The Fleming of art comes alive for students. says Manager of Collections and A group of students gathers in the Exhibitions Margaret Tamulonis, who Fleming’s seminar room for their class, co-teaches many of these courses. “Exploring Art and Culture Through “Often, students come from a the Fleming Museum. ” This is just one variety of majors, which brings a rich of a number of project-based courses mixture of viewpoints. I’ve witnessed that combine classroom learning with amazing discussions and passionate researching and curating an original conversations as students present and exhibition at the Fleming Museum. then have to defend their ideas. That’s “It’s incredible to watch students experience that will help them in the go through these experiences,” real world and throughout their lives.” Investing in UVM’s Cultural Treasure

When the Fleming Museum opened university as well as a ready public on UVM’s campus in 1931, the forum for faculty members to speak Free Press hailed it as “a practical place about the museum’s collections and of learning — a vibrant, ongoing exhibitions from the perspective of educational institution for both their disciplines. children and adults.” That mission has Through The Campaign for The been constant over the past 80-plus , alumni, friends years: The Fleming serves as a bridge and community members are invited between the community and the to invest in this cultural treasure. With intellectual, cultural and artistic riches campaign support, the Fleming will of the university. strengthen its collection, acquiring Today, the museum houses pieces to augment strategic areas; Vermont’s most comprehensive expand support for exhibitions that will collection of art and anthropological present world-class art and attract ever artifacts from cultures around the more diverse audiences to the museum; world. The Fleming provides a and strengthen programs that serve as dynamic link between its permanent a gateway for active cultural exchange collection and curriculum at the and critical thinking. Join us. “THIS IS WHERE we promote art appreciation in the next generation. K–12 schools in Vermont are looking to engage in more hands-on learning outside the classroom. The Fleming, as an academic museum at the state’s flagship university, plays a special role. We help schools create more of these opportunities, while providing teaching experience for UVM’s Art students. We’re dedicated to making the gift of art available to as many people as possible.”

— Christina Fearon is the Fleming’s curator of education and public programs.

Endowed Curatorships: academic and public outreach mission. a Green and Gold Curatorship of $3.25 million Our hope is to add an endowed Education and Public Programs would The Fleming presents a tremendous curatorship for academic programs expand educational efforts beyond amount of programming with a to work with faculty across the campus borders into the community very lean staff. The campaign gives university on enriching their courses and K–12 schools statewide. the museum the opportunity to by incorporating art and cultural invest in staff in order to grow its objects into their teaching. In addition, Collection & Exhibition Support: $1.5 million The Fleming’s collection is unrivaled in northern New England. In addition, the museum’s holdings in Native American artifacts, South African and Pre- Columbian ceramics are world-class. Through the campaign, our hope is to create an endowed fund for exhibitions, which would allow staff to pursue new ideas for displaying objects from the permanent accessible in two distinct ways. First, collection as well as bring important it will expand the online collections traveling exhibits to the museum. initiative — a comprehensive website 25,000 A collections and acquisition where visitors can explore the 95 The Fleming’s collection includes 25,000 objects from cultures worldwide. endowment would enable the Fleming percent of the collection housed to expand collections to strengthen in storage. Second, the Fleming its academic collaborations as well as will broaden marketing efforts to ensure care and preservation of the increase awareness of its rich cultural permanent collection. offerings and heighten its profile as an outstanding, innovative museum in Community Engagement: northern New England. $400,000 The most exciting university art collection has little value if it’s not accessible to students, faculty and community members. Through the campaign, the Fleming will invest in making its collection more No other museum in the state of opportunity to strengthen its mission For more details about any of these Vermont has the breadth and diversity as an essential learning resource for giving opportunities, contact: of the Fleming Museum of Art. Its The University of Vermont and as a rich collection of art and cultural promoter of cultural exchange and The University of Vermont Foundation objects, changing exhibitions, and critical thinking in our communities. 411 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 programming define the Fleming as To make this a reality, we need 802-656-2010 | [email protected] an extraordinary place for learning and your help. Join us in this campaign discovery, both for the campus and to expand our diverse collection, the community beyond. dynamic exhibition schedule and Move Mountains: The Campaign innovative educational programming. for The University of Vermont presents Your generosity will allow people of all the Fleming with an extraordinary ages to discover the and cultures of the world right here in Burlington. Together, we will move mountains.

Move Mountains: The Campaign for The University of Vermont

The time has come for UVM to assert our position as one of the nation’s best public research universities. Move Mountains: The Campaign for The University of Vermont nurtures a culture of excellence and value and supports new opportunities for research, academic success and learning beyond the classroom. We will raise $500 million in private support to ensure that UVM is where we indeed move mountains — through the students we educate, the discoveries we make and the positive impact we have on Vermont and the world.

The University of Vermont Foundation 411 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 802-656-2010