
Notice to Subscriber. , The Weather If y u have not received your Mostly cloudy today,' light copy of The Daily Iowan by 7:30 sleet or snow. Slowly rising

a, m' l please call 4191 before ' temperatures. High today 25; 10:30 a. m. and the Iowan will at o.wan low 20. Yesterday's high 20; be delivered to your home. Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Centa Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, January 27, 1949 - Vol. 81. No. 105 low 8. ------~~~------~--~------~----~~~------Britain .to .'- )\ccord Registration Dates­ • Israeli Recognition Q:s Given u sa now Cl 5 LONDON (UP)-Commons gave l<'oreign eCI'etary Erne·t , I mel 0 0 Be\'in a vote of confidence, 283 to 193, Oil his Palestine policy la.~t r oight after the La.bor government frantically rounded up )lleUl- * * * ben! by telephone for fear it would be defeated. _ If your last name begins with landlords Protest Rent Bills' Bevin told commons, in a full dress debate, that the govern- the initial 'Q ,' you can unpack D1wt was now prepared to l·ecogni.i;e Israel on the under tand- your bags. You don't have to ing that there would be no leave SUI. With Mass Eviction Notices more fighting. P P t f Accordi1\&' to the re,lstratlon Winston Churchill, COnS8l'..Va- eaee rospee s or schedule, tbe Q's didn't have a CHICAGO ( P )-'I'he "Tul!;a. plan" of mass evictioll to live leader, ariel' bitterly de- time to reg-Is~r lor next se- protest rent contl'ola was recommended Last night to the Kansas oouncing Bevin's policy in de- Ch" C" "I W mester II.t SUI. its Property Owners a ociation, but the Indianapolis Home bate, demanded a vote of con- mese IVI ar But a check with Registrar Ted Owners' union rejected the proposal. tJdence. McCarrell last night saved the At Milwaukee, the ~filwaukee County PI'operty Owncl'S board 1\ was the lirst confidence vote Now Appear Gloomy day for prospective Q initialed the Consl!rvatives had demanded scholars, as weLl as the 15 stu- of directors voted to calL a special meetjn of members Jan. 31 to since Labor took offi<:e in July, dents, ranging from Quade t6 vote on the" Tulsa plan." The , * * * Ifl5. NANKING (JP) - If'he Chinese Quist, now listed in the student total number of units affected Many Labor me)'Ilbers had left iovernment and the Communists directory. by possible action wa 5,000. III the belief there would be no ac\:used each other of bad faith Persons with the initials R-Rot, Members of the Saeramento Iowa tity's Renters !Ole. yes~rday. As peace prospects the schedule said, start the regis- ApartmHlt House and Prollerb' Suddenly repol1s swept parlia- dimmed, the Nationalists hastily tration period at 8:00 a.m. F'eb . 7 Ownel'l association pledged yes­ Not Hit by ~ Eyictions mentary lobbies that the govern- tried to establitb a new defense and students with inilials Pet-Pz terday not to pay ~roperty taxes ment, due to defection of left line south of the Yangtze. close the period at 4:00 p.m. until they obtain relief from ..iIIg l.borites, would get oniy a The Communist radio asserted Feb. 8. federal rent o!lDtroIs . Rent Director Says majority of 20 to 30 and mi&ht actlni President Li Thung Lin was Minding- his P's and Q's, Mc- . even be defeated, in which case trying to get a breathing spell Carrel merged the Q's in with Property owners in several Renters in Iowa City apparently its resJgnation might have been while orpnizing ;further res is- Pet-pz group, forming Pe&-Q. cities drew up mass eviction are in no dmger of l~sing their posSible. tance. It called on him to show his Simple. notices yesterday and property homes, T. J . Wilkinson, area rent Labor party whips urgently good faith by immediately detain- Students in liberal arts, com- owners in other cities debated dJrector, said yesterday. simLlar action. collared members in the building ini leading war criminals. meJlCe, education and the gradu- There has been no action in the and summoned others . by tele- (As heard and translated In ate colege - including the Q's ~ Landlords who took action said area similar to that taken by phone. Soon members were Shanghai, the broadcast called will register in the north gym­ they preferred to withdraw rent­ Tulsa, Okla., property owners, he racing to the parliament I>uilding on LJ to "detain" ChlaJIK Kal- nasium of the fieldhouse. al property from the market and said. Tulsa property owners have for the vole. Shek and other "war crlmln- Requests by students ;0 register leave it vacant rather than face filed 600 eViction notices in pro­ possible tighter rent laws. Bevin vigorously -defended his als.") at a time earlier than the time in- test against pe,ding rent law Palestine policy and said that It was reported on high au- r;iicated on the schedule will not Started at Tulsa legi!.,lation. Britain and the United States saw thodty that Chiang Kai-Shek tie granted, but those nable to The movement started at Tul­ "eye to eye" on baste middle would return to power should the register on the. scheduled hour sa, Okla., where members ot the Closing of cne apartment In a eastern policy. pellce talks fizzle. This report may register at any later time. Tulsa Property Owners associa­ rental unit In Cedar Rapids Is * * * came from sources .0 high they Fees for the second' semester tion sent 60-day eviction notices the only similar local action ' bor Ga,·ns Seats can be considered unimpeachable. must be paid from Feb. 21 to more than 1,000 families. The taken, Wilkinson said, La A government spokesman accus- through Feb. 24. Classes will open notices warned that the new rent F. F. Redies, owner ot the unit pd the Communists of stalling. He Feb. 9. bills may end in "government and head of the Property Owners , In 'sraeI 'f Ie(#io" called on the Communists to name Mo.nday, Feb. "I ownership" of property. association of Cedar Rapids, Peace delegates now and ~elect a 8:00 a.m., R-Rot Federal Rent Director Tlfhe 'c1aimed he could not operate the 'TEL AVIV (IP) - ISl:ael's fit'st place for a conference. 8:30 a.m., Rou-Sc E. Woods questioned tbe land­ apartment under 1942 rent ceil­ election appeared yesterday tq Almost as In answer to this-- 9:00 a,m., Se-SI lords' aotlons as beIn .. In .... ood ings, according to WHkinson. bave given labor a firm voice in aUhouch there was no direct 9:30 a.m., Sm-So faUh" which thc law require. connection between the two 10:00 a.m., Sp-Tur for takln, a rental unit oft the A meeting of the Cedar Rapids her new .government. organization was held yesterday Premier David Ben - Gurion's sta~ment&-the Communist ra- 10:30 a.m., Tus-Wan market. He threa~ned lel'al 410 said the Nationalists were 11:00 a.m., War-Wol steps to restral.n wholesale evic­ morning, but no information as to moderately leftist labor party, action to be taken by the organi­ Mapai, bad received 35 percent plo~tlng to distort peace talks 11 :30 a.m., Worn-As tions If the I&ndlorcls are found Into "a false peace." 12:00 - At-Big n!lt to be actinr In .. ood faUh. zation had reached the rent office of the total vote cast, at the late yesterday afternoon. ball - way point of the official The foreign office announced 12:30 p.m ., Bih-Bl'ool Harry Hansen, member of the KINGPIN OF mE LANDLORD REVOLT, The Rev. Wallace .T. Murphy, Baptist mini ~r and execu­ col!JlL early yesterday that all gover.n- 1:00 p.m., Broom-Cam board ot directors ot the APOA, The Cedar Rapids association Ma!Jei was running up a vote ment functions would cease In 1;30 p.m., Caro-Con tive secretary of the Tulsa. Property Owners assorlaUon. examines some of the scores or wires he saki also said at Omaha ~hat he )Vas Is a member of the natlQn&1 or- congratulated the ,roup's a,nu.OlUlcftment Ii& members were A6l·Vi.Ug t,~OO e:vl4·t on n.tlc in order to --'llIore '\lIlIn twiCe ' larse as tha~ Nankinc Feb. 3 and the new capi- 2:0Q p.m., Coo-Cav ~ecommending- that tnerfu>ets "riot l'&n1aUon. I as pull their propertie8 otf the rental market. MIJt'P'hY nlil &llfl actf.on was in pro~st \.0 wbat he calle.. cast for either of two other con'­ tal of goverlU'hent-held China 2:30 p.m., Daw-Dz follow Tulsa's lead. Commenting on the Tulsa own­ "slavery" rent contrcU proposals before conKl'eS'S and that it was hoped the movemel1~ would spread . . tenders tightini it out tor second wou1d be set up at Canton, effec- 3:00 p.m., E-Foh Their association has affili­ ners' action. Wilkiru.on said, "AIl.r *ive Feb. 5. 3:30 p.m., F'ei-Garrn ates In 28 cities, Includlna- Tul­ such action for eviction is wi thin place. They were the United La· 4:00 p.m., Garn'Gl'ec sa, and some aclteduled meet­ bor Party, Mapam, and a bloc of Tuesday, Feb. 8 the law, but it must be in. good Thomas Renamed inu to consider similar actbn. faith." five parties which want the coun­ President of Brazil 8:00 a.m ., Gref-Hars Landlords at Grand Rapids, try to base its laws on ancient 8:30 a.m., Hart-Hers To Olel Comnjttee Nevada'Haylilt Winning Bailie Mich., were preparing to mall There is the possibility of evic­ iewish scriptures. Invited t~'yisit U. S. 9:00 a.m., Hert-Hins 2,000 evictions and a Minneapolis tion action taking place in this MiUtant right wing parties and ·::;r.:N- (11)) P d l 9:30 a.m., Hint-Hz WASHINGTON (,lI» -House Re- association representing 1,300 area, Wilkinson said, but if it WASHI NiGa'Gl ff - resi en Communists trailed in the field of TrUman atmOUnccd yesterday that 10:00 a.m., I-J publican leaders yesterday chose landlords said after a meeting dces, "the 50-day notice regula­ 21 partIes competing for seats in Aga~nsl Livestock Starvation tion still applies." Pre6idenfbUiii. of Brazil has ac- 10:30 a.m., K-Kif yesterday that it looked like the powerful constitutent assem· 11:00 a.m., Kis-Lam Rep. J . Parnell Thomas (RNJ) "'IltiJ B y THE ASSOCIATED !'!tESS Minneapolis would follow Tulsa's "This aO-day period 'will give cep£ed an irtvHation to visit the bly. The 120 - member assembly 11:30 a.m., Lan-Lim to retain his membership on the Aideu b.y gOlld 1'lying weather, the revll tla hayliIt fo!' SIlOW· lead. The association said many congress time to take action on United States May 18. 1200 . the new situation," the area rent will fonn a government to suc­ : - Lin-LIS un-American activities committee. .truu::lcd I:ange livestpck appe!lred to be winniug the battJ~ members planned to get out evic­ The Brazilian president's de par· 1230 L·t L tion notices at once. director said. . teed ' the present provisional gov­ : p.m ., 1 - Z The GOP leaders followed tra- agalllst starvatiort Wedn sUll.y. . tI'IIIIIeI1t and write a constitution. ture from his' country must re- ] :00 p.m., M-Maz The list of cities where prop­ caive the approval of the Brazil- 1:30 p.m., Mc-McM dition in naming Thomas to con- H owevcL', Jallual'Y storms laslwd sowe olher se('lions of the erty owners groups were sched­ ian leiislature. 3:00 p.m., MeN-Mill tlnue in the house group, which counlry lind ('onditiOI)" were gl'owing moee critical in ice-locked uled to debate following the Mr. Truman visited Rio de Ja- 2:30 p.m., Milm-Mz he served as chairman during the northern Nebl'R.qka . . "Tulsa plan" included Detroit, St. Says Didn't 'Realize neiro in 1947, and has asked the 3'00. pm. ., N -Ols last two years of headline-making LoUiS, Denver, Madison, Wis., U. of W. Prof Brazilian chief executive to Wash- 3:30 p.m., OLt-Pes A nt'w bl izz!lrn anti cold Lincoln, Neb., Philadelphia, Chi­ , . Sterilization Meaning ington for a ret~rn visit. 4:00 p.m., Pet-Q investigations under the Republi· whirled into the southern Califor­ President Favors cago and Carthage, Mo. nia mountains and desert and sleet ------~-- can-controlled 60th congress. - Some O~ LOS ANGELES (JP}--Mrs. Geor­ formed a sheath of ice across a Single Labor BiI( Not all the groups were sure. gette Brucks, at 21 sOlin to be­ Protests, Qu its Anorneys for Communists Call Grand Jurors ar:i;~r:~~ e~~ep;~~r::' ~~d~~~ large area of the midcontinent. however, that members would come mother of her fourth child, mittees. Despite the success of airmen in WASHINGTON' (m - President want to go out of business, and in will go through with a court­ CHICAGO (JP}-Thomas 1. eook getting feed to starving range Truman favors a Single blll to many other cities landlord assoc­ salesman listed in the New York The Naw Jersey legislator is ordered sterilization although she quit yesterday as professor of NEW YORK Im-Counsel for 11 li\(estock in Nevada, ranche(s fear repeal the Taft-Hartley act, re­ iations denounced the action and earlier had said that she did not social regu..ter, 'a jeweler, a scheduled to go on trial Feb. 7 political science at the University U.S. CommlUlist leaders called to that the arctic cold and snow­ vive the old Wagner Labor Re­ said they had no plans to follow realize that the order would strip 01 Washington after the dismis­ the witness stand yesterday 13 Western Union supervisor and a on charges that he defrauded the worst in 60 years-will lake a Sllit. government by accepting salary lations act and strengthen the her forever of the rights of mo­ sal of three olher faculty ~em­ members of the grand jury which baseball coach. large toll. labor department, a White House Another Tulsa landlord group, therhood. bers in a controversy over assert· indicted them last July. As the snail-paCed trial resum­ kickbacks from persons "listed on the Real Estate board, said it his congressional payroll," The hay run, being operated by meeting was told last nigbt. A superior court judge ordered ed present or former Communist The detense, trYing to prove that ed after a four-day recess, the de­ wanted no part of the doings of she be made sterile as part of the grand jury was a prejudiced tense were again reprimanded by flying "boxcars" of the fourth Those aUending the meeting actiVity. Thomas' selection by the GOP air force, continued in tempera­ the Tulsa Property Owners as­ the probation imposed on her plea "dch man''S club," questioned a Presiding Judge Harold R. Me­ committee on committees is sub­ inclu~ed the President's top White Three other University of Wash­ tures near .30 ,degrees below zero. sociation. of guilty to manslaughter in the Wall street broker and accountant, dina. And once again they ac­ House advisers, Secretary of La­ ,lnRton faculty members were ject to approval of a party con­ '])Nenty-three flying boxcars made The ClO national hOWllnr fatal beating of her seven.· a textile firm owner, a cement cuwd him of being prejudiced. ference today. bor Maurice J. Tobin, Federal Me­ committee, meanwhile, caUed placed on probation Saturday. months-old illegitima~ son, How- They had been similarly accused. flights to the northeastern N e­ diation Director Cyrus ' S. Ching, upon the rovernment to stop vada ranges. The planes dropped Cljairman Paul Herzog of the na· ard. . "I resIgned," Prof. Oook told a die evIctions by InJunction. Judge Thomas L. Ambrose also 190,000 pounds of hay to hungry tional labor relations board and Federal officials and lawmakers ne\YJ conference, "because of the sheep aod catUe Wednesday. ordered that $he give up another oolllpicuous violation of the proper Three More. Congressmen Join the Fraternity Board Member Abe Murdock. condemned the action. Sen. Allen Full ex.tent of lostes will not be · The meeting was called quietly son, Donalet, 20-months, and the Processes for deciding issues of J. Ellender (D-La.) warned at yet unborn child. Judge Ambrose fr!edom and tenure . . ." at the known until roads are opened and to go over a draft of the proposed Washington that Ute movement a detailed check can be made. administration bill. Informed may "boomerang" on landlords made the rare ruling Tuesday af­ 1IJIivenity. ter the mother and her lawyer Prof. Cook has been a Univer­ President Truman, meanwhile, sources said tbe measure will be when congress takes up the pro­ sent to the capital today or to- posals to put new teeth in rent agreed to it. lity of Washington faculty mem­ made another $200,000 available Earlier yesterday Mrs. Bnacks. morrow. control. ber for nine years. Currently, he to help relieve suffering in snow­ almosi childlike 10 appearance, 1a bound weslern states. Anotl1er at the University of ChiC8io said she had misunderstood the i as a visiting professor. $100,000 was allocated Monday effect of the ateriUutlon oper­ Dr. Cook said a faculty com- tor aid to Indians and stockmen aUon. • lllitlee bad recommended that only in the blizzard affected areas. Acheson Warn,sU. S. Needs "When I went inlo court, I one of the six be dismissed. The , Earlier Gov. Val Peterson of Ne­ thought that the operation \Voul~ COmmittee exonerated three of the braska ' appealed pers6nally to prevent me from having children IIx and held that the accusations President Truman. (or army help aplnst the other two had not for about six or seven ' years, or in reaching snov.t-bound humans Economic, Military Reserves until I got settled down," she been proved. and cattle in 22 northern counties. "In no sense," Cook said, 18 his WASHJNfj']'O ( AP)-Secretary of State Dealt Acheson told reporters from her cell. l1I1lllation "motivated by sympa­ declared yt'titerday the ITnited totes must marshal new r C1'ves Her attorney, Walter AnderSon, f')' said the operation was carefullY tb)' for communism but rather for * * * o lUllta~'Y sud e 'onoluic migbt in the world struggle for free- explained 'to her before she agreed the due processes of established ~tor~ Aid Funds " law." dolU agallJ~t '~ ' !lIjt. b~ ~lIed "l'eactionlLry" Co.m~nu n ism. . to submit to it. He said that .t Gra"ted 5 St~t.s AC!ICSOJ1, 1rJ.11IJ first IlEIW8 conference as chief of U.S. foreign had been decided on after fInd­ polic'Y und r PJ'('sident Tfnlman, dis(Jussed two mainlines of ac- tngs of several psychiatrists. House GOP Quils WASHINGTON (JP) - Federal tion: ------After Andenoo had laDleel Works Administrator Phillip B. 1. He saJd ~, • "very rrea&" tribute to the maintenance of with Mn. Brucka yeMerda), aI­ Seniority Seleclion Fleming last night divided $175,- reservoir of ~vate capital is &ernooo, lIbe told oewsmen Usat , 000 equally among five states - avalJable to fjnance President Tru- peace by joining. with other na- she now IUldel'll'-ada wha& the WASHINGTON (,4» - A 1fOU­ Nevatla, Utah, Nebraska, South man's new program to raise the tioll$ in making it absolutely clear a&erIllaaUoa II aU aboat aDd or stU-ll1led pro!lfeaive house Dakota and Wyoming - lor emer­ stllndard of livin, In ba.ckward in advance that any armed attack added: ". woo" f1~b' u." \lepubllcans claimed a major vic· gency storm relief. areas of the world. But he served allecUng our national security Since 1945 she has been the tor, yesterday .. GOP leaden Fleming, President Truman's noUce that countr i ~ de!1iring such would be met with overwhelming common-law wife of Donald Red· qreed to overhaul their pollcy­ director 'Of disaster relief, held help must create conditions "at- force." man of Los AIlieles. Redman 1. IIIlkln'lrOllp and abandon aenior­ out $25,000 from a new $200,000 ~active" to private investment. He further i.ndicated for the the father ~f Do.nald., the 81ain lly u a baaJJ at selection. relief allocation, announced yes­ 2. On the m1Utan front of the first t11TW! officially that the North baby, and the one expected in They won unanimous backln, of terday, for further emergency use. cold war, AchlllOO endorsed the Atlantic defense agreement, in April. !be Republican committee on He said the total sum was 80 plans worked out by fo.rme~ Sec- negotiation for many months retary of Stll18 MjlI'ShaU and re- amonl the United States, Canada, VOLCANO ERUPTS ~.. for a resolution .bol- . far short of the need, on the baBis IaI!ID& the old OOP .teerinl com- tau HAD TO SIT ON THE FLOOR but three DemocraUo oolllJ'l!lS1Den from nllnol, Jesterday be- of reports from ,overnors of the tiring Underaecr,tary Lovett for Britain, France, Belgium, the H1LO (AI? - Mauna Loa, which never was quieted since Ita 8pec~ • and repllcin, it with. pol· came full.leathered leJialaion as the)' rot the IntUa.n 11m from the Browuilil', MoM., Blackfeet reler­ states and federal ot!1clals here, a military alliance with western -Netherlands and Luxembouri, Is Europe. about completed. He said that he tacular eruption Jan. 6, Ipllled ici .committee chOl8ll lar,ely on vatlon'. ritual \eam In Wublna1on. Left to rl&'bt ... re Rep. Cbee&er A. Chemey; Rep. Barratt 0' Bara: tI1at 'the Immediate allocation to Acheson dl!C1ared that "we are hoped "to be able very lOOn" to more lava from Its summit crater .....phleal bull by the mem- Joe Irt'n Pi,.: Jim )Vhlte Calf; Warren O'Hara" relel'VaU~ ••peri~nden'; John 014 Chlefr ~ Rep. the five states was deemed ad­ convinced \bat 'we CaJl best con· talk about !t in apecltJc terma. ),e8ierday., ... __ ,1 bers UIeatItJve.. 1.... _ V. BuG&le,. __ . _~ _ _ __ . __. ~_ _ ------vi5able. 4... 4 -TIlE DAILY IOWAN, TlmUDAY, JAN. !'7, 1949 -PAGE TWO

•• e e • • • • • e. .c •••• :e.e: St ·Mary's Stump's St. Patrick's,. 37-29 Taking A 'Feller' Needs Money These Days Time Out U::I l Flannery's 20 Points Pace " .~!e: ,;',!!~h t ... 1", F( P I 1", Ft l'f Cincy Scoring II .. • • .. "" With Buck Turnbull ..·,,",,_._ •. _ • ...... , Whot Sort of on Eruption Is Forthcoming?- Ramblers in .Infra-City Win ~:i~; i i i~~ c , ~ ~ 3 • Slows; Illini W11at a mat ell that IlIinoi$-Minnesota. jam session at ,f 0 0 lLenz. f 0 0 By LELAND OLSON iod. which netted them their mar- FallJr, I 0 0 3Rocca, I 0 0 Champaign Satur day n ight promil)es t o be. Man alive ! A St. gin Sorl'flson, f 0 0 OLonI, f 0 0 determined Patrick's five of victory. Mlche~1. II 0 0 '1 It brin!!!> togeth r two teams with directly opposite stylei 8iraDcel,. enough, it was an fought neck and neck with St. T.talI 0 L1 !SToW. Now in Third of offense, both of which have been ~meces. f ul in g uiding the llo Mary's, its cross-town rival for Irlahman who was the thorn in SCore by Quarters: quintet to undefeated Birt Nine -record.. so f a r . The Gophers art St. Y·. 12 NEW YORK (JP) - Cincinnati's three full periods before and then tbe IIlde of the IrIsh. He was St. Palrlck'S 7 11 is » point-making Bearcats still lead currently riding t Ile crest of 13 straigllt wins this winter in. fell, 37-29, before an overflow the red-beaded Paul FUnnery. Offlclal.: J~rry WY~ and Dlcl< Pemble the nation's major college basket.­ eluding a 5-0 mark in the conferencc. JlJ inois is 3-0 in l eague play crowd at the junior high gymnas­ He netted six basket and eIght of Butllllllon ball tearns in scoring, but the and 12-1 ovrrall. ium last night. free throws for 20 bill' points. gap between them and the run­ stanza. Outscored, but not outfought, Baskets by Dale Seydel and ners-up is narrowing. But the difference in th e- man ner tJlese eonque ts were eOI\1. the Irish crew came back in the Harry Black put st. Mary's in It was alert deferu.ive play, The Bearcats, according to piled makes one wonder just wh at sor t of a volcanic eruption second quarter to make up a 12-7 front, 4-1, In the early minutes of ccmbined with a cold Sl Mary's Natl:mal Collegiate Athletic will come forth hom the lllini homeRtea cl so me time Sa turday deli cit and lorge lnto a 17-16 lead the game. Bernie O'Conner's lay­ team that put Father Pacha's boys bureau statistics of games evening. Into a 17-16 lead at the end of at halftime. The Ramblers man­ up in the closing minutes of the through Jan. 22, had scored an For instance, Minne ota is th e shyest sh ooting combine in the aged to stay even with the South­ l1uaner was the only basket the the first hall. average of 72.7 pOints In 12 The siders in the third quarter before Irish could muster that period and • Midway through the second games. This is 1.7 poinUi below confru·encc. slick Gopbers of the newly bor n Cowles' ern gaining a 27-26 advantage just consequently trailed 12-7 before qUarter the underdog Irish qulntet their top figure or a. week a.go. are averaging' only 5& field goal attemp ts per game, but are hit­ before the start of the final per- they broke loose in the second nosed into a 15-14 lead on a field­ Closing in on Cincinnati are ting .336 percent. er by Bob Grady from the free Rhode Island state, 72.4, Illinois, On the ot~er end of the scale comes H arry Co mbes' Fight· throw circle. A few secon4s later 70.5, Yale, 70.3, and unbeaten ing ] Uini. They are averaging 89 basket t rieR per game and sport. * * * * * * Jerry Cunningham dropped one Western Kentucky, 70.1. Thus ing a .243 pCrC('ntll'~() . Illinois in three games has attempted in from underneath llie hoop to only 2.6 ~oints separate the pace­ increase the margin to- 17-14. etter from the !iIth place team. almost as many field goals as Minnesota in five. However, Flannery and Se:rdel Oklahoma A & M is far in frQnt The Gophers, besides having the best Big N ine p e l'cen ta ~, completed a couple of charity In team defense. The possession­ are also UIC loop 'fl top defel1Rive outfit. They havo held theIr toS! es just befor·e the intermis­ minded Cowpokes have surren­ {ive opponents, l\1ichigan, Wisconsin, P ur due, Iowa and In· sion to set the score at 17-16. dered an average of only 34.3 A nip and tuck third qUAl'ter points per contest. Siena, of up­ diana 19 a meager 37.8 average. Illinois is h igll er u p the ladder saw the lead chan&'e hanclll about state 'New York, is the 1ar-trailing with a 51.6 defensive average. r t WI the !!eorer could runner-up with un average of , On paper the nod mu~t go 'to th ~ GOpbe.l'S. 'Phat's 'on paper, challte the numerals on the 40.6, followed by Michigan, 41.5 thdugh not on the basketball court. W e're still remembering the 5corebcard. Thep. Bob lrend~r ­ and Minnesota, ~1.8. game finds Minnesota on the road, but that didn 't ReelD to mike son" two free throw put the Wester.,. MIchigan's col)ection much difference when the GOp)lers took Purdue ond I owa away , ltliihbler'lt. in iront %7-28 rolnl' of hot-shois has canned 317 of Into the bome stretch. 814 tfuoows to mDve into fll'St froin home by margins of 15 and 16 points, l'e~pectively. st. Mnry's, beginning ~o ~llck at place In Jleld roa1 percentage 1'he game Saturday is jnsa about as even af. any gny wi th WE'LL TALK ABOUT MONEY A..GAlN, says Bob Feller (rl,h\), this point against th~ we~ed with a mark of .889. Seton H'all famed b llrler for t he World Champion Clevcla.nil Indians. lIere a mll:l~y card 'vuhl bargin for. Irishmen aller AI Streb and Bob Is seeond with .383 and Wydm­ hedeparls from the office ot Tribe P reSident Jilll Veeck aUer 'a. T\;I'1o¥ lng, last wee~'s pace-setter, Is \ Grady left the game via the foul brief 1949 salary huddle yesterday. 'the attendance proslJecis, so • • route, pulle;d away to the win. third with .381. Important In Feller'!! tlnal salary, was the 1lOint the pair couldn't Colorado hns taken over fjrst :hfinn'esota's deathly scoring pail' of 'Whitey Skoog, the 011 . &&Tee However, they parted on friendly tenns. In foul ~J'lOotini, willi 121 of 169 b1orlde·Oombet·, and Jim McIntYI>e>, t he sky-scraping monstrosity, Tree Girls' * charity henves lor a .716 average. continue tQ roll along unhindered. The duo are completely * The Bu los were third in this dominating Gopher indh.jclual seoring f igures. * * * * depat1.me t last week. Valparaiso e in Finals Feller Balks al r 49 P yT erms Is second with .7(17 and New York In 13 games played to date McIntyre has pushed in 227 The Lone Tree girls defeated U. third· with .695. points to. ,'koog's 205. IIow vel', the wbite-haired sophomore Solon by a score of 60-26 last CLEVELAJ..'D (AP)-Bobby Feller spoiled the joyful mood star has hit more field goals than his Cig buddy, 81 to 80. night at City hiah gym to qualify around th Wodd hllmpion lcvelallcl Indiaus' teepee yet 'r­ College Cage Scores Skoog is also stealing the thunder away f rom tl,e w\Ver~ for Sautrday night's flnalll In the Georgia 74. Georgia Tech 60 McIntyre in Big Nine action. Skoog heads the W estern confer· Johnson county basketball toutn­ day by balking on tcrm~ of his fat Hl4-9 contract. Gcorge W.shlnlton 66. Maryland 54 ence parade witll 85 markers. ~oll owed by ()h1() Sta.te'jI 1\Ii) , ument. They will play the winner Michl,an Stale Npnno.l 67. Defiance 54 Only a day after his nUlIlo.ger, Lou Boudreau, cheerfully "tah 65, Pltlsburch 44 of tonight'S game between Oxford Brown 61, Boston unlvc1'8lty 15 R8.idiger wilh 79. Big Jim is t ip¢i for third with Pl1l'due's 1101' and Tiffin, which starts at 8 t>.n'i. i~ed a 1wo·year COJttro{'t colling for fill annual ~al(\ 11' of $6:i,- Ithaca 68. Manslleld Teachers 55 ard Williams, bolll of whom 4aye hit 71. 000 or mol' , the ~r y-suited faf;t ball pitch('r Ul1l1olllll'ell un­ St. Francis 73. Providence 56 In the boys' division Cosil'ove PhLUlp9 OUers {4, Cinclnllatt 34 Where would l\{innesota be wHhout the migl1ty one-two blRJt 'edged Oxford, 32-26, in II first­ milingly after a conference wit11 President Dill V ('eck: of Skoog-McIntyre. The three other starters, Bud Grant, :lI8rol~ round contest. Cosgtove will meet "It's Simply a disagreement ------­ Titfln In tonight's fipsl galne, over the number of fans the In­ Ol~on and .Jerry MitcnclJ , combined have scored. 22& points. Thill (DIII1,. IO waa Pho,o b1 Irwin Ollmore) scheduled to get underway at dians will draw this year. That's total is one-point 811Y of McIntyre's output alone. 9:30. all." THE IRISH HAVE THE BALL as Forward Bob Grady of St. Pat's But that number is important. Riecks, Andrews Will • • • ..oe s into a felnl to hold onto It. SL. Mary's Guard Paul Flannery The gravy in Feller's contract to Intramural Basketball It's not bad enOUogh tha,t Skoog didn't wreck I owa onoo witk reaches out from behind lee If he can steal the apple. Al Streb W.dn •• d.y NI,M', a u alt. atter Q guaranteed starter of $40,­ nis 26'ljloint explosiou her e last week. The Gophers want fu h~ (left) and Jerry Cunningham (rt.. ht) watch anxiously ihe tight S!>encer 46, "Leonard 2S OOO-odd, has been in those at­ traditional battle u.nlolds between the intra-city rivalll. St. Mary's Quad Upper C 33, Quad Lo",er l3 24 tl!ndance bonuses. Try Out for h im really inspired whell the H awkeyes vlsjt M.lnneapo\1JI Sat. Quod Upper B 36, Quad Lowei' A 211 Baseball woJ\. &7 ·29. No lam.... are scheduled for tooilht. And It's tbere where the ex­ mday, Feb. 12. pected pay cut will come. FeUer Bill Andrews Dick Riecks Skoog's hometown faithful from B rainerd, Minn., are plan. Undefeated Big Nine leaders- estimated the slash - before Andrews is another of the new Riecks had gained himself a rung to have a "W11itey Skoog Night" in llO nor of the star who yesterday - at $10,000. faces on the Iowa court team. large number of fans before he is doing so much t<> better the fair n ame of t heir city. And wh*! The 6-foot, 21-year·old guard is In J 947 and 1948 his salary is entered SUI. The Danbury flash beller illkht could they pick to tl1roW such a tiling t h an etl\\p\~ believed to have hovered above from New Castle, Penn. $80,000. In his senior year of high school, dribbled and played !nto the- _W_i.:.,tl_l_t_h_e_n..:p:....:p:..,c_a_r_llll._c_e_o_f_I_o_w-'-.aJ____ :- ______Gophers Tops in League Defense hearts of the state t.curnament Veeck took the position yester­ Andrews was picked on the all­ ·day the Trite would dt1lw ap­ WPIAC (Western Pennsylvania crowd as a member of the Dan­ CHICAGO nl'I - Minnesota's * * * * * * proximately as many fans as last Inter - scholastic league) cage bury "wonder teams" of 1946 and Luckman Will Coath ,in NY, Report Says a~lden Gophers were leading the SI'g N"lne Sfandl'ngs year's record-breaking 2,600,000. team. He explained that Pennsyl­ 1947. Big Nine basketball race yoofer- NEW', YORK (JP) - Sid Luck­ its base of operations to Ner day with the top field goal shoot­ reller felt the 1949 attendance vania Is divided into two sections The ironmen of the northwest might not be as high. mari, qu.a-rtertback of the Chicago York, th~ paper added. ing average in he circuit plus the with each having its own all­ came to lown City those two w L Pet FG Pct FT Pet TP OP sectional team. He was also first years and took fourth and third Bea~, will be {he new coach of. The move would be maleu best defensIve record, official lea­ Yet Feller isn·t the only mem­ the- Boston Yanks in the National ber of the world champs showing string quarterback on the high place, respectively. Riecks led the the approval of George BI1iI. gue statistics stiowed yesterday. Minnesota ...... 5 o 1000 ,336 .5 88 255 189 Football league next fall, the New a tendeney towards displeasure school grid squad three years. tournament scoring in 1946. owner of the Bears, the Star The Gophers have hit cn .336 nlinols ...... 3 o 1000 .243 .471 170 155 YQrk Star reported last night. said. . at his 1949 salary. For example: Andrews was In the Navy 18 He was sixth all·state in 1946 per cent of their attempts from the Ohio State ... _...... 3 2 600 .315 .580 303 283 The Star , in a copyrjght story Th~ ~ostoo coacbini !llPst IWiS Gene BeaJ'den, the star months and attained a rating of and first all-state In 1947. Dur­ floor, and have attempted an av- 3 400 .254 .667 268 278 by Clay Felker, said the former left va cant by the tesigrjltion of erage of only 56 field goab per Purdue ...... 2 pitcher of the world series, pharmacists' mate - second class. Ing both campaigns, Danbury was Columbia univusity star would 224 218 Coach Maurice J. m March 14 through W!sconein Feb. II, Indiana reb. Mardt 19 'pproJtimately SUO beds 26 and Michigan Marcil 6. Tbe will 'be made available to mem­ 'J. C. RiGGINS BA1.tIJ' TOE BOCJtrt SKATES 6ur #M ftn, of Defense 1\ number of ticketl to be .old for beJn cJf non-competIn, .quads in Sites 3-6 - Iteg. 8.98 ...... : ...... : ...... : .... :: rr., each game will depend OB tee the Iowa Wah IIcbool boys' bask­ number of student. that turD out, etbllll tournament to be held in I ' 6ft law Il ~ of •• Air HnUcei said. the fieldhouse. ~iz~; ~GGr;:g.~~.. ~.~~~~...... !.. .. ·6.44 The tichts will go em ale at Director Paul Brechler of the 5:30 p.m. on the afternoon cl each UIlIversity of Iowa athletic de­ I*Ine at the ticket office of the partment announced YE!6terday ~iz~~ ~f-~sR~~~ .. 9:I ,~!~.. ~.~~~...... : 9.88 t. A(if"'i ••• tieldhouse lobby. The,. will be that the wrlve1'llty housinl of­ .. priced at $1.50. J. C. ri!OOINS CIDLDREN'S ROCKEY SRAT£S ;J ' i ~w. ~ y., fice I3 lld the department of ath- ' Sizes 11-12-13-1-2 - Reg. 6.50 ...... _...... 4.88 leUes will open the tieldhoUS"e for • DiMag Neech Tim. the duraUon at the t.curl\ament. J. C. mOOINS C1I'rLDltEN'S FIGURE SKATES r_ u.t.t " sit ' .ii y.." J06 NEW YORK (A")-Joe DiMagrio One doUar per person per SiZl!s 12-13-3 - Iteg. 6.95 ...... ,...... S.44 . met wttll his New York Yankee night will be char.ed to cover bosses yesterday to talk about his costl. The beds will be limited to 34t\t' R~. co. . elt«lble .quad memPerl of DOD­ • f. i949 pay but they didn't aet to­ partlcillatinC teamll. Ndti.snClt Guartl ArmorY gether on terms. _ Robert Cotter, JIUlIlqer ot Good Quality Com Less At l1li low City • After recelvm., all aII«, tile married .tudent.' houainJ, will be slugger outfielder asked time to i ncharge of applications .for ac­ 111 E. CoUefJe Iowa Cl1Y T.L 2117 Wnk it over. Icommodationa. • TIm DAILY lOW , THURSDAY, JAN. 2', 19-19 - PAGE TRItEE _. MattiOdiif' Churc\ . . lewelry 'Adornslthe MOdern~ Male I W; Hammond Funeral Plans Organ Recital G· ffY" ~ Society, olng a~ ~~"~ ~~.Of~O:'. Mil. By JilUan Williams dred Ellen Harnmond, 52, Iow a YMCA LECTURE HIP COM- old Alexander, G, Dave Campbell, Julian n. Williams, orlanist o( City resident since 1946, wUl \)2 MITTEE has invited Dr, Lorenzo A3, and Jane Lekberg, A4. held at the Beckman Funeral Sewickley, pa., and brother of D. Turtler, Negro l~clurer on race • * • Mb. C. 9. Righter of Iowa City, home tomorrow at 2 p.m. T he relations, to speak: on campus next SHIRLEY SCHRIEBER has an- Rev. Robert B. Crocker or I h~ will give an organ recital at the month. Dr. Turner is a professor nounced that a committee respon· ~huroh First Methodi t church will alIi­ First Methodi8t Feb. ft at of English at Roosevelt college, sible for library hours at General I I 7:30 p..I'Il. ciate. Burial will be in Oakdblc Chicago, and race relations lect· hospital will be chosen soon. Any cemetery, Davenport. 'the Rev, 'Robert R. Sanks, Wes­ urer of the American Friends Ser- YWCA members now working in Mrs. Hammond recently unfi.er­ ley foundation director here, yes­ vice committee. .. the "Y" hospital program may ap- went a major operation at a Dav­ . tetdaj said the Williams concert "The YMCA wants to make ply by lea\!ing their names at will be sponsored by Wesley foun­ enport hospitaL and was released available to this univel'sity out· the YWCA olfice. dation. last Friday. She arrived in l;)\'Ia WlIlialtlS is choi/master and standing Negro lecturers and *.. City Tueiday on the 5:5D p,m. organist of lilt. Stephens chUrch teachers 'who are recognized in VICE· PRESIDENT LUCIE "Rocket" and 30 minutes Illler In Sewickley, a subucb of Pitts· their Iield~," Ralph Schloming, DEAN announced that the second suffered a heart attack. She died burgh. He studied organ at North· YMCA eKecutivc secretary, said semester membership drive will at her home. 1618 MUSQatir.c a\e­ western university and with yesterday. be held Feb. 15 to 22. Any woman nue, at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Charles Marie Widor ill France. Dr. Turner holds a recognized on campus is eligible for member· In addition to her husband. Mrs. He was professor of organ and position in English !Lnd linguistics ship in YWCA. An open hOQse Hammond is survived !;ly her par­ , theory lor five years at Westmin­ and has cQntributed to many lead- and special "sign up" for new ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Buker, ster C'olle,e In Pennsylvania. in g magazines. He has lectured students will be held dul"ing the who lived with iheir daughtor. Prof. C. B. Righter of the SUI at colleges throughout the country. first week of next semester. mu sl(~ departrhent, bj'other-in-law Dr. Turner received his B.A. ••• of the organist, said Williams wJll degree from Howard university, OFFICE HOSTESSES may Sylvia Smith to GiYe arrive in Iowa City Feb. 5. Wll­ his M.A. degree from Harvard utl- schedule times for service after Piano Recital Sunday liabis' teeilal at 'hI! Meth6dist iversity and his PhD. degree from Feb. 7. Each member of the vol· thurch wta be hiA first In Iowa the University of Chicago. unteer office force is asked to Sylvia Smith, A'l, Decorah, w)1I City, Rigbter said. Pro{>Osed talks by Dr. TurJ\!lr help in either the YMCA or present a piano recital Sunday at Before coming \0 low. City, are "The Influence of African Cul- YWCA office one hour each week. 7:30 p.m. in the north music hall. Williams will. gtve a recital at St. ture and Its Survival in the New ••• ' A large part of the retltal will John's cathedral, Denver, Colo., World" and "Afvican Music and HOSPITAL ENTERTAINMENT consist 'Of excerpts from the ballet and one in Kansas City, Mo. Folklore Surviving in Brazil." The chairmen need talent of every de· "Bill)" the Kill," wli Ch i tlli s ~ , As a recitalist Williams has Brazilian talk w lll be illustrated scription. Students'wljo would like a piano duet by Mrs. SmJthlinct , '", made many tours in the Unlt/!d by recordings and muslcal instru- to appear in one of t)le programs Gus Hempstead. Other selections !It AND MIls. E. C. SOLBkRG, D ooitAJi, ~aDnounc . tile en­ ,tates. He has been gues.t recital­ IT'S NO TLILOUBLF; AT ALL to keep a. UIPPIy of m~n's jewelrY ments. are asked to leave their names will include a p~ud't!, ch'Or~le lind iat four times at national con· ~nt of their daughter, Audrey, to BUl Smith. Mr. Smith Is accessories, thinks Rona.ld B. Fairchild, AI, I\tarengo. Like most Lectureship committee mem- at the YWCA office in Iowa fugue by Franck and fotlr s'e\e'\:­ 'ventio.ns of the American Guild lae IOn of Mr. and Mrs. WillIltm SmUh, Decorah. Miss S&lMrl' men, he finds t1tat each occasion callinl' for gifts means new cuff bers are Thomas Pawley, G, Har- Union.. lions by Be&thoven. ",11 rraduated from the University 01 Nebraska. school o( nurs­ of Organists. links, a tie clasp or other jeWelry. Above he wears a silver i bIr. both she and Mr. Smllh are now attend In, the University Identification bracelet, cuff links, wrlsi watch and tie clasp-all of .t Iowa. Town 'n' Campus which he has recelved as gift . • Gets Choic:e Seat- * * * * * * TODAY ~ • .'. 9:30 A. M. at BALL AND CHAIN CL118- Gifts Supply Men's Accessories ·f,·an' .Observ 'es EpiscopalBall and churchChain willclub haveof Ttinitya pot- By MARGE IIARRINGTON Iowa C, lucR 8upper lit 6:30 P.m. tomorrow 'in the home of the Rev. Harold Gift · ror bil'th dIlYS, Chri tma.· 0)' ~I'atllluti()n tteet. Mo- Wllen Dad celebrate' t1 birtlu1ay, broth!')' lrraduHte'l rrom high I ruman 5 no ug ~ ra ;~~Will be shown after the sup- • I School or h l'istrnas corncs along, thr l!Une~1' (·O('d "i II cOIlSid r DUNN'S what new jewelry the' man in -~'-­ When Mrs. Virginia Silver, Del· Mrs. Silver stayed in Wl8shing- CAltNATrON REB t: K A H mind might ani. An exceptional You haven't seen values like these for a long. lonq time! We've r.matked ta Chi housemother, paid $lc} for ton's Mayflower hOtel as the guest LODGE NO. 376-0arnation Re­ girl may !mit argyle sox if time Information Received and re-grouped the balance of our January clearance merchandise - U's I allows, but the IIverage American jicket to watch the inaugural of Mrs. Benona Young, Iowa state Deliah LOOse NO'. 876 will meet at marked to clear. with unbelieveable low prices You'll want to Q:et your paj-ade in WaShington, D.C., she Democratic vice-chairman. The 0 woman will ponder over whether I d'd 't th O k h tt ' '''''0 Iowans t6"'k J'n the celet.-"a~ 8 .,.m. tomorrow in the 1.0. .F. to choose .a gold or a silver key share of these dynamic bargains. so be here early!. I n In s e was ge mg a w v inC hall. MrS". W. O. Potter will pre- On Gra'duate Offers !.r!8in - but ask her now! tions together. side. the meeting will be short chain, an identification bracelet or , , P'pr her $10 Mrs. Silver got, The SUI housemother said she so that the women belonging to a tie clasp, a ring or a watch. FINAL MARKDOWNS GO INTO EFFECT TODAY AT 9:30 A. M.' I first, a ringside seat to one o~ "was n7v~~ so impressed in her ,he Pythian Sisters lodZe may at­ Jewelry manufacturers cal)i. From 3 Univers~ ities I the mos'! "lavish" parades she has whole hfe as She was by the tend a shower for Mrs. William iCllize on the fact that most men's ever seen, and s-econd, a three- whole inaugural program. "Neith- E Brecht who recently became j·ewelry is purchased by women. SUI's psychology department hour look at both the presidential ~,1' she said,. "hav'7 I ever see ' the mother of triplet&. Many it.ems are designed with has received information on gra­ and vice-llresidential families, plus so many orchIds, dJamonds, and thoughts of the female purchas· duate fellowships, scholarshUlS and ers, one leading company reports. assistantships being offered by IIl8ny other high-ranking Wash- expensive furs in one place be- Nf:WCOMERS­ FRlES'DLY Woman must be pleased, manu­ three universities for the year in(\on figures. fore." Ftiefidly Newcomers will meet 4 facturers claim, because they 'buy 1949-50. . FINAL DAYS Mrs. Silver sat directly across She said she shook hands with today ·at 2 p.m. in tbe Wesley an­ the street from. the presidential Truman at a receiption ia fue art the largest share of men's jewelry, Johns Hopkins university in neX'. Ml!mbers will continue work Local jeweJers agree. They sell reviewing stands. gallery :follOWing the 'ina u ~ration on their figurines. Baltimore, Md., is offering assist· cleverly designed tie clasp~, mas­ VALUES TO 3.98 VALUES TO 24.95 other Iowans Luck), ceremony. antships in psychology ranging M:rs. SilVer painted a diffeten't culine identification bracelets, dif­ from $400 to $],000 each. The I , She was not the only Iowan that ploture of Washington hotel and IOWA on'Y REBEKAH ferent cuff links and novel key LODGE NO. 416 - Members of program is for ~tudents who in­ , I\Jcky.>The entire Iowa representa- restaurant scenes than generall;y chains largely to women shoppers. tend to receive a doclors degree 'lon hall seats last week in the haCi.been antiCipated before the the Iowa City Rebekah Lodge No. Cigaret.te lighters and electric 100% Wool SCARFS DRESSES and teach or do research in psy­ chalCe area, Mrs. Silver said. inalfguration.. 416 will meet tonight at 7:30 fn razors are boosted in gift selec­ ka m~ chology. Close-Out of Our Entire Stock Group of just 16 crepes, cattons. ~ he also met Sen. LeRoy Mer- LOw I1sod COst the 1.0.0.t. hall. Mrs. Virgil tions by women, as well as / More than 50 psychological eer and his wife. She said that rp01)"lB could be Bowers/ noble grand, Will preside. wlltches, watch chains and rings. The new -officers, with Mrs. ­ Men find they "never have too assistantships and fellowships 3.98 Baby The Coe college band from Ce- obtained in. any Washington 110t~1 are available at Syracuse uni­ ~'t Rapi(\s played "The Iowa without Tes~r"ation, at nearly bert Capps, chairman, will be in much" jewelry. There's always a COME Corn SOn," as it marched past r€gulllr prIces, ana t1'lat she charge of the roeial hour. new twist, an unusual design or versity. JUanket Scarfs The psychological services cen· $ !he preSidential rev~ewing stands, h9ught .a 'breakfast in a good a different look which adds real Include" $ EARLYI BE ~,said Mrs. Silver, we a1l WaShington cafe for 3n cents that IOWA CITY WOMAN'S CtUB appreCiation to the sentimental ter and evaluation service center jOine(F in oIlnd sang "to let the wouJQ have cost 70 cents in Iowa -The SOCial sciences depart\Jlent value of the item. there are offering courses in gen­ ONEOFTHE eral counseling, mental hygiene, Prellident know that Iowa was City. 0 the 10wa Ctty Woman's club ---.-.-- Whiie, pink, maize, LUCKY lIlere." Before leaving for home, visit· will have a luncheon at 12:30 improvement of learning and F,mous people were every~ ing Iowans bad' get-together p,m. today in the clubrOoms. Dr. New Polio Patient reading. blue, I'reen, powder, BUYERSI II'hvre, Mrs. Silver said.. The Del- with Iowa reiidents livlnt in F;arl E. Harper, director of the Valued at about $1,000 each, ja Chi housemother shook hands Washing\on. A'bout 50 lowans and schOOl of fine arts, wm speak on Listed ~t Hospitals the assistantships are usually re­ black, brOWl1 with Harry Truman, saw police former Iowans, them Sen. "Vigilantes of 1949, Defenders of newable for another year. altJ.otl~ One new polio patient was re­ I refuse Tallulah Bankhead a selll and Mrs. Guy M. Gillette, were Freedom." Mrs. J . A. Bliss is Students who have completed ia Ihe reviewing stl\nd, and saw prerent at a cocktail and dlnner chairman of the department. ported in the "active" ward by one year of graduate work are MjU'&aret Truman in the new party in Alexandria, Va., lI'riday Members of the social committee University hospitals authorities ellgible for JlSychology fellow­ y~sterday . ~Mirgar~t Pink." night. are Mrs. A. H. Harmeier, Mrs. "hips effered by the University The patient, William Djerf, 6 ...... ::....:'------J. E;. Switzer and Mrs. T. O. LO\r~­ of Kansas. They are wDI'th $500 Williams, was admitted Jan. 25 IlInd. to 600 per year. and his oondition yesterday was Also availlible at Kansas arc Article by Student reported as "serious." Senices PleaDed LADIES' (leparimental assistantShips ill lui ULlIF $~ted to Iowa City police yes­ ~\ Amefican Heritage," In Mrs. Taylor died lit tRe 0/k! ,rtltjl, will h.old an open house engineering building at 7 p,m. terday. James Kelso , 322 Sidney" . !!lib !ChoOI, and later delivered it Fellows home, MUOn 'Ci'" 1tiuIt: penot'tnl .r\'1othm aad wives of 'Russell Hagerman, E4, presidepl eoralville, said the bike, plue SIJPOVER AND C~RDIGAN STYLE SWEATERS ...... Others at 3.00 OVer radio station KCRG and be- Tuesday. She was 15QiIb ift,;rip~ blaternitY members from 3 to 5 of the f~aternity , said the merk­ with red trimming, probably was lore th& C8dlir RapJds chapter of acanoe, Ohio, Maf 28, 11M ! ~ , p,m. tohlorr . tl1elr home ' !lere fOr . ~Ilt )i8au. L __I __ Marriage licenses were issued HIlt6ft!ncs ·ig the son 01' Mr. and iBefore his death in f!jS7. 'M~. Ifa~- : C~ Ruhl 'rel14!l.1tt yesterday in the Johnson county IIPI. W. E. Hutchings of Cedar lor owned a cnady .shoil Mte. ~ 'CHarles Ruhl, A3, ba\lenport, clerk's office to J ack E. Lyncn, NO ..BODY ODORS ------EVERY ITEM A REAL V ALUE-COME EARLY •• , ! Rapids. daughter died in. iblB~. I Was 'elected :president of the Iowa City, and ~raldine Ruth Mrs. Taylor was trtlf~06f lJ.!}1I-- l seta r1!JIeta PI ,It'atern1ty Mdll'd8'1. Mntner, Solon, and to Frank NOIIY f .... ton Rebecca lOdge. 'Sl.il-'1iYJng tier ' 'Other 'officers elected W~ 1\eY' iIr., ,Riverside, and Leona Kasp,er, IN CLOTHES ------­ are four brothers, ~~0II.-4M I bUpn ~Imllrn, A2, Dod"e, -Iowa ctty. - rorl R,searth lib,ranes Cecil Hutchins, San Uateo, /:!alif., rushing ch·l\ir.man, and !'forrls land A. S. Hutchins, Selden, Kan. Gould,~, Mirshalltwon, stewar~. 'VALUES TO 49.'5 VALUES TO 24.95 ·PIn Consolidation A sister, Mrs. Marie Grott, Kan· IIllRlDtln of other officers will' sas City, Kan., also survives. lie held ein"ly In 11'ebt1uar,.. Fitst ste!l8 ioward ' he develop'- ~ jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;:;;;iiiliiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii-' DRESSES lllebt of a ceMral stdl;age libranr .. ""Nern \lruvenity re­ Group of 165 tearch ItvPllrtes were taken in Group, of 22 formals at ~o 'Monday at a meetini of tbia _-"y low price! , ntatives from the laritn" • Sizes 9 to 24 Y2' ~mit1es In this area. • Every Fabric! RBDUC;ED TO • ....~~ AUin W. 'Dakin and Dr. • Every Style' -1"1 i:. . EU5worth, d~ctor M Lel THOM~S()N;S Ubraries, rlpresellted SU1 at tile 1Ilettlngs. Every BreSIl tlke you R~e4 to A kJft of $500,000 plus ,250,000 ~~:'I~, DRESS Way Belew 1IOlt On a matehinr basis fdr the COlt tr.u.n of a building Wl& an­ SWT ... COAT CAlM. CA ••' III!1mMd at the meeting, by Pres­ TQWII ? ;. ,. 1 Ident E. C. Colwell' of the Unl­ • . Across ~t7 at Chka.o, ~hairman 01 ~ &roup. I Call ' . Across the State D09rs NO REFU$>S Th,t .elitral ;tora,. li,l'lry pro­ 1 s. Dubu~ue " • 'fI'JH lie. the first part of a .. . Open NO EXCij~GES ,F4IgRm Of cooperative 2161 . .. • . ACI'OII the Natioft • 1IOIi1~i •• which the lIb'arles r .. ':30 A. M. ALL SALES FINAL J)~a wiU develop in ordd\' , ~In~ life amllunt of researc\t , THOMPSON TRANSFER Ind STORA~ ORVIS [LERnERS 116 East Washington ...... materfll* available to schola rs In ....

1 !lIB DAlLY IOWAN, TllUBSDAY, JAN. 21, un - PAGE roUlt House Democrats Bashful Camel Cool to Girlfriend's :Advances Prisoners of War -..-- Hostile ,to 'Sally', fofers Group Cry 'Unfair' over '{ Witness Tesfifies bill' Munger Vole Count dotl Meets Tonight W ASHlNGTON (JP) - A witnesa lOCi DES MOINES (.4") - Iowa house at the "Axis Sally" treason trial' cti~ •. Members of the League of Wo­ Democrats cried "unfair" yester­ testifled yesterday that AmtrictJt Viel. Iiltn Voters will discuss "State day in a minority report fi led in prisoners of war were hostile to­ P 1 ~tutions" at two group meet­ the Woodbury county contest over ward the women who alleledlJI 100 ~ scheduled for 8 p.m. tonight. state representative . betrayed the U.S. for Nazi IOId. scie, .t::.rs. David Sisto, 431 Rundell "They didn't like to have ber COlD t, will be hostess in her Nevertheless, indications were ,11 that the Republican . controlled there," said the witness, IDle eX~ at a d.i.scussion led by Mrs. of I bolne house would con.firm the right of Sylvia Doman, ' 32, former an. *- lv. Ringo. Mrs. George Wis­ Rep. Robert P. Munger (R-Sioux nouncer for the German radio. ' try Citner and Mrs. William McCloy City) to his seat in the house. Miss Doman also tesUIlec1 u.t ~on Jr.. will be the speakers. out James R. Naughton, 23, Sioux the defendant, Mlldrecl E. GU. Kosteu for the other meeting , d I City Democrat, is contesting Mun­ Ia.rs, 48, related that 08 · ... c1U ~ be Mk. Vincent Nowlis, 223 I • er's election. Munger won by • occulon American IOldlen ...... 'Davenport street. Mrs. T, M. had been captured by tile GIl' Ll ljahder will lead the discussion 248 votes in the official canvass mans "tbreMened" her •• I try I talks by Mrs. Stephen Nag but Naughton emerged with a lead ~ I she attempted lIOn ~ and Mrs. William Yetter. of 190 votes after ballots had to lIden1ew been recounted in four disputed them. Yor) 0'; The league has planned two precincts. I ~usalon meetings for Saturday I The Maine - born defendant ia iks. Stuart Cullen will be leader The majority members of the on trial in federal court, tacing Q .riil Mrs. Carl Gillies will be contest committee recommended, death in the electric chair It con· !lOtte .. In her home at 719 Mc· however, that precinct 15 not be victed. tan avenue. Mrs. Stephen Nagy· considered in the recount because Earlier, a stiff-backed fOl'llllr' will IIpeak. The meeting WI I there were three more ballots In Nazi Tadio man, Hans Von Rich· • *' the box than there were names ~ at 1:30 p.rn. THREE· YEAIt·OLD HAL. a. earnel at Griffith Park 100, Les An&'eles, was not old enOlah to start ter, 38, definitely identified the Mrs. Robert Sears will speak at of voters on the poll b90ks. That lIou8e&eeptnr and _ybe raise some little two· hUm per • Park officials bought a camel girl friend for voice of Miss GiDars as tile · I would restore Munger to a lead e 7;30 p.m. meeting. Mrs. Allyn . U~ from an anlmaJ fllrm and Introduced her to Hal. He took oue leok and started runnlnl' away. voice in the "Axis SaUy" broad. of 97 votes. t, rome will be discussion leader Rere he b at left, bea.din&' Utataway, and at last reports he IIUII Jwln't been eornere