Full Leak Dump As Of April-15-2015 This is a quick overview of Quick Leak http://8ch.net/leaked/index.html

Anonymous Post Makes News Headline! KILLCEN 04/15/15 (Wed) 15:09:40 No.235[Repl y][Watch Thread]

LoL! Hey ! You made news coverage! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/top-law-officials-personal-information-posted-online -right-wing-group-blamed/


Infowars also covers dox KILLCEN 04/15/15 (Wed) 15:19:3 2 No.236

Holly Molly! Infowars posts report about this too! (I'd l ay low if I were you, for a while)

http://www.infowars.com/leaking-of-government-officials-ad dresses-accompanied-by-note-warning-of-fema-crackdown-by-nwo-satanists/

PREPARATION FOR MARTIAL LAW DOWNLOAD LINKS Anonymous 04/15/15 (Wed) 14:51:11 No .234[Reply][Watch Thread]


Concentration Camps for Americans

How would you like to enter one the over 600 American concentration camps acros s the USA? The barbed wired, shackle embedded camps have been built and are awaiti ng to enslave huge numbers of the population. Should a fitting event take place, current laws allow FEMA to legally incarcerate civilians into these camps.

The Federal Government admits plans to detain millions of people

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a plan by the United States fede ral government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil unrest or national emergency. Exercises similar to Rex 84 happe n periodically. Plans for roundups of persons in the United States in times of cri sis are constructed during periods of increased political repression such as the Pal mer Raids and the McCarthy Era. For example, from 1967 to 1971 the FBI kept a list o f persons to be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the "ADEX" list

U.S. Military Preparing for Martial Law against the American People! Even before 9/11, the Military has been training our soldiers how to shut down cities, confiscate guns, and put Americans in camps. Read for yourself. www.mediafire.com/?klkavjoc6iasq58 Concentration Camps For Americans Word Doc www.mediafire.com/?oq37dojkf1t2h2n Concentration Camps For Americans Word Docx www.mediafire.com/?59wlc6a2cyeta5s

Survival.zip 2.59 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!pJRyUB6Z!7NP17WWNiPk_1FBi613pPr7BKGklQswAeZlnIP0ZHh4 ELITE-Govt Addresses http://www.mediafire.com/download/sem4lzy7cefbbll/ELITE-Govt+Addresses.zip ELITE-Govt Addresses http://www.mediafire.com/download/sem4lzy7cefbbll/ELITE-Govt+Addresses.zip ELITE-Govt Addresses [link to www.mediafire.com (secure)] [link to www.quickleak.org (secure)] DAHBOO77 MEGA COLLECTION!!! http://www.mediafire.com/download/1d3dhbgy4w20a4y/DAHBOO77+MEGA+COLLECTION%21%21 %21.zip GUCCIFER_ARCHIVE.zip 5.40 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!oEhDjBIa!yl6qvnGDcEwCv4z7jg9vErnXk2gBSQ3qRA2eyh4z6wA GUCCIFER_ARCHIVE.rar 5.40 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!5BxXDAZA!oxFd1MoykpFzbde5JGqj64otr4xhQpS7MjmpTqMbXi8 UFO Books FREE DOWNLOADS!!! https://www.mediafire.com/?9kiqezft82qf8 ULTRA TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED FBI Top Secret UFO Documents http://www.mediafire.com/view/3giym6v5gqh2xcg/ULTRA_TOP_SECRET_CLASSIFIED_FBI_To p_Secret_UFO_Documents.docx ULTRA TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED FBI Top Secret UFO Documents http://www.mediafire.com/view/bwbngh62s6auijz/ULTRA_TOP_SECRET_CLASSIFIED_FBI_To p_Secret_UFO_Documents.pdf Free911ForbiddenLibraryFolders1-6.zip 330.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!5BhnTYBJ!KtDqA6RRWmYc6905992Zkpq6TBGdZ1axwlaQ5aAA3UY Free911ForbiddenLibraryFolders13-21.zip 147.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wAAhkSoK!DSWugY_QBzkKmuNufXi-2BOjvr2Gy9PShG4p0ES8v8w Free911ForbiddenLibraryFolders7-12.zip 597.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!EExWCISD!1WcRuBquLKGzawLozFxb7JAq2vv-jkr2e8OuVyPN38E NEOCONS Names and Addresses.zip 29.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!gJA3nBYI!DbKzqa4imkRvCuptroY4duDxhHaZo4r-avPX9bSg1NU CIVIL WAR TOOLS FOLDER https://mega.co.nz/#F!cdYimS4Z!xQ3sDOgYC_JmUw8uoge_og ELITE-Govt Addresses.zip 2.37 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!gMJwQK6Q!lD6_apfSNQyHl9-jb0NfZQFdkdL-U2Xwsj5EwNW998I FEMA Camps - HAARP - Underground Base Listings.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/n5nds2f6fg9tpq8/FEMA+Camps+-+HAARP+-+Undergrou nd+Base+Listings.zip FEMA Camps - HAARP - Underground Base Listings Folder https://www.mediafire.com/?sc8n6aj9ko3rn

Circumventor added to CRS archives KILLCEN 04/15/15 (Wed) 14:35:54 No.233[Reply ][Watch Thread]

The Circumventor is an old program, no doubt, it only works with Windows 2000 and XP. However, I decided to add this to the Censorship Resistant Archives regardless it being out-of-date. This program may be a bit of a hastle to use, it works like this: if you are at work, on a work computer and there are restrictions to what you can access, you can install this program on a seperate computer (not censored) which will create a remote proxy connection for you to access using you're work computer next time you're on it. This way, you can bypass web restrictions through the other computer that you installed Circumventor. https://mega.co.nz/#!YRBj1Z4T!944KwIcG9T_oMxlq2ITra0K9PEYAE0U5Xg1R8UZUZ50

CRS archives @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Download The EYEBALLING JADE HELM MASSIVE ARCHIVE.zip 844.7 MB Anonymous 04/15/15 (Wed) 13:51:04 No.232[Reply][Watch Thread]

Download The EYEBALLING JADE HELM MASSIVE ARCHIVE.zip 844.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ANNwWaCT!JS-5WS9JwG8CLQTJs3tWo8FZDnhEk1rYzUN_dhKJnQc

FREE ENERGY DATABASE CD.zip 473.3MB Anonymous 03/31/15 (Tue) 22:43:40 No.189[Re ply][Watch Thread]

FREE ENERGY DATABASE CD.zip 473.3MB https://anonfiles.com/file/c6f3e81364c95ea245d95125cf422918 https://mega.co.nz/#!pI9ggY6B!xFuoZUIlQw_Z8Ikn7PN9Os65YSQeeQN_cOlXbwE8Pq0

Anonymous 04/15/15 (Wed) 12:42:50 No.227

I keep getting the error of "Failed - N o file"

Is this an issue due to it being taken down, or is Chrome preventing me from downloading th is?

Anonymous 04/15/15 (Wed) 13:44:15 No.228

It downloads just fine for me, but the www.anonfiles.com is down. Use the MEGA link. Make sure your computer has enough memo ry in the Downloads folder. Use Firefox for downloading MEGA files u nder 1GB.

KILLCEN 04/15/15 (Wed) 13:44:44 N o.229

Anonymous: It must be Google's Chrome blocking these links, they work just fine for me. I'm using M ozilla Firefox, highly recommended over Google Chrome (for pri vacy reasons too, not just stability issues). Google has had a bad record in the past of censoring their results a s well, check out .com and consider trying out some other brow sers.

EYEBALLING JADE HELM MASSIVE ARCHIVE.zip 844.7 MB Anonymous 04/15/15 (Wed) 13:4 4:49 No.230



Anonymous 04/15/15 (Wed) 13:48:36 No.231

GOOGLE DOES NOT LIKE MEGA, but keep forcing it through, it will download

Poorfads education Anonymous 04/14/15 (Tue) 20:22:44 No.225[Reply][Watch Thread ]

Dear /leaked/ could you guys dump some college text book.pdf Stem subjects most ly but Liberal arts are ok as well

Wake Up / Prepare / Remain Vigil KILLCEN 04/14/15 (Tue) 23:44:57 No.226


https://mega.co.nz/#F!oZtwGQZJ!mdR XQ3eBGN-BtGqUmF-amw


THE PROPHETIC JUDGMENT OF FEMINISTS Anonymous 04/14/15 (Tue) 12:35:22 No.224[Re ply][Watch Thread]

THE PROPHETIC JUDGMENT OF FEMINISTS Prophecies given through Brian Charles

Feminists are a blight in the land. I will destroy them by My hand. I established them for the destruction of America. Many will go their evil way to their final end doom in Hell. I have established feminists for the destruction of My people, for they refuse to repent. Many will go their evil way until they end up in Hel l. I have spoken. Feminists must be judged, for they refuse to repent. Many will follow their evil way to Hell. I have spoken. Have I not established Jezebel for the End-Time destruction? Many will follow her wicked way until it is too late. Many will perish in the Lake of Fire! I have s poken! Go My way, My son. They must be punished, for they refuse to do My will. Go My wa y, My son. Your LORD has spoken. You wonder why women want jobs instead of marriage. It is Jezebel working in them , My son. Go My way, My son.


I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few thi ngs against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herse lf a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and t o eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornic ation; and she repented not. Revelation 2:19-21 And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people since they return not from their ways. Jeremi ah 15:7 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5 And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And h e answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her w itchcrafts are so many? 2 Kings 9:22 And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of o ne of them by to morrow about this time. And when he saw that, he arose, and wen t for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his se rvant there. 1 Kings 19:1-3 And he arose, and went into the house; and he poured the oil on his head, and sa id unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I have anointed thee king over t he people of the LORD, even over Israel. And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blo od of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole house of Ahab shall perish: and I will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel: And I will make the house of A hab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha th e son of Ahijah: And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel, and t here shall be none to bury her. And he opened the door, and fled. 2 Kings 9:6-10 And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was s prinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. And when h e was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed woman, an d bury her: for she is a king's daughter. And they went to bury her: but they fo und no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. 2 K ings 9:33-35

CRYPTOCOMB.ORG.zip 201.4 MB Anonymous 04/13/15 (Mon) 19:07:44 No.223[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

CRYPTOCOMB.ORG.zip 201.4 MB DOWNLOAD!!! FULL OF CIA SPIES!!! https://mega.co.nz/#!oMkniahK!DwntFENu1rytte9tongKBVaJ_cTzSO6-0aoh-RoCXaA

NET NEUTRALITY ON THE RECORD (UPDATED)) KILLCEN 04/13/15 (Mon) 18:41:36 No.222[ Reply][Watch Thread]

NET NEUTRALITY ON THE RECORD (LAST UPDATE 2015-04-13) https://mega.co.nz/#F!P4lQDCzS!DUQcKxubkeVoZOBKcAUVJg

Looks like corporations are soon going to bribe the FCC for 'exemptions', another legal loophole to condone censorship and throttling of undesired traffic. Also note: implementing online taxes are back on the FCC agenda, and if you read through the FCC document, there are loopholes when it comes to "illegal" online activities - anything considered "illegal" WILL NOT be protected from censorship or traffic throttling at the ISP level. My gut feeling is the Obama regime wants to tax the internet, and by doing so, impose more regulations on web activity.

Radio Backup Metadata 04-13-2015 by KILLCEN 04/13/15 (Mon) 15:20:09 No.221[Repl y][Watch Thread]

Radio Backup Metadata 04-13-2015 by KILLCEN http://07e29621e549b371.paste.se/

The U.S. Post Office has automated mail intercept -- Forget snail mail as a way of getting a message Anonymous 04/13/15 (Mon) 11:19:09 No.220[Reply][Watch Thread]

The U.S. Post Office has automated mail intercept Forget snail mail as a way of getting a message across, it's as rigged as e-mail

Many of you heard me say how the NSA told all of us that the phones have been b ugged since the beginning of time, ect. BUT there is something I forgot to menti on - I had a friend in a high security position at the regional mail sort center in Minneapolis Minnesota. Since I had a decent clearance, I got to see the guts of the place with him, he took me through. AND what I saw was SHOCKING

Remember 20 years ago, when those bar codes started appearing on the bottom of the mail envelopes, even when the address was hand written? WELL, I have a story about that which really needs to be told.

I got shown the mail sort machine, and it had a camera on it that could read AL MOST ALL the mail going through, EVEN BAD HAND WRITING, and put that barcode on the bottom. Cool, right? Well, wait a minute, maybe not!

The machine could be programmed to look for an address going to a political dis senter. IF there was someone out there who was disenfranchised with the governme nt, that machine, when it read even a poorly handwritten address either to or fr om a dissenter, could be programmed to kick that mail out and send it up a chute , where there were people opening the mails and reading them. All types of envel opes were available, so the mail could be re-packaged without a trace, with a pr inter printing the exact same writing back on the new envelope.

The machine could not always read the address, it read most but not all. When i t could not read the address it hit another chute where there were people downst airs who manually typed it in, and it got sent along as usual, unless, of course , the address came up as belonging to an undesirable

The REAL REASON For The Tehran U.S. Embassy Hostage Crisis Anonymous 04/13/15 ( Mon) 11:12:37 No.219[Reply][Watch Thread]

The REAL REASON For The Tehran U.S. Embassy Hostage Crisis

BOTTOM LINE? Iran has never attacked anyone for over 200 years that are document ed, and probably a lot longer than that. Oh, but what about the hostage crisis? Wanna know why that happened? It was done by Iranian college students because Am erica was sending out hundreds of American women from the U.S. embassy to invade Iranian college campuses and convince Iranian college girls to destroy their he ritage by becoming flaming feminists. After a while of this, (the U.S. embassy g ot several hundred women assigned to this job, so obviously it was a huge long t erm effort) BOTH MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS STORMED THE AMERICAN EMBASSY B ECAUSE THEY WERE SICK OF IT ALL AND KICKED ASS!!! At no point was the Iranian go vernment involved in this, but America blackballed Iran because the Iranian gove rnment did not put a stop to it and instead said "YOU CREATED THIS PROBLEM, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN". HA HA HA HA HA!

And Netanyahu obviously wants Iran destroyed in part because Iran had enough bal ls to hang a Jewish banker who extorted the Iranian people out of billions of do llars in their own banker scam rather than give the banker billions more in a ba ilout the way America did! HA HA HA HA HA! JUSTICE SERVED.

WILLIAM BRANHAM PROPHECY #7---> Rise Of A Woman In America Anonymous 04/12/15 ( Sun) 21:55:27 No.218[Reply][Watch Thread]

WILLIAM BRANHAM PROPHECY #7-? Rise Of A Woman In America

William Branham claimed he saw a series of eight prophetic visions in June 1933, which he also claimed to write down in an old book. In the seventh vision, a wo man rose to great power in America. William Branham was not sure whether the "Wo man" in this vision was a physical woman, or a religious power such as the Catho lic Church. William Branham said the following in 1958: And I said, "Remember, in that day, before the end time comes, before the end ti me comes, that a woman Now, you all keep this wrote down. There'll be a great pow erful woman raise up, either be President, or dictator, or some great powerful w in this United States. And she'll sink under the influence of women. Now, y ou remember; that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. http://en.believethesign.com/index.php/Rise_of_a_Woman_in_America

PROPHECY OF THE WRATH OF GOD AGAINST THIS EVIL WORLD Anonymous 04/12/15 (Sun) 1 6:38:13 No.217[Reply][Watch Thread]


Prophecies given through Brian Charles

I will destroy the world with My wrath. I have spoken, Amen! Itll come soon! Count on it! The party will end. The LORD has spoken. Gods judgment o n the wicked, sinful world, and on the Church world too All who live sinful will end in My wrath! They must be punished forever, those wh o refuse to do My will. The LORD has spoken. They must be punishedthey who refuse to do My will. The LORD has spoken. the wicked world and the Church Few will survive My wrath, whats coming will be totally devastating! I have spoken . They must be judgedthey refuse to do My will (gay and lesbian people), along with the Church world. Few will survive My wrath! The LORD has spoken. It wont always be like that (caring people in the world). Someday people will be u ncaring animals, wild beasts. I have spoken. It must be destroyed. They refuse to obey. They are My people, but they refuse to obey. Great will be their destruction. The Living God has spoken. Israel, the Jew s in Israel, the Jews worldwide Ill do it! They must be avenged forever! They were My people. Your LORD has spoken . the Armenian Genocide avenged They must be punished. They refuse to do My will. They have much potential, but t hey refuse to obey. They must be punished, few will survive My wrath! The LORD h as spoken. The Turks, the nation of Turkey Ill judge all that! They shall burn in Hell forever! The LORD has spoken. drug sales , drug dealers, drug addicts, using drugs, getting high on dope

For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let n o man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Ephesians 5:5-6 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unt o honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, an d to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on t he vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, Romans 9:21-23 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unright eousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may b e known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. Romans 1:1 8-19 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath aga inst the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Romans 2: 25 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not th e Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36

SUPREME COURT JUSTICES HOME ADDRESSES .zip 31.6 MB Anonymous 04/11/15 (Sat) 18:48:41 No.216[Reply][Watch Thread]

SUPREME COURT JUSTICES HOME ADDRESSES .zip 31.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!QFMHVSbS!pnEViiHoTwwzOX6A0JWfWG5TcvD9v60yJ-U2Sf1V73g

DEFCAD Files @ MEGA KILLCEN 04/10/15 (Fri) 16:41:14 No.213[Reply][Watch Thread]

DEFDIST (Defense Distributed) is a nonprofit digital publisher and 3D Printing R&D firm that has developed some of the world's first and most popular 3D Printable gun components. In May 3013, the US State Department ordered DEFDIST to remove their DEFCAD files, which were blueprints for 3D printable gun parts. Regardless of their blatant attempt to censor these files, mirrors of these file s became available at and were impossible for the US government to shut down. The rest is history the 3D printing projects and tests expanded, and went way beyond mere firearm parts to a full-blown war trove.

DEFCAD FILES https://mega.co.nz/#F!cQlixDbD!8Z_K7B7OQiuoyYJBuNA5Qw

KILLCEN 04/10/15 (Fri) 18:33:25 No. 214

Steve Israel, Fascist, Wants To Ban 3D Prin table Guns

http://3dprintingindustry.com/2015/04/07/re p-israel-seeks-to-reintroduce-updated-undetectable-firearms-act/

I'll be back with more goodies from DEFDIST and FOSSCAD!

Check the blueprints @ mega.co.nz/#F!cQlixD bD!8Z_K7B7OQiuoyYJBuNA5Qw

Fully Updated Weapon Blueprints KILL CEN 04/10/15 (Fri) 20:29:23 No.215

Full list @ http://www.quickleak.ir/K7fYQZ3 U

THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x4 KILLCEN 04/10/15 (Fri) 08:38:57 No.212[Reply][Watch Thre ad]

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x4): https://mega.co.nz/#F!oIkjQKxT!l5QeS1T9QvSfgDf6WSUThg

Linux distros include the following: alpine-3.1.2-x86.iso alpine-3.1.2-x86_64.iso archlinux-2015.03.01-dual.iso Bella-OS-2.2-64bit.iso blackarchlinux-live-2015.03.29-x86_64.iso blackarchlinux-netinst-2015.03.29-x86_64.iso black-lab-linux-65_x86_64.iso chaletos14.04.2-feb2015-light-all.iso Emmabuntus3-desktop-amd64-14.04.2-1.01.iso Evolve-OS-Beta1.1.iso GhostBSD10.1-ALPHA1-amd64.iso linux-lite-2.4-beta-64bit.iso lxle-14.04.2.iso MakuluLinux-8-Unity-Desktop.iso MakuluLinux_Cinnamon_x64.iso manjaro-xfce-0.9.0-pre3-x86_64.iso Neptune43.iso OracleLinux-R7-U1-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso quirky6-7.0.iso robolinux64-lxde-v7.8.3.iso robolinux64-xfce-v7.8.3.iso ROSA.2012.MARATHON.FREE.i586.iso SalentOS-amd64-14.04.2-full.iso semplice64_current-devel-7_636.0.iso semplice_current-devel-7_636.0.iso sparkylinux-4.0-rc-x86_64-lxde.iso SuperX_3.0_Grace_64-bit.iso TinyCorePlus-6.1.iso zentyal-4.1-development-amd64.iso

/BOOT/ includes the following:

BurningIsoHowto.zip distrowatch_com_resource_popularity.pdf Fedora LiveUSB Creator.cpio Fedora LiveUSB Creator.tar.gz The Hacker's Manual 2015.pdf Unetbootin.cpio Unetbootin.tar.gz Universal USB Installer.cpio Universal USB Installer.tar.gz


FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x3): https://mega.co.nz/#F!I1gyTJiL!FYsNjf5OqXGBNr7IfgQIgQ

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x2): https://mega.co.nz/#F!k8FwnbjZ!mbYUgb47Oh5xS4Z6HoInqw

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x1): https://mega.co.nz/#F!nx40FbaD!EvMiNqWG3IwOqVk-IP_5cQ

THE PROPHETIC DESTRUCTION OF CHICAGO Anonymous 04/08/15 (Wed) 22:13:40 No.210[R eply][Watch Thread]

THE PROPHETIC DESTRUCTION OF CHICAGO Prophecies given through Brian Charles

"Someday this will all end." - all of Western Civilization, electronics, electri city "It must go. It won't serve Me. Nobody will. Great will be its destruction. It m ust go, Brian. It must go. Great will be its destruction, Amen." "I hate this place. They won't serve Me. They serve themselves. They must go, Br ian. Great will be her destruction. It must go." "It's gonna come down with a nuclear wind!" - Sears Tower "I'M gonna destroy everything in sight!" - downtown Chicago "I'll judge everything in sight!" - downtown Chicago "It'll all come down suddenly, with a mighty nuclear wind!" - Chicago "It'll all come down suddenly." - Chicago "I'M gonna destroy the city suddenly. It must go. It's an offense in My sight." - Chicago "It must go, it's an offense in My sight." - Chicago "It's towers must go. They must come down. Baal will be no more." "Don't judge by a person's sight. Judge the heart." "I will judge that! They should leave the children alone. Your LORD has spoken." - Catholic pedophile priests "I'll judge that! I'll judge that completely! You'll see, My son! A mighty nucle ar disaster! I have spoken." - women who refuse marriage because they can get a better deal in life by working and having a worldly career "All have a chance for Heaven. They refuse to obey. I'll judge that harshly. All should obey Me. Your LORD has spoken." - women who refuse marriage because they can get a better deal in life by working and having a worldly career "Someday it'll be gone. Empty shelves. No more casinos either. They'll all be go ne." - God's blessings completely removed from America "I'll judge that! They should judge fair, not with oppression." - political corr uption, "Old Boy" networks, graft "Thus place will be destroyed (Isaiah 58 Project, Quartzsite, AZ). My people wil l live on the run. That is how I had to. I AM the LORD Jesus. Seek Me. This plac e will be destroyed. I will Be King! No religious system will control Me. Your L ORD has spoken." "I'll judge that!" - Christian conferences mainly being book sales meetings "Don't worry about it." - North Korea "I'll judge them. They must go to Hell, unless they repent. Warn them." - party animals, drunkards "That's gonna be commonplace." - hybrid humans "Ill judge that! I'll judge that harshly. They should repent. Thus says the Livi ng LORD of Hosts." - everybody wanting a better life "That's what I shall do." - put an end to the Devil's playground, which is Washi ngton, DC "I'll judge that! They shall burn in Hell. They must be punished. They refuse to serve Me. The guillotines will get 'em! I have spoken!" - Christians abandoning the LORD for the world "I will judge that! I will judge that harshly. They're supposed to be about Me." - the Church being for 'Paying Customers Only' "The Church is for Me. Few will survive to the End. Your LORD has spoken." "He must stop what he is doing. I have given him many chances to repent. I will punish him eternally. I AM The Living God! Repent Paul Vallely. The Living God h as spoken." "I'M gonna judge him, wicked man. He must repent, his time is short. Thus says t he Living LORD of Hosts." - Retired General Paul Vallely, CIA Commander for the ISIS Terrorist Army. http://pastebin.com/F9Bjf2Rw https://www.scribd.com/doc/260519081/THE-PROPHETIC-DESTRUCTION-OF-CHICAGO-pdf

THE PROPHETIC DESTRUCTION OF CHICAGO Anonymous 04/08/15 (Wed) 22:14:38 No.211

1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen , is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and th e kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of t he earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, tha t ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to h er works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment an d sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, a nd shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judget h her. 9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived delicious ly with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buye th their merchandise any more: 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all mann er vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. 14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all thi ngs which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find the m no more at all. 15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and p urple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! 17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar o ff, 18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like u nto this great city! 19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Al as, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea b y reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate. 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hat h avenged you on her. 21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into t he sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. 22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, s hall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no m ore at all in thee; 23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice o f the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nation s deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that we re slain upon the earth. Revelation 18 King James Version (KJV) http://pastebin.com/F9Bjf2Rw


SENATOR HARRY REID Needs A "GET WELL" Card From YOU!!! Anonymous 04/08/15 (Wed) 17:45:27 No.209[Reply][Watch Thread]


Be sure to send Evil Satanist Senator Harry Reid a "Get Well" Card!!!

And be sure to let him know to ask Jesus Christ to for forgiveness of his sins s o that he doesn't spend ALL OF ETERNITY Burning In HELLFIRE!!!

Senator Harry Reid 313 Lacy Lane Las Vegas, NV 89107-3230

Senator Harry Reid 1620 Gulch Way Reno, NV 89521

Senator Harry Reid 1155 23rd St NW #2E Washington, DC 20037

Senator Harry Reid 522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington , DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-3542 Fax: 202-224-7327

Senator Harry Reid 400 South Virginia Street, Suite 902 Courthouse and Federal Building Reno , NV 89501 Phone: 775-686-5750 Fax: 775-686-5757

Senator Harry Reid 600 East William Street #304 Carson City , NV 89701 Phone: 775-882-7343 Fax: 775-883-1980

Senator Harry Reid 333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016 Lloyd D. George Building Las Vegas , NV 89101 Phone: 702-388-5020 Fax: 702-388-5030

Hell pictures_ A Trip To Hell (Full version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWXkBBIaiVc

8ch.net leaked Fail-safe Backup KILLCEN 04/08/15 (Wed) 14:08:12 No.208[Reply][W atch Thread]

I decided to backup 8ch.net/leaked/ to PDF files, and full UTF-8 text to an HTML file just encase it is banned or taken down some day. You will be able to save this and have the links forever.

Full 8chan Leak Dump As Of April-07-2015.zip | 6.5MB https://mega.co.nz/#!joMXgCST!Zy71OHZ5VI2wCOIEje11OG-Guo-W8c3Zwz4v4Of9Mm8

Full 8chan Leak Dump As Of April-07-2015.rar | 6.4MB https://mega.co.nz/#!vllkwZiR!kEDYg5_xOP8RMpuv8FBJtSRCUVVyzDp6KHtbQixpfic

NEW QUICKLEAK PDF ARCHIVE BACKUP KILLCEN 04/04/15 (Sat) 08:42:41 No.197[Reply][ Watch Thread]

QUICKLEAK BACKUP (WITHOUT SPAM) https://mega.co.nz/#F!Ot1CVbxA!cnSRaOqnJnzifxjtpehnOw

QUICKLEAK-PDF-APR-2015.zip 289.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!i49V3B6K!9EwU7LcNmdUymp9peBNj2qcVVzaKBHKUg3b4_MKKmlo

QUICKLEAK-PDF-APR-2015.rar 260.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!asVHDSKY!wKJ8lXG78sit1We9z7dBIvZhLG65yewGzZ5ptN-Molc

Quickleak Changes Domain After Threat KILLCEN 04 /08/15 (Wed) 13:21:45 No.207

Quickleak changes domain after a threat to shut do wn the pastebin website.

Please Find Us on Quickleak.ir



https://mega.co.nz/#F!Ot1CVbxA!cnSRaOqnJnzifxjtpeh nOw

Counter Culture Radio Mirrored by KILLCEN 04/08/15 (Wed) 00:41:31 No.206 [Reply]

Broadcast live out of Crescent City, CA at KFUG 101.1FM and streaming at www.kfugradio.org, Dan Schultz (from time to time) will host interviews with , environmentalists, economic experts, health experts, technology enthusiasts, preppers and others. His show does not air daily but rather every other month and looks like it first aired in 2014. There are only 40 episodes in the official archive and no podcast was ever made.

Counter Culture Radio 2014 - 2015 https://mega.co.nz/#F!WR9g1bIC!MenxhuD2cPZVgJSqg0nGKw

RED ALERT ULTRA SECRET FILES .zip 131.1 MB Anonymous 04/07/15(Tue) 20:03:23 No.2 05 [Reply]

RED ALERT ULTRA SECRET FILES .zip 131.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!RBMB0awZ!FKsCSG5gVrnbpMWwQogCxiZKybDwotAudmcSxs8CFm4 https://www.mediafire.com/?d9abpa6b7hva6vn

SECRET FILES.zip 64.2 MB Anonymous 04/07/15 (Tue)19:32:19 No.204 [Reply]

SECRET FILES.zip 64.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wJFyBZSL!oaCtEETunVerkRRwveQeAwlnZtlpxx8mqxWX0XI4iJs

TRUTHER.ORG.zip Size: 212 MB Anonymous 04/07/15 (Tue)19:17:52 No.203 [Reply]

TRUTHER.ORG.zip Size: 212 MB http://www.mediafire.com/download/o9z7b39zq7br4hd/TRUTHER.ORG.zip

TRUTHER.ORG.zip 212.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!AZ1kGaSB!yMGIKUj4n0g8vx0FPGDW23DYiVaTefUyJcqlPIiozk0

Feinstein Calls for Internet Ban of Anarchist Cookbook KILLCEN 04/06/15(Mon) 18: 43:49 No.202 [Reply]

Feinstein Calls for Internet Ban of Anarchist Cookbook: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/senator-feinstein-calls-for-internet-ban-of-anarc hist-cookbook-and-inspire-magazine_042015

The Anarchist Cookbook - William Powell (1971) - DiOS.pdf http://forceupload.com/?d=5522CE2E1

The Original Anarchist Cookbook 1971.pdf https://cdn1.anonfiles.com/1428175380475.pdf

BOTH BUNDLED: http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=89229

NERO Download Anonymous 04/06/15 (Mon) 17:45:34 No.201 [Reply]

NERO Download https://mega.co.nz/#F!5JUk3QpQ!QI0U00yWIZznxK_X1JbKMg

Radio Backup Archives Updated by KILLCEN 04/06/15 (Mon)05:44:05 No.199 [Reply]

The Alex Jones Show Archive Updated! Prepper Recon Archive Updated! The Common Sense Show Archive Updated! Gold Seek Radio Archive Updated! The Hagmann and Hagmann Report Updated! The X22 Report Updated! Natural News Radio Archive Updated! Wake Up and Live Archive Updated! ((KILLCEN)) http://8c0402f6f16c169b.paste.se/ | http://quickleak.org/jS1gAHau

Gold Seek Classics Added to Gold Seek Radio Archi ve KILLCEN 04/06/15

A new directory dedicated to old classic Gold Se ek interviews from 2008 through 2013 has been added to the Gold Seek Radio archive. Interviews with Mike Maloney, Ron Paul, Jim Willie, James Turk, Gerald Celente, Bob Chapman and other s available!

https://mega.co.nz/#F!apAGnCZS!gN4ucI7Z3wnXDKH8Qv qotA

X22 REPORT Archive Mirrored by KILLCEN 04/04/15 (Sat) 19:59:42 No.198[Reply]

X22 Report is a daily show that covers issues surrounding the economic collapse . All reports and Daily Alerts bring you the facts and research behind every repor t. We as a people want freedom, we want to make a living to support our family. The founding fathers of America wanted this and We The People today want it. Last ye ar the X22 report was temporarily taken down from youtube and has been targeted man y other times for covering real facts that the central bankers, governments and th e fascist elites in power do not want the American people to hear. Regardless, the archives were backed up and are fully restored today and are now mirrored @ MEGA . https://mega.co.nz/#F!nVlCmRyR!PtGIgz9mFiCsk1-QZMrnag

NEW QUICKLEAK PDF ARCHIVE BACKUP KILLCEN 04/04/15 (Sat) 12:42:41 No.197[Reply]

QUICKLEAK BACKUP (WITHOUT SPAM) https://mega.co.nz/#F!Ot1CVbxA!cnSRaOqnJnzifxjtpehnOw

QUICKLEAK-PDF-APR-2015.zip 289.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!i49V3B6K!9EwU7LcNmdUymp9peBNj2qcVVzaKBHKUg3b4_MKKmlo

QUICKLEAK-PDF-APR-2015.rar 260.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!asVHDSKY!wKJ8lXG78sit1We9z7dBIvZhLG65yewGzZ5ptN-Molc

WAKE UP AND LIVE RADIO Mirrored by KILLCEN 04/04/15 (Sat) 08:48:21 No.196[Reply ]

Paul Sandhu was born and spent his early years in India from where he migrated to Canada more than three decades ago. He has done extensive research into the Matrix of our world and brings to his viewers and listeners valuable information about the Real World as relates to Economics, Politics, Climate, Health, Spirituality and much more. Join Paul Sandhu as he interviews experts such as Jim Willie, Jeff Nielson, Andy Hoffman, V the Guerrilla Economist, Leuren Moret and many, many more. WAKE UP AND LIVE 2013 - 2015: https://mega.co.nz/#F!TAlDGCbZ!rS98zHL9jKg-tFMKvaiAqQ

Nero Burning Rom v7 and v9.4.13 KILLCEN 04/04/15 (Sat) 00:36:56 No.195[Reply]

Nero 7 StartSmart.rar (174MB) https://anonfiles.com/file/98e32564bc364bde7593e836676cec76

Nero v9.4.13.2d (with Serial & Activation Instructions).rar (382MB) https://anonfiles.com/file/5dcf7e4cca46a4428e0d0bd940db77dc

full_us_ssn.csv.zip DOWNLOAD NOW!!! Anonymous 04/03/15 (Fri) 22:19:29 No.194 full_us_ssn.csv.zip https://anonfiles.com/file/6046c08dfc6fed35e8b7df0ac9fc29e2

I extracted out the compressed file, which resulted in a CSV file that is VERY BIG, 11.444 GB!!!

I then recompressed it into a 7z file, then recompressed it into a rar file, then further compressed it into a zip file, the total size of which is 34.318 MB!!!

NOTE: This CSV file extracts out to a VERY BIG size of 11.444 GB!!!

I hope your computer has enough memory for the job!!!

surprising find i am found two nights ago, turns out the us ssns are vulnerable to simple brute force attack :> generation algorithm has flaw, not too difficult to get entire set! enjoy! magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8B52BEE9D6C55594D80F28618DE0E2A7E508FF9C&dn=full-us-ssn.csv. gz&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftra cker.best-torrents.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.com%3a2710%2fann ounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.btzoo.eu%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desy nc.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.me%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=http%3a% 2f%2f9.rarbg.com%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fmgtracker.org%3a2710%2fannoun ce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.prq.to%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fexplodie.org%3a6969% 2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.publicbt.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ft racker.tfile.me%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr= http%3a%2f%2fannounce.torrentsmd.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker1. wasabii.com.tw%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fcoppersurfer.tk%3a6969%2fannounc e&tr=http%3a%2f%2fbt.careland.com.cn%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.t orrenty.org%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.istole.it%3a80%2fannounce full_us_ssn.csv.zip DOWNLOAD NOW!!! http://pastebin.com/493q5GeC

full_us_ssn.csv.zip DOWNLOAD NOW!!! Anonymous 04/03/15 (Fri) 02:42:19 No.193[Re ply] full_us_ssn.csv.zip DOWNLOAD NOW!!! https://anonfiles.com/file/6046c08dfc6fed35e8b7df0ac9fc29e2

NOTE: This CSV file extracts out to 11.444 GB

I hope your computer has enough memory for the job!!!

IPFlood (aka IPFuck) added to CRS archives KILLCEN 04/03/15 (Fri) 02:20:05 No.1 92[Reply]

IPFlood (aka IPFuck) is a firefox addon created to simulate the use of a proxy. With this addon installed and enabled, and if a lot of us use it, there will no longer be any way to know who is using a real IP. When sending a request to a server you will provide several information about your IP address: three of them come from the Application Layer and the last one comes from the Transport Layer. The three Application Layer headers were created to provide information on the real IP of a person surfing through a proxy server. When you enable IPFuck, thos e three Application Layer headers are spoofed. The you are visiting will believe that your real IP is a proxy server. If enough people use this XPI, this can create a complicated problem for third parties and government snoops. https://mega.co.nz/#!4Y4hyK7a!P_3mcT5ATGKCTnXxVTHfeEyiLrTzCnc4Sn47T37YahY

CRS archives @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit added to CRS archives KILLCEN 04/02/15 (Thu) 23: 11:24 No.191[Reply]

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit allows you to recover data from mobile devices, including the encryption keys to decrypt any encrypted data. You can obtain physical dump of root and user partitions as well. https://mega.co.nz/#!0ZgCUYYZ!Pj9nF1iOULRNADYOHxBywAIUu2mSR2VJPi_O5AafOlY

CRS archives @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

NYC NUKE PROPHECY.zip 24.6 MB Anonymous 04/02/15 (Thu) 16:57:53 No.190[Reply]

NYC NUKE PROPHECY.zip 24.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dNdA3ZCa!iubprGhaG5DWOuV7ZVhgmjLYK9xuKPFrphnnAgXT-A4

FREE ENERGY DATABASE CD.zip 473.3MB Anonymous 04/01/15 (Wed) 02:43:40 No.189[Re ply]

FREE ENERGY DATABASE CD.zip 473.3MB https://anonfiles.com/file/c6f3e81364c95ea245d95125cf422918 https://mega.co.nz/#!pI9ggY6B!xFuoZUIlQw_Z8Ikn7PN9Os65YSQeeQN_cOlXbwE8Pq0

U.S. ARMY TREASON.zip 25.3 MB Anonymous 03/31/15 (Tue) 00:22:43 No.188[Reply]

U.S. ARMY TREASON.zip 25.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!9M0lDQZI!lCg_I8SrBfXLuhzWTiY4p_fb87YynITtWbmhhn_JmnY

US ARMY TREASON.zip 21.7 MB Anonymous 03/30/15 (Mon) 21:15:44 No.187[Reply]

US ARMY TREASON.zip 21.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!UBVxyboI!SN-_IGH2UPJfFlyIhiBOElkctogjT-nPHt1qpbyl0tk

Anonymous 03/30/15 (Mon) 17:32:40 No.185[Reply]

Nationwide Government and Military Master Frequency List https://mega.co.nz/#F!RUdRRTbA!OBP-D4lQ7RYfhk1iKhQhLg

Nationwide Government and Military Master Frequency List.zip 8.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!IIFl3ZaA!8EGaX9yS_gibM896SBBOHOLpm613d1TimRFtGAsPbmo

Nationwide Government and Military Master Frequency List http://www.quickleak.org/vaP6G7CD

Nationwide Government and Military Master Frequency List.pdf 7.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!tJUgnRqC!xLpEHiWqXbuuDZMlM7yv3NM1ps2TKGFsAAfrs8hs6EY

Nationwide Government and Military Master Frequency List.docx 1.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dY8wTLpT!hRYvtGPXW8mzEKMhjpnL8Txr9xV4d5LfLTC1P0EKryA

KILLCEN 03/30/15 (Mon) 20:36:36 No.186


SECRET DOWNLOADS FOLDERS Anonymous 03/30/15 (Mon) 17:18:15 No.184[Reply]

SECRET DOWNLOADS FOLDERS 1-3 https://mega.co.nz/#F!JV80FJrZ!Gq1NhyqxnY1c0bRvA7QXRw

SECRET DOWNLOADS #1 https://mega.co.nz/#F!oIMjjSRS!CDREfT8j5EeI49kx4dylzg

SECRET DOWNLOADS #2 https://mega.co.nz/#F!EMEThaRK!hzd6vmFb6dsCBwmgbU4Kdg

SECRET DOWNLOADS #3 https://mega.co.nz/#F!cJ83TYqT!AXbcVszxDRmAZaFPkbumyA

SECRET DOWNLOADS Anonymous 03/30/15 (Mon) 02:33:48 No.183[Reply]

SECRET DOWNLOADS #1 https://mega.co.nz/#F!oIMjjSRS!CDREfT8j5EeI49kx4dylzg

SECRET DOWNLOADS #2 https://mega.co.nz/#F!EMEThaRK!hzd6vmFb6dsCBwmgbU4Kdg

SECRET DOWNLOADS #3 https://mega.co.nz/#F!cJ83TYqT!AXbcVszxDRmAZaFPkbumyA

Torbirdy XPI added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/29/15 (Sun) 23:18:53 No.182[Reply ]

Torbirdy XPI configures Thunderbird to make connections over the network to hide the location of you're account. Version 0.1.4 was just released by Mozilla and staff. https://mega.co.nz/#!tRAngJ6L!mYe9ptEY-EUK9098y4xyVsM7NbZ27vwB1Gi39m35_WE

All CRS archives @ #F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Military Coup of America PENDING MASS ARRESTS VIDEOS AND DOCUMENTS DOWNLOAD Anon ymous 03/29/15 (Sun) 19:36:13 No.181[Reply]

Military Coup of America PENDING MASS ARRESTS https://mega.co.nz/#F!dZ0VmJTS!9sBgeaonzf9Qxbm1eSD6oQ

Military Coup of America PENDING MASS ARRESTS.zip 708.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!4NVTlawR!EvdTAYWC-H1PdfO8IAFlpDWHGAoDRPnaoXwZz31nnrI

Natural News Radio Archives Mirrored by KILLCEN 03/29/15 (Sun) 15:39:52 No.179[ Reply]

Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship) has released a mirror of the Natural News radio archives, along with the website backup from January 2015. Enjoy!

NATURAL NEWS RADIO DRIVE ONE https://mega.co.nz/#F!bthWnQpb!Ohc4eON0ei16ZSIK0eeCYg

NATURAL NEWS RADIO DRIVE TWO https://mega.co.nz/#F!mg8nQIYY!cjSvnMKnP8A3cB5cogHdFQ

MAJOR RADIO ARCHIVE UPDATES! KILLCEN 03/29/15 (Sun) 17:11:0 9 No.180

Alex Jones Show 2015 Archive Updated! Prepper Recon Podcast Up dated! The Hagmann and Hagmann Report Updated! Gold Seek Radio Updated ! Here is the recent updated metadata:


The Common Sense Show Backup KILLCEN 03/15/15 (Sun) 17:47:13 No.151[Reply]

On March 8th and 9th this year, Dave Hodges website and account was attacked and taken offline by progressive fascist hackers who seem to despise his warnings to America, most likely because this man refuses to buy into the mainstream liberal propoganda machine.

Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship) has backed up his radio archives along with other interviews with Dave Hodges, as well mirroring a recent backup of his news website:


KILLCEN ; thecommonsenseshow 7zip http://quickleak.org/iUkysYmS | http://app.urlbag.com/i18i8YRF

updated KILLCEN 03/26/15 (Thu) 02:24:22 No.178

UPDATED! Two updates added, radio show from 03-22-2015 and an old interview with Dave Hodges all about UN Agenda 21.

KILLCEN Radio Backup 03.25.15


Censorship Resistant Software+ Additional Updates.zip 708.6 MB Anonymous 03/23/ 15 (Mon) 18:40:42 No.170

Censorship Resistant Software+ Additional Updates https://mega.co.nz/#F!N4sVnKIC!ply_UndLUFQbVa4d354kAA

Censorship Resistant Software+ Additional Updates.zip 708.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!tg8njCha!fnDXJvSevkTLesc3syZgyJVfWkNobKc5B7IeTCIdFWw

keep it updated KILLCEN 03/23/15 (Mon) 20:50:17 No.171

NOTE: updates will continue as time passes, you'll need to visit the original link from time to time: mega.co.nz/#F!ENpy3RzK!uc0y nEDGsHUAo9te8yUcLg

All CRS archives can be found @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2 xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

BTW, Firefox is teaming up with Tor to help counter Chinese censorship. Look out for some awesome news on that front later on in the year.

Anonymous 03/25/15 (Wed) 06:08:01 No.177


Pack A Punch KILLCEN 03/25/15 (Wed) 03:02:33 No.176

Building the H-Bomb by Kenneth Ford

(mirrored) http://forceupload.com/?d=55121EE41 http://cryptome.org/2015/03/building-the-h-bomb-kenneth-ford.zip

Book was released uncensored regardless of DOE orders to censor certain informat ion.

KESHE ANTIGRAVITY - Banned By Executive Order 13622 Anonymous 03/25/15 (Wed) 00 :01:43 No.175[Reply]

KESHE ANTIGRAVITY - Banned By Executive Order 13622 https://mega.co.nz/#F!3BpxhTCQ!dZ1SQOajC3-BaUHbisTMDA

ARCHIVING GOLD SEEK RADIO KILLCEN 03/24/15 (Tue) 23:26:13 No.174[Reply]

The weekly Gold Seek Radio show is the brainchild of Chris Waltzek & Peter Spina, President of Goldseek.com, the world's leading precious metals network. Goldseek.com Radio was a contender for the prestigious, 2009 Peabody Award for Internet radio. The broadcast includes top guests, such as (former) Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, Jim Rogers and Steve Forbes. [(All of the older shows before 2013 have been taken offline, I will be looking elsewhere on the internet to add them to this archive. Save the link and check from time to time for updated material.)] https://mega.co.nz/#F!apAGnCZS!gN4ucI7Z3wnXDKH8QvqotA

ARCHIVING THE HAGMANN AND HAGMANN REPORT 2014 - 2015 KILLCEN 03/24/15 (Tue) 14: 49:04 No.172

From biblical prophecies to right-wing conspiracies, The Hagmann and Hagmann Report covers it all, and everything in-between. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. (This archive will continue to be updated throughout 2015 - stay tuned for updates). https://mega.co.nz/#F!7lolTD5J!rWH5D_r75Dcz6OV44zcA6A

KILLCEN 03/24/15 (Tue) 14:50:44 No.173

KILLCEN Radio Backup Data 03.23.15


NY Court Trying To Ban DVD Ripping Software KILLCEN 03/23/15 (Mon) 15:41:34 No. 169

A federal court in New York has issued a paralyzing verdict against the Chinese-based DVD ripping company DVDFab, read more: https://torrentfreak.com/u-s-court-extends-global-shutdown-of-dvd-ripping-softwa re-150323/

Any attempt to ban software will be futile, the CRS archives include premium versions of DVDFab (DVDFab_Bundle.zip), you can also find other programs like DVDShrink and DVDClone (Video_Ripping_Software.zip) First download the CRS archives, when finished begin decompression and go to /Censorship Resistant Software/Encryption, Recovery and Portable Anonymity/ https://mega.co.nz/#!gdI03CDK!YnLiP4cUdLPa__62TG5LwEP1zoAEndvOyBxD1eLlWIE

If anyone would like to mirror these archives to bittorrent or other P2P platforms, feel free to do so. ON THE RECORD: I do not endorse any illegal use of this software, however I will promote an open internet. I believe you have the right to download this software but what you do with this software is 100% up to YOU.

HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL ARCHIVE.zip Anonymous 03/23/15 (Mon) 14:36:56 No.168[Repl y]

HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL ARCHIVE.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?e7tgb7g1p3vwn5g https://mega.co.nz/#!swkmkQhQ!THGEvbJUd_4COesICg2e4Kd7isnZSuFhUPx83jyCccs

HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL ARCHIVE.rar https://www.mediafire.com/?cwbbk3kxim1nuj3 https://mega.co.nz/#!011HFIgD!XwR4DGQpQhaEM_0XTvFcLBMzfvKe9ITpmXlO2tMoqdM

Vuze added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/22/15 (Sun) 20:08:15 No.167[Reply]

A brand new version of the Vuze torrent client allows users to merge swarms. The swarm merging feature can increase the number of download sources, bringing dead torrents to life and speeding up others. The new feature allows users to find duplicate files shared elsewhere via BitTorrent, and combines the seeds and peers from multiple sources. https://mega.co.nz/#!VEo03ZLD!_2mulErCzuOqQ4Sl3n19lHyslmkRbg62TRRyv-lpwXk

PREPPER RECON Full Podcast Mirrored! KILLCEN 03/22/15 (Sun) 14:20:22 No.166[Rep ly]

Here's a 'radio program' (don't know if it's really broadcasted live) I'll listen to every once-in-a-while. Topics vary from interview, usual topics range from economics, prepping, bugging-out, home fortification, comparing firearms, government-sponsored tyranny / terrorism, threats of EMP attacks and how to mitigate such threats, World War III, spying, forming local militias, natural disasters, alternative energy, etc.

PREPPER RECON https://mega.co.nz/#F!w5lVQRLA!GmmB6jSDOuQASqGWYHTIpA

DAVE HODGES COMMON SENSE SHOW Video And Audio Archive Collection Anonymous 03/2 1/15 (Sat) 17:46:54 No.164

DAVE HODGES COMMON SENSE SHOW Video And Audio Archive Collection https://mega.nz/#F!V4kFhD5Y!iA9yn8LQKgePjQOEyp6eyg

Props, thanks KILLCEN 03/21/15 (Sat) 19:00:48 No.16 5

Thanks, just saw this posted @ quickleak.

Working ASAP botting other alternative radio shows as w ell, may take a while to mirror though but it will happen. Thanks again for fighting to keep the internet open. Cheerz!

AJS 2015 Archive Updated KILLCEN 03/03/15 (Tue) 18:10:37 No.130[Reply]

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2015 (just updated today) https://mega.co.nz/#F!bREgzYbC!8pj5ogVqMG8mzTksJG62-w

Watch AJ rant about internet censorship, looks like he's prepping too. https://mega.co.nz/#!PUsQ2RII!SjFR6RpT839TQsdXkLil8Sw2HhVD6RCHZJYCgfW8m0Q

Follow Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship) @ paste.jabbim.cz & rage.n3t-t3z.com

Updated March 21st 2015 KILLCEN 03/21/15 (Sat) 15: 57:28 No.163

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive updated again! March 21 st 2015.


Also, I'm rather excited to announce that I'm worki ng on backing up other alternative radio talk show archives as well. One of them already mirrored, The Common Sense Show. Look out for a future archive of Jim Willie interview s, Hagmann and Hagmann Report podcasts among a few other classics as well. All of these archives will be kept up to date as time goes by - which will become a challen ge.

KILL CENSORSHIP Mirror Anonymous 03/20/15 (Fri) 15:55:28 No.159[Reply]

KILL CENSORSHIP http://www.mediafire.com/?l997cw739bfjz

Some problems I found here KILLCEN 03/20/15 (Fri) 16:36:56 No.161

Some of these files don't match the real size of the mirrored files I intended to upload, therefore not all of these files work as intended. Certain file hosts may have replaced the files (which is known to happen from time to time) or this content was hacked. Best do wnload this stuff the day it was released and then check to make sure th ey work as intended. NO WORRIES, everything will soon be mirrored to an off icial MEGA archive, and I'll allow people to download all of at once. That won't happen till I'm finished with this operation - a few months, give or take.

KILLCEN 03/20/15 (Fri) 16:42:18 No.162

Here is a link to all the official files of the firs t operation back in 2013 through 2014, all are from the actual KILLCEN (WE B BOTZ) archive:


Fascist Agenda To Censor Our Internet Continues KILLCEN 03/20/15 (Fri) 16:22:14 No.160[Reply]

France Moves to Make Conspiracy Theories Illegal by Government Decree http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/03/19/france-moves-to-make-conspiracy-theories-i llegal-by-government-decree/

Anyone know of any 'radical' news websites or blogs the French govt wants to censor? Please respond to KILLCEN - post a link and I'll be more than glad to backup the website and mirror it. KILLCEN cares not about content, nor does KILLCEN care whether it will offend people - KILLCEN just mirrors.

Follow backups @ t.urlb.ag , rage.n3t-t3z.com and paste.jabbim.cz

NEW QUICKLEAK PDF BACKUP KILLCEN 03/19/15 (Thu) 15:22:36 No.158

QUICKLEAK BACKUPS (WITHOUT SPAM) https://mega.co.nz/#F!8V9lgRRA!iv2TmSaSZzULj_lkRfKXeA

Includes the following files:

A MESSAGE TO QUICKLEAK SPAMMERS.mp4 | 54.4MB https://mega.co.nz/#!sYURGapD!sXLudc2TVBp4ahd9K6LQKweQU-WB7FxGKhtAEEKs0dM

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015.rar | 229.4MB | (Backed Up February 26th 2015) https://mega.co.nz/#!0F9iXBbR!-dTttN1hIA4hd5oV-Mxd3FZzMmsUD5WHoMuI5Iu_Fb8

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015.zip | 254.3MB | (Backed Up February 26th 2015) https://mega.co.nz/#!tdNyxJgT!4gwhVB1sEEc2hfNQ1Ih3oKvcFFM86vnwtWDQf2_lQKM

QUICKLEAK-PDF-MAR-2015.rar | 241.8MB | (Backed Up March 19th 2015) https://mega.co.nz/#!0IsXxRKR!beWO4ey-TrertmrYgvZ-f-LvadDFHPcI0mu_zLyVTbY

QUICKLEAK-PDF-MAR-2015.zip | 269.2MB | (Backed Up March 19th 2015) https://mega.co.nz/#!AMtmwRrS!pZ2VN-mNTb5exiT9ocKXDeeAxv9peRYymn56nXBKB2o

NOTE TO SPAMMERS: Please stop flooding quickleak.org with useless adds, links to moronic TV shows and chick flicks! We don't want that crap! If you're gonna post something stupid, just post it once and we'll see it, otherwise it will be completely ignored and filtered from the backups!

MAIDSAFE.tar.gz added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/18/15 (Wed) 20:17:13 No.157

MAIDSAFE (Massive Array of Internet Disks - Secure Access For Everyone) is an open-source program (hosted on GitHub) that enables a decentralized Internet platform. The key part of MaidSafe is its SAFE network, powered by its participants' computers, which means, instead of specialized servers, data are stored and distributed by a network of internet-connected computers. You're data is encrypted and can be stored as decentralized bytes much like the bit torrent protocol, so know one will ever know who ones what files. https://mega.co.nz/#!IcYFBbIZ!hwr0jR9ccXLTgI4qj61aXVBOulQvvzg6uiimxOHtM-M

Zeronet.tar.gz added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/18/15 (Wed) 19:17:14 No.156[Rep ly]

At the beginning of new year, a new open source project known as ZeroNet launched that aims to deliver a decentralized web platform using Bitcoin cryptography and the BitTorrent network.

ZeroNet uses a combination of BitTorrent, a custom file server and a web based user interface to do so and manages to provide a pretty usable experience. The main goal of this project is to host websites and provide anonymity for each sites owner. https://mega.co.nz/#!BQ4zyYLA!eH1EBmCAEbTUl9XZ0l9vZl7ciKyWmdWo_AHQqABsLE4

All CRS archives @ #F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

NET NEUTRALITY ON THE RECORD (LAST UPDATE 2015-03-12) KILLCEN 03/18/15 (Wed) 09 :07:37 No.154

NET NEUTRALITY ON THE RECORD (LAST UPDATE 2015-03-12) https://mega.co.nz/#F!P4lQDCzS!DUQcKxubkeVoZOBKcAUVJg

BIG LIE #1 exposed: FCC chairman lied saying there will be no taxes due to the new massive trove of FCC regulations. However, this just in: now the FCC chairman admits that there will likely be new taxes on future internet use! Supporters of the "net neutrality" scam beware, you will pay for you're neive bliss and arrogant trust in the federal government, as you liberals should already know by now: THEY LIE ALL THE TIME!

KILLCEN 03/18/15 (Wed) 09:09:34 No.155

My bad. CORRECTION: (LAST UPDATE 2015-03-18)



Easiest YouTube Video Downloader XPI added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/17/15 (Tu e) 13:31:23 No.153

Easiest YouTube Video Downloader add-on for Mozilla Firefox allows you to convert Youtube videos into FLV and MP4 formats. There will be an option that appears below each Youtube video you can click and select which format you want downloaded. It downloads very fast as well. One of my favorite Youtube rippers! https://mega.co.nz/#!tR5UAaaY!wgcHEfJigF8CBcLPcC31qxVeRoPPlmuIcyUVGeMvI0I

All CRS archives @ #F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Youtube MP3 Podcaster XPI added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/16/15 (Mon) 17:54:33 No.152

Youtube MP3 Podcaster add-on for Mozilla Firefox allows you to convert youtube videos into common audio formats such as MP3, as well an option to convert the videos to common video formats such as MP4. Once each video is converted it will automatically download. I have tested this and it works, however it does seem to be a bit slow so patience is mandated to use this. https://mega.co.nz/#F!4ApQmZza!Da3Mv0JrYD7BXF9fOt2KDw

All CRS archives @ #F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

The Common Sense Show Backup KILLCEN 03/15/15 (Sun) 10:47:13 No.151[Reply][Watc h Thread]

On March 8th and 9th this year, Dave Hodges website and social media account was attacked and taken offline by progressive fascist hackers who seem to despise his warnings to America, most likely because this man refuses to buy into the mainstream liberal propoganda machine.

Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship) has backed up his radio archives along with other interviews with Dave Hodges, as well mirroring a recent backup of his news website:


KILLCEN ; thecommonsenseshow 7zip http://quickleak.org/iUkysYmS | http://app.urlbag.com/i18i8YRF

New FCC Net Neutrality Rules Released KILLCEN 03/12/15 (Thu) 13:58:43 No.150[Re ply][Watch Thread]

New FCC Net Neutrality Rules Released - Full Documentation Backed Up! http://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2015/db0312/FCC-15-24A1. pdf

MIRRORED @ http://cryptome.org/2015/03/fcc-15-0312.pdf


Props To Quickleak.org - BNB Archive Updated KILLCEN 03/12/15 (Thu) 13:20:58 No .149[Reply][Watch Thread]

Quickleak.org wiped out all the spam! Props to quickleak admins!

I solute quickleak for this, I hope the pest takes notice & goes away.

BREAKING NEWS BACKUP CLOUD DRIVE UPDATED! https://mega.co.nz/#F!ysEnHTDR!U9dS2whdxkNN6_k6J50_Qw

Breaking.News.Backup.0001-32.7z [March-12-2015] (9,998 reports | 7zip | 93.7MB)

* Full collection from June 14th, 2014 through March 12th, 2015. Objective: backup documentation of the collapse of the United State of America, and other current events around the world as well as threats to humanity. * https://mega.co.nz/#!O98nkAIA!PtUYHg8z6gLyeo_mRcic1GE-nr8f3DcqHcIeSVgQ8Tc

Samaritan letheaqua 03/10/15 (Tue) 10:02:01 No.148[Reply][Watch Thread]

Prism was a decoy

Gray State Concerns Overblown KILLCEN 03/09/15 (Mon) 17:00:03 No.147[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

Anonymous, I understand you're concerns about Gray State causing some kind of unexpected knee-jerked "revolution" but I don't think this movie intends to do that. It is just exposing the fascist police state we now live under, like MANY other movies have done. Was there some kind of knee-jerked reaction by the public after AJ's ENDGAME came out? No. CITIZENFOUR? No. Likely not this either. I also have warned about there being NWO traps set to rile the people into stupidity such as rioting, etc.

Look Out For Traps, Traps Are Set - Be Vigil, Be Cautious, and Be Prepared http://quickleak.org/nOkrmjC4

The film Gray State, (whether original or not), will remain available for others to download and watch if they please to: https://mega.co.nz/#!zFskRQzA!0nM7qj7dsYi7hTzvzW9beulMk1hPVLUaZiUHogmfbWM

WARNING: Do NOT watch GRAY STATE! - NWO PSYOPS Gov't Plan Meant To Create Public Rebellion And Revo Anonymous 03/09/15 (Mon) 11:54:54 No.146[Reply][Watch Thread]

WARNING: Do NOT watch GRAY STATE! - NWO PSYOPS Gov't Plan Meant To Create Public Rebellion And Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GztWWzSgwK0

The reasons given forth in this video are very good in exposing the Elite-NWO P SYOPS plan to make you the public think that the U.S. Government is evil and mus t be overthrown by a popular revolution, and it all plays in to the NWO plan to destroy America and create a totalitarian police state and One World Government Dictatorship.

Alex Jones is just exactly like Goebbels from Nazi Germany in giving you just e nough of a bit of information to make you angry and revolt and rebel against Con stitutional authority. He is there to incite people to violence, but gives you a bsolutely no alternative constructive ways and solutions to clean up Washington and restore proper governance in America.

David Crowley IS DEAD, and you will never see his movie "GREY STATE." The new m ovie GREY STATE is just a collection of interviews from shills, and you are bein g played into thinking this is leaked top secret information that Utube and the Gov't is trying very hard to keep away from the people by censorship.

And it is full of Illuminati secret MK Ultra subliminal messages that are meant to put you into a trance state and later when the signals are released publical ly they will cause irrational violent behavior by the people who have received t he Satanic programming into their subconscious (human spirit). Why do they call what you see on T.V. "programming?" You are being played by the Illuminati, and your natural rebellious nature will cause you to watch it anyways, ans you will be sorry you did so. The Elite and the Secret Government WANTS the public to reb el and revolt and have a big revolution in America, and they are the ones fundin g the various protest movements around the World, such as the Arab Spring, and O ccupy, and Anonymous, and the Paris Shootings Protests, etc. They want world uph eaval and destruction of National Governments so they can steam roll in with the ir reserved Police State and NWO Military forces to pick up the pieces and insta ll their Totalitarian World Dictatorship. And all protesting is in vain, they wa nt it, they have and are engineering and funding it, and all it will produce is PEOPLES' DEAD BODIES. The Elite WILL NOT CHANGE THEIR STANCE ON ANYTHING, being the maniacal Satan-worshipers and uncontrollable pedophiles and child-and baby-s acrificers that they are. Their "NEW WORLD ORDER" consists of re-releasing PURE EVIL into the world, and executing all Christians and Jews and productive Middle -Class people in the world. And is it just again the re-releasing of European-st yle peasantry-type of feudalistic system all over again into the world. Why do t hey want so desperately for America to be destroyed? One reason is that the grea t prosperity that occurs to the masses that are largely absent the Satanic-Elite control. So in the end it really is nothing new imposed on the world, which has been wallowing in their evil feudalistic system for thousands and thousands of years anyways

Youtube Attempts To Censor Grey State FAILS KILLCEN 03/09/15 (Mon) 08:49:00 No. 145[Reply][Watch Thread]

This movie is supposed to destroy the myth of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people which too many of the Sheeples today are still fantasizing.

The naked truth about the New World Order Police State is discussed and explored with authenticity never before done in Western mainstream media.

They have to murder its filmmaker and his family to warn others following the same footsteps.

You can download this YouTube video now before the Fascist State removes it agai n. https://mega.co.nz/#!zFskRQzA!0nM7qj7dsYi7hTzvzW9beulMk1hPVLUaZiUHogmfbWM

The above video is the 3rd reupload already. Youtube keeps deleting its previous versions. Fascists have already attempted to ban CITIZENFOUR, with pathetic failure:

CITIZENFOUR (SD & HD included) https://mega.co.nz/#F!6MtB3AJZ!SyR01s_uQUoyaJRlJxnpUw

ANTIGRAVITY - FREE ENERGY INNOVATIONS Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 12:35:23 No.144[ Reply][Watch Thread]

ANTIGRAVITY - FREE ENERGY INNOVATIONS https://mega.co.nz/#F!bMolQbqL!2vf0ql98csZ5-6HOwsntEA

HACKING TOOLS Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 11:15:40 No.143[Reply][Watch Thread]

HACKING TOOLS https://mega.co.nz/#F!kdB2FATJ!Llx5c1XSywJ7xnWpMNMx6Q

Free 911 Forbidden Library Folders 1-21 DOWNLOAD Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 10:55 :07 No.142

Free911ForbiddenLibraryFolders1-6.zip 330.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!5BhnTYBJ!KtDqA6RRWmYc6905992Zkpq6TBGdZ1axwlaQ5aAA3UY

Free911ForbiddenLibraryFolders7-12.zip 597.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!EExWCISD!1WcRuBquLKGzawLozFxb7JAq2vv-jkr2e8OuVyPN38E

Free911ForbiddenLibraryFolders13-21.zip 147.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wAAhkSoK!DSWugY_QBzkKmuNufXi-2BOjvr2Gy9PShG4p0ES8v8w

Former Doxbin admin NaChash (@loldoxbin) released the website files.7z 54.1 MB Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 10:45:06 No.141[Reply][Watch Thread]

Former Doxbin admin NaChash (@loldoxbin) released the website files.7z 54.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Mdw3kLba!nxyULJMU6vFcY84LbxsKpOQkr4IpvWkDWIBLCnEKc9Y

DOXCAKE.pdf 3.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!NIhXTDJA!t-L42FmJ7YvOF-1s3-ZW8bz61_CAevvti4Fj3Hl1_V8

Cryptome Series.zip 14.8 MB Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 10:34:37 No.140[Rep ly][Watch Thread]

Cryptome Africa Series.zip 14.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!qVQlWa4C!cZ9WEuGyWA78zEqTQ0BvWDKqT8Xw58TAZ7zC2-rnNZM

HACKING TOOLS MEGACOLLECTION Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 09:47:05 No.138[Reply][Wa tch Thread]

HACKING TOOLS https://mega.co.nz/#F!kdB2FATJ!Llx5c1XSywJ7xnWpMNMx6Q

DOXBIN FILES DOWNLOADS Anonymous 03/07/15 (Sat) 09:58:07 No.139

DOXBIN.7z 1.17 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!tcRBQK6b!erqiRODGwRIe3JN7Lhk8PNeZkPYp7Ywt 9gwnEG95-bo

DOXBIN Archive PDF.zip 205.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!pZIHkJRZ!H82N-fa9EgnEB305i5cQDVrV2mWDwJ0K KmZOEtuIvE8

DOXBIN Media.zip 1.36 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!dFhQkSTZ!JawQMg47ifutwZykk7GryJdz4J9Y-Cgl 6wt2OXPtzcY

DATABASE BIN.zip 526.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!UNognTjA!VA7_9wIsMot1wM3eQCjlO6A7qkxyhTD7 f86rcE0tDgc

PROPHECY MEGACOLLECTION.zip 2.11 GB Anonymous 03/06/15 (Fri) 18:16:13 No.137[Re ply][Watch Thread]

PROPHECY MEGACOLLECTION.zip 2.11 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!yRxDjCAS!jz4XJotPweSIRiYCTD9yZ-nE1d3uFv2hmFlLwjQgy6c

Help Fight Against Internet Censorship KILLCEN 03/06/15 (Fri) 13:49:16 No.136[R eply][Watch Thread]

THE CORBETT REPORT - The Global Fight Against Internet Censorship (MP4) https://mega.co.nz/#!PZc2HYaI!6QldUg_9gHJHt858vij-s2MJYzvupI9slWehfIkzUiw

Like it or not, the threat of global internet censorship is growing. China is cracking down full force against VPN providers and proxies. is considering a ban against using Tor and other onion routing software such as Tribler. In the United States, the FCC has passed a SECRET 223 page trove of new ISP regulations which George Soros funded and Obama's regime wrote - we still have yet to see what impact that will have in the near future! Canada is trying to ram through legislation that will ban 'offensive' content, making illegal as well. European nations are trying to push legislation to criminalize encryption.

Our internet freedoms are at stake, and IF we do not take action to find new ways to counter deep packet inspection and other tools used by governments to filter and censor content then we will loose an open internet as we know it! So please, download and watch this video, and share this with everyone else you know! We must be fully prepared for what the fascists in power are going to attempt to do on a global scale! https://mega.co.nz/#!PZc2HYaI!6QldUg_9gHJHt858vij-s2MJYzvupI9slWehfIkzUiw

Watch AJ rant about internet censorship, looks like he's prepping too. https://mega.co.nz/#!PUsQ2RII!SjFR6RpT839TQsdXkLil8Sw2HhVD6RCHZJYCgfW8m0Q

DIRECTED ENERGY LIBRARY.zip 8.69 GB Anonymous 03/05/15 (Thu) 19:17:05 No.135

DIRECTED ENERGY LIBRARY.zip 8.69 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!fJY2gYzK!_Uj-ZOAIuIT8rDm1ya46-0D_5qKlhINmo9o-uhHntqA

Gostcrypt added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/04/15 (Wed) 10:54:32 No.133

GostCrypt allows you to encrypt disk partitions and entire disk drives. The Gostcrypt project has been launched at the end of 2013 as fork of the (late) Truecrypt project. The purpose was to fix the problems of NIST/NSA exploitation of Dual_EC_DRBG algorithms in AES encryption and make it much more robust from being cracked. Includes manual /w all files and checksums. https://mega.co.nz/#!gM5DkKYA!hjIahazmRMffBf1RXQkgFAo0aIAgfKLW_LpBbAlCyjw

ISRAEL PROPHECIES Anonymous 03/03/15 (Tue) 16:22:31 No.132[Reply][Watch Thread]

ISRAEL PROPHECIES https://mega.co.nz/#F!w9U0mT4K!Xl4r4kIfu1F0-8gmJVwlvg

ISRAEL PROPHECIES.zip 7.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!c0sxRQLQ!9fYy0-w3suJOh91AeSwiNA_RjLX4nV18fkZcq45jnRI

yunpi pastebin archive !QS/CJFbIxw 03/03/15 (Tue) 13:10:53 No.131[Reply][Watch Thread] yunpi pastebin archive https://mega.co.nz/#F!RcEVhJCK!NK30JsX4RMXnTApTy8wtPg


AJS 2015 Archive Updated KILLCEN 03/03/15 (Tue) 11:10:37 No.130[Reply][Watch Th read]

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2015 (just updated today) https://mega.co.nz/#F!bREgzYbC!8pj5ogVqMG8mzTksJG62-w

Watch AJ rant about internet censorship, looks like he's prepping too. https://mega.co.nz/#!PUsQ2RII!SjFR6RpT839TQsdXkLil8Sw2HhVD6RCHZJYCgfW8m0Q

Follow Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship) @ paste.jabbim.cz & rage.n3t-t3z.com

updated strategy for Operation KILLCEN KILLCEN 03/03/15 (Tue) 08:34:24 No.129[R eply][Watch Thread]

I must be pissing some spooks off, perhaps that's why the recent flood of spam and even temporary blocking at quickleak continues? Well, from now I'm posting an updated strategy for mirroring alternative news website backups:

NOW HERE http://t.urlb.ag/ AND HERE http://p.lo5t.com/lists AND HERE http://rifers.org/paste/ AND HERE http://rage.n3t-t3z.com/ AND HERE http://paste.the-compiler.org/lists AND HERE http://nopaste.chaoz-irc.net/ AND HERE http://paste.security-portal.cz/lists AND HERE http://paste.jabbim.cz/

I'll continue to post @ quickleak when able to. If not, fuck it.

quickleak.org backed up February 26th 2015!

All pastes converted to PDF format.

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015.zip | 254.3MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Kl1wALTZ!rY0d4gSwTaoWNJ5m3lXKX8Ms7IJtIMZcDjYoTBEnsuE

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015.rar | 229.4MB https://mega.co.nz/#!65MTkYIA!LvlIHaztMG2uOIxyqo4hn5yvl2fg4DRPrcd1_PWbrpM

Screaming Frog 2.03 added to CRS archives KILLCEN 03/02/15 (Mon) 12:18:59 No.12 8[Reply][Watch Thread]

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a small desktop program you can install locally on your PC which spiders websites links, images, CSS, script and apps from an SEO perspective. It fetches key onsite elements for SEO, presents them in tabs by type and allows you to filter for common SEO issues, or slice and dice the data how you see fit by exporting into Excel. Version 2.03 for Windows w/ serials! https://mega.co.nz/#!RUR2zBgC!S5TYm6zP-Ow78C0HOpNGxQQx1AZ6LXbKL_N_BmKFLwU

Adf.ly + Addmefast Bots added to CRS archive KILLCEN 03/02/15 (Mon) 08:36:56 No .127[Reply][Watch Thread]

WARNING: not yet tested for malware. User pre-caution advised.

ADF.ly bot - with new fresh proxy list, updated to: 27/02/2015 https://mega.co.nz/#!tEoR1CDa!a-1XoX0K2Ft7IFFc1jkHyReKzNyAPWAdnfbxn8SNaSw posted @ quickleak.org/Zcn1OMlB addmefast bot - addmefast imacros script that works on any firefox browser https://mega.co.nz/#!ZYoxTDiJ!gSfLQkRn8q51pA-MEL7Qt1nG68Fyzgj43vY6xRo2gDY posted @ quickleak.org/FMHmjgFe

New Zealand Bibles.zip 492.9 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 19:49:42 No.126[Reply] [Watch Thread]

New Zealand Bibles.zip 492.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!QwEH0LIA!tmgHVj0kVG9NtDhmmFv02GaRDWzzVrqdVgS2TrbeKJo

Pacific Islands Bibles.zip 2.85 GB h Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 19:23:35 No.125[R eply][Watch Thread]

Pacific Islands Bibles.zip 2.85 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!hxFlHTKK!eIiJ4d55p6Z2vxZAPTDr2Kg-wpgE5F4l7tavgfrGV34

THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x3 KILLCEN 03/01/15 (Sun) 18:44:53 No.124[Reply][Watch Thre ad]

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x3): https://mega.co.nz/#F!I1gyTJiL!FYsNjf5OqXGBNr7IfgQIgQ

Linux distros include the following:

2015-01-31-raspbian.zip Bayanihan5Desktop-Installer-i386-486-Rev2.iso Blacklab.rar debian-7.8.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso debian-7.8.0-i386-lxde-CD-1.iso dfly-x86_64-4.0.3_REL.iso.bz2 elive_2.5.4_beta_hybrid.iso elive_2.5.8_beta_usb.img extix-15.1.1-64bit-lxqt-isoh-persistent-1090mb-150205.iso kali-linux-1.1.0-amd64.iso kubuntu-15.04-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso Linux_i486_SyllableServer-0.4.i486.zip lunar-1.7.0-i686.iso.xz lunar-1.7.0-x86_64.iso.xz nanolinux-1.2.iso parsix_7.0r1-amd64.iso PeachOSI.14.04.1BB.ML.40.64bit.iso Qubes-R2-x86_64-DVD.iso ReactOS-0.3.17-REL-iso.zip Sabayon_Linux_15.02.1_amd64_Xfce.iso slackware64-14.1-install-dvd.iso Slitaz OS.rar SteamOSDVD.iso -i386-1.3.iso Toorox_08.2012-32bit_XFCE.iso Toorox_08.2012-64bit_LITE.iso ubuntu-gnome-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso Vine62-DVD-i686.iso xubuntu-15.04-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso Zorin.rar

/BOOT/ includes the following:

BurningIsoHowto.zip distrowatch_com_resource_popularity.pdf Fedora LiveUSB Creator.cpio Fedora LiveUSB Creator.tar.gz The Hacker's Manual 2015.pdf Unetbootin.cpio Unetbootin.tar.gz Universal USB Installer.cpio Universal USB Installer.tar.gz


FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x2): https://mega.co.nz/#F!k8FwnbjZ!mbYUgb47Oh5xS4Z6HoInqw

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x1): https://mega.co.nz/#F!nx40FbaD!EvMiNqWG3IwOqVk-IP_5cQ

CIVIL WAR TOOLS DOWNLOAD LINKS Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 18:32:22 No.123[Reply][ Watch Thread]


CIVIL WAR TOOLS MAIN FOLDER https://mega.co.nz/#F!cdYimS4Z!xQ3sDOgYC_JmUw8uoge_og

CIVIL WAR TOOLS DOWNLOAD LINKS Civil War Tools.zip 1.42 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!dIBW0aZD!zcKhVpYDPvdKKJSLc6LIAVNUg_DdxdTC7VzNr_zu8U4

American-Antigravity Interviews.zip 101.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!1Jpj2KpZ!dLvutfZkbEJHICjWzZPa7BbbluNVfH07yjzEZ9h45bI

American-Antigravity.zip 406.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!cAYnlIaa!AB20XFxrUSBMub1D2VVyFnW3yWYPtrKkWSNsVZPUBWM

Ammunition.zip 529.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!cYQljD6a!mp7vGYFS5lDB6rVmZrXWBJAtfaur8MIki68KEmtnTBE

Antisec Military Documents.zip 235.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dAwXzC6Z!GDRLKLWQ7sLqoZyA5V2aqz84EYrJxpsr7wGtU20C-1E

Combat.zip 260.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dRA23IhZ!30J23dPn_NxEXN7sNHBLlw2e2ftmE9QhP01Ryt4PBL4

DOXCAKE.pdf 3.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!MFIRwSqQ!t-L42FmJ7YvOF-1s3-ZW8bz61_CAevvti4Fj3Hl1_V8

Electronics and Communications.zip 678.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!5NR2QbDA!kaHiUhu4edWemSAiRwiqxLWaunAuoHMEW-Fl_I42RKQ

ELITE-Govt Addresses.zip 2.37 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!gMJwQK6Q!lD6_apfSNQyHl9-jb0NfZQFdkdL-U2Xwsj5EwNW998I

Energy and Fuel.zip 104.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!5Zo1FDAQ!lJ68BbUj1FWmW2vf16C-Wg98FSL7T71_Nx16jlSruuk

Exotic Weapons.zip 409.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!sB5gQK5T!beJHMxUoggLv2rflsSP6SMf64Faf2b4xgxULS6QIabA

Federal Reserve Dox.zip 1.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!BUAgxa4A!5hU6A8knPetdjUNjnTpXA2HyhWdBp3Q6C7t61WkcWHA

Forensics and Investigation.zip 443.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ddRWzLQL!6NJqoKQT24-tm6zSdfo9122PPgUwsbHxii57lSYdhQY

Free Energy.zip 1.32 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!cdgHFSCT!gDgW_diFZwG-muC3hg-WO4fsasfGEpih8H8Nzfw91sM

Full-Auto Conversions.zip 90.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dcwnDThA!BGqrhXnEboAOTmBshtsu7KOQvO0GdjyjR6RyplgHzzo

GUCCIFER_ARCHIVE.zip 5.40 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!BM4HyIiS!yl6qvnGDcEwCv4z7jg9vErnXk2gBSQ3qRA2eyh4z6wA

Guerrilla Warfare, Terrorism.zip 243.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!gAgBzAzD!xq-VgGjfk8ChIkDb1lVKHNCo5CY70RzRrTRf8ulsrdI

Home Made Solar & Wind Projects.zip 3.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!RBJQFBLS!kmjvrQyG2w-h3vCnKyc4D7aquWEhb4_OPLF8KoSsJdY

Intelligence.zip 38.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dIhABZBQ!qnfYcehrOKa73yXaiiy7pchmKgQRv7k_x8NXgrK8FD0

Interrogation, Psychology.zip 31.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!tQpFRDpS!43yGJ4KVn2MqrgBZErXRMA25PB_VppJR5_b1c8BTuwM

Knifemaking.zip 343.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!lRxgHR6A!TW-nfapm8Ar5tZYY8i8BVs4cGzUx1T_10Hd3sDiZuLM

Law Enforcement.zip 1.51 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!kEZCjDTQ!8ilXfl0KpLQJinv-1AhTZ_b7siwaBDIiBMIMZxUy_ww

Lockpicking.zip 1.83 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!oFY2kCQa!eAtIhFursKAis9fX8dHW9-vBZb4iuo8rIvoD69LRxGI

Magnetics, Antigravity & Directed Energy.zip 239.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!1ZAXWDwS!ua_ACkoku_oG5OwdHY4IgKZ5fu4onsOfvXo4-XOCd70

Military.zip 2.66 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!8YxExAIb!697kwNWAilNEQnvytTp-4vrp1T2DmFwqFvzJacNjvVU

Misc Law and Law Enforcement.zip 86.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!UYASUBID!iuAq7M71wOsdgMCwOmxa1iJMUAuPjg6Vis_iD42YmJw

NEOCONS Names and Addresses.zip 29.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!gJA3nBYI!DbKzqa4imkRvCuptroY4duDxhHaZo4r-avPX9bSg1NU

Rocketry.zip 249.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!NcAjmKQL!W0On8NzMlHe7KMcrxvxlnyN8wBYlI8_CZdGbulHvgJ0

Smuggling & Caching.zip 41.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!VcY0yaID!SfRQIFkAIrwudLT47EWA-ptf1Fv9PERhk2CPOZmDvdw

Spytech.zip 112.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!pcxkzLCQ!hFlowS4NckOcSNV4tJ8EjMm74_YXde7_Vu36AZDGBTI

Suppressors.zip 492.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!cUgyUbKR!veOMWwQkY74oO8fPmLN12RqRqkscKijt4WZJwF1vA5w

Survival.zip 2.59 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!pUgQzaKT!Qnpjs7RXynm_fmdHEp8zkloi5DAPLFIUPpguTok9gco

Truth.zip 1.52 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!oN5SwJZA!hWfFpY3ZIkGEPOq4dxCt0NZQ1MDGXMSu-A4-dwLnV4w

Truth More.zip 2.80 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!lUQzkBoa!-Enodp0D87rPWbZ2cKE7kvLUBaAz6AqXEenMZqoAyrE

Korea Bibles.zip 19.2 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 15:05:57 No.122[Reply][Watch Thread]

Korea Bibles.zip 19.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!NtcBCTpQ!XInxZVk3bcFcQ5sek12BKAtvhwVu2REtKvotnKPYN6c

India Bibles.zip 2.17 GB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:55:08 No.121[Reply][Watch Thread]

India Bibles.zip 2.17 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!ZhsXFSxL!fYkg7KvJGFZ9jYIDqXPukEl0nZn4zh22wyAec_rHZAY

Malaysia Bibles.zip 99.4 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:47:02 No.120[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

Malaysia Bibles.zip 99.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!tldkjRbI!o-a8e4hoirzYKGBmxCmjuFtz5xdHKsOTPjivBVdpFLE

Mongolia Bibles.zip 222.8 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:40:38 No.119[Reply][Wa tch Thread]

Mongolia Bibles.zip 222.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!VwE1lawT!e6vaQ8v4VmQH0Uvl0VWAuV1YhQ-EUZjXenhy2jjZZqY

Myanmar Bibles.zip 980.1 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:33:35 No.118[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

Myanmar Bibles.zip 980.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!4odRDBwC!YouvzFFw3zxfkH19HMeTOhFYUnKnFx7raD043oTjQXs

Nepal Bibles.zip 197.1 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:29:24 No.117[Reply][Watch Thread]

Nepal Bibles.zip 197.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!581DyJaL!03NbcyRfdaHqmCxEE359SW48tYuKeFcjVzXwmFB1-LM

Sri Lanka Bibles.zip 371.3 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:22:38 No.116[Reply][W atch Thread]

Sri Lanka Bibles.zip 371.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Mocz3YbB!Kit258d4Z53pENTGnCals4XEi6IMnv7o5SQwTb-FhAo

Tibet Bibles.zip 103.8 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:13:31 No.115[Reply][Watch Thread]

Tibet Bibles.zip 103.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!48lVyZZI!_Zm2c2ByIlY-Byrh88oeoHi676OmTQvcQa1xiznirLU

Thailand Bibles.zip 145.6 MB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 14:08:31 No.114[Reply][Wa tch Thread]

Thailand Bibles.zip 145.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!AxszSbDT!3sWP4en092FKXF6uY4FWEvSXDAjda_8MmtDkk5_eN5Y

Chinese Bibles.zip 1.76 GB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 13:39:49 No.113[Reply][Watc h Thread]

China Bibles.zip 2.47 GB https://www.mediafire.com/?9s23af752e5r8m8 https://mega.co.nz/#!BsFjmaYB!qspImO5vSbI400fVNRKmxmnhr5GknICuu8ZCsZOhIk4

Chinese Bibles.zip 1.76 GB https://www.mediafire.com/?cgj9jgca7ac872r https://mega.co.nz/#!I90z2ZzY!OwMv7iz_gBQ7cbGx_K1GaJR8jtOZVgx3e_YYEwrVUM8

Uyghur Bible.zip 99.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!lt01QCqb!QKwZmCFYkKTs9qZGxNhK_t-pt-sOsm1OAOH5bMa5Ibw

Asia Bibles.zip 264.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!xothEYgA!qtsR06glUcLy1V7k6EtlLqfbE5I1ULDsNhWxatWB_B8

Korea Bibles.zip 19.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!NtcBCTpQ!XInxZVk3bcFcQ5sek12BKAtvhwVu2REtKvotnKPYN6c

Bhutan Bibles.zip 27.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Yt0S3DTD!d3DUc_yeoP8tfNQyEAOaUEYtIZca1Vawh2JPGrH93Nk

Cambodia Bibles.zip 6.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!l1tzTSKb!YoWVTM-OeKe3UTQXLU_FJvfp8zXQCVc9YsZ2BBkoBz8

Bangladesh Bibles.zip 206.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ttFlCbCa!sLJivwymctNKf6TGxchppB7MBikr4JNFhN3VP3e6J9k

Vietnamese Bible.zip 66.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!88UUgL7J!lXPnDRKrExGNh5CLR262xwCHT1X76dw8DJrgLwmIUQw

Japan Bibles.zip 532.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!AolGnBDD!tsqjj5YyRb_vq2-QxsSubrX0G9vOCn81qZRVr7JkC7w

Laos Bibles.zip 91.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!okEAzDyS!qUpCvGLtWlvW7N-eIqXwLj7a3kqFYBN92UmVBNQTyhM

Philippines Bibles.zip 119.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wp9REAZD!17Muci03bqHIyvDj8xoP3JvhaRX4CDg2fYnbsLSYpPo

Malaysia Bibles.zip 99.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!tldkjRbI!o-a8e4hoirzYKGBmxCmjuFtz5xdHKsOTPjivBVdpFLE

Mongolia Bibles.zip 222.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!VwE1lawT!e6vaQ8v4VmQH0Uvl0VWAuV1YhQ-EUZjXenhy2jjZZqY

Myanmar Bibles.zip 980.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!4odRDBwC!YouvzFFw3zxfkH19HMeTOhFYUnKnFx7raD043oTjQXs

China Bibles.zip 2.47 GB Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 12:20:37 No.112[Reply][Watch Thread]

China Bibles.zip 2.47 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!BsFjmaYB!qspImO5vSbI400fVNRKmxmnhr5GknICuu8ZCsZOhIk4

Chinese Bibles.zip 1.76 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!I90z2ZzY!OwMv7iz_gBQ7cbGx_K1GaJR8jtOZVgx3e_YYEwrVUM8

Uyghur Bible.zip 99.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!lt01QCqb!QKwZmCFYkKTs9qZGxNhK_t-pt-sOsm1OAOH5bMa5Ibw

Asia Bibles.zip 264.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!xothEYgA!qtsR06glUcLy1V7k6EtlLqfbE5I1ULDsNhWxatWB_B8

Korea Bibles.zip 19.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!NtcBCTpQ!XInxZVk3bcFcQ5sek12BKAtvhwVu2REtKvotnKPYN6c

Bhutan Bibles.zip 27.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Yt0S3DTD!d3DUc_yeoP8tfNQyEAOaUEYtIZca1Vawh2JPGrH93Nk

Cambodia Bibles.zip 6.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!l1tzTSKb!YoWVTM-OeKe3UTQXLU_FJvfp8zXQCVc9YsZ2BBkoBz8

Bangladesh Bibles.zip 206.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ttFlCbCa!sLJivwymctNKf6TGxchppB7MBikr4JNFhN3VP3e6J9k

Vietnamese Bible.zip 66.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!88UUgL7J!lXPnDRKrExGNh5CLR262xwCHT1X76dw8DJrgLwmIUQw

PROXY TOOL Anonymous 03/01/15 (Sun) 11:49:14 No.111[Reply][Watch Thread]

PROXY TOOL adf ly bot- really working, with new fresh proxy list!

It uses proxy servers to enter your link and you can get fresh proxy list by thi s software too https://mega.co.nz/#F!AYpCXaYQ!d9kaOI93QBq4TsqVLpivMA https://www.mediafire.com/?d3wf3bj8p68h7ba

ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA VOLUME 9 Anonymous 02/28/15 (Sat) 12:47:43 No.110[Reply ][Watch Thread]


Enjoy reading about history that was printed before Satan's little helpers came along to make it all more politically correct!!! Yes, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA VO LUME 9 was made without the editing of those History Revisionists, so enjoy read ing some historical truth, and be sure to hurry and download it now before they get their hands on and delete this masterpiece also!!!


Goldbug and freedom.js added to CRS archives KILLCEN 02/27/15 (Fri) 15:59:21 No .109[Reply][Watch Thread]

Goldbug is secure (end-to-end encryption-friendly), decentralized P2P/F2F and email client that does not rely on any authority. You can also use Goldbug to share files with other peers as well. https://mega.co.nz/#!1YBVhRRB!pq7zcEPDkhaHErMq6hwysYNvGmn9L6g9hUwk_W5B8A0

Freedom.js is a framework for building peer-to-peer (P2P) web browsers. https://mega.co.nz/#!Ed53jIwa!UHJ4gIG_q_BX1HMOtwiyOVKQ1UhMtoedOlrOL_qTIk0

All CRS archives @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Net Neutrality ON THE RECORD KILLCEN 02/27/15 (Fri) 13:29:28 No.108[Reply][Watc h Thread]

All Net Neutrality Reports Being Backed Up, Allocated To Persistent Updating Arc hive! http://quickleak.org/64TsbjC1

"If you think I'm paranoid now, you ain't seen nothing yet!"

Tribler 6.4.3 added to CRS archives KILLCEN 02/27/15 (Fri) 12:02:59 No.107[Repl y][Watch Thread]

Tribler makes BitTorrent anonymous and impossible to shut down. It includes options for onion routing, just like Tor, and does not rely on any central server making it a decentralized P2P client as well, a DHT/PEX torrent client. Users can search for files from within the application, which finds torrents through other peers. Tribler may become an alternative way to download information in the near future considering fascists are trying to censor the web. https://mega.co.nz/#F!JIAiHIyD!OY4egNTo3xTbElfoHqhsIA

All CRS archives @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

mcabber and qupzilla added to CRS archives KILLCEN 02/27/15 (Fri) 10:24:02 No.1 06[Reply][Watch Thread]

mcabber is a small command line client for the Jabber protocol, which includes ORT and OpenPGP encryption. Two types of encyption known to still protect user privacy. https://mega.co.nz/#!gNwQRI7C!ZMI_ZO5Bje2fwdVuPYuux5H1xkFG6M5d2NyDMiRZvyA

qupzilla is a alternative lightweight web browser that is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu and OpenSUSE. https://mega.co.nz/#!cRAiCbbA!CmiJSW5mCHqYctiIlbNHLJ0aJVEopxE_jncXZXlVk-A

THE full archive @ mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

yiff Anonymous 02/27/15 (Fri) 05:59:50 No.105[Reply][Watch Thread] hey /leaked/ which Pokémon would you fuck?

ANTIGRAVITY-FREE ENERGY INNOVATIONS Anonymous 02/26/15 (Thu) 20:44:27 No.104[Re ply][Watch Thread]

ANTIGRAVITY-FREE ENERGY INNOVATIONS https://mega.co.nz/#F!bMolQbqL!2vf0ql98csZ5-6HOwsntEA

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015 KILLCEN 02/26/15 (Thu) 16:03:19 No.103[Reply][Watch Thre ad] quickleak.org backed up February 26th 2015!

All pastes converted to PDF format.

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015.zip | 254.3MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Kl1wALTZ!rY0d4gSwTaoWNJ5m3lXKX8Ms7IJtIMZcDjYoTBEnsuE

QUICKLEAK-PDF-FEB-2015.rar | 229.4MB https://mega.co.nz/#!65MTkYIA!LvlIHaztMG2uOIxyqo4hn5yvl2fg4DRPrcd1_PWbrpM

CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR AMERICANS Anonymous 02/26/15 (Thu) 10:32:08 No.102[Repl y][Watch Thread]

Alright men, I've been warning about this very thing for the last 3 years or so, since I made this nice and informative, but very scary E-Book at the University of Iowa on one hot summer day in June. And when I was done, I had felt that won derful feeling from God inside of me that He was pleased with me having made it, to warn my fellow countrymen of what is soon to befall them. It is full of pict ures and descriptions of where these 600+ FEMA Camps are located in America. Yes , they are fully staffed, and are fully operational, having guillotines and mass graves ready to go at a moment's notice, the only thing missing inside there IS YOU!!!


Concentration Camps for Americans

How would you like to enter one the over 600 American concentration camps across the USA? The barbed wired, shackle embedded camps have been built and are await ing to enslave huge numbers of the population. Should a fitting event take place , current laws allow FEMA to legally incarcerate civilians into these camps.

The Federal Government admits plans to detain millions of people

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a plan by the United States feder al government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil unrest or national emergency. Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen periodically. Plans for roundups of persons in the United States in t imes of crisis are constructed during periods of increased political repression such as the Palmer Raids and the McCarthy Era. For example, from 1967 to 1971 th e FBI kept a list of persons to be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the "ADEX" l ist

U.S. Military Preparing for Martial Law against the American People!

Even before 9/11, the Military has been training our soldiers how to shut down c ities, confiscate guns, and put Americans in camps. Read for yourself.

Concentration Camps For Americans PDF www.mediafire.com/?klkavjoc6iasq58 Concentration Camps For Americans Word Doc www.mediafire.com/?oq37dojkf1t2h2n Concentration Camps For Americans Word Docx www.mediafire.com/?59wlc6a2cyeta5s

SNOWDEN POITRAS NSA SPYING MOVIE.zip 3.39 GB HD Anonymous 02/24/15 (Tue) 19:47: 30 No.101[Reply][Watch Thread]

SNOWDEN POITRAS NSA SPYING MOVIE.zip 3.39 GB HD https://mega.co.nz/#!DVY2gA7S!-C4cBESRjnRlsGyZTH4ic_adL9s5DliFJpWuj6Y8y-s

Citizenfour SD & HD KILLCEN 02/24/15 (Tue) 18:32:34 No.100[Reply][Watch Thread]

Cryptome.org went down today due to an overload of traffic, and the major reason? People rushing to download Citizenfour after the Oscar nominations. Download the movie here (SD and HD): https://mega.co.nz/#F!6MtB3AJZ!SyR01s_uQUoyaJRlJxnpUw

Compilation of Snowden Documents - January 30, 2015 https://github.com/nsa-observer/documents/archive/master.zip

SNOWDEN-POITRAS-NSA MOVIE.zip 1.14 GB Anonymous 02/24/15 (Tue) 15:14:26 No.99[R eply][Watch Thread]

SNOWDEN-POITRAS-NSA MOVIE.zip 1.14 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!HQgzDSRT!QozHbPF0uJaFQFXuWKqgENMUJKAvvsslQcrft6aEkxQ

SNOWDEN-POITRAS-NSA MOVIE.zip Anonymous 02/24/15 (Tue) 14:59:16 No.98[Reply][Wa tch Thread]

SNOWDEN-POITRAS-NSA MOVIE.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?dwka3uqpr6e6f5v

Al Jazerra Spy Cables.7z 969.7 MB Anonymous 02/24/15 (Tue) 14:01:42 No.97[Reply ][Watch Thread]

Al Jazerra Spy Cables.7z 969.7 MB https://www.mediafire.com/?l22m24eppjb8c22 https://mega.co.nz/#!LIp0jR6Y!yS6islBb3XYEbxYiTp38Y_YgPntDMm08OFJidxU1LuU

Tesla UFO E-Books-zip 516.04 MB Anonymous 02/24/15 (Tue) 13:32:24 No.96[Reply][ Watch Thread]

Tesla UFO E-Books-zip 516.04 MB https://www.mediafire.com/?l44hn4tcn28a3vx

CANADIAN UFO CRASH.zip Anonymous 02/24/15 (Tue) 13:17:16 No.95[Reply][Watch Thr ead]

CANADIAN UFO CRASH.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?5x1kbpfdeya61fi

Alex Jones Show Mirrored by KILLCEN KILLCEN 02/24/15 (Tue) 07:42:03 No.94[Reply ][Watch Thread]

The links below contain most of the episodes of the Alex Jones Show from March 2008 through February 2015. A few episodes are missing from the official archive, those I could not recover since all these were ripped from the official archive. Enjoy the ranting!

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2008 https://mega.co.nz/#F!MNA0AJBK!Ukrr321H0MtNT6VLuzQMhg

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2009 https://mega.co.nz/#F!4Q43lIAC!q3rC670p8pohBoqCHCXWNg

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2010 https://mega.co.nz/#F!gM5xTTRC!HNBD83GaU8Bs1iE3Oo_3uA

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2011 https://mega.co.nz/#F!1ZoAgaKL!5YeuWElEHYJCsEOM3BL8vA

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2012 https://mega.co.nz/#F!tZYXzZIA!qHo-QNLZ-4AD3gE4BNJhpw

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2013 https://mega.co.nz/#F!BFwRADIA!KcMs2Yt1jnDy9I6dr3N_QQ

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2014 https://mega.co.nz/#F!eQUCzbYL!cwYlO57TnB7LMXbq6JA9pQ

Alex Jones Show Radio Archive 2015 https://mega.co.nz/#F!bREgzYbC!8pj5ogVqMG8mzTksJG62-w

ILLUMINATI PLANS 2015 - To Kill Billion People ( NEW WORLD ORDER 2015 ) Anonymou s 02/21/15 (Sat) 18:31:14 No.93[Reply][Watch Thread]

Whistle Blower ILLUMINATI PLANS 2015 To Kill Billion People Utube Keeps Banning This Video Must See -? You're Free To Re-upload on your channel!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3szaF5R3wsc https://www.mediafire.com/?uvu6tx0aaaujw0a

FREE ENERGY VIDEOS.zip 1.45 GB Anonymous 02/21/15 (Sat) 17:40:52 No.92[Reply][W atch Thread]

FREE ENERGY VIDEOS.zip 1.45 GB https://www.mediafire.com/?32oopuq13693q1x https://mega.co.nz/#!qMhWXJiD!17ZwkhdnvrZopeuh3yQXf8YYqetxuZvU0zEdewsV0v0

Simple To Build Actual Working Units!!! Some just using copper wire coils and ma gnets and a light bulb or LED!!! I can't believe just how FREAKING EASY it is to build one of these babys!!! And I have all of these electronic parts and alliga tor clip wires and magnets that have just been sitting in my Dad's basement for years!!! What the freak is my problem?!!! I KNEW deep down inside that this woul d work, and from watching some of those Youtube videos showing me just how (plea se pardon me, I have to go in the corner and cry for a while now)

You can build a Kapandze unit, and they DO work, but I really like the model the Russians have put together -? they buried a car radiator in the vegetable garde n, and a wire goes to the Kapandze coil, and the other wire from the other end o f the coil is hooked up to the spigot outside, which is in turn connected to a v ast network of iron pipes buried underground in their town or city somewhere in Russia -? and they were pulling KILOVOLTS of electrical current out of that baby , lighting up a bank of lights! And that is just Ground Current (or Telluric Cur rent), which is one of the fundamental basics of Electrical Engineering. Ground Current is just wasted, or eliminated, as if that is BAD Electricity, like waste water effluent discharged into the river by an industrial manufacturing plant. A nd you can use Ground Current to do stuff with it, like light up your house! Her e is Arizona the soil is usually dry, and often when I go get a sip of water fro m the drinking fountain at the Student Union, I get a little static shock on my lips. So the electrical ground from all of the machinery and restaurant kitchen appliances, etc. is not dissipating too well

But one Free Energy device I remember you can build, that WILL produce enough el ectricity to power one of those little lights inside the ceiling of your car, is to make a gigantic coil out of copper tubing, make it 8 feet long, and 6 feet w ide, and maybe connect diodes and capacitors at the end of both wires, and a lig ht bulb too. Watch it light up!

One day when I was a teenager I went to the huge flea market on the edge of my h ometown in Ohio, and I bought a little white plastic radio for a dollar. I wish that I still had it, for it was a radio that didn't need batteries, and it still worked! One wire had to be attached to a big piece of metal, according to the d irections, and I listened to the earplug, and what do you know, IT ACTUALLY WORK ED!!! That is called a crystal radio, for the radio station powers its operation , for when the radio signals hit a piece of metal, they turn into electricity!

FREE ENERGY VIDEOS.zip 1.45 GB https://www.mediafire.com/?32oopuq13693q1x https://mega.co.nz/#!qMhWXJiD!17ZwkhdnvrZopeuh3yQXf8YYqetxuZvU0zEdewsV0v0

FREE ENERGY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING E-BOOKS COLLECTION Anonymous 02/20/15 (Fri) 15:55:14 No.91[Reply][Watch Thread]


FE-EE.zip 5.50 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!moEFnBpD!2h-2T1JEZ5oRlOIkgKIQtlWIql4gbvtKeGg9DSyZqII

Contains These Folders:

Aether.zip Aetherforce Library.zip Donald L Smith.zip EE Patents.zip Electrolysis Water Arc and Dielectric Breakdown.zip Electrolytic And Super Capacitors.zip Fast Light.zip Fuelless Engine.zip Gray-McKay Material.zip Kapanadze.zip Magnetic Amplifiers.zip Medhurst.zip Meyl.zip Minorsky.zip O Nichelson.zip Parametric Excitation.zip Paul Stowe.zip Reference Material.zip Reference.zip Steinmetz.zip Tesla Switch.zip Tesla UFO EBooks.zip Tesla.zip TM Mode Waveguide.zip Tuks.nl Torrents.zip Veljko Milkovic.zip Waser.zip

FE-EE.zip 5.50 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!moEFnBpD!2h-2T1JEZ5oRlOIkgKIQtlWIql4gbvtKeGg9DSyZqII

Tesla UFO EBooks.zip 509.5 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 19:12:51 No.90[Reply][Wa tch Thread]

Tesla UFO EBooks.zip 509.5 MB

EBooks About Tesla Technology, UFOs, and Antigravity Electrical Engineering https://mega.co.nz/#!mpsEDDgJ!4y7UAUFHdu2D7Vxe7W2GOT3GD0_GRuOIv4iYkSbA3_4 http://www.mediafire.com/download/7erz135edxo3u63/Tesla+UFO+EBooks.zip

PDF Batch Converters Shareware.zip 59.5 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 15:18:13 No .89[Reply][Watch Thread]

PDF Batch Converters Shareware.zip 59.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!HxNgVCoB!-0pUmLZ_wQwVZznaa1EYPan-YUA8oWrX6Xwm2gRVIVw

WHERE POLITICIANS GET THEIR FUNDING - Greenhouse.zip 1.4 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 15:05:34 No.88[Reply][Watch Thread]

WHERE POLITICIANS GET THEIR FUNDING - Greenhouse.zip 1.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!74shiTgT!3IE9j2vBNsB037J4duCzOt65qIQ1IttKx7Ljwx3Xegg http://allaregreen.us/

English Bibles.zip 489.1 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 14:44:45 No.87[Reply][Watc h Thread]

English Bibles.zip 489.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!UpcXyb4I!v4HAiMnpiUGFQ85S4jAdhV2zCS--O8Gbs_tu8wZajbg

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!RtdwXRoC!FyMM_zUex183rsqMEbSmeW95OLe6EAjUlZfixaVtwZI

Canada Bibles.zip 822.0 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 14:41:50 No.86[Reply][Watch Thread]

Canada Bibles.zip 822.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!B8lhlALL!I6XYvB_cUfE3mUISqtc1WgjOTqtSrAz4hotjoMvkgWA

Hebrew Interlinear Bible.zip 38.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wlM1AAII!HAiySel3dPE8y8NHUNxz667bBmI5l08NLDVaiQ9IM4I

Greek Interlinear Bible.zip 16.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!QosFHbwS!wKIWr9oTltEwqSXcDHO1qO2z6MfOWT2ezy9mWYQ3jCA

Amplified Bible.zip 8.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!YpVQmR5B!ZAjsyzNJIY1dMtAujdbFSx3fh2sb9JNihruVoLP4Uno

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!RtdwXRoC!FyMM_zUex183rsqMEbSmeW95OLe6EAjUlZfixaVtwZI

Bible Versions Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 14:22:20 No.85[Reply][Watch Thread]

Hebrew Interlinear Bible.zip 38.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wlM1AAII!HAiySel3dPE8y8NHUNxz667bBmI5l08NLDVaiQ9IM4I

Greek Interlinear Bible.zip 16.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!QosFHbwS!wKIWr9oTltEwqSXcDHO1qO2z6MfOWT2ezy9mWYQ3jCA

Amplified Bible.zip 8.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!YpVQmR5B!ZAjsyzNJIY1dMtAujdbFSx3fh2sb9JNihruVoLP4Uno

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 14:20:13 No.84[Reply][Watch Thread]

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!RtdwXRoC!FyMM_zUex183rsqMEbSmeW95OLe6EAjUlZfixaVtwZI

Philippines Bibles.zip 119.9 MB Anonymous 02/19/15 (Thu) 14:14:57 No.83[Reply][ Watch Thread]

Philippines Bibles.zip 119.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!wp9REAZD!17Muci03bqHIyvDj8xoP3JvhaRX4CDg2fYnbsLSYpPo

You Were Warned KILLCEN 02/19/15 (Thu) 08:19:05 No.82[Reply][Watch Thread]

Regardless what AT&T may call this, what their 'new patent' presents is DPI (deep-packet inspection) for all P2P traffic - and note that this just came out right before Obama's new FCC laws will take effect. http://torrentfreak.com/images/attlane3.png

This is exactly what the Chinese government does in order to block unwanted content between P2P users. Now, I may get chastised by these closet communists, and they may claim I am against what they think is 'net neutrality' but in fact I don't trust this government because they LIE. The US government has LIED befor e, they will continue to LIE while pushing their SECRET laws.

I still recommend everyone have hardcopy backups of anything you may desire because, at least for now, you still have access to it all.

Russia Bibles.zip 1.20 GB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 12:56:59 No.81[Reply][Watch Thread]

Russia Bibles.zip 1.20 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!pZtyHbzC!vre-kI111oI_4s0UHy1qULIjFh7vdRfDG0ksI0UJcQk

Indonesia Bibles.zip 2.48 GB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 12:36:54 No.80[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

Indonesia Bibles.zip 2.48 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!BZ0wHZoQ!4B13bvfM6ad_IIuX4Pw-ERjRuBm0lgOQ0QnK2ru8Xco

Africa Bibles.zip 1.01 GB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 12:16:14 No.79[Reply][Watch Thread]

Africa Bibles.zip 1.01 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!1ccxmbab!gWU7YCiL8syW67WeFCIi-iKCAwEapwVCbZMBEGW4aBo

Iran Bibles.zip 550.1 MB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 09:38:26 No.78[Reply][Watch T hread]

Iran Bibles.zip 550.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!pd80mRSD!u7rNJ4WwNuwKYTVBDDTd3Is3zY45OIi7-e0zCx6mkaQ

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB English Bibles.zip 153.3 MB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 08:25:35 No.77[Reply][Watch Thread]

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!v0tFhJrD!YTb1MTetIRSc8sUyxpzain5ynoI_g23DhHQtnrYSyzI

English Bibles.zip 153.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!fgNjSDpA!FSw1KooIm-zJIl9W_FbQ6WDKT-bC2VuBpFHl4WM7VJ8

Canada Bibles.zip 459.9 MB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 07:59:29 No.76[Reply][Watch Thread]

Canada Bibles.zip 459.9 MB

A Much More Expanded Collection, Contains The English And French Bibles Folders https://mega.co.nz/#!OlMFXaDB!koUkQgTANiewXE6ix41SINBE0N_uptS5zfcstHyIPyg

English Bibles.zip 153.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!fgNjSDpA!FSw1KooIm-zJIl9W_FbQ6WDKT-bC2VuBpFHl4WM7VJ8

French Bibles.zip 20.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!v0tFhJrD!YTb1MTetIRSc8sUyxpzain5ynoI_g23DhHQtnrYSyzI

EUROPE BIBLES COLLECTION.zip 1.57 GB Anonymous 02/16/15 (Mon) 07:20:40 No.75[Re ply][Watch Thread]

EUROPE BIBLES COLLECTION.zip 1.57 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!W1l0AD5R!wX4KibK6tmqV6ffv9GUnYPc5uzPxj656O3301DqCaYk

India Bibles.zip 1.47 GB Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 20:42:08 No.74[Reply][Watch T hread]

India Bibles.zip 1.47 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!0V1BVRIR!fSOA5mFTEv9wAjK0gqNOt58iXHV6K4SuXKsVEXr0_5o

South America Bibles.zip 2.29 GB Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 20:03:11 No.73[Reply] [Watch Thread]

South America Bibles.zip 2.29 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!kN1ABJAK!wbPaqZpN07sZDlQ1633E2_m_qLfZooP1zxc50raZp_A

USA Bibles.zip 1.07 GB Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 19:09:25 No.72[Reply][Watch Thr ead]

USA Bibles.zip 1.07 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!kJEGiYjS!xzLRq5bjaDuhAPzsw563kWIYMgzSoA5Cvv97ugqvzLU

Mexico Bibles.zip 335.2 MB Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 18:54:15 No.71[Reply][Watch Thread]

Mexico Bibles.zip 335.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!BIt1GBBD!Y1OsdWkgEVLP31FUAf8H_ZfweQQuCft9VdedNv5E-mo

Australia Bibles.zip Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 18:47:20 No.70[Reply][Watch Threa d]

Australia Bibles.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/lWp9uXsu/Australia_Bibles.html https://mega.co.nz/#!AE9VWAxB!B3I7G59Rci0PywWYcTkhzYkmhnwAFPcu8yg7eyVJWk4

Canada Bibles.zip 285.8 MB Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 18:42:52 No.69[Reply][Watch Thread]

Canada Bibles.zip 285.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!VA1lHAKD!dU2Rz6xg9Sb8_ZyTJ4PWxqHPXbY9u6lA98HlB7Fw8C4

ARAB WORLD BIBLES COLLECTION Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 18:00:17 No.68[Reply][Wat ch Thread]


Afghanistan.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/_-H43PbD/Afghanistan.html

Arabic Bible 2.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/qGxmqNwZ/Arabic_Bible_2.html

Arabic Bible.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/7D0MFonN/Arabic_Bible.html

Azerbaijan.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/UFvdVweR/Azerbaijan.html

Azeri Bible.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/qsUR8yEo/Azeri_Bible.html

Bhutan.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/7W6ueSya/Bhutan.html

Cambodia.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/KVF-tfdu/Cambodia.html

Arabic New Testament.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/e8wdhxeX/Arabic_New_Testament.html

Arabic Old Testament.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/_c0Xy-FL/Arabic_Old_Testament.html

Hebrew Bible.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/QavmOMwP/Hebrew_Bible.html

Saudi Arabia - Arabic Bible.zip http://www.2shared.com/file/6ogW7IpU/Saudi_Arabia_-_Arabic_Bible.html

UFO Books Anonymous 02/15/15 (Sun) 10:05:46 No.67[Reply][Watch Thread]

UFO Books https://www.mediafire.com/folder/9kiqezft82qf8/UFO_Books

All About the Disk Aircraft of the Third Reich - Nazi Antigravity Aerospace Craf t Weapons Development Programs http://www.mediafire.com/view/zud48m06ixtdpl6/All_About_the_Disk_Aircraft_of_the _Third_Reich_-_Nazi_Antigravity_Aerospace_Craft_Weapons_Development_Programs.pdf

Die! KILLCEN 02/14/15 (Sat) 19:34:32 No.66[Reply][Watch Thread] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-r43OpV1yA

Europe Bibles Collection.zip 561.5 MB Anonymous 02/14/15 (Sat) 11:22:07 No.65[R eply][Watch Thread]

Europe Bibles Collection.zip 561.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!egkjmbgR!GKKDGwlWNAfEFC7qHS7pA5w42Spt041WFMvSqFNFzg8

The Ultimate Bible Collection.zip 90.8 MB Anonymous 02/14/15 (Sat) 11:18:55 No. 64[Reply][Watch Thread]

The Ultimate Bible Collection.zip 90.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!6w0ThawK!_iF_7aHys83WoOeOzcSao3AQmx8aiY5-IEr0ugsaIzI

Saudi Arabia - Arabic Bible.zip 135.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Dsl0XYaI!EHW_iJtEzPmPtZ4Q7yINXFjGK_z3YSHo0GKTm40D85o

WGET TOOLS- Full Collection.zip 131.9 MB Anonymous 02/14/15 (Sat) 10:20:17 No.6 2[Reply][Watch Thread]

WGET TOOLS- Full Collection.zip 131.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!KstAUbba!kO9xEwmevNpPjlfrYqWoQ5-My90mdaVw7xhLqD1RMOc

BACKUP AND MIRROR EVERYTHING! KILLCEN 02/14/15 (Sat) 10:00:38 No.61[Reply][Watc h Thread]


In a nutshell, they want to criminalize all file sharing platforms, this includ es sharing (currently legal) software used for circumventing copywrite protection!

This could make simple use of P2P and bittorrent clients illegal, as well as software like DVD Shrink and DVDFab. Hell, they might as well criminalize most Linux operating systems too :/ Read this report below http://www.infowars.com/go-to-prison-for-sharing-files-thats-what-hollywood-want s-in-the-secret-tpp-deal/

This is one reason I will keep promoting this massive archive link below, it is a mirror of all kinds of tools (including encryption software) you can backup and use if (or when) websites become defunct for providing online utiliti es that many people use today. I would highly recommend others to contribute to thi s project as well, help mirror software that the fascists in power want to shut do wn! Here is the CRS (Censorship Resistant Software): https://mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Additional updates are being added @ mega.co.nz/#F!ENpy3RzK!uc0ynEDGsHUAo9te8yUc Lg

python urlgrabber added to CRS archives KILLCEN 02/14/15 (Sat) 03:53:11 No.60[R eply][Watch Thread] python-urlgrabber__all.tar.xz | 1.3MB https://mega.co.nz/#!oMonGRJA!YbrF_Ya0g-dFhVocvis9Qc7n7xi9Gq00r0Osfdz06bU

A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber for linux.

The Bush Family and their illuminati Rituals--data dump .zip 88.7 MB Anonymous 02/13/15 (Fri) 16:13:17 No.59[Reply][Watch Thread]

The Bush Family and their illuminati Ritualsdata dump .zip 88.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!S0NBjJYL!jNrSTI5Y5mlzTssCnCgE3lSPQeqjZpAqcHosvh-55kc

wget added to CRS archives KILLCEN 02/13/15 (Fri) 15:19:46 No.58[Reply][Watch T hread] wget -m http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/ wget__all.tar.xz | 65.1MB https://mega.co.nz/#!dZZhCKgQ!AuZ5RKkROLyYjTnRNciHSD0vsTOaDChBzdWQMqgH434

Wget is a great command line tool to mirror websites on linux systems.

Neil Bush's MASSIVE USA PEDOPHILE NETWORK.pdf 1.0 MB Anonymous 02/13/15 (Fri) 1 4:57:21 No.57[Reply][Watch Thread]

Neil Bush's MASSIVE USA PEDOPHILE NETWORK.pdf 1.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Gldz3YSZ!L3IVz7Cb_8VbWRso0B4pW9O-2_d9qd4D7b27i6elWZc

Neil Bush's MASSIVE USA PEDOPHILE NETWORK Anonymous 02/13/15 (Fri) 14:48:37 No. 56[Reply][Watch Thread]

Neil Bush's MASSIVE USA PEDOPHILE NETWORK http://www.scribd.com/doc/245053441/MASSIVE-USA-PEDOPHILE-NETWORK-pdf

Terrorists Will Nuke New York City Anonymous 02/13/15 (Fri) 14:24:21 No.55[Repl y][Watch Thread]

Terrorists Will Nuke New York City http://www.mediafire.com/?ss2dch7c055qi1h

WEBSITE BACKUP TOOLS.zip 54.4 MB Anonymous 02/12/15 (Thu) 18:51:00 No.53[Reply] [Watch Thread]

WEBSITE BACKUP TOOLS.zip 54.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!bk1XkTIC!fz__ZPbm-iFBWYtysxRXqHTT6SRgLP5AxCGGN6EJPjo

THE PLAN- WEBSITE BACKUP TOOLS Anonymous 02/12/15 (Thu) 17:54:26 No.52[Reply][W atch Thread]

OK, so I have a plan and I want everyone to consider this option below!

WEBSITE BACKUP TOOLS https://mega.co.nz/#F!KgcTxCTJ!lKi0VVoMnZyfXgXQqoNKeg

(1) We must backup EVERYTHING! Please, backup everything you need, online, now! All information/software/media you need, get it, back it all up, hardcopy!

(2) We need to have any alternative method of communication all mapped out. I am going to include pastebin software, which I am going to mirror below.

You can create alternative pastebin websites with this software, grab it now!

PASTEBIN SOFTWARE.zip | Create youre own pastebin websites!

(3) Please consider backing up ALL news websites / information archives you need !

Here is the Teleport Pro Bundle! Works for Windows XP & Windows Vista!

Teleport_Pro_Bundle.zip includes ; Teleport Pro (a decent spider but the limit i s 60,000 files each), Teleport Ultra (unlimited use) and Teleport VLX (to spider both http and https - unlimited use)

(4) Did you know anyone can create their own free file host? Yipper!

XtraUpload Backup.zip | FREE FILE HOST SOFTWARE!

XtraUpload v2 is a next generation file hosting solution, blurring the lines bet ween file hosting and ease of use. Our revolutionary flash based file uploader t echnology gets what you want done. Upload up to 500 files at once, and get links to them all on the same page. XtraUpload v2 is also pushing the envelope on ext ensibility. Built on the wonderful CodeIgniter PHP Framework, XtraUpload is full y OpenSource and extendable. The documentation is extensive, concise, and clear. Database abstraction, page caching, configurable downloads, secure file storage , secure file links, and so much more combine to create the new leader in file h osting technology, XtraUpload. Oh, and its Free.

What if people created backups with the Teleport bundle + mirrored files onto th eir own file hosts and sent links via their own alternative pastebins? We could very likely escape DPI censorship! At the very least we can have a fighting chan ce!

Here is a huge archived list of websites, the latest Web.Url.Backup!


WEBSITE BACKUP TOOLS https://mega.co.nz/#F!KgcTxCTJ!lKi0VVoMnZyfXgXQqoNKeg


AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL (ALEC) Documents Anonymous 02/11/15 (Wed) 21:02:41 No.51[Reply][Watch Thread]

AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL (ALEC) Documents.zip 2.30 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!jl13ibBS!W4n5o8e5cQn5ePAysYdbMC1hmtyvIvVYYEMvESlQbgc

SparkBangBuzz.com.rar 3.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!X4sDGJDA!9Hmnkt9i7myhC8mpr8bQiF55fj4FSdec81nLsbDc_nM

DEFCON 18.zip 355.3 MB Anonymous 02/11/15 (Wed) 19:59:54 No.50[Reply][Watch Thr ead]

DEFCON 18.zip 355.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!q5EgxALZ!Y-Eg5rze2JSel0YRjvkoXFLJOO5fiYxVl3Ry49QFgYs

DEFCON 18 TOOLS.zip 25.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!b4EgzATZ!ZoEu4drIBsc9i5mYLpzxcu342CVkQMm6HG2LA2MyaVA

SparkBangBuzz.com.zip 4.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Ooc3kRJD!Gp9jScWLCrpfkwJEnriRYgZDzP2KPTSfOOOnrZHUvvY

Homemade Electronic Components.pdf 8.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!K1dAjBYT!tglnBhqbb1HqgrsQqBehNj91Zn-E37hqY96y3gppCGY

Homemade Electronic Components.doc 14.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!Hg8GTAiC!XDoV5t8fqUQd35tO7ibPtYy2G3obanDKt6hGdIUXbDc

Censorship Resistant Software + Additional Updates KILLCEN 02/11/15 (Wed) 15:19 :01 No.49[Reply][Watch Thread]

/Censorship Resistant Software/+ Additional Updates/ NEW ARCHIVE HERE: https://mega.co.nz/#F!ENpy3RzK!uc0ynEDGsHUAo9te8yUcLg

This archive is a new additional archive for the purpose of keeping track of updated software added to /Censorship Resistant Software/

If you know of any other software that is known to (1) protect privacy and/or (2) use to counter online censorship then feel free to provide links or mirrors of that software at quickleak.org or at 8ch.net/leaked/

Censorship Resistant Software (Full Updated Archives | ZIPPED | 15.7GB) https://mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

JEB BUSHS GUBERNATORIAL EMAIL ARCHIVE Anonymous 02/11/15 (Wed) 12:26:51 No.48[Re ply][Watch Thread]

JEB BUSHS GUBERNATORIAL EMAIL ARCHIVE http://americanbridgepac.org/jeb-bushs-gubernatorial-email-archive/

HACKING TOOLS - PASTEBIN SOFTWARE.ZIP Anonymous 02/10/15 (Tue) 15:21:05 No.47[R eply][Watch Thread]

PASTEBIN SOFTWARE.ZIP 11.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ztVS2C5K!xBzrc1nxtfcMgEBxEADlO4-4uB05sKXaYnF2FEsBpNs

HACKING TOOLS https://mega.co.nz/#F!kdB2FATJ!Llx5c1XSywJ7xnWpMNMx6Q

DOXBIN FILES COLLECTIONS https://mega.co.nz/#F!hZgnmbpI!3Z3PcvM4qmkGverWkRIOsw

Sensitive Compartmented Information Anonymous 02/10/15 (Tue) 14:06:03 No.46[Rep ly][Watch Thread]

Sensitive Compartmented Information http://www.mediafire.com/?fdp2qe0tr3hig

TS-SCI.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/g2u3ziwo0wu3w6z/TS-SCI.zip

SandyHookJustice.com.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/3u6i9c8y259etlp/SandyHookJustice.com.zip

Sensitive Compartmented Information Anonymous 02/10/15 (Tue) 13:50:54 No.45[Rep ly][Watch Thread]

Sensitive Compartmented Information http://www.mediafire.com/?fdp2qe0tr3hig

TS-SCI.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/g2u3ziwo0wu3w6z/TS-SCI.zip

SandyHookJustice.com.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/3u6i9c8y259etlp/SandyHookJustice.com.zip

DEFCON and BLACKHAT Archives Anonymous 02/10/15 (Tue) 12:53:49 No.44[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

DEFCON 21 Archive.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?neixtzxh97fv68n

DOXBIN.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?6b0tsx32t7136ln

BLACKHAT ARCHIVE.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?ilc09z947muo839

USEFUL & FUN SECURITY TOOLS.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?g631pug31mdmzub

DEFCON TOOLS.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?lvgv5411t4fstwf

DEFCON 22 ARCHIVE.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?ypvemegw05iw4nr

Giganews Is an FBI operation FREE DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/?uz6n799mzppmn5e

Portable Anonymity Tools Pack.zip 119.6 MB Anonymous 02/10/15 (Tue) 12:34:55 No .43[Reply][Watch Thread]

Portable Anonymity Tools Pack.zip 119.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ad1gmYIZ!PcjFgbhrCALO1bb15iE86z1I2ua8R-dibW_GfMarego

Encryption Anonymization Volume 3.zip 283.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!LAtnSYab!5jaZ1kl_tu514TiL81f04PEW2wp7eVrR6qJPf_0XCzs

FreeAnons.Org Court Documents.zip 64.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!nYkGDR4I!icEJ8Yki--sWuN65bnipFOF1Xfgl80AXOZxYUHGjDME

The Hackers Underground Handbook.pdf 2.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!7ZsEHKZT!fKJ2RuMia1hcz0glbj8FPrczhGMYerc9TT7ZFbA9rms

ENCRYPTION TOOLS COLLECTIONS Anonymous 02/10/15 (Tue) 11:22:41 No.42[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

ENCRYPTION TOOLS COLLECTIONS http://www.mediafire.com/?d6z5da2h5tlkw

INTEL EXCHANGE WEBSITE FILES.zip 5.3 MB Anonymous 02/09/15 (Mon) 20:34:34 No.41 [Reply][Watch Thread]

INTEL EXCHANGE WEBSITE FILES.zip 5.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!y1V0HKwD!jt6X8O3X3Lyayv-BJyBlbqs6-BriPoG1sIpznIIOur0

GITMO SECRET FILES.zip 280.0 MB Anonymous 02/07/15 (Sat) 16:51:25 No.40[Reply][ Watch Thread]

GITMO SECRET FILES.zip 280.0 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!a99TkA4Y!GULrmIcsLEffrjeE9BNnDZ9s6C3N97U_7Yw-V62UktE

HELL AND ETERNAL DAMNATION VIDEOS Anonymous 02/07/15 (Sat) 15:19:35 No.39[Reply ][Watch Thread]


THE SECRET COVENANT- THE ELITES MANUAL FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT.zip 338.6 MB Anonym ous 02/07/15 (Sat) 12:28:39 No.38[Reply][Watch Thread]

THE SECRET COVENANT- THE ELITES MANUAL FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT.zip 338.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!j1UERTiD!q2tqrz2ysvM5WVHjpmnmBAvHg6a44Gf2ANZUOuzQIf4

MeowBit, the all-browser Anti-Censorship, Anti-Hijacking Dot-Bit Free Software f or Windows Anonymous 02/07/15 (Sat) 12:16:05 No.37[Reply][Watch Thread]

MeowBit, the all-browser Anti-Censorship, Anti-Hijacking Dot-Bit Free Software f or Windows https://mega.co.nz/#!W4FRhTzZ!OdqmsUFXUwA92OGXqkyYlfgtpMzldphXufIr3AKQLSw

Censorship Resistant Software Archives Updated and Expanded! KILLCEN 02/07/15 ( Sat) 08:03:52 No.36[Reply][Watch Thread]

Censorship Resistant Software (Full Updated Archives | ZIPPED | 15.7GB) https://mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ

Following listed archives included:

Bitcoin Darkmarket.zip | 452.6MB https://mega.co.nz/#!VJZyyRKZ!HauGiRAaDkUEt0ZQfNoZ0yhgeiGkU5aQ4W4bBtnxKRE

Bit Torrent Backup.zip | 3.60GB https://mega.co.nz/#!gExG2YZY!RUxEJb1h5lv2GFXDOm9jnhy8rsm7ZPPv0m2-T0p3doU

Censorship Resistant Operating Systems.zip | 2.89GB https://mega.co.nz/#!oMh1iD5J!Mo8n5pVi08B9DQTErpxzWSg1U9QuXrTsid6YDcG8T10

Censorship Resistant Protocols.zip | 6.1MB https://mega.co.nz/#!VJ4mlJYS!qa6EZtKEQMheItMWC0B8hdFvpLuJscB-3Cg2Vnl7-XQ

Censorship Resistant XPIs.zip | 55.1MB https://mega.co.nz/#!FMgFDARb!8ZcX5I0tYVXW-qpqdWZrVOFDUnP1UpB93Lyg3PGKP88

Decentralized P2P Clients.zip | 434.4MB https://mega.co.nz/#!gYoCmJgR!eZXZ0tR99bX_M85ys8G-rXL5hRlliUF64HSL9yiJTKk

Deepweb Software.zip | 611.9MB https://mega.co.nz/#!UYZzXRyT!oSXyydad25jO-0wfVUbH2CBjjh8VsB2vdUMMceCtyDw

Encryption, Recovery and Portable Anonymity.zip | 3.16GB https://mega.co.nz/#!ZAZR3Bib!AtX1jTbHKFACuPHCG6Q9iypffIAX5dq9QTcgPiOlUM8

Torrent Clients.zip | 492.3MB https://mega.co.nz/#!NEpn0KIL!4YcC5BD9W2ZlGq9k_aM7a35iAJHQj4wJJNFagj00jZM

World Wide Web.zip | 3.01GB https://mega.co.nz/#!xBYAxKqI!q2fuAaBaoMcRtsEcBmof587MoHtkROVkMSn2j85SQk4

These updated archives include loads more software and tools to counter online c ensorship than the recent archives released in December of 2014! The Alpha release contain ed around ~6GB total - this new Beta release contains around ~16GB total! This release con tains tools used by Russian and Chinese people to counter censorship (DPI) as well. It also contains a brand new archive with three seperate Operating Systems used by people around th e world to access the internet during times of crisis!

Download the full Beta compression with all the archives here:

Censorship Resistant Software.tar.gz | 14.66GB https://mega.co.nz/#!gdI03CDK!YnLiP4cUdLPa__62TG5LwEP1zoAEndvOyBxD1eLlWIE

BRITAM DEFENSE DATA LEAKED FILES.zip 218.6 MB Anonymous 02/06/15 (Fri) 11:59:54 No.35[Reply][Watch Thread]

BRITAM DEFENSE DATA LEAKED FILES.zip 218.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!roNkwKKT!NuEEHN8B0nvh4cM52fzhr2yY667crzX-tlTlJCekhpM

SUPPRESSED ARTICLES Anonymous 02/06/15 (Fri) 11:28:35 No.34[Reply][Watch Thread ]

SUPPRESSED ARTICLES.zip 282.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!m99WyKLD!NWi400RM2YM0pnd6qRSM46E-X0mEkLUz30FXlIBy8d4

SUPPRESSED ARTICLES.rar 279.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!H89n1BST!w23s7gDZDXkecBJSVXEs6b2mWoyyfF0cBzkTUcjL-Mc

Thunder Cloud Encryption - FEB 13 2015 KILLCEN 02/05/15 (Thu) 20:05:16 No.33[Re ply][Watch Thread]

Thunder Cloud Encryption - FEB 13 2015 http://mythundercloud.com/ | The ountdown has begun!

Launches Feb 13 2015 sign up for the beta test!

Brand new cryptographic scheme - 1,000,000,000 byte encryption!

Learn more (start at 24:05) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYXNtXT7v7Y

Github Compilation of Snowden Documents KILLCEN 02/05/15 (Thu) 09:56:32 No.32[R eply][Watch Thread]

Compilation of Snowden Documents - January 30, 2015 https://github.com/nsa-observer/documents/archive/master.zip https://github.com/nsa-observer/documents/tree/master/files/pdf

Hell yah! Great for security and counter-spying research.

Two Major Unexpected Events To Unfold In 2015 Warns Insider KILLCEN 02/02/15 (M on) 13:57:27 No.31[Reply][Watch Thread]

Here is a must read:

Two Major Unexpected Events To Unfold In 2015 Warns Insider https://www.quickleak.org/Ke96BCkE

TESLA ETHER TECHNOLOGY Anonymous 01/30/15 (Fri) 17:12:40 No.30[Reply][Watch Thr ead]

TESLA ETHER TECHNOLOGY https://mega.co.nz/#F!HMkxGJwL!pK3vBEJcOKBj9Wqyn4SH5w

ENCRYPTION TOOLS COLLECTIONS Anonymous 01/27/15 (Tue) 14:14:23 No.29[Reply][Wat ch Thread]

ENCRYPTION TOOLS COLLECTIONS https://mega.co.nz/#F!HFVQhCKD!_T7Gz5h6y-G51iqpvRse3g

Encryption.zip 1.06 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!6IlxWCSQ!EA_tQ0u1rAmEaD4ThAyXRFT2WzoMbrDr7N7Hg3V2Mkw

Portable Anonymity Tools Pack-zip 119.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ad1gmYIZ!PcjFgbhrCALO1bb15iE86z1I2ua8R-dibW_GfMarego

Encryption Anonymization Volume 3-zip 283.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!LAtnSYab!5jaZ1kl_tu514TiL81f04PEW2wp7eVrR6qJPf_0XCzs

Mixmaster That Allows RSA Keys of 4096 Bits-zip 3.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!fQkziALK!e1BduOqjzR_P4zfT07yxdTdyAVhFt7oqrQWHpkd4l40

USEFUL & FUN SECURITY TOOLS.zip 342.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!KQMxXIKR!JA1EQeRDhINCwjVmIa63kM2X9V-fXyBwJVvr-PLbPW0

TRUE CRYPT Tools.zip 899.1 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!OJkHGYgK!-sMCeDQk1zmuiy_NRbw0bNFEjf5FSl9WfZQn1NRiAd8

STEGANOGRPAHY TOOLS.zip 3.05 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!LUcBTLhR!zi3O9Ja7ke0ZWBQK3xV65LoLbghJcCExQQWmqVNzIoo

FreeSpeechMe -- Namecoin-based Anti-Censorship Kit.zip 30.6 MB Anonymous 01/26/ 15 (Mon) 11:08:48 No.28[Reply][Watch Thread]

FreeSpeechMe Namecoin-based Anti-Censorship Kit.zip 30.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!bNEXFbgD!TukelxYVO-IbChyHumDzS4JbEm74mOz2XWeMINILNns

FreeSpeechMe Namecoin-based Anti-Censorship Kit.rar 30.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!eFswjKbD!LxAWNpdR5TG3GA26183X2-Ku8lpQy1qTvXp2LCh5Tlc

Mixmaster That Allows RSA Keys of 4096 Bits.zip 3.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!fQkziALK!e1BduOqjzR_P4zfT07yxdTdyAVhFt7oqrQWHpkd4l40

Mixmaster That Allows RSA Keys of 4096 Bits.rar 3.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!SBtwyLbI!eHPccnNPkoofmBRwQbBl9a6vOhFfus1yQmnQvQiC634

Illuminati - the Vatican full of Illuminati.zip 37.6 MB Anonymous 01/26/15 (Mon) 10:46:54 No.27[Reply][Watch Thread]

Illuminati - the Vatican full of Illuminati.zip 37.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!vcF1DRiS!TQ49WKn2MhJSYVWr-4aco--HfFPwRzFSS-kXa24jI4k

DELETED YOUTUBE VIDEOS COLLECTIONS Anonymous 01/26/15 (Mon) 08:55:57 No.26[Repl y][Watch Thread]

DELETED YOUTUBE VIDEOS COLLECTIONS https://mega.co.nz/#F!qR0yRIzb!zcm0G1gIw-EVq7DOgVaJyQ

Citizenfour Snowden Documentary Anonymous 01/25/15 (Sun) 18:33:01 No.25[Reply][ Watch Thread]

Citizenfour Snowden Documentary (7-Zipped MP4)

FREE DOWNLOAD!!! http://www.cryptome.org/Citizenfour.7z

COLD FUSION RESOURCES Anonymous 01/25/15 (Sun) 17:07:55 No.24[Reply][Watch Thre ad]

COLD FUSION RESOURCES https://mega.co.nz/#F!uc0BHTjD!rfK-EX7aaG49uPtnUeV9AQ

Acoustic Cavitation.zip 7.6 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!XN8DnJgY!w3wx3hDZF-q6wiM66C7qqeYNx6hDoKmKxxY_ljviJkY

Bubblegate.zip 38.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!rFsWzAZQ!5kmUNQ_Nd05oWXtgh6OYAZozZL5TbotxmeGCb-tsE1U

Cold Fusion Papers.zip 643.2 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!7cdxVKjL!10GUTbNXgHEUTftUyfWzh8Bw3L-MHRGE6NSud8HKRro

EPRI LENL Archives.zip 196.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!eU0AzbKB!URs2EtHGcI2HZzOE78rw2R2L25xENXLIQJk3d9ZwI7k

Fusion Facts.zip 76.7 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!XFVVQKoA!GKAUeChfN6KphI6vaoE4dAuP5eMl2AziVPaeb8JX1Rs

Fusion Information Center Selected Tours.zip 28.4 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!ucEFgChb!gpWi-C2H7uixGoI1It7SavDssyciKu2q7qzKK1UoQtM

Hutchison Effect Barium Titanate.zip 38.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!DVtAxYBC!3VuJ-24V3uOpzbRvbbDVcFqVqIFL_-5ISBRsGQV5JAs

ICCF and LENR Proceedings.zip 319.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!LVMx1JaR!F5qBn2z2InymcdsuwFk5wVsM5dnLl__cCb9zcuNSOSQ

Journal of New Energy.zip 36.9 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!uUMBTJxK!XszzbAuYsHow2PLGpP-Zjw6GLcd_v0e2zUSMG8Pazn0

New Energy News.zip 72.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!fZkACLja!GZ2qTW63s_upJxBPRVEukQ8LAB-OYQVUsz26lutPxjE

Various Electro Guides.zip 33.8 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!nIFEDBaQ!vf-GSVr69kNrjYuowzwgCoprkeU7hqbWNxA2zAUQBLU

STRATFOR ARCHIVE-zip 3.40 GB Anonymous 01/23/15 (Fri) 19:09:11 No.23[Rep ly][Watch Thread]

STRATFOR EMAILS ARCHIVE-zip 3.40 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!6F9GxbjQ!zHZt0pw-_29Nhk_nMJIEFeL-1SZIF5oD7szhTeghYrw


Who Is Ultimately Behind the Mass Death and Destruction Coming to America.pdf 66 4 KB Anonymous 01/22/15 (Thu) 10:56:05 No.22[Reply][Watch Thread]

Who Is Ultimately Behind the Mass Death and Destruction Coming to America.pdf 66 4 KB https://mega.co.nz/#!nAclkA5Z!pBFFccJyFwGp1Ol5gAT0s8LHb6bBmK7qqgWDNIj-N6k

Who Is Ultimately Behind the Mass Death and Destruction Coming to America.docx 5 00 KB https://mega.co.nz/#!2AtRwTDR!SuprSbuOJgLGIZ1JlscgKeUBvpMgsfH14iY2WK0u5lA

AREA 51 PHOTOS MEGA COLECTION.zip 257.4 MB Anonymous 01/21/15 (Wed) 16:02:17 No .21[Reply][Watch Thread]


DOWNLOAD NOW!!! https://mega.co.nz/#!XMEQ0J7B!7BGdoBZ-JBEmvL1V_-4N53HJVWOXgI_K-u9NUYy6pBw

HACKING RESOURCES - 100s of tools, books & more DOWNLOAD NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Ano nymous 01/20/15 (Tue) 15:39:07 No.20[Reply][Watch Thread]

HACKING RESOURCES - 100s of tools, books & more

DOWNLOAD NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! https://mega.co.nz/#F!yRFHDJaC!OHo1VTzMVxMg2jjLUiF0Wg https://mega.co.nz/#F!CwB02RLB!JKKOjxpC8xRyGUx3T9rtpQ https://mega.co.nz/#F!URJATKAJ!NflN1AtxgGBmQPnYBfhoig

FreeAnons.Org Court Documents.zip 64.7 MB FREE DOWNLOAD!!! https://mega.co.nz/#! nYkGDR4I!icEJ8Yki- Anonymous 01/20/15 (Tue) 13:28:09 No.19[Reply][Watch Thread]

FreeAnons.Org Court Documents.zip 64.7 MB

FREE DOWNLOAD!!! https://mega.co.nz/#!nYkGDR4I!icEJ8Yki--sWuN65bnipFOF1Xfgl80AXOZxYUHGjDME

#AntiSec US Navy and USAF Leaks Anonymous 01/20/15 (Tue) 10:20:55 No.18[Reply][ Watch Thread]

US Navy - navy.tar.gz 20.4 MB - link: https://mega.co.nz/#!RsIjRLpR!T3iCI5epbOkPLMmIt1KnyDD231cjvWNMOIAMxgXRvtE

US Air Force This is a large folder= 83.7GB - af.mil-USAirForce.tar.gz 675.9 MB - link: https://mega.co.nz/#!0lZk0SiQ!mNrZP9TymnCuW-ARTgcVxBINCqWa728wzATxbxIejPA

HOW TO KILL DRONE AIRCRAFT--TECHNICAL FILES.zip 49.5 MB Anonymous 01/17/15 (Sat) 15:30:44 No.17[Reply][Watch Thread]

HOW TO KILL DRONE AIRCRAFTTECHNICAL FILES.zip 49.5 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!rclSiZIb!_bETxwWE10qslvmNKASzxh28KKHsfGNhiG96xaNU7_8

HOW TO KILL DRONE AIRCRAFTTECHNICAL FILES.rar 48.3 MB https://mega.co.nz/#!yZsGhARQ!v_yJV7MCD-UrpZ6ITdT3a3kIgdfxJxuKgdJsg_fB6sI

TR-3B ASTRA DOCUMENTS AND VIDEOS.zip 1.45 GB Anonymous 01/17/15 (Sat) 13:58:43 No.16[Reply][Watch Thread]

TR-3B ASTRA DOCUMENTS AND VIDEOS.zip 1.45 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!WAUQVZhB!rtWlyaBeAbXjH7ApuIx6IBKvS-9burCj8gJwyAYBuU0

TR-3B ASTRA DOCUMENTS AND VIDEOS.7z 1.41 GB Anonymous 01/17/15 (Sat) 12:40:54 N o.15[Reply][Watch Thread]

TR-3B ASTRA DOCUMENTS AND VIDEOS.7z 1.41 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!CElGXTIL!GH2ZxNpIXOHsVPlFXgOZVaMMv0WE5P8vtxddvi0nF0M

THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x2 KILLCEN 01/17/15 (Sat) 08:35:17 No.14[Reply][Watch Threa d]

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x2): https://mega.co.nz/#F!k8FwnbjZ!mbYUgb47Oh5xS4Z6HoInqw

A special bundle has been uploaded, the JonDo bundle. This bundle contains the following: JonDo proxy tool, JonDoConsole, JonDoFox (JonDo for Mozilla Firefox), and the JonDo OS (linux operating system). JonDo tools are used to counter censorship as well to protect privacy. These tools re-route you through different proxies, and other proxies you can set up manually. Download this bundle here: https://mega.co.nz/#!kg1jEYQI!vFotjYoq8yLoOSE5CT3dZJC3RN__j0EC3tHj1mO6inQ

Enjoy, and download while you still can! Global internet censorship is coming soon! Backup Everything! - KILLCEN

Project PM Files by Barrett Brown-zip 25.8 MB FREE DOWNLOAD!!! Anonymous 01/16/ 15 (Fri) 17:14:32 No.13[Reply][Watch Thread]

Project PM Files by Barrett Brown-zip 25.8 MB

FREE DOWNLOAD!!! https://mega.co.nz/#!jY0X1QJC!ggmeDONSmX7Lcl9kaYScjSBMF1QpZOCQNEGM6JPFwHs

Project PM Files by Barrett Brown.zip 25.8 MB

FREE DOWNLOAD!!! https://mega.co.nz/#!jY0X1QJC!ggmeDONSmX7Lcl9kaYScjSBMF1QpZOCQNEGM6JPFwHs

INTERNET CENSORSHIP RESISTANT SOFTWARE -- Download It Now!!!!!!! Anonymous 01/1 5/15 (Thu) 16:39:48 No.11[Reply][Watch Thread]



Censorship Resistant Software.zip 5.81 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!ZhFW3Q6T!73UX02PzLt-O7VDipUhfcbrI2dAVoi9Ho5nntwOQ8qw

Censorship Resistant Software.tar 5.92 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!YsdRjRiA!5VzDFhOJ93VsXajU0alt9WqDKhbTiVOd21CorH2pKTc

Censorship Resistant Software.rar 5.76 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!41033BaS!KfUgcnQXBnP_2xHfV6PAB6kDZ4vMvzYrD73enfcMAF4

SOFTWARE_BUNDLES.zip 2.86 GB https://mega.co.nz/#!h4F1ABzQ!PndXTmJ4hFB9-9K2DTmjVvtxD33ccFRY6oeJiwA2NwE

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DOWNLOAD THE NEW PIRATESNOOP BROWSER! Anonymous 01/15/15 (Thu) 16:28:30 No.10[R eply][Watch Thread]

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THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x1 -- FREE Operating Systems Mirrored to MEGA DesertDrifter 01/15/15 (Thu) 14:30:44 No.9[Reply][Watch Thread]

THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x1 FREE Operating Systems Mirrored to MEGA

FREE Operating Systems (THE LINUX CAVE No. 0x1): https://mega.co.nz/#F!nx40FbaD!EvMiNqWG3IwOqVk-IP_5cQ

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SURVIVE AND THRIVE! DOWNLOAD THE MASSIVE ARCHIVE! DesertDrifter 01/15/15 (Thu) 14:25:47 No.8[Reply][Watch Thread]


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When SHTF, you not only have to survive the chaos around you - you'll also have to do you're part in re-building society!

CIVIL WAR TOOLS DesertDrifter 01/15/15 (Thu) 13:46:24 No.7[Reply][Watch Thread]

CIVIL WAR TOOLS http://www.4shared.com/folder/WAK1Uq3Z/CIVIL_WAR_TOOLS.html

Civil War Tools.7z http://www.4shared.com/archive/8yQkKwACce/Civil_War_Tools.html

Civil war Tools.zip http://www.4shared.com/zip/_8CPFccBce/Civil_war_Tools.html

WORLD LANGUAGES BIBLES DesertDrifter 01/15/15 (Thu) 13:43:39 No.6[Reply][Watch Thread]


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CHRISTIAN BOOKS DOWNLOADS DesertDrifter 01/15/15 (Thu) 13:35:45 No.4[Reply][Wat ch Thread]



MEGA Christian Book Collection EPUB http://www.mediafire.com/folder/kwvy1vcufecj3/MEGA_Christian_Book_Collection_EPU B

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Recover Data and Video Footage That Was Deleted By The Police-zip-rar DesertDrif ter 01/15/15 (Thu) 13:30:15 No.3[Reply][Watch Thread]

Recover Data and Video Footage That Was Deleted By The Police-zip-rar

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NWO WARNINGS http://www.mediafire.com/?kqccr1a45so3c Dr. John Coleman- The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 https://www.mediafire.com/?e6au4c4us8st9k1 Dr. John Coleman-The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300-(1992) https://www.mediafire.com/?nzvvvmfz8zjkz5b FLASHBACK! A Must Read Warning From 2014! You Are Seeing This All Unfold NOW! https://www.mediafire.com/?l8mkhi0qwin3mnb Ex-CIA Jim Garrow- Planned Coup Against America.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?9ettx5c6tybfabv RUSSIAN SUBVERSION OF THE USA FINAL PHASE.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?3m7qhjwxfa3p3za

THEY ARE FREAKING IMPORTING AN ARMY!!! ARAB ARMIES FORMING INSIDE AMERICA.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?h6mdkb9zanpkzzv Known CIA Agent Leaks Startling Top-Secret InfoTERRORIST ARMIES Pouring Into USA Right Now Preparing For WAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PkYJFYVqiw Tosh Plumlee, former CIA Agent, reveals startling information about our nation, and our government! This is jaw-dropping information that we are definitely not supposed to know about! He discusses covert operations, including whats really go ing on at the border and why we are being distracted! He also reveals information about drug cartels and government involvement, (coming martial lawnext week, in p art two), and the fact that Muslim terrorists are walking straight into our coun try, and a lot of them! While theyre looking the other way at a created diversion, the terrorists slip ri ght across the border! Then, they infiltrate and quietly set up safe houses in m ajor cities! These people from the Middle East and South Africa have a plan, and we dont even know what they are doing! We are wide openliterally sitting duckswhil e they are building an entire army inside of the USA! Some of these things have been going on since the 1950's, but its only gotten wor se, and the deception has grown much thicker. Folks, this is a must-hear! I urge you to listen to every bit of the below video and share this post! I promise th at you will be completely blown away! These bones have been buried, but now they are starting to come out! Theres old op eratives that are starting to talk about some of the operations that they were i nvolved with that coincide and prove what I am telling you today! Tosh Plumlee ARAB ARMIES FORMING INSIDE AMERICA.zip https://www.mediafire.com/?h6mdkb9zanpkzzv