01-04_PORTADILLA-CREDITOS INGLES 25/3/09 11:45 pm Página 3 01-04_PORTADILLA-CREDITOS INGLES 25/3/09 11:45 pm Página 4 First edition 2006, second edition 2009 by: British Council CIDOB Foundation Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània © British Council Translator: Gordon Burt Copy Editing: Iván Martín & Richard Gillespie Cover Design: Baética Publishing-production: CIDOB edicions C/ Elisabets, 12, 08001 Barcelona T. 933 026 495 F. 933 022 118
[email protected] www.cidob.org ISBN: 978-84-92511-08-2 D.L.: Print: Color Marfil, S.L. Barcelona, March 2009 Acknowledgements We would like to thank all those people and institutions who have supported the publishing of this book. Individuals whose contribution has been particularly significant are of course the conference directors and main authors, Richard Gillespie and Iván Martín and those who have authored the various contributions to the publication (Chris Hickey, Narcís Serra, Senen Florensa, Pedro Martínez Montávez, Miguel Hernando de Larramendi, Bárbara Azaola, Emma Murphy, Michelle Pace, Fiona McCallum, José Antonio Macías, Laura Rodríguez, Eduard Soler i Lecha and Sarah Wolff ), as well as those who have helped with the drafting and provided editorial advice at various stages (Iván Martín, Richard Gillespie, Gemma Aubarell, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Mariló Bellido and Bet Mañé). Disclaimer This publication contains lists of researchers, institutions and courses compiled as a aid for future research and to promote collaboration among researchers. The British Council, Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània