An ordinary meeting of Shillington Parish Council was held on Tuesday 5 March 2019 2018 at 7.45pm at the Congregational Church, Church Street, Shillington.

Members Present: Mrs Sally Stapleton (Chair) Mr John Clark Ms Alison Graham Mr Derek Turner Mr Tony Howells Miss Tracey Petrie Mr David Simkins Rev’d Angus McCormick Mr David Mott

Also present: Helen Smith (Clerk to the Council) and 3 members of the public.

1) Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ben Jepps.

2) There was a declaration of interest by Cllr David Simkins in respect of item 5c).

3) The minutes of the ordinary meeting held 5 February 2019 were agreed with one amendment to item 7 “feasible” was changed to “financially viable”. The minutes were signed.

4) There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.

The Chair advised she had met with David Steedman of Settle Group and Sue Chalmers Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee at the Community Building. Sue had now involved an independent Quantity Surveyor who would be checking the figures, materials proposed etc by Settle. The next meeting is scheduled for 2 weeks time. The Chair, Central Councillor Nigel Young, Cllr Allison Graham and Sue Chalmers will be meeting on 20th March to discuss S106 money from the proposed High Road development (allocated in the CBC Local Plan) and the £300k of S106 money which had been diverted elsewhere.

The meeting was briefly adjourned so that members of the public present could make comment.

One member of public commented on the reported lack of burial space at the Churchyard as he thought there were areas which appeared to be empty.

The meeting reopened at 19:48.

5) PLANNING (Next Development Management Committee meeting at Council to be held 6th March 2019):

a) DECISIONS from Central Bedfordshire Council:

i) CB/18/04150/FULL. Mr & Mrs Hanlon, Willow Thatch, 129 High Road, Shillington. Single storey side extension and demolition of existing flat roof garage block and construction of new garage with office. APPROVED 11/01/19 ii) CB/18/04366/FULL. Land West of Bury Road, Shillington. Erection of storage building, installation of solar panels on the roof, and formation of gravel car park. APPROVED 31/01/19 iii) CB/18/04494/FULL. 2 Chibley Cottages, Stondon Road, Shillington. Two storey rear extension. APPROVED 08/02/19 iv) CB/18/04410/PAAO. TC Shaw & Son, Pirton Grange Grange Farm, Pirton Road, Shillington Prior Notification: Change of use of part of some agricultural grain store units to flexible use within Class B8 (storage and distribution) under Part 3 Class R of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) () Order 2015. REFUSED 08/02/19 v) CB/18/04653/FULL. 24 Hanscombe End Road, Shillington. Single storey rear extension and rear dormer to create additional first floor space. APPROVED 11/02/19

b) NEW/REVISED APPLICATIONS: i) CB/19/00185/RM. Land adjacent to 129 Bury Road, Shillington. Reserved Matters: Approval sought for Appearance, Landscaping, Layout & Scale following the Outline approval CB/16/04240/OUT dated 10/11/2016 - Erection of 3 bedroom detached dwelling with single garage with addition of paddock land as extension to the rear garden. The Village Design Association comments were noted. DO NOT SUPPORT, due to limited number of off-road parking spaces provided. Unanimous. ii) CB/TCA/19/00036. Apsley House, 2a Apsley End Road, Shillington Notification of works to trees in a conservation area: Fell 6 Silver Birch, 1 Acacia and 1 Tree of Heaven from around the entrance gates. DO NOT SUPPORT due to insufficient information provided on reasons for removal of trees. Unanimous

iii) CB/19/00257/FULL. Upton End Farmhouse, Meppershall Road, Shillington. Erection of detached dwelling. Cllr David Simkins declared an interest and did not take part in the discussion or the vote. The comments of the Village Design Association were noted. DO NOT SUPPORT, 6 for, 1 abstention, 1 declaration of interest. iv) CB/19/00423/FULL. Marquis House, Marquis Hill, Shillington Proposed new 2 car garage. SUPPORT, Unanimous. v) CB/19/00424/LB. Marquis House, Marquis Hill, Shillington Listed Building: Proposed new 2 car garage. SUPPORT, Unanimous.

c) INFORMATION: i) Notification had been received that a planning enforcement case has been created (investigation not yet taken place) for Rose Hill Farm, Rose Hill, Shillington. Alleged unauthorised change of use of an agricultural barn to residential use. It was noted that after the publication of the agenda an enforcement case had been opened in respect of a takeaway food business being run from the Live & Let Live pub, .

d) APPEALS: Cllr Clark reported that he had been told by an officer from Central Bedfordshire Council that there may now be only one appeal for 19 houses at Thomas’ Meadow. The Clerk will check and contact the members of the previous working party to arrange a meeting to decide who should speak at the Public Inquiry.

6) REPORT OF CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCILLOR (5mins): Cllr Alison Graham gave a verbal report which included: • The S106 money that had been diverted from the Community Building Project to Health was still being investigated. • Purdah is about to start because of the elections so she will stop reporting in the Parish Magazine etc. Cllr Mott advised that the street lights are still all out in Scyttels Court. The Clerk advised she had reported this to Grand Union Housing some months ago and had not yet had an update.

7) POLICE MATTERS: a) Crime Statistics now produced twice per month. Early February figures circulated to Councillors by email on 22nd February 2019. Full statistics provided at the meeting. b) There was a discussion on the response received from Bedfordshire Police regarding the action being taken in response to the increased number of violent crimes being reported. It was noted that the information that can be provided by the Police is limited due to anonymity etc. It was noted that there was a report of “Harassment putting people in fear of violence” in the February Crime Statistics. The Clerk will ask Beds Police if this is something the Parish Council needs to know about with respect to the effect on the community.

8) FINANCE: a) Council to select insurance provider for 2019/20 based on quotations received. Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to take up the insurance quotation from Zurich on a three-year agreement in the sum of £553.99 per year. b) Cllr Alison Graham declared an interest in this item and did not take part in the discussion or vote. Resolution: It was unanimously agreed by the Councillors taking part in the vote to make a donation of £200 to Citizens Advice Mid Bedfordshire. c) It was unanimously resolved by those Councillors taking part in the vote to make the following donations: • Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire £100 – Councillors Derek Turner and Sally Stapleton declared an interest and did not take part in the discussion or vote. • Autism Bedfordshire £100 • Chilterns Conservation Board £25 d) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to instruct Utilitrack Ltd to carry out an electricity price review of unmetered supply for street lighting for the new agreement starting 1st May 2019. e) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to accept the quotation by Robert Lumkin of £325 for the repairs and painting of the Defibrillator Cabinet and the Pegsdon Noticeboard. f) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to purchase a new vinyl information notice the for the door of the defibrillator cabinet at a cost of £30, to be replaced following the painting work. g) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to purchase the 11th edition of Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration at a discounted cost of £103.99 plus £7 delivery.

9) PARISH COUNCIL POLICIES a) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to adopt the ICO Model Publication Scheme for Public Bodies (version 1.2). b) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to adopt updated document “Information available from Shillington Parish Council under the model publication scheme”. c) Resolution: It was unanimously agreed to adopt the revised Code of Conduct based on NALC template for Parish Councils.

10) SHILLINGTON MEMORIAL PLAYING FIELD: a) The Chair circulated a spreadsheet showing the offer from each play equipment provider, the comments received from the community event, and the S106 monies available. The Chair advised Settle Group still need to confirm the footprint of the new building so that the new play area can be located. It was agreed to have an extraordinary meeting to allow time to discuss the feedback in detail. Clerk to arrange a date.

11) GRANT FUNDING FOR YOUTH ORGANISATIONS a) There was a discussion on the differing levels of funding provided to local youth organisations by the Parish Council which included: • The level of grounds maintenance costs for Horns Pasture compared to the license fee charged to AFC Shillington for Horns Pasture. • The number and amount of grants requested by other youth organisations in the parish. • When organisations apply for a grant from the Parish Council, they have to submit a copy of their accounts / bank statements – these are not seen for AFC Shillington. • The level of grounds maintenance undertaken by the Parish Council is less that is done at other facilities.

12) HORNS PASTURE a) The Clerk provided figures for annual grounds maintenance contract prices and amounts paid each year for grounds maintenance at Horns Pasture and the Playing Fields. The Chair will draft a response to AFC Shillington.

13) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN a) No comments were raised on the Neighbourhood Plan consultation. b) The Clerk gave an update on discussions with officers at Central Bedfordshire Council regarding steps to begin the process for Shillington Neighbourhood Plan. The Village Design Association will be discussing this at their AGM. Cllr Alison Graham suggested that the person who led the Silsoe Neighbourhood Plan could be asked to speak to Shillington about their experiences. It was agreed not to progress this further until after the Parish Council elections in May.

14) TRAFFIC/HIGHWAYS: a) The Clerk to the Council provided a list of current items of highway maintenance. It was noted that the bollard at the junction of Church Street and Hillfoot Road had been removed but left with a trip hazard. Cllr Graham advised she was going to complain about the Track-it system as the responses given when the reports are closed are not informative. b) It was noted that new dates had now been given for the road closure on Hanscombe End Road, junction with Bury Road / Hillfoot Road. Central Bedfordshire have confirmed this is will now take place 18th March 2019 – 31st May 2019.

15) BURIAL GROUND a) There was a brief discussion but no further sites were identified.


17) INFORMATION/CORRESPONDENCE: a) The Clerk will advise Councillors of the date for the Risk Management Working group.

18) ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT: a) Resolution: It was proposed by Cllr Angus McCormick, seconded by Cllr Derek Turner and unanimously agreed to pay the accounts as per the sheet.

Cheque Invoice Total Total No. Payable to Number Payment Details (net) VAT (gross) Parish Online subscription £42.00 301130 00KC058- 7.00 GeoXphere Ltd 0001 35.00 Stationery £46.75 301131 398554 Viking 38.96 7.79 Bus Shelter cleaning £28.00 301130 A Complete - Cleaning Service 28.00 - Salary & expenses (Feb 19) £573.94 301133 - Clerk 573.94 - Printing Parish News (Feb19) £384.40 300017 Lonsdale Direct - Solutions 384.40 -

The accounts were reconciled for January 2019 by Cllr Angus McCormick.

19) AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING/ANY OTHER BUSINESS (information only): • Cllr Angus McCormick asked if there had been any progress on the new noticeboard for Hanscombe End Road – the Clerk advised she had placed the order for it. • It was noted that a street light was out in Bury Road opposite old police house. • It was noted that a street light was out near the speed sign on the High Road. • Cllr Clark asked if there was any update on the former Clerks retirement gratuity – the Clerk advised she was waiting for a call back from HMRC.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 22:00 pm

……………………………….…. (Signed) …………………………………….. (Date)