LEAKED DOCUMENTS reveal Twilight Sparkle's first BOYFRIEND in MLP Season 7

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Beloved unicorn princess Twilight Sparkle will be getting her first boyfriend in the upcoming seventh season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, new leaked documents have revealed.

The leak suggests that Twilight's boyfriend is from a distant land, where everyone is 'a little bit different' and eats healthily – always getting their five- a-day fruit and veg without fail.

According to the document, the character will break new ground for the show by helping Twilight Sparkle experience strange new emotions, including romance, jealousy and horniness.

The character is also of a different race to Twilight Sparkle, showing how the popular cartoon continues to embrace progressive values.

Art of the character – with all credit going to the artist - codenamed in the document as 'LW', is available below:

Prudence Pearson, CEO of Hasbro's Legal, Organisational and Logistical network for the Well-being of Unicorn Television (LOLWUT) Division wrote in the design document for the character: “With his big teeth, wry grin and different approach, this character will present new opportunities and challenges for Twilight Sparkle. The first issue to overcome will be making sure that she doesn't accidentally eat him!

“We'd also really like to explore more mature themes, such as Twilight's lust for her fruity boyfriend, or the logistical difficulties of making love to a creature with only a mouth and little else on its body. Perhaps a little magic is in order.”

Are YOU excited for Twilight Sparkle getting a boyfriend in Season 7 of Friendship is Magic? Could this new character become one of the main cast members and replace Applejack? Let me know!