Electoral Pocketbook Includes results from the 2013 federal election and the 2014 WA Senate election Electoral Pocketbook Includes results from the 2013 federal election and the 2014 WA Senate election Feedback The AEC welcomes feedback on the 2013 Electoral Pocketbook. To provide suggestions or comments visit www.aec.gov.au. Contact us 13 23 26
[email protected] www.aec.gov.au Authorised by the Electoral Commissioner, West Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes, ACT 2600. Printed by CanPrint Communications Pty Ltd, 16 Nyrang Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609. ISSN: 2203-997X The licence for this work is under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au The Australian Electoral Commission asserts the right of recognition as author of the original material. The publication should be attributed as Australian Electoral Commission 2013 Electoral Pocketbook. ii Foreword The 2013 Electoral Pocketbook provides a comprehensive yet compact guide to the 2013 federal election, incorporating the results of the WA Senate election, which was re-run in 2014 following a decision by the Court of Disputed Returns. During the 2013 federal election, more than 13.5 million people cast their ballots over a three week period. To achieve this over 70 000 polling officials were employed in more than 9 000 polling places. This Pocketbook outlines comprehensive information about the election, such as enrolment figures, types of votes cast, data on formal and informal votes and election funding and financial disclosure. Like previous editions of the Pocketbook, this edition also contains historical information about Australia’s electoral system and processes, an explanation of counting votes and the nomination process as well as information about redistributions and referendums.