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The Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare Vol. 9, No. 1

Human Health Exposure to Adverse Environmental Impact in the Kray of

Liudmila P. Bandurko, Vyacheslav A. Dobrykh and Natalia I. Solomenko

Key words : human health, harmful environmental factors, .

Abstract Khabarovsk Kray residents. The authors analyze harmful environmental impact of both natural and technical factors on Khabarovsk Kray: General information human health. While describing the Khabarovsk Khabarovsk Kray is located in the easternmost Kray geographic, climate, flora and fauna part of Russia. On the one part, it is a remote peculiarities they demonstrate that the main territory, distant from economically developed ecological factors affecting people's health are regions of this country, 5-6 thousand kilometers general pollution, air pollution and poor quality away from industrial centers of the European of drinking water, especially in large populated Russia, 570-1,500 kilometers away from other areas leading to a high morbidity of 137,193.4 major cities of the Russian Far East. On the other cases per 100,000 people. part, it is located in the heart of the Eastern Forest fire rate in the territory of the Kray is Russia, has free access to the Sea of , Sea of Russia's highest. Raising the level of ecological , is relatively close to the intensively awareness and making the public to partake in developing countries of the Pacific Rim. solution of environmental problems are among Abundant woodland, mountain, and water the efforts to be made to improve the situation. resources provide for diverse wildlife and rich Medical nurses of the Khabarovsk Kray have vegetation. always been contributing to the improvement of Unfortunately, due to the act of man many the environment through population education in species have become rare. The Red Book of healthy lifestyle and accurate and careful attitude Khabarovsk Kray includes 167 species of plants to nature and our habitat. and mushrooms, 127 species of mammals, 5 species of amphibians and reptiles, 27 species of Introduction birds. Being of vital importance for human health, Population of the Kray makes 1,405,544 people environment is one of the four basic concepts (a with urban population accounting for 80% paradigm) underlying a nursing science. It was thereof. There are several cities in the territory of Florence Nightingale, a famous nurse, who Khabarovsk Kray, major cities being Khabarovsk acknowledged the importance of environmental and Komsomolsk-on-. The population of impact on disease prevention and health Khabarovsk makes 577,478 people, that of promotion as early as in the 18th century. This Komsomolsk-on-Amur - 271,377 people. In the paper presents some data on the impact of recent years, negative dynamics in the number of physical environment on the health of population is observed, which is due to the

Far-Eastern State Univeristy of Medicine 35 Muraviova-Amurskogo St., Khabarovsk, Russia. Corresponding author: Liudimila P. Bandurko Tel: 29-48-22, E-mail: [email protected]

3 Running head : Human Health Exposure to Adverse Environmental Impact in the Khabarovsk Kray of Russia

negative natality (mortality exceeds birth rate) danger. Carbon oxide, nitrogen dioxide, phenol, and migration of people to more comfortable and formaldehyde levels in the period of heavy regions of the country. Life expectancy in fires exceed maximum allowable concentrations Khabarovsk Kray makes 63.8 years, which is several times as compared to no-fire seasons. lower than Russia's average. Scientists of our university (V.A. Dobrykh et al., 2008) conducted a study and found out that Harmful ecological factors bronchial asthma morbidity rate in children was The main ecological factors affecting people's increasing; complications of respiratory and health are air pollution and poor quality of ischemic heart diseases in adults were drinking water, especially in large populated aggravating, bronchial spasmolytic sales at areas. Morbidity makes 137,193.4 cases per pharmacies were rising sharply during heavy-fire 100,000 people. Cardiovascular and respiratory periods. Irina Shatalova and Elena Kudelko, our diseases take the lead in the general morbidity coworkers, observed and reported that pregnant structure. women exposed to long-term smoke effect had The Kray's industrial output accounts for 1.5% more toxicoses and premature deliveries, of the all-Russian production index and it ranks demonstrated a growing tendency towards a first in the Russian Far East. Khabarovsk Kray is shorter labor stage, labor complications. famous for mining, coal, metallurgy, oil-refining Moreover, signs of fetal hypoxia and fetoplacental industries, logging and fishing. There are about insufficiency were registered. Higher risk of fetal 1,500 industrial enterprises of record, which are asphyxia and subsequent development of qualified as sources of pollutant emission to the newborn abnormalities were reported. atmosphere. These are power-industry and heat- generation enterprises, and housing and Ecological impact of the Amur River communal services. The Amur River is Khabarovsk Kray's treasure. Recently, ecology-dependent diseases- There are 2,800 species of vascular plants, about pneumonia, bronchial asthma (especially in 380 species of birds, 23 species of amphibians children), neoplasms in all age groups - have been and reptiles, over 70 species of mammals found to increase in rate. inhabiting the Amur River and Amur River basin. It is forest fires that are responsible for the The Amur River basin provides home for 95% of high level of air pollution in Khabarovsk Kray. the Far Eastern storks, 65% of Japanese crane Forest fire rate in the territory of the Kray is population and 50% of white-napped cranes. The Russia's highest. The ratio of the total fire area to Amur River is a habitat and spawning area for the total woodland area in Khabarovsk Kray fresh-water fish, 7 species of Pacific planetous makes 10%, whereas in the majority of territories salmon, 2 species of sturgeons with the world's of the country it varies within 1-2%. Since largest sturgeon-kaluga. Fresh water is the main populated areas are in close vicinity to resource of the Amur River, which carries 346 woodlands, forest fires often create a critical cubic kilometers of water to the Pacific Ocean medico-ecological situation and pose a threat to annually. More frequently occurring the health of people residing in the areas of long- contamination of drinking water increases the risk term smoky environment. for people to catch hepatitis A, and many enteric A powerful discharge of solid pollutants infections, including bacillary dysentery. The (carcinogens, soot, and dust) and volatile products infection incidence exceeds Russia's average. of pyrolysis to atmosphere represents the main Chemical pollution is one of the identified

4 The Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare Vol. 9, No. 1

perils for the Amur River; much of the pollution 2005, the Governor of Khabarovsk Kray is attributed to the water flow from the Sungari announced days of protection from environmental River, the Amur's largest tributary running in the danger (competitions, festivals, shows, tree territory of . Several accidents at Chinese planting, garbage removal, etc.) industrial plants, particularly in the city of , In May 2007, the State Duma in held brought about marked contamination of the Amur a parliamentary hearing on the Amur River River with toxic substances, buildup of toxic bed problem. Draft federal law On Amur River Basin silt in the lower reach. Eating fish and drinking Protection has been developed. Khabarovsk Kray ill-treated water from the Amur may cause Association of Indigenous Small-Number Peoples damage to different systems of a human body. plays a proactive role in solution of the Amur According to the biomonitoring findings, the River problems. A Concept Program of Amur River aboriginals, whose staple foods are Ecological Development of Khabarovsk Kray up fish, suffer from liver damage, CNS disorders and to 2010 is being currently implemented. It is diseases of hematopoietic system, which are of inclusive of special measures aimed at air chemical origin. protection, surface and underground water conservation, industrial waste handling control, Ecology improvement measures and ecological monitoring. In Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur, In conformity with the current law on where over 60% of the Kray's population reside, environmental protection, the people are entitled a regulation was adopted to prohibit the use of the to the right to public ecological control. However, Amur River for mass recreation. In accordance public involvement has not been very efficient with the programs of the Russian Federation yet. All citizens of the country should become Ministry of Natural Resources and the concerned about ecological problems. The Government of Khabarovsk Kray, the Institute of nursing community may play an important part in Water and Ecological Problems of the Far-Eastern health education. In addition, medical nurses of Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Khabarovsk Kray have always been contributing carries out a scientific research into the quality of to the improvement of the environment through Amur River water. Russian-Chinese joint careful disposal of medical wastes and education monitoring of the Sungari and Amur Rivers has of people in healthy lifestyle and sound been implemented, new additional filters have environment. been installed at water intake facilities, and swimming has been prohibited. Development of References Tunguska water deposit is under way. By 2010, Основные показатели здоровья населения и water from the alternative Tunguska River source деятельность учреждений will be supplied to Khabarovsk residents. здравоохранения Хабаровского края в Raising the level of ecological awareness and 2006 году: [сборник статистических making the public to partake in solution of материалов]. - Хабаровск: Министерство environmental problems are among the efforts to здравоохранения Хабаровского края, be made to improve the situation. And much has медицинский информационно- been already done-36 ecological biological youth аналитический центр. 2007. -130с. associations function in Khabarovsk and Заболеваемость взрослого населения Komsomolsk-on-Amur, school ranger Хабаровского края в 2006 году: [сборник organizations work to guard forests, and so on. In статистических материалов]. - Хабаровск:

5 Running head : Human Health Exposure to Adverse Environmental Impact in the Khabarovsk Kray of Russia

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