SUPPLEMENTARY LETTERS 1928–1946 This PDF is one of a series designed to assist scholars in their research on Isaiah Berlin, and the subjects in which he was interested. The series will make digitally available both selected published items and edited transcripts of unpublished material. The PDF is posted by the Isaiah Berlin Legacy Fellow at Wolfson College, with the support of the Trustees of the Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust. All enquiries, including those concerning rights, should be directed to the Legacy Fellow at
[email protected] Supplementary Letters 1928–1946 Some of the following letters would have been included in the first volume of Berlin’s correspondence, Flourishing: Letters 1928–1946, had they come to light in time. Others are included for the sake of completeness, given that most of the surviving letters from this period were included in the published volume. Cross-references in the footnotes (which are not exhaustive) of the form ‘(31/6)’ or ‘(198– 203)’ are to the published volume, by page and (where applicable) note. The relevant portion of the note in that volume is sometimes repeated here for the convenience of readers. See pp. xxviii–xxix there for the conventions followed in these notes. The evidence from the letters to the Samunovs1 and other sources suggests that neither IB nor his parents ever had any serious intention of emigrating to Palestine/Israel. Rather they were thinking in terms of investment, or building a property which they might use on visits to the country, or both. Sources appear at the end of each letter.