As suggestedby BelovedAscended l\ftr ster El BelovedAscended Master Saint Germain TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUNDAY-FirstRay...... 1

MONDAY-SecondRav...... 6

TUESDAY-ThirdRay...... 12

WEDNESDAY-FourthRay...... 18

THURSDAY-F|fthRav...... 24

FRIDAY-SixthRay.... .,...... 29

SATURDAY-SeventhRav...... 36 PREFACE

"Each day of the week is devotedto the outpouringof the Great Elohim,Archangels and Chohansof one of the .This booklet is presentedto co-ordinatethe daily meditations of the entire studentbody. lt carriesThe Words of the AscendedBeings and meditationssuitable for each day. lt has purposelybeen made small enoughto carryin the chela'shandbag or pocket. It is beautifuland encouragingto know that all over the world,the blessedchelas are usingthe same meditations,thus strengtheningthe world prayer force in blessingto and His Divine Messengers,as well as to the dear Earthand all lifethereon. It is our greatdesire that chelaswill enjoy participationin this worldwidemeditation." ThomasPrintz,(Beloved El Morya)Editor (1956) NOTE:Since receiving the informationfor this booklet,there have been changesin some of the Chohans,so this Daily Mediationbooklet has been revisedto includethe new information. FOREWORD

Eversince the beginningof time,man has hadavailable to himcertain beneficial Radiations whichplay uponthe Earthat specificintervals, calledcycles. Beneficial Radiations provide the necessaryspiritual nourishmentfor man to progress beyond the consciousnessof the masses. Jesus referred to this type of nourishmentwhen he said he had "foodtb eat menknew not of." The belovedSun-God said that knowing about and accepting a certainspecific radiationis a powerthat can raise an individual in one embodiment, whereasit maytake a thousandembodiments to accomplishthe Ascension through self- effort. How can we partakeof this spiritual nourishment?We partakeof it, by invitingand acceptingthe outpouringfor a particularcycle of time.Through the magneticpower of thought, we availourselves of specific,beneficial streams of concentratedenergy. This way we become magnetizingand radiatingcenters, blessing all mankind. An exampleof a beneficialradiation is the weekly cycle, each day incorporating the outpouringof a particularGod-virtue. Each day brings its own particularblessing of radiation, which the atmosphereabsorbs, causing all the people to automaticallybreathe in the God- qualityof the day. Besidesgiving attention to the Elohim,Archangel and Chohanwho is in charge of the Radiation of a particularday, it helps greatlyto wear clothingof the of the day. This keeps the outer mind reminded of the opportunities at hand and it serves as an acknowledgmentthat the Mastermay use you as an outpostto blessall mankind. DAILY MEDITATION 1 SUNDAY_FIRST RAY: AND CRYSTALFLAMES OF STRENGTH,POWER, PROTECTION, AND THE WILL OF GOD 1. BelovedPresence of God "l AM" within my heart, I love and adore You! I summon You forth to blaze the Crystal and Blue Flamesthrough me and see that God'sWill is made manifest in all I do this day. I now realize that within my own heart is God's Divine Plan for me and also the way and means of bringingit into outer manifestation.I now enterthe SILENCEand listenand I know the perfectthing to do. As I hold my attention upon the DivinePlan, I bringit intoform. I AM the Faith in The A|I-POWEROF GOD to Direct me, Protectme, lllumineme, Heal me, Supply me, Sustain me and do whateverI requireto havedone. 2 .BELOVED EL MORYA:"Measure well the visionthat comes to you from all life. 2 DAILY MEDITATIONS

That which Raises,that which Unifies,that which Frees,that which turns the consciousnessback to God is GOOD! That is The Witl of God! you need no measure,you need no external advisor." 3. BELOVED MORYA and LADY MlRlAM, I Love, Bless,and Thank you for your serviceto me and to all mankind.Enfold me now in the Blue Flame of Your Love and let me feel Your Strength and Power to receive the God- ideasand bringthem into outer manifestationfor the Blessingof my fellowman!Help me to say to my Beloved God Presence:"Not my will, but Thine be done!"Help me to feel and understand Your llluminedobedience to that Will. your SpiritualHumility before the Love of God, and Your Respectfor God and His Representatives and the Presence of God within each human Heart! 4. THE GREATARCHANGEL MICHAEL Archangel of Protectionand Defender of the Faith (who works 22 out of 24 hours in the astral realm, removingmankind's misqualified energy) says: DALYMEDIATIONS

"Throughthe Lightof My heartand your Heart, We create for you, through this appearanceworld NOW, a pathwayof Love, Peace,Comfort, Opulence, lllumination and Well- being-physical,mental, emotional, and spiritual. Will you FEELthe Lightof your Heartcreating this pathbefore you as you leaveyour room each morningand WALK lN THE WAY OF THE ANGELS?'

5. BELOVEDARCHANGEL MICHAEL and ARCHAIIFAfTH, I love, bless and thank You for Your MightyService to me,to ALL mankind, and to our Earthfor so long! ThankYou for sendingYour Angels of Protectionto enfoldme andmy lovedones and all constructive people on the .CUT US FREE!from the thoughtsand feelingsthat are not God'slmmaculate Concept for us.We ThankYou

6.THE GREAT ELOHIM HERCULES: "Areyou contentwith whatyou are - what you manifesttoday? 4 DAILYMEDITATIONS

Are you contentwith half a loaf when you could have a full one? Are you content to live in limitationsand bodies of decay? IT lS WHAT YOU WILL THATYOU MANTFEST!Oh, Betoved studentsof Light,upon your foreheadBlazes the Flame of Hercules.Remember each morning and acknowledgelt beforeyou proceedinto the activitiesof the outerworld and WILL to become thatwhich God intends! "RememberingHercules as you move forward,please do not acceptsuch limitationsin your individualselves when you know that lT ONLY REQUIRESTHE EXERCISEOF THEWILL WITHIN YOU to draw forth ALL THAT yOU REQUIRE!''

7. BELOVEDHERCULES & AMMON, I Love, Bless and Thank you for your Great Serviceto our Earthand all upon it. Chargeeach one of my bodies-physical,etheric, mental and emotional-with the STRENGTH OF HERCULES,and the Power of your Love that givesme InvincibleProtection at all times!Thank you. DAILYMEDITATIONS 5

MIGHTYIAM PRESENCE,in the Nameof Hercules,I WILLTO BE GOD-FREEin my mind, feelings,body, finances, world and affairs.I WILL TO BE GOD-MASTER!I WILL TO BE GOD INCARNATE! 6 DAILYMEDITATIONS


1 MY BELOVED I AM PRESENCE,I Love and Adore You! | summon forth the Golden Flame of Wisdom,Perception, lllumination and Discriminationto enfold me this day. "l AM" GOD'S WISDOM, PERCEPTION. ILLUMINATIONand DISCRIMINATION, directing mein allI do. I now realizethat ALIVE within my physical bodyis the ILLUMINATIONand INTELLIGENCE of my outer consciousness.I now realizethat thereis onlyONE POWER,GOD WITHIN MY OWN HEART,and that POWERACTS for me accordingto my DAILY APPLICATIONand FAITHin it.

2. BELOVEDASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI (Kuthumiwas former Chohan of theSecond Ray, World Teacher with Jesus, and now World Teacherwith Lord Lanto) says: "BelovedHearts, do not strainto go somewhere to findThe Presenceof God.STAND STILL, and in the Peaceof yourown feeling world OPEN DAILYMEDITATIONS

YOUREYES and realizethe MajesticPower of Godthat is yourheartbeat, and let That Nature of Divinity,blazing through your flesh, bear witness to the convictionin yourfeeling world of theALL- POWERof TheLove and The Presence of God. "Will you do one thing for me? Every morning, thinking on the Nature of Your Presence,the Power of Your Presence,the Masteryof YourPresence, contemplate lt quietly for a moment;then will you pleasego furtherand TRYTO BETHAT PRESENCE for just HALFAN HOUR!This is whatI ask of the lifestreamswho desireto serve Us, and watch for the worm of spiritualpride that so often,in the centerof the Beautiful Flower of your spirituality,would destroylts Perfection." There is no way for the Great Brotherhoodto reachthe outer consciousness of the mankindof Earth, except throughsome membersof the humanrace. We mustuse your lips, your bodiesand your consciousness,to conveythe patternand planfor the New Era to themasses. 8 DALY MEDITATIONS

The greatest individualservice you can render Us is to purifyand harmonizeyour own vehicles and to give Us the Freedomthrough you (by the Powerof Radiation)to reachmankind. You, who are to be the teachersof this age, who are to represent The Master Saint Germain,to be the shepherdsof the race, must develop dexterity of thought and control of feeling,coupling the most eloquentpresentation of the Law with a spiritualapplication which stirs the heartcenters and the spiritualcenters."

3. BELOVEDKUTHUMI, I Love, Bless, and thank You for Your Great Serviceto me and to all mankind.Let Your Wisdom, Peace and UnderstandingHeart enfold me that I may alwaysbe able to understandmy fellowmanand give him the helpthat he requiresmost. Teach me the discriminationrequired to recognizethe HighestTruth. DAILYMEDITATIONS 9 4. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER LANTO, now World Teacher with BelovedLord Kuthumi,formerly Chohan of the Second Ray, and Hierarchat the RockyMountain Retreat: "ln your new-foundservice, you oftenfeel the ingratitudeand indifferenceof mankind,and sometimesyou weary of well-doing.So often,as We stand in your atmosphere,do We sense discouragement.Then you will pleaseremember those of Us who have spent millionsof years in such service, millions of years in Loving, and Blessingand placingOur Faith and Confidence in you? Realizingthis, you will enjoy giving a balance back to Life by having the same confidencein, the same patiencewith and the samefaith in yourfellow-man."

5 BELOVED LANTO, I love, bless and thank You for your serviceto our Earth.Help us all to have that great REVERENCEFOR ALL LIFE whichYou have,and the Lovethat helpsto set it Free. 10 DAILY MEDITATIONS

6. BELOVEDARCHANGEL JOPHIEL: "My serviceto life is in the Teachingof the consciousness, enabling it to discover WITHIN ITSELF that which is the POWER of Light. In the Second Sphere, ideas become crystallized,they take on (more detailed)form. You receive an abstract idea for a new home: then your mind may say: 'l would like a home of eight rooms with an acre of ground.'lf the idea pleasesyou, your feelingsrush into it; you energizethe form and the pressureof your feelings gives it Life and brings it into manifestation."

7. BELOVEDARCHANGEL JOPHIEL & ARCHAIICONSTANCE, I Loveand Blessand thank You for Your Serviceto me and to all mankind.CHARGE me with Your feeling of llluminationand Discrimination to be masterof all the situationsI meetin my dailylife. Help me to externalizethe Divineldeas from the Heartof Godinto outer form. DALY MEDITATIONS 11

8. BELOVED CASSIOPEA, Elohim of Wisdom:"The purposeof the SecondRay is the Perceptionand Active,lllumined contemplation of the God-Planand Design.After you have made the decisionTO DO THE WILL OF GOD,next you must receivethe Divineldea, the directionHOW to manifestit. Therefore,the FIRSTactivity of the mentalbody, after makingthe decisionto DO, is to become STILL! Within your Heart is the Golden Flame of llluminationwhich will reveal Truthto you."

9. BELOVEDCASSIOPEA & MINERVA,I love, bless, and thank You for all You mean to oui Earth and all mankind.Help me to "follow through" this Science of Precipitation and manifest, each day, some consciously externalizedidea which I have receivedfrom The Heartof the Father.I thankYou. 12 DAILY MEDITATIONS


1. BELOVEDMIGHTY VICTORIOUS I AM PRESENCE,I Love and Adore you! Oh, great and Mighty Flame within my own heart, I send forth my continuousLove and Adorationto you and the Great God of the Universe and His Messengers. I send my Love to ALL life everywhere.I BlessALL LIFE I contactthis day in thought, feeling, word and act. I do not criticize,condemn, nor judge this day! "l AM" SEALEDIN GOD'S FLAMEOF LOVE,''I AM' THE COMFORTINGPRESENCE TO ALL LIFEEVERYWHERE!

2. BELOVEDPAUL, THE VENET|AN,Former Chohanof the Third Ray, and now the Beloved MahaChohan says. "Come with Me today away from the cares of the outer self. Enter with Me into that chamber WITHINYOUR OWN HEART,the Secretptace of The Most High, and while standing there mntemplatingthe Three-FoldFlame, which is the DAILY MEDIATATIONS 13 garment of your own beautifulChrist Self, just relaxin the Loveof the Presenceof God.As your Adorationflows to That Presence,remember that your body is The Temple within which is containedthe lmmortal Flame of Eternal Life, awaiting your Adoration,your Love, and your Devotion. "To the very few who even ask lt for assis- tance, lt says: 'My beloved,ALL THIS YOU ASK I CAN BE, ALL THIS AND MORE!' Beloved ones, when your Adoration becomes the CONSTANTactivity of your innermostself, This Christ Self will grow, lt will expand.You will not need words to proclaimit. The LIGHTexpanding from the ever-increasingPresence, which will respondto your life pouredinto it, will stand as a Radiantand BlazingAura about you!"

3. BELOVED PAUL,THE VENETIAN,LADY ROWENA, and ALL Those Ministeringto The Pink Ray of DivineLove, I Love,Bless and thank You for ALL You have done for me and for all mankind. 14 DAILYMEDITATIONS

Teachme to be the GENTLEman (theGENTLE woman) and to be endowedwith your gifts of Tolerance,Tact, Patience,and the abitity to get along with my fellowman! Let me ever be gratefulfor this Teaching and the opportunityit offers!

4 BELOVED CHAMUEL,Archanget of Adoration: "The AdorationFlame is practical!"lt is one of the most practicalactivities that can be generated,because it is an actual treatmentof the feelingsas well as of the mind,and an actual THERAPY TO THE FLESH! True Adorationto God has within lt no self-seeking.lt is an absoluterelaxation basking in the Goodnessof God and loving Him for Himself;or Loving any God-creation who represents some special serviceto Life. "l challengeany individualin depression, any individualin pain,any individualin chainsof any kindto use the FLAMEof ADORATTONlf in DAILYMEDITATIONS 15 using that Flame, they do not see and feel FREEDOM, then the and the planets themselves will no longer move on Their appointedcourses." 5. BELOVEDARCHANGEL CHAMUEL and ARCHAIICHARITY, I Love,bless and thankYou for Your blessed assistanceto me and to all mankind Blaze Your PINK FLAME OF ADORATIONthrough every cell of my body and cause Perfectionto expanduntil it fills my being and world. Blaze your PINK FLAME OF ADORATIONthrough my financesand my supply of money,and causeit to expandinto my financial freedom. Blaze Your PINK FLAME OF ADORATIONthrough my feelingsthat they may expand the LOVE OF GOD, until it becomesa contagionto all the life I contact.Keep me sealed in a pillarof the Pink Flame of Love,Adoration, Comfortand Perfection. 6, THE GREATELOHIM ORION: "l bringto you, individually,the fullnessof The PINK FLAME. I bring it as a melting, dissolving,spiritual to removethose 16 DAILY MEDITATIONS resentmentsand pressuresof energywithin your feeling worlds-deeply embedded within your memories.These pressuresare caused by the recordsof many unhappyexperiences of the past which haveformed wounds and scarswithin your etheric bodies. These wounds and scars burst open upon the slightest provocation,spewing forth,again, the poisonof past resentments,past feuds,and pastmisunderstandings. "Man knows not what he carriesaround with him buried deeply within that realm which sciencecalls "the sub-consciousmind" that realm in which there are atrophiedthe memories of EVERY EXPERIENCEIN EVERYEMBODIMENT from the first day that the lifestream 'fell from grace' up to the present moment. The Divine Plan brings together again and again certain lifestreams,each one of whom carries these memories of past resentmentsbetween them, the DivinePlan presenting, over and overagain, new opportunitiesto makethings right. DAILY MEDITATIONS 17

'RIGHT NOW, if there is any lifestreamin this Earth life with whom you are not in complete accord.CONSCIOUSLY DRAW THE IMAGEOF THAT PERSON BEFOREYOUR MIND'S EYE and let Me giveyou the pressureof MY FEELING of Unconditional,Loving Forgiveness toward that one. lf you will accept This, it will cut you Free from the recoil of the energies of those past mistakes." 7. INTHE NAME OF THEPRESENCE OF GOD "l AM", I call to you, belovedPaul, Chamuel, Charity,Orion and Angelica,and everyAscended Being who works on The Third Ray and with God's Pink Flame of Love, to [BLAZE GOD'S PINK FLAMEOF LOVEAND ADORATIONas of a Thousand Sunsl (3x) into every part of my being and world, my loved ones, and every person,place, condition and thing,the elemental kingdom,birds, four-footed creatures, and every living thing upon our Earth RIGHT NOW, and hold it there untilall imprisonedlife is set Freeby GOD'SPINK FLAME OF LOVE. 18 DAILYMEDITATIONS

WEDNESDAY-FOURTH RAY: WHITE FLAME OF PURITY,RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION 1. Dearly beloved Presence of God "l AM", I Love and Adore you! You know the reasonfor my being.Through the energiesof my worldthis day, LET ME FULFTLLlT! See that I do not miss one opportunity.Help me to not make mistakes and let me avoid, above all things,the sinsof OMISSION!

2. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER SERAPISBEY, Chohan of the FourthRay: "The ASCENSIONFLAME is intetligent, belovedones, and I have lovedit for a longtime. It can ascendANY CONDITIONin whichyou find yourself. lt can ascend that condition from Iimitationinto Harmony;it can change distress into Peace, poverty into Opulence,discord into Perfection.lt is one of the activitiesof Divine Alchemy,which the student body, for the most part,has not thoughtabout using. DAILYMEDITATIONS 19

'lf there are heavy conditions in your world; if your soul is weighteddown, if there are depressions(sometimes not your own) in the groupof peoplewith whom you work, if there are financialdepressions that are made apparentto you throughyour telecasts,then CALL TO THE BROTHERHOODOF LUXOR to send the Ascension Flame to bring into Life, the Upliftment,the Buoyancywhich Resurrectsthe depression, brings it into a natural state of Happinessand Harmony.The AscensionFlame, like the ResurrectionFlame, is a most marvelous antidote for depression, individually and collectively."

3. BELOVED BEY, I Love, Bless,and thank you for the belovedAscension Flame,which is The WAY BACK HOME for me andfor all mankind. BelovedMighty I AM Presence;I call on BelovedSerapis Bey, The Brotherhoodat Luxor and Shamballato [KEEP THE ASCENSTON FLAMEBLAZING through my feelings,my mind, 20 DAILYMEDITATIONS my etheric body, my physical body, my loved ones,my home,my business,and all my affairs.] 3x. Let lts Stimulating Activity RAISE EVERYTHINGin my worldinto Love, Happiness, Opulence, Victory and Perfection, Eternally Sustained.Lead and guide me into the victoryof my Ascensionwhen my servicehere on Earth is completed. [KEEP THE ASCENSION FLAME BLMINGI 3x throughthe BUSINESSWORLD and the minds and feelingsof every part of life evolvingon the planetEarth to morequickly bring perfection.I thankyou!

4. BELOVEDGABRIEL, Archangel of the Resurrection: " is not a matter of ceremony alone.lt is a matterof DAILY,HOURLY LIVING! It is a matter of plain ordinary COMMON SENSE! lt is a matter of discipline,self-control and contemplation. DAILYMEDITATIONS 21

It is too, the developmentof Love and Gratitude for Life itself,and for The God who giventhat Life and sustained your Presence in Universe for millionsof years,hoping to find throughyou, a destinywhich cannot be accomplishedthrough any other individual-one portion of the Great CosmicTapestry which your lifestreamalone can fulfill."

5. BELOVED & ARCHAII HOPE,I Love,Bless, and ThankYou for all the thingsYou have done,and what You are doing RIGHT NOW for me for all mankind.CHARGE Your Cosmic Pressureof Love into these-my decrees: I AM the RESURRECTIONAND THE LIFE of my EternalYouth and Beautymy PerfectSight Hearing,my LimitlessStrength and Energyand PerfectHealth! I AM the RESURRECTIONAND THE LIFE of my LimitlessSupply of every Good Perfect Thing. 22 DALY MEDITATIONS

I AM the RESURRECTIONAND THE LIFEof All Perfection in my world-and my Divine Plan FulfilledRIGHT NOW! 6. BELOVEDCLAIRE, the Great Elohim of PURITY: 'I AM the ELOHIMOF PURITY!'I AM!the Living, BreathingPURITY of the electronwhich lives in the center of the atoms of which your physicalbodies are composed.'l AM'ALIVE in everycell of your bodymoving around the central core of every atom of your flesh. 'l AM' WITH YOU ALWAYS!'I AM'YOURLIFE! "'l AM" the Living, Breathing Electronic Lightof PURITYwithin your mentalbodies. 'l AM' the Living,Breathing Flame of Pure Lightinvoked by each of you into the great sea of your emotionalworld. 'l AM1the ElectronicLight within every cell of your etheric garment upon which you have impressedthose records of impurity, and 'l AM' NOW EXPANDINGMY PURITYfrom within every cell and atom of all your four lower bodies. DAILY MEDITATIONS 23

'I AM1 NOW EXPANDING,EXPANDING, EXPANDINGMy True Nature which is the Purificationof this Earth,all that is in the Earth, on it, or in its atmosphere.I DECREEthat the PURITYwithin the Heartof everyoneof your electrons shall now EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPANDuntil that whichappears as limitation can no longerimprison your life in discord,and thusthe shadows SHALL CEASE TO BE!"

7. BELOVEDELOHIM OF PURITY& ASTREA,I Love,Bless and ThankYou for your GreatService to me andto all mankind.Seal me and all mankindin Your Pure BlazingWHITE LIGHT,which deflects those currents of energy which slow the vibratoryaction of my inner bodies. I decree that the Purity within every electronin my aura,feelings, mind, etheric and physicalbodies shall now EXPAND,EXPAND, EXPANDand that which is limitationand shadow in myworld SHALL BE NO MORE! A DAILYMEDITATIONS

THURSDAY_FIFTH RAY: GREENFLAME OF TRUTH,HEALING, CONSECRATIONAND CONCENTRATION 1. BELOVEDMIGHTY VICTORIOUS "I AM" PRESENCE,I consecratemy life this day to the Service of God -GOOD-to let only Perfectiondwell in my mental body; that my feelingswill remain Calm and Loving, Kindly, Helpful, and Happy; my eyes to see only Perfection;my ears to hear only Perfection;my lips to speak only Perfection;my hands to Bless and Heal;my feet to be Messengersof Good;my body Strong and Willing to be a Helpful Instrumentto carryGod's Perfection everywhere. 2. BELOVEDHILARION, Chohan of the Fifth Ray: "lf an individual seeking Godliness, Health, Happiness, and Supply, could first understandthe powerof sustainedattention, and then,through Self-conscious endeavor, wrest the DAILY MEDITATIONS 25

Attention away from the many pulls of the appearanceworld, and anchor that attentionon the PRESENCEof GOD. God'sPresence would flow through him on the return currentsas the fullnessof all he coulddesire. As Ascended Master Saint Germain has said repeatedly: "Where your attention is, there you are; what your attention is upon-that you become! "Radiationand God's Love and Mercy flow through the Universe,and man is entirely unaware of it. This outpouring of God's Forgivenessaffects the just and unjustalike, but the lever for the man who desires to move fonvard in self-consciousaction lies in the controlledpower of his Attention!" 3. BELOVED HILARION.and PALLAS ATHENA, I Love, Blessand Thank You for Your helpto me and to all mankind.CHARGE me with Your Love and understanding of the EXACTNESSof the CosmicLaw and the feeling of consecrated Service to God and man. CHARGEme with Your mornentumof presenting 26 DAILYMEDITATIONS the TRUTHto mankindso that all who hear will acceptlt. I thankyou!

4. BELOVED RAPHAEL, Archangel of Healingand Consecration: "Consecrateyourselves daily! lf your eyes behold iniquity,you know where 'l AM' and just silently say: 'Father, forgive me for the transgressionof Your Law of Love. Beloved Raphael, consecrate my eyes to see only Perfection!'lf you listen to gossip or discord,if your hands are impatient in gesture and you releaseanger, if your lips and tongue use sharp words,say: 'Father,forgive me for the misuseof Your Energy!' "Whatif you do haveto repeatit? Paderewskidid not becomea master musicianin one day! The only lifestreamswho are in extremedanger are those who do not wish to pick themselvesup, dust off their knees, and try again. I will re- consecrateany memberof your vehiclestwenty- four times an hour if you will ask Me, and you requireit! | do not mind lT lS MY REASONFOR BEINd'' DAILYMEDITATIONS 27

5. BELOVEDRAPHAEL & MOTHER MARY,I Love,Bless and ThankYou for all that You havedone for me andfor all mankind.Seal us in YourFlame of Healing,Truth, Consecration andConcentration, and help me to be conscious ONLYof PERFECTION. I THINK PERFECTION! I FEEL PERFEGTION!I SEE PERFECTION!I HEAR PERFECTION!I SPEAK PERFECTION! I MANIFESTONLY PERFECTION THIS DAY!

6, BELOVEDVISTA (Cyclopea), Elohim of Concentration,Music, and the All-SeeingEye of Godto ourEarth: "What can be accomplishedon Earth even in mundaneactivities of your daily living without CONCENTRATION?lf there is not concentration,there is only mediocrity;the bare surfaceis scratched.Those who determineto rise abovethe massestake one facetof living andmasterfully develop it, deciding within 28 DAILYMEDITATIONS themselvesto excel along at least one line of Expression.According to the CONCENTRATION OF THOSEENERGIES is their development,is their Mastery,is theirEfficacy. "lt is Law-actual scientific Law-that what is in Agreement with God's Plan of Perfectionwhether it be Healing, Precipitation, Financial Freedom, Eternal Youth, or the Restorationof a Limb,lT CAN BE DONE,but the 'stickto-it-ive-ness'of My Ray is required to producethese results! "Now Consecration and Concentration are almostthe same, because,whatever you are going to do that will amount to anything REQUIRESTHE CONSECRATIONOF YOUR LIFE.-

7. BELOVEDGREAT ELOHIMVISTA & CRYSTAL,I Love,Bless and ThankYou for Your Great service to our Earth. CHARGE me with Your Power of CONCENTRATION and to becomeMaster here and now. I thankYou! DAILYMEDITATIONS 29

FRIDAY-SIXTH RAY: GOLDAND RUBYFLAMES OF PEACE, MINISTRATIONAND GRACE 1. BELOVEDMIGHTY VICTORIOUS "I AM" PRESENCE,I Love and Adore You. Pour forth, through me this day, Your Peace, Ministrationand Grace to bless every cell of my four earthlybodies and all the powersof nature that serve rne so well. May all who touch the "hem of my garment"feel Your Love,Your Peace and Your Perfection,for "l AlVl"THE PRESENCE OF BLESSING,AND I BLESS EVERYONEAND EVERYTHINGI CONTACTTHIS DAY!

2. BELOVEDJESUS, former Chohan of the SixthRay and WorldTeacher says: "The demands upon the time, energy, attention, and service of the chela who is engaged in a SpiritualEndeavor form a great stumblingblock to his individualprogress, unless 30 DAILYMEDITATIONS he learnsto consciouslyquiet the energiesof his own world so that new Strength,Faith, and Power may be suppliedby his own "l AM" Presenceand the DivineBeings who are so willingto assisthim. I knowthis from My own experience.During My ministry,as today,the worldand its peoplerequire so muchassistance. Thereis a tendencyto rushforth to seryewithout the necessaryperiod of 're-fueling'at the Cosmic Fount."

3. BELOVEDJESUS, I Love,Bless and ThankYou for all YourService to me and to all mankind.CHARGE, CHARGE, CHARGE me withthe AscendedJesus Christ Consciousness, the AscendedJesus Christ Nature and the Powerto do thethings that You have done. BelovedJesus, teach me the Highest Truth there is, and give me the necessary assistance,so I mayteach others the Truththat shallmake them Free. DALY MEDITATIONS 31

4. BELOVEDASCENDED LADY MASTER NADA,former Chohanof the Sixth Ray, says: "Todayyou, too, are plantingyour roots deep withinthe Flameof your Heart,whence comes the Nourishment,the verylife-beat of yourbody, whencecomes the Healingof yourflesh, whence comesthe Supplyupon your tables and the very Roofs above your heads. As your roots are anchoredin God,seeking now EternalSpiritual Nourishment,so shallyour Flower be manifestto all men. That which a man does in secret,is manifestin theworld around him. "Mankindwill come to youbewildered and confused,with hope stirring in their hearts. Remember Me-NADA-and LOVE THEM FREE!" 5. BELOVEDNADA, and JOHN THE BELOVED,I Love, Bless,and Thank You for YourLove which flows to me andto all mankind. Keep me sealedin the Powerof Your PINK FLAMEOF PEACEthat Heals. Blesses and sets Freeall I contact. 32 DALY MEDITATIONS

6. BELOVEDURIEL, Archangelof Ministration: "The MinisteringAngel has to will Himself to serve ONE lifestream.There is provided a GuardianAngel for everyonewho belongsto be human race, every laggardfrom other systems, and everyGuardian Spirit. This Ministering Angel volunteersto be a ProtectingPresence for a lifestreamfor so long as he or she choosesto remainon the Earthor to be part of its evolution. That being is often referredto as the 'Guardian Angel.' "How would you like to work with just ONE personfor countlessmillions of years?Your GuardianAngel does not even attend a Retreat when it is active,if the lifestreamHe is guarding does not go! Think about that! That is a case of imprisonmentthrough LOVE, which has no parallel.The MinisteringAngel is obligatedby Law to follow each one around-at every opportunity sending a Light Ray into the consciousnesswith the thoughtthat perhapsthe individualwillseek a littleHigher." DALY MEDITATIONS 33 7. BELOVED ARCHANGEL URIEL & DONNAGRACE, I love,bless and ThankYou and my MinisteringAngel for Your selflessService of Ministrationto me througheons of time. Help my MinisteringAngel to keep me steadyon the path of Purity,Harmony, and Happiness.

8. BELOVED TRANQUILITY,the Great Elohimof Peace: "l AM" the ELOHIMOF MINISTRAT|ON AND PEACE!You who have given your interest and Your Life to the activitiesof the SeventhRay, representedby our Beloved Ascended Master SaintGermain, are slowly,but surely,emerging from the mire of human creationand limitation. We are endeavoringto builda Great Foundation for this World Movement,trying to make of each of you a MightyPillar of the Fire.But I can tell you here and now, that unless you hold UNINTERRUPTED PEACE as separate individualsand collectiveunits - no matterhow perfectlyyou build-you would have but ash in the end as longas therewas still,within the U DALY MEDITATIONS consciousnessof any workerthe disintegrating radiationof theseven mortal sins' (anger, malice, hatred,fear, greed, gluttony, covetousness, lust and passion,lethargy and laziness,envy and desirefor personalpower, pride and arrogance) andall their ramifications. "l shall give any sincere student my feelingof Peace,but be sureto guardthis Peace in yourown feeling world, in yourhome and in all youractivities, if you want to sustainperfection.

Peaceis nota negativequality. lt is theMOST POSITIVEand most mncentrated activity of power. Howmuch power of controldoes it requirefor youto HOLDYOUR PEACE, to remainabsolutely poised and masterof everysituation REGARDLESS OF AGGMVATIONin the midst of your immediate family,business associates, coworkers in thisactiMty; andthe world at large?" 9. BELOVEDPRESENCE OF GOD "lAM" in meand in all mankind, beloved Jesus, Nada, Uriel, DAILY MEDITATIONS 35

my own ministeringangel, and Great Elohim of PEACE,I love, bless and thank you in the name of all mankindfor your serviceto our Earthfor so long a time. BLAZE (3) your Cosmic Flames of Peace, Ministrationand Grace into me and let them radiate through me to bless and help harmonizeevery part of life I contact. GREAT ELOHIM OF PEACE, and PACIFICAenfold all my constructiveefforts in your Great Flame of Cosmic Peace. BLPZE YOUR FLAMEOF PEACEas of a thousandsuns 3x into the brainand feelingsof everyliving thing on our Earthand everyonewho will come here in the futureand hold it sustaineduntil PEACEON EARTH-GOOD WILL TO ALL LIFE- is a living reality.We thankyou. 36 DALYMEDTTATIONS


1. BELOVEDMIGHry VCTORIOUS"I AM" PRESENCE,today "l AM" RENEWED!TODAY "l AM" ALIVE with that Primal Pure MajesticLife, given to me of The Father.For yesterday'slife misused, I CALL ON THE LAW OF FORGIVENESSand ask for and accept the most PowerfulActivity of the TransmutingViolet Fire. TodayI MAYBECOME;today I SHALL become that which God intends-MY HOLY CHRIST SELF lN action, for "l AM" THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESSnow made manifest and eternally sustained. Keep me SEALED in a Pillar of Violet Fire, until "l AM" wholly Ascendedand Free! 2. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN,Chohan of the SeventhRay and the Masterin chargeof the Earthand its evolutions DALYMEDTTATIOilI 37 forthe next2000 years, says: "Taketime to be holy!LEARN TO GETSTILL even when there is no apparentemergency! PRACTICE,just STILLING your thought processesfrom racing, just stopping your etheric memoriesfrom resuscitatingall of the discords; just stopping the restless motion of your physicalbody, and then if you can, without making your mental body immediatelystart workingagain, just turn quietly TO YOUR"l AM" PRESENCEand tune in, untilyou can anchor yourselfin PEACE.ONE SUCH PERSON could savea city! 'l AM' DETERMINEDthat the realization andthe science of theuse of theViolet Fire shall find anchoragein some unascendedbeing as an ABSOLUTE IRREFUTABLESCIENTIFIC IVIANIFESTATIONwhich cannotbe denied!| Am moreeager for you to learnto use this Violet Firethan you will ever be, becauseYOU HAVE TO BE MYSELFin theworld of form,whereas l, by CosmicLaw, must remain behind the veil. 38 DAILYMEDITATIONS

"Youwho are My Friends-ACCEPT ME! Let Me walk the Earththrough you, let Me help you with This Divine Alchemy. Come to the Violet Fire Templesat night and I will sit with you and explain over and over the Science and Divine Alchemyof This Violet Fire. KNOW that there is a place for you in the Home and Heart of Saint Germain!"

3. BELOVED ZADKIEL, Archangel of Invocationand Transmutation: "Do you know that the life within an unkind word comesto you to be REDEEMEDAND SET FREE?The lifewithin an unkindlook or gesture comesto you-a Priestor Priestessof the Order of Zadkiel-that you mightBLESS lT FREE!

"Do not rebel or feel unjustly treated if circumstancesare such that energy qualified with discordcomes within the compassof your aura. lt comes, becausethere are few foci in this unascendedoctave that know how to redeem it, how to Raise it, to Purify it, to set it Free. DAILYMEDITATIONS 39

"Wherethere is a Focus of the Sacred Fire, where there is a lifestreamwho has knowledge of The Violet Flame, there that energy has an opportunityof being redeemedand returnedto the UniversalFirst Cause. Oh, what Joy to move in The UniverseFreeing Energy, Loving lt Free, and standingin the Serene Masteryof your own Godhood! "Wordsthat are spokeneven lightly(jokingly) to or about anotherpart of Life,WHICH DO NOT BLESS lT are, therefore,a .renunciation.I ask that all lifestreamsbe releasedfrom the recoilof such mistakes!"

4. BELOVED ARCTURUS, Elohim of Invocation,Rhythm and Freedom,says: ul AM" the Elohim of INVOCATIONand RHYTHM, who brings to you and to all life, through the use of The Violet Fire, INFINITE FREEDOMwhen you desireit enough! 40 DAILYMEDITATIONS

I AM He who answers the call from the heart of any individualwhen that heart deeply and sincerely,from withinitself, desires to releaselife which has become bound-giving it FREEDOM from disease,from lack,from fear and limitation of everykind and description.Within that life itself is the FULLNESSOF ALMIGHTYGOD! "Today I urge you, with all the intensityand pressureof My Being,to DEVELOPYOUR LIFE; develop the Qualities of Perfectionwhich are withinlt. "Call forth what you wish from the Heart of that Life whichflows from the Universal,and call to Me, if you wish to releaseinto the outer mani- festationwhatever Powers, Qualities,Gifts and Activities are required to Perfect your own . individualworld and that of yourfellowman. "Whereverthere is ONE LIFESTREAMwho sincerelydesires FREEDOM, and in Constant RHYTHM,invokes and commandsit, THERE DALY MEDITATIONS 41

I SHALL BE to give that one assistanceuntil that FREEDOMIS PHYSICALLYMANIFEST!''

5. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN BELOVED LADY PORTIA, & IftVAN YIN BELOVED ZADKIEL & , BELOVEDARCTURUS & HOLYDIANA, and ALL who Serve on the Seventh Ray, I Love, Bless and Thank You for Your Mighty Serviceto me andto all mankind. IN THE NAME OF THE PRESENCEOF GOD WHICH "l AM" and by the MagneticPower of the Sacred Fire Vested in me as a Priest (Priestess)of the Order of Zadkiel, I make this call: IANGELSOF THE VIOLET FIRE COME and KEEPTHE VIOLETFIRE OF FREEDOM'SLOVE BLMINGI 3x throughmy aura and feelings,my brain and mental word, my etheric body, every cell of my physical body, my loved ones, my home, business, finances and all my earthly affairs;and DO THAT FOR EVERY PART OF LIFE ON THE PLANET UNTIL ALL HUMAN CREATION,its cause and core, is dissolvedand transmutedinto Purityand Perfection,and our 42 DAILYMEDITATIONS

Earth is truly FREEDOM'SHOLY STAR! | thankYou for the answer to ThisCall.


6. BELOVEDASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN and BELOVED GODDESS OF OPPORTUNIryLADY PORTIA; I pledge my LIFE, my LIGHT,and my LOVEto YOUby endeavoring to releasethe Momentumof Perfectionin my lifestream,to assistYou, in bringingFREEDOM TO EVERYPART OF LIFEon our DearPlanet EarthRIGHT NOW! SO BElT!