CEEJAY FINANCE LIMITED Eliisdrldge, Ahmedabad-380 006
9'" Floor, Abhijit-II, Mlthakhall Six Road, CEEJAY FINANCE LIMITED ElIIsDrldge, Ahmedabad-380 006. Phone : (079) 40050927 (079) 26404594 26404689 GROUP Fax: (079) 26424457 27.06_2019 To, The Manager (Listing), The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited 2S th Floor, P.). Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbal-400 001 Scrip Code: 530789 SUB: Newspaper Adyertisement Pursuant To SEBI Circular SEBIIHO/MIRSDIDOS3/CIR/P12018/139 Dated 6th November. 2018 Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to the SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOS3/CIR/P /2018/139 dated 6th November, 2018, the company has published the notice seeking objection from any person who has claim In respect of the proposed transfer as lodged to the RTA by the transferee for Transfer of Shares in her name as stated below: Folio Name of the Certificate Distinctive Shares Name of No Shareholder/Transferor No(s) No Transferee K01113 Kanchandevi 18499 1849801- 100 Meenaben Laxminarayan Kabra 1849900 Arvlndkumar Shah The newspaper advertisement is published in Western Times (in English & Gujarati) on 27th June, 2019. Any person who has any objection in respect of the Proposed transfer of above shares should lodge such claim with the Company or its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent M/s. Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd. 5th Floor, S06-S08, Amarnath Business Centre-1(ABC-1), Beside Gala Business Centre, Nr. St Xavier's College Corner, off e.G. Road, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-380006, GUJarat within 30 days of Publication of this notice after which no claim will be entertained and the Co mpany shall proceed to transfer shares in favour of above transferee. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.
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