Case 7:20-mc-00119-CS Document 13 Filed 04/06/20 Page 1 of 21 1 JANE / JOHN DOE 2 Email:
[email protected] 3 4 Pro se 5 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 6 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK 7 8 IN RE: DMCA SUBPOENA TO GOOGLE, LLC Case No.: 7:20-mc-00119 9 10 JANE / JOHN DOE’S REPLY IN SUPPORT OF THE OBJECTION AND MOTION TO 11 QUASH DMCA SUBPOENA 12 13 A. INTRODUCTION 14 15 While it is true that Jehovah’s Witnesses are well known for their distribution of 16 Bible based books and publications, they are also a notorious group of criminal 17 pedophiles running a scam “religion” who are guilty of abuse of process and emotional 18 19 extortion through sham litigation in their pathetic efforts at discovering leaks and 20 moles and whistleblowers. Unfortunately for them, this is the year 2020 and things 21 22 like VPNs, anonymous proxies, and TOR exit nodes frustrate them at every turn. 23 Whether one is known as Darkspilver or John Redwood or JW Apostate, or any 24 number of other pseudonyms, it does not really matter as we are all Spartacus in this 25 26 fight! Reporting on and exposing to public comment and ridicule the doctrinal 27 inconsistencies and reversals, failed predictions, mistranslation of the Bible, harsh 28 JANE / JOHN DOE’S REPLY IN SUPPORT OF OBJECTION AND MOTION TO QUASH DMCA SUBPOENA- 1 Case 7:20-mc-00119-CS Document 13 Filed 04/06/20 Page 2 of 21 1 treatment of former members and autocratic and coercive leadership (not to mention 2 the child raping!) is a public duty that Jane / John Doe takes extremely seriously at 3 1 great personal risk.