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Soledad O’Brien to speak at NAACP event ‘Speaking of Women’ event to be held Kid’sKid’s Corner Corner SPORTS MENU TIPS The 7th annual ‘Speaking of Women! A Soledad O’Brien, award winning jour- Dialogue Series for Women Leadership’ will be held Nylan Traylor is one year old. He is the son of Sade Hyman and Eric nalist and producer, will be the guest speaker on Thursday, June 14 at 11:30 a., to 1:30 p.m. at the- at the 106th anniversary clebration NAACP - Cavs Have Backs Decadent Cookies Are Dominion Energy Ohio Corporate Campus, 1201 Traylor, Jr. Nylan’s favorite food is Against The Wall Cleveland Branch ‘Frredom Fund Dinner’ on Also Gluten-Free East 55th Street. Danita Harris, Channel 5 News, and bananas, and he has a hearty appetite. Romona Robinson, Channel 19 News. Alexandria Nylan’s favorite toy is his football and June 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cleveland Renais- Johnson Boone, chairman and founder of Women of hot wheels. His favorite place to visit sance Hotel, 24 Public Square. Tickets are by Color, will host the event. Register by calling 391- was the beach where he played in the advance sale only and are $150.00. For infor- See Page 4 See Page 5 4300, ext. 307. Traylor sand, but did not like the water. mation, call 216-505-0204. VOL. 40 No.23 Tuesday, June 5, 2018- Friday, June 8, 2018 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Brown re-election event held at Harvard Center African Americans for education, and championing fair is rampant in the charter school Sherrod Kickoff event was held access at the ballot box. business in Ohio. last Monday at the Harvard A statewide network Brown is a supporter of Community Services Center, of African American activists, LGBT rights. 18240 Harvard Ave. elected officials, small busi- Brown is being challen- Senator Sherrod ness-owners, healthcare advo- ged by Trump loyalist, Congres- Brown, accompanied by Con- cates, labor leaders, and ve- sman Jim Renacci. gresswoman Marcia Fudge, terans attended the grass-roots Renacci was sued for Cleveland Mayor Frank Jack- event to support Brown. wrongful death of one of the pa- son, State Rep, Stephanie How- Brown has represented tients in a nursing home he owns. se, who is Ohio Legislative Ohio since 2006. He supports It was settled out of court. The Black Caucus Chair; Ohio Sta- gun control, and was given a FBI investigated illegal campaign te Treasurer candidate Rob Ri- ’F’ rating from the gun lobby. contributions all of which his chardson, and Melony Stewart, Brown introduced legislation to campaign repaid. Ohio Supreme Candidate. protect children from lead-poi- Renacci is ranked as one Brown has a strong re- soning. of the riches men in Congress cord of supporting important He introduced the with a net worth of $37 million. issues such as fighting to clo- ’Charter School Accountabili- Brown has supported African Americans for Sherrod Kickoff event was held last Monday at the Harvard Community Services se the racial and wealth gap in ty Act’ which sought to prote- the Harvard Service Community Center, 18240 Harvard Ave. Fellow politicains who came to support Senator Sherrod Brown included: (l to r) Judge Melody Stewart; Rob Richardson, Ohio State Treasure candidate; State Rep. Stephanie Howse; Congresswoman Mar- the workforce, advocating for ct school children from fraud, Center, and has been a frequent cia Fudge, and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson. (ESDN Photo by Michele Oliver). increased funding for public abuse, and mismanagement that visitor. Jalal Mansur Nuriddin, Last Poet member and rap pioneer, dies Jalal Mansur Nuriddin, The Last for Adrian Sherwood and the single shops and joint screenings of Al Poets member and Rap Pioneer, died last “Mankind,Pt. 2”, produced by Skip Nasir’s film also featuring Nuriddin, Monday at his home in Georgia after a long McDonald and released on Adrian called Word-Up. battle with cancer. He was 74 years old. Sherwood’s label On-U Sound, can According to music histo- Nuriddin was often called the be heard over the closing credits of rians, Hustlers Convention “one of “Grandfather of Rap.” He was one of the the film 187. the most stolen and sampled albums founding members of The Last Poets, a Nuriddin and the Last Po- ever made.” group of poets and musicians that evolved ets also had a cameo appearance in in the 1960s out of the Harlem Writers John Singleton’s 1993 film Poetic Carson fatally shot Workshop in New York City. Justice, starring Janet Jackson and , Isaac Carson Jr., 37, ‘Understand What Black Is,’ which paid Tupac Shakur. won $50,000 from a $5 ticket tribute to Prince, Biggie, and victims of gun Nuriddin spent several last week, and was fatally shot on violence, was his first album since 1997. Nuriddin years in Europe, mainly in Aix-en- Nuriddin was born in Fort Tuesday about 7:40 p.m. in the he called “spoagraphics” or “spoken Greene, Brooklyn in 1944. Nuriddin, a de- Provence in the south of France and parking lot of Lady Luck Pub and pictures”. It was also known as toast- vout Muslim, musican and poet, was incar- Paris, and also in Liverpool, Bristol, Eatery on Nottingham Road, just Senator Sherrod Brown talks about the upcoming election and an- ing, which was a form of rhythmic cerated on trumped-up charges. He was giv- and London, England. In 2009, he south of St. Clair Avenue. Carson swered questions of attendees during the African Americans for Sherrod Kick- spoken poetry accompanied by ad hoc appeared live in New York, his first off event held at the Harvard Community Services Center on Monday. (ESDN en early release on condition that he join the was with two other men when a percussion by prison inmates, such as return to the United States after more Photo by Michele Oliver). US Army, where he trained as a paratrooper. the famous Signified Monkey toast fight broke outside. One of the than twenty years. When he refused to salute the American flag popularised by comedian Dolemite. men shot Carson in the abdomen. Nuriddin returned to the because of the instituional racism practiced Nuriddin’s talent and ge- Police found Carson on the ground UK in 2014 to perform live the semi- by the US Army, Nuriddin was imprisoned nius with words and rhythm are re- outside his car and gave him first Gasoline prices hold steady nal solo album Hustlers Convention. again. He did, however, receive an honour- nowned and he has produced some aid until an ambulance arrived. He Northeast Ohio gas steep discounts to help clear Nuriddin screened a documentary in able discharge and went to work for a bank epic poems such as “Be-Yon-Der”, an was taken to University Hospitals prices are lower for a third week out product. Low demand and Canada in 2016 as part of a tour with on Wall Street. It was his experience there 18-minute piece on The Last Poets al- where he died. in a row for drivers, saving healthy supply in the Great UK poet Malik Al Nasir called “The that spawned his poem “E-Pluribus Unum”, bum 1977 album Delights of the Gar- Carson, an aspiring sin- them an additional eight cents Lakes region should continue to Revolution Will Be Live” which in- from 1973’s Chastisement. den, which was released on Celluloid ger who competed in local Ameri- per gallon, according to AAA pressure prices down over the Nuriddin converted to Islam and cluded comprising seminars, poetry Records. can Idol auditions, was the father learned to spiel, an early form of rap, which performances, school visits, work- East Central’s Gas Price Report. next week. Nuriddin did an album of a 13-year-old daughter and Continual growth in Markets opened Mon- 16-year-old son. Carson grew up the number of U.S. oil rigs and day morning posting steady McFarland, wrongfully convicted, closer to being freed in Cleveland, went to Glenville the increased drilling it implies crude oil prices as a result of By PAT WHITE While McFarland and her fa- High School and ultimately got are raising expectations for a increased U.S. oil production. mily fight for her freedom, Euclid Po- his GED. He worked as a chef at a climb in domestic oil produc- Oil-services firm Baker Hughes Justice Melody J. Stewart lice Detective Phil Tschetter, who was few restaurants before getting his tion. Additionally, increased reported thatdrillers added 15 wrote a dissenting opinion in Sheila instrumental in withholding evidence barber’s license.He was a barber . U.S. crude oil production cou- rigs in the U.S., bringing the to- McFarland’s Appeals Case. Justice favorable to McFarland’s case, used at Professional Cutters in Euclid pled with lower driving demand tal crude oil rig count to 556, the Steward wrote that she would vaca- her story to further his career by appe- where he was known to sing to te McFarland’s convictions on the aring on the television show ’For My has kept downward pressure on highest since November 2015. customers.. grounds that “The record is completely Man’ on TV One. During his appearan- the national average price at the The increased U.S. production According to Carson’s Gasoline prices increase in area devoid of any evidence demonstrating ce on that episode, Tschetterstated in- father, mother and brother and se- pump, which has fallen for 21 continues to offset OPEC’s ef- that she said or did anything to further correctly most of the facts of the case.