May 2009 SHOOTOUT at GIVHANS FERRY 2008 SASS South Carolina State Championship
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MercantileEXCITINGSee section our (starting on page 91) NovemberNovemberNovember 2001 2001 2001 CowboyCowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicleChronicle PagePagePage 111 The Cowboy Chronicle~ The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society ® Vol. 22 No. 5 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. May 2009 SHOOTOUT AT GIVHANS FERRY 2008 SASS South Carolina State Championship . November 6-9, 2008 , By Colonel Dan, SASS Life #24025 idgeville, SC – The See HIGHLIGHTS on page 73 Geechee Gunfighters are two for two … two shots; Kill-em-all Kate: “Edisto Ike and R two bull’s eyes. The com- Lorenzo (Plus all the trusty mittee, headed up by Edisto Ike and helpers) really outdid themselves his trusty sidekick, Lorenzo Kid, again. They topped last year, and it who only took the reins in 2007 was GREAT!! If you can’t go to along with their super team of Three many matches next year be sure Diamond Dennis, Pick Ax Pete, this one is on your list. It has to be Whiskey Mac, and Carolina Gray the most fun match I have attended Dog did a truly bang up job again in this year. Runnin’ and Gunnin’ … 2008. The match was a heck of a lot what more could you want? They of fun, very well organized, and very went out of their way to please well executed with all targets big everyone, and from what I saw and and close and no built in “P” traps. heard on the range, they did it!! What more could you ask? Stages were fun and targets were Their hard work was evident VERY large. My hat’s off to you all everywhere. From the shooter’s for “ONE GREAT MATCH!!” book, the hotel arrangements, the Tuco Forsyth: “This was an excellent Toys for Tots, the side and warm up and fun match! I’ll be back next matches, the food, the vendors, the year!” stages, the BBQ, the gala, the cos- Bulls Head Bill: “If you don’t come to tume contest, the awards and “The Shootout at Givhans Ferry” prizes and the final shoot off, all next year … you’re missing an were thoroughly thought out with AWESOME match!!” the shooter being their focus of Frontier Cartridge Duelist winner, Persuader, made the dark side proud Tracker Mike: “Great match—you attention at all times. with his swirling clouds of target-obscuring smoke! The Givhans Ferry need to put this one on your In conjunction with the main match was again a heck of a lot of fun, very well organized, and well schedule.” match sponsors, Jackson’s Western executed with no built in “P” traps. What more could one ask? Whiskey Creek Johnson: “Had a Wear and US Firearms, and their great time! The match was great!” presenting sponsors, Starline Brass and Country Lawyer, these guys vided by Sticky Fingers. The BBQ Doc Cherokee: “Thanks so much made a team whose combined efforts and Gala were in the same hotel Lorenzo and Ike … as well as the were worthy of medals all around. where just about everyone stayed, rest of the gang that works so SASS Cowboy Chronicle As they did last year, the sched- so the overall convenience factor hard to make this match SO much ule was such that all the shooting was off the charts in my view. Very fun!! This is a FANTASTIC match was completed by 2 PM both days much appreciated guys! And I was- folks. Iffn’ ya never shot there, In This Issue which allowed everyone time to get n’t the only one who appreciated all you should plan on going next back to their rooms, clean up, and their hard work … not by a long year! Plenty of targets, up close 58 THE SMOKEWAGON relax before the evening events shot … as you can see by what oth- and personal. Lots of movement.” by Capt. George Baylor kicked off with wonderful food pro- ers posted on the SASS Wire. (Continued on page 72) 66 BUZZARD BOIL ‘08 87015 NM Edgewood, by Appaloosa Amy Way Cowboy 215 C h C 68 THE LAST STAND r o by Colonel Dan o w n b i o THE GREAT PUMPKIN 76 c y MASSACRE l by Stockyard Johnny Red e Page 2 Cowboy Chronicle May 2009 May 2009 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle May 2009 May 2009 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 6 FROM THE EDITOR Gun Control: It’s Your Fault! . 8 FROM THE DESK OF THE GENERAL Editorial Staff Tex 10-13 NEWS Joel “Dutch” Dortch, SASS #455, Receives “Hero Of The Heartland” Award . Editor-in-Chief Cat Ballou 14-23 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Editor Coyote Calhoun 16 CAT’S CORNER Coming Soon: What Women Wore (A Primer For CAS Cowgirls) ... Managing Editor & Marketing Director 18 COYOTE DROPPINGS Put SASS University Classes On END of TRAIL To Do List Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 24-36 ARTICLES The Dodge City War . The Kid And The Grumpy Old Man . Mac Daddy Graphic Design My Unusual Guns . What’s The Call? . 37-46 GUNS & GEAR Donna Oakley Advertising Administrator Obama May Just Be The Man We Need . 47 POLITICAL Contributing Writers Ace of Hearts, Billy Baits, 48, 50 MOUNTED Morning Dove Rides . Mounted Shooting Comes Of Age . Capt. George Baylor, Col. Dan, Cree Vicar Dave, Doc Murdock, 51, 52 PROFILES A True SASS Cowboy . Silver Dan, SASS #52613 . Duke Silverado, General US Grant, Holden Winchester, Inspector, Joe Fasthorse, Lori Dani Dixie, 53-56 END OF TRAIL Dedicated To The Wild Bunch ~ Sign Up Today!!! . Miz Annie Ross, Morning Dove, Oracle, Palaver Pete, Seven Ladders, Archaeology, History, And Custer’s Last Battle . Shotglass, Tennessee Jack Sledger, 57 REVIEWS BOOKS Whooper Crane, Wildshot The Cowboy Chronicle is published by 58 REVIEWS PRODUCTS The Smoke Wagon . The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting Society. 60-63 HISTORY The Shooting Of Luke Miller . Camp Cady Soldiers . Famous People For advertising information and rates, administrative, and editorial offices contact: Chronicle Administrator 64 TRAIL MARKER To Be Remembered . 215 Cowboy Way Edgewood, NM 87015 (505) 843-1320 66-78 ON THE RANGE What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . FAX (505) 843-1333 email: [email protected] 80-88 CLUB REPORTS Bunkhouse Bidness . Where Are You? . The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) is published monthly by the Single Action 97-99 CLASSIFIED Shooting Society, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. Periodicals Postage is Paid at ANAHEIM, CA and additional 100- SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS (MONTHLY, ANNUAL) mailing offices (USPS #020-591). POST- MASTER: Send address changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 215 Cowboy Way, he SHOT Show this Edgewood, NM 87015. year was held in T SASS® Trademarks DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting Orlando’s Orange County ® ® Society does not guarantee, warranty or Convention Center, and it SASS , Single Action Shooting Society , endorse any product or service advertised ® ® was a major success! END of TRAIL , EOT , in this newspaper. The publisher also does Along with SASS, there The Cowboy ChronicleTM, not guarantee the safety or effectiveness were 1800 exhibiting Cowboy Action ShootingTM, of any product or service illustrated. The distribution of some products/services may TM companies, and business CAS , be illegal in some areas, and we do not was brisk at the SASS The World Championship of assume responsibility thereof. State and booth and throughout the Cowboy Action ShootingTM, local laws must be investigated by the pur- show. According to the Bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the chaser prior to purchase or use or prod- National Shooting Sports ucts/services. Foundation, while other Rocking Horse Design are all trademarks of WARNING: Neither the author nor The trade shows exhibited a Cowboy Chronicle can accept any responsi- decline in attendance, The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. bility for accidents or differing results SHOT Show attendance actually rose by 3% compared to the 2007 Orlando SHOT Show. Any use or reproduction of these marks obtained using reloading data. Variation We met many friends and signed up many new members. SASS also attended the without the express written permission in handloading techniques, compo- 20/20 Task Force, a collaboration of industry and government agencies whose mission is nents, and firearms will make results of SASS is strictly prohibited. vary. Have a competent gunsmith check to increase positive awareness of the Shooting and Hunting Sports through recruitment your firearms before firing. and retention efforts. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle May 2009 GUN CONTROL: IT’S YOUR FAULT! . By Wildshot, SASS #51 , If you have a pro-gun candidate in the primary, we would never and clarity, based on averages running for office, vote for him or again have an anti-gun candidate. over several election cycles. her. Pay no attention to other issues. Imagine the terrible prospect of The 2008 general election num- If your pro-gun candidate reneges on having to make a choice between bers are slightly higher. How- his campaign promise and votes for two pro-gun candidates in the gen- ever, the ratios hold true for vir- gun control legislation, vote him out eral election! tually all elections, local, state, of office next election. This is key: It So, if you own a gun and don’t and Federal. If you are an adult Tex, SASS #4 doesn’t matter if his opponent is register to vote, or register, but don’t who legally owns firearms, you ~SASS Hall of Fame Inductee~ anti-gun, throw him out! (After all, vote, or vote, but don’t vote the issue: meet the eligibility require- you will be no worse off—you’re trad- Gun Control is your fault! ments to vote.