
Why did the Sink?

"We have struck ... sinking fast ... come to our assistance."

The ship was doomed and it was slowly sliding into its watery grave. But why did the largest, most advanced ship of the century sink?

It was Captain Smith’s fault It was the shipbuilder’s fault This was Captain E.J. Smith's About three million rivets were used to retirement trip. All he had to do hold the sections of the Titanic together. was get to New York in record Some rivets have been recovered from time. Captain E.J. Smith said the wreck and analysed. The findings years before the Titanic's voyage, show that they were made of sub- "I cannot imagine any condition standard iron. which would cause a ship to founder. Modern shipbuilding has When the ship hit the iceberg, the force of gone beyond that.” the impact caused the heads of the rivets Captain Smith ignored seven iceberg warnings to break and the sections of the Titanic to from his crew and other ships. If he had called come apart. If good quality iron rivets had for the ship to slow down then maybe the Titanic been used the sections may have stayed disaster would not have happened. together and the ship may not have sunk.

It was Bruce Ismay’s fault It was Thomas Andrew’s fault Bruce Ismay was the managing The belief that the ship was director of the unsinkable was, in part, due to and he was aboard the Titanic. the fact that the Titanic had Competition for Atlantic sixteen watertight compartments. passengers was fierce and the However, the compartments did White Star Line wanted to show not reach as high as they should that they could make a six-day have done. crossing. The White Star Line did not want them to go all To meet this schedule the Titanic could not the way up because this would have reduced afford to slow down. It is believed that Ismay living space in first class. If Mr Andrews had put pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the insisted on making them the correct height then speed of the ship. maybe the Titanic would not have sunk.

Name ______Date ______Period ____ Rotation _PINK_____

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why was Captain Smith to blame for the ? (sentence starter: Captain Smith was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic because __.) ______

2. Why were the shipbuilders Harland and Wolfe to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? (sentence starter: The shipbuilders Harland and Wolfe were to blame for the sinking of the Titanic because __.) ______

3. Why was Bruce Ismay to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? ______

4. Why was Mr. Andrews to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? ______

5. Do you think Captain Smith was past his prime? (too old) Explain your answer. (sentence starter: Captain Smith was/was not past his prime because ___) ______

6. What evidence suggests that money was key factor in the Titanic disaster? ______

7. Using evidence on this sheet, who do you think was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? Explain your answer. ______

 2002 www.historyonthenet.co.uk