For more information contact:

Rotherham Phoenix RUFC c/o Bob Finch 4 Thorpefield Close Thorpe Hesley Rotherham S61 2UT

T: 07950 145424 E: [email protected]

Part of Rotherham Rugby Club Limited, Registered in and Wales, Company Number 6059857 Registered Office: 2 Clifton Moor Business Village, James Nicolson Link, York, YO30 4XG 20


Welcome to Rotherham Phoenix RUFC, the amateur side of Rother- ham Rugby Club. Over the past few years the club has been in negotiations with Rotherham Met- This season promises to be a major milestone in the history of our ropolitan Council to lease seven acres of Herringthorpe Playing Fields for the club. Hopefully by the time you are reading this we will have signed development of club training and match facilities.. By the time you reading this a lease with RMBC for an area of Herringthorpe Playing Fields to be the lease should have been signed - the first step in providing the facilities that developed as training and match facilities for the club. Once com- the club so desperately needs will have been taken. pleted we will at last have facilities we can be proud of and just as importantly a home for our club. Of course securing a lease is only The plan involves fencing off the leased area and providing three floodlit rugby the first step along the road and there remains a great deal of hard pitches - two with training standard illumination, one with match standard illumi- work to be done—however with the wholehearted support and nation. There are also plans to improve the drainage of area and to improve the commitment of all of our members we are confident of success. quality of the playing surface.

This booklet contains most of the information that you will need Needless to say it will cost the club a great deal of money to carry out all of this work - about £300,000! We have applied for a £100,000 grant from the RFU, during the season. Please read it carefully because you will be ex- and an £100,000 interest free loan from the Rugby Football Foundation - both of pected to follow the club Codes of Conduct and guidelines. If you which we are confident will be forthcoming. We are also applying for funding lose your book, you can also download copies from our website. from other sources such as Sport England.

I hope that you enjoy a wonderful season of rugby. The Herringthorpe Facilities Fund was launched to raise the money we shall need to develop the facilities and complete the project, so that a thriving and Brian Umpleby successful future is assured for Rotherham Phoenix. Chairman Rotherham Phoenix RUFC HOW CAN YOU HELP TO DELIVER THIS FUTURE?

Here are just a few ideas -

 Support all club fund raising events  Organise your own fund raising events  Make a donation to the fund  Check if your employer has a small awards scheme for community groups  Act as a guarantor for the RFF Loan

Every contribution helps—no matter how small

For more information and updates on the fund visit the HFF page on the club website or contact Bob Finch on 07950 145424 or by email at [email protected]

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VICE PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATION ABOUT OUR CLUB The VPs Association of Rotherham Rugby Club was started in 2004 in the wake of the financial problems experienced by the professional playing side. A number Rotherham Phoenix RUFC was formed in 2005 to bring back amateur of club stalwarts decided to invite former players and administrators from the rugby to Rotherham Rugby Club. Although had been amateur playing days to join together to form an association, which would help hugely successful in the upper echelons of the game, the importance of to revitalise the “amateur” ethos of the club. re-establishing a thriving community rugby section was widely recognised by everyone at the club. Besides their activities on the amateur playing side of the club, the Vice Presi- dents carry out “Meet and Greet” duties on Titans match days, hosting visiting directors and committees from clubs in the RFU Championship and the British Phoenix started out playing in the merit table in the 2005/06 and Irish Cup. Also, much of the work on the refurbishment of the clubhouse has season finishing a creditable second in the league thereby gaining entry been carried out by a small group of Vice Presidents led by Phil Duke. into the Yorkshire Leagues. Two seasons in Division Five South East fol- lowed with promotion to Division Four coming at the end of the 2007/08 The association currently has over 60 members but new members are always campaign. Promotion to Division Three followed in the 2009/10 season welcome. For a person to become a Vice-President of Rotherham Rugby Club, with the club finishing as league champions. he/she should ideally be a former player, coach, official, administrator etc. who has given freely of their time and made a significant contribution to rugby. A 2nd XV was introduced in the 2008/09 season and this has prospered with the team playing in the Yorkshire Merit Table.

Junior rugby at the club has developed in parallel with the growth of the ROTHERHAM RUGBY CLUB LTD senior section. From a handful of players at the first training session in 2005, the junior section has grown to encompass five mini-midi teams (under 12 years of age) and three junior teams (over 12 years of age). Rotherham Rugby Club Ltd, a not for profit company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital was established in 2007 to provide a legal framework for the amateur rugby activities at the club including Rotherham Phoenix RUFC Colts rugby (U17 to U19) was reintroduced in the 2011/12 season provid- and the Vice-Presidents Association. ing a vital link between junior and senior rugby.

Directors of Rotherham Rugby Club Ltd Finally a veterans’ team (over 35’s) is to be introduced for the 2013/14 Phil Duke (Chair) Sam Coy Terry Reeves season for those old enough to know better! Bob Finch (Secretary) Andrew Hucknall Paul Rogan Becki Finch (Treasurer) Peter Jackson Nick Warhurst Rotherham Phoenix RUFC is part of Rotherham Rugby Club Ltd, a not Ralph Beaumont John McCormick for profit company limited by guarantee and not having a share cap- John Clay Mark O’Neill ital.

Company Details Rotherham Rugby Club Limited Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 6059857 Registered Office: 2 Clifton Moor Business Village, James Nicolson Link, York, YO30 . 4XG For more information contact the Secretary, Bob Finch on 07950 145424 or by email at [email protected]

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MEMBERSHIP FEES EQUITY POLICY This club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects CATEGORY FEES NOTES of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity: (per season) Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequali- ADULT PLAYER £30 Match fees of £5 per match apply ties and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and struc- ture of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.

COLTS PLAYER £30 Match fees of £5 per match apply  The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status. MINI/JUNIOR PLAYER £30 per family The family membership fee is paya-  The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an ble only once per family and in- environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. PLUS cludes adult membership of the  All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour club for one parent or guardian. and promote equality of opportunity. £30 per player The family membership fee is  The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, waived if a parent or guardian is according to club disciplinary procedures. already a paid-up member of the club. (e.g. an adult player or club/ social member) ANTI-BULLYING POLICY This club is committed to protecting children and young people under the age of A 50% discount on the junior mem- bership fees applies to new mem- 18 playing youth rugby from possible bullying. The Club takes the problem of bers joining after January 1st 2014. bullying seriously.

 Bullying is not always easy to define, can take many forms (e.g. physical, ADULT CLUB/SOCIAL £30 verbal and emotional) and is usually repeated over a period of time.  Bullying is not limited to an adult bullying a young person; it is often the case that the bully is a young person.  In the first instance, incidents of bullying should be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer or Deputy CSO. All club members must be alert to the VICE PRESIDENT’S £65 signs of bullying and refer cases promptly. Failure to respond to incidents

may be interpreted as condoning the behaviour.  The club undertakes to investigate all reported cases of bullying and take appropriate action to deal with the problem. Playing Membership runs from 1st September each year. Players who have not renewed  If the incident is an adult bullying a young person, the CSO will report the their membership by 1st October 2013 will not be entitled to train or play in matches. incident to the RFU Safeguarding Officer.

Proof of age must be provided for mini-junior memberships (birth certificate, passport etc.)  If the incident is a young person bullying a young person, the club will at- tempt to resolve the problem through mediation and education. If mediation All adult members have full voting rights at general meetings of Rotherham Rugby Club fails and the bullying is seen to continue the club will initiate disciplinary ac- Limited. tion.

4 17 SAFEGUARDING POLICY CLUB CONTACTS At Rotherham Phoenix RUFC we believe that all young people, whatever their Chairman Brian Umpleby 07949 630898 [email protected] ability, should be encouraged to take part in sport. has so much to offer young people in terms of skill acquisition and development, friendship, en- Secretary Nick Warhurst 07769 335640 [email protected] joyment, and the opportunity to compete. Treasurer Nick Warhurst 07769 335640 [email protected] Whenever young people are with Club Officials and other members of public we Fixtures Secretary Steve Houghton 07798 825644 [email protected] will make sure they are safe from verbal, physical, sexual and emotional harm. (1st XV/2nd XV)

Rotherham Phoenix RUFC Junior Section has adapted the child protection poli- Coaching Dave Trueman 07785 707483 [email protected] cy of, and operates within the guidelines recommended by the RFU. All volun- Co-ordinator teers, coaches and officials working with young people will be made familiar with 1st XV/2nd XV Dave Trueman 07785 707483 [email protected] these guidelines and will be screened to check their suitability to work with young people. Colts Sam Coy 07770 575387 [email protected] Veterans Nick Warhurst 07769 335640 [email protected] In order to satisfy the above we will: International Tickets Becki Finch 07870 666993 [email protected]  Ensure that all junior section officials, coaches and other volunteers undergo an enhanced CRB check via the RFU. This check to be repeated every 3 years. MINI-JUNIORS  Ensure that all officials, coaches and other volunteers receive appropriate Chairman Bob Finch 07950 145424 [email protected] Child Protection Training. This training to be renewed every 3 years. Vice Chair Paul Rogan 07753 913879 [email protected]  Ensure that all officials, coaches and other volunteers are made aware of the club’s Child Protection Policy and will be provided with support and guidance Secretary Heidi Cooper 07717 688940 [email protected] to enable them to operate within the policy Treasurer Mandy Scholfield 07846726292 [email protected]  Ensure that all those leading coaching activities are coach qualified to a min- Safeguarding Officer Carl Schofield 07727 280958 [email protected] imum RFU Level One in Rugby Union (or Tag Coach for Mini Tag Rugby) Membership Secretary Lee Cooper 01709 320505 [email protected]  Ensure that coaches, officials and others volunteers working with young peo- ple are encouraged to stay up-to-date with the RFU Child Protection policies Fixtures Secretary Glen Botham 07984 160880 [email protected] and procedures. Volunteer Coordinator Neil Presley 07584 374205 [email protected]  Ensure that records of visits, attendance, parental consent and incidents or accidents are kept and are confidential of addresses, telephone numbers etc. VICE-PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATION  Provide coaches and parents/carers with a written procedure for dealing with Chairman Phil Duke 01709 541517 [email protected] accusations or suspicions of child abuse. Secretary Ralph Beaumont 01709 379816 [email protected]  Promote ‘fair play’ and always play within the spirit of the laws of Rugby Un- Treasurer Pete Jackson 01709 530487 [email protected] ion.

 Identify a person, or persons whose role it is to deal with any concerns about verbal, physical, sexual or emotional harm within the club: ROTHERHAM RUGBY CLUB LTD Chair Phil Duke 01709 541517 [email protected] CARL SCHOFIELD Secretary Bob Finch 07950 145424 [email protected] Club Safeguarding Officer Treasurer Becki Finch 07870 666993 [email protected]

16 5 PARENTS & GUARDIANS CLUB CODE OF CONDUCT Parents/guardians and spectators are expected to abide by the following: PLAYERS WILL: Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.  Recognise and appreciate the efforts made by coaches and administrators Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials. in providing the opportunity for them to play the game and enjoy the rugby environment. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. Never force your child to take part in sport.  Recognise that many officials and referees are volunteers who give up Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good perfor- their time to provide their services. mances of all.

Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.  Respect their teammates and coaches by being punctual for training and matches, and communicating where applicable their availability with your Publicly accept officials’ judgements. Team Manager or Coach. Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.

Use correct and proper language at all times.  Take responsibility for their own performance at training and matches Everyone is entitled to be treated with respect. Aggressive, abusive or racist ALL MEMBERS WILL: behaviour towards other parents, supporters, players, coaches or club officials is not appropriate and may be dealt with under club disciplinary procedures, where appropriate.  Care for and respect the facilities and equipment made available to them.

 Take responsibility for the creation of an enjoyable and successful club CLUB OFFICIALS & VOLUNTEERS environment.

The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarised below. All vol-  Display consistently high standards of behaviour. unteers must:

 Honour the spirit and promote the positive aspects of Rugby Union such as fair play, good sportsmanship and the recognition of good play by club consider the wellbeing and safety of participants before the development of players and opponents alike. performance. develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual  Remember that they are representing Rotherham Phoenix RUFC and be trust and respect. proud to do so. Do nothing to bring the club or the game of Rugby Union into disrepute. make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part  Finally … Enjoy their rugby! promote the positive aspects of the sport (eg fair play) display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance follow all guidelines laid down by the national governing body and the club hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or re- ward never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibitive substances encourage performers to value their performances and not just results. 6 15

JUNIOR SECTION CODES OF CONDUCT CLUBHOUSE RULES Rotherham Phoenix RUFC is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, 1. Please treat the clubhouse with respect at all times. coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, 2. No rugby boots in the clubhouse (except the changing rooms). Clean ex- members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or cess mud from boots before entering the changing rooms. complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with any member of the club committee. 3. No muddy or dirty playing or training kit in the clubhouse. Players should shower and change into clean clothing after matches or training before JUNIOR PLAYERS entering the clubhouse. 4. Please do not bring kit bags into the clubhouse – leave them in the As a member of Rotherham Phoenix RUFC Junior Section you are expected to changing rooms or in your car. abide by the following junior club rules: 5. Spectators - please remove muddy footwear before entering the club- All members must play within the rules and respect officials and their deci- house. sions.

6. Teams are responsible for cleaning changing rooms after use and leaving All members must respect opponents. them in a decent state for the next user. After matches, teams are also Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or in- responsible for cleaning the changing room used by their opponents. form their coach or team manager if they are going to be late. 7. Parents are responsible for the supervision of children in the club house. Members must wear suitable kit – gum shields (mandatory for contact), shin While it is accepted that young children will want to be active rather than pads, protective clothing & headgear are all strongly recommended – for sit still, please ensure that this does not a result in injury, nuisance to oth- training and match sessions, as agreed with the coach/team manager. er guests or damage to the clubhouse Coaches may refuse to allow players to train or play if they consider that ade- quate protective clothing is not being worn. 8. Consumption of alcohol by under- age people is illegal and a breach of both club rules and safeguarding policy. Members must pay any fees for membership, training, kit or events promptly. 9. Please park considerately when using the club house. Additional parking Junior members are not allowed to smoke on club premises or whilst repre- is available at the “scoreboard end” of the ground. Please avoid parking senting the club at competitions. “on street” wherever possible. If this is unavoidable please park legally

and considerately to avoid causing an inconvenience to our neighbours. Junior members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the club premises or whilst representing the club. 10. The clubhouse is located in a residential area. To avoid causing nuisance to our neighbours, please keep noise to a minimum when arriving at leav- ing the clubhouse especially in the evening.

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GENERAL INFORMATION FURTHER INFORMATION EQUIPMENT Players should wear rugby or football boots. Studs are preferred to blades - CLUBHOUSE both studs and blades should comply with IRB regulations and have no sharp We are fortunate to have the use of the Rotherham Titans clubhouse at edges capable of causing injury. . Please ensure that this continues by abiding by the simple rules on the previous page. All players should wear a mouth guard (gum-shield) at all times when training or playing. The wearing of other protective equipment such as head guards, body The clubhouse is available to hire for club fundraising events and private armour etc.) is optional. Any protective equipment worn must comply with IRB regulations. functions. For more information contact Dion Oldham on 07809 129563 or by email at [email protected] On match days all players should bring club shorts and socks which can be bought from the online club shop at GOOD NEIGHBOURS Rotherham-Phoenix-RUFC/388.aspx. Playing shirts are generally issued on the Rotherham Rugby Club and Herringthorpe Playing Fields are situated in day of the match and should be returned to your team manager/coach after the a busy residential area. The club is committed to a “good neighbours match. If you have your own playing shirt please remember to bring it with you! policy” to minimise disruption and inconvenience to local residents caused by our activities. If you intend to return to the clubhouse after training or matches you should also bring a towel and shower gel/soap, plus a change of clothing - muddy kit and/or Noise - keep unnecessary noise to a minimum when arriving or leaving players are banned from the clubhouse! Your team may have a dress code for the ground especially in the evenings. match days - generally black trousers and a club polo shirt or shirt and tie. Check with your team manager/coach for details.

Parking - park at the Clifton Lane ground or Herringthorpe Stadium car SPECIAL NEEDS & BENEFITS park. Avoid on street parking wherever possible and if this is unavoida- Every child is special, but some have different needs to others. Our aim is to ble park legally and considerately - do not cause an obstruction or block give as many children as possible the chance to play rugby. Whatever your con- access to driveways. cern, we will try to help. If your child has any special needs (e.g. physical or learning difficulty), please speak to us so that we can ensure that their needs Mud - remove excess mud from rugby boots before leaving the playing can be catered for. fields to walk back to the clubhouse. This avoids leaving a trail of mud on the pavement.

Be Polite - be polite and treat local residents with respect at all times no matter what the circumstances.


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CLUB WEBSITE MINI-JUNIOR RUGBY Keep up to date with what’s happening at the club by visiting our website at on a regular basis. The website also contains electronic copies of all club documentation such as policies and TEAM CONTACTS codes of conduct which can be downloaded. U7 Kevin Beaumont [email protected] By signing up as a website member you can have a weekly round-up of U8 Mark Hampshire 07870 557986 [email protected] club news, events and results delivered to your email address.

U9 Mark O’Neill 07888 749604 [email protected] The club also has a Facebook page on U10 Ian Kettleborough [email protected] pages/Rotherham-Phoenix-RUFC/315931871857732

U11/12 Chris Walls 07910 859666 [email protected] CLUB SHOP U13/14 Paul Rogan 07753 913879 [email protected] Club shorts, socks, training tops and a wide range of other club kit can be purchased online from our kit supplier Raging Bull via the following U15 John Langton 07801 905245 [email protected] link: U16 Tim McGuiness 07764 628975 [email protected]

Alternatively, click on the “Shop” tab on the club website. TRAINING SCHEDULES FUND RAISING AUTUMN / WINTER TRAINING (1 SEPT 2013—30 APRIL 2014) As an amateur rugby club we rely heavily on fund raising to allow us to Membership fees must have been paid to qualify for the training & matches. provide rugby playing opportunities at a reasonable cost to our mem- TEAM MIDWEEK TRAINING SUNDAY TRAINING/MATCHES bers. The development of club facilities on Herringthorpe Playing Fields will place a large financial burden on the club and makes fundraising all U16 Thursdays 7.00 - 8.00pm 10:00 - 11:30am the more important. We would ask all members to contribute to the fund U15 Thursdays 7.00 - 8.00pm 10:00 - 11:30am raising effort by supporting fund raising event organised by the club or U14 Thursdays 7.00 - 8.00pm 10:00 - 11:30am by organizing their own events.

U11/12 Thursdays 6.00 - 7.00pm 10:00 - 11:30am VOLUNTEERING U10 Thursdays 6.00 - 7.00pm 10:00 - 11:30am Running a rugby club involves a tremendous amount of hard work and we always welcome extra help. If you can help out at all, please let us U9 Thursdays 6.00 - 7.00pm 10:00 - 11:30am know. It doesn’t have to be every week - just let us know what /when you U7/U8 No Training 10:00 - 11:30am can do and we’ll do the rest! Roles available include Team Manager, Coach, Referee, First Aider, Parent Helper and committee roles for or- ganising and running the club. In accordance with our Safeguarding Poli- All midweek winter training is at the Sheffield Hallam University Sports Ground on Bawtry Road. cy, we will carry out CRB checks on our regular helpers. Occasional helpers will be accompanied by another member of the team. If you are Sunday training and home matches are at the following locations: interested in becoming a coach or referee, please speak to Dave True- U7/8/9 — Clifton Lane man. All other volunteers, please speak to Neil Presley. U10/11/12 — Herringthorpe Playing Fields U14/15/16 — Wickersley School or Herringthorpe Playing Fields 12 9


TEAM CONTACTS Date 1st XV 2nd XV 1st XV Dave Trueman 07785 707483 [email protected] 17-Aug LEICESTER FOREST H F 24-Aug CLEETHORPES A F 2nd XV Nick Warhurst 07769 335640 [email protected] 07-Sep HEMSWORTH A L HEMSWORTH 2 H 14-Sep LEEDS MEDICS H L DINNINGTON 3 A Colts Sam Coy 07770 575387 [email protected] 21-Sep OLD GROVIANS A L HALLAMSHIRE 2 H Veterans Nick Warhurst 07769 335640 [email protected] 28-Sep OLD MODERNIANS H L ROTHERHAM CLIFTON A 05-Oct NORTHALLERTON A L WORTLEY H 12-Oct SKIPTON A L SHEFFIELD MEDICS 3 H TRAINING TIMES 19-Oct THORNENSIANS H L THORNENSIANS 2 A 26-Oct AIREBOROUGH A L RAWMARSH H AUTUMN / WINTER TRAINING (1 SEPT 2013—30 APRIL 2014) 02-Nov BRAMLEY PHOENIX H L ADWICK A Membership fees must have been paid to qualify for the training & matches. 09-Nov BURLEY H L SHEFFIELD OAKS 2 H 16-Nov CASTLEFORD H L TEAM DAY/TIME LOCATION 23-Nov GOOLE A L STOCKSBRIDGE H 1st XV/2nd XV Tuesdays 8.00 - 9.30pm SHU Sports Ground, 30-Nov HARROGATE PYTHONS H L HALIFAX HALL A Veterans Thursdays 8.00 - 9.00pm Bawtry Road 07-Dec LEEDS MEDICS A L SHEFFIELD ENGINEERS H 14-Dec OLD GROVIANS H L Tuesdays 8.00 - 9.30pm SHU Sports Ground, 28-Dec ROTHERHAM CLIFTON H L Colts Thursdays 8.00 - 9.00pm Bawtry Road 04-Jan OLD MODERNIANS A L ROTHERHAM CLIFTON H 11-Jan NORTHALLERTON H L RAWMARSH A 18-Jan SHEFFIELD ENGINEERS A ROTHERHAM PHOENIX U19 SENIOR COLTS 25-Jan SKIPTON H L ADWICK H FIXTURES 2013-14 08-Feb THORNENSIANS A L THORNENSIANS 2 H 15-Feb AIREBOROUGH H L WORTLEY A Date OPPONENT COMPETITION 01-Mar BRAMLEY PHOENIX A L 15-Sep SCUNTHORPE Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 08-Mar BURLEY H L SHEFFIELD MEDICS 3 A 22-Sep POCKLINGTON Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 29-Sep SELBY Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 15-Mar SHEFFIELD OAKS 2 A 06-Oct ROTHERHAM CLIFTON Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 22-Mar CASTLEFORD A L HALIFAX HALL H 13-Oct SHEFFIELD Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 29-Mar GOOLE H L STOCKSBRIDGE A 20-Oct SELBY Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 05-Apr HARROGATE PYTHONS A L DINNINGTON 3 H 03-Nov POCKLINGTON Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 12-Apr HEMSWORTH H L HEMSWORTH 2 A 10-Nov ROTHERHAM CLIFTON Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 26-Apr HALLAMSHIRE A 17-Nov SCUNTHORPE Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference 24-Nov SHEFFIELD Yorkshire U19 Colts SE Conference NOTES: Fixtures correct at time of publication. Please check website for updated fixture list H/A = Home/Away, L/F = League/Friendly

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