What Is West Windsor Hiding?
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MARCH 29, 2013 WEST WINDSOR & PLAINSBORO NEWS Headliner: Can It Be Saved? The Grover Farm Committee Says Yes, and at No Cost to Taxpayers, page 16. by Sue Roy la, manager, Senior and Social Ser- vices; Lt. Robert Garofalo, WW- Facing Salary Cut, Kniewel ven as West Windsor offi- PD; and Brian Magnin, emergency cials were preparing to trav- services specialist. Also present at To Resign As Superintendent Eel to Monmouth University the kick-off meeting was Mayor by Sue Roy In an interview Marathe said, to receive two awards for the town- Shing-Fu Hsueh. Council Vice “We are very sad to see her leave. ship website, they were also at President Kristina Samonte will W-P parents received We knew we would lose her at the work discussing ways to improve serve as the council liaison. unexpected news in the end of her contract in June, 2015, other aspects of the township’s Wade is also overseeing the re- Wmiddle of spring break: but we had hoped to have Dr. technology infrastructure. design of the Township website, Superintendent Victoria Kniewel Kniewel for another two years. But The Township has created a new which began with the inclusion of plans to resign. At the March 27 she has been offered a great oppor- Information Technology (IT) the “business opportunities” sec- Board of Education meeting Board tunity, and I understand why she is Committee. The committee, which tion. “West Windsor is one of the President Hemant Marathe an- leaving. When the state passed the will be overseen by Township Net- few towns to even have this type of nounced that Kniewel intends to legislation cap- work Administrator Chris Wade, section, which was considered as resign at the ping superin- had its inaugural meeting on March part of the website’s ‘content,’ one end of the tendents’ sala- 21. “The committee’s purpose is to of the criteria by Monmouth Uni- Tech Savvy: Sophia school year in WW-P Superintendent ries, her salary work with the departments and the versity,” Wade added, noting that it June. Kniewel Victoria Kniewel will is essentially administration and find out their IT Liu, a senior at High has accepted a helped the Township win two School South, helped resign in June. She oth- capped for life concerns and needs. We will then awards at Monmouth University. position as su- as long as she strategize on how best to meet their The university reviewed the web- design West Windsor perintendent of erwise would have stays in New goals and get back to them with sites of towns and cities across Township’s website. schools for a faced a state-mandated Jersey.” ideas as soon as possible,” Wade New Jersey and ranked West Wind- public school $17,500 salary cut. In 2011 the said. sor as being third overall in the district outside dexing feature to allow residents state Commis- In addition to Wade, the current state. In addition, West Windsor the state. more and easier access to search sioner of Edu- members are Pat Ward, director of was one of a handful of municipali- Marathe praised Kniewel for through and find public records, cation enacted a regulation cap- Community Development; Marle- ties to win an award in the category her work: “Dr. Kniewel has led the and we are redoing the ‘real estate’ ping public superintendents’ sala- na Schmid, business administrator; of “best municipal website for citi- district with distinction through of our webpage, so that all of our ries, based on the number of stu- Joanne Louth, CFO; Gaye Huber, zen interaction.” some challenging times. She has links are within scrolling distance, dents in their districts. The regula- assistant clerk; James Taylor, assis- Wade oversees the entire town- helped to put into place structures making it easier for residents to tion, now before the state supreme tant supervisor of Public Works; ship website, with input from oth- that will help us realize the mission find them. We are working with court, has been upheld on appeal. Ken Jacobs, manager, Recreation ers. “We are in the process of rede- statement of the district. I would “This legislation has put New and Parks; Brian Aronson, assis- signing it to make it even more us- like to thank the superintendent for tant engineer; Latonya Andrews, her valuable contributions.” er-friendly. We are adding an in- Continued on page 12 Continued on page 10 Human Resources; Donna Fuceto- PLAINSBORO’S GYM SCENE: A FAMILY AFFAIR by Sue Roy tomers are known by name, greeted comes to our gym to work out with her with a smile, and sent off with a wish to friends and is involved with ballet and owerhouse Gym has been operat- have a nice day,” he says. acting at Tomato Patch,” Wilson says. ing in Plainsboro for the past two Says Lisa: “Most of our customers “My father inspired my love of fitness. Pyears — most recently in the eye are local, and many are whole families. He was a physical education teacher, of the economic storm that has swept They sign up together and work out to- and was part of the Dominican Repub- across the Plainsboro Plaza shopping gether. We also have a fully staffed day- lic Olympic Committee. My mom en- center. But Wilson and Lisa Pena, hus- care facility here, for those with young- couraged me as well.” band and wife team and West Windsor er children. Fitness is our lifestyle. We In addition to owning and operating residents who are two of the gym’s have encouraged our daughter, Gabri- Power House Gym, Wilson is a project owners, couldn’t be happier. elle, to value a fitness lifestyle, and development manager at Dow Jones in “When we moved to Plainsboro two want to pass that on to our customers.” South Brunswick. “I studied interna- years ago, we were welcomed with Wilson was born in the Dominican tional studies and economics at New open arms by the community. We Republic but moved to the United York University. But my passion has moved into the space [in Plainsboro States as a young child, first to Puerto always been fitness. Lisa and I hope to Plaza] vacated by the NY Sports Gym Rico and then to Weehawken in the sev- turn this into our full-time work some- nearly five years ago. So we were really enth grade. As a high school wrestler he day; something for our retirement.” filling a need for a family-oriented, was a district champion and team cap- Lisa admits that her passion for fit- community gym, and our customers are tain. He then took up martial arts and ness comes from Wilson. “I was born in very thankful to have us. And we are has studied a variety of types since Colombia and also moved to the U.S. as Fit Family: Lisa, left, Gabrielle, and Wil- thankful to them for all of their sup- then, most recently Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. a young child,” she says. “I grew up in son Pena, part owners of Powerhouse Gym port,” Wilson says. “I took Daddy-daughter classes with Jersey City, and when I met Wilson, he “We are a family-owned and operat- in Plainsboro Plaza, celebrate their sec- Gabrielle for three years, until she was introduced me to the importance of ond anniversary April 6. The new Prince- Now open! ed gym. Our gym is designed to make eight. Now she is 13 and a seventh physical fitness. It is now part of my all customers of all ages and all levels grader at Grover Middle School. She ton Fitness & Wellness Center at the new Windsor of fitness feel comfortable. Our cus- Continued on page 11 hospital holds its grand opening page 11. Kids Dental 609-443-4477 WW-P’S FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER WWPINFO.COM JUNCTION BARBER SHOP Letters: Pocket Park Debate Misses Point 3 Twin W Donates Ambulance to Shore Area 13 traditional barber shop serving Hsueh Gives State of the Township Address 14 Plainsboro Actress Stars in ‘Lion in Winter’ 24 SEE AD PAGE 17 our neighbors since 1992 Police Reports 29 Classifieds 31 FOLLOW WWPINFO ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER FOR TIMELY UPDATES SEE AD PAGE 21 ISSUE DATE: MARCH 29, 2013 NEXT ISSUE: APRIL 12 e t Princeton Fitness & Wellness SEE ADS PAGES 12 & 14 at Plainsboro A HEALTHIER FUTURE AWAITS SEE AD PAGE 27 sboro esents March 1-4, 2012 RINCETON THE LEWIS SCHOOL P CADEMY OF THE OF PRINCETON A SEE AD PAGE 32 SACRED HEART SEE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY, EDNESDAYS MARCH 31 W , RPIL 10 A.M. A 11 & 18 9 A.M. SEE AD PAGE 24 SEE AD PAGE 12 SEE AD PAGE 43 2 THE NEWS MARCH 29, 2013 J o a n i en er O f f i e 0 9 - 9 5 1 - 8 6 0 0 1 1 0 C e l : 0 9 - 3 0 6 - 1 9 9 9 Views & Opinions j ere a x @ a o l . c o m w w w . J o a n e l s . c o m G reater Princeton years to develop a plan of their O w ner S ales To the Editor: A ssociate own. What Is West As promised, I have referred the Windsor Hiding? sealed investigation to Paul Fish- Village Grande Value man, the Federal Attorney for the District of New Jersey; the FBI, T s one r f u ou e s oca e n e t i n o n e i l l ae r ane Ac i v e Editor’s note: See page 16 for which handles Federal investiga- Richard K.