1 ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY PUR 3000 - BUS 35 PUBLIC RELATIONS SPRING 2018 Paul-Michael Klein 125 O’Mailia Hall
[email protected] 305 628 6535 FAX 305 628 6504 M/F 12:15 – 1:30 PM OMH 3 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Historical development of public relations, showing the principles, methods and means of influence and public opinion. INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Class lecture and discussion; textbook, handouts, Internet investigations, publishers interactive website supplement for additional reading and references, self-testing, video presentations, individual and group projects both written and oral. LIBRARY USE AND INFORMATION LITERACY ASSIGNMENT Individual and group projects TEXT: Broom & Ahs, Cutlip, & Center’s Effective Public Relations 10th Edition. Prentice Hall. 2010 or newer HANDOUTS: Will be provided. PREREQUISITES: BUS 120, BUS 332, junior standing or permission of the instructor. EXPECTATIONS AND GRADING A. ATTENDANCE & DRESS CODE: It is required to attend all classes. Tardiness beyond role call is an absence. Make-up work must be student initiated. Five points will be deducted from the final average for each absence beyond 1. For field trip/ guest speaker, proper business attire is required; anyone whose attire is deemed inappropriate will be dismissed and an absence recorded. B. PARTICIPATION: Participation must demonstrate an understanding of the material and every student is required to come to class prepared to participate. C. CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: Except in cases of emergency with prior consent of the instructor, answering calls, checking messages or talking on cell phones while class is in progress is prohibited. Audible ringers on cell, phones/pagers must be disabled. Each incident of disruption will be recorded as an absence and subject to grade penalty as aforementioned.