NEW-YORK ADVERTISEMENTS ■LLgeaL—- » 'I1 t ■'i 1 a1 SAiimpi" ^swppjpiiujjui' • LOTTERIES. A »v •> T1S EMEK TS. N. BLISS & OO., MUM3B1UL.YKS31;S_ | j ^ jnnri'WD STILL ajpr.AD! \rw MVNl'FACTrRKRS AND JOBBERS OF Planters S Ban!;. UONBUL1UA 1KI> fcsalbrra Nat aa4 lap .liaBaUcwrj. Douglas k Nbcrwf4H's Skirt, xvlnga deal of Hit* m..«4 »nd T a tawtaf ix M»# l*lMUf» naviitf* fitIII BKLl.K Tim xirrilir p*rf«« LOTTERIES OF DELAWARE, wltlnmt JOHN I i>. utniful *ktrt r\rt |.r«Hliu*clj Hiwl-' "Vr I>n, l»U*»rv. by them with .. » I*. M. mb UMUB] lenmwaw-. eon ft, ten I «d my ability W» rappl/ every- ^ f.btt-dttw aa ean « I* M. ■If ■■Ibflly. > on aa lerraa they ra 1 leave llrl*i«d 4.M thing ih* may want In my line, good ork. W. m ** r<-hanl> I Mtinsr KfW 1 u [IIESIV HJliril .. m W» A- M- To Tourists* >lf ’1 Oretlkraaaa | !.« procured In any market In the country. 2 of M M *• A. M. ISHSflBiwB srca MAOICiriCEIfT SCHEME Mi it'M'i will tie constantly toll, hy the addition any- ** | arrive 4.«*T Hotel, MASSIE Sl SMITH. •f oa kept M The Intemationnl daneaiia paM appaoatlna. th<*r****4 u *» •» u 4 4f» I*. M. «— P at (A* Xx- URANU CAPITAL PRIZE * thing that Is new or dealralde. Having greatly I'unoi *trret, Xitr Turf. t i ttAM. m Swm, «P«H Pm4 he of II ;,v, J. jtfT Bratultrti!/. "f fr.inl/i* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rnanuftirturlrig faHIHh-a. many dealraMe Mylea will my K. UII.K :i tnn t* m It. you i 111 BALE OF #70,000! ! IHwh M-d.-kln still In ‘be front ul. t 11:1111 ,i «lurti 1 uppn Mow* Wk, ltd* *•»n manufacture. My llu^ta mifrh Hu(r'r,„,h l»* It.** 1*l35mStm, In the l-U_ Consolidated Lo of DoIawsto rand and la If not aupertuf to anything produced I, Iih-.i;li,n ii'*l Mirpu.M LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO Quad torjr cpial '• *• lwiueiit. II- | nri i» I .al nlae.K of *1 iili'l Min a|nirliiienU. (LASS 11 luion Steamship Company, 48 front Street, ohm MnA aad lo of Miw* and fhlhrm s tttchly Trlmm- !,f Jii.l, Lr, .HI-II." I. .. Iu"“'1"".1 N,:w npt^Ll^ukoIt^to air IH March 1*4*. 'm"!*hmm.rtment ll*#ya*. "I,!1 an "n'jvI-Hmp. To**. To bo In 81, Mil Hie tab-28 aril drawn Wllnington, ftaturday, <•( all tin- different ..f I’.rai l ami l>’g A AND BOSTON. nlil-iteil; nr ! '• m.-cm luetr.l l*Mr«.|.i |.lnn IWOCLDIkon iradm*ta L/aekkarw. Out I >a ana pnparrd e*| lUlsaml Plata styles FOB PHI LA DELPHI A IrtT^e t*. *t k! le, wil'i lie (Trent.*1 eenlloMiy. '• Uem OOODd oa aa naaaaaBli Man a* ibri ran Ind la Hie horn, cannot l»e e seel Id • Mil live in tl.- v°*- WEEK. ari l e«.nnn»mJnur mm extensive mart*. Mr Meek af IkamaoUm la lara* aad etaaelad alia proai 80HKNK. In Mllllaay H.hhIs, I can furnish anything required. My TWICE A l«,|..r, rpmilhtf Mtt liriaUa), f SSSAST \ !• tli li e In *-n In ituu (an I kataafeaaa laiaa lat of Blanket*. Han. Hhnn 78 !fumbm~ll Drawn Ballots. •t.( iIihi worhl remit*m-.l .rimichlare. j CAMPBELL Jc CO., kaad,a qualill* hh'iiftirr ill/ OOMPKIHINIJ thlaaofe and r*p©dltl«u» l.iito, i A S KIKNlkR. n 11 Il'irM. I* eimnW.ert wiili T.i AM) SK1.L I ncurrenl Money, Check*, Urnft*, 1 l’"tnl and every Monday I h> I atimn Ac., an*3m__ALKX. [!" f,i nniiM.liunur o'er "in- tu‘»u- eolleelion* at all in the L'nllcd Sbite* and « Hn- 1. f»,mm ( Sombrero Guano. Wrlneaday and Mdnr- < ’/ / t HU 1 /hi* >s*l LimAS, BT'Ymake point* jo,mm fkchoon- aiid Th.” i" mid Philadelphia every \ have till ir meals, -r, if «■»•■> the or sale of SHk-X*, bonds New Stock. 1»»NH HOMltKKKo II f A No, (an,ling from and uut Mi .,.',1 .... In Will Vi-Ii-M e«n .1-111. exeeut order* for pureiiu*c an.| Fall k>i If k I in pi to in at nrlil.ur*. at, he litre from tin rllon with a Pall of •/ direct from Hombrem laland. K«*r iluy, ..fferintf ahlppera l.y serve*! In their own 1 ,,Ui« r M-onniie* CuniiiiiHiiii, and conduct wiili prompincMt arrlrrd nortbico aiorb 0. g>Mi W ar Kagle" Ion «»! merehaiidiae. .1. re Diet witl In* apHnnietr.ii. upon U (ii r.e lilt lea In the trmiajM.riaf l.v ure*, in all it* CALL AND WINl'klt UWTHLNU. for Tile $.*mo l'v***" •al. tiv I hMoMi, |)A VKNINIKT A <*>.. linvea »irv e I in The '.iImmi,* mii-I II -l-l a. It-.l^fl lie iccneral tmnknijr lm*nic*» department*. JCST (eatiaaaen. 5.!!!!.*. m rn (.nneet with the Uoabin l-ine, whleh i«.*m Hlchnioml, Va. | l,i •■si.-uiif I in i* Peter*, «!k Co., who will lanat rijia and Un moal ftaakunahte append, at tor loaoal i.**» p i, y |a and oilier IIMTel, lid 1*0 t.i I,.’mi .eriMf to that ol utit hot* iiiihe«i:j. 1 lie Drill Lym hburg .-pence give HiiliFlel|.li,ll e VI ry file dll) A T»t»IUC«* ciilriuitcd to them. prWea, aaa br foam,I al oar oatebUahahmi, So ml Mate auvri_ f57 I.imiO *.»7.«**m tree lull 11 -II... ••* I!:, l*t..pri.-lnfL_ aitcniiou to any hu*inc»* lor I'.iwton, forwarded with denpateh, through t»y atcam, | prompt a of Ural‘a wbirb aa •a *«*». hum** TRADE. 1800. 2-Vdu Alan, latgr rappl/ KnmOOiln* Uooda, !! !!!*!!!!!!!!.!..!.*!!!. 1800. 8PRING eifiimiiMloea, and ul moderate rate*. July *1(1 fell lewar loan an) otlH-r boon In tbla llata of ibr lot- •ft I*i i*.7Ml from At SON, rlir, I IK Wfclln I tit, Jr., Uan’l Agt. Philadelphia. G. CASSARD tai Bool*. Main of alt aad >» aulL Oft Hitt. •,**» FI.I.KTT A- WKISIGFU, T A It K A IN 1 at/lte, (aalltlv* prior* Trunk*, W I*. Poiri KIC, Agent City Point. V altar* aad from Ik* beat Kaanru an on 7i» 4,7am Whobwiile Ikeuler* In il.-tai form anil Provision Cmbrrllaa lartoma, •ft Manufacturer* and Richmond. Pork Packers. EFFERVESCENT bELTZEit APERIENT. exhibition and will be aold 4" 11*2,4**" II I. I CT'iI.K, Agent N *n-rp 4.SI0...... M KID' li A T S, valuable ami Medicine, in and Straw Goods, dl V. popular prepared conformity asd lYnoa* 52*1 Hat«, Capa, | fell t8, ’ft* imork |UII> Youtac B«r* In all at) In and quallUr*. 17,040. frHI.smi Non 4u» A>n Urt*. West it am !*tkkkt, 1 with the analysis of the water* of the celebrated >« lizer rtraar rail at til aaa A .V«. in: Mam .Hirerl, opponit* k~rrhanye /laid., dnuraa,».l»K*crn Nowlin A Morrlll'a from ftew lork. BAl-Tl M<) 11K. 'wring, in Germany, in m most convenient and |M»rtable form, and A C. LnwIC, aad look for /our nit Our mouu la, aa It lit a .ityttM amottallnff to. $l»T**$,. are now to A WEEK. life I Breant Pieces, and laird d the Medical Profession Discerning Public, Mual* Maaummarera aad carman will do aril to examine onr *to eb *m \ |Mi iiin'U* e*tcnalvc |»r« paraihm* offering THREE TIMES n'AVEand Migar Ham*, A Cwrtiflmtc of of T$ Wholes, «o»u $2W led at market 14-dunu EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE of iMwulla' Ar Ar. U >11* Paokaf* Um unrein nta of Mrglnla, North t arollnn and Tennea- illK ./umeatoun will leave New York «*ii r.ivr k-gs orders III price*. D**.. CAdMf, BAuoa, arpl Do. do. *4 Hah cs..Mil *» n\ and c r c n hi * which cannot hut I mm re a aulc. On Ul r gent j l the /toanokr on milI lUe s a i 1 it «• * |* I * D<». do. H4 74 7ft pn. mula) ; Thursday, cotothe West, Uuartera, /«»../ *t<* k dnd Summer Hoad* exer got n leave* Notice to uf T ba us entitled to over tin* Tremendous Excitement At hi f.nnjdrte af Spring TC*7 •>' // MUurd.iy. Returning, Ihe Jnmtaton fcfcliippetB in use. and being special preference many Do. do. V4 KlfhUia. Hf ami •leuume, are lo Increased facilities 1“ Powders and other I. o hi. In thla market," which for .jnnlil), variety on Point same evening, uiel riltll. un I* rsigned prepared give Mineral waters, seldllz similar arti- i.'irliuiond Friday alterin*oii, idly Me Wine Spring 144 Mala unci, to acta burn. Vs. u ‘lie \V io*v iug shortened rhi.m*l be excelled. All iln ) a*k »• look liefore piTcliaalng Norfolk *ulur-lav evening; Uml note leave* Ittehnioiid Naiurdav I shipper* ol I ohucco to «*<*!, cles, both from its compactions and great efficacy. It uiuy bo attended lo. from third t" buirili emsx. of .1- a In r< ohdrk* atrhtly uml promptly afternoon, iiv f'olnl Mini- evening, and .Norfolk Monday evt n- ol 11mi*il and redue* d ihv rub- used with the best cffecrln all N. GUGGKNHKIMRH Grand Consolidated Lottery Del., in the " est, t»y NIr <1 I.. Hi n HivmiN, lonut ol ( nion, Monroe county, n I l. I to the principal points ami Febrile J>i*eea afwdbequaled |Milnt beauty TICKET A PRIZE 1 Other OuodH in Proportion dr.o and and all damage on Tobacco lr**m cxp»» particularly adapted elegance. EVERT OTHER CHINA, GLASS, AND EAATHtJNtfARE age ferriage, and I .umi. Uesidetit* iii Hot Climates, Persons of Sedeuturv Richmond Va to Norfolk and no al* I1*; to For w I have a lot of ( • «*l in without deduction. Nu 117 Main Btieot. I*n*«age (»lat«-room Included) Invalids ami Convalescents; Captains of Veasels und gentlemen's ear, superior CtoUia, Prises payable full, No eommlMiuiin eliargiMl at lialtlniore or PdisHtirg. Habits, mars aud V avaat rai/■ is unawa. P# lemburg or Kichfiioud $lh; to l.yiiuhhurg $14. iT' It a valuable addition to their Medicine «-~ungm. Heavy Woolen*. Blanket*, Homs, Mi- km, in maaa larrraaiaa I le g leave to inform my Mend* and A KouN*. Planters will dn«l Chest. mV") IIEKKWITII I or furl lit to MA(ii:.\W AcAc., to Which all are Invited to cull and examine. that I am now In d my purlu-uiur* uppl* With those who have used il. It lias favor and i* deem- f%/il,. pul,in- gem rullt, receipt KOI KF. »V A la, No. mi North Mr*. t. Baltimore, high N. Merchants will do well to t an and more varied LICK, CO., gen B.~Country give my atoc* fSrilKMK. I \i.|.>| feh 6 dt«. Main hirer I. Lynchburg, Yu. liefer to Jesse Hare A <•>.. W. going North. N. tl. in vi-r le-forc been Perorated and hold in a State the Liver— ((.renders great service in 1 prize of f.' n li ha* wciiibracbig Jacob lieald A t'o., and .lueob Brandt. Jr., bal'd- Torpid qf ae|H Copy and Toilet St iHehen, Lniclihurg; action. 22-dt»—Hep 1 of. .. liiod limner, lea it*, Pur/nm, Plate, in’.ir**. inarch l*-dly restoring healthy prise • of the ln**l the liest 1 of I ,i. \ lao, IfAlh Inna ilml Oran He, aliupea in Gout and Wusumatinn—U give* satisfaction, al- prize the und in eases .. LONDON •• Bella and the My ahw-k for all many effect- ¥ prizes of. i,,.i MiyiMW. In hy tingle pair. T.i Wti^klv Fioiglit and Panai'iiger Line laying inflammatory symptoms, M ,MM» a I have "elected with cure, uml feel those afflicted. Asrtsers uiurjhc« fsnp any, 'J prizes of. ■ I ADR, greni OFFH K (iOlTTIIHIDK KAILIJOAIm •»., » K()K li A I /n.MOKK. ually curing u" n* re lioiiac In the No. 1 Mooa«*ATK of. IK I Hint I rail an II low any packing I.vm iihi Mureh l*i Iwiki. It* nucce** in iumen of Gravel, Indigestion, Heartburn and STBKKT, LoXDoR, V prize# 1 uo, |* -fT Meuutbout t nin- iia from the inauilfae- MIL Powhatan oi,ip?jny’.*mi to be a Medicine of the g of. I ml. .1 >lnlea; | receive my gooda directly rt is nul lmrl/.ed to Kill ol to re ***jt ontirenesn— Proves il it grrulcst utility. FO, A.,1) Ai U .a C prize* 1IIF. undersigned sign Lading, DBA IIOHY, < Uf •» v r:i» I it n E3, Hirer \ call l» anll.-iled. S. >^*nJacC,r,‘ apt. the Stomach, and the ilmtrenning nickntnn no — 111 of. respectfully ■ reive and deliver Miinufaclured Tobacco in Kulliuiore, Aridity if At //.»mc tinH Al*r»i>i. t*k*d is l-wtt, prises o It I'A I'lrhinond. Vn. nTiT and Il*l4:i:. apt. \\ vi. Kn.O, will leave Kiell- and with 10 of. July 22 dl> YLoK, Pii and New York ut the rule*: u*nut during lYegnancy—Yields speedily, marked CAPllAL. .-oni ru» prizes .Imlelpliin following 111 n l l«*r Baltmfore /'aeWoy, Thur*-htu and .Sritnnluy. «*f. ,/,HI To To To ev.-ry tureens under its healthful influence. t'a N > Paid up idul and Surplus 2,1*4. ill 02 prizes |: 1 m n > w ill lea* e Baltimore lor Uu h'liond very 14MI of ‘™ Forwarding Bubuiobb. Route. Halt'ore. Plnlad'a. N. York, It ajtord* the greatent relit j to those afflicted with or nub- Annual i(i venue, for year .1.111. 81, I*,Vv,.. bH8. ,.t* ii prizes /' and euab mg r* and Pas- of. ■* I till I. ,limit a Kl». f am. Kanawlui mnpHuy having accedvd Norfolk and nrtiitiy Sifntthiy, thereby Mdpp* Get to the Tile* -Acting gently on the bowels, neutralizing all rilDlS Insures against lows or liv »-»ru* al i.\onn prizes By *toutli»hb- and t id' u between the C*Mft|iHy damage to if of tin -..utli Md<* It. ii. t o., to advance senger* have an opportunity coniuiuuicuti<>u all And til ranging iroin $i‘* up | Um proposition l* ulcrahurg Uailroud. lo Nor- irritating secretions, and thereby removing inflammatory Jl m.»at every desert ol ;v. The of jrcititum Approximations prizes .1 jniou Prop* | a Il .* < Iweii to H2 70 40 in fact, gentle Aperient greatest liUcrallty. to £.< In-low the *-nulh Side Itoud pr 1 «>r and t'omfort, these Hue .Mearners are e by I most < produce delightful paid coals article m hirli Iln' lol<- w ni ; ami the mereliiiula of Irav ellmg uud freighting eoinniiitiity as he .inf«*riul»!e, In A Certificate of Package of It) Whole*, ♦'••l higli pernul firm class lo Taken iii liic morning, il never interferes with the avocations London. A sjiecial Bind provided Philadelphia for pay iiiuu •* sailing vessel*, «»t between the two .4' s ami the Weal w ill ilml Ii to their mh i-beapest, and speedy mode transportation of Loom* In tills Country. |)o. do. IH Halves, I iii-elnirg greatly aitinge New York. 40,'v, o! tlie day, acting gently on (he system, restoring the digestive *» viii Ulehuioinl A. s. Ill is. W. W. WILLIAM SON. I hi. do. Ill tpiarlers, |. ahip their giMHla ll) >oulli*ide Luilroud, o Pe- polll (Miwcr, exciting a healthy and vigorous tone of the stomach, ** and (‘oiiiiiiImiIoii In 1, 1; r* nm l»e al our < >fflec, Slux-kee >! nov Bdu I hi. do. IH l.igliili*. l‘i Korw-ardiug Merchant, and Ihenee lire procured ip, opposite and an of mind am* flow of which Agent in rg, Va. tersburg, by I « creating elasticity spirit* l.yncuUu t* On the Itlehmoml V a. ( ..luinbmn Hotel, or ut the McumcrV Landing. k< p. gW* Prises paid immediately afl« the dmwing. miireh I Dock, elao* V ease I*. HI# give zest to every It also enables the invalid to en- Nulling D tV W. 'l lMlIK, A gems, Li lilieUid. j enjoyment. Ollier si J No. (» M., Baltimore. p»y many impunity k, Fttio Groon »inet Murk Tour sept 7-dly I’, k., Light he and without which life is so irksome mid CAUTION. "vj niliH-u « W. 11. QRK00, Agent debarred, distress V IK. Half t In -la very Him k Tea, y M. (iUOKiKNHElMU l Persons at a dlatanee, should he cautious oi [f superior Ju-il; j I Dig. living extremely r ••.Incob direct P ■> iiiu.ling |h -hip Hull'* irnnw testimonials and returned from the* N«*rtln*e 11 cities and Is daily n-e« ivIi. * hom they nrd«r Tickets nr t criitlcatr* of Piokug. M'.W VOIIK AND VIltCilMA Fail and Waiter Goods. .Numerous from professional other gentle- I Lottery lima. A l.**( t, HA8a very large and laaliionable slock ol FALL AI li v\ I.' lckets. hr country Is flooded with bogus hokmi o $|o.imhi -i.i,i ship ••Kycrla,” N y. W A s I< ). I, K (I A A T H I K A M n ii I l* guarantee Us and valuable character, and recommend it fully rwqueatsund pulii j money aplial hi S A MI'LL IIAUM A N. a^i, efficacy importation. For Mile io an in gi ueral and ills fricml* to exaitmu uis slock Indore purcha head their schemes with llckets si One I>• >1 lor. $HMl,ot»*» the of the cituciis of arid tlie favorable m a tee of intelligent public. i.ii. I.IftuNli. liAVKMPdllt * < it MOUNT VERNON, \\jT Bl* call ui:.-ulioii Ly n.'ldiurg mg else* here, lie w ill hold out induci-nn u 10 ea*li ui • Prizes are Tickets All such, in r> in umi Sold, Wholcsole and JJi-h apltal offered, $o. AIT. K. I will l.-ii.c Her No. 12 Si.rlli If vieiuil) to the arrival of Ills sinrx >u F\LL \MD\vl\- Prepared Kctuil, by < lor u SMITH, paying customer*- lor oiheia, lie na* no nerv u v ! are frauds; and If I* »eiil lo them 11< keis, A NLH1 I. IM I*, if. MR.TIB. < \t.. .*>« JOHN A. 1AKKANT prompt «intiec, money I.I.IAM.J New Mai run Aval tt P. I 1.1. 1« M >Dm consisting in f.itrl, as follow ■«. li. r. Lug- CO.,* Drcouists, < a<\ Klver, V.-rk, every o'clock, na* hltu to act III credit. is so much thrown wllhoul the shadow of a chan. >>l No. 27k Green cor of Warren, N. Y. taught decidedly restricting away I “l 1,1,1AM HKTTS. HKITKNING, li .1 tthc'k and ii«Ulel, M*u, r*klu, Miek and Liock Overcoats, wich-st., IH-riciinIts *Mck coMqucu-* so many difb rent ol 1,1*1 #. pniii a Beware of all lantorle where ihe « ntillul «V il dly -j. *co styles | gelling prize. U ill .tv .- iin* at Wn>- I-,. Iil"li.ihle Black Dress Uli frock oal*. double and ! June over oi I icket* AUCTIONEERS It (’oinpaii)'* Depot Ai.kx anjoiia, every Yeats, Co...*, lirvdnougha, etc., that they would I a bn. in Prize la In comparison to l)ie price Lassiuicr. i.rciiada Mlk. Milt unaauatly large M,'H.l V II I o'clock, I*. \l. llu'ic" aild Mick Mills, Heavy me-rous to lucbtlou. In Instance where Prizes ,tr offered lor a small tor 1 Ii f n l «• o I X i* r r ii c h every Urge will lie reeeiveil Inlo tin* the \ in ci. Black Doe >k 111 uud Lunev t assiun re \ «m«. :md Panin- Singer's Sowing Machines. al»>. hs» aw I. Freight Depot ( 1 1 t also, a stock of servants' < were exhibited at tlie late ITiiverselle" in ns *o.*n «* III Kit )|IS IN I'HOl’t iltTION. tiiik*. ar|M*l Bags; large c.Juug, they lie also a slock of Gctiilcimu'a riaxisaia u official draw lug* sent "Exposition lias large uoon prmteif tin ir as wnl .nil where curried oil the and a I'm A fT * .1 on with ."Hale-room uccoin- wbieli I invite the attention oi owners, 1 trance, they [ugliest premium; such as flocks, I les. ra*ala. Net Miirta und tilovc KKANCK, IIIC'iADIlKN to. N < >TU I *. i Passage, elegant Drawers, lor cash- imdlo sal* s uud small to niukc them Im* Iwen built iu Paris. modailon* .. cheap -my being -j'.iiek prollt*. great manufactory 1 el fed W dldoM W ilmington, Pel. I nr-* the Hoi.- nta lor \N IKK K H (III.I IIU A IK I) $7.,’ai bturta, llandkereloels, rvhawls, ruveiling Blaaketa, c.; ul» Aim * lu branch ol in which l* to be done \\' m eight *»r lo tiive us a call nt No 1*17 Mam Mr< t. sept 2bdl* every industry sewing Trunks, 1'mbrviiaa, Bags, etc. 7i« returns ih uuk* I. il I i. I ** 11 l*o l.\ I«»l.■», giow u on the Peak" of Otter ; iri'.i, raitsuge apply mu al w ay a by found at NI It'll AD 1 Ms, ol so with PETERSBURG ADV EKliSEMKNTo N> w York, Alexundrlu. Oulf I'iJij ^bllaim! I the Knilway train is to travelling on foot, is sewing N. B.—4.'*«•»»try .Nicrenam* would do well lo call 00 him Is jnn It* III Mam Street f ) 1 No fi b 10 dl v LIH'K >ITIV»| ?*LWIM. MM IIIN'LS, Mnger’s Machines compart'd with hand-sewing. tailor, fore giHua farther Last, as lie 1* pr< pared lor liie w hulosa le tra d< 1 a sui ml It sill* !i oil both sides, an reduced shoemaker, dressmaker, carriage trimmer, saddler, butler, Ac., *«1> 1HIIO. Hl'ItlNO TI(AI)K. INllo. HAUI'IIOLLSmaking perfect l*atent t o. ... 1.. ;,| *\ L. »*. i. »vc.. should not be without one. T lie lair of using on* of _M tcv_ Herring’s liampiou Or;in,;o and Alexandria Rail Road. |o f -j \|. t* profit Ai k 1IHD8. tCBA 8l'GAK~|»arl choice; AND RURULAU PROOF these macbiiu *. regularly employed, is One 1 housnnd Dollars s I. s t i: v i: s FIRE SAFES, Hib iona A otiavv Good^. a In ail is -X\7 ddu ill»l*. lu-lieed r*ugar—all grade*; oi u: s. MiliiiiGiy * year. private families where there much sewing to 11 a •.i» » VI' IN I Plt«M»F 1.1M tlm 20 BhK xweet Cider; (hi rssoa To wt in ■•».) I I li II A I.I.'H I’A I POWDF.IC K*. i ims.ii jft I'Al.i. ASH H IX / V'i’/f, lr<5!» be done these imu'liiiies art* an liivuluahlc assistance. Planter* *ame w *1 ul tin* \N <»rl«l*w rs MM Bacas Fine and Coame 8alt; I M PO H I K U A N D l» I A I. I Ii I N v T that ere aw urtlt 8fpitrale iiiedala < 11 A Mi 1 i OK SCIIEHUKK. AaCa and hotel keeja find (hem particularly convenient ami profit- I' I and the World’s Fair. New and StZ ROSENSTIEL & UUEi.TdEIt I are 90a BMa. No. I and 8 uir, l.oii'hiii, *.'•!, York, IxVt, * able. best* machines simple in their construction and Mackerel; 1 IIA N Is now running between Lv miiiii ko leave to call the ad. niton >.| liie lo their 100 Bill*. CHINA. \ i.». Ill) o\|.\ \ nierh'uu -iilis that were aw urd« d meilalB f|VIII regularly Beg puniie v cry strong ami durable, being tlie only kind of Sewing Ma- Aitplr Brandy; GLASS, I mid \ *- iM'i:n, ieav e Hie MtH. iv i»l al Hi World'* Passengers Ibe Depot of \ tu LAUD AND LLi.iiAA ever made 40 Caaks Madeira VV'llic; l.o'i ioii I'.nr. ! chine by which every sort of work, course or lino A It 1111 I.mi I. ».id. III < MllUlbUses, III t.-go \. M., lor the pn .1- i‘i f 4, a|>s! could be perfectly executed. I lion sands of inferior and worth- Bugs Laguyru Coffee; III ill IV mg Ml A le VMlidriM ut *2 o’clock, P. M. o| an v r*ah'» ex er oil, re.l to the pul die. leru,mils, It a* Machine* have been made ami sold under various Jon Bins. I'ortiMid ll'.i/cr )#’./* Iturglni" •- lieu4 Mill Sowing dyrup; I.timp»% t’axtora, litfriyeriitorx, t.’on/era, h,rtui>e, 7 *■ 11< Net M’.b al iin- V irgtnia and I i-iiiicmm-c K. K. Ib-pot. Kuclies, L'orttfis, lloiip in, bn Hbia. New MOI'MK ri NMAHlMl AMU 1AM A >t > i: i .u add names, but Singer’s Machines alone have been found Orleans Molasses; noons, isi,<>< '• nis w ill the every a Vf" ;gng \g* meet Irani Iroin Hie (Vision 111 .ii4m, Jewell f'*>, liuiBrntJeries CY I Insienes. ! win-re to sill Hu* want* of Hit- 90 Tierces Cod Hah; (hi unit t’«)n/ (hi \\ ill In paid to any person ilml run allow that a Herring'* Pu- inly |»cople. Htt! Kn'oxfiUi »| 1...U liburg d. K. Nil KI.1N, M let I assured iluil ail in want ol good** will find il to llielr sent ftt» • ask* Fine French l.-niifix, ni • h >«ii' cm r lulled to lit* eoiiieill* ill Ull Plain printed in*iructioiis for using, are with each ma- Brandy; .nipt**n prem-rve b Ii Jl in 'I ickt-l A W gent. ad* Milage to rail oil I|». :.S n*«- are pr* par* d to sell ul hoi*•sab* chine, from which «»ue can the art of mana- 4ou Do*. Buckets, Tubs, Hr«»oius, Ac.; \o. ii Sycamore Nlrod, IVlorNliunr. la. n li iital lire. any readily acquire -* ami I..-bill, al Hie lowest them. i'lit-machines are I 3oo tt; »s. t me By e WUtakey ; now receiving a very large and « ludeestock of \,„ » IIKUUINti A t • Mniinl'uelurera, 2oMtr i.».l w uy, cor. pile. ging packet securely logo to any '• if* nb rs from the conuiry ** ill receive p.iriieular ittenth'n. <>l the world, ioall more For sale by JONES A/ CO., IMof Ills own Importation. W eh lie 1“ delerilliln <1 to *el| i.. Hi, *\|urn.v -i Ni w \ ork, ami A •>! <*mvn-i at.. N. •» j part persons desiring particular in- |..t \L*hi .>kfe» t, Warwick House. format ion. " •• w on h-ltt r at either doc Ib-td* Ktu hmood Virginia and North t'arollnu I rude, ii* low main Iumim- Norih V' »i It. \N Kie.wi •, iiieliinoml, Vn. U. K. I.r-ater, IN*- ill, application by of our offi- _ oi i-icLoi- iiiKsin rii j*idi: i:. a or Mouth. lie u*ks «l U» un I.a ii g, \ a.; lii.wlaml llm He r*. Norh'lk, Vn. ; ,1. II I limn k.n»., ces, forward copy of I. M. Huger A Co’s Gazette, a paper respectfully pnhltc enaniiii.tii<>11 p- »i O * I'hi kush k<«, 11 Into, \ U \ C ft It ft devoted to of his stock ami prices. I I. hhiirg, \ n ; .1, I, liei uii, \N limiiigion, N. t ; \V. February Hi, f wholly iue Sewing .Viaehinl^.interest. Sksral Shsrsl Short*! 4 T the of •»! rifllL have associated lln*m>eive» logidlur for llnltlnmrc and on A •*. M »v It. I. \N reguLir nioiiUii) iiit-eimg the Board Direct.irs undersigned I. M. >1 Mi Elf A ai It Petersburg Htonewnre always hand, win. h 11. ring .*»on, Vtlnuu. tin.; lieed, I’oiiii, CO.. rrerlved No. 8T Ninth Mivret, (loriuerly Hr Idge *m ol ibe mi ill title 1.ailroad Hie u L the ol eotfluelilig llu- busllu-M d w ill la- *o|.| at 11 a. Holme" A .H. 1 u o., following ri-solulli purfHinc Offlee, No. Ugh New York. a new and assortnn ol c, Boston; No. i»7 < w w | W"Onods packed great* f.»rw urde.l illi jail in all its hup- 8lio««, hicu Hi ik- sold uheop |« *1 lo eollt nil Ireiglit Oil gin ills reel IV ed ill or tlfliv ert d happy public patronage.— Newark. N. •!.; No. 14'J < liesiiut Si.. PuiladeIphia; No. lnd Bal- FIRST HATS! heir I* on Madison betwe<-u Mxlii and iro.u in* Depot, .»r or In lor.- llu-y are out ol ilu-possession ol I >hop Mivci, Seventh, timore St., Baltimore: No. :5i Westminster M., Providence, K \ ». I v v Ik mg I lie ►iliac .Vlessrs, A « In 1 u Fj-e, Life and Marine «... 'HIST PREMIUM HATS!! llie ouipuny opy from Keuonl. «K'eiipied by orb, I.; No. s East 4th St., ( liicinuati; No. <*T* North 4th M.. St b b ll. .1 Hu be lollll*l ut all limes. J. i. 1 * *.MI*j\ ! N s, ..b ti ,»« A C'nu iuxi.iaiice Co. a,.any \1’ I I II lie laautUg in id n new year, iln- auhaeriher again Re m» A iih.n l-.. ( I 1 11 ftK 1ST, Secretary. y may Louis; No. s| m. Charles »l., New Orleans, No. go Si. 1* \v M. A. MolHJ \N. Dauphin f 1 HI 19 Company makes Insurance against loss or di image » » "peet hilly a"k" part ini lar u leiillun to hi* large a—ortuieiit jao 20-dfm Mobile. f dec 34 otner Bub.UHgs, or uritiUtrv, (toons. Wares and Men lianda*. l.t'I'i i.u! Navy 1 up"." I alino"l exry .fualllx ami .«iy !«•, kflA N Sewing Machines. A s J oil I II 0 >L. siutuled on .viam street, for which gewera'd). In Utwn sad eouniry on the most favorable ••nos. lo ** i.> h itil.liiloll* are lietug litude daily, tmi Whieil lie**1^® A DIES wishing a M inn me to do Servants’ Coarse Oi.othks, ULN.’L Fi.l Hill r OKFII \ A T. U. 1 liiltl a j'.o.l will be M. il. BtHlANNAN, Alao mukc€ lusursnoe on tin llvrs o| all eigojfcn .'ii* •- .1 1.1 ih i.u i: \ i k>. K, ll., price panl. I J U Ft I. A* Illr IK oW VI N K W OUR. W oull! lit) W ell tOC\ di- jiersou* \« niti *• Lv VIarch him, i%iU dts and I'olleetor. good health, and ol sound const 11 ulioii Ibr the win.le duruUn mi to* 11k and t 'a—nin r> Hal.* are not of Northern maim Ko, ) sept Agent ID' BAKI HoLE’ft IMPROVED FAMILY MACHINE. Price i" Hit la ge «|Uiiiiuiy ol iiown u.e ui Ble, or for a limited |N-rto«L I m if .■ Imi lire iinmulaelure.l l»y h- own liaml*. and lliat In* produce coining f.-u, .jfsu ami $sA. I lie following ct-riilicale Is from a well ■ OWINGro.i.l, and tot <• ».»det| slate id lac luere wtUhcuo h auinl lo Hire. 81aves employed tn ordinary uccupailons, will be III sured «> II ,i k ■ v e.| die f-11;?* Phi dll M at the recent Agrhutllu Depot, known Tailor in tills county, who only bad uImmii ‘in minutes I .. inspected m Hn De|s.i from and alter .Vh ».v DA the -i o M:KVANT WiiMAN lot.oek, Wa.*l* uud Iron f..r a small "tutsoiiaide terms. il .oi I i|f, ai air*, aie lac!* mat aiimil I he inn»cr-a'ly Y, ustrucliou on tin* Muchim-: iimu t.rd. ol in u. to li. H. < Al*LKR»N. 1 he Company w ill also take marine risks from and to any • know it. By »upl. V laiuily.w Apply Lkj:sv, Va., June lsML lt d:* 1. D. umpht'll county, KUh, o •' march .IhbLl.n, General y-ls Ui«i Northern or Southern Foru, at tuvuranic rules. \ stipply of Serx unt Hut* and t ap* Just to hand, to Freight Agent. Jail Mk.’Wvi. L. Paok:--I urn well pleased with Hurthulf’g Sew- Ho AM i* or III UK. rust. .. alii utloji of I'lfniei* and I oligeet'lilnta ure invited. MLAL, LI' M l* VN D *i lit >l N D PL\s I'Ll:The J ng Machine. umi would not exchange il for any I have seen.— JOHN UoltlN 1 Volirc lo M.-DAMKln i'restdiul, V mI" ami aa*iim r. lla'.- uiH.le lo of«h r. « ,rr,\ Shippers of Tobacco, (mllN,J undersigned bat* rented trom Mi ssrs. Langborm-tV Jolm.? I find lit* diltieulty iii operating with it on any kind of cloth, JAMES M. t'OBBS, VI.. President, i.i Hl.i.i; M. KKI.I.Y, Agent, Jmhmk >U Ni.A ViHiK —I lie sUbSc-rilN-rs, Agents lor llie their luiu and Plaster Mill, lb will keep constantly on hand rum the thickest Cassiiuere l** the tim-sl Linen. We have made GKGKOb B. J../X iiH'i I 1'Un.MAN, CUlul l.iigtueer. Jan I l" N«». l.*J Mam >ireet, Kynelilnirg, \u. . li eln-ap lo punctual * nsioiu- several pair ol course Tow-Lim-n pants for servants. I have MXtnuit. No. 34 Syoomoro atrout, i/utorsburtf, n.vt •• itnd oilier, «elit lo Uieir care, by NU-aint-i* »t mm er a. t HAS. S. I.ANti II* HLN L. Sole A^eut j 'feu ami operated tui six or seveu ilitfercnt kinds of Sewing .Tnffw CVraT Wvl T. mi a x u /• r it a a a (* i. a .» t Hue It.i i. *'i » *' V| u L'.-h i.s, but are i.» march dis *• I luii BurtludC* umi are Tatu>8, Asuxhsox, >1 ,. if i. Slop pel* reipicstcd for the sale Western Plaster la Ho* il) Machines, Singer’s Hr' only Machines Jamks Jous 1. ..f tin WUODl'iN, wrin Iii.'iu lilt- F. PkTVfc, Davis, to his friends and the public generally. <»ne by mail, •lisponitioii llu-y wish mailt- ol u. u that 1 would recommend any person to buy. T hey arc the only Wl li. Mai nil K 8. I.AXUttC sloe Its <>| I. V ATTORNEY AT it will lie -I OTBATTOM, MR, OKFKRblargest and choicest VI'A It II Kb, .IKWII LAW, !tlii|'iiieul, nlhcrwice, or ml at coat mid ri-k Ol s.H!.- *\ V«“H Hcstaiiraiil. .•>/.] ! Machines that make a Tu'lor'n Stitch. 1 consider Burundi's Sami il li. ( ua\ L. SLAtuiiias bll.V KKW l.tHKb and Hl;>l L.lbw tiimp*- r. I.lHUM A I McKixxiT, AUK, KINKt Xt'H *1111(011. iiiieliiiiKliaiii, X a., I" 11 LI N k K LN .V IJAWMIX much tin clieapest machine, it is simple iu construction, easy JA9. O. WILLIAMS, 1 reus dter. of everv in his line ever ft*» llie a* •eh It l» 11.) .^f^OWKXS to variety presented puhlte. I' ks in a no .ni ltroudway, New York. understand, and not likely to get out of .order. Almost T. i.i, nr* or liLtr to inlorm the public und’visi- CRKKD WILLS, Beercury. cheap, brilliant anti beautiful us can he hud In any uth.T estal* every person tlint has seen Bartholf's and saw Liuttt out l.*rslo Hie Hint have u operate, Singer's w ur Ci.kiiiKh.un land and Albeuiatln Fuir, they ojuned ) lishtneiil Id this or any other country. In ry depart m.’iit, ilint I worki ii on last year, give Barlhoif’s the * vw’ A li liu«uie»* culriMrd lo Imi) w ill ho ath ml V C nr preference. Itelos or are the newest styles mid promptly Lli' V*' .'it*%v 1 aii( cN iH iiiKlii^Saloon. Ac. (manufactured Imported) •*d to. Kcs|k-« ifully yours, CAKoj.I'S G. TLliKY. The Medical Kxaminallon of lor irisuran.-c v villi itiosl classical and mt ill dly »'t I * N M I LLLI. I subjects llie unique, alahtiruie workmanship lv ». "tu ll nlDL K.Ui.KOAD v.t>., f UiKfiT NLA li THE POST OF Kl< I*. S. i hud no difficulty iu getting my wife ui work on Bar* made •( Un- Office of the on each Ix-twei nil. n-dia Where have .m hand and serve al ail Company day sept PKiKaMii-Kt., February Id, 1st in. they hours, kisii, ovsiKKri, iledf'.* Machine. I hey say that to ho and -«1U y something great ougli buurs of i 4 e aloek. 1*. M. leli 28 WMI'KI, A. ItoVII, oamk. and all the tlelieMcies •> the *cn*on I bey have «*u hand •one for tin- man that invented Sew n um\ed to hii.I after Mon.lii) Hie '2nth day of Hie fol!ow- ing Machines w ith the Shut- again hi» old aland on Main Mroet, utter February, i it ami choice of ,v rales o| rn be large supply U'INK>, l.iyl'tii;* >i.«iAb’>. tle and Lock Stitch. c. G. T. ha' tilted U in a w ON'ing igiilwul eliurged by llie .**ouih -ode ljuuc 16-difls] GiiORG I W. st 1IIESSKS. HIILMI B 1(0111Ll(S A. (0., H\> mg up splendid -ly le, and tilled it Hit (he in addition to tlo'tr eontituxlious S;ih*on, they have secured KYJLlT. AUllt iinwi uiir.itwxe uml eh l.iulroa.i ooipauy from l.y to Uioiiiu nnl o r m a u u i: a gant aa-umu ul«•! tova,. .inkkcihi.h.i:\i ncli.'iurg Peleisburg, iwo rooms, in the same tor uud v I'olul large up stairs, building, the express • ... RHl'ITW, Al .x« Hi* ariidea iiy It*. 1.12 Mats Street. appointed us their Agents in \ Irglniu for the *nle «>| Rfe all UeW, and e*)li- uccouiuioduUoii oi persons Hie Fuir >1 HEELER & U ILSO.VS dltilh* I he 1110*1 exl«'li"ixe during A V|NO .4 M* 1>. II. Bus* hu In ti> their 4 IN Kb—and we siiall he III reeel), orders a-si.rliuenl •! Nollt.Nalor the eltii- u ymrv-bused Gallery UAYK pleased * " 1 o hey solicit share ol public patronage. In .i aim ni n a« ir* Dk-i RIl’TIt'V or **‘urg I iiy (ul> of I will continue the business ai the ol ir *in the trade fm their Wines, io he direct to \ lor ttie lalde e\ * r Indore offered ill in lo Mki:i llANtMiiK. j • U Lynenhurg, | Imported irgm l.y | or Lielimoim. | Pom.. oNVKNS »V DAWSON. SEW IN Ik aland—where 1 will he pleased to see all iu waul ol any il In la—the price the same In V irgmla as hi .s. \* York. burg. il.te gg-dl* *»et ll-dta Diamond huloou. Near Post MACHINES! First class phi .hi Olliee. pi.disi—Ft>KTY THOUSAND ! In uxy iiue, such as Their old stock ol Madeira rang* * Hum $4,.’*i, vtmagi' ol I< per pound*. t eui». fHiieuts. W A UK. .1 u»i reeen, d a las* 11si •• 4 i.uon -Ei»KTY THOUSAND ! to s of 1M.Y large variety of Hollow ^ecoml per pound* J.I7_J$ I 4.4 up $!& per gallon, tillage 4 — | UOLl.ttWWure, emi"l8tiug Ol l‘o|*. -Kiltel", Ih. n*, ItiM ilU • bird iis I Prince Imperial FOK’I Y I HtM'SAND ! Amurotypes, Melainotypes, bherry Wines from |1,**0 i«> fdN |a*r gallon. Itukern, I Champagne. !• I'an*, Urlddle*...... l.lsiMiu Wines from to ly mg \ndir.,n*. aol Mipeiior ami Fourth -20 *» 4u,two—forty thousand! LIFE-SIZii PHOTOUllAfUS f.i per gallon. " ipntliiy, hieli are offered at low *, al the sluvr and \\ are Maiiulucluretl 1 obacco |nu lb*. •• riji Port Wines Ironi to per prn Kniige y 20 I 21 Cf (hose 4' gallon. No. Mam »* •* juatly Celebrated Instimncnts PAl'oif ukiATUmv FlwiUono Ac., liouae. 121, >lre*U. Leal 1 tioueeo ((•«. .. m FK'*1I LH.Vlti.Mi, l».VNKM*t»KI A t'O. per |s.umls. j iL BEEN BOLD rrr rr is ma aasr sttlb or tiib ait. Feh. 2.\ I Hour barn »» *’ liprruay, HAVE dac XU-is Va. l.yuchhurg, per 40 1 4-'* Kiottmond, »» HAVE BEEN M*l.l». an of tea In business I V\ beat |H-r bushel j;j I j,, •» Having experience years the flatt .| HAVE BEEN SOLD. myseli to he aide hi give |*crbei aaiutactlon In eveiy ease, ot. LANDRETII'S GARDEN SEEDS, l)p VonoRf & l’o fimw. FOIND! I'OI'NII! All article* consigned lo llie Agent at Point will be HAVE BEEN BOLD. erwise, au charge will t*e mod.-. 1 ahull always keep on hail •Ilist’ Kt< HO I li ami Colt s.U.K hv City sb.p TEN THOUSAND HOLLARS. |h-.| by him by steamer* or lllsl la.-* vesm ln, u* direeletl. •! a grueral assoroni'M «*f Casra. I*lam und Fancy. 1 ha ve alt •Vo/./ nil nonw: m i\ ovt-ihli or imu lust a FA WM. A. mils "l lutimg las. 11 and lorwurtled w ibout by Iln*}>u't ibU /Jailer* thr tuyhout the an huad a lar^t stack ol JLWLLiv V, such as iaickcts, lireus the loth of May I lound I f.N 1’ .*>1 LAW t 1 STI!()Tlll.ll A CO. any addlinmai I'ountry. IN THE LAST YEAK. I KK which is worth ih«»usantU ol dollars. jau 1 t* cuar^e. tine brand of IIA wbieli mill Pins, Fiager Kings, 2k suitable lor lietun k which I uni de ON Mi'A*..ML, Hie past IN' I HE LAS I’ YEAK. i-oi clitssIrieiiHon of and other fjTHl:* *1 termiaed tn sell at reduced rau-a Ail iu want of Ii I am uow making the same kind, they are siucli, uukai*. gootl* information apply lo the I year was couiiucd exelusivelv l.» the I•• tables of tii- * ...1 IN I HE any thing I'oNS WKAYKK M LABi' YEAK. AND IH'KAMLK. OU.OI'Ht IKON reevlv- Agent at Lynchburg. H. D. limditol has now khax Hue will hud It to tiieir interest to cull b« fore jiiut llllili. eui-'i. Knrope, obtniiied tue most uiilxMimie I ‘ie IN HIE LAST YEAK. purcitaduf 1,1UK.ed and for Bale mMil'll jt leb hi-‘2m elsvwitrre. »**)■ W. W. LaAwlcli told me he would not give one of them by A1»AM>, e*-ss and popularity in to.* counin. I: i* t* ouuuen.h'd le. i* ST7"” Pi Ice from f.V) to ||00. and for two of the oast Iron lovers. J;m 141 Main ■Mreel. S .ine of 1 lie first of the \ of New Ladloa GenUcmnn are ruapeelAilly Invited to call und ex Merchant* and physicians it) Berk, over ad Invariable I ernis Cash. see tnaiu at the i other* inicrcstcd nro Informed that Hi Hu r amlue urn-hum*, whether wish win re %9 Call and Lynchburg Works, wines, on me..uni of its extreme and al.d they pictures not, tliej Agricultural Hl'Pl’I.V OK NEW HOODS—lffTH MAKffH, .>"ii.n >ide 1 ..illroarmoiis and e..ns shipped any desired. G. W. KVlJ*.. tie "old at a * call 1 rive to try. anlly increasing. i»ur fllHE PORTRAIT GALLERY will be continued the tin profit. your order* Mr. U. r. mmm, or sen 1 llieiu lo me at tie- ii/~Kull Instruction in Using. Jan Aktiht. by urvangemruis are such ns to «u.sim- Hie i| Wme w John J. prims. Railroad ipialiiy 8u^lly______| JL derslgnod, at the old stand, No. 1X4, Mum btreet, here he Agent. Dep.u. W. B. UUlliti, Agent Being imituiuiued al iiitt it*iir*>ent ugh stun lard! tin- Prime will he to receive a continuance ol the liU rul * I.vnt ko, Feb. 17, 1*00, j*, OP’S loss (If TIIE 1*I!ESS. pleased very pa- ** I 11KUN UOO|)?t. Iii Uie *t«uik 1* IIS. We m thmet (h«Mtl of New (umkIn I am now inpertal imported solely by iug tin s..h a rent ,.| It i* Hie best we nave bestowed upon the late concern, ull who may are seen.—Exnnitm r. an nr let of tronage uiomriug receiving, many thing- mauulachircd in the x U: .Messrs. Di: \ ks.m.x \ 1 o., in Hu* eountr*. pert English. Dairy, and Pine Apple Cheese that Im Mouth, It d.M-H all it call every effort will given to render satlsiatniou in style loehiuoiid uinue t.»r n SOUTH-SIDE \ professes.—Enquirer received aud fur saK MMJ i li A a da M>, Mripe*. male "ervants ; \ irgiiiut Mixed RAILROAD., L. II U tiilWor f A < o.. No other A just H of rales of Ac. -n.*"*1 with it.—Bouth. Pictures, •li 11 compares charge*, ana, tor Ini)a; North Karolina lirown 1 Al MH itld! .>* aT 1 Nos. 4:*o A tlse Mam olivet. Milrhnga; 4*>, p.ig iiroa Iwa V Y. < Weals*» have the for the aker City Hovbi.bThrkaI' Plain ami Virginia 1 he work d veii.strong and Advocate. e_141 agency Qu I willed While Flannel. AAce. Id In this Lek .Koike .v i Wi period.—Christian Lot k bTirvii bawiNo Machines. city only by .r. I!.« most are It hem*, fells, tucks, gathers perfect instrument.—Central Presbyterian. PLASTER.—We UOW prepared to furnish a JOHN J. PI'K V is. ui IllU 0*dJm I *. and embroiders, and does all the work of the best Machines Aft CHANUE of SCHEDUl.U. M. V. A rii 1 Equal, ii md to our MUI or Blare, any quaintly of fresh gruiuul N vu sc«i fdXo |It* *u|H-rior, uny.—Transcript. GROUND — is fur more uud amt aiu r Mon.lav Dc< lie- (la Piaster. AiGWUN A MFliRFLU simple I«n*s complicated limit any other Ma inwt, the Mail and Pimsenger rum ! idcdly best.—Jetrersouiari Republican. chine, and Is sold at the low of and O.Nwill leave ai A. ME! ME!! U* — t Nol ».i Mam Sirrti cry prices f4u $.'*». HcH rrC P. Lynchburg NL, and arrive in IYu.:>- ME!!! Superior uny Virginia 'itueii Jaa 2 « iiii l announce m the for 1 ■ouaur'a 4>»aai o.vtbo b 1 Hmeow ber sold by N. ft. Tanner A C-o., while uciiug u» agents, uud the pleasure trailing coniniutiin .u Jan *'>*dt* 11. I». Ul \W I HOl 1 A KIN Al„—Scieniltie Inquire 8ktri_ff* II I that tin.*M- KD, Supcrlrilciidaiit. l ou rv American. general satisfaction which the Machines base giteii, tin under Iiluirg prompt and enterprising contruelors. cunts I’liu m;sin:i,. feels Hm Curie an \N m. Burnham, have nun teo sF** 1 mu now signed n«> hesitation In recommending them as the best pie iiii new und Corn H Koliclim£ liner.. It tin- HIGHEST PREMIUM at the Suite fair in Skirts. ipaefous store: made a Meal. Viral- Taomaon's Corrugated now In use. Call and examine them. N. b. l’ANNKi;, having very alee Joh. Ami now I am A A S on hand al our » J»" iT-ilif THOMAS Mu. to Mill and store, a good atoek ol l’Onl.K. octS dla No. 1X4 Main pleased mlorni ray friends, that, with a an btreet, Lynchburg, \ a. light room, und VLWiresh ground Lorn Meal. NOWLIN A It l«w»k the HIGHEST ul in New The Doable Trail. almost .» * MLKKLLL, I:W I’AIHS PREMIUM the Slute Fair entirely and u ery large sleek ol ) V IMiKSS TiSIMMIMis opom-.l Ju" |* No. iii Main sirwlt The New Patrol blues, Gaitci» 1- A. A I-. K1 .SoVS. Ii look Ihe The Fsrblaa Belle, Corrugated Springs. Caps. Carpet Bags, 111 HIGHEST PREMIUM at the State Fair in New i (I/1.0s, / INI Main sir-net. (he weight of SKIUi> mill Increasing their ruhri-Hti*. iiml other fjo'-tin tn toy />o>\ IVotice. .Jersey. The strength one-half, are found in i lit »MSt»N> | I am amt anxious to goods intended for the " NK" Ii t«H>k the HIGHEST PREMIUM at In Pena Uaasrr, RKIKT1NUnearly only prepared simply all who wish w Uh sm h i-rcight Train must In* delivered ,,.t'8,,E1 1!u1' ‘'l.o\ PH Ski'll lor aalt- Ihe Slate Fuir CORRUGATED SKIRTS. good* on reasonable terms. al the *I ,"»(-*** i al sjlvnma. |leb |.3„u*ow. j very I heartily express my thunk* Vl-L Lviiehburg Depot the evening be lore, It) hail p.i.'l h.MITH Ac AI»AMS The H ovea. lor a It took (literal patronage in town and country. thr».’clock. 1 he departure o| the mail ul 4 \ re mien* thin Main the HIGHEST PREMIUM ul the Slate Fuir in Ken- PLOWS11—1 have now a tint lot of Slrrl | ___Ul Street. Sea that rmr Naota, and tbr Crown are at nnped on every 9k my arrangement indispensable to the the guo.i* m lime lor tucky. Plows ou and a assortment of I1MI ioudiug PLOWS! hand, good side and N. It. Wholesale Mils will l>e made at the next truin h i«Hik the HIGHEST Illi- One very low prices lo freight T. D. JKLLls, PREMIUM ut the State Fair In Horse Plows. Also a lot of Knives, t orn 1 Hats. Cutting Shelter*, oe^-dl* mil M» General Freigut Spring Stylo nois. Ctiumes, Seed Sowers, Corr\ Planter*. Ac., at tne l.wt hhnrg Agent. ^l»rlnjr supply tine m. i .jr.t u.u Moleskin ll.r- It Ladies Shoes and G-aiters. took the HIGHEST PREMIUM at the State Fair in V\ i- t M made ispceiuliy fur is now ou H AT h received a j art of my ^iiriiu of U(ll« Agricultural Works._[nth .17] A. W IIUTK.VlOKI.. li illol SAND sKlUTS DAY'. me, hand. ooiimii. a»ul NOTICE. "lfl- r. MI>m* Cblkkem Shi*. I*. Y. X o l 1CK is Four ... SKAlil KY, U I [mb U] cKAB£li hereby given that the firm of William II. Hall Jk 1^01 l.c'jnmng Separate Factories, took the HIGHEST PREMIUM ut the Stale Fair in Mich- o has AM* LAIIOR <*»• ONE rilol.'VNb IIAN|>* this day heen d.vtoiied l*y mutual consent—the 1-1*11 Yl! V.-oliSl kll ANI1 I..VNH igan. MANHOOD, *• sum wool..— 1,m r. Guano. r",. Are r»i|ii red t»y the demand l«»r 1 s sKIU I •/ It took the partner, George Hull, iherelVom. The hu.-m. >» Ht»Mso.N *- •••I'<•"<. I‘W ill HIGHEST PREMIUM ul the State Fair In Indi- Manipulated reining I'omnln Ziphvr \Vor»u,l mi-1 sliitian-l Wo I offer V> the Plantar* of Virginia a Guano I Huh will hereafter In* carried on fe.» l-dincow ,u. i\ * an:,. prepared iHZRllow Lost, Itestored hy Wiu. II. Hall individually. [i,. eu.J lieuutifnlly assorted, in colors, ul WEtu. m follow*: I.VN.umiu. IK, ls,\y. WM II. Il t'wk Ihe in Mi*- n »/ S, ti/rii Sept. IIA LI. CO I- A.AT. HIGHEST PREMIUM ul me Stale Fuir low Iba Iff the beet Peruvian 9nano fhai can he Jiul fStbUxIittl, tfll-dt* ...... K1NSKY-S, procured, Knivlo/tf. sept ESTABLISHED 1333. l-'ii US'lppl. •W Iba. of the beat tiembrero Guano, lull bO J!5 M:ii:i srt-ot. Il eoutalumg p* ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND RADICAL Cl'BE i.Hik the HIGHEST PREMIUM it the Stale Fuir In Mi*- JeaL of the Phosphate oi Lima, SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Wcakncs*. >eiual De- KEEN, BALDWIN .fc \VII,LIAMS, aourl. HI»I li l' F tW Iba of the beat fnaaod Plaster, for which we paj |2 p* Nervousnee* and iifl»r ..will w ». now receiving direct from liielr **wn the F I N *s H bility, Involuntary Emission*. Inducing lnt|»o- flour niunulm-iorv, i.Kik the HIGHEST PREMIUM ul ihe Slum Fair In lull- extra ONm Hu. until turiln-r most too, luncyand Mental and Physical lncat>u< tty. 111.11111, utillmi, m»mit to lhi' iruwiUtl VKLlargest ami desirable atoek *r FALL AND \\ IN I LL Guano roruia. ▲II well wind Condition ot the Phosphor-Peiuvian Ingrdhw Br ROB. J. UULVEKVVKLL. M. Hepot. p |( JBHItS I'Ll* I'lIl.NO they have ever exhibited, ami to which additions tobacco And at the Fairs in I)., ",,v Mamin*, Baltimore Planter* and other* atbwfMii W examine U*« y rt. V a. a ill be made lo tgricultural sail ami Cincinnati!,Chicago,SI. Louis, _ article. Fn>n AutAor «y ihs “frreen Moat." «tr. ! Om- ,V I'eun. K. U every arrival throughout Hie season. I heir and Richmond. the beat lafortnaUoa we mm we believe ini* kgt„ hr*t rf,h>r i* devoted lo HUM-; ebtein, mixture The world-renowned auliior. In Utlw admirable Lecture, eh r the likl vll. TltAOE, where the) are pre- '-l,Ullui;.NI) AS1I h* beat that can l-MA.ioruii oi ..I „n A S. be pr*|tered for the Virginia land* from his own Landreth's l,«»'ed « ''' *'v ai ail a tul. ami assortment ol ..',1a. l;a.|n Sole Agent ly proves experience that the awful eon*e U1-. F4*e *4* per km, ur AM per ton bw* when the «»f lie iiuasi Iws'iioimble in u to hdlowin-; MAS'l/l/s all1 .a Jail Mais Sihu i. 1,\m mu self-wbuse may he effectually rcntoted without Medicine und JUST KKCEIVGI) BY goods,gotten up style tspml the la-si hi* own manufacture—\ig; f wraisfe the bag* Men iianl l ailors w without instrument* ork,nnd wold at twunty-pivk era msr * dangerous Surgical operations, tmugies, < s STAill.Kit .IONKS. I'Ivn r.ifcui. u.- /lupin /‘‘‘itn/i'uir-i’crutian. >m*• ininir percent am- XDMOKS, DAVKSPOKT A CO- rings or out a mode of cure at once n | ks! 1 heir *fCond and third arc vlev»u*nr* tii''ins, and 4*» t>»»i cent. b*.m pointing to the per pi.*.-4 iiutc- lua. i,ur have j*. and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis con- ■iVV( am Itv exclusively Wllol.FSALK I UADK, and will ia- found IhintUy uHiMK-iated ourselvi** for lb*1 |’,ir _ap*f-a»_Ekk-ond, rniti.E \Y>"" together UlUoo may ba, cure hlmsair coi.i.koi! b» com tv in a most extensive ami desirable atoek ol fashionable |n»se ol und may nA*//*/p, priratt/y ami nnti- F■ 1;11-. Second i erm of the present nnniinl setedon of this In- It Unite A*\ ii,:a >m, conducting a general Grocery Ciouum«h'ii WATCHES AKD ami w 11. w.voi: v "Jin'* t'.niHinin^ al JEWELRY. eaUw. This Lecture will a boon lo thousands s. mill. Ml will manufactured with and alilf*A oUKinesH. under Uie prove aud thou A commence on Wed ms. tile 1*1 of lothing, great pains, tV,,L style and Hrm of Stkaiiom «k IIknsLKY, mSkM Mb Jb« BvWeed Un* an | lay. Kehrua- wuii direct reference h* the |MT b,,w Una *•* 4* TMB largest funds. It is dcMied wants ot the increhantsol per "Id •'land of Murrell At No. 04 Main | r... that those pupils who do so Yirginta !lon Stratton, street, Ljn* Mk MS *Mfc 1C W KLK T ihi l„ ha Sent under seal to design enuring, No*nh t urolma and TemnwMe. or“id*n.*U " ° Va. any address, jmmI paift, on the receipt of n- early m the term as possible. Devoting-the whole ,.| m, /lupin* '/nbacco burg, a* At «fcri«( i« u» ... lime n* tlu- Manure, ft 1 *.MaBrMd«hs tdsdanar j.ut>tt<-. wo postage stamps, Dr. c 11. J. C. M. 1. \ I'i.NfrKS.— im fuel mumitioiure ami sale ol ( loihmg alone, with Ion coutaiuoi^ percent, amino. '\ e will on hand a assortment of <«‘ York, months. *7&; Tuititui m l.uaiish, lift); in iaitiu or Kr« o|a-rati«*iis, material ud and 17 cede*, Li<(uor*.Staple J»r\ Gouda,and in lacl every article IwbbIbIb, m-h we can per cent, Huiphuie lime, ton uf VsAnnd Vaky fjwwGl, SmBSjni, k'lanv-r Kmm jan ll-daetltdec m. r. a 11'*: in and d>» offer tin greatest inducement*. per i.tJUU il kept in a establishment. __ [a. on.] ; Music, $\tb. ju'dium, Grocery _ KKKN. I# A LI) WIN * I*j» ,ir i Kor further to A,WILLI AMS, * tirowi tiiiur attention to the sale of Wheat, Fh BUSHELS BLACK Catalogue* containing |»artlculura Unpin hi>ne «o in paid Tobacco, |f|A OATS, Just received aud for rale y apply *l’Sf No. I'W Main .!«'/,eontuihim; ai»ont cent md an Staa»Bf JSioSm.axwBkrifu.r’u.' ryAMX K. COX, President. l’‘l*_ street, Klehniond, Va. hone her kind* of countr) IBM ike beat a««r uShned b> Ik* uf vblrh b SMI I'll A A UAHS. | phosphate lime, dry and |>ti.i. per ion of prtiduee. patent, paldio—«u V determined t«> eontiue i,owl NN e hoi strict attention to bu*iiu s» to merit the a. It.—Having myself hereafter by putr<>u*f° SbUr Um aUentfc* air klB Meada —«IM pabde peaecall], Main Street. to purely our _____141 the literary inuuageiurtit ol the Institution, | have uiHhoriz* d 1 EMPLOYMENT." Ai/ru ultural Milt, trier. and the public generally. aariMl than that fin nrtaaa nrlU aniL loose, |K*r toil of *_\0i 0 11,s n !*! ROUt I. \. made. I he nl*o>e Mam k» « SANUI;. W. HEN b) ure m received, [JanUl-ts. At.I N 1 pul up »in.n.* ■» 'Dcents, tNlk!> IN kVKKY TOWN A YI' buir* "iiti.iiVii |(,- by I- A. A I. 111 ,tH‘ 1 |H!iind* eaeli. tweite *au old MoBB KINSEY, VN ’’. .Imhi.-k, t.. «*li|pti£< tilths ..ike a hm u.,, .^er 1 AL OIL -We arc now Utu»C«ml *in Uf* Uhl-kcy. Maker's ,r.. mar.'>i..vl»t.|,-;.|..l and :,i l.e had o| ^t.,n selling _ 154 Hals *. (ocoa and h"'M" “>• » 1 r. i,. p,i m» and for SO barrels Mountain (borclatrx, >"l*.v "If I.r.iltt. I...... i.nunv M-i\,;«i mill; ••• am V TI -•’» oh si A ULEK Jc Ji’a sale, verj iiwne Cj I’ICt I' A Nl ma) r.a. 0,1 ,M pvr gallon. [ IiMlt*J t. Nil 11 *n»T |i. ITALIAN M.lli ia.I. *..r Mr.. !* l*"‘,"a,,Hd; o| In,,,. Uhis, n >* rfWbhAajr. kowu:- .t tituhri. ft UlONl, .. ;:ar..,. Hr. .1. Uim:( u ,v _N Mi'lair-U, IJOTATOKS.-K,. IrWU,.. i ii nil fi luvn .So. 01 Msin * tociiw. >pices*)f kinds, c..riur i-• l.' r..mi.I Ur.* li.»y, \,.» \,.,x in,, Street, forwlolow, JAMES B'-VU o>. 1,1 •’ Jiel ltrrfiv(d t,nbl«) bi AliLKi: u JONHS. omr l-iKtiuti. ... u>t [lanikiliiinarloW—t.*,n •T.t' -ArI'-... 11.v \ Lt»T OF NIUE NEW IJAl ON, which I-will sell low 1.10.1 ell Palactt. 4 iaili. d. C. SHKAKL* ■gJLjji, Jv *v2 v_ [fVL'i dG]