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O Ldies and G Oodies Volume 3, Issue 8 June 12, 2011 USBF President Joan Gerard The End of the Line USBF Vice President Seniors Total 1-15 16-30 31-45 46-60 George Jacobs USA2 USBF Secretary Lynch 102 21 6 30 45 Cheri Bjerkan H I P S Kasle 108 21 40 20 27 USBF Recording Secretary Rena Hetzer Women’s Total 33-48 49-64 65-81 82-96 USBF Treasurer USA2 Sylvia Moss Sprung 129 18 25 21 5 USBF Chief Operations Officer Joel 215 55 19 41 38 Jan Martel USBF Chief Financial Officer Barbara Nudelman Directors - WITT/SITT Harry Falk Terry Lavender Operations Manager Ken Horwedel Appeals Coordinator Joan Gerard Appeals Committee Joan Gerard Ron Gerard Robb Gordon Henry Bethe Jeffrey Polisner The Joel Squad (USA2): Peggy Sutherlin Jill Levin and Jill Meyers John Sutherlin Tobey Sokolow, Geeske Joel, Debbie Bart Bramley Rosenberg, Eric Kokish (coach), Adam Wildawsy Bill Pollack Janice Seamon-Molson Chip Martel Gail Greenberg Howie Weinstein VuGraph Organizers Jan Martel The Kasle Squad Joe Stokes (USA2): Bulletin Editor Neil Chambers, Suzi Subeck Steve Robinson, Hospitality Chairs Larry Kozlove, Bill Arlinghaus Peter Boyd, Sandy Arlinghaus Gaylor Kasle, Committee Joan Gerard John Schermer Nadine Wood Webmaster UNITED STATES Oldies andSENIORS’ Goodies AND WOMEN’S BRIDGE CHAMPIONS Kitty Cooper 1 To the Finish Line... Board 34 ♠ A4 West North East South Dealer: E ♥ AK742 Passell Robinson Sutherlin Boyd N/S Vul. ♦ J72 Pass Pass ♣ KJ6 1D (could be 1H Double 1S ♠ 82 ♠ K953 N Pass 2S Pass 4S ♥ T9 ♥ QJ86 All Pass ♦ AK93 ♦ T5 ♣ QT943 ♣ 752 Schermer Weichsel Chambers Lair ♠ QJT76 Pass Pass ♥ 53 Pass 1NT Pass 2H (transfer) Q864 ♦ Pass 2S Pass 3NT A8 ♣ All Pass Passell’s light third seat opener followed by Sutherlin’s negative double made it difficult for Boyd and Robinson to get to 3NT. Once Boyd bid one spade and Robinson raised, they were committed to play in that strain. Four spades was not a terrible contract. It took a diamond ruff to defeat it. Passell started with ace, king and a diamond. Sutherlin trumped and waited for his king of spades. Down one! At the other table, Schermer went quietly in third seat. Weichsel opened one no-trump; Lair transferred to spades and bid 3NT, choice of games. With only two spades, Weichsel passed. Imagine his surprise when Chambers led the queen of hearts into his AK fifth suit. Weischel won the heart and led ace of spades and a spade. Chambers ducked, allowing the jack to win in dummy. Weichsel continued spades and Chambers won his king. He played a heart to the nine, ducked. Schermer switched to the ten of clubs. Weichsel won in dummy and came to four spades, two hearts, and three clubs (finessing the queen). 12 IMPs to Lynch Board 37 ♠ 86 Passell Robinson Sutherlin Boyd Dealer: N ♥ KT9732 2D (multi) Pass 2H (pass or N/S Vul. ♦ KT76 Double Pass 2NT (Lebensohl) Pass ♣ 8 3C All Pass ♠ KT74 ♠ AQ5 N ♥ Q4 ♥ J865 Schermer Weichsel Chambers Lair ♦ J4 ♦ 95 2H Pass Pass ♣ AKQ76 ♣ JT52 Double Pass 2NT Pass ♠ J932 3NT All Pass ♥ A Schermer and Chambers arrived in 3NT after a normal weak two heart ♦ AQ832 opening. Lair led a fourth best diamond and was elated to catch Weichsel with KTxx. The defense took the first five diamonds and and the ace of hearts. ♣ 943 In the other room, Robinson opened 2D (weak two in either major). Boyd bid 2H (pass or correct). After consulting the suggested defenses, Passell doubled (t/o of hearts). Sutherlin, too, consulted the defenses, and bid 2NT (Lebensohl). Passell bid the expected 3C, and for lack of anything better, Sutherlin passed. Passell took 10 tricks after Robinson led a spade. Another 6 IMPs to Lynch. 2 Board 78 ♠ 8763 West North East South Dealer: E ♥ 43 Meyers Sprung Levin Robertson None Vul. ♦ 52 Balderson Rosenberg Miner Seamon-Molson ♣ T9853 1H 1NT ♠ KQT95 ♠ 4 Double Redouble 2H Pass N ♥ T6 ♥ AQ875 4H All Pass ♦ AT86 ♦ QJ4 Both rooms had the same auction. ♣ K2 ♣ Q76 ♠ Molson could see four tricks so long as her black aces cashed. She led the AJ2 spade ace, continued with the club ace, and waited for her KJ of hearts. ♥ KJ9 ♦ K973 At the other table, Robertson must have blanked. She led the club ace and a AJ4 second club. Levin won in dummy and ran the ten of hearts. Robertson won ♣ with the jack and played the jack of clubs. This was all Levin needed. She won the club queen, cashed the ace of hearts, played queen of diamonds, Robertson playing small, jack of diamonds, Robertson playing small, and a diamond to the ten. She shed her spade loser on the ace of diamonds and made four hearts. 10 IMPs to Joel. ♠ 8732 Board 42 Bernstein Rosenberg Wheeler Seamon-Molson Dealer: E ♥ 72 1NT (12-14) Double All Vul. ♦ 9754 Redouble 2C Pass 2H ♣ 543 Pass Pass 3D Pass ♠ 96 ♠ KQJ N 3NT All Pass ♥ A94 ♥ JT Joel Sprung Sokolow Robertson ♦ T8 ♦ QJ632 1D Double ♣ AQT986 ♣ KJ2 2C Pass Pass 2H ♠ AT54 Pass Pass 3C All Pass ♥ KQ8653 Sokolow opened one diamond. Two clubs was non-forcing after the double, and ♦ AK since she was aceless, even with a great fit, Sokolow passed. Robertson could not envision a game for her opponents. She balanced giving them another ♣ 7 chance. Sokolow bid three clubs, and thinking A9x was not enough, Joel passed and played it there. Joel lost one spade, two diamonds and a heart… making three. At the other table, Wheeler opened a weak no-trump. Molson doubled with her 14 count. Bernstein redoubled to get her partner to bid clubs. Rosenberg, afraid of a sit, muddied the waters with two clubs. Molson bid two hearts and it passed around to Wheeler who was not sure whose hand it was. She balanced with three diamonds and Bernstein made the winning three no-trump bid. The jack/ten of hearts was huge. Molson led the heart king. Wheeler won in dummy with the ace and knocked out the ace of spades. Molson continued with the queen of hearts and a heart, but the nine held in dummy and Wheeler collected six clubs, two hearts and two spades… making four. 11 IMPs to Sprung 3 Board 83 ♠ 6 West North East South Dealer: S ♥ A983 Meyers Sprung Levin Robertson E/W Vul. ♦ K82 Pass ♣ Q7652 1D Pass 2D (inverted) Pass ♠ Q752 ♠ AT3 3C Pass 3NT All Pass N ♥ KQ3 ♥ T75 Bernstein Rosenberg Wheeler Seamon-Molson ♦ AQ53 ♦ JT64 Pass ♣ 84 ♣ AK9 1NT (12-14) Pass 3NT All Pass ♠ KJ984 Weak no-trumps: Sometimes your right side it… sometimes you don’t. ♥ J64 ♦ 97 Bernstein opened one weak no-trump in second seat. Wheeler raised to three. Rosenberg led her fourth best club. Bernstein ducked and Molson continued ♣ JT3 clubs. Bernstein won in dummy but there were just too many entries in the North hand. Bernstein finessed the diamond, losing to North’s king. North continued clubs, clearing the suit. A heart went to the king and ace. Rosenberg cashed her last two clubs and exited the nine of hearts. The best Bernstein could do was down two for –200. At the other table, Meyers opened one diamond. Levin bid an inverted two diamonds. Meyers bid three clubs, showing both majors stopped and looking for a club card. Levin bid three no-trump. Robertson had no reason to lead a club. She led a fourth best spade and Levin had time to knock out the ace of hearts and king of diamonds and make the hand. 13 IMPs to Joel Board 51 ♠ T8 Boyd Lair Robinson Weichsel Dealer: S ♥ KQ85 1C E/W Vul. ♦ K9853 1H 3NT All Pass ♣ KQ Passell Schermer Sutherlin Chambers ♠ Q752 ♠ J84 N 1C ♥ AJ973 ♥ 2 Pass 1D Pass 2D ♦ J ♦ T642 Pass 2H Pass 2S ♣ T64 ♣ AJ752 Pass 3NT All Pass ♠ AK63 ♥ T64 Weichsel opened one club and Boyd, on a marginal hand, overcalled one heart. A one level overcall doesn’t promise the world’s fair, but Boyd got really ♦ AQ7 punished this time. Robinson dutifully led his heart deuce. Boyd won and continued hearts. Lair ducked to his ten in dummy and played a high ♣ 983 diamond, noting the fall of the jack on his left. He led a heart to his hand and ran the nine of diamonds (restricted choice). He played another diamond to dummy and claimed eleven tricks… making five for +460. At the other table, Passell disdained the heart overcall. Schermer and Chambers bid their way to 3NT and Sutherlin led a fourth best club. Schermer won his queen, played a diamond to dummy, and led a heart toward his hand. Passell was ready. He flew ace and led a club to partner. Four clubs and the ace of hearts later, three no-trump was defeated a trick for +50 and 11 IMPs to Lynch. The Sprung team: Robertson, Sprung, Danny Sprung (NPC), Miner, Balderson, Bernstein and Wheeler 4 OLDIES AND GOODIES Laugh and the World Laughs With You… A travel agent looked up from his desk and saw an older lady and an older gentleman peering into the shop window, where there were posters of glamorous destinations around the world. The agent had had a good week, and the dejected couple looking in the window gave him a rare feeling of generosity. He called them into his shop. "I know that on your pension you could never hope to have a holiday, so I am sending you to a fabulous resort at my expense, and I won't take no for an answer." He took them inside and asked his secretary to write two flight tickets and book a room in a five-star hotel.
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