Purdue Musical Organizations American Celebration of Music Purduettes Performance Tour of Custom Tour: March 14-21, 2020 (6 nights/8 days)

Day 1 Saturday, March 14, 2020 Depart Chicago’s O'Hare International Airport via scheduled air service to , Italy. Your transatlantic flight will include meal services and in-flight entertainment

Day 2 Sunday, March 15 Rome (D) Arrival in Rome, where you will meet your MCI Tour Managers (1 full-time MCI tour manager, per motorcoach), who will remain with you for your entire time in Italy Board awaiting chartered motorcoaches for an orientation tour of Rome highlights, including; , , , , National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, and the Monument to Garibaldi on Janiculum Hill (with a stunning overlook view of Rome) Late afternoon hotel check-in and free-time at leisure Evening Welcome Dinner included at a local restaurant including live music entertainment, and overnight

Rome - Popes, Vandals, the Borgias and Napoleon, Garibaldi, Michelangelo and Mussolini and, of course, the ancient Romans themselves all have left their physical and spiritual mark on Rome, but though she keeps the glory of an ancient day about her, she remains a wellspring of creative and cultural energy; in short, she really is the Eternal City

Day 3 Monday, March 16 Rome (B,D) Full buffet breakfast included at the hotel Morning guided tour of Imperial Rome, including entrance to the and . Also view the Pantheon, , and Lunch, on own Enjoy your afternoon at leisure in Rome. Your motorcoaches and Tour Managers are at the group’s disposal for additional sightseeing, shopping or other organized activities, as you wish Evening dinner, included Purduettes Evening Concert Performance at St. Paul’s Within the Walls as part of the American Celebration of Music Concert Series in Italy Overnight at the hotel

Day 4 Tuesday, March 17 Rome / Naples (B,D) Full buffet breakfast included at the hotel, followed by check-out Your morning will begin with early private entrance to the Purduettes morning recital in the Sistine Chapel Following your Sistine Chapel experience – a guided tour of Religious Rome includes , the home of the Pope and the center of Roman Catholicism, as well as the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel (featuring Michelangelo's Ceiling Frescos and The Last Judgment) and St. Peter's Basilica Lunch, on own Purduettes participate/sing in afternoon Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica Transfer to Naples with an orientation tour of Naples upon arrival Evening dinner included at La Bersagliera including live music entertainment, and overnight

The south Italian port town of Naples, principal town of the region of Campania and of the province of Nápoli, lies on the north side of the Bay of Naples, on the Tyrrhenian Sea, extending along the lower slopes of attractive hills. The old town with its narrow streets and stepped lanes and its tall balconied houses is fringed on the west and north by extensive villa suburbs. Naples possesses many historical monuments going back almost 3,000 years, particularly the treasures, to be seen in the National Museum, garnered from the cities engulfed by Mount Vesuvius

Day 5 Wednesday, March 18 Pompeii / Naples (B,D) Full buffet breakfast included at the hotel Morning excursion to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pompeii. Pompeii was an ancient Roman city which was buried by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in August, 79 AD. The excavations, began in the 18th Century have unearthed some of the best and most fascinating artifacts of Roman life. The excavated city offers a unique snapshot of Roman life, frozen at the moment it was buried and providing an extraordinarily detailed insight into the everyday life of its inhabitants Lunch, on own Afternoon Rehearsal with local Naples choir Evening dinner, included Purduettes Evening Shared Concert Performance with the Naples Choir at the Duomo as part of the American Celebration of Music Concert Series in Italy Overnight at the hotel

Day 6 Thursday, March 19 Capri / Sorrento / Naples (B,D) Full buffet breakfast included at the hotel Morning ferry to the Island of Capri, including an orientation tour upon arrival. The small Italian island of Capri is a celebrated beauty spot and coastal resort since the days of the Roman Republic until now. Capri is an island of many contrasts, including a fun maze of expensive boutiques. For celebrities and the ultra-rich – a point of rendezvous. For historians – it is the palace- island of the Emperor Tiberius, dotted with neglected Roman remains. Enjoy the scenic short walks, along with staggering views and blue, blue sea. Lunch, on own in Capri with free time at leisure on the Island Afternoon Ferry to Sorrento with orientation tour upon arrival. Sorrento is a town of lemons, stunning views, high-pedigree hotels and plunging cliffs that cut through the heart of the historical core. Afternoon free at leisure in Sorrento Evening dinner included at Restaurant La Basilica featuring authentic Mediterranean cuisine Continue to Naples for overnight

Day 7 Friday, March 20 Naples / Rome (B,D) Full buffet breakfast included at the hotel, followed by check-out Enjoy your morning at leisure in Naples. Your motorcoaches and Tour Managers are at the group’s disposal for additional sightseeing, shopping or other organized activities, as you wish Lunch, on own Afternoon fransfer to Rome via a stop and visit to the Sicily–Rome American Cemetery and Memorial. In this 77-acre World War II burial ground are the remains of nearly 7,900 American men and women. They lost their lives in the liberation of Sicily, the landings in Salerno and Anzio, and in the heavy fighting northward. Large, colorful maps depict American military operations in Italy and Sicily. The memorial chapel has walls of white Carrara marble engraved with the names and ranks of the missing. A ceiling dome sculpture depicts the planets in the same positions they occupied at the precise moment of the Anzio landings. Purduettes wreath laying ceremony at the Naples American Cemetery Purduettes Memorial Recital at Naples American Cemetery Transfer to Rome Evening Farewell Dinner at restaurant Tanagra including traditional Italian cooking and live Opera entertainment Return to hotel for overnight

Day 8 Saturday, March 21 Depart for home (B) Full buffet breakfast included at the hotel (or to-go breakfast, depending on your flight time), followed by check-out Transfer to the Rome Airport for return flight home. Your transatlantic flight will include meal services and in-flight entertainment Arrive in Chicago, the same day as your departure from Rome

This is a very flexible itinerary. © Music Celebrations International