Biosaintifika 10 (2) (2018) 455-463 Biosaintifika Journal of Biology & Biology Education

Bryophytes in Cibodas Botanical Garden: Diversity and Potential Uses

Ainun Nadhifah1, Madinatul Khujjah2, Pantalea Edelweiss Vitara3, Ikhsan Noviady1


1Cibodas Botanic Gardens, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Indonesia 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia 3Department of Biology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

History Article Abstract Received 22 May 2018 Research on the diversity of bryophytes in Indonesia has been generally accom- Approved 27 July 2018 plished. However, the publication of potential uses of this tiny is very limited. Published 30 August 2018 Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) as a center for ex-situ plant conservation has po- tential climate conditions as a location of bryophytes growth. The study aims to Keywords collect bryophytes in CBG and to identify their potential uses. Purposive sampling Bryophytes; Cibodas Botani- method was used on various substrates (soil, rocks, trees). Some environmental pa- cal Garden; Medicinal plant rameters were also recorded, for instance, substrate type, temperature, and humid- ity. All of bryophytes collections were taken to the laboratory for the identification and saved in Cianjur Herbarium Hortus Botanicus Tjibodasensis (CHTJ). A litera- ture study was conducted to determine the potential uses of identified bryophytes . From 153 collection numbers recorded in CBG, there were 42 species which have potential use. In addition, there were 42 species that potentially to be used as a medicinal plant, ornamental , uses in agriculture and environmental services. This study provides the initial information about the potential uses of , liv- erworts, and hornworts particularly in Indonesia. Furthermore, these prospective utilization encourage the innovative research in Indonesia, particularly on alterna- tive natural resources.

How to Cite Nadhifah, A., Khujjah, M., Vitara, P., & Noviady, I. (2018). Bryophytes in Cibodas Botanical Garden: Diversity and Potential Uses. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 10(2), 455-463. © 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

 Correspondence Author: p-ISSN 2085-191X Jl Kebun Raya Cibodas, Sindanglaya, Cipanas-Cianjur 43253, Jawa Barat e-ISSN 2338-7610 E-mail: [email protected] Ainun Nadhifah, et al. / Biosaintifika 10 (2) (2018) 455-463

INTRODUCTION Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) has the main role as an ex-situ conservation institution Recent awareness towards biodiversity especially for tropical highland plants originating does not only focus on large exotic plants but also from West Java and Sumatra. This area is located plants which resembles unimportant, should also at the foot of Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango have a specific concern to be investigated, studied, with an altitude of 1,275 m above sea level and and protected. Bryophytes are microscopic plants has an average temperature of 20.06°C, humi- that have the same morphological appearance dity of 80.82% and an average rainfall of 2,950 if not observed carefully. These plants belong to mm per year. These climatic conditions tend to cyptogams and they are separated from vascular be potential for bryophytes’ growth. In order to plants because of lacking vascular tissues (Vander- conserve the Indonesian bryophytes, CBG built poorten & Goffinet, 2009). Primitive bryophytes garden in 2006. CBG also has some her- have thallose body, whereas these thallose in the barium collection of bryophytes from Mt Gede higher bryophytes resembles a high-level plant Pangrango, Mt Salak, Mt Geulis, Mt Slamet, Mt with erect stems and surrounded by leaves (Gli- Jambi, Borneo, and Enggano Island (Damayanti, me, 2013). Morphologically, bryophytes have a 2006; Nadhifah & Surya, 2016) . However, the root-like structure or rhizoid to absorb the water diversity of bryophytes in CBG has not been well as well as to attach the plants to the substrate. documented. These plants which live mostly in wet and humid Although research on the diversity of habitat in the lowlands and highlands are often bryophytes in Indonesia has been widely perfor- considered as pioneer plants. This is because med, the publication of potential uses of these bryophytes can grow in various substrates where plants is very limited. In this case, bryophytes are the higher plants cannot grow. According to So the prospective object to increase the economic (1995), bryophytes cover through the rocks, tree growth because this plant group not only provi- trunks, walls, bricks, sometimes forming the mats des social demands but also has economic value like a green carpet. due to their exotic appearance. It is important to Bryophytes as pioneering plants create pri- identify the potential uses of bryophytes to ad- mary and secondary habitats after environmental vance the studies of alternative natural resour- damage, they assist the soil stabilization through ces. The purpose of this study was to record the open-field colonization, play an important role in bryophytes diversity in CBG and to determine the nutrient recycling process, biomass producti- their potential uses. The advantage of this rese- on, carbon fixation and serve as an indicator of arch is to provide initial information about the air pollution (Saxena & Harinder, 2004). Due to prospective utilization of mosses, liverworts, and the globalization and the growth of human popu- hornworts particularly in Indonesia. lation, the supply of alternative natural resources has raised. Bryophytes, the second largest group METHODS in plant kingdom, have been studied in order to find the innovative properties for human being. Study sites Recent study reveals the secondary metaboli- Study was conducted from August 2015 tes of bryophytes that commonly used in ethno to February 2016 at Cibodas Botanical Garden pharmacology and as medical plants for treat- (CBG), West Java, Indonesia. ment of some diseases. For instance, Spaghnum spp. are known as an eye medicine, leather and Bryophytes sampling cotton substitute as well as plant media, while Purposive sampling method was used on Marchantia group have anti-inflammatory, anti- various substrates (soil, rocks, trees). Some en- bacterial, anti-helminthic, anti-arthritic, pestici- vironmental parameters were also recorded, in- de, antitumor, cancer preventive, anti-histaminic, cluding: substrate type, temperature, humidity. hepatoprotective, hypocholesterolemic and anti- GPS coordinates were generally recorded in one inflammation activities (Krishnan & Murugan, region. All numbers of bryophyte collection were 2014). In addition, bryophytes also have econo- taken to the laboratory to be identified. mic importance as a source of fuel, horticulture, and oil absorption. Furthermore, plants which do Identification not have vascular system also serve as a habitat Bryophytes were identified by using respec- for invertebrates and commonly used as ground tive literatures, such as Mosses of The Philippines cover and planting media for orchid and Nepent- (Bartram, 1939), A Handbook of Malesian Mosses hes (Hallingbäck & Hodgetts, 2000). Volume 1: Sphagnales to (Eddy, 1988), A

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Handbook of Malesian Mosses Volume 2: Leucobrya- CBG that can be utilized as an ornamental plant ceae to Buxbaumiaceae (Eddy, 1990), A Handbook of is Bryum billardieri (Figure 1b). This species has Malesian Mosses Volume 3: Splachnobryaceae to Lep- variable in vigour, forming olive green to brown- tostomataceae (Eddy, 1996), Guide to The Liverworts ish tufts or mats. and Hornworts of Java (Gradstein, 2011), Mosses Hypnaceae has members which com- and Liverworts of Hongkong (So, 1995), A Taxono- monly resemble the carpet or mats and has been mic Revision of The Thuidiaceae (Musci) of Tropical widely used as a decoration, either in bonsai Asia, The Western Pacific, and Hawaii (Touw, 2001) plants, terrarium, or as accessories in the pots Liverworts and Hornworts of Rwanda (Fischer, (Figure 1c). The other unique life forms which 2013). have the appearance of a tree (dendroid), can be found on or palm moss (Figure 1d) Literature study and Hypopterygium (Figure 1e) or peacock moss. The literature study was conducted to gain Those are the exotic moss genus (Hallingbäck & more information about the potential use of iden- Hodgetts, 2000). tified bryophytes. The main sources used were has a uniquely white or Glime (2013), Glime and Schenk (1997) as well pale gametophyte (Figure 1f). This is because of as other related sources (Table 1). the leukocyte cells located in the middle of the leaf. For instance, aduncum and Leuco- Data analysis bryum javense, which morphologically character- The data were analyzed descriptively. The ized by the “dicranoid” sporophyte and the thick selected species were explained in detail. tapered leaf shape, commonly found in tropical and subtropical forest areas, mostly on the sub- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION strates with low (acidic) pH (Vanderpoorten et al., 2003). There were 153 collection numbers recor- The other beautiful moss genera are Di- ded. From 90 species of bryophytes that were cranoloma and Campylopus, which included in found in CBG, there were 42 species that have Dicranaceae, grow in tufts or loose mats with potential uses (Table 1). There are some prospec- erect, lanceolate, and falcate secund leaves. These tive utilization which have been classified, such mosses usually grow in moist acidic habitats (Fig- as medicinal plant, ornamental plant, utilization ure 1g, 1h). in agriculture and environmental services. Several studies have shown the poten- In Indonesia, utilization of bryophytes is tial use of bryophytes as a medicinal plant. still uncommon. This is because of lack publica- Bryophytes have various types of secondary me- tion about bryophytes which have potential uses. tabolites such as terpenoids, flavonoids, saccha- Some publications have been showed the diver- rides, lipids, and phenylpropanoids (Asakawa, sity of bryophytes in Indonesia. However, the 2007; Sabovljevi et al., 2016). The liverworts ethnobotanical study of bryophytes in Indonesia have a greater potential to be used as a medicinal is still rare. The bryophytes widely used as an or- plant, because theseć group have oil body which namental plant, for instance, as an accessories of contain secondary metabolites. bonsai, aquaria (mosses in aquarium), terrarium, The use of bryophytes as a traditional me- and other decoration. Some bryophytes families dicine has also been widely practiced in several that can be utilized as ornamental plants include countries, such as China, Europe, India, and Pottiaceae, Bryaceae, Hypnaceae, Leucobryace- America. Nevertheless, in some other countries ae, Dicranaceae, , and Hooke- are still rare. This is due to the lack of biomass riaceae. production in the certain region (Sabovljevi et Barbula javanica is a member of the Pot- al., 2016). In Indonesia, research on the potential tiaceae (Figure 1a), morphologically has a small use of bryophytes as a medicinal plant is alreadyć size with 1 cm tall and green tufts (Nath et al., exists, but there is no evidence to suggest that the- 2011) which is usually found in rock substrates. se plants have been utilized as a traditional medi- This moss resemble a pad that can be used as cine. Dumortiera hirsuta in CBG was found on soil a ground cover of plants in pots. Bryum is the substrate in the water areas such as rivers, water- largest genera of the Bryaceae and the most dif- falls, and ponds. This liverwort has a thin with the ficult genera of mosses to be identified (Zolotov, dark green color thallus, flat margin, and papilla 2000). There were 71 species of Bryum found in on the rhizoid. D. hirsuta produces secondary me- East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia (Ochi, tabolites called Riccardin D which can inhibit the 1985). The species which commonly found in growth of tumor cells (Liu et al., 2012).

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Table 1. Potential use of bryophytes in Cibodas Botanical Garden Species Family Potential use Source Aerobryopsis longissima Meteoriaceae Phytoremediation (Lee et al., 1977) Agriculture (mychor- (Schüßler, 2000) Anthoceros punctatus Anthocerotaceae rhiza) Decorative plant, medici- (Schenk, 1997); (Singh et al., Barbula javanica Pottiaceae nal plant (antimicrobial) 2007); (Vats & Alam, 2013) Medicinal plant (antimi- (Alam et al., 2015) Bazzania sp. Lepidoziaceae crobial) Antimicrobial; medicinal (Krishnan et al., 2014); Brachymenium nepalense Bryaceae plant (Wankhede & Manik, 2015) Bryum billardieri Bryaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997) Campylopus crispifolius Dicranaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997) Campylopus micholitzii Dicranaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997) Campylopus umbellatus Dicranaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997) Cyathodium foetidissimum Targioniaceae Fragrance; fixative plant (Allen et al., 2017) Decorative plant, medici- (Junairiah et al., 2016) Dicranoloma reflexum Dicranaceae nal plant Medicinal plant (anti- (Liu et al., 2012) Dumortiera hirsuta Marchantiaceae tumor) Ectropothecium ichnotocladum Hypnaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997); (Glime, 2013) Medicinal plant (antibac- (Glime, 2013) Fissidens crassinervis Fissidentaceae terial) Medicinal plant (antibac- (Glime, 2013) Fissidens javanicus Fissidentaceae terial) Medicinal plant (antibac- (Glime, 2013); (Asakawa, Frullania sp. Jubulaceae terial, anti-cancer) 2007) Medicinal plant (anti- (Lin et al., 2012) Heteroscyphus argutus Geocalycaceae cancer) Medicinal plant (antibac- (Glime, 2013); (Singh et al., Hyophila involuta Pottiaceae terial); ecocity 2016) (Hallingbäck & Hodgetts, Hypnodendron sp. Hypnodendraceae Decorative plant 2000) Hypopterygium ceylanicum Hypopterygiaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997) Hypopterygium tenellum Hypopterygiaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997) Isopterygium albescens Hypnaceae Medicinal plant (Krishnan et al., 2014) Jungermannia sp. Jungermanniaceae Medicinal plant (Alam et al., 2015) Decorative plant, medici- (Schenk, 1997); (Glime, 2013); Leucobryum aduncum Leucobryaceae nal plant (antifungal) (Junairiah et al., 2017) Leucobryum javense Leucobryaceae Decorative plant (Schenk, 1997); (Glime, 2013) Medicinal plant (anti- (Banerjee & Sen, 1979); (Fara- Marchantia paleacea Marchantiaceae cancer) mayuda et al., 2013) Medicinal plant (anti- (Jensen et al., 2012); (Rao & Marchantia polymorpha Marchantiaceae plasmodial, stomachache) Chatterjee, 2014) Medicinal plant (antimi- (Komala et al., 2010) Mastigophora diclados Lepicoleaceae crobial) (Hallingbäck & Hodgetts, Meteorium miquelianum Meteoriaceae Nesting material 2000) Medicinal plant (antibac- (Vidal et al., 2012); (Krishnan Octoblepharum albidum Calymperaceae terial, diuretic), repellent et al., 2014) Medicinal plant (antibac- (Glime, 2013) Pallavicinia sp. Pallaviciniaceae terial) Medicinal plant antimi- (Oyedapo et al., 2015)Duby Philonotis hastate Bartramiaceae crobial) Plagiochila sp. Plagiochilaceae Antifeedant (Asakawa et al., 1980)

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Medicinal plant (antimi- (Alam et al., 2015) Plagiochila spathulifolia Plagiochilaceae crobial) Plagiomnium succulentum Mniaceae Agriculture (Glime, 2013) Medicinal plant (anti- (Karim et al., 2014) Pogonatum cirratum Polytrichaceae cancer) Medicinal plant (fever, (Krishnan et al., 2014) Pyrrhobryum spiniforme Rhizogoniaceae bowel complaints) Medicinal plant (antimi- (Oyesiku & Caleb, 2015) Racopilum schmidii Rhacopilaceae crobial) Medicinal plants (liver (Glime, 2013); (Krishnan et treatment, antipyretic, al., 2014) Rhodobryum giganteum Bryaceae diuretic, antihypertensive, sores) Medicinal plant (ring- (Glime, 2013) Riccia junghuhniana Ricciaceae worm) Agriculture (growing (Hotson, 1921); (Smith, 1932) Sphagnum gedeanum Sphagnaceae medium), mattress Medicinal plant (anti- (Perry et al., 1996) Trichocolea sp. Trichocoleaceae fungal)

Marchantia polymorpha is the most popular the form of hydroxynamic acid and dihydroxicu- liverwort because it can be found easily every- marine that reported to treat heart disease and where. This thalloid liverwort has porous thal- can be used as antipyretics, diuretic, and anti- lus with purplish line on the dorsal (Gradstein, hypersensitivity drug (Asakawa, 2007). In India, 2011). This species produces Marchantin A, the this moss is used to cure the external wounds compound which can fight against the parasites. (Krishnan et al., 2014). Jensen et al. (2012) reported that Marchantin A Aerobryopsis longissima, a member of Me- form Marchantia polymorpha inhibits the prolifera- teoriaceae, has a pale green or yellowish leaves tion of the Plasmodium falciparum. Furthermore, and usually shiny. A. longissima can absorb chro- according to Rao & Chatterjee, (2014), the thal- mium, one of the air pollutant. According to Lee lus of M. polymorpha can be used as a medicine et al. (1977), this moss was able to absorb up to in a liver disease, curing yellow (jaundice), and 5000 μg/g of chromium through the rhizoid, alt- reducing inflammation. Additionally, a young hough it is not mentioned the mechanism on how archegoniophore can be used to treat boils and this species fight against metals which are highly tuberculosis (TB). The other Marchantiaceae, toxic to other plants. Furthermore, A. longissima Marchantia paleacea, in contrast to Marchantia po- has the potential to be used as phytoremediation. lymorpha, the thallus of this species have no mid- Sphagnum is included in order Sphagnales. rib. Faramayuda et al. (2013) reported that M. This genus is widely known as an ancient groups paleacea contains the flavonoid which potentially by the single, monogeneric family Sphagnaceae. used as an anticancer. It often appears in wide range altitudes from 1000 Mastigophora diclados is the leafy liverworts m to 3500 m, forming dense tufts or chusions in that morphologically has a pinnate leaf and pla- bogs, on wet grounds, along streams, and beside ne margin. M. diclados contains sesquiterpenoid - waterfall (Bartram, 1939; Eddy, 1988). Besides herbertenediol and (-) - mastigophorene D - which from their unique characters, these bryophytes has a higher antioxidant activity compared with which locally known as peat moss have many ad- vitamin C. Komala et al. (2010) reported that the vantages on farming. Sphagnum was usually used herbertan in this species could fight against Bacil- to substitute medium in growing plants. Current- lus subtilis (the cause of food poisoning) and Kleb- ly, these mosses sold as dry peat moss used in gro- siella pneumonia (the cause of pneumonia). wing Nepenthes, orchid propagation, particularly Octoblepharum albidum is the type of mos- for Phalaenopsis species (Yen & Chang, 2011; The ses belonging to the Leucobryaceae. The size of Carnivorous Plant Society, 2018). In addition, this moss is large enough (3 cm high) and it grows Sphagnum moss has contribution to reduce the epiphytically with a pale white cushion. O. albi- plastic because it can be used as the materials for dum have been used as a diuretic in India (Krish- manufacturing compostable plant pots. They also nan et al., 2014). have important role to protect the seedling plants Rhodobryum giganteum, the mosses with and the cellar root vegetables from spoiling, in- dendroid life forms, has chemical compounds in sects, and other potential negative impact of tran-

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Figure 1. Some Bryophytes which potentially used as decorative plants: (a) Barbula javanica; (b) Bryum billardieri; (c) Ectropothecium sp., member of Hypnaceae; (d) Hypnodendron sp.; (e) Hypopterygium tenel- lum; (f) Leucobryum javense, member of Leucobryaceae; (g) Dicranoloma reflexum; (h) Campylopus umbel- latus. sporting materials (Pouliot et. al., 2015). encourage the advance research to develop the Marchantia and Sphagnum are the most innovation from the alternative natural resources, genus which have been used by society in Indo- specifically in Indonesia. nesia. Biological compounds of Marchantia are widely studied, on the other hand, some farmer CONCLUSION use Sphagnum or peat moss to increase their pro- duction. Although the application is still limited, Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) as the the enormous of bryophytes’ prospective uses center of ex-situ conservation for highland flora

460 Ainun Nadhifah, et al. / Biosaintifika 10 (2) (2018) 455-463 in Indonesia are also concerning in bryophyte al Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia ke-44 (pp. 433–446). conservation. The diversity of bryophytes in Palembang: Stifi Bhakti Pertiwi Palembang. CBG are potentially used for ornamental plants, Fischer, E. (2013). Liverworts and Hornworts of Rwanda medicinal plants, agriculture and environmental (Vol. 16). Brussels: Abc Taxa. Glime, J. (2013). Uses. In (Vol. 5). services. These prospective utilization encourage Bryophyte Ecology Michigan: Michigan Technological University. the development of innovative study in Indone- Retrieved from sia, particularly on alternative natural resources. Gradstein, S. R. (2011). Guide to the Liverworts and Horn- worts of Java (Prelim. ed). Bogor: SEAMEO- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BIOTROP. Hallingbäck, T., & Hodgetts, N. (2000). Mosses, liver- Authors thank to Winda Triana and worts and hornworts. Status Survey and Conser- Rifa’atul Mahmudah for technical assistance. vation Action Plan for Bryophytes. IUCN/SSC Bryophyte Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. REFERENCES Hotson, J. W. (1921). Sphagnum Used as a Surgical Dressing in Germany during the World War. Alam, A., Shrama, V., Rawat, K. K., & Verma, P. K. The Bryologist, 24(5), 74–78. (2015). Bryophytes - The Ignored Medicinal Jensen, S., Omarsdottir, S., Bwalya, A. G., Nielsen, M. Plants. SMU Medical Journal, 2(1), 299–317. A., Tasdemir, D., & Olafsdottir, E. S. (2012). Allen, N. S., Santana, A. I., Gómez, N., Chung, C., & Marchantin A, a macrocyclic bisbibenzyl ether, Gupta, M. P. (2017). Identification of volatile isolated from the liverwort Marchantia poly- compounds from three species of Cyathodium morpha, inhibits protozoal growth in vitro. (Marchantiophyta: Cyathodiaceae) and Leio- Phytomedicine, 19(13), 1191–1195. https://doi. sporoceros dussii (Anthocerotophyta: Leiospo- org/10.1016/j.phymed.2012.07.011 rocerotaceae) from Panama, and C. foetidis- Junairiah, Nurhariyati, T., Ni’matuzahroh, & Sulisty- simum from Costa Rica. Boletín de La Sociedad orini, L. (2016). Isolation of bioactive com- Argentina de Botánica, 52(2), 357–370. pounds from Dicranaceae mosses. Journal Kim- Asakawa, Y. (2007). Biologically active compounds ia Riset, 1(2), 111–121. from bryophytes. Pure and Applied Chemistry, Junairiah, Nurhariyati, T., Zuraidassanaaz, N. I., 79(4), 557–580. Ni’matuzahroh, & Sulistyorini, L. (2017). An- pac200779040557 tifungal Activity of the Some Mosses on Can- Asakawa, Y., Yoyota, M., Takemoto, T., Kubo, I., dida albicans. International Journal of ChemTech & Nakanishi, K. (1980). Insect antifeed- Research, 10(1), 331–334. ant secoaromadendrane-type sesquiterpenes Karim, F. A., Suleiman, M., Rahmat, A., Bakar, M. F. from Plagiochila species. Phytochemistry, 19, A., & Bakar, M. F. A. (2014). Phytochemicals, 2147–2154. Antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of 9422(00)82212-8 five moss species from Sabah, Malaysia. Inter- Banerjee, R. D., & Sen, S. P. (1979). Antibiotic Activity national Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical of Bryophytes. The Bryologist, 82(2), 141–153. Sciences, 6(10), 292–297. Bartram, E. B. (1939). Mosses of The Philippines. The Komala, I., Ito, T., Nagashima, F., Yagi, Y., & Asaka- Philippine Journal of Science, 68(1), 1–437. wa, Y. (2010). Cytotoxic, radical scavenging Damayanti, L. (2006). Koleksi Bryophyta Taman Lumut and antimicrobial activities of sesquiterpenoids Kebun Raya Cibodas Volume II No. 4. Jawa Barat: from the Tahitian liverwort Mastigophora di- UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya clados (Brid.) Nees (Mastigophoraceae). Jour- Cibodas. Retrieved from https://krcibodas.lipi. nal of Natural Medicines, 64, 417–422. https:// Eddy, A. (1988). A Handbook of Malesian Mosses (Sphag- Krishnan, R., & Murugan, K. K. (2014). Compari- nales, Vol. 1). London: Natural History Muse- son of GC-MS analysis of phytochemicals um Publications. in the ethanolic extracts of Marchantia lin- Eddy, A. (1990). Handbook of Malesian Mosses (Leuco- earis Lehm & Lindenb. and Marchantia poly- bryac, Vol. 2). London: Natural History Mu- morpha L. (Bryophyta). International Journal seum Publications. of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, 5(5), Eddy, A. (1996). A Handbook of Malesian Mosses 1981–1987. (Splachnobr, Vol. 3). London: Natural History SR.0975-8232.5(5).1981-87 Museum Publications. Krishnan, V. G. M., Pradeep, D. P., Aswathy, J. M., Faramayuda, F., Ratnawati, J., Dewi, M. A., Adimurti, Krishnan, R., Lubaina, A. S., & Murugan, K. V., & Syam, A. K. (2013). Isolasi Senyawa Si- (2014). Wonder Herbals- Bryophytes , of the totoksik Dari Lumut Hati ( Marchantia Palea- Ponmudi Hills , of Southern Western Ghats : cea Bertol .). In S. Meisyayati, M. Hasanah, A. Window Into the Need for conservation. World A. Rasyad, A. Fatoni, L. Sirumapea, Lidia, … Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Y. S. Wahyuni (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasion- 3(4), 1548–1562.

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