ZIM-809-G11-H Towards universal access: in HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in

Annual Report 2220122012

31 May 2013

Table Contents



9.1 CHALLENGES ...... 16 9.2 SUCCESS STORIES ...... 16



This report highlights progress made in the implementation of program activities under the HIV Round 8 Phase 2 Year 3 Grant. It provides the status of achievement of project’s objectives, targets and linked activities, during the period from January to December 2012.

There was a continued collaborative effort by CCM, PR, Sub-Recipients (SRs) and their Implementing Partners (IPs). These are mainly Health facilities under the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare in all the country’s districts, the Civil Society i.e. ZAN and AIDS Services Organisations (NGOs, CBOs) and the national HIV coordinating body, NAC selected as sub-recipients (SR) to implement community related HIV and AIDS interventions. Development and Technical partners provided technical assistance and additional funding to the programme.

The role played by the CCM in providing oversight leadership and follow-up of implementation of the project and technical guidance has enabled smooth operation of the project. Working partnership between the PR and the SRs in devising strategies for implementation of the grant, coordination of capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation, collectively, have provided the basis for good performance, including exceeding most of the targets.

This report highlights some of the challenges faced in implementation of the project as well as success stories.


Zimbabwe continues to be one of the countries in the world with high HIV infection rates. However, the country is now experiencing a declining HIV epidemic that was first observed in the late 1990’s that has been supported by data from the population based surveys, i.e. the Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 2010/11 and the Antenatal Clinic Surveillance data of 2009. The estimated HIV and AIDS prevalence in adults (age 15 to 49 years) in Zimbabwe was 16.28% (15.56 -16.87%) in 2008 and declined to 15.67% (15.05-16.3%) in 2009 and further declined to 14.56 (14.02-15.36) in 2012 according to the revised 2011 HIV Estimates. According to the ZDHS 2010/11 the prevalence rate declined from 18 % in 2005/06 to 15% in 2010/11. The HIV prevalence in children was estimated to be 3.51 (3.11-4.05) in 2012.

According to MOHCW, the estimated number of people living with HIV was 1,242,768 (1,175,185 – 1,344,482) i.e. 1,053,535 adults and 189, 233 children living with HIV in 2012. The total number of people in need of ART in 2012 was 657,178 i.e. 545,757 adults and 111,421 children. The number of children orphaned and made vulnerable by the impact of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe remains high.

Heterosexual contact is the principal mode of HIV transmission in Zimbabwe. The level of knowledge about HIV and AIDS prevention was high with 75.7% women (15-49 years) and 81.3% men (15-54 years) who knew that condoms could be used to reduce the risk of getting HIV according to the Zimbabwe Demography and Health Survey (2005/06). The second most important mode of HIV transmission is peri-natal and occurs when the mother passes HIV to the child during pregnancy, at birth or during breastfeeding (UNGASS, Zimbabwe – 2010 Country Progress Report).

The grant supports national efforts to address critical gaps in the national response to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The main goals of this grant are to reduce the rate of HIV incidence (prevent new infections), and reduce HIV related morbidity and mortality in Zimbabwe.

The specific objectives of the grant are:

1. To increase adoption of safer sexual behaviour and reduction in risky behaviour (National BC Strategy Outcome 2).

2. To increase the number of children (18 months -15 years) and adults who have tested for HIV, including receiving results.

2 3. To reduce transmission of HIV from mother to child by providing comprehensive PMTCT services.

4. To expand provision of comprehensive HIV and AIDS care, treatment and support including ART services in public and private sector facilities.

5. To strengthen the involvement of communities in the provision of ART services.

6. To strengthen national institutional capacity to coordinate OVC interventions.

7. To strengthen mechanisms for coordination, collaboration and accountability among PLWHIV networks in the mainstreaming of MIPA within the national response.

Another important component of the grant is the capacity building of the four SRs in the areas of Program Management, Financial Management, Procurement and Supply Management and Monitoring and Evaluation in preparation for them to become the Principal Recipients of GFATM grants in future .


There was no change in the implementation and coordination mechanisms from Phase 1 (2010-2011) of the grants. The same SRs were maintained in Year 3 of the grant.

In March 2012, the GF Board decided to discontinue funding for two Service Delivery Areas (SDAs) “Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)” and “BCC -Mass Media”, in HIV/AIDS Phase 2 grant, as the activities proposed under these SDAs were not considered “High Impact” as per the UNAIDS HIV/AIDS Investment Framework. As a result organizations responsible for the implementation of these components - MoLSS and PSI/SAfAIDS – participated in the implementation of the activities only in the first 6 months of the year. The details of the activities implemented by these SSRs are included in end of project reports submitted to the CCM Secretariat on 30 April 2013.

The SRs for the grant are:

Ministry of Health and Child Welfare

The Grant agreement between the Principal Recipient and the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (MOHCW) was signed on 6th July 2012 MOHCW is responsible for the following objectives under the grant to (i) increase the number of children (18 months - 15 years) and adults who have tested for HIV, including receiving results, (ii) reduce transmission of HIV from mother to child by providing comprehensive PMTCT services, (iii) expand provision of comprehensive HIV and AIDS care, treatment and support including ART services in public and private sector facilities, and (iv) strengthen the involvement of communities in the provision of ART services.

National AIDS Council

National AIDS Council is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the following Service Delivery Areas (SDAs): (i) behaviour change, (ii) integration of family planning into HIV services (prevention of unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV), (iii) antiretroviral treatment (ART) and monitoring and evaluation, (iv) provider initiated testing and counseling, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT), anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and TB/HIV, (v) workplace-based HIV prevention behaviour change and workplace policy development, and (vi) support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

NAC’s SSRs are Ministry of Labor and Social Services (only for the first 6 months of the year ); Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC); University of Zimbabwe – Department of Medicine (U.Z. – Department of Medicine); College of Primary Care Physicians of Zimbabwe (CPCPZ); and Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe/Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (EMCOZ/ZCTU). In addition, there are also eight (8) partners responsible for implementing behavior change programme in all the provinces in the country. These are ZAPSO, ZICHIRE, World Vision, Regai Dzive Shiri, FACT , Batsirai, Matebeleland AIDS Council and Midlands AIDS Support Organization.

3 Zimbabwe AIDS Network (ZAN)

ZAN which is an umbrella organization of AIDS Service Organisations (ASOs) is the third Sub-Recipient and its SSRs are; Population Services International (PSI) (only for the first 6 months of the year ), Zimbabwe National Network of People living with HIV (ZNNP+) and Hospice Association of Zimbabwe (HOSPAZ). The programme service delivery areas covered by ZAN are: (i) community home based care by HOSPAZ, (ii) strengthening networks of PLHIV by ZNNP+, (iii) behaviour change communication through mass media by PSI/SAfAIDS, and (iv) strengthening civil society and capacity building by ZAN.


It is important to note that in the first six months of the year, little progress was registered on some of the grant activities due to the end of Expanded Support Programme (ESP) funding compounded by the late disbursement of funds by the GF. Most training activities could not be carried out and most staff whose salaries were supported by GF was not paid. In some cases they were asked to go on leave and those who remained at work were demoralized and did not apply themselves fully to their duties. Coverage for the collection of information was also affected as there was only skeletal staff, lack of fuel, insurance and maintenance for the vehicles affected outreach services, most IPs who implement community activities had their offices closed for nonpayment of rent. There was no support and supervision hence compromising the quality of work in the various implementing sites. For the two SSRs who were in the grant for the first six months of the year, very little progress was recorded. Most activities being reported for the year were therefore carried out in the last semester of the year: BBBEHAVIOUR CCCHANGE CCCOMMUNICATION

Eight IPs under NAC were responsible for the implementation of the BCC programme, namely; Regai Dzive Shiri, Batsirai ZAPSO, ZICHIRE, World Vision, FACT Mutare, Batsirai, Matebeleland AIDS Council and Midlands AIDS Support Organization. The BCC strategy included trainings, community sensitisation meetings, encouragement of male circumcision, increased condom use, reduction of multiple concurrent sexual partners, and increase of interpersonal communication.

The number of people reached through community outreach programmes, promoting HIV prevention, including interpersonal communication (person exposures) is 5,891,921 disaggregated as 1,728,806 (Q9), 688,799 (Q10) and 3,473,587 {Semester 1 (Q11-Q12)}. TTTESTING ,,, CCCOUNSELLING AND ART

A total of 2,240,344 people were tested, counseled and received their results under the R8 GF HIV/AIDS grant in 2012. The MOHCW contributed 84% (1,871,728) and PSI 16% (368,616) to the cumulative result of 2,240,344. The MOHCW data is disaggregated by gender: 67% (1,125,113) females and 33% (617,026) males were reported to have been counseled and tested and received their results.

The submission rate for July to December 2012 period is 82% (8,075 reports of the 9,360 expected reports from MOHCW received) and the annual submission rate for 2012 is 76.4.5% .Poor report submission rate is attributed to the late disbursement of funds in the first 2 quarters resulting in an average submission rate of 59.9 Note that the report submission rate for PSI is 100%. The intensification of training of PCs (with support from Global Fund) and the decision of the MOHCW to allow the PCs to offer HIV testing services (since April 2011) have contributed to the increased coverage and access to Testing and Counseling services.

The ART programme in Zimbabwe was established in April 2004. As of December 2012, there were 980 ART sites countrywide of which 466 are outreach sites. The MOHCW intends to continue decentralizing so as to address the issue of equity and effective coverage of ART services in the country. A total of 565,675 adults and children with advanced HIV infection were reported to have received antiretroviral therapy at health facilities from as at December 2012, both at initiating and outreach sites, compared to 401,370 reported in December 2011. The result is disaggregated as follows: adult males 188,595, adult females 330,206, children males 22,675 and children females 24,199.

4 Since inception of HIV prevention programmes in the late 1990’s all patient related data has been collected using a manual, paper-based system. The system has, of late, been unable to function properly due to the increase in the volume of patients requiring ART, which increased to 565,675 as of December 2012. This increased number of patients on ART has affected accurate monitoring, tracking and reporting of patients accessing HIV services. To address this gap - ensure that both quality TB/HIV data is timeously collected and also an efficient management of patients - the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, in consultation with its partners, resolved to establish an electronic system to collect and manage TB/HIV data at patient level.


The long-term vision of the ministry is to integrate the e-PMS into the national Health Information System for the health sector based on a limited set of nationally agreed solutions and standards. In order to make a well-informed choice on a more efficient system suitable for the country, a look and learn visit was undertaken in March 2012 to Zambia, Tanzania, and Namibia to observe their systems. Key stakeholders whose representatives made the trip include MOHCW, WHO, RTI, UNDP, UNAIDS, CDC and NAC. The reports of the three teams were presented to the management of the MOHCW for decision making. Around the same time, and with financial support from the WHO, an IT Consultant was recruited for three weeks to assist the ministry in conducting a rapid assessment of the existing systems in the country. Following this, to make recommendations to the MOHCW on their choice of the system to adopt. Subsequent to the findings of the rapid assessment and the recommendations of the look and learn visit, the MOHCW decided on an e-PMS system that manages:

– Common patient registrations – Demographic details, – Past medical history – Patient follow-up visits – Laboratory investigations – Prescription and dispensing of drugs

A road map for implementation of the ePMS and a costed action plan were subsequently developed, and three systems, namely the Tanzanian, EGPAF and Newlands Clinic’s systems were selected for piloting starting from the last quarter of 2012. The Global Fund has committed to the speedy implementation of the ePMS having already provided funds for procurement of IT equipment and accessories, as well as the necessary human resources, for the pilot in 81 public health facilities. By the end of December 2012, 81 laptop computers, 81 desktop computers, 2 servers, 81 printers and 2 multi-purpose printers had already been procured and had arrived in the country. In addition, GF has approved funding for the recruitment and support of central-level staff for 2013 as well as funding to procure a further 206 laptop computers, 2 desktop computers, 2 printers, heavy-duty printers and servers. Other equipment and infrastructure yet to be procured are LAN infrastructure, 83 solar panels, 83 AC-DC inverters, 166 deep -cycle batteries for backup, 83 heavy-duty LAN printers and uninterrupted power supply units (UPS). At the end of 2012 a contract was signed with University of Dar es Salaam to design and implement the Tanzania system (CTC database) as one of the pilot systems. A technician from the university visited the country, installing the relevant software at Central Hospital, Provincial Hospital and Murewa District Hospital. The same technician further trained MOHCW personnel who will be responsible for

5 the management of the system. EGPAF also completed site assessments of UBH Central Hospital; Provincial Hospital and Hospital. Newlands Clinic also initiated assessment for the piloting of its Energy Plan at Mpilo Central Hospital, Provincial Hospital and Maphisa District Hospital. The piloting of the Tanzania CTC database and the Newlands Clinic Energy Plan systems are both receiving funding from the Global Fund PMTCT

Several developments internationally and locally have made elimination of pediatric HIV a real possibility. In 2010, WHO released new guidelines that recommend use of much more efficacious regimens for PMTCT with an emphasis on HIV free survival of children and keeping mothers alive. Zimbabwe adopted these recommendations and revised the national treatment guidelines, reviewed the National PMTCT Program, developed a PMTCT Communication strategy and strategic plan and launched the National PMTCT Elimination Agenda which created a demand for the increased uptake of the PMTCT program. In view of the anticipated increased demand there is need for the MOHCW to increase the supply of commodities. The PMTCT programme scale up is supported by partners; UNICEF, CHAI, EGPAF, PEPFAR, ZVITAMBO, KAPNEK, OPHID and MSF.

Global Fund supported the procurement of commodities such as ARV drugs, DBS Bundles and POC reagents in 2012. These commodities are necessary for the delivery of PMTCT services to Eliminate new HIV infections in children and keep mothers alive. In accordance with the Global Fund’s Gender Equality Strategy, PMTCT figures have been collected and analyzed. The total number of HIV-infected pregnant women in the country (used as denominator) who were in need of ARV prophylaxis in 2012 was 64,245 (2011 HIV Estimates). A total of 59,224 or 92% of the estimated HIV infected pregnant women in the country received ARV prophylaxis in 2012. CCCARE AND SSSUPPORT ::: SSSUPPORT FOR THE CHRONCHRONICALLYICALLY ILL

The indicator on care and support was tracked in quarter 9 ( ) only where the number of PLWHIV receiving care and support services within the community was 70,835 against a target of 125,000. The uptake of the programme was rather subdued and this can be attributed to the slow implementation of activities which is

6 usually associated with the beginning of a new year. The Expanded Support Programme (ESP) also came to an end in December 2011 with the situation further worsened by the fact that Global Fund did not disburse funds during the quarter. The target for Q9 was achieved by 57%. ZAN and its partners (HOSPAZ and IPs) contributed the following to the reported results, 30,072 cumulatively as at quarter 9. In quarter 9 alone ESP districts contributed (362) and Global Fund districts (898). In all, ZAN contributed 42.5% to the quarterly target. The national level results were reported by NAC whilst ZAN reported on only GFATM and ESP/EU supported wards. The indicator has since been dropped from the approved Phase 2 Performance Framework. SSSUPPORT FOR ORPHANS AANDND VULNERABLE CHILDRCHILDRENEN

No target was set for Q9 as the indicator was dropped from the Performance Framework. No activities were carried out except payment of salaries due to non-disbursement of funds by the Global Fund. 666 TTTRAINING

A total of 1,505 health workers were trained in 2012 distributed as MOHCW (1,213) and CPCPZ (292). A total of 723 health workers were trained by MOHCW and CPCPZ in Q8 alone. The program areas that were covered include PMTCT, HTC, Infant feeding, review workshops, IMAI, TB/HIV collaboration, and OIT/ART. Though disbursement was delayed during the quarter, the decentralized training approach adopted by the ministry contributed to the high performance of the indicator. The MOHCW trainings focused on , training of health care workers in HIV rapid testing in the public and private sector (323), training of health workers in integrated training curricula comprising IMAAI, OI-ART, PITC, IMAAI IMPAC modules (391), M and E training (433) and on site orientation of health workers on IPT (66). The National AIDS Council through the Council for Primary Care Physicians of Zimbabwe trainings focused on OI/ART (101) ,PMTCT (93) C&T (98) contributing 292 health workers trained Zimbabwe AIDS Network through HOSPAZ 736 communities and health workers during the year which was focusing on TOT food security national (97), Food Security community (79), HIV Prevention Treatment and support for TOT training at national level (97), HIV Prevention Treatment and support for Cascade training (85), HIV Prevention Treatment and support CHBC nurses training at national level (95),Community Mobilisation and Empowerment for Improved Access to Care, Support and Treatment (CMEIACST) TOT national level (103), CMEAST cascade (84), Buddie treatment (86).

EMCOZ/ZCTU consortium trained 400 people from industry and the training focused on Training of trainers at peer educators enterprise level in HIV BC and HIV services (21), Identify and train leadership in unions, National Employment Councils and at businesses on HIV prevention and gender mainstreaming (96), Training of peer educators at enterprise level in HIV BC and HIV services (80) Refresher training of peer educators (146) Advocate with informal sector associations, labour unions and their affiliates, employer organizations and National Employment Councils (NECs) on policy and programme development including collective bargaining agreements (57).

Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council trained 141 community-based distributors (CBDs), Depot Holders, Group Leaders and other community cadres on issues of FP/HIV integration including issues of dual protection and dual method use. The organisation delayed in holding its training because it had to refund stolen money before a disbursement could be done.


The Monitoring and Evaluation of Round 8 Phase2 HIV/AIDS grant implementation was guided by the M&E Plan 2011-2015, developed with the participation of different partners, and approved by the Global Fund. There was close linkage between programmatic monitoring and financial monitoring to ensure that there was balance for cost-efficiency between programme outputs and resources used to achieve them. The Principal Recipient intensified the financial and programme monitoring of the Sub Recipients and even reached the implementation levels to verify financial transactions and records as per UNDP financial guidelines and procedures.



During the year the PR carried out 4 joint On Site Data Verification (3 by the PR and 1 was in support of LFA) in order to assess quality and reliability of data/information reported by implementing partners. The OSDV were carried out once every quarter by the PR and SRs to Provinces, Districts and sites implementing Global Funded activities. Although there is slight improvement in keeping, collecting and submitting data there are still challenges in data quality. The challenge faced by MOHCW data is a result of the current tools in use which that are not capturing some important patient outcomes to use during computation of reported data. The Behaviour Change Communication Programme has been faced with lack of evidenced based documentation to show that data verification and validation was being done while the Community Home Based Care Programme had challenges of comprehensive data reporting in terms of coverage, use of different data collection tools by IPs implementing CHBC and data quality as a result non defined M and E responsibilities by some Implementing Partners to ensure clear roles of individuals within the organisation structure in M and E, in order to strengthen data accountability in the organisation


All SRs held quarterly review meetings with their SSR. The respective SSRs also held review meetings with SSSRs. The objective of the review meetings were to discuss progress, challenges, share best practices and to plan activities for the next quarter. The review meetings have been important forums for improvement of the grant performance.

The PR attended all Quarterly Review Meetings organised by SRs.. During these meetings SRs/SSRs presented progress reports in implementation of the activities and the status of achieving quarterly targets, challenges and lessons learned. The PR uses this opportunity to report on the implementation of the procurement plan and budget executions and share field visit findings and recommendations.



The monitoring of the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) plan with specific timelines developed in 2011 to respond to MOHCW issues raised by JSI continued during the year. The final review of data collection tools which were under pretesting in four districts - Mrewa, UMP, Nyanga and was done in August 2012.

8 Standard Operating Procedures have also been developed, however they awaiting printing due to limited budget which was available for printing. The formal approval for the M&E organogram which is linked to the overall revision of the MOHCW’s organogram is still pending. It is a lengthy process and requires internal approval by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (MOHCW) and the Health Service Board (HSB). Approval by the HSB is dependent on assurance from the treasury of availability of funds to pay for the recommended positions. In view of the current economic situation in the country and the embargo placed on recruitment in the public sector, the MOHCW does not anticipate approval in the short term. The MOHW will continue to rely on partners to fund M&E positions pending the final approval of the MOHCW.

The M&E Coordinator position has now been filled as at March 2013 being funded by CDC.The development of the electronic system is in progress. Following findings and recommendations from look and learn visits conducted by the MOHCW and its key partners in April 2012 and a rapid assessment exercise done with external technical assistance in May 2012 in preparation for setting up an HIV/TB e-PMS, three electronic systems namely the EGPAF, the Newlands clinic and the Tanzanian systems were selected to undergo pilot in nine (9) selected sites in the country (namely Harare Central hospital, Mpilo Central hospital, United Hospital, Gweru provincial hospital, Marondera provincial hospital, Gwanda provincial hospital, Maphisa district hospital, Murewa district hospital and Gokwe south district hospitals). A financial gap analysis and implementation plan of the pilot and subsequent national rollout phases of the anticipated ideal system(s) was developed and this has since been shared with key partners for resource mobilization and to get buy in. To complement the development of the electronic systems the MOHCW also completed the pilot for the revised M&E tools to now capture data from key age groups previously omitted, to capture data on HIV/TB collaborative activities and to remove duplications in indicators being reported across programs to complement and align the paper system in the electronic system.

The data quality assessments were done during onsite data verification, carried out in - (Nyanga hospital) Mutare Urban (Mutare hospital, St Josephs), (St Peters) -( hospital, Rukweza clinic, Nyazura clinic) (Hauna hospital), district (Murambinda hospital) Mashonaland East Province- (Makumbe district hospital, hospital,) Mtoko district (Mtoko district hospital, Luisa Guidotti hospital), Province- and Masvingo Urban (Regai Dzive Shiri, Ministry of Labour Social Services(MLOSS), DACHICARE). Matabeleland North- (Lupane district hospital) Bulawayo Urban district (Christian Care, Matabeleland AIDS Council) Tshlolotsho district (Tshlolotsho hospital), (Umguza hospital) , General observations showed that issues raised from the previous OSDV have not yet been addressed and there is still no documented evidence of what is claimed to be happening. This was observed at all the sites visited. It was also observed that there are no systems and documented evidence of data management processes and data quality controls at the sites visited by all SRs implementing the HIV grant.

Two follow up of training to check on the people trained and confirmation of payments of daily allowances and of community health care allowances were done during the year. This activity was done in two Phases (phase1, 25- 31 March 2012 and Phase 2, 25-29 June 2012), of which three teams were formed and went to Midlands (, Gweru, Mberengwa district ) Mashonaland West Province (Kadoma, District District, District) and (, , Chiredzi district). Key observations noted from the two phase visits showed that in some cases guidelines for payments of DSAs were not being followed as evidenced by the non-disaggregation of payments by purpose and amount for example what was the amount for lunch, dinner of supplementary and lack of well-defined policies to justify the payments being made for example local participants being paid the same as participants coming from outside. Discussions were held by the respective SRs and follow up will be done in 2013 to determine whether the previous recommendations are being followed.


The three indicators “Number of ward level child protection committees making use of village registers in monitoring OVC interventions”, “Number of PLWHA support groups with institutional capacity”, and “Number of health care personnel trained in comprehensive HIV and AIDS management (C&T, PITC PMTCT, HIV/TB, ART/OI)” were removed from being tracked from the Performance Framework (PF) . The indicator on was added to the PF however the indicator has not been reported on due data collection tools which is supposed to collect information on this indicator were being piloted during the year. The indicator “Number of people (adults and children )with advanced HIV infection receiving anti-retroviral therapy” was split for reporting to 3 indicators namely “Number of people (adults and children) with advanced HIV infection

9 receiving anti-retroviral therapy "Percentage/Number of adults with advanced HIV infection currently receiving antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), "Percentage/Number of children with advanced HIV infection currently receiving antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). 333 GGGRANT PPPERFORMANCE

The grant rating dropped from A1 to B1 in quarter 9, 10 and the rating for the semester 1 (July- Dec 2012 reporting had not been received

QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 101010 Semester 1 Jan --- Mar Apr ––– Jun Jul ––– Sep Oct –––Dec–Dec Jan ––– Mar AprApr–––– Jun JulJulJul-Jul ---SepSep OctOct----DecDec Jan –––Mar–Mar AprApr----JuneJune July ---Dec-Dec 112222 101010 11101000 101010 101010 111111 111111 111111 111111 121212 121212

B1 B1 A1 B1 A1 A1 A1 A1 B1 B1 A1

The following table shows the grant performance during the year that resulted in the of the quarter 9 and 10 ratings. Performance of the Impact / Outcome and Output Indicators

Two impact/outcome indicators were being tracked during the year and 6 of the 7 output indicators being tracked and were reported on .Indicator 4.2 “Percentage of HIV positive patients who were screened for TB in HIV care” was not reported on because the tools to collect the data are under printing

Year of Intended Report Due Data Source of Indicator Description Actual Result Target TTTargetTarget Date Results % of adults and children with HIV known to be Year 3 88% 14-Feb-13 84% Other (ART registers on treatment 12 months after initiation of through cohort antiretroviral therapy analysis)

Comment: Th e result was derived the ART Cohort study initiated in month of October 2010 to September 2011. The same cohort was followed again for another 12 months October 2011 to September 2012.

% of women and men aged 15 -49 who have Year 3 Female: 2%; 14-Feb-13 Female: 1%; ZDHS 2010/2011 had sexual intercourse with more than one Male: 8 % Male: 11 % partner in the last 12 months Comment: The source of the results used for reporting is the ZDHS 2010/2011 Target achieved by average of 136% (females 200% males 72%)

Semester 1 Q9Q9Q9 Q9 Q10 Q10 Semester 1 Indicator Target Target Result Target Result Result

Number of people reached through community outreach programmes, promoting HIV prevention ,including 1,044,000 1,728,806 1,305,000 688,799 2,871,000 3,473,587 interpersonal communication (person exposures)

The performance achievement target for the year 5891192 against the target of 5 Comment: 220 000, reaching a performance achievement of 113% for the year

Number of people who received HIV counselling and testing 450 900 385 004 1018436 2,153,508 2,240,344 and received their results 958 663

10 Indicator measures services on posttest counseled at sites providing counseling CommentsComments:::: and testing by MOHCW (1 560 sites) and PSI (17 sites).The target was achieved by 104%.

Number and % of HIV -infected pregnant women who received 101% ARV prophylaxis to reduce the risk of mother- to -child 97% 97% 93% 93% 92% transmission of HIV.

The performance coverage of the indicator was 92% of women in need of PMTCT CommentsComments:::: against a national target of 93%.

Number of people (adults and children) with advanced HIV 429 738 436 024 455 298 437 276 479,952(85%) 565,675 (86.2%) infection receiving anti retroviral therapy The indicator measures patients who are currently .This result shows a national ART coverage of 86.2%, when a national need of 655, 881 for 2012 is used as the Comments denominator in estimating the coverage. The national ART coverage target of 80% was achieved by 107.8%.

Percentage/Numbe r of adults with advanced HIV infection currently receiving antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) N/A N/A N/A 533,812 (80%) 518,801 (94%) NA

The adult national coverage for 2012 was 94.1% of the 551, 151 adults who were in Comments need of ART during the year, representing about 109.3% of the 86% coverage target for the period.

Percentage/Number of children with advanced HIV infection currently receiving antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) N/A N/A N/A N/A 54,460 (52%) 46 874 (45%)

The target of the indicator was achieved by 86.5%. A total of 46,874 children with advanced HIV received ART.The national coverage for children in 2012 was about 45% of the 104, 730 children who were in need of ART during the period, Comments representing 86.5% of those in in need of ART during the period. The non- achievement of the target could be explained by structural and policy frameworks, which only allows medical doctors to initiate paediatrics ART at district Hospitals.

Percentage of HIV positive patients who were screened for TB in 85% N/A 85% N/A 85% N/A HIV care The ART and Pre Art registers that are the source documents for reporting on this indicator were piloted in Manicaland (Nyanga, and Chipinge) and in Mashonaland East Murewa and Uzumba and Maramba Pfungwe districts.Piloting Comments of tools to be used for to report on the indicator was still running during the period. The tools are currently being printed for distribution to all facilities nationally.The PR will start reporting on the indicator in Semester 2

Performance of indicators tracked at programme level

Number of PLWHIV receiving care and support services outside 125 000 70 835 130 000 140 000 56 669 facility or community level (by age and sex)

The CHBC programme has performed poorly during the year. The reasons for its poor performance may be related to limited coverage of the programme Comments throughout the country as a result of lack of capacity by the Implementing Partner to cover all wards.

Number of health care perso nnel trained in comprehensive HIV 170 N/A 516 N/A 1482 1505 and AIDS management (C&T, PITC PMTCT, HIV/TB, ART/OI)

Targets for Q9 and Q10 could not be reached because the funds were not released Comments by the time the period elapsed


In 2012 a total of US$130,481,599 was received from the Global Fund. Interest generated in the bank account amounted to US$222,417 , bringing the total income for 2012 to US$ 130,704,016.

The total amount disbursed to the implementation of the activities and procurement processes totals US$ 106,817,102, representing 82% of the total income. Sources of Funds Uses of funds 15-May-12 29,709,894 NAC 924,381 Disbursement from 18-Jun-12 16,589,300 NAC Local Partner 1,961,028 GFATM 28-Sep-12 84,182,405 ZAN 404,018 2012 Interest 222,417 MOHCW 3,221,503 NATPHARM 548,132 NATPHARM CD 92,219 CPCPZ 109,853 EMCOZ/ZCTU 163,122 MOPSL SW 175,623 UZ. Dept of Med 146,954 ZNFPC 96,391 HOSPAZ 910,931 ZNNP+ 409,482 MCAZ 90,000 UNDP 97,563,467

130,704,016 106,817,102

The cumulative amount received and committed/spent since beginning of the grant is summarized in the Table below .

Disbursements from Global Fund & Interests Use of funds by Implementing Partner Disbursement Number and Implementing Cumulative Amount 2010-2011 2012 Date Partner 2010-2012 1 16-Dec-09 20,053,712 NAC 1,877,258 924,381 2,801,639 2 24-Jun-10 5,301,729 NAC Local Partner - 1,961,028 1,961,028 3 21-Sep-10 20,949,045 ZAN 1,040,671 404,018 1,444,689 4 8-Feb-11 5,893,729 MOHCW 5,874,429 3,221,503 9,095,932 5 25-Mar-11 5,707,824 NATPHARM 767,624 548,132 1,315,756 6 19-Jul-11 1,321,042 NATPHARM CD - 92,219 92,219 7 26-Oct-11 13,897,978 CPCPZ 334,764 109,853 444,617 8 15-May-12 29,709,894 EMCOZ/ZCTU 690,024 163,122 853,146 9 18-Jun-12 16,589,300 MOPSL SW 1,398,303 175,623 1,573,926 10 28-Sep-12 84,182,405 UNFPA 5,546,012 5,546,012 Sub-Total 203,606,658 UZ.Dept of Med 445,631 146,954 592,585 20 09 Interests 125,195 ZNFPC 381,922 96,391 478,313 2010 Interests 191,200 2011 Interests 33,744 HOSPAZ 1,712,322 910,931 2,623,253 2012 Interests 222,417 PSI/SAFAIDS 2,293,788 2,293,788 572,556 ZNNP+ 955,213 409,482 1,364,695 HSB/C.AGENTS 7,381,822 - 7,381,822 MCAZ - 90,000 90,000 UNDP 40,191,656 97,563,467 137,755,123 Total source of funds 204,1204,179797979,,,,212121214444 ToToTotalTo tal use of funds 70,891,439 106,817,102 177,708,541


A total of US$ 137,755,124 was spent under UNDP since Phase 1. From the total amount spent under UNDP around 93% was on procurement and other PSM activities. During 2012 95% of total disbursement related to procurement and other PSM activities.

Phase 1 Year 3 Total %%% Disbursement Disbursements Disbursement PSM 34,019,278 93,605,610 127,624,888 93% PMU* 2,229,981 1,577,316 3,807,297 2% GMS 3,942,397 2,380,542 6,322,939 5% TOTAL 40,191,656 97,563,467 137,755,124


The procurement and supply management of health and non-health products constituted 59% of the Round 8 phase 1 budget approved for the HIV grant.

In 2011, the following was procured: Test Kits (received part 5,000 test kits & 12,076 chase buffer); Lab Consumables (HIV Testing consumables, 260 Hemo cue machines and consumables, CD4 reagents for BD and Partec Cyflow, and Hematology reagents); ARVs; HBC kits; NAC vehicles; and male and female condom models (shipment expected early 2012).

Annex 1 includes the details of the procurement under the HIV grant.

With respect to capacity building interventions under the Round 8 phase 1 grants, UNDP has engaged an independent Quality Assurance Pharmacist to work with the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) to enhance the NDRA laboratories to WHO standards. This move being the first of its kind in Zimbabwe is aimed at capacitating MCAZ to become a WHOPES collaborating center with ISO: 17205 certification to conduct all levels of laboratory tests and analysis.

In addition, UNDP has issued a Quality Control testing guidance note for all countries where UNDP is PR to the GFATM Grants. UNDP together with MCAZ are in the midst of finalizing an adapted version for Zimbabwe. The Quality Assurance Plan suitable for general use by the government of Zimbabwe and all PSM partners in country, will guide the processes on testing quality analysis of all drugs imported into Zimbabwe and stored within the health facilities in country.

UNDP is working alongside other public health partners such as JSI and UNICEF to come up with a coherent and coordinated solution for storage condition by inputting to the NatPharm Roadmap.

Leverage on WFP role as global lead of the Logistics Cluster to enhance supply chain management by effective logistics coordination and monitoring between suppliers, streamline customs clearance procedures, enhance transparency and accountability in the Receiving, Inspection and Certifying Acceptance service including record keeping and technical advice.


The Phase 2 Capacity Development Plan approved by the Global Fund in July 2012 aims to build upon the Phase 1 work to address institutional systems, in the areas of coordination and management, accountability and risk management; and strengthening the country Health Information System.

The high-level capacity development objectives identified in the plan are:

13 • Strengthened Risk and Results Based Management, Accountability, and Oversight at National and Provincial Level. • Comprehensive, Accurate, & Timely Data Capture, Analysis & Reporting from District & Provincial levels. • Strengthening Procurement & Supply Management. • CD Project Management and M&E.

Following the GF and CCM approval by September 2012, the remaining three months of 2012 available for implementation focused mainly on preparatory work to enable CD plan activities to start in earnest in 2013, as well as the implementation of activities under the budget of the 2012 UNDP CO funds.

Procurement Procurement was completed for a variety of activities such as the assessment of the needs for the proposed Management & Leadership Development Programme; the assessment of storage conditions of urban and rural peripheral health facilities, procurement of a refrigerated truck for the MOHCW to strengthen its public health laboratory services, and technical experts to support HSB in carrying out their capacity development activities, and the MOHCW in their midterm review of the HR Strategy.

Other procurement was started but has had to be re-tendered, such as that for IT groups to install the Pastel Financial Management system at all SSRs which do not currently have this software.

Recruitment To support the implementation and coordination of the Phase 2 Capacity Development Plan, a Capacity Development Associate started in June 2012 with support from a Capacity Development Consultant. The Capacity Development Team works closely with the PR Program Officers, Finance Team and M&E Team as CD is a cross cutting program.

Additionally the recruitment was completed of the MOHCW GF Grants Coordinator; a post which aims to support the overall coordination of the implementation of the GFATM activities across the three national MOHCW programs (HIV, TB and Malaria) plus the Health Systems Strengthening Component.

Key Activities Management and Leadership Development Programme The Management and Leadership Development Programme aims to be one of the key interventions of the Phase 2 CD Plan. This intervention aims to strengthen Ministry of Health and Child Welfare management and leadership capacity via the practical application of acquired skills to real life issues, ultimately enabling the transfer of skills in a sustainable manner. In 2012, as part of the development of the detail of this activity, a horizontal learning exchange programme was arranged in order to benefit from the Zambia Management and Leadership Academy (ZMLA) model.

The ZMLA model is being implemented by the Broadreach Institute for Training and Education (BRITE) in Zambia with the Ministry of Health; and through the exchange visit a team made up of the MOHCW, HSB and the PR gained first-hand experience of how the programme is being implemented and how a similar programme could be implemented in Zimbabwe.

In addition to the exchange programme, a national consultant was recruited to facilitate the detailed assessment of what the programme should focus on in Zimbabwe. The consultant completed interviews with key staff of NAC, ZAN, HSB, NatPharm and MOHCW and the draft assessment report was shared with the PR and SRs at the end of 2012. The findings of this assessment will inform the detailed design of the management and leadership development programme.

Revision of the Global Fund SubSub----RecipientRecipient Implementation Manual There was also a need identified to revise the GF SR Implementation Manual developed in Phase 1, to incorporate changes in the Global Fund structures, SR reporting timeliness and the revised reporting templates. This revised manual was then disseminated to all SRs.

14 Successes and Challenges A key challenge was the delay in finalising the workplan and budget, which has reduced the allowable implementation time. This reduction is a significant challenge considering that capacity development and change management require a longer period of implementation to make the desired impact. UNDP acknowledges that developing the capacities of the Sub-Recipients (SRs) and any successful transition to them as PRs, requires commitment of time and resources, particularly when the strategy of the Phase 2 CD Plan has shifted to addressing institutional systems in the areas of i) coordination and management, accountability and risk management; and ii) strengthening the Health Information System systems.

There has been close collaboration with the SRs especially engaging the MOHCW PMDs. The PMDs will play a critical role in the implementation of Phase 2, based on the fact that most of the Phase 2 activities will roll out to Provincial and District levels.

CD Budget

The total approved budget for the Phase 2 Capacity Development Plan is $2,125,881. The following table shows the approved budgets by grant and by Sub Recipient

Phase 2 Grant Actual 2012 Variance Reason for Variance Budget Activities not started due to delay in HIV 1,129,504 95,140 214,338 workplan budget agreement. WHO disbursement for 2012 and 2013 TB 127,398 130,227 -39,316 done in 2012. WHO disbursement for 2012 and 2013 Malaria 331,901 247,798 -175,318 done in 2012. Activities not started due to delay in HSS 70,281 0 27,161 workplan budget agreement. UNDP CO Delays in procurement and retaining of 466,798 20,400 271,398 Contribution consultants. TOTAL 2,125,881 493,565 298,26298,263333 Spend rate 62%




 Lack of standardised data collection tools between Global funded IPs and Non Global Funded IPS implementing CHBC was resulting in unstandardised collection of data at source

 Some CHBC IP had financial constraints during the year by resulting in them either folding up or operating from home thus comprised provision and collection of quality services and data respectively. This was compounded by high staff attrition rates among IPs.

 Poor data collection and reporting for the CHBC indicator due to lack of capacity by the implementing partner to collect data beyond Global Funded districts which resulted poor performance of the indicator during the first 3 quarters of the year.

 The consortium EMCOZ/ZCTU could not implement the activities planned for the quarter after failing to access the quarter 12 disbursements. The low resource uptake by the consortium resulted in minimum expenditure threshold of 80% during quarter 11 hence no disbursement was done for quarter 12.

 The quality of data submitted by SRs/ SSRs has generally been found to be filled with inconsistency of when comparing the reported data with the supporting source documents.

 Lack of addressing of recommendation from visits has been one of the greatest challenges during the year as issues keep on recurring from several observations.

 SSRs and IPs still have challenges with 100% statutory deductions from employees’ salaries and yet the employer and employee should share the cost.

 Unmet needs that includes policy, health systems and structural bottlenecks has hampered access to EID, ART and retention to paediatric HIV treatment and care because the services are offered at selected institutions.

 Human resources shortage including non-formalization of task sharing has affected quality provision of services at most health institutions.

999. SSSUCCESS STORIES  Gamuchirai Support Group: Gamuchirai Support group was established in 2010. It operates in Dzvete ward situated in Goromonzi District, Mashonaland East Province. The group is composed of nineteen (19) members that include seventeen (17) females and two (2) males. This also includes five (5) secondary caregivers . They then started by introducing the Internal Savings Lending (ISL) whereby each member pays $10.00 per month and $5.00 after two weeks. They buy groceries with the $5.00 contributions and take turns of three at a time to share the groceries and receive $50.00. The cash is used to meet medical expenses and other needs. This project enables members to establish some individual projects to sustain their families’ needs.

 Finalization of a costed PMTCT elimination strategy and costed operational plan and their official launch were the main success of the PMTCT program in the last half of 2012.

16 ANNEX 111:1: Statement of Assets and EquipmEquipmentent as of 31 DecemberDecember 2012012222

GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF000134 ZNNP+ CN8411N07N Mutare Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000135 ZNNP+ CN8411N0YQ Byo Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000136 ZNNP+ CN8411N01T Hre Provincial Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000137 ZNNP+ CN8411N1J1 Hre Provincial Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000138 ZNNP+ CN8411N0XM Masvingo office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000139 ZNNP+ CN8491M0RT Masvingo office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000140 ZNNP+ CN8411N078 Mat South Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000141 ZNNP+ CN8491M0YQ Mat South Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000142 ZNNP+ CN8491M0Y6 Mat North Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000143 ZNNP+ CN8411N0Z7 Mat North Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000144 ZNNP+ CN8491M0Y2 Mash east Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000145 ZNNP+ CN8411N0YT Mash Central Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000146 ZNNP+ CN8491M0XR Mash West Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000147 ZNNP+ CN8411N0ZJ Midlands Office Fax machine ICT 2/2/2010 187.20 GF000150 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Six Drawer desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF000151 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Six Drawer desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF000152 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Six Drawer desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF000153 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Six Drawer desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF000154 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Six Drawer desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF000155 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Six Drawer desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF000156 ZAN (blank) Harare Office High back Swivel Chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF000157 ZAN (blank) Harare Office High back Swivel Chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF000158 ZAN (blank) Harare Office High back Swivel Chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF000159 ZAN (blank) Harare Office High back Swivel Chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF000160 ZAN (blank) Harare Office Visitors chair FF 2/22/2010 100.00 GF000161 ZAN (blank) Harare Office High back Swivel Chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF000162 ZAN (blank) Harare Office High back Swivel Chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF000163 ZAN (blank) Harare Office 5 Tier Filing Cabinet FF 2/22/2010 270.00 GF000164 ZAN (blank) Harare Office 5 Tier Filing Cabinet FF 2/22/2010 270.00 GF000165 ZAN (blank) Harare Office 5 Tier Filing Cabinet FF 2/22/2010 270.00 GF000166 ZAN (blank) Harare Office 5 Tier Filing Cabinet FF 2/22/2010 270.00 GF000167 ZAN (blank) Harare Office 5 Tier Filing Cabinet FF 2/22/2010 270.00

17 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF000168 ZAN (blank) Harare Office 5 Tier Filing Cabinet FF 2/22/2010 270.00 GF000169 ZAN (blank) Harare Office VISITORS'CHAIR FF 2/22/2010 100.00 GF000170 ZAN (blank) Harare Office VISITORS'CHAIR FF 2/22/2010 100.00 GF000171 ZAN (blank) Harare Office VISITORS'CHAIR FF 2/22/2010 100.00 GF000172 ZAN (blank) Harare Office VISITORS'CHAIR FF 2/22/2010 100.00 GF000173 ZAN (blank) Harare Office VISITORS'CHAIR FF 2/22/2010 100.00 GF000200 ZAN GRB02323 Harare Office Canon Fax Machine Fax,Copy,Print ICT 3/13/2010 679.43 GF000201 ZAN GRB02333 Harare Office Canon Fax Machine Fax,Copy,Print ICT 3/13/2010 679.43 GF000202 HOSPAZ 3CB005260K Harare Office HP 500B Desk top ICT 4/14/2010 1,736.81 GF000203 HOSPAZ 3CB0052655 Harare Office HP 500B Desk top ICT 4/14/2010 1,736.81 GF000204 HOSPAZ 3CB005261N Harare Office HP 500B Desk top ICT 4/14/2010 1,736.81 GF000205 HOSPAZ 3CB005260J Harare Office HP 500B Desk top ICT 4/14/2010 1,736.81 GF000206 HOSPAZ CNCJG58205 Harare Office HP Laser jet P2055d ICT 4/14/2010 815.00 GF000207 HOSPAZ CNCJH49136 Harare Office HP Laser jet P2055d ICT 4/14/2010 815.00 GF000208 HOSPAZ CNCJG58210 Harare Office HP Laser jet P2055d ICT 4/14/2010 815.00 GF000278 HOSPAZ CNCJH55363 Harare Office HP Laser jet P2055d ICT 4/14/2010 815.00 National Aids Council HP DL585 G7 Server WITH 8 HARD GF000292 NAC CZ-J0430561 ICT 5/19/2011 18,050.51 HQ DRIVES & 1 X DVD-ROM/CD DRIVE ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000301 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606152 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers BATSIRAI GROUP - Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000302 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606154 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 Kadoma givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000303 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606183 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000304 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606142 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000305 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606145 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000306 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606143 BATSIRANAI BUHERA MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000307 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606200 DAPP - MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers HOSPAZ ( CHRISTIAN Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000308 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606146 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 CARE) givers

18 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HOSPAZ (ST ALBERTS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000309 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606179 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 ) givers SIMBAMBENE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000310 HOSPAZ L125SE 560149 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 PROGRAM givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000311 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606192 ZWAAPV MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000312 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606160 TSUNGIRIRAI MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers SIMBAMBENE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000313 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606162 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 PROGRAM givers ZIMBABWE RED Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000314 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606153 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 CROSS givers AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000315 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606226 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000316 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606215 GODLAWAYO MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000317 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606221 DAPP - Rushinga MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE RED Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000318 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606222 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 CROSS givers SIMBAMBENE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000319 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606229 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 PROGRAM givers ZIMBABWE RED Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000320 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606223 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 CROSS givers ZIMBABWE RED Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000321 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606224 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 CROSS givers ZIMBABWE RED Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000322 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606338 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 CROSS givers UZUMBA ORPHAN Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000323 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606244 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 TRUST givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000324 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606238 HOWARD MISSION MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000325 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606250 DOMCCP - Mutare MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers

19 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000326 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606236 MISSION MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000327 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606240 BEKEZELA - Bubi MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers CATHOLIC HEATH Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000328 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606237 CARE COMMISSION - MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Hurungwe UMGUZA AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000329 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606249 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 FOUNDATION givers UZUMBA ORPHAN Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000330 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606235 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 TRUST givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000331 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606247 DACHICARE - Chivi MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers JEKESA PFUNGWA - Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000332 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606248 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 Goromonzi givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000333 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606243 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers EDEN HOME HEALTH Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000334 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606242 CENTRE - Gokwe MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers North Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000335 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606245 JOINTED HANDS MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000336 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606209 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers CHRISTIAN CARE - Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000337 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606234 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 Lupane givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000338 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606233 FACT RUSAPE MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000339 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606227 MTANGE - Makoni MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000340 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606213 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000341 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606216 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000342 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606218 FACT CHIREDZI MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers

20 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000343 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606202 DAPP - Mwenezi MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000344 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606212 FACT MUTARE MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000345 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606207 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000346 HOSPAZ L125SE 560 6208 DOMCCP MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000347 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606231 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000348 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606205 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000349 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606232 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers HOPE IN AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000350 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606230 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000351 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606210 FACT CHIREDZI MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000352 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606203 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000353 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606225 NTENGWE MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000354 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606217 HOSPAZ MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000355 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606204 FACT CHIREDZI MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000356 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606220 HOSPAZ MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000357 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606206 HOSPAZ MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000358 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606286 RCZ-CBAP MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000359 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606251 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers

21 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000360 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606280 SEKE RURAL MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000361 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606211 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS Motorcycles for supervisors of care- GF000364 HOSPAZ L125SE 5606288 MB 2/23/2010 2,809.58 NETWORK givers ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000365 ZAN 4.39208E+11 Digital camera (CamCorder) ICT 2/2/2010 1,785.56 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000366 ZAN 4.39208E+11 Digital camera (CamCorder) ICT 2/2/2010 1,785.56 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000367 ZAN 4.39208E+11 Digital camera (CamCorder) ICT 2/2/2010 1,785.56 NETWORK National Aids Council GF000368 NAC CNCKK45886 HP P2055dn Printer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ National Aids Council GF000369 NAC CNCKK43286 HP P2055dn Printer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ National Aids Council GF000370 NAC CNCKK38142 HP P2055dn Printer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ National Aids Council GF000371 NAC CNCKK38138 HP P2055dn Printer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ National Aids Council GF000372 NAC CNCKK45882 HP P2055dn Printer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000373 ZAN CNCKK38151 Printer ICT 2/17/2010 736.00 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000374 ZAN CNCKB69971 Printer ICT 2/17/2010 736.00 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000375 ZAN CNCKK38143 Printer ICT 2/17/2010 736.00 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000376 ZAN 3CB9502GC3 Desktops, complete with monitors FF 2/17/2010 1,529.79 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000377 ZAN 3CB9502FVK Desktops, complete with monitors FF 2/17/2010 1,529.79 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000378 ZAN 3CB9502G8K Desktops, complete with monitors FF 2/17/2010 1,529.79 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000379 ZAN 3CB9502G7N Desktops, complete with monitors FF 2/17/2010 1,529.79 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000380 ZAN CNU0104JKF Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000381 ZAN CNU0104FYN Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 NETWORK

22 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000382 ZAN CNU0104G4P Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 NETWORK ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000383 ZAN CNU0104JQM Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 NETWORK National Aids Council GF000384 NAC CNU0104JHQ Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ National Aids Council GF000385 NAC CNU0104JV6 Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ Nation al Aids Council GF000386 NAC CNUO14FFD Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ National Aids Council GF000387 NAC CNU0104JRB Laptop Computer ICT 2/17/2010 1,791.61 HQ ZIMBABWE AIDS GF000389 ZAN CNCT9DWGQ4 Printer ICT 2/17/2010 1,658.70 NETWORK GF000444 ZNNP+ 66H5MM1 Byo Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000445 ZNNP+ 66K6MM1 Hre Provincial Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000446 ZNNP+ 66F6MM1 Manicaland Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000447 ZNNP+ 66H7MM1 Mash Central Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000448 ZNNP+ 66G7MM1 Mash east Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000449 ZNNP+ 66F7MM1 Mash West Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000450 ZNNP+ 66G6MM1 Masvingo office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000451 ZNNP+ 66H6MM1 Mat North Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000452 ZNNP+ 66K5MM1 Midlands Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000453 ZNNP+ 66G5MM1 Mat South Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000454 ZNNP+ 66J7MM1 National Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000455 ZNNP+ 66K7MM1 National Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000456 ZNNP+ 66J6MM1 National Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000457 ZNNP+ 66J5MM1 National Office Dell Optiplex 380 desktop ICT 8/24/2010 1,220.00 GF000458 ZNNP+ 32VCMM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6510 laptop ICT 8/24/2010 1,725.00 GF000459 ZNNP+ 32TFMM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6510 laptop ICT 8/24/2010 1,725.00 GF000460 ZNNP+ 32VDMM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6510 laptop ICT 8/24/2010 1,725.00 GF000461 ZNNP+ 32TDMM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6510 laptop ICT 8/24/2010 1,725.00 GF000462 ZNNP+ 32TCMM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6510 laptop ICT 8/24/2010 1,725.00 GF000503 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622TJ GURUVE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000504 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622S2 LUPANE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

23 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF000505 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623GW HURUNGWE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000506 NAC / MOLSS 3CB942237Y NYANGA HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000507 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623QZ HIGHFIELD HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000508 NAC / MOLSS 3CB9422330 MATOBO HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000509 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622CS SEKE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000510 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623G8 GOKWE SOUTH HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000511 NAC / MOLSS 3CB9462360 MASVINGO HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000512 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622QX MUTARE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000513 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623JC HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000514 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622XP MAKONDE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000515 NAC / MOLSS 3CB942229B ZVIMBA HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000516 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946229G KADOMA HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

GF000517 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622CG CHIPINGE HP500B,Desktop plus19"Monitors ICT 6/4/2010 876.00

HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000518 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94221LP CHIRUMANZU ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000519 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623S7 MWENEZI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000520 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623YJ UMGUZA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000521 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622WF SHAMVA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors

24 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000522 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622XV CENTENARY ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000523 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946227X GOROMONZI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000524 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623TG BUHERA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000525 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946228Z HQ ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000526 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94222X1 HQ ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000527 NAC / MOLSS 3CB9462333 GWANDA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000528 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946234R INSIZA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000529 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223D5 Kwekwe ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000530 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623DN MBERENGWA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000531 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946235N NORTON ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000532 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623SF MUREHWA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000533 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223VF CHIREDZI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000534 NAC / MOLSS 3CB9422316 CHEGUTU ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000535 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623JH GUTU ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000536 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94222PZ MANGWE ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000537 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946236S TREDGOLD ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000538 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623YN BIKITA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors

25 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000539 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94221LR BUBI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000540 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94222BG BINDURA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000541 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622R0 ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000542 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623SD HRE DISTRICT ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000543 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622PT KARIBA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000544 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946235F UMZINGWANI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000545 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223LK U M P ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000546 NAC / MOLSS 3CB942232N MT DARWIN ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000547 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623S9 GOKWE NORTH ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000548 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946237D TSHOLOTSHO ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000549 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622B2 MUTASA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000550 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623T6 HWEDZA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000551 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946227B MUDZI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000552 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946231P CHIKOMBA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000553 NAC / MOLSS 3CB9462369 ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000554 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94221TR ZVISHAVANE ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000555 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94222Z1 NKAYI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors

26 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000556 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946232H ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000557 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94222BH ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000558 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223HB MBIRE ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000559 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946236H CHIVI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000560 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223GH MAZOWE ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000561 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946235C BINGA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000562 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623SK MAKONI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000563 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623P0 GWERU ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000564 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223FS CHIMANIMANI ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000565 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94623T3 ZAKA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000566 NAC / MOLSS 3CB9462318 FORTSTREET DISTRICT ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000567 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94223FC BULILIMA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000568 NAC / MOLSS 3CB946237N RUSHINGA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors HP500B, Desktop Computers with GF000569 NAC / MOLSS 3CB94622Q6 MARONDERA ICT 6/4/2010 876.00 19" Monitors GF000594 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22811 HRE DISTRICT HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000595 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P18950 MOLSS / HQ HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000596 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H33614 SHURUGWI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000597 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P20084 SHAMVA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000598 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10504 BINGA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000599 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08113 CHIPINGE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00

27 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF000600 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N22709 KARIBA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000601 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22819 CHIKOMBA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000602 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19211 MAKONDE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000603 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08230 MBERENGWA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000604 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22679 MARONDERA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000605 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08411 HQ HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000606 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P20349 UMZINGWANI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000607 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10565 BUHERA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000608 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22989 HIGHFILED HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000609 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19207 GURUVE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000610 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08220 NKAYI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000611 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19209 INSIZA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000612 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19215 CHIVI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000613 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10231 MUREHWA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000614 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P19359 MUTOKO HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000615 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L07914 Kwekwe HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000616 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22775 CHIMANIMANI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000617 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22774 MUTARE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000618 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H34389 MAKONI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000619 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10569 GWANDA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000620 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N22507 MT DARWIN HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000621 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22816 GOROMONZI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000622 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22832 CHITUNGWIZA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000623 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H24382 GWERU HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000624 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H33587 NORTON HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000625 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19212 MBIRE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000626 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19214 MAZOWE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000627 NAC / MOLSS CNC0G34143 KADOMA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000628 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10564 MANGWE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000629 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10525 TREDGOLD HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000630 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H33588 CHIREDZI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000631 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08118 ZAKA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000632 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22666 FORTSTREET DISTRICT HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000633 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22661 MWENEZI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00

28 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF000634 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10512 LUPANE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000635 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19205 BINDURA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000636 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10626 HWEDZA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000637 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N22711 ZVIMBA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000638 NAC / MOLSS CNC0G34146 BIKITA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000639 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22844 MUTASA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000640 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22765 BEITBRIDGE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000641 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P19366 CHIRUMANZU HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000642 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P18951 CENTENARY HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000643 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22670 TSHOLOTSHO HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000644 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22843 UMGUZA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000645 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P19361 BULILIMA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000646 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N20947 GOKWE NORTH HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000647 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08354 RUSHINGA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000648 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22821 ZVISHAVANE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000649 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10767 BUBI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000650 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P18944 MATOBO HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000651 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N22502 CHEGUTU HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000652 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L10558 GOKWE SOUTH HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000653 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22813 U M P HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000654 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H34333 GUTU HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000655 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22823 HURUNGWE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000656 NAC / MOLSS CNC0N19204 MUDZI HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000657 NAC / MOLSS CNC0L08355 HWANGE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000658 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22817 MASVINGO HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000659 NAC / MOLSS CNC0H33606 SEKE HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000660 NAC / MOLSS CNC0P22838 NYANGA HP, P2035 Laser Jet printers ICT 6/4/2010 276.00 GF000682 ZNNP+ CNCOG33402 Byo Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000683 ZNNP+ CNCOG33411 Hre Provincial Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000684 ZNNP+ CNCOG33409 Manicaland Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000685 ZNNP+ CNCOG33414 Mash Central Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000686 ZNNP+ CNCOG33400 Mash east Office. HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000687 ZNNP+ CNCOG33412 Mash West Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000688 ZNNP+ CNCOG33405 Masvingo office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00

29 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF000689 ZNNP+ CNCOG33403 Mat North Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000690 ZNNP+ CNCOG33408 Midlands HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000691 ZNNP+ CNCOG33401 Mat South Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000692 ZNNP+ CNCOG33418 National Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000693 ZNNP+ CNCOG33404 National Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000694 ZNNP+ CNCOG33407 National Office HP 2035 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 255.00 GF000695 ZNNP+ CNCKJ63378 National Office HP 2055 mono laser jet Printer ICT 9/7/2010 465.00 CN/OK98J8/50081 GF000696 ZNNP+ National Office Dell 1210S Projector ICT 9/7/2010 810.00 /04A/0133 GF000697 ZNNP+ 96B9TM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6500 laptop ICT 9/7/2010 1,725.00 GF000698 ZNNP+ 17B9TM1 National Office Dell Latitude E6500 laptop ICT 9/7/2010 1,725.00 GF000974 PMU - PSM (blank) CFGY2A00 PSM LAPTOP ICT 7/6/2010 1,385.00 GF000975 PMU - PSM (blank) CFGY2A00 PSM LAPTOP ICT 7/6/2010 1,385.00 GF000976 PMU - PSM (blank) CFGY2A00 PSM LAPTOP ICT 7/6/2010 1,385.00 GF000977 PMU - PSM (blank) CFGY2A00 DENIAS LAPTOP ICT 7/6/2010 1,385.00 NAC/EMCOZ GF001054 VNC3804590 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001055 VNC3804589 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001061 VNC3804586 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001066 VNC3C27719 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001079 VNC3804580 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001082 VNC3804592 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001083 VNC3804571 EMCOZ/ZCTU 1 X HP1566 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 206.22 ZCTU GF001084 MOHCW HIV CNC1845165 MOHCW HIV UNIT 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 GF001085 MOHCW HIV CNCKJ72372 MOHCW HIV UNIT 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 GF001086 MOHCW HIV CNCKJ72367 MOHCW HIV UNIT 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 GF001087 MOHCW HIV CNCKJ72371 MOHCW HIV UNIT 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 NAC / UZ Dep't GF001088 CNCKJ72369 UZ Dep't of Medicine 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 Med NAC / UZ Dep't GF001090 CNC1845170 UZ Dep't of Medicine 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 Med

30 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition NAC / UZ Dep't GF001093 CNCKJ63383 UZ Dep't of Medicine 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 Med GF001095 NAC / ZNFPC CNCKJ72375 ZNFPC 1 X HP2055N LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 GF001096 NAC / ZNFPC CNCKJ72378 ZNFPC 1 X HP2055N LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF001098 NAC / ZNFPC S/N JP10410836 ZNFPC ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF001100 NAC / ZNFPC S/N JP18410896 ZNFPC ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case RDS - provincial GF001102 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5040674 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 offices RDS - provincial GF001103 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5040679 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 offices GF001104 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5038859 FACT Provincial Office Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001105 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5038854 FACT Provincial Office Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001106 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5053103 WORLD VISION Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001107 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5037316 ZAPSO - Mt Darwin Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001108 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5039975 ZAPSO - Main Office Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001109 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5039983 MASO - Gweru Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001185 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5037331 MASO - Gweru Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001186 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5040881 ZICHIRE - Main Office Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001187 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5042887 WORLD VISION Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001188 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5053111 BATSIRAI - Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001189 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5053104 BATSIRAI - Chinhoyi Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001190 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5037329 MAC Binga Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001191 NAC/ UNFPA 2KD5039985 MAC Bubi / Umguza Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001192 MOHCW HIV 2KD5040995 MOH HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Mash West / Kadoma GF001199 MOHCW HIV 2KD5039249 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Hsp GF001200 MOHCW HIV 2KD5039248 MOH HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001201 MOHCW HIV 2KD5039254 MOH HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001204 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5055156 MAT SOUTH Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45

31 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF001205 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5043190 Mash east Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001206 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5055155 HARARE HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001207 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5043525 MANICALAND Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001208 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5043188 MASH CENTRAL Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001209 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5043196 MASH WEST Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001210 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5052840 BULAWAYO Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001211 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5042898 MAT NORTH Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001212 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5042889 MASVINGO Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF001218 NAC-CPCPZ 2KD5055376 CPCPZ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 2KD5043251 / GF001219 NAC / MOLSS HARARE HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 2KD5055376 NAC / UZ Dep't GF001222 2KD5043249 UZ Dep't Med Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Med GF001223 NAC / MOLSS 2KD5043529 Midlands Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 NAC/EMCOZ GF001227 2KD5052838 EMCOZ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 ZCTU NAC/EMCOZ GF001228 2KD5043531 ZCTU Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 ZCTU PMU - GF001268 (blank) 2CE0221052 IOLANDA LAP TOP ICT 9/2/2010 1,130.00 COORDINATOR GF001319 MOH/NMRL 501099421 NMRL Harare Hsp Pulse Oximeter, Portable LE 9/28/2010 2,182.90 GF001320 MOH/NMRL 501099422 NMRL Harare Hsp Pulse Oximeter, Portable LE 9/28/2010 2,182.90 U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001321 MOH/NMRL 03900205 Shamva Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001322 MOH/NMRL 03900149 Karanda Mission hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001323 MOH/NMRL 03900190 Mtshabezi Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001324 MOH/NMRL 03900204 Zvishavane Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser

32 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001325 MOH/NMRL 03900160 Binga Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001326 MOH/NMRL 03900194 Vic Falls Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001327 MOH/NMRL 03800981 Kariba Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001328 MOH/NMRL 03900200 Banket Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001329 MOH/NMRL 03900189 Chidamoyo Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001330 MOH/NMRL 03900146 Karoi Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001331 MOH/NMRL 03800973 Nkayi Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001332 MOH/NMRL 03900138 Inyathi Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001333 MOH/NMRL 03900178 Guruve Dist Hospital LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001334 MOH/NMRL 03900206 Esigodhini Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001335 MOH/NMRL 03900152 St Peters Checheche LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser

33 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001336 MOH/NMRL 03800954 Nyanga Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001337 MOH/NMRL 03800970 Chegutu Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001338 MOH/NMRL 03900182 Kwekwe Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001339 MOH/NMRL 03900193 Kotwa Dist Hospital LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001340 MOH/NMRL 03900185 Beitbridge Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Mtambara Mission GF001341 MOH/NMRL 03900195 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 hsp stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Birchenough Bridge GF001342 MOH/NMRL 03800949 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Dist Hospital stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001343 MOH/NMRL 03900198 Chimhanda Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Makumbi Dist GF001344 MOH/NMRL 03900175 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hospital stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Mtawatawa Dist GF001345 MOH/NMRL 03900197 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hospital stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Louissa Guidotti GF001346 MOH/NMRL 03900188 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Mtoko stabiliser

34 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001347 MOH/NMRL 03900154 Gokwe Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001348 MOH/NMRL 03900173 Mashoko Mission Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001349 MOH/NMRL 03900202 Shurugwi Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001350 MOH/NMRL 03900145 Plumtree Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001351 MOH/NMRL 03900209 Concession Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001352 MOH/NMRL 03900186 Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Makonde Christian GF001353 MOH/NMRL 03900192 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hsp stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Father Ohea Mission GF001354 MOH/NMRL 03800956 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hsp stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Mutare Provincial GF001355 MOH/NMRL 03900183 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hospital stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001356 MOH/NMRL 03900199 Chiredzi Dist hospital LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Bonda Mission GF001357 MOH/NMRL 03900159 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hospital stabiliser

35 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001358 MOH/NMRL 03900161 Chipinge Dist Hospital LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001359 MOH/NMRL 03900151 Rusape Dist Hospital LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001360 MOH/NMRL 03900144 Filabusi Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Chikombedzi Dist GF001361 MOH/NMRL 03900139 LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 Hospital stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001362 MOH/NMRL 03900208 Ndanga Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001363 MOH/NMRL 03800963 Chivi Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001364 MOH/NMRL 03800966 Matibi Dist Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001365 MOH/NMRL 03900143 Wilkins Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001366 MOH/NMRL 03900166 Neshuro Dist hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001367 MOH/NMRL 03800978 NMRL Harare Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser U481670 REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER GF001368 MOH/NMRL 03900196 NMRL Harare Hsp LAB 183/141L - with voltage LE 9/28/2010 3,721.11 stabiliser Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001369 MOH/NMRL XR-21000244 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS

36 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001370 MOH/NMRL XR-21000148 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001371 MOH/NMRL XR-21000147 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001372 MOH/NMRL XR-21000149 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001373 MOH/NMRL XR-21000151 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001374 MOH/NMRL XR-21000245 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001375 MOH/NMRL XR-21000242 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001376 MOH/NMRL XR-21000143 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001377 MOH/NMRL XR-21000143 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage GF001378 MOH/NMRL XR-21000143 Natpharm LE 5/16/2012 20,612.52 stabiliser,printer and UPS GF001379 MOH/NMRL (blank) (blank) Natpharm Water Distiller LE 6/2/2011 944.00 GF001386 MCAZ 14803659 MCAZ Laboratory A & D SV10 Viscometer LE 8/8/2012 5,240.67 GF001387 MCAZ X01261 MCAZ Laboratory Orion 3Star Conductivity meter LE 8/2/2012 6,232.14 GF001388 MCAZ P1026980 MCAZ Laboratory A & D MX50 Moisture Analyser LE 8/8/2012 1,623.19 GF001389 MCAZ T029259 MCAZ Laboratory 1B15G Incubator LE 7/18/2012 3,650.00 Automated Zone Reader and colony GF001390 MCAZ V32194 MCAZ Laboratory LE 8/17/2012 59,397.50 counter plus computer 86 Degrees Celcius Laboratory GF001392 MCAZ UF2412015 MCAZ Laboratory LE 4/16/2012 20,988.31 Freezer ref Directives 2006/95/CE GF001404 NAC / ZNFPC BJBB13404245 ZNFPC OFFICES InFocus IN112 projector ICT 10/9/2012 1,144.00 GF001405 NAC / ZNFPC BJBB13404285 ZNFPC OFFICES InFocus IN112 projector ICT 10/9/2012 1,144.00 HP Pro book4540S with carry NAC / UZ Dep't GF001422 2CE233062M UZ Dept of Med case,docking station key board and ICT 10/12/2012 1,550.00 Med wireless mouse 004TLW03 LandRover Defender plus MOSS SALLDHMT7AA78 GF001427 PMU/ EX UNOPS 26 / UNDP/GF BASEMENT Compliance for vehicles Codan radio MV 12/15/2010 26,919.70 8290 004TMC04 sets

37 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition 95 (LOST)

ZIMBABWE AIDS GF001703 ZAN FTK01208 CANON DIGITAL COPIER ICT 12/10/2010 9,886.00 NETWORK NAC / UZ Dep't Canon IR2530 Photocopiers Main GF001704 FTK01103 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 12/10/2010 9,886.00 Med Frame NAC / UZ Dep't Canon IR2530 Photocopiers Main GF001705 FTK01109 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 12/10/2010 9,886.00 Med Frame GF002001 ZNNP+ 2KD5038058 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002002 ZNNP+ 2KD5036179 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002003 ZNNP+ 2KD5036075 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002004 ZNNP+ 2KD5036074 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002005 ZNNP+ 2KD5054176 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002006 ZAN 2KD5041707 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002007 ZAN 2KD5041704 ZNNP+ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002008 HOSPAZ 2KD5041710 HOSPAZ HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002009 MOHCW HIV 2KD5036460 BUHERA DIST Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 National Aids Council GF002010 NAC 2KD5041703 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 HQ GF002011 MOHCW HIV 2KD5038371 MOH HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002012 MOHCW HIV 2KD5049655 Mash east Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Midlands / Kwekwe GF002013 MOHCW HIV 2KD5039176 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Hsp Midlands / Gokwe GF002014 MOHCW HIV 2KD5038051 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 North Hsp GF002015 MOHCW HIV 2KD5036072 Harare City Health Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002016 MOHCW HIV 2KD5038363 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 BULAWAYO CITY GF002017 MOHCW HIV 2KD5032282 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 HEALTH Midlands / Kwekwe GF002018 MOHCW HIV 2KD5042612 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Hsp Mash east / Makumbe GF002019 MOHCW HIV 2KD5036457 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Mission Goromonzi Mat North / GF002020 MOHCW HIV 2KD5041767 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Tsholotsho Dist

38 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Masvingo Ndanga GF002021 MOHCW HIV 2KD5041709 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Hsp Zaka Dist Mash East / Murewa GF002022 MOHCW HIV 2KD5036185 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Dist Hsp Mat south / Filabusi GF002023 MOHCW HIV 2KD5038366 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Hsp Mash Central / GF002024 MOHCW HIV 2KD5041766 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Bindura Dist Mash Central / GF002025 MOHCW HIV 2KD5041772 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Chimhanda Hsp GF002026 MOHCW HIV 2KD5054170 MOH HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 GF002027 MOHCW HIV 2KD5041763 Masvingo / Hospital Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Mat South / GF002028 MOHCW HIV 2KD5040204 Umzingwane Dist - Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 Esigodhini HSp Ndanga Hospital Zaka GF002029 MOHCW HIV 2KD5040665 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 District GF002030 PSI 2KD5037986 PSI HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 National Aids Council GF002031 NAC 2KD5036063 Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 HQ GF002032 NAC / ZNFPC 2KD5037687 ZNFPC HQ Toyota Hilux Double Cab 2.5 TDI MV 2/8/2010 26,658.45 NAC / UZ Dep't GF002042 CNCKJ72365 UZ Dep't of Medicine 1 X HP2055 LASER JET PRINTER ICT 3/7/2011 493.50 Med 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo NAC / UZ Dep't E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002053 4CE04909N4 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 Med nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo NAC / UZ Dep't E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002054 4CE0490B3N UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 Med nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo NAC / UZ Dep't E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002055 4CE04909VG UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 Med nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers

39 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo NAC / UZ Dep't E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002056 4CE0490B36 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 Med nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo NAC / UZ Dep't E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002057 4CE0490BBD UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 Med nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo NAC / UZ Dep't E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002058 4CE04909NS UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 Med nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC / UZ Dep't Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002059 JP104106DO UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Med Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC / UZ Dep't Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002060 JP10410794 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Med Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC / UZ Dep't Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002061 JP10410B40 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Med Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC / UZ Dep't Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002062 JP10410895 UZ Dep't of Medicine ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Med Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002063 MOHCW HIV JP104106D9 MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case

40 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002064 MOHCW HIV JP1041088A MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002065 MOHCW HIV JP104106A4 MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002066 MOHCW HIV JP1041044A MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002067 MOHCW HIV JP10410888 MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002068 MOHCW HIV JP10410698 MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002069 MOHCW HIV JP104105ED MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002070 MOHCW HIV JP1041089C MOHCW HIV UNIT ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002071 JP104106BB EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case

41 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002072 JP10410472 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002073 JP10410697 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002074 JP104106DC EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002075 JP10410899 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002076 JP10410791 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC/EMCOZ Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002077 JP1041088E EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 ZCTU Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case GF002085 ZNNP+ CN5SC250NL National Office HP M5025mfp Photocopier ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002086 ZNNP+ CN5SC2NOJV Midlands ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002087 ZNNP+ CN5SC2S0P1 Hre Provincial Office ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002088 ZNNP+ CN5SC2SNOK3 MASH WEST ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002089 ZNNP+ CN5SC2SOLV Mash East ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable

42 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002090 ZNNP+ CN5SC2NOJL MAT NORTH ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002091 ZNNP+ CN5SC2NOC7 Byo Office ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002092 ZNNP+ CN5SC2SOLN MAT NORTH ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002093 ZNNP+ CN5SC2NOCW National Office ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002094 ZNNP+ CN5SC250NV National Office ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002095 ZNNP+ CN5SC2S0M1 MANICALAND ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002096 ZNNP+ CN5S0C2NOW Pamuhacha Network ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002097 ZNNP+ CN5SOC2NOM Batsirai - Mash west ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable HP M5025mfp Photocopier with GF002098 ZNNP+ CN5S0C2NOK5 FACT CHIREDZI ICT 3/24/2011 3,087.65 usb cable 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Mash West prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002099 NAC 3.2CD JP104106PD ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Mat North prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002100 NAC 3.2CD JP10410792 ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002101 NAC 3.2CD JP104105ED NAC Hre Prov Office ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Mash Central Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002102 NAC 3.2CD JP10410795 ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 prov office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case

43 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Mat South prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002103 NAC 3.2CD JP104106CD ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Mash east prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002104 NAC 3.2CD JP1042105C ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Manicaland prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002105 NAC 3.2CD JP104105EB ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Bulawayo prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002106 NAC 3.2CD JP10410796 ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Masvingo prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002107 NAC 3.2CD JP104108DO ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB NAC Midlands prov Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002108 NAC 3.2CD JP104106A5 ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 office Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002109 ZAN 6.14CD JP10410B3F ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002110 ZAN 6.14CD JP104106A2 ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case

44 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002111 ZAN 6.14CD JP10410B33 ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002112 ZAN 6.14CD JP104108CD ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002113 ZAN 6.14CD JP104108A6 ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002114 ZAN 6.14CD JP10410B34 ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002115 ZAN 6.14CD JP1041069C ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002116 ZAN 6.14CD JP1041079A ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002117 ZAN 6.14CD JP104107A1 ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002118 ZAN 6.14CD JP10410464 ZAN HQ ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case GF002146 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Bow shaped Desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF002147 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Bow shaped Desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF002148 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Bow shaped Desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00

45 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF002149 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Bow shaped Desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF002150 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Bow shaped Desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF002151 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Bow shaped Desk FF 2/22/2010 330.00 GF002152 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Swivel High Back chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF002153 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Swivel High Back chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF002154 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Swivel High Back chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF002155 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Swivel High Back chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 1 x HP Laptop i3-380, 2.53GHz., 4GB Win 7 Pro, office 2010 pro plus, GF002156 MOHCW HIV JP104108C2 Harare Office ICT 3/24/2011 1,178.64 Norton2011.Docking station, Otpical Mouse and carry case 1 X HP 500B Desk top Core Duo E7500, 4GB, 320GB, Office 2010 Pro GF002157 NAC 3.2CD CNC101VSRX Harare Office ICT 3/24/2011 957.00 nPlus, Norton 2011, 19" LCD Monitor, External Speakers GF002203 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Swivel High Back chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 GF002204 MOHCW HIV N/A Harare Office Swivel High Back chair FF 2/22/2010 125.00 HOSPAZ 3 Drawer Bow Shaped Desk FF 4/3/2010 220.00 GF002205 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 5 Tier Bookshelf FF 4/3/2010 260.00 GF002206 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ Swivel High Back chair FF 4/3/2010 140.00 GF002207 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 3 Drawer Bow Shaped Desk FF 4/3/2010 220.00 GF002208 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 5 Tier Bookshelf FF 4/3/2010 260.00 GF002209 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ Swivel High Back chair FF 4/3/2010 140.00 GF002210 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 3 Drawer Bow Shaped Desk FF 4/3/2010 220.00 GF002211 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 5 Tier Bookshelf FF 4/3/2010 260.00 GF002212 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ Swivel High Back chair FF 4/3/2010 140.00 GF002213 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 3 Drawer Bow Shaped Desk FF 4/3/2010 220.00 GF002214 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office

46 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HOSPAZ 5 Tier Bookshelf FF 4/3/2010 260.00 GF002215 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ Swivel High Back chair FF 4/3/2010 140.00 GF002216 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 3 Drawer Bow Shaped Desk FF 4/3/2010 220.00 GF002217 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ 5 Tier Bookshelf FF 4/3/2010 260.00 GF002218 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office HOSPAZ Swivel High Back chair FF 4/3/2010 140.00 GF002219 HOSPAZ procurement Harare Office NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002221 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4385901 pointer & carry case NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002222 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4445901 pointer & carry case NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002223 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4AA5901 pointer & carry case NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002224 EMCOZ / ZCTU ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4BC5901 pointer & carry case NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 NAC PROVINCIAL P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002225 ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4315901 OFFICE pointer & carry case NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 NAC PROVINCIAL P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002226 ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4305901 OFFICE pointer & carry case NAC/EMCOZ EYK160100104600 NAC PROVINCIAL P1200 DLP Acer Projector with laser GF002238 ICT 6/27/2011 904.90 ZCTU 4495901 OFFICE pointer & carry case GF002274 MOHCW HIV (blank) (blank) Harare Office 3 Drawer Desk FF 2/2/2011 205.00 GF002275 MOHCW HIV (blank) (blank) Harare Office 3 Drawer Desk FF 2/2/2011 205.00 GF002276 MOHCW HIV (blank) (blank) Harare Office 3 Drawer Desk FF 2/2/2011 165.00 GF002277 MOHCW HIV (blank) (blank) Harare Office 3 Drawer Desk FF 2/2/2011 165.00 GF002278 MOHCW HIV (blank) (blank) Harare Office 6 Drawer Desk FF 2/2/2011 260.00 GF002279 MOHCW HIV (blank) 3CB00523C9 Harare Office HP Compaq Microtower ICT 2/2/2011 770.00 GF002280 MOHCW HIV (blank) 3250996550 Harare Office Phaser 3300 MFP Printer ICT 10/7/2010 2,875.00 GF002281 MOHCW HIV (blank) CN021A5315 Harare Office HP2710 Scanner ICT 11/25/2010 132.00 GF002282 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU00548P6 Harare Office HP Compaq HP4510 ICT 9/2/2010 1,150.00 GF002283 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU00548QV Harare Office HP Compaq HP4510 ICT 4/16/2010 1,150.00 GF002284 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU00548RC Harare Office HP Compaq HP4510 ICT 4/16/2010 1,150.00

47 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF002285 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU00548VF Harare Office HP Compaq HP4510 ICT 4/16/2010 1,150.00 GF002286 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU0330F0G Harare Office HP Compaq HP620 ICT 4/16/2010 764.75 GF002287 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU0303VF5 Harare Office HP Compaq HP620 ICT 9/15/2010 764.75 GF002288 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU0330DB7 Harare Office HP Compaq HP620 ICT 9/15/2010 764.75 GF002289 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU0330DRY Harare Office HP Compaq HP620 ICT 9/15/2010 764.75 GF002290 MOHCW HIV (blank) 2CE0370FSM Harare Office HP Pro Book 4520 ICT 9/15/2010 1,220.00 GF002291 MOHCW HIV (blank) CNU0054759 Harare Office HP Compaq Probook 4510 ICT 12/12/2010 1,150.00 GF002293 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903765 MASO DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002294 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903704 MASO DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002295 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903615 MASO DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002296 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100003678 MASO DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002297 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100909743 ZICHIRE - Mudzi DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002298 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903674 ZICHIRE - Mutoko DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002299 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903735 ZICHIRE - Goromonzi DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002300 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903653 ZICHIRE - UMP DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002301 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903677 ZICHIRE - Main Office DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002302 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903668 ZICHIRE - Missing DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002303 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903748 ZICHIRE - Wedza DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002304 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903650 ZICHIRE - Main Office DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002305 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903644 ZICHIRE - Harare SSW DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002306 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903637 ZICHIRE - Main Office DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 FACT Mutare - DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002307 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903601 Chimanimani GF002308 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903670 FACT Mutare - Buhera DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 FACT Mutare - Makoni DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002309 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903623 Office FACT Mutare - DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002310 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903742 Chipinge Office GF002311 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903665 MAC DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002312 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903684 MAC Tsholotsho DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002313 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903645 MAC Umguza DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002314 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903652 MAC Binga DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002315 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903660 Batsirai - Zvimba DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002316 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903626 Batsirai - Kadoma DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002317 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903708 Batsirai - Chegutu DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00

48 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF002318 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903744 RDS - Chivi DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002319 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903747 RDS - Chiredzi DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002320 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903667 RDS - Mwenezi DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002321 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903648 RDS - Masvingo DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002322 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903734 ZAPSO - Shamva DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002323 NAC/ UNFPA RBK100903649 ZAPSO - Mt Darwin DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002324 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903672 ZAPSO - Rushinga DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002325 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903656 ZAPSO - Centenary DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002326 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903638 ZAPSO - Mbire DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 World Vision - DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002327 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903666 Plumtree GF002328 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903760 World Vision - Filabusi DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 World Vision - DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002329 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903633 Esigodhini World Vision - DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002330 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903663 Sanzukwi World Vision - Dulys DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002331 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903675 Byo Office World Vision - Dulys DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002332 NAC/ UNFPA R8K100903659 Byo Office GF002333 NAC/ UNFPA UNFPA to confirm UNFPA DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002334 NAC/ UNFPA UNFPA to confirm UNFPA DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002335 NAC/ UNFPA UNFPA to confirm UNFPA DLP Projectors ICT 8/6/2010 613.00 GF002340 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SQ MASO HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002341 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197T1 MASO HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002342 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SP MASO HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002343 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SZ MASO - Zvishavane HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002344 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SZD ZICHIRE - Mutoko HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002345 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197S7 ZICHIRE - Mudzi HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002346 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197S6 ZICHIRE - Seke HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002347 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197S9 ZICHIRE - UMP HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002348 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197S0 ZICHIRE - HQ HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002349 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197S ZICHIRE - HQ HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002350 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197T ZICHIRE - Chitungwiza HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002351 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197H ZICHIRE - HQ HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12

49 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF002352 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197R ZICHIRE - HQ HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002353 NAC/ UNFPA CZ303197G ZICHIRE - Goromonzi HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002354 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SF FACT Mutare - Buhera HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 FACT Mutare - HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002355 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197S5 Chimanimani FACT Mutare - Makoni HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002356 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SW Office FACT Mutare - HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002357 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SY Chipinge Office GF002358 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SJ MAC Umguza HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002359 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SB MAC Tsholotsho HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002360 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197RS MAC Binga HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002361 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SM MAC Bubi District HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002362 NAC/ UNFPA CZ03197RV Batsirai - Zvimba HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002363 NAC/ UNFPA CZC0317RX Batsirai - Kadoma HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002364 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197RY Batsirai - Chegutu HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002365 NAC/ UNFPA CZC0319753 RDS - Chivi HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002366 NAC/ UNFPA CZC031975V RDS - Mwenezi HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002367 NAC/ UNFPA CZC031975X RDS - Chiredzi HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002368 NAC/ UNFPA CZC0319754 RDS - Masvingo HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002369 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SK ZAPSO - Mazoe HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002370 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197RW ZAPSO - Shamva HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002371 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SS ZAPSO - Rushinga HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002372 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SN ZAPSO - Mt Darwin HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002373 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SC ZAPSO - Centenary HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 World Vision - GF002374 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197TO HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 Plumtree GF002375 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197SD World Vision - Filabusi HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 World Vision - GF002376 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197RQ HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 Esigodhini World Vision - GF002377 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197S8 HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 Sanzukwi GF002378 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197RT World Vision - Dulys HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 Byo Office GF002379 NAC/ UNFPA CZC03197RZ World Vision - Dulys HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 Byo Office

50 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF002380 NAC/ UNFPA CN402505STD UNFPA HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002381 NAC/ UNFPA CNU0281B96 UNFPA HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002382 NAC/ UNFPA CNU02505T4 UNFPA HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 GF002383 NAC/ UNFPA CNU020505YX UNFPA HP RCTO 8440P LAPTOP ICT 6/28/2010 1,545.12 HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 2257195 EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002384 NAC/ UNFPA MASO GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 2257530 EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002385 NAC/ UNFPA MASO GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 2257009 EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002386 NAC/ UNFPA MASO - Zvishavane GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 2227529 EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002387 NAC/ UNFPA MASO GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002388 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204760 ZICHIRE - Mudzi GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002389 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1207081 ZICHIRE - Mutoko GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL ZICHIRE - transferred EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002390 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1207683 to RDS GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002391 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH22302250 ZICHIRE - UMP GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002392 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1207682 ZICHIRE - Main Office GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002393 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1207680 ZICHIRE - Goromonzi GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002394 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204757 ZICHIRE - Main Office GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002395 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204756 ZICHIRE - Main Office GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002396 NAC/ UNFPA ICGAAH2229980 ZICHIRE - Harare SSW GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002397 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC120475F ZICHIRE - Missing GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 1207688 FACT Mutare - Makoni EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002398 NAC/ UNFPA Office GEN SETS

51 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 1207690 FACT Mutare - EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002399 NAC/ UNFPA Chipinge Office GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 1207691 FACT Mutare - EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002400 NAC/ UNFPA Chimanimani GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL 1207689 EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002401 NAC/ UNFPA FACT Mutare - Buhera GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002402 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC 1204806 MAC Binga GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002403 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC 1204754 MAC Bubi District GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002404 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH-222730 MAC Umguza GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002405 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC 1207696 MAC Tsholotsho GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002406 NAC/ UNFPA GCAA2227303 Batsirai - Kadoma GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002407 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH2227138 Batsirai - Chegutu GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002408 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH2227113 Batsirai - Zvimba GEN SETS RDS - Harare 21 HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL Rowland Square EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GEN SETS GF002409 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC120733 Milton Park RDS - Harare 21 HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL Rowland Square EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GEN SETS GF002410 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC120732 Milton Park RDS - Harare 21 HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL Rowland Square EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GEN SETS GF002411 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC107693 Milton Park HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002412 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1120695 RDS - Chivi GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002413 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204761 RDS - Mwenezi GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002414 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204710 RDS - Chiredzi GEN SETS

52 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002415 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204763 RDS - Masvingo GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002416 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC 1207685 ZAPSO - Mazoe GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002417 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC120686 ZAPSO - Rushinga GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002418 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1204720 ZAPSO - Shamva GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002419 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1207687 ZAPSO - Mt Darwin GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002420 NAC/ UNFPA EAHC1207684 ZAPSO - Centenary GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL World Vision - Dulys EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002421 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH-2230246 Byo Office GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002422 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH2230237 World Vision - Filabusi GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL World Vision - EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002423 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH-2230241 Esigodhini GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL World Vision - EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002424 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH-2230244 Sanzukwi GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL World Vision - EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002425 NAC/ UNFPA GCAAH-2227115 Surbubs Office GEN SETS HONDA EP2500C 2.5KVA PETROL UNFPA One Gen Set EQUIP 9/9/2010 540.27 GF002426 NAC/ UNFPA (blank) at Manica GEN SETS GF002427 NAC/ UNFPA CNCK91256 MASO HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002428 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91319 MASO - Zvishavane HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002429 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91324 MASO HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002430 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91320 MASO HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002431 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91761 ZICHIRE - Mudzi HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 Laptop - ASUS N53SV - 1ASZ - PSM ICT 8/24/2011 1,488.00 GF002432 PMU - PSM (blank) 3NOAS044895099 PSM OFFICE SERVER GF002433 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91773 ZICHIRE - Mutoko HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002434 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91765 ZICHIRE - Goromonzi HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002435 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ1772 ZICHIRE - UMP HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08

53 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition GF002436 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92317 ZICHIRE - Main Office HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002437 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91771 ZICHIRE - Marondera HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002438 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91270 ZICHIRE - Wedza HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002439 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92287 ZICHIRE - Main Office HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002440 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91769 ZICHIRE - Missing HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002441 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91773 ZICHIRE - Mutoko HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002442 NAC/ UNFPA CNHTB89GKN ZICHIRE - Main Office HP LASER JETMF2727NF PRINTER ICT 6/28/2010 301.40 GF002443 NAC/ UNFPA CNHTB89GJV ZICHIRE - Main Office HP LASER JETMF2727NF PRINTER ICT 6/28/2010 301.40 GF002444 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92319 FACT Mutare - Buhera HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 FACT Mutare - HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002445 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91767 Chipinge Office FACT Mutare - Makoni HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002446 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91764 Office FACT Mutare - HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002447 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91770 Chimanimani GF002448 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92314 MAC Bubi District HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002449 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92315 MAC Binga HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002450 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92318 MAC Tsholotsho HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002451 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92269 MAC Umguza HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002452 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91276 Batsirai - Kadoma HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002453 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91774 Batsirai - Chegutu HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002454 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91318 Batsirai - Zvimba HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002455 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ1766 RDS - Chivi HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002456 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91763 RDS - Chiredzi HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002457 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92312 RDS - Mwenezi HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002458 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92289 RDS - Masvingo HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002459 NAC/ UNFPA CNCKJ92296 ZAPSO - Shamva HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002460 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91323 ZAPSO - Centenary HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002461 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91762 ZAPSO - Rushinga HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002462 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJJ91330 ZAPSO - Mazoe HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002463 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91331 ZAPSO - Mt Darwin HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 World Vision - HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002464 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJ917768 Plumtree GF002465 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92316 World Vision - Filabusi HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08

54 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition World Vision - Byo HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002466 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91271 Office sent for repairs World Vision - Byo HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002467 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91321 Office sent for repairs World Vision - Byo HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002468 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK91322 Office sent for repairs World Vision - Byo HP LASERJET PRINTER P2053D ICT 6/28/2010 300.08 GF002469 NAC/ UNFPA CNCJK92255 Office sent for repairs World Vision - Dulys HP LASER JETMF2727NF PRINTER ICT 6/28/2010 301.40 GF002470 NAC/ UNFPA CNHTB89GJQ Byo Office Bench Type Centrifuge,CE IVD IEC LE 4/16/2012 8,235.20 GF002484 MCAZ 120434/02 MCAZ 61010, EN61326 conformity Bench Type Centrifuge,CE IVD IEC LE 4/16/2012 8,235.20 GF002485 MCAZ 120434/01 MCAZ 61010, EN61326 conformity GF002486 MCAZ 37271 MCAZ 75L Autoclave plus accessories LE 4/16/2012 11,460.00 GF002487 MCAZ 37270 MCAZ 75L Autoclave plus accessories LE 4/16/2012 11,460.00 Analytical Semi micro Balance with LE 4/16/2012 3,354.00 GF002488 MCAZ AE6801257 MCAZ printer GF002489 MCAZ SAM-SAR-O57 MCAZ Sartorius Air Sampler LE 10/15/2012 5,868.45 Sartorius Combisart 6 Branch LE 10/15/2012 8,038.06 GF002490 MCAZ COM - SAR-005 MCAZ sterility Manifold GF002491 NAC / ZNFPC BJBK23101962 ZNFPC In Focus IN112 projector ICT 11/15/2012 1,150.00 GF002492 NAC / ZNFPC BJBB13404244 ZNFPC In Focus IN112 projector ICT 11/15/2012 1,150.00 KCTNU14811480. NAC/EMCOZ GF002494 KCTNU14811794 EMCOZ / ZCTU Kodak Easy Share digital Cameras EQUIP 11/15/2012 332.00 ZCTU

NAC / UZ Dep't HP Laser jet pro 400 M104dn ICT 11/15/2012 471.00 GF002501 Med VCN3426969 UZ Dep't of Medicine BD FACSCalibur 4 x colour machine (CD3/CD4/CD8/CD45) machine / GF002545 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 85,250.00 7010022/ LCD MONITOR-HP colour laser jet UPSGD286A1497 BRIDH printer D858002149 / St Peters Checheche / BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002546 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 UPS524170 Chipinge w/access) machine Ruwa Rehabilition BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002547 MOH/NMRL D858002156 LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 Centre w/access) machine

55 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition D858002168 / BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002548 MOH/NMRL Makumbe Dist Hsp LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0420 w/access) machine D858002164 / Mutawatawa Hsp BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002549 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0424 UMP w/access) machine D858002146 / BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002550 MOH/NMRL Chegutu Dist Hsp LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0400 w/access) machine D858002154 / Karanda Dist Hsp, Mt BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002551 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0398 Darwin w/access) machine D858002166 / Chimhanda Hsp Mash BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002552 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0430 Central w/access) machine D858002159 / BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002553 MOH/NMRL Mvurwi Hsp, Mazowe LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0399 w/access) machine D858002158/ BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002554 MOH/NMRL Mvuma LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 UPS524A0389 w/access) machine D858002163 / Esighodhini Hsp BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002555 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 UPS524A0393 Umzingwane w/access) machine D858002151 / BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002556 MOH/NMRL Filabusi Dist hsp LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 UPS524A0396 w/access) machine D85802155 / Bonda Mission hsp, BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002557 MOH/NMRL LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 UPS524A0438 Mutasa w/access) machine Louissa Guidotti / BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002558 MOH/NMRL D858002165 LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 Mutoko w/access) machine BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, D858002190 / LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002559 MOH/NMRL GD524A0422 KADOMA w/access) machine BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % D858002153 / GF002560 MOH/NMRL CHIREDZI counter, w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GD524A0423

BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, D858002150 / UPS w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002561 MOH/NMRL GD24AO Kotwa Dist Hsp BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, D858002152 / Banket Dist Hsp, w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002562 MOH/NMRL UPSGD524A0392 Zvimba BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002563 MOH/NMRL D858002147 Chikombedzi Hsp

56 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002564 MOH/NMRL D858002162 Inyati T/Council BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, D858002161 / w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002565 MOH/NMRL GD524A0397 Norton T/Council BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002566 MOH/NMRL (blank) NMRL Harare Hsp BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 GF002567 MOH/NMRL D858002169 NMRL Harare Hsp BD FACSCount CD4 (abs % counter, GF002568 MOH/NMRL D858002148 Currently at w/access) machine LE 9/29/2010 30,250.00 Natpharm 10.11.11 HP Desk top ICT 9/30/2011 790.00 GF002569 MOHCW HIV (blank) 4CE10913J3 MOH HIV HQ HP Desk top ICT 9/30/2011 790.00 GF002570 MOHCW HIV (blank) 4CE10913J1 MOH HIV HQ HP Desk top ICT 9/30/2011 790.00 GF002571 MOHCW HIV (blank) 4CE10913J5 MOH HIV HQ Office Safe EQUIP 9/30/2011 350.00 GF002572 MOHCW HIV (blank) N/A MOH HIV HQ Sysmex KX21NLow medium Karanda Dist Hsp, Mt Haematology Analyser 3 part GF002638 MOH/NMRL C1048 LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Darwin differential

s/n 11829 - Monitor CNC117NQYC - cpu C2C109144V - Printer SYSMEX XT 4000i Haematology GF002639 MOH/NMRL Mpilo Central Hospital LE 12/21/2010 92,326.97 MY9CM2J512 - Analyser 5 part differential Sampler Unit 24000 - Pneumatic unit PU17 B1580 & LAN Cable A1777 Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002640 MOH/NMRL C1058 Mvurwi Hsp, Mazowe Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential

57 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002641 MOH/NMRL C1049 St Alberts Mission Hsp Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002642 MOH/NMRL C1056 Matibi Hsp Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002643 MOH/NMRL C1093 Murehwa Hsp Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002644 MOH/NMRL C1050 Mt Selinda Hsp Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium St Peters Checheche / GF002645 MOH/NMRL C1063 Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Chipinge differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium Chimhanda Hsp Mash Haematology Analyser 3 part GF002646 MOH/NMRL C1054 LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Central differential

Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002647 MOH/NMRL C1052 Sadza Hospital Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002648 MOH/NMRL C1051 Neshuro hospital Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium Esighodhini Hsp GF002649 MOH/NMRL C1060 Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Umzingwane differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium Ndanga Dist Hsp, GF002650 MOH/NMRL C1053 Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Zaka differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002651 MOH/NMRL C1057 Makumbe Dist Hsp Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential

58 GFATM Asset Entity (PR, SR & Activity Engine/Serial Date of Location Description Category Total No. SSR) No. Number Acquisition Sysmex KX21NLow medium GF002652 MOH/NMRL C1062 Norton Hospital Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium Ruwa Rehabilitation GF002653 MOH/NMRL C1061 Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Centre differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium Louissa Guidotti / GF002654 MOH/NMRL C1055 Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Mutoko differential Sysmex KX21NLow medium Nhowe Mission GF002655 MOH/NMRL C1059 Haematology Analyser 3 part LE 12/21/2010 17,021.13 Hospital differential GF004064 ZAN N/A 9236309701 ZAN HQ HRE. Canon Digital Camera ICT 3/12/2010 649.91 GF004065 ZAN N/A 9236309740 ZAN HQ HRE. Canon Digital Camera ICT 3/12/2010 649.91 4,165,876.35 Grand Total

59 Bal As at 31 December 2011 $3,765,732.93 Additions for 2012 2 x Bench Type Centrifuge, CE IVD IEC 61010, EN61326 conformity $16,470.40 2 x 75L Autoclave plus accessories $22,920.00 4 x In Focus IN112 projector $ 4,588.00 Analytical Semi micro Balance with printer $ 3,354.00 Sartorius Air Sampler $ 5,868.45 Sartorius Combisart 6 Branch sterility Manifold $ 8,038.06 Kodak Easy Share digital Cameras $ 332.00 10 x Chemistry Analyser with PC,Voltage stabiliser,printer and UPS $206,125.20 Water Distiller $ 944.00 A & D SV10 Viscometer $ 5,240.67 Orion 3Star Conductivity meter $ 6,232.14 A & D MX50 Moisture Analyser $ 1,623.19 1B15G Incubator $ 3,650.00 Automated Zone Reader and colony counter plus computer $59,397.50 86 Degrees Celcius Laboratory Freezer ref Directives 2006/95/CE $20,988.31 HP Pro book4540S with carry case,docking station key board and wireless mouse $ 3,086.00 2 x Pulse Oximeter, Portable $ 4,365.80 Landrover Defender for PMU ex UNOPS project $26,919.70

Register balance as at 31 December 2012 $4,165,876.35