST.. SEAnLE W. 1 $35.000. ton. t!ny, and r('preseoted lbnt many pert!Ons $ 335,()(Y.).7G. 'this is exclnsi.-e of tbe ... __.,.. \Ve would announce to our Sbe had been spoken Xov. lolth i11 Lilt. were atnrvi ns in th11t State. Tho Pres!· WASUL~OTOY, 1an. 10.-M . R. Wnito, IlnA!!>IA, .Tan. 22.- ! dispatch &nJ& pay, clothi»g and anoameots of the ""· P . Al'IDREWI'ii5; patrons and the tr::ule in gen- "~ Sl o 50' 110ntL, Lung., 700 12' west d'!ot and the Bil!bop ~ub&eqnt;o tly bnd e>f Toledo, 0., bas been nominated fur tb11t nccordlug to 11r~«io.l reports the en­ troope engaglld. To catch these war· April -l. 1872. with reain 011ast gone by tho deck and 2011 crnl ~hat we confine ourselves ChieJ Justice. The nomillllolioo of Mr. gagement at Los Melones, oearCamap· on ioleniew with Speaker Dillin• lind riora, their aqua'll'll and papooses, cost her rnizze.n topmost carried aw~y. Wllilo appeAred to a I!Urfriao, bu~ i~ w~U> ry, G;;o troops under Espnnda met 1800 members of the Loniliiana delegation, about $2,000 spiece. entirely to the following Jines W ~GTos, Jan. 23.-Postmastcr ot and tho result of the cootercoco is re­ 7e!errcd to tho Judiciary Committe,lllld lDl'Uf!;CUI.is, llDd after a severo fight of of merchandise in which none .lustio, Te:ms, telegraphed Postmaster will d onbU- be con.l!.rmed to-morrow. bonl'll 111d a hill! tho l:ipaniards pGrted lobe that to-morrow Ropt~nta­ 17 Tbere are at least live iistlnct Dr. H C . WILLISON General to.day that both Da'flSand Cook &ix reoo shnll ontrank nor undersell us. All parties appc~~ r ~ cousidcT that it is live Sypher will introduce a bill aolbor­ olall&eS of oob1011 in Great BritaiD 1rbo PHYSlCI.!.N AND SURG.EO:-f trentcd. baTing four officera and 50 priv­ A-Ttauoata eomplei.e -• Oooda a liL one. llr. Waite is 111\y ..i gbt years clAim mlill matter dlrectcd to Go.-eroor izlng tbo War Department to iaaao ra possel!ll or who are courteously gifted oCTeu.s. and asked for instrnc:tioua.­ at wtru woundl.-d, Espands having his TACOMA, W. T. _.,....,.._...__ efago, is a son o! tho late Chi,000 _ _ Lako Wbblnj11on, C'\tullllo Nt."'>~ Yocx.. Jan. 23.-0o the l Oth of stole away to I be ba~,'n:;c-ctl r, toltl hia Dl~tukets, Trunks, al Cun,·cution. Just 11 year ago be WM or Lords by right and cnunot be elected lug 4"'7 .._..,_..._ w &("'ft·• undo! r cullln•thm. «GGd to s:-.o.ooo. It ii onder&tood that $10,- Uoft:iK". llarn~ :n ut unt..tmU•tln:;'J'. an'l a tln" ur. Jonnary the .ArueriCIIJl brig M .. rgnrot, sad tale to tho 11ympathetio bAggage­ to tho Uou&e oL Oowmo1111. The Iri.Eb Ca rt>e ti n g, Ynlise.'l, adm1ttelllnluA 'lU boul:d for New Orleans, was l.JOardl'tl by master, wM pcrmittec.l to ride C()ucORied and Scotch peera sit io the H ouse of ..-n·a o( bo.•lllHU l.:aud, lht• hlull' WiD(I or ltOOll Shoes, Gaiters, etc., Doots,\:Shoea. C ' o ur~ or tho Uuittd Stnl~s. on motion dicrs. quallty with r()Ot Y<•ln• In H. Al"" a IroN o II SjY.Wish guc-001\t. 'fho officers ur tho among the t.runkB, ond when the train 1 ef Cnlub Cu11blug. Lord• only when they are e eoted aa 1antl conta.intu~o: 1G7 a.r~tt. :t rutlcfil np ~tA.r rh ~'lm·bonL den:l'lllded full account or cnr­ AR thoU. H. S. W.:>rcbeslerSIIiled!rom reached SliCrnmcuto be mnntlged ~ ap­ er,~&<'n•stuukrt·l11tl\·:atto u. wllb lloui"' enf'S T ilt~ Jlouso Uo111ruiltce on Civil Ser­ reprtJ&entati ves of their order there, 8lld &ms ln gOOl! OI\ I<•r,lCI\II<"I"t!l oouomlaou. Tille Ladits and Misses Genuine '111\' BU&& witb tho bnntl pl11ying. 11 rabble Tico will rt'port n bill iu fn•or or rcduo­ ~::o; w!Jer'l Fho '~ll>' from nnll whithur prise his swoetbeort of biR pre&eOCO in when not 110 olectod thc:r may be chos­ '"""'""'"' J l'('(1. WllloltWd, uu Cuclat lllvor,Kiol( O.ouuty. ~.. o n s Spnni~b Admirol in<1niriu>{ why th_, net Kho pu ~ ac.:J. dipping to Moro Oustlc nud M8 UOlJEU'l' llll0W1( ers of lntcmnl Ro\'t•nuo, ond pro' illing hoot tied before tbo pnrcnt diaoovorod they can render Lbemselves accept­ ESPECTFULLY SOLICITING P.A.TJ101(. wns committed nml informed llim thnt tho tipnniHh vcauols. that the young mnn bl\d be~n 11 follow­ nble to a ooostitnency. The bearer& R a~e 0( oil nod tbo 8J;t.'W"'Ince lbal kiDd at­ thnt 11 vnenncy in tho ofllco llf l!'irst Dep· lc•ulloo, hnparUtJ cleaUngs, and vatne for )'Otll' uty lihnll uo filled IJy tllo nppoiutmcnto! ha could not nllow boarding or llliC'IIcc~ ~hvnm, Jan. 21,-Gen. Dumi.nguez, passenger nil the timo tbot ho supposed or tbo courtesy titles may sit in the CITY ruoney tK thu reward wnen t uu vilrds. M .A. R K E T! soil to pro ~id o for tho eon~tru c ti on ot the shortened withia "few miles of tho in \'nloncia. How 0' SorBUCK li[)(.-The editor or MILL STREET, SEATTLE. , Administrator's Notice. Port!null, Ort'l:on CDnll e• ?) and SAlt principal port of tho Island. I t is re­ IJnr<'iA,ulo.le member of the Csrlagen­ the Brunsu:~ has been to bear Pbccbe 111 tho Probo.tl' Coart of Kil&lp eo.mty, W'aab· Lake &ilrond, a nd a telegraph. He ported tlut tho Sp:t.nii b .Adw.irlll disa­ iAn Junta, ba.s written a leUer to his Coazin's lecture, and lbia ia what bo lnGf'JD Territory.-- \' Owed IPSO FACTO uid the mClallore was ia 1b11 true inter­ proceeding of commander and friend&, adrilliog them~ abandon fed· F. V. SNYDEI\ Proprietor. In tbe l'D&U(l' of lbe I!OP Uftl>l't-le YhUl'bf out ot lhe Pro'bale Court ot 'Kltap Oaooat)t tho people o! that ~~«li on were actually riage of the D ...ke or Edinburgh to the tbualeotblaD-artldea;~ to. wU1 to. ~oaw.cl to -wl7 aiOftM!d. ~ lhe lllth day of NcnuDber, A , those infernal arrao;;emoate Cor •wing IR11rmng for clleap tJ1Ul.ll)OrtAtion, and Orand Dntehes~ liari.a was 10lemoi~ !rom 8.&ota Santander. In« the pubUe may ...m... mud! ~ t.lle ialt6 U.C Cltbeu ola.&U. ud rirlalty wWI the D. l r.:l.l. a...,- .A.4uos,Dtlilrur County, Waalo­ wood, in which the poor animal ia com­ t.11e rorm~r Ia par&Diftd wile lt..W eo to 11t. ~ T<'I'1ilor)',W2o3appolnled ~ tho constrnction of the road woold result this afterol)()n. The dsy was obeeryed Vt:UJAI • u,lan &1.-ln the AGembJy u a~~aa ,.,. ro1to.....,. ~<>~ot= Choicest Meats & Vegetables o.r lhe t~ - ot Smmd 1!!. llmU., ...._ pelled to climb up a plano, toiling oeue­ , -_ late olllle linD of Renton., SDaUil I< ()o., ring~ as a holip...... m llle- popui:J Jan. 20.- WBilo's t:omio&lioo thus!ar days. City is gaily dec"Orated and will violent debate, wu laid on the table by aYOUCbecJ- WillIa ODe )'OU: trom UlJoo ...... kic:k and grnnt. Such, 1o.he aaid, was 'fl cs· 1 Fn--band & Wads- .&.tbl"t"ta'b1Wnn4'nt,Comt'd ~ r and Port<: to m~ at SeaU.Je. King County, Wadalapoa U& illuminated Satn:rd11y ond Suntlny a 11111jority of 100. &tier the aitting, Rl • 'el) will be fill' tn lbo Probate Court ol Xiteap County, 'Walll­ is a moderato ltcpubliouu, with strong lui( tho o n ~;: in oor from seeing the light oppreetiLn that hedgP In women, and Bed, Tin Ware, Ladies' work, ulobeQ to tb~ puW'Cb-r. 'flH!IlCl aohnat•arc 01t lngton Territory. oonvietiou, but Hli11ht pnrtisno prtdil­ rincbbcck's fl'icncls deny tbot be mado on the reRr car. Wm. Mend, a brnke­ tbe flltm of )tr. VannclM. oo tb• Duwaml40h rfy ln lht' malw of tbc Co-partnership propnty ssying, "Go, Ood blo88 youl- gn, and Baskets, one Fiddle. one Ban­ er, and will bo eold •la bergaln. any confession te Senator Morton of mnn, wna killed Bod aovsrBI passengers and utc>te or Samuel .£. Smllb, dCilf!ICied, late ictious. Irick and grnotl" 1111 I . W. OAIIIP•ELL. or tbo llrm of Rcntcm.Smith .1: Co.. doing b...._ jo, Blankets and many other u~• at Pon Dlllllely, W&llbington Terrllol')'. • In tho Scollte, 11 bill wllll iotoducod by frond in connection with his cloehon by eovcrely injnred. Kellogg to tbe Le(,oislature. Tho whole Nollee or IIOM'iYing Putrters. Adm1al8traton llitchcock, or ~ obrnskn, grnotiug to tho WAI! UISOTOI'I, Jan. :23.-Tbe Senate ~ Jetroraoo county, Now York, has articles new and second band. of Lhe mll.ll . t.k~. late of U.. 6nu or Reutoa. ) telci>'1'11!lh line from tho town o! A.meri­ mo, importing and erporting comp6lly .Bay Agency, \V, T. his ~lier dsys he ,.... a noted bunter llmllh .. Co.. dOiQ bal!i- at Pon Blall~, Government-a,., Victoria. '1\'lllhlDgtO!l Territory, '1<01'11 IAoed to 'A'U'Iala ecan Fork, on tho 011\h Soothe:ro R:lil­ or Georgia, hi..-e mch brought IUit PIW.u>El.l'lU.\, J ao. 23.-Wool is ADd Indian fighter, and hia ur. was llollOD aDd B. K. UIIID, liUn'h'il1g pariBHs of ~=-d \1a AJurrieAn Fork CAnyon and Sol. a.,"'li11s1 Hngb McColloch u Sccret.vy or atrnog, there ia an improved demand spent to wilbie a Cew montb8 of Ita clost LAD S. DRIARD. aiel ana or RtDtoD, SmJlb a: Co ~ c.e u.. uu. FOB .A. LUCA & REDOI, Proprietors. 4aJo of IIID11110', A. D. 1874, oul of t.lle l'rvtlala taoa s m~l llllg works~ tho LIUio Cct.­ Tre3o>-ury, ~ recovl'l' ..-alae of 578 bales aad stock ia 1101rce. Colorado 'll'ltlhed. in a log-house. H e clle•ed aDd emoke4 Cr>uJt of II.Uiap Cocmty, afOftt!IIN. TIM> aiel too Wood Canyon. Dtfu-rcd to the ot np l:.oci cot:ou which tbt>y alltgo waa 2:.@30; orowubed, ~23; extra and lobe.coo, and when aboat 80 yearw or age GOOD SQUARE lEAL William RenloD ud B• .L Bam. ll&vtnc OW a bond .. bfla, J'eflllirad!\. onl4'11'fnlly seized and scld during the Oo 1<> Ito. IJU'ITLE BOU9, llll1 otrL. f"' mtrino pulled t5@50; California, fine fell into the lirep~. while nuder tho p~~Fl&S __.._ acemo:ot ol the ald. -putDusblp proport)t. l!Jt ch ~ ll'• bill pr<> vitlca that the pro-­ war. and • rdlum, ~35; c?&ne, 24@28. infi:uence of liquor, but was fortunately llow, lhudore, notice II llerl'bfiPT~ to 1111 penone ba.-iq d~ ~ tho ro-....-r­ pos...J utemion of tho r ortlllud,:DaJJes ::.~s FJ:.lSCl.&CO, Sa11 23.-At r<'glllar M.u:nnz, lao. 23.-Kartin baa beeJI rescned, to ha•e a leg ampnlllted, and ihlp propnt)'. or died# of the ald. !!&mae! E. Smltll, or ..,uo.t the llnD JlalloD, I< :wd SAlt Lake nrulroad !rom theColam· aUDual meeting l1f Electrical C'-onstrno­ •objected ~ the euentioo of the death­ be an nlnl example fgr thirty yeve o1 Smitll Not ice Co~ of whlcb uld 11rm tho o;a1cl Samllltl L bia river to !COlD& t•ulut on the P3eilic tion Co, held to-dar, tlle following o1Jl­ .eoteoee. lie 'WU attended dori11g th.e longer. • S.nllb,~ ,...~.. btt. lopftMIII tat ltailroad betwlt'D Ogden Mtl;,Kelton, eers were elected: GeorgeS.. Ladd, Su. night &JJd np to tho moment of bia death ' CWDe w it~ID 011ot r= from date, to 'WillluD Rentoa orR. L Ham, oanivtnJ part~~ us, e00o &bAll be open for tbJ freo tmnsmission Gamble, George H. MumJord &nd Ste­ by Lv. Mr. Rertel, to whom he made A free •hool for poor cbildl'On being UnuiDg (be 'bUIDete under the aid linD - ot ltenton, Smith .1: Co., at PonBbohlt. 'll'.. b . o! tho United l:itulcs malls and Govern· phen D. Field were elected Trn_tc.. ; conff'88ion of baYi»g committed the opened in Li•erpool, the !nit Wng IDJIII!l Tcrrll<>l')', or tbelr ~ve cla1ma wW ment aupplicl,lu COU5ideration of wbieb GeorgeS. Ladd, President ; JIIIJ. Gam­ murder for wbjcb be waa condemned, which the teacher did was to 10bjeot the bo bul'cd 'b)' Law. W1LLIAll RD"T TO-roiii OtDBON8, LA8T 8mlth .1: Co.,and Admini&trato•s of lbo eo-pert· ::ay's bonds to the extent of $10,000 per DllTCll fuT, Cal. Jan. 23.-Joscpb form bo Mid, "Gootll!mtn, I am here for t~ e boy~ 1111d girl• were eo met.amor _., uvm ID l&Ge, be beiDa th~D ID Wll· otll'C!blp prop;:rty and elfec"' of Samuel J:. lamabui'Jl, Drooklyo, M. Y, AD)' one ha'rine mile. Whitman, au old 4:1er, wM found dend to dlo, but I am an innocent compared phosed by the aornbbing that their own Smllb, decc-'11. oformatloa a~~ to bl• whm!aho01t. will pleaa Datctllt Por< lllakely, Wa8blngton Tcrri!Ol')', Ds!IIIJJSOTOI'I, Vt., Ju. 21.-The in­ this morning, where be bod fnllen on to Ihilt women. Sbe dciiOrvea d eath teo parents dldn't know them, and fUGA& d o­ Jl