Morning Song C Melody Fair x Morning Glory Ojai 'Verte' HCCODC Bc Pervenusta x Lc luminosa Orange Imp ‘Kaaawa’ Lc Trick or Treat x B digbyana GREEN: PLANT RESEARCH Owen Holmes ‘Mendenhall’ AMAOS Harlequin x Oconee Ports of Paradise ‘Emeral Isle’ FCCAOS Fortune x B digbyana P O BOX 597, KAAAWA, HAWAII 96730 U S A --‘Glenyrie’s Green Giant’ FCCAOS TELEPHONE/FAX 1 (808) 237-8672 Ronald Hauserman x Myrtle Beach E-MAIL
[email protected] Rugley’s Mill ‘Mendenhall’ HCCAOS Sc Autumn Symphony x Oconee Web Site Tokyo Magic x B digbyana Toshie Aoki ‘Pizzaz’ AMAOS Faye Miyamoto x Waianae Flare Toshie’s Magic Lc Tokyo Magic x Toshie Aoki ORCHID LIST Volcano Blue ‘ Kaaawa’ ‘coerulea’ Lois McNeil x Lc Blue Boy OCTOBER 2013 Whiporee 'Unbelieveable' Bc Deesse x Ranger Six If you have any Spathoglottis, Sobralia, Blue Catts, Calanthe or Phaius that you don't see on this BRASSAVOLA list please let me know - maybe we can do some horse trading, buying, stealing? cordata “H & R” species digbyana 'Mrs. Chase' AMAOS species AERANTHES --‘Seafoam Beauty’ species grandiflora species glauca xxxx H&R species Little Stars nodosa x cordata ASCOCENTRUM nodosa ‘Susan Fuchs FCCAOS species miniatum species --'Puerto Rico' species BLETIA BULBOPHYLLUM catenulata species cladestinum ‘Elizabeth’ species patula species Koolau Starburst lobii x levanae Wilmar Galaxy Star dearie x lobbii BRASSIA Edvah Goo longissima x giroudiana BROUGHTONIA sanguinea Yellow Star species BRASSOCATTLEYA (Brassavola x Cattleya) Bride's Blush 'Kaaawa' C claesiana x speciosa CADETIA Bride’s Rouge ‘Kaaawa’ Bride’s Blush x speciosa taylori species Green Dragoon 'Lenette' AMAOS Harriet Moseley x C bicolor Maikai ‘Spotted Star’ B nodosa x C.