May 27, 2019

National Disability Services looks forward to working with new Ministers

National Disability Services (NDS) has welcomed Prime Minister ’s announcement that he will appoint Stuart Robert as the new Minister for NDIS, and Senator as the new Minister for Families and Social Services. NDS Acting CEO, David Moody said “On behalf of NDS and our members, we congratulate both Stuart Robert and Anne Ruston on their appointment to these important portfolios.” “We look forward to working closely with both Ministers, the National Disability Insurance Agency and the NDIS Commission to ensure that disability service providers are able to provide quality services and supports for people with disability, to support them to lead an ordinary life. “Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s pledge to make getting the NDIS working properly a priority for his government is welcome news for people with disability, their families, carers and providers. “The decision to appoint a Minister who will focus on the NDIS, is positive news for everyone who is participating in and relying upon the Scheme, and working to deliver quality supports for people with disability,” Mr Moody said. “Minister Robert and Minister Ruston have work ahead to fix a range of issues with the NDIS. NDS will continue to support this great social reform that so many Australians wanted and now depend upon. “NDS and disability service providers look forward to working with the Government, the Agency and the NDIS Commission to implement improvements to the NDIS,” he said. Mr Moody called for bipartisan support to ensure the NDIS continues to remain fully funded and is not eroded by other budgetary pressures.

Media Inquiries: Annette Glenister, Head of Communications and Government Relations, NDS Mobile: 0400772722 Email: [email protected]

NDS is the peak body for non-government disability service organisations and is the only organisation that represents the full spectrum of disability service providers across .