No 17 • January - July 1995 Editor: Panos Gerontopoulos & USA SHARE MEDALS IN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Europe and the monopolized success at the 1994 World Bridge Championships, winning all medals in all tournaments. Europe was more successful in pairs competitions, and won the Open, Women’s and Mixed Pairs titles, as well as the Senior Teams. USA won the Open and Women’s Teams, as well as the Senior Pairs. The world’s biggest Cham- pionship was held in Albu- querque, NM, USA, September 17 - October 1, and attracted a large from all geographi- cal zones.


José Damiani of is the new President of the . IN THIS ISSUE Damiani, whose term as n Editorial ...... 2 n Europe and USA took all EBL President expires in medals of 1994 World Bridge June, has succeeded Bobby n Damiani elected President of Championships ...... 6-7 Wolff of USA in the highest the World Bridge Federation . . 2 office of organized bridge. n Meet Enri Leufkens and Berry n 1995 PHILIP MORRIS Europe- Westra - Holland’s young world an Open and Senior Pairs Cham- pionships will take place in champions...... 8 , March 21-26 ...... 3 n 1995 GENERALI European PORTUGAL TO HOST GENERALI n Ernesto d’Orsi is 1994 Bridge Championships will take place in EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Personality of the Year ...... 3 Portugal, June 17-July 1. . . . . 9 n Letter from the President . . 4 n Master Points ...... 10 The 42nd GENERALI European Championships will be held in Algavre, Portugal, June 17 - July 1, 1995. n Dutch and French players win n Jean Besse dies ...... 10 20th PHILIP MORRIS European The Championships contain four series: National Open Teams, Simultaneous...... 4 n New Books...... 10 National Ladies Teams, Ladies Pairs and - for the first time - n Italian Bridge on the rise . . 5 n Competition Calendar . . . 11 Senior Teams. The National Team Championships are Europe’s qualifiers for the World events and Cup. JOSÉ DAMIANI, the EBL President, is the new leader of the There are several World Bridge Federation. Damiani, who steps down from his changes in this issue, EBL position at the end of his sec- both in appearance and ond 4-year term in June, was elect- in content. NEW ed to the presidency of the WBF in EBL Review has a new September. The look, thanks to an im- election was u- proved design suggested LEADER nanimous and by the professional staff took place in Al- of our sponsor, PHILIP buquerque, at the end of President MORRIS. IN ’s term. Damiani, 55, is It is very positive indeed the 9th President in the 36-year old to have a close working history of the organization - and the relationship with our second from France, following sponsor. Bridge players WBF Baron Robert de Nexon, the first and administrators have WBF President (1958-1964). Wolff been benefiting from this was elected to the WBF Committee of Honour. for many years now; the new look of our magazine is yet another step in the right direction. The second change is that there is nothing about Junior Bridge in this issue. No, the EBL has not decided to drop young people from its agenda. On the contrary, Junior Bridge has be- come so important in re- cent years, that we are starting a separate newsletter dedicated ex- clusively to young peo- ple. EBL Junior Review will also be published twice a year, at the same time as EBL Review. It will be distributed, together with EBL Review, free of charge, and through the same channels. If you get only one publication, please ask for the other. The more casual charac- DAMIANI ELECTED PRESIDENT ter of EBL Junior Review will reflect better the The new President believes that the WBF should focus on two world it pictures; and we main areas: tournament organization and bridge promotion. hope that it will help us WBF Championships should be high quality events in order to to keep closer to the satisfy the players and appeal to the media which are very im- young people. portant for the sponsors. There are plans for three new events. Bridge promotion mainly depends on education. The stage has been set with the WBF Educational Foundation which will help NCBOs to expand their membership through various means and with emphasis on the young people. Damiani’s target is to reach 1.5 million registered players throughout the world in five years. Today, the WBF has 600,000 members. EUROPEAN PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIPS


he 8th PHILIP MORRIS ries, from which the top com- will be no carry over from the T European Pairs Cham- petitors will be allowed back qualifying stage to the semifi- pionships will be played under into the main tournament! nals; and 50% of the score a new, fairly extended, format. 12 pairs of Grand Masters will carry over from the semifinals to the finals. The Open Pairs will comprise enter the Open series at the a total of 9 sessions (3 quali- semifinals; during the qualify- There are no restrictive quo- fying, 3 semifinal and 3 final), ing stage, they will play a tas, but no NCBO may enter while the Senior Pairs will be round robin of short matches more than one third of the field played in 6 sessions (3 quali- between them. in any tournament. Entries fying and 3 final) - one every In general, one third of the should reach the EBL office in

SFr 120,000 SFr day. Players failing to qualify field will be advancing from Paris no later than 10 CASH PRIZES may enter the Consolation se- one stage to the next. There February 1995.

Masters Seniors Open Consolation Tue March 21 19:00 hrs Matches 1-4 Qualifier 1 Qualifier 1 Wed March 22 14:00 hrs Matches 5-8 Qualifier 2 Qualifier 2 20:30 hrs Matches 9-11 Qualifier 3 Thu March 23 20:00 hrs Qualifier 3 Semifinal 1 Semifinal 1 Fri March 24 14:00 hrs Final 1 Semifinal 2 Semifinal 2 20:30 hrs Semifinal 3 Semifinal 3 Sat March 25 14:00 hrs Final 1 Final 1 20:00 hrs Final 2 Final 2 20:30 hrs Final 2 Sun March 26 10:30 hrs Final 3 Final 3 Final 3 PROGRAMME PHILIP MORRIS Ernesto d’ Orsi

Ernesto d’ Orsi of Brazil was was Vice President from 1986 to all future WBF championship named Bridge Personality of 1994 1990 and served as President events. by the International Bridge Press from 1991 to 1992. He is a mem- But managing major tournaments Association (IBPA). ber of the WBF Management is old hat for d’ Orsi. He was tour- Committee, the group that meets Ernesto d’ Orsi is a monumental nament manager for all three once a year to formulate policy for world championships staged in figure in world bridge. He makes world bridge. He is a member of major contributions at all levels - Brazil: 1973, 1979 and 1985. D’ the WBF Committee of Honour, Orsi also was the prime manager world, continental, national and the highest tribute given to world local. for the world championship in officials. Santiago, Chile, last year. Current- D’ Orsi has been a major power in The new task assigned to him by ly, he is working hard making world bridge for almost 15 years. incoming WBF President José preparations for next year’s He became a member of the WBF Damiani will be a major chal- Bermuda Bowl and Executive Council in 1980. He lenge: to supervise and manage championships in , China. his is my last letter as at home and T President of the Europe- are not interested in joining an Bridge League. Indeed, a us. I have explained many new President will be elected times various ways I see to in June in Portugal, and will attract at least some of them. sign this letter in the next We just have to think more issue. about it in order to serve We have spent eight years bridge with increasing effi- together, trying to improve ciency. the quality of our events and However, thanks to our LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT help the NCBOs to promote Officers’ ability and capability our game throughout Europe. of our staff, our champion- We have achieved some of ships are dedicated to the our goals, if not all of them. pleasure of the players and are the best in the World. When I took office, 26 coun- tries belonged to the League This has been possible with 220,000 registered through our partners, PHILIP players. More than 42 are MORRIS and GENERALI, members today, with a total whom I would like to thank close to 400,000 ranked most warmly. players in the NCBOs. Thanks to our champions, My own belief is that we have the my term as President; espe- all the best for the future that certainly more than 600,000 has won all the World events cially, our best friend and I hope to share with you in a people playing duplicate at least once in the past eight Treasurer Karl Rohan for his different capacity. bridge in our clubs and festi- years, with the exception of remarkable contribution. And even before that, very vals. This discrepancy gives the Venice Cup, although we Bridge is a partnership game, happy new year and best me some sadness for not retained this in 1985. a game of communications, wishes for 1995. having been able to convince I am very pleased to thank all we prove that again all to- the NCBOs’ administrators to of you who participated in gether. register them. our events, as well as my I think that I leave the League Moreover, I am convinced friends and colleagues who in good health and I wish to that 12 million people play helped me so much during all of you and my successor

Dutch and French win 20th PHILIP MORRIS Simultaneous Spencer of Great Britain. The winners in the East-West or its 20th anniversary, the The new format proved very ners and they came from direction were Barbier-Halaska F PHILIP MORRIS Simulta- popular, and the event attracted Europe’s largest Federations. of Chambéry, France, who neous Pairs inaugurated a new some 20,000 participants who gathered 101.5 IMPs and fin- formula: players were sup- played in nearly 600 clubs Corry v. Huffel and André ished ahead of Breslin-Mc posed to be teammates of a spread in more than 30 Lindeman of the Neth- Guckin of Ireland (99.9) and pair of international experts European countries, erlands topped the Pengelly-Reardon of Great who had already played the November 18. Atten- North-South classifi- Britain (86.5). same boards at the other table. dance in , cation scoring 110.3 The new format will be applied As soon as play ended, com- and Italy was particularly IMPs at Bergen op Zoom. again in 1995 when the 21st parison was instantly available, impressive. Second, with 97.2 IMPs, came PHILIP MORRIS Simultaneous and the results could be calcu- Cances-Lafon of France, and Pairs is scheduled for Friday, lated immediately. As always, there were two win- third, with 96.8 IMPs, Graham- November 17. What is the current structure of the Federation? ITALIAN BRIDGE We have 320 clubs which are affil- iated, and a delegate from each club elects a Council of 14 mem- bers, and the President for a four ON THE RISE year term. Below the national level there are 17 regions with their own President and Council, and the magazine, Bridge d’Italia, is Bruno Did the success of Italian The Olympic Committee gives us a major cities also have a local Sacerdotti-Coen. The magazine, a at world level small grant, but more important is structure. smart colour production, comes help the Federation? the fact that we can use the out 10 times a year, with 80 A4 Not really. Growth was steady. Olympic facilities in Rome for How many members do pages. When I first became President in meetings and competitions. Also it you have? We also have structures outside 1986, there were 11,000 mem- had a big effect on our relationship 27,000. All members of the affili- the office for Laws & Ethics, bers. In 1989 we introduced the with the government. In November ated clubs must join, but we have Technical, and Teaching. new structure for teachers, with a 1993, the government approved different levels and prices for vari- Standard Italian system. That had a bridge as a subject to be taught in ous categories of members. The What is the history of the dramatic effect. The membership schools in the free period which cheapest category (20,000 lire) Federation? rose to 18,000 in three years, and each school has. We have set up a does not receive the magazine, and In 1937 an Italian Bridge has leapt to 27,000 in the last two structure to teach the teachers to cannot play in national tourna- Association was formed in years. teach bridge, and already have a ments. The tournament players pay with about 1,000 members, most- hundred schools in the scheme, 150,000 lire, but there are reduced ly in that region. The war restricted How is your relation with with more joining all the time. rates for seniors and juniors. development, and they even had to government? change the name temporarily to What about your Tell us about your The key change came in January competitions? employed staff. ‘Ponte’ the Italian word for a 1993 when we were accepted by We have divisions very much like bridge, to please the authorities. the Italian Olympic Committee, We have an office in Milan with 10 football: there are 12 teams in the making bridge an official sport. We fulltime staff and 10 part-timers. In 1951 when it had 3,000 mem- Premier League, 36 in the next one changed our name again and be- The Secretary is Niki di Fabio, the bers and a proper national struc- down, and so on, with leagues at Federigo ture, the name was changed to came FIGB: Federazione Italiana Technical Director is regional and local level; and pro- Ferrari, and the new Editor of our Federazione Italiana Bridge (FIB). Gioco Bridge. motion/demotion between sea- sons. All national events are played at Salsomaggiore with screens, bid- ding boxes and . At the bottom level, in the Novice events, the Standard system is compulso- ry. We have the usual events for Open, Women, Mixed, Junior and Senior categories. How are you treated by the media? Not very well. There is one TV pro- gramme weekly. We have a small bridge section on teletext, and a free-phone service which provides tournament results. Most of the better newspapers have a bridge column. The Federation has been esident Federation very successful in recent years. What are the key reasons? Without a doubt it is the new teachers’ structure, the introduc- tion of the standard system, and having paid personnel to do the work. Interview with the Pr of the Italian Bridge Jourdain by Patrick 1994 NEC WORLD BRI


he 9th World Bridge include a senior pairs com- cin Lesniewski of Poland - T Championships, held in petition; Albuquerque ’94 Europe’s reigning Mixed Albuquerque, New Mexico, saw the introduction of the Pairs champions - were go- USA, September 17 - Octo- women’s teams and the se- ing to catch the world title. At ber 1, 1994, gave the oppor- nior teams. In addition, there the end, however, Poland tunity to thousands of play- were numerous side tourna- won the honour but thanks to ers from all over the globe to ments including an American a first-time combination of get together and compete in regional and the World Con- Danuta Hocheker and Apoli- a series of top class tourna- tinuous Pairs, which made nare Kowalski. Sabine Zen- ments. the spacious Albuquerque kel and won the silver medal. Organized every four years, Convention Center look like a the World Championships is universal bridge city. Next came the main knock- the largest WBF event. After a colourful opening cer- out team events: the estab- Traditionally, it comprises the emony, the championships lished Open series for the open knockout teams event, started with the Mixed Pairs , and the as well as three pairs tourna- which was played over four new Women’s series for the ments: open, mixed and for sessions by 480 pairs. Dur- McConnell Cup. women. In Geneva ’90, the ing the final it seemed that Four countries - USA, Israel, programme was amended to Ewa Harasimowicz and Mar- , Poland - reached


1 Lesniewski M. - Szymanowski M. POL 1 Arnolds C. - Vriend B. NTH 2 Hamman B. - Rosenberg M. USA 2 Bessis V. - Saul C. FRA 3 Kirchhoff E. - Maas A. NTH 3 Deas L. - Palmer B. USA 4 Kowalski A. - Romanski J. POL 4 Pas M. v.d. - Schippers E. NTH 5 Levy A. - Mouiel H. FRA 5 Breed M. - Deutsch T. USA 6 Herbst I. - Herbst O. ISR 6 Albu-Zur M. - Levitt R. ISR 7 Boyd P. - Robinson S. USA 7 Ling Gu - Yalan Zhang CHN 8 Katz R. - Weinstein H. USA 8 Allouche D. - Willard S. FRA 9 Berkowitz D. - Cohen L. USA 9 Levitina I. - Truscott D. USA 10 Murthy K. - Roy K. IND 10 Mansell P. - Modlin M. RSA 11 Ellia A. - Hertz A. FRA 11 Bjerkan C. - Seamon J. USA 12 Burgay L. - Falco D. de ITA 12 Gordon D. - Reus S. CND WOMEN’S PAIRS OPEN PAIRS

the semifinal stage of the In the Poland-Sweden semifi- once they managed to get a; Kaiser-Kaiser, The Nether- Rosenblum; on the contrary, nal, Poland built up a huge through, however, they scor- lands; Katz-Rand, Israel) the McConnell became an lead which was reduced by ed nothing but victories until which won the Senior Teams all-American affair, eventually the Appeals Committee due the end! championship. The Senior won by the team of Marine- to unauthorized use of sys- Poland was the protagonist Pairs title moved to USA, sa Letizia (J.Blanchard, S. tem. In the final quarter, also in the Open Pairs cham- thanks to veteran Fred Ham- Picus, R.Pollack, J.Radin). Sweden fought back, but pionship. Reversing their ilton and Hamish Bennett. could not cover the differ- Mixed Pairs roles, Kowalski- ence. In the other semifinal, Romanski went ahead but USA had an easy run against were overtaken by compatri- Israel who actually withdrew ots Marcin Lesniewski and after three quarters. Marek Szymanowski, the The final between USA and eventual winners. Hamman- Poland was very close. Po- Rosenberg of USA came land took an early lead, but second, followed by Dutch the Americans levelled the Kirchhoff-Maas. score at half way. The third quarter went slightly in fa- The Dutch scored a major victory in the Women’s Pairs 1 Hocheker D. - Kowalski A. POL vour of Poland, but USA won 1 Bennett H. - Hamilton F. USA where Carla Arnolds and 2 Zenkel S. - Hamman B. USA the last segment decisively to 2 Kantor S. - Melton M. USA win the Rosenblum Cup by took the gold 3 Harasimowicz E. - Lesniewski M. POL medal, finishing ahead of 3 Phillips D. - Solomon B. USA 4 Letizia M. - Clerkin D. USA 31 IMPs. It is remarkable that 4 Pesonen J. - Stubb S. FIN the American team (S. Bessis-Saul of France and 5 Hong Li Wang - Xiao Jing Wang CHN Deutsch, R.Bates, G.Kasle, Deas-Palmer of USA. 5 Barbour K. - Truscott A. USA 6 Larsen K. - Larsen C. USA C.Martel, M.Rosenberg, L. International cooperation 6 Elston R. - Garyn S. USA 7 Breed M. - Griffin J. USA Stansby) almost failed to worked well for the 3-nation 7 Dombu S. - Leary J. USA 8 Meyers J. - Davis E. USA qualify at the round robin; team (Baratta-Rohan, Austri- 8 Baratta F. - Rohan K. AUT MIXED Can you tell us first about After that first world title your family situation? in Junior bridge how did BW I was born near Amsterdam you make the transition to in 1961. My father was a govern- Open bridge? ment officer in the Housing De- EL & BW We played in the Dutch partment, and I have one elder Open team that same year in brother, Pier. I am still single. Brighton, and came 6th in the world-class Staten Bank Invita- EL I was born in 1963 in the tion (now known as the Cap Vol- south of Holland, in Maastricht, mac). In 1988 we tied for second better known now for its Treaty. I in Staten Bank, but were not se- come from a big family, the lected for the Dutch team be- youngest of 5 brothers and sis- cause Enri went on a three month ters. My father was a civil engi- vacation. We have played in neer. I married Oda in 1991 and every team since. we have a baby daughter Lotte, aged just two and a half. In 1990 we won the biggest cash prize in Dutch bridge history at How did you each start the Invitation event EOE Opti- ENRI bridge? beurs. In the 1992 Olympiad we BW I learned from my parents at had the bronze medal, losing to LEUFKENS the age of 10, and first went to France in the semifinal, but beat- the local youth bridge club part- ing Sweden in the play-off.

MEET nering my brother when I was 14. In 1978 we won the Dutch How about the road to the 1982: Junior Europeans 8th Schools Championship but the world title? 1983: EC Juniors winners following year the selectors put EL & BW Four pairs were select- ed for training in 1993. A friend 1984: Junior Europeans 8th me in the 1980 Junior European. The Dutch team was bottom! of Dutch bridge, Hans Melchers, 1986: Junior European Winners who owns a castle, allowed us to 1987: First World Junior Champions EL I was 11 and taught by my train there, and covered the cost 1988: Staten Bank Invitation 2nd mother. My partner was the son of our coach, Henk Schippers, of a brewer. I didn’t go to a club bringing over, and 1989: EC Open winners, 7th in Europeans until I was 17 and soon after teams from France and the US. 1990: Won EOE Optibeurs big cash prize went to my first big tournament, In the Europeans in Menton we 1991: Europeans 6th the Junior Pairs at the 1980 European Community Cham- finished 4th, which, fortunately, 1992: World Olympiad 3rd pionships. At Utrecht University I qualified us for the Bermuda 1993: Europeans 4th, World Champions read geography, then psycholo- Bowl. The previous 4th, Iceland, gy, but mostly played bridge. had won the 1991 Bermuda Bowl so the precedent was good. When did you first meet, and how did the part- In Santiago we were second in nership start? the Round Robin. In the next two BW In 1980 Enri moved from the South to the West of knockouts we eliminated the two Holland and we began playing together, though we American teams by very narrow knew each other earlier. Our partnership was formed margins. In the final against in 1981, and is still going strong. the margin was only 15 IMPs with six boards to go, but What was your record together in junior we held on to win. bridge? EL & BW In 1982 we were 8th in the Salsomaggiore I remember Enri’s first words when he heard he Junior Europeans. The next year Holland won the EC was world champion: Juniors. In 1984 we were 8th again in Hasselt. The “Thank God its over!” breakthrough came in 1986 when we were in the Dutch team which won the Junior Europeans in Buda- EL & BW Yes, we were very tired, pest. This was the first team title the had having sat out only one session ever won in a Zonal bridge championship. This quali- in the semis, and one in the final, fied us for the first World Junior Team Championship but the pleasure grew. When we which was held in Amsterdam in 1987. We beat arrived back at Schiphol Airport there were 400 waiting to greet BERRY France in the final. us, with big interviews on TV WESTRA sports programmes. Interview by (Continued on page 10) EUROPEAN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS ALGAVRE, PORTUGAL 17 JUNE - 1 JULY 1995

The 42nd GENERALI European Championships will be held in a magnificent venue and will contain a new event. Besides the established Open and Ladies Teams and the Ladies Pairs competitions, a new series for Senior Teams will be introduced. While each country is allowed one entry in the Open and Ladies Teams, there is no limit in the Ladies Pairs and Senior Teams; in the latter, transnational entries are permitted.

June 17 Opening Ceremony June 18-20 Ladies Pairs June 18-July 1 Open Teams June 21-July 1 Ladies Teams June 23-30 Senior Teams July 1 Victory Banquet PROGRAMME GENERALI

he province of Algavre, at A multitude of outdoor activities, ocated in Algavre, the re- pools. With direct access to the T the southernmost edge of such as golf, tennis, watersports, L cently built 5-star Vilamoura beach, the hotel also offers a Portugal, is known to be a tourist riding, cycling and jogging, are Marinotel is an exquisite venue wide range of water sports, resort area of exceptional char- available to the visitors. Other at- for the 1995 European Bridge health club, sauna and flood lit acteristics. tractions include shopping in the Championships. tennis courts. There are two 18- Its history, culture, people and boulevards around the marina, A total of 385 guest rooms over- hole and one 27-hole golf wonderful climate, together with and wining and dining at many looking either the sea or the ma- courses at Vilamoura. its location on the ancient route restaurants and cozy bars to suit rina, all with air conditioning, The modern Congress Center of- linking the Mediterranean with every pocket and taste. terrace, direct dial phones, satel- fers a magnificent air condi- the Atlantic, give Algavre a privi- There are delightful esplanades, lite TV, mini bar and piped tioned playing area of 1,000 m2 leged position as an internation- lively disco clubs and a Casino music, are available. in a single space, the Fenix al tourist destination. with international shows and There are open air and indoor room. Other beautiful areas are Vilamoura is a large estate of gambling room. restaurants, bars and swimming the Gemini and Vega rooms, as 3,800 acres located in one of the well as the Aquarius room where most beautiful areas of Algavre. the vugraph will be staged. How to reach Vilamoura Hotel Reservations Its careful planning as a self- The Vilamoura Marinotel will be remembered as an ideal combi- contained holiday resort has re- • by air Abreu Travel SA sulted in a development which nation of comfort, beauty and ef- Faro International Airport is c/o Mrs Ana do Vale ficiency - a perfect headquarters provides a well-balanced com- a mere 20km away; free Av. República 124-A promise between man and the hotel for the European Bridge shuttle will be provided. P-8000 Faro Championships. environment. With 3 km of fine Portugal sandy beaches, 4 golf courses, a • by car Alternatively, participants may beautiful marina and extensive from , across the bor- ( 351-89-818 132 stay at Ampalius, a 4-star hotel green areas, Vilamoura offers a der, using the IP-1 highway. 2 351-89-818 144 belonging to the same chain as superior quality of life. Marinotel, just 200 meters away. MEN 1 CHEMLA P. FRA 899 MASTER 2 PERRON M. FRA 822 3 GAWRYS P. POL 814 4 MARTENS K. POL 775 POINTS 5 SUNDELIN P.O. SWE 701 6 LEBEL M. FRA 686 7 BALICKI C. POL 677 JUNIORS WOMEN 8 AUKEN J. DEN 656 1 HELGEMO G. NOR 350 1 VRIEND B. NTH 677 9 MAAS A. NTH 650 2 VERSACE A. ITA 267 2 PAS M. v.d. NTH 598 10 ZMUDZINSKI A. POL 644 3 HERBST O. ISR 161 3 S. GBR 543 11 FUCIK J. AUT 641 4 BRUUN M. DEN 129 4 SCHIPPERS E. NTH 538 12 MOUÏEL H. FRA 636 5 REPS K. GER 82 5 SMITH N. GBR 497 13 GÖTHE H. SWE 612 Jean Besse 6 FREDIN P. SWE 76 6 BROCK S. GBR 474 14 GULLBERG T. SWE 594 (1914-1994) 7 FOHRER D. ISR 70 7 ERHART M. AUT 434 15 TERRANEO F. AUT 588 8 PUCZYNSKI M. POL 61 8 WILLARD S. FRA 409 16 MEINL W. AUT 578 Jean Besse of , cham- 9 SZALAY G. HUN 58 ANDREA M. d’ ITA 409 LESNIEWSKI M. POL 578 pion player, leading theoretician and distinguished journalist, died GROMOV A. RUS 58 10 CHEVALLEY G. FRA 401 18 LÉVY A. FRA 569 on September 3, 1994. 11 KNIJFF M. de SWE 53 11 BAMBERGER G. AUT 380 19 BERGER H. AUT 554 12 BALDURSDOTTIR L. ICE 45 12 DAVIES P. GBR 370 20 FLODQVIST S.O. SWE 546 Besse represented Switzerland in three Olympiads and a dozen PRIMAVERA F. ITA 45 13 GAVIARD D. FRA 369 21 MORATH A. SWE 517 European Championships, usu- 14 CHMURSKI B. POL 43 14 CAPODANNO L. ITA 365 22 PRZYBORA T. SWE 502 ally playing with Pietro Berna- 15 DALL J. DEN 38 15 ZENKEL S. GER 360 23 HELNESS T. NOR 494 sconi and Jaime Ortiz-Patiño. 16 RØN J. DEN 35 16 VOGT W. GER 344 24 MARI C. FRA 489 He was IBPA’s longest serving 17 JEUNEN F. BEL 34 17 BESSIS V. FRA 343 25 FEICHTINGER K. AUT 486 member, and his column in JONSSON O. ICE 34 18 DELOR E. FRA 331 26 SCHALTZ P. DEN 476 Journal de Genève was a fre- JONSSON S. ICE 34 19 CAESAR K. GER 330 27 LASOCKI K. POL 475 quent source of superb material. JUSKA E. LTH 34 20 NORRIS J. DEN 322 28 SZYMANOWSKI M. POL 473 Besse developed Swiss and RAMONDT V. NTH 34 MÖGEL M. GER 322 29 MØLLER S. DEN 472 did important work in the early • Lists correct on 30 June 1994 22 ARNIM D. v. GER 319 30 FORRESTER T. GBR 470 European computer industry.

LEUFKENS - WESTRA THE OFFICIAL ENCY- erage player to improve his & CLOPEDIA OF BRIDGE game by avoiding costly mis- (Continued from page 8) cer and am able to play the piano Editors: Henry Francis - Alan takes. Written by two prolific ex- and flute. Lotte, our daughter, Well done. Now let’s hear Truscott - Dorthy Francis perts, it covers the bidding, de- has arrived to take up more time clarer play and defence with re- something about your in- Since its first appearance in for Oda and me. alistic illustrative examples. Easy dividual interests. 1964, the Encyclopedia has been to read and difficult not to bene- BW I am Chief Editor of the If you had a magic wand a must for every serious bridge fit from it. , Bridge Beter. It how would you change player. This newly revised 5th is aimed at the less experienced bridge? edition is certainly no exception. Published by VICTOR GOLLANCZ (168 pages, paperback, £6.99) player. It has 13,000 subscribers BW I would like to improve the With 850 pages of general infor- and sells 5,000 in the shops. I mation, tournament results, 2800 handling of appeals and slow BRIDGE VIDEO do a little teaching and am au- play penalties. biographies and bibliographical thor of the books: Bidding with information, this is simply a book with Ron Klinger Berry. I have never had a fulltime EL I wish the financial rewards of nobody can afford to miss. If you prefer watching TV than read- ing, you might consider this series of job outside bridge. I jog to keep being world champions were as Published by ACBL (850 pages, fit, but prefer to watch sports on good as in some other sports! hardcover, $39.95). tapes. After a short introduction, you TV than take part! are presented with a number of prob- Have you any message lems on . You are given a short EL I work for Cap Volmac, the for bridge players in gen- THE MISTAKES YOU time to find the answer before it is bridge sponsors, in systems de- eral? & MAKE AT BRIDGE disclosed. Four titles are available: by sign. At the age of 15 I played BW Keep bridge fun! bidding, , opening tennis at regional level, but gave & Roger Trézel leads and card combinations. it up for bridge. I now play bad- EL Finishing bottom is not the This is the 7th impression of a Available through VIDEOS ON BRIDGE minton, , and indoor soc- end of the world. classic book which helps the av- (92 min., £14.99 each). JANUARY

9-20 International Winter 14-17 The Easter Festival Tournament / St. Moritz, of Bridge / London, Great Switzerland Britain 15-21 18th International 24-29 3rd International • This is an abridged list of the Bridge Festival / Bridge Festival ‘Turkish Bridge tournaments scheduled to take place Budapest, Hungary World Magazine’ / Istanbul, in Europe in the first half of 1995. Turkey More information is contained in the 26-Feb. 6 15th Marbella comprehensive publication 1995 Bridge Festival / Marbella, EBL Competition Calendar. Spain MAY

18-21 4th International Bridge Festival ‘Birstonas ’95’ COMPETITION / Birstonas, Lithuania 19-June 1 46th Internation- al Festival / Juan-les-Pins, CALENDAR France 23-29 EBU Spring Bank Hol- FEBRUARY 6-14 Ceahlau Trophy / iday Congress / Bournemouth, Piatra Neamt, Romania Great Britain 9-18 29th Israel Interna- 22-26 Galzignano 1995 / 12-14 International Festival 25-28 22nd Bridge Festival tional Bridge Festival / Tel Aviv, Terme di Galzignano, Italy Carta Mundi-Corsendonk Bier ‘Portoroz ’95’ / Portoroz, Slo- Israel 25-26 3rd Forbo Internation- / Ostend, Belgium venia 10-13 14th Icelandair Open al Team Tournament / Scheve- / Reykjavík, Iceland ningen, The Netherlands JUNE MARCH 2-3 10th Worldwide Bridge Contest / Clubs world- 10-12 Sopron Pairs Tourna- wide ment / Sopron, Hungary 10-11 Cino del 16 Charity Challenge Duca / Paris, France Cup / Clubs worldwide 10-15 1st 21-26 8th PHILIP MORRIS Teams Cup / Skövde, Sweden European Pairs Champion- 17-July 1 42nd GENERALI ships / Rome, Italy European Championships / 28-Apr. 2 Kitzbühel Bridge Algavre, Portugal Week / Kitzbühel, 29-July 2 3rd Kronborg Bridge Festival / Helsingør, APRIL 4-9 10th International 30-July 12 The International Bridge Festival / Estoril, Portu- Festival of Biarritz / Biarritz, gal France

Publicizing your events EBL Review The European Bridge League provides the best media for advertis- EBL Review, published bian- All correspondence should be ing your tournaments. nually, is the official medium addressed to: The EBL Competition Calendar, published annually, contains con- of the European Bridge League. EBL Review cise information for some 100 tournaments organized across P. Gerontopoulos, Editor Europe. 4,000 copies are distributed, free of charge, to all NCBOs It is distributed free of charge 154 Patission Street, and the Press, reaching hundreds of bridge clubs and thousands to all National GR-112 57 Athens, of individuals interested in international events. Organizations, Bridge Clubs, Greece. EBL Review, is published twice a year and provides global infor- Tournament Directors, Jour- mation about what is happening in the world of bridge. It has a cir- nalists, Bridge Teachers and 2 30-1-861 3740 culation of 10,000 and is also distributed free of charge to all Officials of the 39 EBL mem- e-mail panosg@athena. NCBOs, administrators, teachers and the Press. ber countries.