Annual Index September 1983-August 1984 Vol. 10
INDEX Volume 10 ONANTIQUES Numbers 1-12 September 15, 15, 1984 ·AND COLLECTIBLES 1983-August Pages 1-144 PAGES ISSUES DATE Aluminum sale, 73 1-12 No.1 15, 1983 American art 101 September pottery sale, 13-24 No.2 October 1983 . Ammunition sale, 3 15, Arts and Crafts furniture, 77 25-36 No.3 November 15, 1983 Art Deco 105 lamps, 37-48 No.4 December 15, 1983 Art 92; 90 glass, sale, 49-60 No.5 January 15, 1984 Automobile ephemera sale, 125 61-72 No.6 February 15, 1984 Banks, mechanical, 59 73-84 No.7 March 15, 1984 still, sale, 64 85-96 No.8 1984 Bicycles, balloon-tire, sale, 137 April 15, Blue 9 97-108 No.9 Willow, May 15, 1984 -109-120 No. 10 June 15, 1984 BOOK REVIEWS 121-132 No. 11 July 15, 1984 Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About 133-144 No. 12 August 15, 1984 American Watches and Didn't Know who to Ask ' Townsend and Ehrhardt, 20 and 110 American Beer Can 56 Potteryand.Porcelain, Bishop Ketchum, Encyclopedia, Toepfer, Price Guide to Coca-Cola Collectibles, Hill, 140 American Pocket Watch Encyclopedia and Price Guide, Price Guide to Goss China, Pine, 20 Volume One, Ehrhardt, 21 Price Guide to the Twentieth Dolls American Railroad Townsend and Ehrh�rdt Century Series, Watches, ' revised 8 56 edition, Glassmire, Red and 32 & Wing Stoneware, DePasquale Peterson, Antique Combs Purses, Haertig, 92 Rock Rock & Roll 45s, 4th edition, 32 Antique Iron: Identification and Values, McNerney, 56 Plus Windsor and Radios: Restoration and Price Royal Copley Royal Spaulding, Antique Guide, Jqhpson, 21 129 Wolfe, Salt & Shakers: An Illustrated
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