Civic Centre Folkestone on Wednesday, 20 June 2012
SHEPWAY DISTRICT COUNCIL Minutes for the meeting of the Council held at the Council Chamber - Civic Centre Folkestone on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 Present: Councillors Tristan Allen, Emily Arnold, Hugh Barker, Mrs Keren Belcourt, Mrs Ann Berry, Robert Bliss, George Bunting, Miss Susan Carey, Miss Pamela Carr (Vice-Chair), Alan Clifton-Holt, John Collier, Brian Copping, Ms Victoria Dawson, Malcolm Dearden, Anthony Dunning, Ellerby, Peter Gane, George, Clive Goddard, David Godfrey, Richard Grundy, Anthony Hills, Ms Janet Holben, Mrs Jennifer Hollingsbee (Chairman), Shane Lawrence, Rory Love, Michael Lyons, Paul Marsh, Philip Martin, David Monk, Peter Monk, Terence Mullard, Mrs Shirley Newlands, Alan North, David Owen, Richard Pascoe, Paul Peacock, Stuart Peall, David Stephenson, Russell Tillson, Roger West, Roger Wilkins and William Wimble Apologies for Absence: Councillors Alan Ewart-James, Stan Hayward, Peter Simmons and Mrs Susan Wallace 21. Declarations of interest There were no declarations of interest. 22. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2012 were submitted, approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman of the Council. 23. Chairman's communications The Chairman reported that since 21 March, she had represented the District at a number of events throughout Kent and South East London. However, the majority of her time had been taken up with local events including a concert by the Folkestone Choral Society; Folkestone Lions Club annual dinner; an exhibition at Folkestone Library on “A Town Unearthed: Folkestone before 1500” which was a three year community archaeology project that was working with the community to research and record the rich archaeological heritage and early history of Folkestone.
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