Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-10-18
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L7, 1945 ~ ---V' ,. '''1'8, MEATS, llook r ... '"' .....,. Al I ..,. .... EI Fair ••• d "" •• rb 0.', HI: 1'1 II....... IU •••• "'•• I~ N.v. 10: LI IIl, ...b Cli •••• 1.. , ...11 D... '1: al IOWA: Continued fair and I .., ...1l VI .... Ill,n,b J.D. II. IUClA.a, h ... r•• , ailabl .. • lamp sa ,0" ror five ,oad. t1....... D••• I •. IHOEI, warm today. 1I00IE 'lane alrplo.... lomp. I, t, I ••• • ._ I ••ell· on Dlilly. THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa ctty's Morning Newspaper nilable (Of ... all-univer :IVE CENTS TBE AllOClATED ralBl IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1945 TBE AIIOCIATU .alBl VOLUME xxn NUMBER 21 to be he~ =============~~==~=====fr=================== • SatUtda), in the Iowa rmy ay _ut oints to eow U. S.-Soviet Argument JAPAN'S GEISHA HOUSES KEEP GI'5 IN STEP Senale Hears Lewis Orders Soh Coo I Over Balkan Situation Approaches Crisis Release Data Miners Back -to - Work Outcome WiIIlnfluenc. Future of RUlSian, From General By Tilt: ASSOCIATED raE8R Takes* Over * * Buses Americon Relations Tbe soft conl Rtrikc, biggest of the nRtion's postwar labor dis· Personnel Chief Says pules, waR called off ycstl'l'dllY by ,John L. Lewis. WASHINGTON (AP) - Con The pl'esidC'nt of lhe Ullited Mine workers insh"ucted the 2J6,000 nlcts between the United States Releases From Army miners away from th pits in six t;ich eoal.pl·oducing state. to reo and Russia over Balkan govern Hit 44,000 Last Week ume work Monday "in the pn blie intel·cst." ments and Japan are approaching ' , I Lewis' sudden ordCl', coming after collapse of government con· a new period ot crisis. \VA HI G'l'ON (AP)-Sen. riliation conferences, was hailed by the soft coal industry and I.\tors heard yeo terday that the cheered the sterl, cutton and other industries where production This developed yesterday from ,,8S curtailed harply or menaced by the long, widespread walk. disclosures made by Secretary ef minimum 10taL for release from out. State Byrnes at a news conterence. the army may be cut below 60 ecre\ary of Labor SohweJlenbach, who!!6 own efforts at set· The outcome of the conflicts Is points in December. liement collap. ed Monday night, cleclared himself both "de· considered certain to have a vital Brig. Gen. R. W. Berry, lighted" and hopeful that Lewis' influence on the future of Ameri deputy pet onnel ellier of the action would have "a steadying ef can-Soviet relations. war depal-tment, ofiefed this fect throughout the industry gen I auula Stande Pa' te timony before the Renate mil. Army, Navy erally." itary affairs committee as jt In respect to Japan, Byrnes dis "Schwellenbach had sou g h t ~ hecked UpOll Pl'og-I'ess of th closed that RUSSia is standing pat vainly in eight days of meetings to 'ig job of returning millions OL on its demand that an Allied COn bring the United Mineworkers and fighting men to civilian st.atus. I Merger Urged trol council should lake over IU Amid soft coal operators together on the a barrage 01 critical ques preme authority there from Gen tions and pages of estimates, the issue of unionization of 28,000 to eral DouKlas MacArthur. All a re general stressed these points: 50,000 foremen, clerical and tech to ' By Patterson sult It is possible that Russia will Daily releases from the army nical workers. He stepped 0 u t ret use to send a representative to reached a peak of 44,000 last week. jour. when the operators rejected a Men and women with two years cer~· 1 WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre- :fifth proposal for settlemen t, and PUTTING TO USE speelal emer the first meeting of the American service or more cannot hope to iesterciay In tar)' of War Patterson asked Con- recessed the conferences Indefin ,ency powers Klven him at the sponsored tar e a s t ern adviSory get out on that basis alone before outset of the war by the Massa· commission here next Tuesday. Arthur lIess yesterday to combine the itely. Mar. 20 next. The soUd fuels administration chusetts le&"islature, Gov. Maurice On Balkan conflicts the central of journal. army and navy, and President Voluntary enlistmenls under the lUted, effective immediately, its J. Tobin, above, put the operation problem is whether the United , new law designed to spur such en lecturer ot Truman is going to ask it for some par t I a 1 embargo on shipments and mana&,ement of the .trike States - and England too - will "LEAD ME TO THE SKIRTS" has been and probably always wlJl be the cry of American soldiers when listments have reached 1,000 a of jour· kind of peacetime military train- they find they have a few hoUts ott duty. In Germany, they called It fraternIzation; In Japan II amounts from the seven strike-crippled Ap~ bound E a s t ern Massachusetts recognize ,Soviet supported ,ov day. ing to the same thlnr, but it takes place In Geisha houses where Japane e ,iris who have been trained in A4 ot I tor all the young men of Am- palachian districts where produc~ St(eet RaRway into tbe hands of ernments In Romania and Bulgar General Berry said more than A2 or erica. ers were ordered to ship only to the Commonwealth of Massacbu~ ia, which they bave thus far de the art of dandn, since childhood, act as hostesses to GI occupation troops. hall a million men and women A2 ot J Mr. Truman will address Set1ate hospitals, utilities, railroads and setts. (Interuatlonal) clined to do. had been discharged by the army and House Tuesday on military ships. Yesterday afternoon Secretary in the first half of October. He es '""~''''''''l' m, \t\iI\ing-in person. He has a sell- Wires Local Byrnes went to the White House Juan Peron Returns to Power in Argentina, timated 1,100,000 would be freed ,nUI'unv A2 Ing job to do in a congress reluc- Lewis wired every local ofticer U. ·S. Unc,overs Files and conferred 40 minutes with u~ S~ Imperiled during the month. This would be At tant even to consider the subject and 'Union in districts affected by President Truman and his chief ot twice the estlmate Chief of Staff now. the work stoppages, that work staff Admiral William D. Leahy. Forces Formation of Entirely New Cabinet George C. Marshall had g i v e n l'att~rson talked to the Senate shoUld be resumed Monday morn 01) 8MiIIi .on Nazis He declined to say what they had congress. Military committee. He urged it ing. A UMW spokesman s aid " talked about except that "various ByAlomBomb He predicted that more than In act quickly on a plan to merge Lewis was acting "in the public matters" were covered. BUENOS AI~ES (AP)-,Juan lady, said he hael resigned his 1,000,000 would be released in No the arroed forces, with subordinate interest." Na."•• ef "merlcan Delerate Dtapatebes Peron, after a bl'iet eclipse, re- commission in the army to lead vember and about the sa me num brances for the air, ground and President John McAlpine and Party'Members Asp e cia 1 Investigator for WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress turned to power yesterday, forcing the Argentine workers to what he ber during December. In order to sea . Some of his reasons: Secretary Robert Condra 01 the Byrnes, Mark Ethrld&e of Louis was told yesterday that 40,000,000 the [ormatlon of a new cabinet called further economic victories. do this the general conceded some • • • United Clerical, Technical and Su Included in Records ville, Ky., was scheduled to leave . Id b killed ' ne Although urged by Peron to dis- thing must he done to lower pres Am encans cou e III 0 of his [I'iends and caUing a general I. It's the best way to main pervisory Employes' union, the tonight for Romania and Bulgaria perse peaceably after the mass ent requirements for l' e 1 e as e. tain American security and "the controversial unit of Lewis' catch BERLIN (AP)-American mili to investigate the eldent of poUtl overnight atomic raid if there 1$ strike to celebrate "a day of glory meeting, there was an outbreak These were 70 pOints this month continuation of world peace." all district 50, made similar ap tary authorities disclosed yester cal freedom existing there. "olle talse move in International for the workers." Railroad trains of heavy shooting in tront of the and will drop to 60 points on No 2. It would have saved billions peals to the members of the i r day that they had seized· the Nazi Byrnes told his news conference diplomacy." ceased funning out of the capital newspaper Critica which has been vember 1- • during the war and might have union to be back on lhe job by that he wanted Ethridge to look Dr. H. J. Curtis, one ot the me!'! an outspoken critic of Peron. ended it sooner. party's master personnel !iles list into questions of laws bearing on shorUy alter midnight. Critica sounded its siren in a call Monday. who helped make the atom bomh, WASHINGTON* * (AP)* - The war S. It can bring about many ing nearly 8,000,000 party mem democratic rights for the people. Speaking to thousands jammed for pollee aid. The newspaper La department announced last night After the foremen's union struck called for n "miracle" in interna economies now by stopping Sept. 21 at II few mines, the move bers, including thousands who The question of the far eastern into the plaza mayo in front of Prensa also was attacked.